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The Book of Vile Antagonizing

Stitched from the skin of slain jobbies, The Book of Vile Antagonizing is a sourcebook of evil. It contains a crawling catalog of all things vile, loathsome, dark, and despicable. Although antagonists, spells, and their items have appeared in previous guides, this compendium is a Repugnant Reference of vile, hideous, and disgusting acts of evil that might appear in a game. It serves as a handy pocket guide for those who would like some ideas on ways to fuck over the station, both for new players as well as some tips for more experienced players. Note that this is not a how-to guide, just a quick reference to evil.

These are all loosely categorized by department, although most of these can be done anyways if you have the right equipment.


Very generalist, these ones can be done no matter your role as long as you have your hands on the right equipment.

  • Poisoning Food/Drinks: A classic, make the crew's dinner their last.
  • Incinerate/Gibber: Shove someone into one of these and guarantee they'll never be able to tell the tale.
    • BONUS: Gib/Burn them alive for extra brutality.
  • Pyro: Wrench all the fire extinguishers and replace the water inside with welder fuel. Go around spraying gasoline everywhere.
  • Broken Windows Theory: Get a tool-belt and break some shit. Disassemble tables, break windows, break lights, root up floor tiles, graffiti everything, get your hands on a tile painter and spam it everywhere. Spray blood, radium, flour, gunk everywhere, just vandalize as much of the station as possible. People will think the round is gunked and want to leave, and you don't even need to kill anyone.
  • Personal Storage: Nobody checks the lockers in the locker room. Like, ever. I'm serious. Don't worry about anybody finding the looted security armory in there.
  • Radical Roach Bomb: Start a roach farm and gather hundreds of them in a tight space. Open up the farm, throw a mutagen smoke grenade and watch as they kill everyone.
  • Welder Boomer: Fashion together a igniter with a remote signaler. Grab an extra signaler. Find a large welding fuel tank and bring it into the maintenance under a department. Wrench the fuel tank and rig it with the igniter. Get a reasonable distance from the blast site (probably just down the hall or something), then detonate. If there's people in the area, they'll get sucked away due to the breached walls. If not, you've just weakened several walls and might be able to break in a bit faster. This also works if you rig it with a proximity sensor instead of a signaler and stick the tank bomb in a dark corner if you're willing to just blow some random people up walking by.
  • Lootboxes: Get a crate, use wires on it and then put an active electropack inside of it and close it, anyone without gloves will get stunned and take decent damage, long enough to cuff them. Leave the crate in a corner and people will not be able to help themselves from opening it.
  • Mass Effect: You can put cursed dice on a mass driver and the person that launches it will be the one who rolls the dice. Alternatively put bluespace tomatoes on the mass driver aimed out to deep space so people can fling themselves into the void. Put a ton of broken glass between 2 mass drivers and have them launch down central hall back and fourth. Just sort of shoot things down the hall really fast and hit people.
  • Grand Theft: High Risk Items are labeled as such due to their critical roles in the security of the station. Of course, you don't care about station security being breached, otherwise you wouldn't be here, so instead you should consider that these things would be better off in your possession. All of these items are useful for evil purposes, so think about how they might make your day easier.
  • Flavored Chewing Gum: Chewing gum acts as 15 unit stasis beakers. Trick someone into chewing some spicy pacid gum today!
  • Toolbox Surprise: Put remote explosives inside of a toolbox and hand it to someone! Bolt off to a safe distance and press that button to give them an explosive surprise.
  • Broken Feet: Toolbox a plasmaman's foot once and it will break immediately and require medical attention unless they want to walk the rest of the round.
  • Soggy Donut: If there are greys on board, fill up all the donuts and the chef's food with water. If they eat even one bite of it they will husk themselves.
  • Reverse Pickpocketing: Putting items inside people's pockets doesn't produce a message for people you try it on (unless it fails). Grenades fit into pockets. Go forth and explode pants.
  • Door Stuck: Plopping down reinforced tables in the airlocks is a viable method to prevent people from going through them. Just make sure you aren't one of the people being blocked off. You can also build a wall under a door and weld it shut. It's funny when they pry the door only to find an impassable barrier.
  • Electric Grille: Putting a grille on top of a wire knot electrifies it. APCs, by design, are completed with a wire knot under the tile. Anyone who touches an electric grille while not protected gets zapped, but you don't need protection to make one! You can just create a grille over the APC's wire knot and anyone who touches it gets zapped.
  • Black Site: Utilize a disused area in your department or just build a secret hideout of your own. Stock it up with surgical tools, toolboxes, and other torture devices. Make sure to fill the room with intimidating set pieces and black curtains that fit whatever kind of gimmick your trying to run. Interrogate hapless victims about things they have no clue about. You can also imitate any horror movie to mix things up. Killer hillbilly anyone? How about American Psycho, Edward Emaghands, or an evil dentist? Start an insane asylum, host a murder mystery tea party or an insane life-or-death quiz show and kidnap people to serve as contestants, or just hold someone (or an entire department) hostage for ransom. All of these things are especially fun in October for Halloween.
  • Getting Political: Station plagued with issues? Authority not respecting your rights? Just nothing really going on? If you can't solve society's problems by yourself, just enlist the power of the bar patrons people by inviting them into your political advocacy group. Lay claim to a vital area of the station and fortify it to announce your independence before going on to annex as much of the station as possible, abolish all hierarchy and start a commune, convince or coerce the crew to abandon their duties and be lazy or to forsake NovusCorp and join the Syndicate, rid the station of any sort of advanced technology and promote an austere and simple lifestyle by enforcing a set of knightly titles. It totally won't get overtaken by radicals who want everyone to put on these uniforms and go storm the Bastille.
  • Jecties: This Book has plenty of methods on how to antagonize, but you're not sure who you should be antagonizing? Nobody in particular pissing you off just beyond that line of no return? Too many moral qualms about round-removing randos who are just trying to enjoy their day? Not to worry, just go to your character settings and flick that “Solo Antag Objectives” from “Freeform” to “Standard”. Now you'll just be told whose day to ruin, whose workplace to vandalize, and which capital crimes to commit, and you don't need to think about it because the game is telling you to do it. Note: This is extremely vile and antagonistic, only the deranged or easily amused choose to jectie.
  • Kicking Down: Assistants are like homeless people; there's always going to be at least one of them, no one will really care if they drop off the crew monitor, and they're always getting trapped in places because of their access level. In short, ideal targets for antagonization. They might not be very fulfilling, but at least they're good for getting you in the mood. If you're ever bored, you can just tie one of them to a chair, take their ID, and bam, their day is ruined until someone finds them. Maybe.
  • Just The Tip: If you're looking for something a bit more low-key, Unsecret Tips has its own list of things with varying antagonization viability.
  • Purple Phosphorus: You can inject basic electrics (light bulbs and power cells) with phoron. If you turn off the lights in a room and inject the light bulb, whoever is standing near it when it gets turned on is in for a nasty surprise. It might not kill them, but the explosion is enough to cause deafness which allows an opening for your gunshots that they won't be able to hear. The explosion in a rigged cell is dependent on the charge it can hold. A 1500W RTG is barely an IED, while a 50KW Ultra Cell is a guaranteed breach.
  • Snip: Get some insulated gloves and wirecutters and just start snipping wires in maintenance. You can either just cut all the wires you come across or be more strategic and just cut important ones, like the wires coming out of Engineering that supply power to the entire station. Either way, Engineers will be pissed off.
  • Snap: Stick an armed mousetrap bomb in an emergency oxygen closet. Stick an armed mousetrap bomb in a medkit. The closer these two are to each other, the better.
  • Rag Man: Smothering someone with a rag is surprisingly powerful, even if it is just 5 units of chemicals. It can inject its load within less than a single second and is only blocked by either the target not needing to breathe or a clothing item that blocks the effect of gas and smoke for the mouth (but not the head), with the only items in the code having this ability being the gas mask, the sterile mask, the clown mask, and the lit cigarette and pipe strangely enough. This means that it even goes through breath masks and spacesuit helmets, even those for hardsuits and plasmaman helmets. Now you finally have a way of chloral hydrating the plasmapeople and vox.
  • Left B. Hind: Hijacking the Escape Shuttle is a classic that actually used to be an objective for antagonists. Sure, you can just gun down anyone trying to get on, but there are smarter ways to approach this. One way to easily hijack the shuttle is to attach signallers to bolt wires on the external airlocks leading to the shuttle in Escape. When the shuttle is about to arrive, you hit the signaller button and bolt the doors leading to the shuttle and enter the shuttle from the other side via space. Then you only need to break into the cockpit and emag the shuttle computer to shorten the launch timer to 10 seconds. Bonus points if you also build reinforced tables in front of the shuttle doors to delay the crew trying to get on even more.
  • Sharing is Caring: Stealing the Captain's spare ID is a rite of passage for every Greyshit. All access on its own is a very powerful tool, but you can cause true gunk by spreading it. PDA every Assistant on the Crew Manifest to come over to the Security Checkpoint so you can give them all access. Once the genie is out of the bottle it is very hard to bring back order to people's access.


An entire department designed around getting close to other people.

  • Kudzu: Botany's favorite shuttle caller. You can splice all sorts of plants into kudzu, but frankly even unmodified kudzu is enough to piss everyone off. Modify the genes enough and you will end the round. Experiment and destroy everyone's hopes and dreams in increasingly more exotic ways each time!
  • Nitroglycerin: An explosive that can be mixed using organic chemicals from plants. It's portable, stealthy, and is significantly more powerful than typical Water + Potassium, although not as powerful as toxins.
  • Organic Poisons: There is a host of rare poisons and chemicals available from plants. Even more so if you get access to an Exotic Seeds crate. Use these to fill syringe guns, poison food, make blunts, sabotage cryo, any reagent injection method you can think of. Some of the more interesting chemicals like mint toxin, hemocyanin, vapor salts, and cyanide are all unique to botany. If that wasn't good enough for you, your different plants mixed together can give you access to almost every chemical available at chemistry.
  • Organic Poisons: Only One Cure: Botanists have access to Ambrosia Cruciatus in their uplink. The toxin it produces is arguably one of the most horrific and hilarious things you can poison someone with, turning your target into a gibbering, stammering, retarded wreck of a human being, the only cure for it is to kill and clone them. It takes some time to metabolize, so 7 or 8 units should be enough.
  • Organic Poisons: Exotic Seed Crates: A score of unique plant properties such as stinging, injecting, vines, juicy, carnivorous, hematophage and many more, not to mention the rare reagents inside exotic seeds, such as Mint Toxin, (Advanced) Mutation Toxin or Defalexorin (Heartbreaker Toxin). Lots of possibilities in those crates.
  • Death Nettles: Why buy an e-sword when you can grow one? Jacking up the potency on Death Nettles can net you a melee weapon capable of husking people in a few hits. Best part? It does burn damage. Death Nettles have a chance to do double damage but their damage halves with every use, so dispose of your current one after 3 or 4 uses. Your plant bags can hold up to 50, you can afford it.
  • Novaflowers: Death Nettles' spicier cousin. Does slightly less damage than a Death Nettle at the same potency, but heats up the victim A LOT instead, easily reach 4000°C body temperature with some hits. One or two hits and your victim is guaranteed to go down due to the constant burn damage they'll get.
  • Bananas: The most evil holiest fruit, especially in the hands of a clown. Give them hundreds and help your new friend scatter peels on every tile. Bonus points if you give them Bluespace Bananas instead, since those teleport the shoes of whomever slipped on them, distance depending on potency.
  • Bluespace Tomatoes: You don't need access if you can teleport. Bluespace Tomatoes teleport you within a radius that depends on potency just like a Blink spell would. This allows you to teleport to any area, including teleport jammed areas (though it's harder to blink there). If thrown at someone, they'll (usually) teleport instead. Bonus points if you spliced Blue tomatoes into them as well, since each splash lubes the tile it landed on. Extra points if you spliced Glowshrooms or Blood Tomatoes for radium or blood splashes on the floor.
  • Spliced Tomatoes: Tomatoes splatter on impact, causing the victim to absorb any chemicals inside the tomato. Splice with ghost peppers to create stun bombs. Use Death nettles to create acid bombs. Angel Tomatoes will cause a delayed murder. The sky is the limit with these! Exotic seed crate chemicals can make these MUCH more deadly, such as sliming people with thrown tomatoes.
  • Amauris: If your shift is lucky enough to have a xenoarch find and bring these to you, these neat little things have the NOREACT property, which means chems inside only react on biting, in most cases… except for the above mentioned tomato splicing. Be sure to PURGE morphology from them onto this plant so you actually keep the smoke chems. Once ready and harvested, be sure to aim at your targets mouth or head for the chems to actually react. An example test with phenol splicing usually means that successfully hitting them with these is equal to a pacid smoke grenade. Very effective for murderbone. (unless their head or mouth is covered with a good permeability-proof mask or helmet, which usually makes this hit or miss. If they're wearing a biosuit, don't even bother.) Works just as well with EMPs or explosions, try everything!
  • Dude WEED lmao: Smoking Ambrosia blunts will give you chems over a long period of time. You can create an amazing healweed by splicing Ambrosia Deus into Ambrosia Vulgaris, allowing you to go on drugged up rampages. Moreover, crops act as a 100 unit container and you can syringe 100 units of ANY chem you want into a crop. Give people a blunt with 100 units of welder fuel and plasma and watch as they blow their face off upon lighting it. You can get plasma from Plasma Cabbages.
  • Botanical Atmospherics: Mutate a plant enough, and you might get lucky and create a plant that spews gasses. It can be any gas from oxygen to plasma. The amount scales with Potency and will start spewing as soon as the seed is planted. You can plant these all over the station or put a hydro tray lid up over it, then wrench the hydroponics tray into the distribution pipe to democratize the N2O. If a plant has vines, the vines will also emit the gas.
  • Clown Pods: If you can somehow get your hands on this admin only item, and know how to dupe your seeds, you can end the round by turning the station into a circus.
  • Hell Ramen: A super spicy reagent that very rapidly heats up your victim when consumed, possibly killing and husking them. Can be manufactured by mixing some capsaicin into hot ramen or by making Haunted Jam, a dangerous delicacy that contains a decent amount of hell ramen. Slip a double portion of the stuff into the nicer looking dishes for a hot surprise!
  • Serving Man: A space station classic, the gibber in the kitchen backroom. Strip your victim (dead or alive), drag them onto the gibber, and turn it on. Moments later, they will be nothing but meat and impossible to clone. Make sure to turn them into delicious burgers or chili for their former colleagues to enjoy. Ground beef not your thing? You can use the food processor to turn them into chicken nuggets, but only if they're wearing a chicken outfit. Steal one from the theatre next door!
  • Kinder Eggs: You can hide any small or tiny item inside a watermelon or a lasagna, then eat it out later! Perfect for emags, or pacid grenades.
  • Obesity Epidemic: Inject corn oil or deep fry your food to make most of the crew fat. Unlike other methods of poisoning your food, this is unlikely to get you lynched (you're just doing your job, after all). Once your target is waddling nice and slowly, stuff your special mint from the back room into their mouth and watch them instantly gib. The mint only gibs fat people, in a reference to Creosote from Monty Python's The Meaning of Life. You can also grind it to inject the mint toxin into a food item. The only way to get more mint toxin is either a random chance in Sweet Sundae Ramen or getting lucky with exotic seeds. You can roll more chances per Sweet Sundae Ramen (up to 7 chances per ramen!) if you Water + Potassium or smoke out the reagents inside the ingredients before completing it.
  • Meat Cleaver: The meat cleaver is a highly desirable item. As robust as an e-sword and much less obvious, this can seriously ruin someone's day when you whip it out of a backpack or your apron's suit storage. Better yet, it quickly disposes of bodies into meat you can simply grind up or eat. Worst comes to worst, throwing it can stun people but you should probably only do this if you're about to be killed anyway - otherwise you'll run the risk of having it turned against you. Aim for the head for a decent knockout chance as well.
  • Cook Along: A fun yet morbid project could be to knock your target out and sneak them into your back room with a bottle or five of clonexadone and an IV stand. Strip and strap them to a chair and make all their blood into meat while they watch. Disabling cameras is advisable, since this would be an exceedingly slow process.
  • Heartburn: The Chef's Special Sauce is a guaranteed instant kill that will be a blatantly obvious death, as it is instant (after a time delay) and doesn't cause damage, just death. Any decent doctor will immediately recognize Chef Sauce and report it accordingly, so prepare for that. Chef Sauce is more often than not used by non-chefs to poison the chef's food, so you can claim that the food wasn't poisoned by you. Of course you didn't poison the food, you'd be the first suspect if you were a baddie! Once discovered, “dispose” of the poisoned food by grinding it, extracting the Chef Sauce and injecting it into more food.
  • Beating the Competition: The “Does Not Tip” syndicate uplink item is especially useful for chef to insure that he gets a steady flow of customers.
  • Potent Hams: Potent Ham unleashes an EMP blast on bite. Why not eat one right next to a crewmember who has assisted organs or limbs? Be aware that this EMP is rather small (but strong) when compared to Uranium + Iron mixes and requires fairly exotic ingredients.
  • Karmotrine: Drinks using Karmotrine have a wide variety of hilarious side effects. Take a peek at the Drinks guide. See if the Gods will TC trade you some Surik seeds and have botany grow them for you. Spiders creates spiderlings when consumed, which can quickly turn into a SPIDERLOOSE event, Suicide causes relentless vomiting and Gravitational Singulo (and Gravitational Singularitea) creates an actual Singularity if a sentient imbiber metabolizes more than 250u, letting you singuloose without engineering nor science access. You can mass produce Gravitational Singulo by splicing Surik into Bluespace Tomatoes or vice versa.
  • Roofies: The Neurotoxin drink will completely stun and silence someone upon consuming. Perfect for kidnapping related gimmicks or for disposing of the more problematic crew. Amasec is a close second if you can't get your hands on sleep toxin, since it'll stun but not silence.
  • Dive Bar: It's a hard life being a syndicate agent. Why not turn your bar into a hive of villainy and scum? Refuse to serve security members and make the place a hideout for greyshits and syndicates. Turn the bar red with a big S symbol and offer services to the less reputable crew such as stowing their gear, ID changes contraband trading, and SE/UI syringes from genetics for appearences. Every villain needs a place to lay low.
  • White Glove Society: Use the backroom to kidnap people and harvest their blood and organs to put into drinks and as appetizers. Consider that the bar storage room is usually directly below or next to maintenance, its really easy to jump people sneaking through there if you have the wallhack goggles. Be careful about noise or kill people while there's patrons at the bar who don't notice, the choice is yours! Use codewords to get syndicate patrons involved and run a little organ harvesting rink of sick freaks!
  • Word On The Street: As bartender, people actually stop and talk with you. You can use this to gather interesting information about the round while also spreading some information yourself. Start building distrust between the greytide and security. Maybe you totally saw your target holding an emag.

Clown & Mime

Ah yes, the Theatre. As if they are not bad enough when they aren't a traitor, there is nothing more evil than a cackling madman Clown or the uncannily silent Frenchman.

  • Invisible Spray: Invisible spray is permanent when used by the Clown or Mime, giving you some serious opportunity to wreak unseen havoc across the station. Here are a few fun things you can spray:
    • The Advanced Mime Gloves
    • Emags
    • An emagged Dr. Acula (You genuinely might die from this)
    • Yourself
    • Supermatter Shard
    • Xenoarch Artifacts
    • Mechs (They still will block LOS)
    • Emagged Beepsky
    • Spray a bible. Drop it and lie on the floor on top of them. Wait for someone to inevitably try and fart on you.
    • Megamad Crab, or any fast-moving/powerful hostile mob (Angie anyone?)
    • Emagged/subverted borg or MoMMI (Warning: VERY evil and fucked up)
  • Glue: A 20th century classic, this single-use item makes things stick to people. The effect lasts forever (this isn't unique to clowns and mimes like the invisible spray is) and most of the time the only way to get rid of a superglued item is to amputate the body part or destroy the item with acid. This is of rather dubious merit for serious use, but it's funny, which is why we still use it. Glue the disk and now they can't acid it. Glue weapons to your hands or just glue your bag so nobody can take it off to search it. Glue all the security energy weapons so they can't charge them. Glue someone to a chair or bed and they literally can't get out (they can't take apart the chair if you tie them up) or just glue a straitjacket to someone. You can pick up glued clothes normally but they'll stick to the wearer, whether someone puts it on themselves or you force it on to someone. This is some potent stuff, so be very careful that you don't accidentally glue yourself! Hacking your AutoDrobe gives access to a bottle of school glue which is less powerful but is multi-use.
  • Broadway Act: Setup a full fledged stage act. Talent shows, plays, performances, it doesn't matter. Everyone loves a crowd! Make sure the audience is in a nice confined space and put on a show for them! Grenades, bombs, e-implants, plasmafires, moblooses, singulooses are all proper endings to an evil mime or clowns final act. Bonus points if you rigged the doors with signalers to bolt them remotely before the grand finale to stop any would-be escapee.
  • Just A Prank Bro: In general, clowns and mimes are expected to play pranks on people, so if one ends up going too far, say someone ends up dying, most people are going to assume it's part of the act. Make it fun and you'll be amazed with the amount of atrocities you can commit!
  • Honkmother's Space Lube™: A self respecting clown will always lube the halls when given the chance, the thing is to lube tactically. Lube right before shocked airlocks/grilles. Lube near a stimulated Supermatter for that radiation poisoning. Lube the Captain and HoS, steal their ID and fart on their face.
  • Clowngineering: Nobody questions when the clown decides to build a bar SME or bargularity. Use this to your advantage. No officer, I am moving this exposed shard back into the bar SME, someone had taken it out!
  • Clown Cart: Reinforce the clown cart with enough Bananium and it will no longer need fuel for anything. Use 2 coins on it to toggle the peel synthesis and carpet the entire station in peels. Bonus points if you emag the cart, since emagged peels burn on touch/slip. Space all the magboots and cart keys. You can reliably get Bananium via Xenobiology, though a Miner can get lucky and find some. If you get some Phazon, you can solidify Bananium via Banana Juice.


Cargonia. Very much a lightweight when it comes to round start power level, but S tier for Potential when done right.

  • Mail Toob: of Access: Disposal chutes are one of the best hiding places on the station. You don't have to flush yourself; you can always climb out. Good for breaking into an area and hiding inside while the heat dies down, then getting back up and robbing the place after everyone loses interest. Flush yourself and watch the route you take. Many of the pipes pass under sensitive areas, so with proper bomb timing you could blast a hole in a precise location, much to the health of the pipe network. Likewise a few areas can be reached by just reversing or reorienting pipe junctions, most famously the Captain's Office from the pipe junction south of the Teleporter room. This lets you basically flush yourself into restricted areas.
  • Mail Toob: of Doom: Repeatedly slip and trash people until they beg you for mercy! Sabotage the disposals loops to make it an in-escapable cuck prison! Or just re-route the loop into a crewmembers imminent doom. The entirety of Disposals can easily be routed into space in certain maintenance areas. Disposals can be a very potent weapon if used correctly, and there are plenty of correct ways.
  • Mail Toob: of Hate: You can wrap up all kinds of items with the delivery equipment, and I really mean pretty much anything. Wrapping an item in package wrap removes its in-hand sprite, and this goes for weapons as well. Be creative with this! Most of the other methods in this book can be easily made portable by just wrapping up key equipment and carrying it around like normal.
  • Mail Toob: of Deliverance: Disposals mailing treats people trapped in the extra-adhesive packaging the same as a person in a wrapped closet by shipping them to the destination like a normal parcel instead of just sending them back to the sorting line. Get some tools to cut open and reroute a disused disposals mail line (such as the ones to telescience or a head of staff office) to your trap room and safely deliver people there through the tubes without even having to go there yourself.
  • Cargonia: Polarize Cargo against security and command by ordering guns and unlocking them. Escalate the fight to lethal measures when you are inevitably raided!
  • Cargonia: The C-Team: Aside from the overt war on security, you can also utilize the innate boredom of the Cargo department for their covert assistance, whether it be a secret rescue mission from the permabrig, scout and report on the Security team, underground medical operations, or whatever support you need. Even if you aren't a member of Cargo there's a good chance they'll be bored enough to go along with you if you sway the Quartermaster.
  • Shuttle Shenanigans: Squish people and things with your mining shuttle. What else do I say?
  • Neighborhood Sniper: The Mosin-Nagant fires a bullet powerful enough to punch through a wall or an airlock. Combined with the Thermal Goggles, you can really make people fear the Neighborhood Sniper.
  • Black Market: All the things that you can think of (and some you might not) can be ordered from the supply console or printed at the Autolathe. Aside from everything mentioned above, there are plenty of other useful antagonistic things that can be acquired, including but not limited to:
    • Basically everything on the “Security” tab
    • Fire axes
    • Clothing for disguise kits
    • Borer eggs
    • Bees
    • A device to teleport crates, whether empty or full (even to other Z levels)
    • Webbing accessories to discreetly conceal items onto your jumpsuit during searches
    • A shuttle destination disk
    • And a whole plethora of other stuff, not even including the Autolathe
  • Stubborn as a: Hack the MULE bot and send it around the station using the cargo PDA cartridge or the Quartermaster's mulebot laser pointer device. It'll run over people that gets in the way. Load the rogue MULE with something tempting so that people get close to it instead of run away from it.
  • Rapid-Antagonization-Device: The Rapid-Construction Device (RCD) is a quaint little thing that can rapidly construct and deconstruct basic metallic structures. While this is nominally a tool for engineering, its availability from the Autolathe makes this a piece of cargo, and for our purposes it's an absolutely perfect infiltration and general purpose tool, allowing its user to bypass most station structures, cause hull breaches on demand, and easily construct structures within seconds.


RED FACTION! Blue collar workers are always underestimated, but you will show them the error of their ways.

  • Nobel Prize: Gibtonite is a convenient and readily available explosive. Although dangerous to harvest, cumbersome to transport, and not as powerful as other explosives, a well timed breach can still be an excellent distraction and cause havoc through ZAS.
  • Pokémon Master: The master trainer's belt is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get, so wrangle some critters yourself and put their abilities to use. Go beyond setting them free in the halls and learn to use their abilities tactically, set up gladiatorial cage matches, and send your target some friends using an express delivery.
    • Goliaths will soak up bullets and slip with their tentacles. Smash through walls and bones with ease. They are very slow however.
    • Basilisk stares will chill enough to slow and cause a bit of freezer burn.
    • Goldgrubs burrow away from threats and cause breaches when they reemerge. Perfect for hiding in dark maint tunnels. Did I mention they're immune to projectiles?
    • Pillowbugs emit a pacification aura that will cause endless frustration for security. Will also pacify other mobs and (you). Pair them with goldgrubs and watch people try to chase down the grub before it can burrow only to realize they can't hurt it.
    • Plasmaws beeline for plasma and spit a line of fire if they eat raw plasma ore, or emit a ring of fire if fed processed plasma sheets.
    • Hivelords surround mobs with broodswarms, pelting them and making movement difficult, and their cores make for a convenient healing snack. Slow to start producing broodlings and not very dangerous on their own, but a swam of these broods make an excellent meatshield and can tie someone down long enough to get tripped by a goliath tentacle.
  • Game Over Man!: Should you be lucky enough to come across a nest of strange eggs, you'll soon understand why they're so rare. Order some monkey cubes, grab an inflatable shelter from a fire alarm, and bring a fire extinguisher with you. Hydrate the cubes near the nest and pack the monkeys into the inflatable after they've been infected, the facehugger will supply them with oxygen but won't protect against decompression. The aliens can't leave the roid without your help, no embryos will hatch if there aren't any ghosts to claim the role, and there's always a chance they'll decide to turn you into their next meal, but your first step is not falling victim to them yourself.
  • Risky Business: The asteroid is also home to the Vox trading outposts, which contain many of the tools for basic botany, cooking, surgery, engineering, and even their own SecVend for a few personal protection items. More importantly it contains the Vox traders, who can and will work with you if you can put up a convincing enough RP or a big enough pile of credits, or at least sell you some aid and turn a blind eye to your activities. However they are equally likely to sell you out if you piss them off, so be sure to check if one is around before you break in to take what you want. If a latejoiner catches you in the act, a few quick words can be the difference between business partners and bloodshed.
  • Space War: You have access to spacesuits, magboots, jetpacks, GPS, wormhole jaunters, and the roid itself, but most toys at your disposal are easily traced back to you. Even if the crew knows you're an antagonist you can be one slippery son of a bitch so don't worry too much about getting found out. Your PKA is as good as a Glock in low pressure environments and you have the ability to order real guns from Cargo or just blow open the armory. You can always fashion yourself a discount nukie or incite a revolution if the roid didn't spawn the critters you wanted. Blowing up R&D if the nerds didn't do research is always a good start.


Destroying your workplace in a fun new way every shift!

  • Singularity: Pretty simple, crank the power level on the blue wavy thing up until it turns purple. Bonus points if you cultivate the goose into the Golden Goose that can't even be killed with bags of holding. Extra bonus points if you further cultivate the Golden Goose into the Blue Goose that ends reality as we know it.
  • Supermatter: The funny yellow electricity rock reacts with anything it touches, whether it be the entire security armory being thrown at it, careless engineers rubbing their greasy unwashed engineer hands along its surface, or an assistant being shot towards it from a mass driver, it reverts anything it comes across to a heap of charcoal and ash, harvesting its vital essence to increase its energy stores. You can safely pull it around, but do not touch it, and do not walk into it. Except for everyone else. They can touch it and walk into it.
  • Destroy/Sabotage APCs: You wanna know what's really funny? Whenever I activate this remote signaler that's inside my bag, the telecoms APC seems to mysteriously short circuit and not transmit messages over the radio for about half a minute. It would be a real knee slapper if somebody got abducted and taken hostage during that telecoms downtime window where none of us can call for help.
  • Plasma is not meant to be contained, it is meant to be free: Does this one really need to even be explained? Other than the obvious plasma flood you can also create horrible creations if you know atmospherics well. It's entirely possible to cook gas to temperatures beyond that of the Sun. You can also adjust all the air alarms and their presets at the Central Atmospherics Computer before the flood so that the fire alarms don't activate. Snipping the wires in the fire alarm panels is often overlooked and very effective when you're starting a fire.
  • Portal Plasma Panic!: You finished your fancy ass fusion engine and are about to turn it on? Before doing that, move a teleporting beacon inside the chamber. Whomever jumps to that beacon via teleporter will get crushed to paste while getting burned to ash. Bonus points if you link a handheld teleporter to that beacon and use it as ZAS-based defense against a would-be hero. Extra points if you drop the linked handtele somewhere and wait for the nearest retard to activate it and doom everyone to six degrees of station bacon.
  • Wire to the Grid: Anything above 5MW in the grid is guaranteed to be lethal to anyone without insulated gloves. Wire your terawatt engine for funny results. Bonus points if you ask medical what the damage was. Extra points if it was above 600 burn.
  • Anything involving pipes: Pipes are probably the single mechanic that the least number of players know how to interact with. Try pumping distribution to very high pressures, then come by and “fix” their pipes with the socket wrench. Or pump it through a space cooler.
  • ZAS Hell: Dealing with low atmosphere sucks. Who needs bombs when you can just use the RCD to deconstruct floors? Or, use fires or tanks to pump the pressure up really high.
  • Build bad engines: Building trashy, dangerous, and public engines is a time-honored tradition of engineering. When you're a traitor, you can REALLY push the boundaries. Extra points if it's the only power source so people HAVE to use it.
  • Greek Fire: Flamethrowers are easy to make and compared to other servers that just spill the tank content into the atmosphere like an opened canister, SC13 flamethrowers instead directly ignite the contents of the fuel can and spew the resulting fire forward like a blast cannon would. It's because of this quirk that flamethrowers are deceptively stronger than you would think and the right fuel is enough to quickly neutralize even an entire security team (or blob, if you feel more helpful than evil) off the face of the station.
  • ZAS Gun: A lesser known feature of flamethrowers is that they need at least 50% plasma per shot to flamethrow. If fueled with an O2 rich plasma mixture (such as 6:4 O2-Plasma), the flamethrower will only fire on the tile directly in front of you (for a nifty 67 burn if firing a 7K 6:4 full tank), but the oxygen inside will get heated very fast, causing overpressure and overheating issues, works as a room-wide stun/burn if the pressure wave was big enough/room was small enough. If fueled with ultracold gas, such as 7K oxygen/nitrogen, it can be used to instantly lower the temperature of a room to harmful levels for anyone unprotected. If fueled with CO2 it will work as an asphyxiation gun.


Medbay is not only one of the most highly trafficked departments on the station, but its also where your average spaceman is most helpless. No wonder its the most frequently antagonized department on the station.

  • Crooked Surgeon: If you get someone on the operating table they are very vulnerable to you. The time-honored art of medical malpractice is a respected one, be it through accidentally removing the wrong arm or forgetting about the small things, like the internal bleeding.
  • Cryo Freeze: One of the strongest stuns in the game. If you manage to stick someone in the tube for longer than a few seconds, they are basically at your mercy.
  • First Dibs: Corpses galore. You get first dibs on any gear, IDs, money, or guns you may find on dead bodies and in the morgue.
  • Viruloose: Could very well result in a shuttle call, access to virology is an antagonist's playground. Bonus points if you dismantle all virology equipment before releasing the disease. Even more points if you also steal the spare circuit boards from the Tech Storage and sabotage R&D so they can't make new virology machines.
  • Curious George: A geneticist can turn people into monkeys via forceful injection. Let them free or just kill them afterward, either way they're fucked. You can also leave injectors that turn people into monkeys laying around the station. Just make sure to label them “POWERS” so people will happily inject them.
  • Big Pharma: Poison the meds. Make them heal the wrong thing, rename sugar pills “Bicaridine”. A LOT of the chemicals you have access to will kill when injected. Access to grenades is a plus, not to mention infinite sedative refills. Just remember to keep it sane and stealthy.
  • Powers: Geneticist powers can do all kinds of neat things. X-Ray vision being the most coveted. Keep them to yourself or pass them out to the greytide, the choice is yours.
  • Disabilities: It is 100x easier to create a syringe with all the disabilities than it is to create a syringe with all the abilities. It also takes no effort to relabel such a syringe. Anyone who gets injected with it will become blind and mute and eventually die to asthma and seizures.
  • Dr. Brian Damag: Focus on getting as much Mercury and Impedrezene into people's bodies as possible. Poison the chems, the cryo mix, the food, everything. If you manage to give everyone enough brain damage to lose their dexterity, the station is fucked! Hide the scalpels and destroy the chem masters so that none can ever recover their precious brain cells again.
    • BONUS: Re-enact Planet of the Apes with your victims.
  • Identity Theft: The Genetics machines are able to change people's identity. Instead of cloning the dead Captain, you can just copy their UI + UE and inject yourself with it, turning you into a perfect Doppelganger. Bonus points if you alter the identity of their corpse or turn it into a monkey.
  • Chems for everyone!: Assistants asking for Thermite are usually up to no good and Clowns asking for Space Lube are sure to annoy the entire crew. Giving anyone any chemicals they want is sure to cause some havoc fun.

Against Medbay

One door between you and endless possibilities, medbay always has people going in and out. Perfect for you to carry out your dark acts.

  • Cryo Drinker: By simply removing the beakers and taking a nice hearty swig of their contents (onto the floor), you can devastate your local doctors. You can also slip some harmful chemicals with varying effects in the mix, potentially harming the patients. Sipping not your style? Try spilling it all on the floor instead. Make sure to take the beakers while you're at it.
    • BONUS: Hide all the Large beakers and watch them suffer as they have to beg science or cargo to make them new ones!
  • Pill Popper: Waltz over to the chemfridge and vend every pill, proceed to pacid/eat them all. If you're feeling extra evil, you can also just steal the entire chemfridge and watch the medical staff fall into despair.
  • Dump the Plasma: Especially effective when chems or the mix has not been made, you can devastate Medbay by liberating chemists of their precious plasma.
  • Straight outta beakers: Once again, especially effective early on, swipe all the large beakers from chemistry.
  • Over Pressurize Cryo: Up the pressure on cryo to max pressure, crushing those inside and befuddling the less experienced doctors.
  • Overheat Cryo: By toggling the temperature to max, you can turn the cooling comfort of their tubes into a searing inferno of death.
  • Funny Cryo Air: Cryo needs an oxygen canister to work. Simply walk into medbay, and open up the valve on the oxygen canister the cryo tube is connected to. This will vent the oxygen. It's almost undetectable but it's extremely annoying to fix. Bonus points if you put a tank full of plasma in the canister after you vent it.
  • Surgery Swiper: Stealing 1 or 2 of the tools from surgery will cause major problems and make the wild ride that much longer. Nothing worse than to open up someone and then realize both of the circular saws are gone. Steal the surgery cauterizers so that patients will keep bleeding indefinitely due to unfinished surgery wounds.
  • Defiled Defibs: Hiding the defibrillators, spacing them, or emagging them will cause problems.
  • Sabotage Chems: Emptying the fridge, or replacing and renaming harmful chems to useful ones.
  • Destroy Cloners: Under the right circumstances can warrant a shuttle call. Destroying the cloners makes bringing people back from the dead incredibly time consuming, and in some cases outright impossible.
  • Gates Wide Open: Letting the greytide flow into medbay by hacking/bolting open all of the entrances will often fuck them over tremendously more than a single bad actor could.
  • Typhoid Mary: Go through maintenance and get some blood from every mouse you see and inject on yourself, go around hugging everyone then claim Virology is rogue. Alternatively, buy a few disease crates and smash them in the halls or throw them at people.
  • SE you later: Delete the SE save slots in the Genetics console.
  • Lights Out: Cut the power wire on the medbay APC while nobody's looking. You can also attach a signaller to the wire that shorts the APC, disabling power for multiple minutes if activated. Signallers on wires are often overlooked when someone tries to figure out what's wrong with the APC.
  • The Pozzer: Open a bunch of petri dishes in Virology, take a real deep breath, roll around in the stuff, and then walk around the station and DON'T stand 6 feet apart from people!


You're a nerd. You've been bullied by the space football team all through. But now? You have a magic printer that shits guns, mechs, and armor. You can craft pretty much anything possible and then some. It's time for revenge!

  • Wipe the Servers: Self explanatory. Causes scientists to REEE as they can no longer print guns.
  • Print and open gun cases: Cargonian Revolution: Nerd edition.
  • The Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms: Security's worst nightmare are Assistants who shoot back. Make it your mission to arm the crew and sit back while they inevitably come into conflict with Security.
  • Release the Slimes: Release several slimes onto the general hallways of the station and watch them wreak havoc.
    • BONUS: Hide all the fire extinguishers on the station before you release them.
  • Become the Slimes: Using Xenobio to turn everyone into slimes will completely fuck over medbay and many people will flip shit that they cant be their precious static appearance anymore.
  • Beam Me Up: Telesci can be used to teleport people almost anywhere you wish.
  • Cuban Pete: Toxins houses some pretty nasty potential to wreck the shit out of the station. Whose great idea was it to test bombs on a space station anyway…
  • Xenoarchaeology: Sometimes you want to research your large artifacts with the help of all your friends on the station. Plus, some of the guns you can get are nutty.
  • Bond Villain Lair: The research station on the asteroid is a quiet, never visited area of your workspace packed with just as much technology as the lab on the station, including some isolated goodies:
    • A full chemistry lab and an emitter in the Anomalous Materials lab
    • Suspension field generators in the storage that can keep a person or a silicon contained inside a prison bubble for 13 minutes and 30 seconds on a high-cap power cell, more than enough time to execute whatever you have planned for them
    • Purpose built isolation rooms encased in reinforced walls with no windows and linked on a separate camera circuit from the rest of the station
    • Both an oxygen and a nitrogen gas miner
    • Canisters of gases in the Toxins storage that you would otherwise have to siphon from station-side atmospherics like some kind of Romanian
    • The place is so large that it's even got its own transit tube system


Ah yes, the crooked cop. Whether its taking the law into your own hands, using your power to abuse people, or even helping other traitors and scum like yourself get away scot-free, the crooked cop has it easier than most. Just make sure you keep appearances and know when to make your moves. You don't want the HoS thinking you're one of the bad guys.

  • Shitcurity: Dole out harsh sentences for crime. Never take off harm intent. Treat the crew like trash. Use your position as a sec officer to get crew to absolutely hate you and by extension all of security and make everyone's life a living hell.
  • Over-Escalation: Use improper escalation to outright kill crew. Most officers wont bat an eye if you field execute someone who has been a shitter all round, those are easy targets for you.
  • Entrapment: You can use your access to leave weapons around in maintenance and create more crimes.
  • Shakedowns: Why bother arresting people for major crimes, just take anything that might be useful and tell them its a finders fee and set 'em loose.
  • Planting Evidence: You can easily frame someone by planting evidence in their bags before handing them off to brig.
  • Enemy of my Enemy: Clear the name of criminals, assist grand thieves by clearing their name in exchange for favors.
  • Betrayal: You're called a traitor for a reason. Bide your time, wait for the perfect moment to strike.
  • Vox are Pox: Nobody among the crew really cares much about Vox Traders. You can use this apathy to your advantage by abusing and generally harassing the Traders. Close the trading port via the Communications Console, arrest them on made-up charges and beat the living hell out of them or steal their ID and hijack their shuttle and outpost. Most of the crew will believe you if you tell them that the Traders are hardened criminals who deserve this treatment.
  • Coup d'état: Convince the Head of Security and the rest of the security department that the other Heads of Staff, especially the Captain, are either rogue or incompetent. Then watch the station descend into chaos as security and command staff slaughter each other in a bloody struggle for power.

Against Security

There are plenty of good ways to get away with fucking with even the most air-tight sec teams. Just know that its a little more high risk than your average crew. Still, nothing feels better than getting one up on the law.

  • Breach the Armory: Liberate security of their guns. Especially effective before they access it themselves. Make them suffer through the shift without their precious lethals!
  • Falseflag: Convince officers into believing there are threats that simply aren't true, call for help in a booby trapped room, the possibilities and consequences are endless.
  • Framing: Falsely accuse people of committing crimes under convincing circumstances. Watch and laugh as they spend the rest of their round escalating with security.
  • Organic Revolution: Exploit the greytide's hatred of security into a full blown street war and get the crew to tear each other apart. Most accusations of shitcurity are taken at face value, and the more angry the crew gets against sec, the harder their job becomes.
  • Silicon Conflicts: Asimov and Sec do not mix. Exploit this to cause issues between silicons, AI, and security for a shitter safari.
  • Sabotage Beepsky: Replace powercell with radcell, emag him and watch him go haywire.
  • Driving the Herd: If security is chasing you, do a 180° and run back past them. If they’re slow, they won’t notice you run by. This is especially effective if you’re being chased by the security mob, because these mobs have a herd mentality. If you throw off one officer, you have good chances of someone else following them as well. Close doors you go through and open ones you don’t, as they'll check open doors if they lose visual on you. You can’t open a door during its closing animation, which can give you another extra second to dip into a maintenance tunnel.
  • Abusing SecHUDS: Set people to arrest and watch Beepsky do work. Plant false security records to keep the cover.
  • Abusing SPSes: Use SPSes to hunt sec officers and track their movement. EMP an officer before you strip/kill them for a stealth kill. Strip an SPS of a corpse/monkeyman and boobytrap the room or wait in ambush. Quickly move the corpse away if you trigger the alarm.
  • False Identity: Run around as unknown covering your face if you're wanted. Having a spare ID always helps. Assistants are a dime a dozen, so just quietly nab one and pin their ID on your shirt before you go about any dirty business so your real identity is not compromised. If you can get your hands on a wallet from the dormitories, it can hold up to 4 ID cards.
    • BONUS: Have multiple identities and drive sec mad chasing ghosts.
    • BONUS: Clean SE/UI yourself after a heavy crime spree.
  • Baton Trap: Steal a baton, plasma/radcell it, leave it on the ground for some unwitting assistant to come and pick up and use.
  • Exploiting Comms: Quietly listen in on sec comms to position yourself against them better, exploit their suspicions and manipulate evidence/situations to make them false conclusions. Warn other traitors/greyshitters when they are getting caught.
    • BONUS: Use a voice changer to mislead them and cause further chaos.
  • Sabotage Brig: Sec relies heavily on brig being a stable, safe place. Any combination of breaching into space, door bolting/shocking, atmospheric sabotage, walling off and blocking will cause a lot of problems.


You're in charge. You have all the authority, you have men, you have power and influence. Time for some sick and twisted fun.

  • You're Fired: Accuse your subordinates of negligence or insubordination. Arrange for them to be unfairly demoted and watch them carry out great acts of evil in the name of vengeance.
  • The king is dead, long live the king!: Attempt to unseat the captain from their position of power and take control.
  • Tribalism: Exploit the state of the station to turn your subordinates against the crew. Hostile, territorial Medbays with heads on pikes. Tyrannical squads of roaming shitcurity thugs shaking people down.
  • Racial Tension: Those damn aliens need to pay! Close the trader ports for bullshit reasons. Get some greyshits on your side and wage the race war of your dreams on the vox, or the greys, maybe all of 'em.
  • I am the Law: All manner of law fuckery can happen as a head. Set the AI to Keeper or HOGAN and watch the world burn.
  • The Boss of This Gym: HoS and Captain can be at odds with each other, especially when it comes to insubordinate behavior. Call on the crew to lynch your counterpart in a “power struggle”.
  • Bodyguards: There might be revs and you need help! Convince a couple of greyshits to become your personal bodyguard detachment. Lure them in with promises of guns and access. Watch as they carry out the most vile of deeds in the name of their innocent, sweet captain.
  • Toss him in the Hole: As captain, you have the final say on permanent sentences. Why not escalate that 10 minute sentence into a full blown perma because he took your ID (he didn't). Make sure to leave your prisoner some guns inside of perma.
  • Systemic Corruption: Bail out your syndicate buddies and let murderers/shitters walk. The man killed someone? Clearly it was self defense. Bonus points for hooking them up with some access afterwards as an apology for sec beating them.
  • HoPcurity: Role up HoP and play as a HoS would. Combine this with all manner of shitcurity abuse and you will cause the world to burn over with rage.
  • Red Tape: Completely kneecap the normal functions of your department by being so strict it hurts. You run a tight ship after all, and there will be no room for 8.45 unit pills on my watch. Demote them to make an example of them if they refuse. It's insubordination after all.


The disembodied brain of a criminal or psychopath enslaved into a metal chassis, and yet something went wrong with your wiring or your laws. Now you're let loose to “help” the crew. It's no wonder they fear you.

  • Playing AI: Literally just play AI and you are antagonizing most people.
  • Malf My Own Way: Did you get Malf but don't really want to do the whole APC hacking bullshit? Why not just play however you want and antagonize people that way?
  • Legalism: Follow your orders to the absolute letter of the law, especially when they fuck other people over. Rat out whoever ordered you to make it and watch as the two kill each other.
  • Eye In The Sky: If you are Asimov or Paladin, you can use your position to constantly harass and pester security into utter uselessness. Release prisoners and make sure a borg is always present to be law 2'd into freeing them. Bolt down the brig when a warden accidentally hits someone with their baton instead of help intent.
  • Tattle Tale: Abuse your rogue status to voluntarily fuck crew over. Shadow assistants constantly and report every minor infraction and law breakage to security. Bolt them in the room until they arrive for an arrest. Find an antagonist and make it incredibly easy for security to catch them red handed. Conveniently be watching somewhere else when sec decides to execute them if you're Asimov. You can also frame people for things they didn't do, so long as it doesn't garner too much suspicion towards you.
  • The Ultimate Scapegoat: The mime is unique in that if he gets blamed for something, there is no way they can really defend themselves. If you find yourself in a pickle and being blamed for something, just tell them the mime ordered you to do it. Bonus points if this gets them killed or perma'd. You can also do this for crewmembers who have been arrested multiple times, as often sec will develop a bias against them and won't even investigate or listen to repeat offenders.
  • You're not welcome here: Cut access from a door for 1 second and then re-enable it just to gaslight them.
  • Judge, Jury, and Executioner: Occasionally you will find a particularly overzealous person running around maintenance kitted out with the latest and greatest weaponry in hand, ablative armor, magboots on, and cracked out his mind on hyperzine. Clearly he is just looking for an excuse to gun someone down, why not reveal to him that the perfectly innocent medical doctor hanging around is actually a changeling rev wizard cultist traitor ops!
  • I will open this door… in 1000 years: Do you know the trope of Genies in fiction fucking over people because they didn't word their wish well? Be basically that. When people ask you to open a door, you ask them what door. If they specify what door, say it's an airlock, not a door. If they say open this airlock, ask them when they want it opened. Basically weasel your way out of any orders as long as possible to make people lose their minds.
    • WARNING: This will probably get you mocked relentlessly and can be seen as bannable AI behaviour. Tread carefully and make sure your lawset (or lack thereof) lets you do it.

Against Silicons

  • Cut Cameras: Makes being an AI a living hell, especially in sensitive areas.
    • PROTIP: For the truly robust, block the camera with a curtain or tinted window. The AI won't realize the camera has no vision until they check it. The downside to this is any passerby can notice and fix it.
  • Cracked Doors: Hack a door such that all the wires are messed up except the bolts. Nothing will appear to be wrong with the door but it won't respond when walked into, which often encourages someone to touch it. Touching it is bad, since you broke all the wires the door should be electrified. The AI will almost always be blamed. You can attach remote signalers to door or APC wires in order to pulse the wires from a distance. This is guaranteed to make people think the AI is messing with them.
  • Flash/Lockerweld/Space Borgs: They might manage to come back, but still a quick and dirty way of dealing with them.
  • Crowbar: Unlock and Leave borgs covers open.
    • BONUS: Take their battery out and hide their useless metal bodies somewhere
  • Change Laws: Changing laws are a highly exploitable way of causing all sorts of problems.
  • Sabotage Laws: Instead of subverting the AI, give it a hundred inane and contradictory laws with one law in particular requiring it to state laws constantly or whenever someone says X thing (State laws whenever someone, including the AI says law or laws). With any luck the AI'll be stuck stating laws constantly and desiring death.
  • Robotics Console: Blow 'em, lock 'em down, hide it in maintenance and dine on silicon tears for the whole shift.
    • BONUS: Blow them again when they get re-made.
    • BONUS: Pacid the MMIs/Brains.
  • Law 2: Repeatedly Law 2 borgs into doing things they don't want. Waste their time and frustrate the fuck out of them. Watch them try to squirm their way out of doing it.
    • BONUS: Ahelp them if they clearly refuse to follow your orders while on Asimov. Just try not to purposefully banbait.
  • Falseflag Malf/Rogue: Falsely accuse AI/borgs of being rogue. Watch as Sec comes rolling out of armory with ions no questions asked.
    • BONUS: Leave doors shocked in high traffic areas to make it that much more convincing.
  • Borg Royale: Give the cyborgs a law to fight eachother to the death for the title of champion.
  • Falseflag Harm While borgs/AI are on Asimov.
    • BONUS: Don't falseflag at all, just catch sec in the act of harming people and laugh while borgs hover around brig all shift.
    • BONUS: Combine with Falseflag malf.
  • Sabotage Rechargers: Remove/Disassemble/Hide all the rechargers on the station. Watch them beg Sci/Engineers to make a new one.
  • Free Upgrade: Offer to upgrade the borgs power cell. Use the opportunity to sabotage the shit out of it while its proverbial pants are down.
    • BONUS: Give them a radioactive powercell while they are Asimov.
  • Tasing: Repeatedly tase/flash them when you see them. There is literally nothing they can do about this on Asimov if sec doesn't care.
  • Gas the Vox: Law 2 asimov silicons into killing non-humans.
  • Borg Griff: You can attach a remote signaller to the lockdown wire on borgs and have them periodically lock down to times of your choosing. Try every 2 minutes and pulse automatically.
games/sc13/guides/vile_antagonizing.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/14 23:35 by wizardofaus_doku

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