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Guide to Vehicles

This guide will get you familiar with how to use each vehicle available - some are designed for personal use, some are designed for mining, some are designed for combat, and some defy explanation. That's okay, though, we're going to walk you through each of them. You may be daunted by the unfamiliar gadgets involved, but that's okay; everyone has to start somewhere. What is important is knowing the responsibility of each vehicles. Not knowing what you need will have others yell at you for being incompetent.

Vehicle Modules

Most vehicles can equip modules that upgrade or modify their performance in some way; while some of these are usually specific to a vehicle type (the same movement modules in a submarine will not work on a tank, for example), others can be used in various vehicles (weapon modules in particular, though sensor modules, interior modules, electronic modules, etc are also transferrable.)

Land Vehicles


The premier in fast ground transportation technology. Allows full running-speed movement for one person with no stamina loss, upgradable to two with a sidecar, in exchange for fuel. Contains an internal storage bay for your convenience. Refueled using a jerry can, most immediately accessible through the Hangar Bay. Don't steal all of them, or the PO will “accidentally” CAS you at the first opportunity.


Like the motorcycle, there are various cars available for purchase that allow you to drive with equal speed on smoothed floors as well as on semi-rough terrain. Extremely rough terrain will damage the vehicle, however. Unlike a motorbike, cars can transport up to four people in addition to having a larger storage bay; security cars can transport two people plus two people in a secured bay they can't escape from. Like motorbikes, cars are most easily refilled with jerrycans, and are capable of storing them in their trunk.

Clown Car/AdminBus

A special vehicle usable by the Clown (for the Clown Car) or by Admins (for the AdminBus), which has the ability to store nigh-unlimited passengers, capturing them by running them over. Note that crashing the vehicle has a chance to eject the driver and release the passengers, although AdminBuses are less prone to this.


A jeep is a special type of car that has a light weapon mount on the rear, allowing for a light weapon to be mounted and operated; this generally is an LMG or smartgun. They lack the vast cargo space of cars, but they do have an onboard space for mounting a jerrycan and a spare tire; they are also capable of handling rough terrain without flinching.


These armored personnel carriers are like jeeps on steroids; able to carry a large number of troops, with a light weapon turret on top to assist in keeping an area clear, and with armor to protect those onboard until they are ready to deploy.


Typically used in marine landings on hostile planets, tanks are generally heavily armed and armored, with a variety of modules to make them more effective and deadly on the battlefield.

Power Loader

A special sort of Exosuit typically used to load weapons, modules, or cargo; it can load ammo boxes into vehicle weapons, vehicle modules into matching module slots, or cargo pallets into warehouse spaces or racks.

Exosuits (Mechs)

Technically vehicles, mechs have a very broad variety of purposes and can be pieced together from individual parts.

Water Vehicles


These single-operator craft are designed to allow for manipulation of the environment on and underwater, providing protection to the driver in the process.


Larger than minisubs, submarines can carry multiple people and can equip a variety of weapons for defense; they also can escape detection from the surface if equipped with the proper countermeasures, allowing them to approach by stealth.


Only functional on the water's surface, but very fast, these can carry a small number of personnel and are built mostly for speed.


These boats are slower on the water than speedboats, but can carry more personnel and weapons or equipment, allowing them to be used for a variety of purposes from warfare to recreational fishing.

Air/Space Vehicles


Effectively a hovering motorcycle capable of space flight, miniputts are fairly fast but provide no protection or life support to a rider, requiring space travellers to wear spacesuits for survival.

Space Pods

A small shuttlecraft with limited passenger space, space pods are nevertheless easy to upgrade with modules and don't even require a power loader most of the time.


These small dropships are meant to ferry personnel, and have limited upgrade capacity. However, their small footprint means they are easily landed. Shuttlecraft can also fly in space, and have their own jump drives for easily moving to far-off destinations as well as maneuver thrusters for parking.


Fightercraft are essentially advanced space pods with weapon and shield systems and a variety of modules to extend their survivability.


Dropships are large shuttlecraft intended for delivering soldiers to the battlefront or engaging in close-air-strikes against ground targets, usually.

The Hangar, the Slots and the Module Installation The Hangar is where you will spend most of your time. It has two dropships, the Alamo which is the main dropship that marines take down, and the Condor which is a specialty CAS plane. Each ship has slots for special upgrades. The Alamo has two engine module slots, one interior module slot, two electronic module slots and four weapon module slots. The Condor has four weapon module slots, and an unremovable rotary nosegun.

DropshipSlots.png Rear Slot: This is the place where the Interior modules goes. Engine Slot: This is where engine modules are installed, and Alamo has everything installed by default Electronics Slot: This is where electronics are installed, like the spotlight and the targeting system. Weapon Slot: This is where the weapons are installed, like the rocket-pod or the sentry-deployment-system.

Pillar of Spring has 2 powerloaders near the and the modules on the east side of the hanger while the Sulaco has 1 powerloader near the Condor and 1 powerloader near the fob drone and the weapon modules near the Condor and the interior and electronic modules near the Fob Drone. Installing stuff on ships If you want to install a module or reload a weapon, you will need a powerloader (yellow robot).

Right click the powerloader [image of the powerloader] and click “Enter powerloader” Alternatively, you can clickdrag your sprite onto the powerloader. Make sure your hands are empty before attempting to enter the powerloader. Move in front of the module or ammo pack and left-click on it to pick up You can carry two modules, simply switch active hand to carry another one. Move to the ship slot and click left click on it, wait until installed or reloaded You can switch hands while doing an action. So you can install two modules at once. Note that for some weapons (machineguns) to be reloaded, you need to discard empty ammo box first. Do this by clicking the module. This also can be used to take off a module (it goes into your hand) Alamo There are two ways to controlling the Alamo, via its cockpit and via remote computers.

The Alamo's cockpit In the cockpit of the Alamo you will find the three main consoles. The camera control console (left), which lets you view the different cameras of the dropship. The main control console (middle), which lets you fly the dropship. The weapon control console (right), which lets you fire your weapons or deploy your sentries. Using the center console allows for more advanced commands than through the remote computers found on the LZs or in CIC. From here, you can not only designate a landing zone, but also toggle automatic cycling mode. Once toggled, the Alamo will automatically cycle between the last two chosen destinations, at an interval of your choosing (after the recharge delay). It is highly recommend to turn on automatic cycling so that it frees up PO's time to do better things and lets marines not yell in radio. Also note - once you click it on, it will begin the course immediately.

You can also toggle the lockdowns on the left, right, and rear doors of the Alamo. Doing so will prevent anyone from opening the door until the lockdown manually deactivated from the cockpit; either by the PO, or an invader. Note that the lockdown will lock the doors into their current state; toggling lockdown while a door is open will force it to remain open.

The UI to control the Alamo's movement The right part of the cockpit is the computer to deploy sentries to protect the Alamo from xenomorphs. This UI can also be used for fire mission if the Alamo is equipped with CAS arsenal, but it is recommended to use CAS for the Condor jet.

The UI to use sentries Alamo's Responsibility Communication is key with the Alamo. One of the primary mistakes when using the Alamo is not knowing when and where marines want to be at.

Before the Alamo launch into one of the landing zones in planetside for marines' first deployment, ask what landing zone the forward operational base, or FOB, is in. Always tell marines when you are launching so that the marines heading to the Alamo is more motivated to haul ass. Install surgery table in Alamo; It will generally see more use than the machinegun hardpoint, as the back door almost always gets locked in the event of an assault. How to Pilot Alamo Piloting each dropship is fairly easy, you just have to click a few buttons and wait.

In the cockpit of the Alamo you will find the three main consoles.

The camera control console (left), which lets you view the different cameras of the dropship. The main control console (middle), which lets you fly the dropship and lock or unlock the Alamo doors. If the Shrike or Queen touches this console the Alamo becomes locked which prevents the Alamo from working for a long time and also unlocks all doors. Do not lock all 3 sides of the Alamo otherwise they can lock the Alamo without touching the console. The weapon control console (right), which lets you fire your weapons or deploy your dropship equipment.

Alamo tips Roundstart, install spotlights and surgery table. These are found somewhere around Alamo. Turrets can also be installed, but are not very useful. DO NOT FORGET TO TURN ON THE AUTOPILOT Do not lock all 3 sides of the Alamo, this allows the xenos to lock the Alamo without touching the console. Always keep 1 side unlock at all times.

Close Air Support (CAS)

Most beautiful piece of metal there is, Condor TGMC vehicle condor ui.PNG Close Air Support, or for short CAS, is your way of helping the marines. You can rain down hell on your enemies with bullets, rockets and lasers. The groundside marines can help you with tactical binoculars or a lit CAS signal flare, to laze a spot for you to bombard. Communicate with the squads accordingly to make sure they know CAS is available. Remind them about flares and marks.

Preparation But how do I kill my enemies, you ask? First you need to install the weapons. Note that the weapons you install are unloaded, and need to be filled with the ammunition from the ammo-storage room.

By default, Condor has 30mm machinegun in the front, which is already loaded Take new weapons (which are usually lying around at roundstart) Install them, see above Load them with ammo Starting a firemission You execute CAS with your trusty Condor (blue plane), doing a fly-bys

Сlimb into the Condor's cockpit (click) It will bring up the menu, which you can also access via B Spool (start) engines (Enter) Take off - begin flyby (Space) Begin fire mission If there are CAS lasers, it will give you list of options to teleport to Otherwise it will semi-randomly teleport you to some location near marines Once fuel level is low, you will automatically land You can do this manually via “land plane”, then “disable engines” after landing To get out of cockpit, press B (resist). Mid-flight B brings up flight menu. Refuel your plane with jerry cans by clicking the cockpit. Refuel cans by clicking the fuel tank. Note: do NOT take off before ALAMO has landed for the first time. You will bug out.

Shoot stoopid benos Click “begin fire mission”. You'll enter a map overview mode like the AI or Overwatch terminals where you can see anything within camera range of the ground forces, as well as the spot around the laze and the signal flares. You can fire on ANYTHING in sight of any marine on the ground! BUT all of your weapons will be danger close without the added range of the laser dot - this might not matter if your camera coverage is coming from a corpse's still-active helmet camera. All weapons are accurate, except for Illumination Flares, so don't worry about missing. In the plane menu, you can select the active weapon. Only one can be active at a time, but you can easily switch them. Just keep the menu open (B button to open it). Different weapons have different purposes, and fly time. Usual machinegun take 6 seconds to land, laser takes 1. Below you will see the button for direction. It shows how weapons will shoot For example, 'EAST' will launch bullets from left to right. WASD and arrow keys for selecting attack direction. If your fuel runs out, you'll land back on the ship automatically CAS Weapons The Condor features four primary weapons for close air support (The central minigun on the Condor is just a built-in 30mm cannon, don't tell anyone). Similarly to the Alamo modules discussed above, use a powerloader to equip them onto the relevant attachment points. The Condor features 4 empty attachment points to start, so feel free to mix and match.

Reload weapons using the powerloader. With the relevant ammo held, click the weapon to fill it. If the weapon is still loaded, use an empty claw to remove the old ammo prior to reloading. Some weapons, like the 30mm cannon, require you to remove the old ammo box if it's been fully depleted.

Weapon: Description: TGMC GAU-21 30mm Cannon.png GAU-21 30mm Cannon

Your standard area-denial tool. Use to hit slow xenos in a 3 by 8 tile area, or deny access for fear of the green dot.

Ammunition types: TGMC 30mm Ammo Crate.png 30mm Ammo Crate An ammo crate of 30mm. Capable of fitting in the Condor Jet Minigun and the GAU-21 30mm Cannon. Has 200 rounds, each time it is fired uses 20 rounds for a max of 10 shots before being empty. Costs 75 points in the dropship part fabricator.

TGMC High-Velocity 30mm Ammo Crate.png High Velocity 30mm Ammo Crate An ammo crate of High Velocity 30mm Capable of fitting in the Condor Jet Minigun and the GAU-21 30mm Cannon. Has 200 rounds, each time it is fired uses 20 rounds for a max of 10 shots before being empty. Due to advanced aerodynamics and enhanced propellant in each round, the delay between firing and impact is reduced over the standard 30mm round. Costs 150 points in the dropship part fabricator.

TGMC Minirocket Pod.png Minirocket Pod

Quickly fires variable micro rockets, with a capacity of 6. Good for zoning against lower tier Xenos, or providing support through the utility rocket variants.

Ammunition types: TGMC Mini Rocket Stack.png Mini Rocket Stack A stack of 6 minirockets that explode, but are not very strong. They are able to be fired in rapid succession. Costs 100 points in the dropship part fabricator.

TGMC Smoke Mini Rocket Stack.png Smoke Mini Rocket Stack A stack of 6 minirockets that upon impact release smoke. Costs 25 points in the dropship part fabricator.

TGMC Illumination Rocket-Launched Flare Stack.png Illumination Rocket-Launched Flare Stack A stack of 6 minirockets that upon impact make a bright invisible flare. Costs 25 points in the dropship part fabricator.

TGMC Tanglefoot Mini Rocket Stack.png Tanglefoot Mini Rocket Stack A stack of 6 minirockets that release Tanglefoot gas in a large area. Costs 50 points in the dropship part fabricator.

TGMC Incendiary Mini Rocket Stack.png Incendiary Mini Rocket Stack A stack of 6 minirockets that explode and also leave behind a large area in flames. Costs 200 points in the dropship part fabricator.

TGMC Rocket Pod.png Rocket Pod

Heavy rocket launcher, capable of unleashing some of CAS' heaviest hitting ordinance.

Ammunition types: TGMC AIM-224 Widowmaker.png AIM-224 Widowmaker A high-velocity rocket capable of quickly closing the distance from air to surface. Costs 75 points in the dropship part fabricator.

TGMC AGM-227 Banshee.png AGM-227 Banshee A high explosive rocket that coats an area in flames for a short duration. Costs 150 points in the dropship part fabricator.

TGMC GBU-67 Keeper II.png GBU-67 Keeper II An armor-piercing high-damage rocket designed to bust heavy targets. Doesn't have a wide radius, but will almost certainly kill anything it hits directly. Costs 300 points in the dropship part fabricator.

TGMC SM-17 Fatty.png SM-17 Fatty A cluster type rocket, dealing multiple explosions in a radius around the initial blast. Costs 200 points in the dropship part fabricator.

TGMC XN-99 Napalm.png XN-99 Napalm An incendiary rocket designed to cover an area in napalm for a long time. Fire remains for a significant duration. Costs 200 points in the dropship part fabricator.

TGMC Laser Beam.png Laser Beam Gun

A short-delay, high-damage incendiary laser cannon. Must be purchased from the dropship part fabricator.

Ammunition types: TGMC High-Capacity Laser Battery.png High-Capacity Laser Battery A High Capacity Laser Battery capable of fitting in the Laser Beam Gun. Has a charge of 100 with each shot consuming 10 charge for a max of 10 shots before being empty. Costs 150 points in the dropship part fabricator.

3D printing death For your convenience, each hangar has CAS autholathe Print new weapons there! You can also purchase replacement ammunition at the dropship part fabricator. It is wise to consider cheaper options first. One napalm rocket is 200 points, which is also 12 mini rockets. Try laser beam! It is not spawned on any ships roundstart. Points generated as (Orbital level+3)*6 per minute CAS tips It is in general very hard to land a clear hit on a xeno. You most often need at least 2 shots to kill even the weakest xeno, and therefore you won't be able to make kills by yourself. Try to really act as fire support, not as death from the sky. Large rockets have gib-zone in the center. If you land a direct hit, you are guaranteed to kill a xeno which has low bomb resist, like Boiler, Prae, and most low-tiers. If you don't, it's around 120 damage to xeno, so around 3 rockets to kill a full HP xeno. Not a great deal. Keep in mind the travel time to avoid friendly fire and so you dont end up saving an injured xeno by preventing marines from being able to chase. This happens absurdly often Xeno don't know what will be coming down - use this to your advantage. Illumination Flares can be used to trick xenos into running away, very useful if a marine is getting attacked. The Laser Beam is very quick to fire. Try to predict where xenos will go. Block their retreat paths. Hamper their attack. Use area denial weapons to block xenos from escaping. Especially useful when xenos make a push, to prevent injured ones from quickly retreating. Try to use cheaper ammunition first, fabricator point generation is pretty low. Ask for CAS lasers in .s Ask for green CAS flares in general channel. Also, you can make a crate with CAS flares from weapons vendor, and send it from Cargo CAS is most effective during defense. You cannot shoot without visions, and marines attacking mean that there would be a lot of FF. T4 xeno have very high bomb defense, and can shrug off even larger explosions.


The Tadpole

The control console interface.

The Tadpole is a compact support vessel, used to quickly and accurately provide aid to marines in any open-air battlefield scenario. The primary differentiating feature of the Tadpole versus the Alamo is landing capability. The Tadpole has the ability to land in any unobstructed, open-air area, drastically increasing the deployment flexibility of any marine force that choses to use it over the Alamo. This comes with the downside of defense, as a the Tadpole can quickly be overrun if caught out of position, as well as the downside of size. Being a small vessel, it can be tricky to load a substantial amount of cargo onboard, and the ship will quickly get cluttered if over capacity.

The controls are accessed through the central console. Transit is performed similarly to the Alamo, with the caveat that the Tadpole doesn't go directly to the ground. After a transit phase, and Tadpole will wait in low atmosphere, designated by the surrounding clouds. From here, using the console will bring up the landing interface. After selecting a landing point and touching down, the Tad can be sent back into low atmosphere to reposition, or sent back to the ship from low atmosphere.

Anyone with access to Alamo cockpit can also operate the Tadpole. It has two slots for mounted turrets on the front, and one slot for mounted machinegun in the center. The TAD can land anywhere where there is no “hard roof” - like near Alamo, or near all plasma drills, but caves are (mostly) unavailable.

Tadpole Equipment

Two slots for turrets on the front. One rear slot for mounted guns. One medical dispenser on the wall, containing: Russian red pill bottle Ointment, gauze, splints Advanced kits, HF2 Can take and refill most MarineMed autoinjectors Can refill anesthetic

Landing the Tadpole

The Tadpole can land in any unobstructed, open-air position. When using the landing interface, accessible by using the central console in low-orbit, you will see a birds-eye view of the battlefield, and an outline of the Tadpole in the center of the screen. If the entire outline is green, you have a viable landing area; if any tiles are red, they are obstructed, and the Tadpole cannot land in that position. You can rotate the landing outline using the rotate button at the top of your HUD (smaller side is your nose). Once a landing field has been selected, the outline will turn blue, indicating that the Tadpole will arrive there shortly.

TGMC tadpole checking for landing.png Fully green landing indicator. You're clear to land.

TGMC tadpole invalid.png Partially red landing indicator. The landing zone is obstructed.

TGMC tadpole valid landing.png Blue landing indicator. The landing zone has been selected.

TAD tips Although instead of turrets, CAS weapons can be installed on TAD, they won't be able to shoot. Mounted machinegun has IFF and also able to turn 180 degrees. Useful to always have some first-aid kits, along with food. Marines will thank you.

Modules This is a list of all the available modules and what they do. Most of them are available at roundstart, but more can be purchased from the Dropship Parts Fabricator.

Dropship Part Fabricator

The Dropship Part Fabricator is the most important piece of equipment for building, resupplying and upgrading your dropships. It is used to make the modules and ammunition for the Alamo, Tadpole and Condor.

Spend your points wisely, they take a long time to replenish - (Orbital level+3)*6 per minute.

Additional ammo for internal modules can be purchased via the use of requisitions.

Interior Modules Module Description

Surgery Table Module Works exactly like the surgery table. Fits on the Alamo and Tadpole. The Sulaco and Pillar of Spring starts with 1. Costs 100 points in the dropship part fabricator.

Note: Only useful to roles that are skilled in surgery.

Smartgun Deployment Module This installs a M56D-Smartgun with an included sandbag-nest. Comes loaded with 1500 bullets to defend your ship. Fits on the Alamo and Tadpole. The Sulaco and Pillar of Spring starts with 1. Costs 300 points in the dropship part fabricator, or 50 points in the requisitions system.

Note: It does have an IFF-Feature, which means you can shoot through other marines.

Minigun Deployment Module This installs a MG-2005 Minigun with an included sandbag-nest. Comes loaded with 1000 bullets to defend your ship. Fits on the Alamo and Tadpole. Costs 75 points in the requisitions system. Cannot be fabricated in the dropship fabricator.

Heavy Recoilless Rifle Deployment Module This installs a Heavy Recoilless Rifle with an included sandbag-nest. Comes loaded with 1 shell to defend your ship. Fits on the Alamo and Tadpole. Costs 180 points in the requisitions system. Cannot be fabricated in the dropship fabricator.

Heavy Recoilless Rifle Deployment Module This installs a TE-9001 Heavy Laser with an included sandbag-nest. Comes loaded with 15 charges to defend your ship. Fits on the Alamo and Tadpole. Costs 90 points in the requisitions system. Cannot be fabricated in the dropship fabricator.

Heavy Recoilless Rifle Deployment Module This installs a ATR-22 Heavy Dualcannon with an included sandbag-nest. Comes loaded with 150 bullets to defend your ship. Fits on the Alamo and Tadpole. Costs 60 points in the requisitions system. Cannot be fabricated in the dropship fabricator.

Electronic Modules Module Description

Targeting System Increases the accuracy of the weapons of the Dropship. The Sulaco and Pillar of Spring start with 2 Costs 800 points in the dropship part fabricator.

Note: This module is obsolete due to the Condor not taking electronic modules as well as already being very accurate.

Landing Zone Detector This will allow the Pilot to view the Landing Zone where the Dropship is heading. Only works when the Dropship is in the air. Costs 400 points in the dropship part fabricator.

Note: This module is not useful

Spotlight These Spotlights need to be activated with the Alamo Weapons Control console and turn off every time the Alamo launches. This illuminates the Landing Zone. Good for those that are afraid of the dark. Fits only on the Alamo. Sulaco starts with 2 and the Pillar of Spring 3. Costs 300 points in the dropship part fabricator.

Note: This module is the most useful for the Alamo.

Weapon Modules Module Description Sentry Deployment Module These sentries need to be deployed with the Alamo Weapons Control console and get undeployed every time the Alamo launches. they can not be modified and can only fire in the direction they are facing. They have 150 health, 50000 rounds and fire in bursts of 10 but are very inaccurate. They can be repaired with a blowtorch. if they are destroyed you can remove them with the powerloader and placed back on to fix it. Costs 500 points in the dropship part fabricator.

Note: This module is the most useful for the Tadpole or Alamo.

Condor Jet Minigun A built in GAU-21 to use for gun runs. Built in the Condor and unremovable.

GAU-21 30mm Cannon A GAU-21 to use for gun runs. The Sulaco and Pillar of Spring start with 1. Costs 400 points in the dropship part fabricator.

Rocket Pod A rocket pod capable of holding a rocket. The Sulaco and Pillar of Spring start with 1 Costs 600 points in the dropship part fabricator.

Minirocket Pod A minirocket pod capable of holding minirockets. The Sulaco and Pillar of Spring start with 1 Costs 600 points in the dropship part fabricator.

Laser Beam A laser beam that fires a long line of fire that burns targets. The flames are short lived. Costs 500 points in the dropship part fabricator. Note: This is the only weapon able to reliably hit individual targets due to its low travel time.


Ammo travelling time is calculated by munition_travel_time * ((current_orbit+3)/6).

Example: 30mm Ammo Crate at orbit level 1 would be 6*((1+3)/6) which equals 4 seconds of travel time

Default level is 3.

Legend For info on explosions, head to Marine Mechanics

Range (a, b, c) means EXPLOSION_DEVASTATE in range of a from center, HEAVY in b and LIGHT in c.

Module Description Damage Cost per shot Usage

30mm Ammo Crate An ammo crate of 30mm. Capable of fitting in the Condor Jet Minigun and the GAU-21 30mm Cannon. Has 200 rounds, each time it is fired uses 20 rounds for a max of 10 shots before being empty. Travel time of 6 seconds on orbit level 3.

Costs 75 points in the dropship part fabricator.

EXPLODE_LIGHT 7.5 Longest travel time. Best use is suppressive fire, defending static objectives (like revivable Antagonists) and clearing out resin mazes. Cheap.

High Velocity 30mm Ammo Crate An ammo crate of High Velocity 30mm Capable of fitting in the Condor Jet Minigun and the GAU-21 30mm Cannon. Has 200 rounds, each time it is fired uses 20 rounds for a max of 10 shots before being empty. Travel time of 5 seconds on orbit level 3.

Costs 150 points in the dropship part fabricator.

EXPLODE_LIGHT 15 Questionable use, still takes too long to hit but now is more expensive.

AIM-224 'Widowmaker' A rocket capable of reaching its target fast. It is the least powerful rocket. Travel time of 3 seconds on orbit level 3.

Costs 75 points in the dropship part fabricator.

Range 2, 4, 6 75 Actually a very cost-effective rocket. Best use is to target those which can be gibbed. Low travel time helps.

AGM-227 'Banshee' A rocket capable of clearing large areas. It has a wide range. Travel time of 4 seconds on orbit level 3.

Costs 150 points in the dropship part fabricator.

Range 2, 4, 7 Fire in 6-tile radius

150 Widowmaker but with fire. Best use is to shoot it in xeno outpost near active combat, possibly kills on xeno who are too busy fighting, and those who can no longer retreat due to fire.

SM-17 'Fatty' A cluster type rocket. Explodes in the center, and then 8 more explosions after 3 seconds around. Travel time of 4 seconds on orbit level 3.

Costs 200 points in the dropship part fabricator.

Range 2, 3, 4 for each 200 If you're a xeno, you think its just a minirocket. Then you die. TGMC XN-99 Napalm.png XN-99 'Napalm' An incendiary rocket designed to cover an area in napalm for a long time. It stays on fire for a long time. Travel time of 4 seconds on orbit level 3.

Costs 200 points in the dropship part fabricator.

Range 2, 3, 4 Flame of range 5 for a minute

200 About a minute of fire. Only use to cut off a corridor, in other cases use Banshee or incendiary minirockets.

GBU-67 'Keeper II' A bomb designed to devastate armoured targets. It has less of a blast radius but is more powerful in the center. Travel time of 4 seconds on orbit level 3.

Costs 300 points in the dropship part fabricator.

Range 4, 5, 5 300 Easier to gib weak xenos. Actually no use against T4s usually, they'll shrug off any hits. Generally too expensive to fabricate, buy 4 widows instead.

Smoke Mini Rocket Stack A stack of 6 minirockets that upon impact release smoke. They are able to be fired in rapid succession. Travel time of 4 seconds on orbit level 3.

Costs 25 points in the dropship part fabricator.

Range 0, 0, 2 4.2 Actually damages. Smoke covers marines, and helps the attack. Launch if you see xeno attacking. Note that it might be harmful, for example if a medic is treating wounds on a marines and he suddenly disappears.

Illumination Rocket-Launched Flare Stack A stack of 6 minirockets that upon impact make a bright invisible flare. They are able to be fired in rapid succession but are inaccurate. Travel time of 4 seconds on orbit level 3.

Costs 25 points in the dropship part fabricator.

Range 0, 0, 2 4.2 Actually damages. Useless for you, useful for marines. Creates light, launch in areas with xeno and no direct sight from marine side.

Tangle Mini Rocket Stack A stack of 6 minirockets that upon impact release Tanglefoot gas in a large area. They are able to be fired in rapid succession. Travel time of 4 seconds on orbit level 3.

Costs 150 points in the dropship part fabricator.

Range 0, 0, 2 25 Actually damages. Best weapon to support marine attack. Large AOE, xeno fear it, marines love it.

Mini Rocket Stack A stack of 6 minirockets that explode but are not very strong. They are able to be fired in rapid succession. Travel time of 4 seconds on orbit level 3.

Costs 100 points in the dropship part fabricator.

Range 0, 2, 4 16.7 Medium damage, use to finish off running xeno.

Incendiary Mini Rocket Stack A stack of 6 minirockets that explode and also leave behind a large area in flames. They are able to be fired in rapid succession. Travel time of 4 seconds on orbit level 3

Costs 200 points in the dropship part fabricator.

No direct damage Fire range of 3

33.3 Area denial, use in corridors to prevent xeno from retreating.

High-Capacity Laser Battery A High Capacity Laser Battery capable of fitting in the Laser Beam Gun. Has a charge of 100 with each shot consuming 10 charge for a max of 10 shots before being empty. Travel time of 1 second on orbit level 3.

Costs 150 points in the dropship part fabricator.

120 Fire (before armor)

+ 20 Fire stacks

(that's a lot)

15 Make Boiler's life miserable. Do direct damage. Help the attack. Destroy xeno corridors.

Installing modules If you want to install a module or reload a weapon, you will need a powerloader, this is how you install a module, it works the same for ammunition:

Right click the powerloader Ripley MK-I.png and click “Enter powerloader” Alternatively, you can clickdrag your sprite onto the powerloader. Move infront of the module and left-click on it, you can carry two modules, simply switch active hand to carry another one. Move to the right slot and click left click on it, that’s it, you installed a module.

Drop Pods

The Drop Pods serve as a rapid one-way deployment system for shipside marines to reach the field. Click with an empty hand to enter a pod, and the UI will automatically open, allowing you to input coordinates, verify your location, launch, or exit the pod. If you close it, you can reopen the menu through the tabs in the top right of your chat window.

Pods can only be launched after the Alamo first reaches the surface. Be sure not to launch before the shutters are down, or you'll likely get swarmed and instantly die.

The console at the entrance of the Drop Pod bay isn't just for show - it can launch all manned drop pods simultaneously, for coordinated strikes.

Drop Pods' UI

Communicate with your team in order to get viable drop pod coordinates. Set them by either manually inputting the X and Y coordinates in the relevant fields, or by dragging the field up and down to increase or decrease the number.

To make sure your selected area is viable to drop to, press the “Check drop point validity” button. It will warn you if the area is roofed, inside terrain, or otherwise inaccessible.

When ready, press the “Launch Drop Pod” button. Otherwise, you can exit with the “Exit Pod” button.

Unmanned Vehicles

Sometimes the best choice is not to put yourself on the firing line. Sometimes the AI wants a chance to shoot things, too. Sometimes the Captain wants to kill Xenos, and the OB just isn't doing it. In these cases, the Unmanned Vehicle system shines.

UVs come in three chassis variants:

Light chassis: High speed, 300 health.

Medium chassis: Intermediate speed, 400 health.

Heavy chassis: Low speed, 500 health.

These are combined with the cannon, which comes in two variants:

Light cannon: 20 Damage, 0.5 Sunder

Heavy cannon: 40 Damage, 5 sunder

These are ordered separately from the Engineering section of requisitions, and must be combined when the crates arrive.

Alternatively, you can order a bipedal combat drone, or a bipedal scout drone. Note that the scout drone does not have any armament, though it does come with a built-in cloaking system. Best used for detpack bombings, if you can spare 40 points per drone.

Combat Droids will come equipped with a droid weapon, so there's no need to order one alongside them. The droid weapon you can order is expressly for reloading the combat droid, and cannot be equipped on the scout droid.

The assembly can be driven automatically by the AI, or using a vehicle controller (Also orderable from requisitions). Note that AI control and Controller control are mutually exclusive; once one operator has selected the vehicle, it cannot change to the other operation type.

All types of UVs can be repaired using a welding tool. In the event that they survive long enough to run out of ammo, more can be ordered from the Engineering section of requisitions, though it must be installed manually.

games/sc13/guides/vehicles.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/14 23:33 by wizardofaus_doku

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