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  • Alt. Titles: Merchant, Salvage Broker, Traveler (Legacy), Vagabond (Legacy)
  • Access: Trader
  • Difficulty: Hard
  • Supervisors: None. You are a free bird.
  • Duties: Acquire wealth.
  • Guides: How to get around with no access, Guide to Vox Hydroponics

Trader is a job only available to Vox and Mushrooms. It is unique in the fact that traders aren't actually members of the crew - instead of spawning on the station, they spawn on the Vox Trading Post, and they have no responsibilities or duties at all. They are not on the crew manifest, have no wireless bank account, start without a PDA, lack many station conveniences, and have no security or medical records.

Your trader experience may be extra-hard if you do one of the following:

You latejoin. Traders who join after the start of the round will be hurled through space in the direction of their outpost. If you end up bouncing out of reach of landfall, you need to throw something (the opposite direction) to give yourself momentum to reach land so you can crawl to your new home. You like to break the law. It is acceptable for security staff to “deport” traders out of an airlock if they are breaking the law. Finally, bear in mind that crew often can't tell Traders apart because of similar looking outfits and long names. Be courteous: you could make things much more difficult for your fellow Traders if you cause too much trouble.

Contents 1 Mind on Your Money 1.1 Other Equipment 1.2 Trader Shoal Account 2 Vox Has Wares, If Human Has Credit 2.1 Trade Window 2.2 Autolathe products 2.3 Vox Plants 2.4 Chemistry 2.5 Vending Machines 3 Vox Outpost 3.1 Vox outpost (Boxstation) 3.2 VSS Hindsight 3.3 Vox Fortress (Defficiency) 3.4 Trade Station (Bagel Station) 4 Advanced Trading 4.1 Setting up your own RnD 4.2 Space Exploration 4.3 Slave Trading 4.4 Other Harebrained ideas 5 Traider 5.1 Supplementary Video Mind on Your Money Vox Traders start without many of the perks of being on the station. Besides not being on the manifest and records, their clothes have no suit sensors, they have no headset, and no PDA. Your starting equipment will vary depending on which alternate title you select.

All Titles

A backpack or satchel A station-bounced radio (which becomes an uplink if the Trader is a Traitor) Vox Magboots (increased stomp damage from claws) Alien clothes, Vox pressure suit, and a large nitrogen tank 150-250 credits in a wallet.


Traders are free agents and the classic outpost experience.

A box containing one to six Donk Pockets™. A thermos with a random drink from this list: coffee, hot coco, iced coffee, tea, iced tea, water, ice, or iced beer A coin, usable at the trader vendor for cyborg upgrades.


Merchants are background checked individuals who are generally considered more trustworthy individuals than traders. Just having one on the outpost can make the crew less wary of being kidnapped by a blood cult while trading. They have a much lower chance of rolling traitor or vampire. They cannot be a roundstart cultist and their implant prevents them from being converted to a revolutionary and more difficult for a vampire to thrall.

A loyalty implant (inserted into the skull) A fax notifying the crew of the Merchat's arrival in the sector will be sent to Internal Affairs identifying the Merchant as an authorized trade partner. Upon checking in at the trade window, you receive a license to keep, too.

Salvage Broker

Salvage Brokers tend to be loners who explore space in search of vaults, sending their loot back with the SCS for other traders to sell.

One telepad beacon One salvage crate sender, a device which can send crates from deep space (but not NT station) back to telepads.

Other Equipment You can also find gear at the Trade Outfitter vendor. This vendor has some non-products that may assist the enterprising salesman.

Header text Header text Trader PDA $100; Can notify you if new traders join later and also remotely call/send your trader shuttle Trader coat Can hold many items and 'flash' its wares, which makes it useful if you have many small items – not spaceworthy and can only support small tanks (fill yours to capacity at outpost atmospherics) Trader stamp $20; Stamp things! Only usable if you have a talon hand. Needed to stamp a trade pact to recruit a new trader, like a mushroom friend you've grown. Mushroom Talon Prosthetic $80; Replaces your hand with a robo-talon so you can stamp things if you are a mushroom man. Blows off the arm of non-plant species. Fingerbox.png Crackerbox $200; Converts leftover cash into crackers. Examine to see current conversion rate. Conversation rate is randomized every 5-25 minutes. If the inserted cash would create 100 or more crackers, the box explodes. Hold it in your hands while inserting cash to pile all the crackers in one place or set it on the ground to send them flying everywhere.

Trader Shoal Account

All Vox Traders start with the PIN number for a single, shared joint bank account. Putting money into this account will give a shared discount to all traders at the trade window. You can use this to operate a Custom Vending Machine, but be considerate of your fellow traders and don't empty the account without warning. View the account number and PIN by viewing your Notes under the IC tab. The shoal debit card can also be used for this purpose, and at general vendors, if you put money in the account.

Tip: When buying from vending machines without a PDA, you have no virtual wallet. You will need to manually insert credits into the vending machine to pay for items. To do this, use the credit item on the machine when it is on the payment screen. If you buy a trader PDA, you can load money onto the virtual wallet of your ID by inserting the ID and then inserting credits into your PDA.

Vox Has Wares, If Human Has Credit

Often, what you have available to trade will be specific to your outpost, but keep in mind what average crewmembers won't have access to and may desire.

Tradewindow taptap.gif Trade Window Doing business at the trade window is a complicated dance of discounts and reputation. Every so often, the prices will shift within +20% or -20% of the base price below. There are additional discounts to be had for past business (1% off for each 100 credits spent, up to 10%) and for putting money into the shared trader account (1% off for each 250 credits stored, up to 20%).

Product Base Price Customer Description Chest.png Alcatraz IV Crate 160 Security Officer - Warden - Detective - Head of Security Contains special security tools from a list and can be purchased 4 times. All crates contain at least 6 of these items, picked at random (not including ones picked by previous crates). Each item below is listed with how many times it can be unboxed. Telebaton.png Depocket Wands (3) Security Officer Checks pockets of suspects. Instant on cuffed target. Pedometer.png Pedometers (3) Security Officer Rewards walking in hallways or maintenance. First reward is always a special tacpen, after that you can get unique donuts and coffee. Wear in pockets for best results. Labler.png Autocuffers (2) Security Officer Requires security access to use, applies melt away cuffs that vanish after removal, contains an infinite number as well. HECU.png HECU Gas Mask (2) Security Officer - Assistant Turns your CAPITAL LETTER MESSAGES into out-loud speech if they are part of the wordlist. Examine to see wordlist. BGloves.png Operator Gloves (2) Security Officer (or Internal Affairs Agent) When you click yourself (with loyalty implant) sends silent operative hand signs to other loyalty implanted people who can see you. Donutgiver.png Donutgiver Security Officer - Head of Security Responds to voice commands “Sprinkle”, “Jelly”, “Chaos”, and “Favorite” to make donuts in your hand. Each type has 3 valid voice commands, so try to guess 'em all. Bangerboy.png Banger Boy Advance Security Officer Activates a grenade and sets its timer below the minimum (1.5 seconds) if tapped with the grenade. Can be attached to sec armor (tapping the attached armor does the same). Secskirt.png Elite Security Skirt Security Officer Occasionally gives slight pain relief. Modkit.png Battering Ram Drop-Leaf Kit Warden - Head of Security Allows the battering ram to be folded up to fit in one hand/inside backpacks (still needs to be deployed to use). Vamphead.png Shrunken Vampire Head Detective Only works for those with the SOBER gene (like detectives and bartenders). Eyes light up when blood is near and can be used to “glare” individuals like a flash that pierces eye protection. Can also be used in-hand for a short-ranged, glass-breaking vampire screech. Lockbox.png Lockbox of 5 Pax Implants Warden - Head of Security Contains five implants (without implanted) with Chill Wax on a slow feed, preventing the implanted from fighting. Secwaygif.gif Custom Secway Kit Security Officer Customize your own secway! By default it has 2x health the normal secway and is much better equipped to ram people without knocking yourself over; it comes with the warden's spare secway key. You can also apply certain materials to add up to 3 upgrades (out of a possible 12), examine to see what you can tack on and what they do. Use it in-hand to change the name, appearance, and finalize your ride. Pops out a full one on its own, does not need an existing secway. Stun Helmet.png Stun Helmet Security Officer A helmet with an orange light attached that, when biting someone, stuns them similar to a stun baton. Can be recharged by placing it on a weapon recharger or by standing in a cyborg recharger with it on. Ammotreemature.png Ammo Tree seed Warden - Head of Security A seed for a genetically engineered tree that produces metallic fruit that can be fed to the Ammolathe for precious material. You need to hit it with a battering ram for it to start growing. Eshotgun.png Energy Shotgun Security Officer Contains the energy shotgun. Alt click to toggle firemode between HUNTER (fast electrode) and SWEEPER (fires 3 projectiles). Comes in a high-tech security lockbox that needs security access, which cannot be opened using anything other than an ID with the required access. If emag'd, drilled, or otherwise forced open, it will instead trigger the bluespace security system and teleport a short distance away. Taser.png Ricochet Taser Security Officer A taser that fires diagonal, bouncy stun rounds for when your target is slippery. Comes in a high-tech lockbox that needs security access. Wolf Front.png Security livestock crate Security Officer Contains a wolf and 4 meat to tame it. Opening this requires a crowbar while wearing a security ID. The meat may not be enough to tame the wolf if unlucky (see page for details). O2crate.png Cloud IX Crate 160 Station Engineer - Atmospheric Technician Contains 15 random items pulled from a list which serve many engineering purposes. Can be purchased 3 times. AirshieldProjector.png Airshield Projector (3) Station Engineer Projects an unstackable shield that prevents air from moving for 9 seconds. A projector can sustain 6 shields simultaneously. Jar.png Antimatter Decelerator Station Engineer A modified Antimatter Containment Tank that self charges when exposed to radiation. AntiqueMatterSynth.png Antique Matter Synthetizer Station Engineer - Chief Engineer Allows engineers to harness their engines to create a wide variety of useful tools, resources, and machines, namely Metal, Glass, Plasteel, Plasma glass, Wood, Plastic, Sulfuric acid bottles, Iron and Aluminium foam grenades, Flare guns, Flares, Socket wrenches, Foam extinguishers, Empty O2 and plasma tanks, Portable pumps, Portable scrubbers, Air conditioners, Space heaters, Tractors, Carts, Emitters, Radiation collectors, Prisms, and MSGSs. Magmaw.png Engineering livestock crate Station Engineer Contains a Magmaw, which emits flames when fed plasma ore or sheets. Useful for some engineering feats. Opening this requires a crowbar while wearing an engineering ID. SASS.gif F.R.A.S.S Sphere (2) Station Engineer Frequency-Reticulated Anti-Supermatter Safeguards Spheres. Holding one of these in your bag, hand or pocket will protect you from supermatter collisions, though it will leave you stunned on the floor for about a minute. Hope your radiation protection lasts. Giant Hamster.png Giant Hamster (2) Station Engineer Genetically engineered hamsters roughly the size of a capybara designed for treadmill power generation. One of these on a basic treadmill will get you roughly 70000w per tick. They don't need to breathe oxygen, but will still suffer from pressure damage. They are affected by performance enhancing chemicals, like sugar or sports drink. ActivatedGoldenGloves.gif Golden Gloves Station Engineer Gloves with a golden lining and an unknown liquid coating on the outside. If worn normally, these will cause 2x the damage from any one shock. However, if you try and touch the supermatter with these on, you will be stopped by them and the gloves will absorb some of it's properties, making it heal damage from shocks instead. Vaporizer-folded.png Industrial Vaporizer (2) Atmospheric Technician Filled with vapor salts. Can rapidly refill a room's air supply with mix configurable based on demand - this can refill even large rooms very quickly on high settings. Requires engineering access and it can be stowed in a backpack, making it more convenient than a canister. Requires power, runs on less power if supplied with oxygen/nitrogen(or less effectively water). Needs more vapor salts if it runs out. Omnitool.png Omnitool (2) Station Engineer Works as a multitool and a wirecutter and must be toggled betwen the two modes. Allows for remote use of APCs and Air Alarms. Mastertoolbox.gif Master Toolbox Station Engineer Quickgathers items off the ground, use in-hand to become undroppable. Wasteos.gif Waste-Os Station Engineer Pour in ethanol from the degreaser tank to get three supermatter chunks. These will annihilate body parts that touch them, but if you can figure out a way to combine with the supermatter shard, it will power up. Antimatteraxe.gif Antimatter Axe Kit Atmospheric Technician Inhales, extinguishing fire and storing a huge amount of air from a room. Exhales to release that air, cooled. GrayCrate.png Shoal Junk Crate 110 Anyone Contains 9 random items pulled from a list that the Shoal has “lawfully” acquired over the years. Can be purchased 3 times. It is tacitly implied by the Shoal that you purchase these crates and sell their contents instead of directly selling the box. Dye.png Skin Dye Anyone - Assistant Turns your skin a different shade, with three uses. It can be hard to predict exactly how your skin will turn out due to the base skin color blending with it. Use of the item also gives a little bit of toxin. Upgradeinjector.png Upgrade Injector (5) Anyone with machines. Upgrades the parts in a machine, one time. You can't take parts in or out, and you can't scan them directly. This one has mostly tier 2 parts, rarely tier 3. Superupgradeinjector.gif Super Upgrade Injector (5) Anyone with machines. Upgrades the parts in a machine, one time. You can't take parts in or out, and you can't scan them directly. This one has mostly tier 3 parts, rarely tier 4. SyndicateBox.png Box of Winter (3) Assistant In a medium-size circle, creates snow on the ground, festive lights on the walls, a pile of snowballs, and either a snowman or a Saint Corgi. Boreregg.png Borer Egg Scientist When exposed to plasma gas, allows a Borer to hatch. Crafty non-scientists can accomplish this using the station incinerator. Vinyl.png Echoes Vinyl Bartender Contains a special jukebox playlist with one song - Echos by Pink Floyd. To add the vinyl, you need access to the jukebox setting page. Seadevil.gif Sea Devil Chef Once inserted into a fish tank, will automatically hatch new eggs. Be careful about setting it down, as it will move around on the ground. Psychcouch.png Therapy Couch Chaplain - Medical Doctor - Assistant This relaxing couch will let you hear the ocean waves (must have ambience on). When buckled into it, a patient will rapidly recover from dizziness, hallucinations, pain, stuttering, drowsiness, confusion, and jittering. Grenade.png Discount Dan's Station in a Can Station Engineer - Assistant Creates a miniature station about one screen width out of inflatable walls, floors, and doors. For best results, deploy away from the station. Mixes poorly with solar panels since they can block walls and let out gasses. Crankcharger.png Generous Crank Roboticist - Spacepod Mechanic - Assistant A crank charger that can charge anything (but guns) without having to swap the cell. You can't change out the cell and the power inside decays if left unpumped. Handy for quickly powering up an APC or any number of things - cyborgs, mechas, spacepods, etc. Box.png Box of Bluespace Crystals Scientist - Mechanic Contains 6 telecrystals, that can be used to power up the telescience machine and can power a Subspace Tunneler which can steal all sorts of things at a distance, including machinery and mechas. Also contains a bluespace tomato, which can be seed extracted and farmed. High potency bluespace tomatoes teleport things they are thrown at. GrayCrate.png Wholesale Capsule Kit Assistant A box with 60 Gasha Capsules that have a random prize. Gotta collect 'em all. GrayCrate.png Yantar Medical Crate 220 Chief Medical Officer Contains the below three items. SyndicateBox.png Bluespacebeaker.gif Chemist's Pallet Chemist Contains three valuable chemicals in bottles: Peridaxon, Rezadone, and Guide_to_Chemistry#Nanobots. Also contains one bluespace beaker (200u), one supermatter beaker (100u, quickly heats contents but irradiates you while holding it), and one comically large Erlenmeyer flask (250u, does not fit in dispenser, can be used as a jar). Flatpack.png CondiMaster.png Ancient Flatpack: Electrolytic ChemMaster Chemist Like a normal chemmaster, but it can break down any chemical in the inserted beaker to component parts, and its internal reservoir is NOREACT (chems won't mix inside it). Securecage.png Medical livestock crate Surgeon Contains 4 Frankenstein Monsters, brainless humanoids cobbled together with parts from different races. Opening this requires a crowbar while wearing a medical ID. Diskred.gif Coordinates to the Mecha Graveyard 100 Shaft Miner - Scientist This destination disk can be inserted into the station mining, research (combined with mining on Packed and Defficiency), or security (Meta, Bagel, Roid only) ferries. The location can be stripped for a great deal of useful metal, plasteel, mecha parts, and mecha addons. The Clarke and two Ripleys always contain free modules. Cabinet.png Wonderful Wardrobe 150 Everyone Contains 10 cosmetic clothing items from below - not counting the guaranteed clown shoes. Advanced Clown Shoes Clown No-slip shoes in gaudy gold colors. You can configure the sound on these by right clicking to make annoying noises in a variety of flavors every other step. Only someone with the CLUMSY gene can use them. If emagged, they'll produce a sound with every step instead. If emagged when already making a sound each step somehow, you'll get a very special gift from the Honkmother herself. Set of Armbands Contains armband accessories that can be added to any jumpsuit. Comes with one for each department. Clown Spacesuit Clown Comes with helmet. It squeaks so the clown may use magboots without losing his squeak. Set of Winter Coats Heads of Staff Contains one of each head of staff winter coat, as well as the elf and slime coats. Hardened Gemsuit High energy protection (20%), and a wizard favorite. Ancient Space Suit Very high radiation protection (100%) but little else. Set of Plasmaman Suits One for each head of staff job, as well as bee and cultist suits. Mask of the Corgi Takes time to equip, but transforms the wearer into a corgi. If you die as a corgi, you die for real! Vampire Coat A little melee, bullet, laser, and energy protection. Don't get mistaken for a vampire! Emperor's New Clothes Invisible when worn. Headset Earmuffs These prevent you from hearing sounds nearby but allow you to talk and listen over radio. Great for dealing with vampires or HONK mechs. …and more! The wardrobe can also contain pure cosmetics that need no explanation, like the vice officer jumpsuit, magnificent magboots, skeleton suit, lich outfit, clockwork outfit, xeno claw necklace, Richard outfit, Biker outfit, sneaking suit (with headband), Grey racial spacesuit, Vault 13 jumpsuit, xeno-leather outfit, Galo outfit, and lucky rabbit foot accessory. Modkit.png Exosuit expansion kit 50 Roboticist - Anyone with a mech. Increases the equipment slots on an exosuit by 1. Vacuum.png Wet/dry vacuum 50 Janitor A useful tool that can dry floors, suck up cleanables (fuel/flour/radium spills, cobwebs, vomit, crayons markings, blood, gibs, etc.) and trash. Use the handle on the target floor or drag from the floor to the vac to suck. Drag from the vac to a beaker or disposal to empty. Cleaning will pick up reagents, including some interesting ones like spiders and colorful reagent. Huntingrifle.png Hunting Rifle 100 Security Officer A .38 caliber rifle that can be equipped with a scope (ammolathe, or autolathe contraband). Not very effective against humans, but deals 6x damage against animals. It fits inside of the trader coat. Barricadekit.pngCargoposter.png Cargo Cache Kit 50 Quartermaster - Cargo Technician Looks identical to a normal cargo poster, but has a hidden compartment behind it that can be used to store illicit items. Flatpack.png Condidispenser.png Ancient Flatpack: Condiment Dispenser 100 Chef Requires a little bit of assembly unlike a normal flatpack (instructions included but may have misprints). Puts condiments right onto food (or into condiment bottles). Does salt, pepper, ketchup, mustard, relish, hot sauce, cold sauce, butter, soy sauce, and sprinkles. Pbag.PNG Mystery Cube Box 75 Lonely People Actually a paper bag with 1-3 unwrapped randomized mobcubes inside. These cubes are different from Xenobio gold cores in that they pick from any simple mob (with the normal blacklists) rather than just hostile ones. While you can get some silly things you're also fairly likely to get a mouse or a parrot. Beakerbox.png Assorted Chemical Pack 30 Chemist A box containing 5 vials (25u) of random chemicals with a small blacklist. You're probably going to get 4 bar drinks and some nitrogen or maybe you'll get some phazon salt or combat nanos. Circuitbox.png Children's Circuitry Circus Educational Toy Booster Pack 30 Mechanic - Roboticist A box containing 3 random circuits, identical in every way to the way spessmart vault spawns them. It also contains a solder, a beaker of sulfuric acid, and a legally binding permission slip. Box.png Surplus Material Scrap Box 50 Scientist - Roboticist - Potentially Clown Contains 5 random stacks from all normal mineral sheets besides plasma, as NT doesn't just let good plasma rot in a warehouse to be sold in unmarked boxes. They will primarily give you metal but you're likely to get 1-2 other materials per box as well, such as silver, gold, uranium, and even phazon and bananium. The rarer the material the smaller the stack. Box.png Surplus Odd Material Scrap Box 30 Anyone The odd variant of the Surplus Material Scrap Box contains some stranger materials, such as brass, replicant alloy, bones, xeno and human hide, and gingerbread. They vary in usefulness from mostly none to almost none to bar renovation. Freezercrate.png Bootleg Picnic Supplies 50 Hungry People Contains 4 random types of food and 2 random types of drinks. These have no blacklist. You'd be surprised at what you can loosely define as a “drink”. Premium Insert Customer Description Upgrade1.gif Cyborg Upgrade Goldcoin.png Coin Roboticist - Cyborg Three random cyborg upgrades can be accessed by inserting a coin. It can be any upgrade other than the magnetic gripper, including: illegal equipment, reset, rename, restart, VTEC, jetpack, medical upgrade, organ gripper, engineering upgrade, service cooking, service HUEY, service HONK, taser cooler, security NOIR, security WATCH, and hookshot. Autolathe products Available right away on Bus and Defficiency. The autolathe can be easily built on Box by deconstructing the seed extractor and biogenerator for parts and using the provided circuitboard. Once you've built the autolathe, you can print new parts to fix the old machines.

Assembly parts, but especially igniters and speakers, may be popular.

Large beakers are often marketed to medbay.

Kitchen knives can be used for makeshift weapons.

Stock parts will allow you to build any machine you can get the circuitboard for.

Multitools and welding masks sometimes sell to assistants.

Surgical tools may allow you to sell your services as an alternative to medbay, and circular saws in particular have high force, or may be used to saw off the Bartender's shotgun.

Vox Plants

Main article: Guide to Vox Hydroponics

No-fruit or no-fruit pie may roll onto a valuable food or meal.

Garlic and its products could be highly valuable during certain game types.

Breadfruit can be more useful for flour than wheat if its potency is improved.

Wood products can be made after slicing woodapples.

Tinfoil hats, made from combining pie tins, may interest those with active arrest warrants.

Chemistry Main article: Guide to Chemistry

Available immediately at every outpost except Box.

Space lube for the Clown Space cleaner for the Janitor Diethylamine, Unstable Mutagen for the Botanist Metal foam grenades for Engineer staff Medicine for anyone Hyperzine for Miners, who may be found on the asteroid The Bartender may desire radium for Singulo or Tricordrazine for Doctor's Delight The Chef may need sulfuric acid for soy sauce or Clonexadone for synthmeat Vending Machines Especially once they are hacked, machines can produce items of interest to the crew.

Handcuffs, flashes, sunglasses, donuts, and bolas from the SecureTech Vendor Blood bags, sleeping pills, droppers, and trail mix bottles from the NanoMed Plus High capacity power cells from the EngiVend Vox Outpost Each outpost has an entirely Nitrogen atmosphere, allowing you to safely remove your internals from the start of the shift. Each, however, provides an extremely different trading experience. Each outpost, except the Satellite on Bus, is near a Vox Raider docking port, so you may be visited if a heist is active.

Vox outpost (Boxstation)

Located between the Mining Station and Research Outpost, this is the oldest outpost. It has a trade shuttle to the station and a trade floor for deals with miners and scientists. This station was the first, and it has far more botanical trays than its counterparts.

One NanoMed Plus, two SecureTech, one YouTool, one Engivend, one Tradervend 22 botany trays Xenobotany room with mutagen and floral somatoray (no floral disks included) VSS Hindsight The Metaclub outpost is a massive shuttle with chambers for sleepers, engineering, plus several pieces of on-board machinery. The starting dock is a solar farm for charging up, because this shuttle's versatility comes at a price: it needs to be powered. Besides the station, it can also dock at a special casino area on the asteroid where you may be able to sell goods to a captive, entertained audience. You can change out the portable SMES by unwrenching them from the connection ports.

Chem dispenser, chemmaster, smartfridge, box of pill bottles, pill collector SecureTech Autolathe Industrial vaporizer instead of a gas miner Three sleepers onboard The casino also has a number of useful features:

Fish tank Six botany trays and one microwave Boozeomat Shooting range Arcades and slot machines Light tiles + remote control Vox Fortress (Defficiency) The most well-fortified and well-equipped of the Vox outposts. Starts on its own asteroid and fully equipped with ore refinement facilities, it is only a short space walk to the main asteroid with the mining station and research outpost. As such, it has a trade floor near the front. In addition to ore furnace, it comes with:

One SecureTech, one Engivine, one YouTool, one Tradervend Chemistry, Autolathe, and fully-stocked kitchen with all tools Fully-stocked bar with every drink dispenser Gun cabinet, recharger, and crossbow 11 botany trays Random loot in the trade storage backroom Trade Station (Bagel Station) Solid run of the mill station, with generic facilities and a shuttle. Fairly spacious, and has some unique items.

One Nanomed Plus, one Engivend, one YouTool, one Tradervend Two squirt guns (can be refilled with fun chemicals like polyacid) Portable holomaps which allow for easy exploration of the asteroid z level Chem dispenser, and genetics console, with tarjans for experimentation Several botany trays Spacious Engineering Some toys, credits, and robotic eyes in the trade room Trade storage contains random loot. A safe near the bedroom that no one will ever bother to crack Advanced Trading The trade shuttle sadly doesn't get much traffic, so trading can become very demoralizing. When you get bored of no one showing up to your store, try these more unorthodox get rich quick schemes.

Setting up your own RnD If you can get circuits from Science, and an ID with RnD access, you can set up your own RnD lab. You may be asking, 'Isn't giving a trader a RnD set wildly irresponsible?' The answer is of course yes. But the Science department's thirst for Ore is greater than their common sense, so they may trade you the required parts for a materials shipment, especially if there are no active Miners. Once you get RnD set up, the possibilities are endless. Either be discrete, or stay on security's good side.

Space Exploration

Trader is hands down the best role for space exploration. Grab 2 jetpacks, a GPS, enable your clawboots and jump out an airlock. For extra range drag a nitrogen canister behind you, and refill your jetpacks when they get low. Vault exploration can yield some very rare and powerful gear, which can be brought back to the station and sold to traitors and assistants. There are also some static structures in space which are worth checking out. Space is dangerous though, so it's good to bring friends, or at least ask them to check on your GPS periodically and plead with telescience to retrieve your dead bird carcass if you stop moving.

Slave Trading For most Nanotrasen employees, becoming the property of a vox trader is a fate worse than death. Remind security about this, and they may sell you some misbehaved crew members to work in your gardens! To decrease suicides, promise the prisoners that you will let them go free if they work hard. (Don't ever free them) Beware prisoner insurrections.

Other Harebrained ideas

Space Tourism: Locate the salvage shuttle in deep space. Or you can just trade the shuttle to a bored cargo tech for a dozen eguns, and then sell those to the crew.

Borer Farm: Borer husbandry is an ancient vox tradition. Sell the borers to the crew as new best friends.

Art gallery: Collect art and charge admission to see it. The clown is a logical business partner in this venture.

Investment Bank: Invest in enterprising crew members and departments using seed money from one of your other productive enterprises.

Casino: Get a deck of cards, a card table, chairs and deal blackjack or poker. Then find some slot machines, and alcohol, and you are set. Bonus points for doing it all on the salvage shuttle.

Car dealership: Steal the janicart and clowncar and drive them to your ship. Pray for a firebird. Make some spacepods from the space pod fabricator to supplement your inventory. Unleash your inner shady used car salesmen.

Restaurant: Self explanatory.

Private Medbay: Your for-profit medical facilities will provide a higher standard of care than the station's socialist counterpart. Or at least that's what you'll tell people.


Antag Trader is a blessing and a curse. On one hand, you have lots of tools at your disposal. On the other hand, the crew and security will be eager to lynch you as soon as they smell wrong doing. The key to success is stealth. A few tips

If you need to commit a crime around witnesses, wear the brown trader exosuit, and take off your ID. When you get pulled in for questioning later just blame a trader that doesn't exist. Enjoy watching security go on a wild goose chase after your mythical cousin Tichickyiakykathaitaia.

Traders are thick as thieves. Other traders (and occasionally station vox) will sometimes be willing to help you, especially if you make it worth their while.

The vox outpost is a great place to hide incriminating evidence.

If you are properly equipped, you can always just jump out an airlock when you catch heat from security.

When the trader shuttle is moving through hyperspace, no one can hear your victims scream…

The telecoms on the asteroid z level can be disabled with a multitool. (It's somewhere on the mining outpost on most maps)

Traders now have a job specific item that allows salvage crates to be teleported from ANYWHERE, including the main station. Makes stealing things much more fun as salvage broker.

games/sc13/guides/trading_post.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/14 23:40 by wizardofaus_doku

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