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Guide to Tools and Mods

This page holds the list of many of the tools you will find in and around the universe, ranging from makeshift tools made of scrap you would find anywhere to highly advanced tools that are extremely rare artifacts discoverable by Xenoarchaeology or exploring the dungeons of strange worlds.

Getting back on track, these are the tools you will need to use to construct and deconstruct a large range of objects; medical and mining tools are also included. Each variant is typically more effective than the previous, and the best part about them is that they can be upgraded with specialized toolmods. These can improve the workspeed, tool duration, battery capacity or even make the tool silent for hacking into doors or hacking locked closets.

Tool Stats

Each tool with a quality has its own stat of Precision and Workspeed, which can be checked if different from normal by either examining the tool, or pressing the “i” button on your HUD when holding it. These values tend to go into the negatives on visibly old tools found in maintenance or during salvage.

Precision indicates the success rate of a tool in general circumstances. Higher is better; negative not so much. Failure rates are also dependent on your relevant Stats and the quality of the tool's function.

Workspeed is the multiplier of how fast a task is when using the tool. Again, higher is better.

Construction Tools


Item Description Tool Qualities
Screwpusher A little metal rod wrapped in tape; barely qualifies as a tool. This can be fixed with enough tool mods, for which it has ample capacity. SCREW_DRIVING = 15
Screwdriver You can use this to open panels, screw stuff and such things. SCREW_DRIVING = 30, BONE_SETTING = 10
Electric Screwdriver An electrical screwdriver, powered by an S class cell. Can be used as a drilling tool if necessary, though is not well suited to do so. SCREW_DRIVING = 40, DRILLING = 10, BONE_SETTING = 10
CombiDriver Drive screws, drive bolts, drill bones - you can do everything with it. Uses S class cells. SCREW_DRIVING = 50, BOLT_TURNING = 50, DRILLING = 20
RobCo CombiDriver A combidriver from Robco Robots. Does better than the standard combidrivers on the market, but has less slots for tool mods. Also uses S class cells. SCREW_DRIVING = 60, BOLT_TURNING = 60, DRILLING = 25


Item Description Tool Qualities
Sheet Spanner A flat bit of metal with some usefully shaped holes cut into it. Would perform better than a regular wrench with some tool mods investment. BOLT_TURNING = 20, HAMMERING = 5
Wrench A wrench with many common uses. Can be usually found in your hand. BOLT_TURNING = 30, HAMMERING = 10
Big Wrench If all else fails - bring a bigger wrench. This time, you're no longer asking. BOLT_TURNING = 40, HAMMERING = 15


Item Description Tool Qualities
Choppa A wicked serrated blade made of whatever nasty sharp things you could find. It would make a pretty decent weapon, given there are more space for some tool mods too. SAWING = 15, CUTTING = 10, WIRE_CUTTING = 10
Metal Saw For cutting wood and other objects to pieces. Or sawing bones, in case of emergency. SAWING = 30, CUTTING = 20, WIRE_CUTTING = 20
Chainsaw You can cut trees, people, walls and zombies with it, just watch out for fuel. SAWING = 60, CUTTING = 50, WIRE_CUTTING = 20
TM Hypersaw This eco-friendly chainsaw will Rip and Tear until it is done. Runs off of a cell instead of fuel. SAWING = 60, CUTTING = 50, WIRE_CUTTING = 20


Item Description Tool Qualities
Wiremanglers An improvised monstrosity made of bent rods which can sometimes be used to snip things. Could serve you well if you stuff it with enough tool mods. WIRE_CUTTING = 20, RETRACTING = 10, BONE_SETTING = 10
Wirecutters Cuts wires and other objects with it. WIRE_CUTTING = 30, RETRACTING = 15, BONE_SETTING = 15
Armature Cutter Bigger brother of the wirecutter. Can't do much in terms of emergency surgery, but does its main job better. WIRE_CUTTING = 40, CUTTING = 30
Pliers A multitool from the world of maintenance. Useful for pinching, clamping, and occasionally bolt turning. WIRE_CUTTING = 10, CLAMPING = 20, BOLT_TURNING = 15, BONE_SETTING = 20

Welding Tools

Item Description Tool Qualities
Jury-rigged Torch An assembly of pipes attached to a little gas tank. Serves capably as a welder, though a bit risky. Can be improved greatly with large amount of tool mods. WELDING = 15, CAUTERIZING = 10, WIRE_CUTTING = 10
Welding Tool Used to weld or unweld things. Don't forget your welding helmet/goggles if you value your eyes. WELDING = 30, CAUTERIZING = 10, WIRE_CUTTING = 10
Advanced Welding Tool A better version of the welding tool. WELDING = 40, CAUTERIZING = 15, WIRE_CUTTING = 15
Arc Welder A high-powered reimagining of the welding tool, this one runs off an M class cell, and can even be used to weld things without needing eye protection. Can also be used as a multitool or tazer. WELDING = 40, CAUTERIZING = 15, WIRE_CUTTING = 15, PULSING = 15
Greyson Welding Tool A Greyson welding tool. Very powerful and reliable, but its compact design causes it to suffer from a lack of both fuel storage and efficiency. WELDING = 30, CAUTERIZING = 10, WIRE_CUTTING = 10


Item Description Tool Qualities
Rebar A pair of metal rods laboriously twisted into a useful shape. Has more space for tool mods because it's hand-made. PRYING = 10, DIGGING = 10, HAMMERING = 10
Crowbar Used to remove floors and to pry open doors. PRYING = 25, DIGGING = 10, HAMMERING = 10
Pneumatic Crowbar When you really need to crack open something. Works on an M class cell. PRYING = 40, DIGGING = 35
Greyson Crowbar Looks like a classic one, but more durable. Has more space for mods too. PRYING = 25, DIGGING = 10


Item Description Tool Qualities
Hammer Used for applying small amounts of blunt force to a surface. HAMMERING = 20, PRYING = 10
Powered Hammer Used for applying excessive blunt force to a surface. Powered edition. HAMMERING = 30
Greyson Sledgehammer A sledgehammer model produced by Greyson Positronics, used for applying immeasurable blunt force to anything in your way. Capable of breaching even the toughest obstacles, and cracking the most resilient skulls. HAMMERING = 50
Homewrecker A large steel chunk welded to a long handle which resembles a sledgehammer. Extremely heavy. HAMMERING = 15
Rocket Hammer After many issues with Engineering interns trying unsuccessfully to hammer a nail into plasteel, one crafty student wondered what could be achieved by attaching a stellar-grade ship engine to the back. On (HAMMERING = 60)
Off (HAMMERING = 35)


Item Description Tool Qualities
Multitool Used for pulsing wires to test which to cut, as well as checking the voltage of active powerlines. You can also use this on airlocks, APCs or lockers to try to hack them. PULSING = 35
Advanced Multitool Like a multitool, but can take M class cells and is generally better quality. PULSING = 60

Tape and Glue

Item Description Tool Qualities
Web Tape A strip of fabric covered in an all-natural adhesive. Made by spiders, from spiders, of spiders. ADHESIVE = 15, SEALING = 15
Duct Tape The guildsman's eternal friend. Fixes just about anything for a while. Leave it to the next shift, they totally got it. ADHESIVE = 30, SEALING = 30
Fiber Tape A roll of flexible adhesive polymer mesh, which sets as strong as welded steel. ADHESIVE = 50, SEALING = 50
Flex Tape The Holy Grail of repairwork, it can fix a whole lotta damage. Maybe even a little more. ADHESIVE = 100, SEALING = 100
Superglue A bucket of milky white fluid. Can be used to stick things together, but unlike tape, it cannot be used to seal things. ADHESIVE = 40, CAUTERIZING = 5


Item Description Tool Qualities Cable Coil An approximately 30m spool of electrical cabling, coming in many fun colors! Prone to fraying. N/A
Munchkin 5000 A fuel powered monster of a tool. Its welding attachment is capable of welding things without an eye-damaging flash, so no eye protection is required. SCREW_DRIVING = 50, BOLT_TURNING = 50, DRILLING = 20, WELDING = 30, CAUTERIZING = 10
Engineering Omnitool An all-in-one engineering tool implant. Convenient to use and more effective than the basics, but much less efficient than customized or more specialized tools. SCREW_DRIVING = 35, BOLT_TURNING = 35, DRILLING = 15, WELDING = 30, CAUTERIZING = 10, PRYING = 25, DIGGING = 20, PULSING = 30, WIRE_CUTTING = 30
Polytool A truly wonderful fusion of the 'Munchkin 5000' and the Arc Welder, the burning flame it provides is almost grossly incandescent. SCREW_DRIVING = 75, BOLT_TURNING = 75, DRILLING = 40, PULSING = 60, WIRE_CUTTING = 30, WELDING = 60, CAUTERIZING = 30
Rapid Construction Device A device used to rapidly build walls and floors. N/A
Rapid Piping Device A device used to rapidly build pipes. N/A

Medical Tools


Item Description Tool Qualities
Shiv A pointy piece of glass, abraded to an edge and wrapped in tape for a handle. Could become a decent tool or weapon with right tool mods. CUTTING = 15, WIRE_CUTTING = 5, DRILLING = 5
Scalpel Cut, cut, and once more cut. CUTTING = 30, WIRE_CUTTING = 10
Advanced Scalpel Made of more expensive materials, sharper and generally more reliable. CUTTING = 40, WIRE_CUTTING = 10
Laser Scalpel A scalpel which uses a directed laser to slice instead of a blade, for more precise surgery while also cauterizing as it cuts. CUTTING = 40, WIRE_CUTTING = 20, LASER_CUTTING = 40, CAUTERIZING = 20


Item Description Tool Qualities
Hemostat Used to clamp blood vessels to prevent bleeding. CLAMPING = 30


Item Description Tool Qualities
Retractor Keeps the flesh open during surgery. RETRACTING = 30

Bone Setters

Item Description Tool Qualities
Bonesetter Used to set broken or dislocated bones. BONE_SETTING = 30


Item Description Tool Qualities
Cautery This closes and seals opened flesh. CAUTERIZING = 30

Circular Saws

Item Description Tool Qualities
Circular Saw Used to remove limbs, cut lumber or saw through that pesky ribcage. SAWING = 40, CUTTING = 30, WIRE_CUTTING = 30
Advanced Circular Saw Removes limbs with greater ease. Either tree or organic, your choice. SAWING = 50, CUTTING = 40, WIRE_CUTTING = 40

Surgical Drills

Item Description Tool Qualities
Surgical Drill You can drill using this item. You dig? DRILLING = 30


Item Description Tool Qualities
Medical Omnitool An all-in-one medical tool implant based on the legendary Greyson's model. While convenient, it is less efficient than more advanced surgical tools, such as laser scalpels, and requires a power cell. CLAMPING = 30, RETRACTING = 30, BONE_SETTING = 30, CAUTERIZING = 30, SAWING = 15, CUTTING = 30, WIRE_CUTTING = 15
Greyson Medmultitool A compact Greyson-brand medical multitool. It has all surgery tools. CLAMPING = 30, RETRACTING = 30, BONE_SETTING = 30, CAUTERIZING = 30, SAWING = 15, CUTTING = 30, WIRE_CUTTING = 25

Digging and Mining


Item Description Tool Quality
Junk Shovel A large but fragile tool for moving dirt and rock, made by hand. Has more than enough space for tool mods to make it better. SHOVELING = 25, DIGGING = 25, EXCAVATION = 10, HAMMERING = 10
Shovel A large tool for digging and moving dirt and rock. SHOVELING = 30, DIGGING = 30, EXCAVATION = 10, HAMMERING = 10
Combat Crovel Whether prying open crates in the market, or tending soil in the garden, this can still cave in the skull of any unfortunate maggot to cross your path. SHOVELING = 30, DIGGING = 30, EXCAVATION = 10, HAMMERING = 10, PRYING = 10
Power Shovel 9000 A powered shovel for all your dumpster diving needs. SHOVELING = 60, DIGGING = 40, EXCAVATION = 20, HAMMERING = 15


Item Description Tool Qualities
Hand Pickaxe A smaller, more precise version of the pickaxe, used for archeology excavation. EXCAVATION = 30, PRYING = 15
Pickaxe The most basic of mining tools, for short excavations and small mineral extractions. EXCAVATION = 30, PRYING = 20
Greyson Pickaxe A standard Greyson tool. A historical remnant from the time actual humans were employed. DIGGING = 40, PRYING = 20


Item Description Tool Qualities
Jackhammer Cracks rocks with pneumatic impacts, perfect for killing cave lizards. DIGGING = 35
Greyson Jackhammer A heavy Greyson tool that cracks rocks with pneumatic force, perfect for killing capitalist pigs. DIGGING = 35


Item Description Tool Qualities
Mining Drill Yours is the drill that will pierce through the rock walls. DIGGING = 40, DRILLING = 10
Diamond-point Mining Drill Yours is the drill that will pierce the heavens! DIGGING = 50, DRILLING = 20
Greyson Mining Drill Yours is the drill that will pierce through the worker. Metaphorically. DIGGING = 40, DRILLING = 10


Reduces Tool Degradation

Item Description Modifiers Required Qualities
Brace Bar A sturdy pole made of fiber tape and plasteel rods. Can be used to reinforce the shaft of many tools. DEGRADATION_MULT = 0.65, FORCE_MOD = 1 Any tool that has a shaft.
Heatsink An array of plasteel fins which dissipates heat, reducing damage and extending the lifespan of power tools. DEGRADATION_MULT = 0.65, HEALTH_THRESHOLD = 10 Any tool that uses fuel or power.
Reinforced Plating A sturdy bit of plasteel that can be bolted onto any tool to protect it. Tough, but bulky. DEGRADATION_MULT = 0.55, FORCE_MOD = 1, PRECISION = -5, BULK = 1, HEALTH_THRESHOLD = 10 Any tool or weapon.
Metal Guard A bent piece of metal that wraps around sensitive parts of a tool, protecting it from impacts, debris, and stray fingers. DEGRADATION_MULT = 0.75, PRECISION = 5, HEALTH_THRESHOLD = 10 Any tool or melee weapon.
Phoron Sink A phoron sink is way more efficient to dissipate heat than classic heatsinks or waterblocks thanks to the tremendous heat-transfer capacity of liquid phoron. The fluid is actively pumped through a radiator and cooled by fans. It greatly extends the lifespan of power tools. DEGRADATION_MULT = 0.45, HEALTH_THRESHOLD = 10, POWERCOST_MULT = 1.05, FUELCOST_MULT = 1.05 Any tool that uses fuel or power.
Rubber Mesh A rubber mesh that can wrapped around sensitive parts of a tool, protecting them from impacts and debris. DEGRADATION_MULT = 0.7, HEALTH_THRESHOLD = 5 Any tool or melee weapon.

Increases Workspeed

Item Description Modifiers Required Qualities
Ratcheting Mechanism A mechanical upgrade for wrenches and screwdrivers which allows the tool to only turn in one direction. WORKSPEED = 0.25 Only screwdrivers.
Red Paint Do red tools really work faster, or is the effect purely psychological? WORKSPEED = 0.20, PRECISION = -10 All tools and weapons.
Sharpening Block A rough single-use block to sharpen a blade. The honed edge cuts smoothly. WORKSPEED = 0.15, PRECISION = 5, FORCE_MULT = 1.15 Any item that has a blade.
Diamond Edge An adaptable industrial grade cutting disc, with diamond dust worked into the metal. Exceptionally durable. WORKSPEED = 0.25, DEGRADATION_MULT = 0.85, FORCE_MULT = 1.10 Any item that has a blade.
Oxyjet Canister A canister of pure, compressed oxygen with adapters for mounting onto a welding tool. Used alongside fuel, it allows for higher burn temperatures. WORKSPEED = 0.20, FORCE_MULT = 1.15, DEGRADATION_MULT = 1.15, HEALTH_THRESHOLD = -10 Only welders.
High Power Motor A motor for power tools with a higher horsepower than usually expected. Significantly enhances productivity and lifespan, but more expensive to run and harder to control. WORKSPEED = 0.5, FORCE_MULT = 1.15, DEGRADATION_MULT = 1.15, POWERCOST_MULT = 1.35, FUELCOST_MULT = 1.35, PRECISION = -10, HEALTH_THRESHOLD = -10 Any tool that uses a motor.
Anti-Staining Paint Applying a thin coat of this paint on a tool prevents stains, dirt, grime, or dust to adhere to its surface. Everyone works better and faster with clean tools. WORKSPEED = 0.30, PRECISION = 5, ITEMFLAGPLUS = NOBLOODY All tools and weapons.
Booster Chip When you do not care about energy consumption and just want to get shit done quickly. This device shunts the power safeties of your tool whether it uses fuel or electricity. WORKSPEED = 0.35, DEGRADATION_MULT = 1.15, POWERCOST_MULT = 1.25, FUELCOST_MULT = 1.25 All items that uses a motor.
Phoron Injector If the words “safety regulations” do not mean anything to you, you may consider installing this fine piece of technology on your tool. It injects small amounts of phoron in the fuel mix before combustion to greatly increase its power output, making all kinds of tasks easier to perform. WORKSPEED = 0.75, DEGRADATION_MULT = 1.3, POWERCOST_MULT = 1.3, FUELCOST_MULT = 1.3, HEALTH_THRESHOLD = -10 Only Welders.

Increases Precision

Item Description Modifiers Required Qualities
Laser Guide A small visible laser which can be strapped onto any tool, giving an accurate representation of its target. Helps improve precision. PRECISION = 10 Any tool and weapon.
Gyrostabilized Grip A fancy mechanical grip that partially floats around a tool, absorbing tremors and shocks. Allows precise work with a shaky hand. PRECISION = 10, HEALTH_THRESHOLD = 10 Any single handed tool.
Magnetic Bit Magnetizes tools used for handling small objects, reducing instances of dropping screws and bolts. PRECISION = 10 Any screwdriving, clamping and bone setting tool.
Ported Barrel A barrel extension for a welding tool which helps manage gas pressure and keep the torch steady. PRECISION = 12, DEGRADATION_MULT = 1.15, BULK = 1, HEALTH_THRESHOLD = 10 Only welders.

Miscellaneous and Utility

Item Description Modifiers Required Qualities
Heavy Cell Mount A bulky adapter which allows L sized power cells to be installed into small tools. BULK = 1, DEGRADATION_MULT = 1.15, HEALTH_THRESHOLD = -10, CELLPLUS = 1 Any tool or weapons that uses power.
Expanded Fuel Tank An auxiliary tank which stores 100 extra units of fuel at the cost of degradation. BULK = 1, DEGRADATION_MULT = 1.15, HEALTH_THRESHOLD = -10, MAXFUEL = 100 Only tools that use welder fuel/diesel to operate. CAUTION: Removing will result in spilled fuel on the floor. Beware of fires.
Expansion Port A bulky adapter which allows more modifications to be attached to the tool. A bit fragile, but you can compensate. BULK = 2, DEGRADATION_MULT = 1.3, PRECISION = -10, HEALTH_THRESHOLD = -20, MAXUPGRADES = 3 All tools and weapons.
Flat Surface An attachment that fits on almost everything, that gives a simple flat surface to employ the tool for simple hammering. WORKSPEED = -0.1, HEALTH_THRESHOLD = 5, tool_qualities = QUALITY_HAMMERING = 10 All tools.
Aural Dampener This aural dampener is a cutting edge tool attachment which mostly nullifies sound waves within a tiny radius. It minimizes the noise created during use, perfect for stealth operations. COLOR = “#AAAAAA”, HEALTH_THRESHOLD = -10, ITEMFLAGPLUS = SILENT All tools and melee weapons.
games/sc13/guides/tools.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/26 22:13 by wizardofaus_doku

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