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Space Ninja

HONORABLE STAFF Spaceninja.png Space Ninja Alt. Titles: None Access: None Difficulty: Oriental Extreme Supervisors: Spider Clan Duties: Send a message. Guides: This is the guide.

You are a member of the Spider Clan. You have been assigned to visit a space vessel owned by NovusCorp! Remember not to stoop to their level – you cannot use guns. It will blow your hand off in dishonor.

Contents 1 The Dojo 1.1 North: The entry points 1.2 East: Glove Drain Practice 1.3 South: Energy Blade Slice Practice 1.4 West: A table 2 Tools 2.1 Energy Katana 2.2 The Glove 2.3 The Rest 3 Ninja Tips 4 Old Ninja 5 Crazed Weeaboo

The Dojo

The Dojo is a safe place to practice and prepare before your mission.

There are four major sections;

North: The entry points From here, you can begin your mission on the station. There are two buttons; The button on the left will pressurize your suit and launch you at the station from space. The button on the right will teleport you into a random place in maintenance.

You cannot come back once you leave, so make sure you're prepared.

East: Glove Drain Practice On this side you will find some examples of objects that you can drain using your power glove.

South: Energy Blade Slice Practice Here you will find some examples of things you can (and cannot) slice with your energy blade.

West: A table On this table you will find a single glass of wonderful sake, as well as some sushi to fill your stomach before or during your mission.


You have two notable components to your kit. Use them wisely.

Energy Katana

The energy katana is a 40-force one handed weapon, which means no matter where you hit you're likely to break a bone in one hit. Once someone is down, it takes about 4-5 hits to remove their head. Your katana does not conduct electricity, making it safe to slash wires on the floor and break electrified grilles. It can cut through regular airlocks AND specialized shutters, such as the AI's.

You cannot drop your katana while it is turned on under any circumstances. While this limits your organizational skill somewhat, it has big perks too. You can crawl on the ground without dropping your blade, and even attack if you've fallen over but are not stunned (e.g.: if you are slipped, legs broken, or merely fallen from pain).

Your katana also allows you to perform the ninja art of teleportation. Use the action button in the top left to toggle it on or off. While active and off cooldown, your next attack (even at a range) will teleport you behind your target, allowing you to close gaps. This effect has a 60 second cooldown (can be viewed by examining the blade). You can quick-examine your blade by “attacking” yourself with it.

The Glove

Use an open hand while wearing your power glove on any object that has a power cell, it will drain it and store it in the glove. This includes many things, including APCs, Mechs, Cyborgs, tasers, e-guns, hardsuits, floodlights, air conditioners, space heaters, rapid crate senders, electric wheelchairs, MULEbots, and more! Even humans may contain a cell if they have the biocharger artificial heart (rare). Draining an APC will prevent it from charging for around 20 seconds. The power used within your glove can be used for two purposes, alt click the glove to open the power menu.

(Print) Make Shuriken: Costs 1000. Dispenses a fresh shuriken to your hand. If there already was one there, adds to the stack.

(Zap) Charge Sword: Costs 40x the remaining cooldown in seconds. Tries to reset your blade teleport. Instantly refreshing your sword from its maximum cooldown of 60 costs 2400, for example.

The glove also gives the “Pulse Shuriken” ability, upon use, all thrown shuriken detonate, cause a small EMP and destroy themselves. As one final bonus, your glove will also make you untrackable by the station AI while you are wearing it.

The Rest

  • Ninja suit and mask. A tough, form-fitting armored suit. Can temporarily pressurize when you launch yourself from the dojo, so you can find your way inside without immediately dying to space exposure. Doesn't slow you down at all. The mask works like a voice changer.
  • pAI. Your suit comes with a pAI slot. As of right now, any pAI you insert gets no special functions.
  • Smoke bombs. Eight, disguised as snap pops. When thrown, each creates an opaque layer of smoke in a 5×5 area, sure to help you lose pursuers. You can't get more of these, but the box can be used to store other tiny things when you're done.
  • Shuriken. You start with a maxstack of 10. They do about 35 brute to the entirely unarmored when thrown will stick to their target for 5 seconds, meaning you can tear through light targets easily. They struggle against even lightly armored foes like the Security Officer or Bartender. Don't waste your shurikens on the Head of Security or a goliath-plated Shaft Miner. You do not need to split them off from the stack, it will automatically throw only one! If you walk over a shuriken it will automatically pick up. Anyone can throw these with a 0.8s delay. If the “Pulse Shuriken” ability is used, all thrown shuriken explode and EMP in a small area. They have the SHARP_TIP flag.
  • Hologram projector. Three. When held, if anything hits you, you will teleport you and make a cloud of smoke, preferring somewhere dark. Because this will probably send you to maintenance, stealing an ID or at least a crowbar is high priority. The crew cannot move these and they are fairly difficult to destroy, so part of your strategy may include doubling back to find holograms left behind and retrieve them. These cannot be used without the ninja suit.

Stealth Poster. Allows you to blend into a wall and see through the other side. While “inside” the poster you can't be shot, but beware it can be simply ripped down. Comes in five designs resembling wall mounted equipment.

Ninja Tips

Avoid straightforward attacks on the enemy. Successful ninjas are masters of stealth, pick off single targets and utilize your poster to wait for the right time to strike. Steal a crowbar and ID early so that you don't get trapped in maintenance. Drain APCs to create darkness and lurk in the shadows. It will give your blade time to cool down and potentially let you close the gap with ranged enemies. Ninjas are trained to see in the dark. You may notice that nothing is entirely pitch black unless it is hidden behind walls, only very dim! Your katana is safe to use on wires, so slash up a bunch to prevent APCs from recharging. In most fights, it's wise to hold a hologram projector so that if you get hit you will automatically teleport away. If you can use an open hand on any cyborg or mech, the power drain will instantly incapacitate it as an enemy. You can use your poster to dodge tasers by melding into a wall, scout what's happening on the other side of a wall, and even ditch enemies by running into the dark and postering up while they're blind. Using hotkey mode to rapidly throw shuriken can burst down unalerted enemies from the shadows. Quickly run across your shuriken to pick them back up and hide. On rare occasions, you may meet other ninja during your mission. They are easily identified by their sword symbol. Note that you are not necessarily allies or enemies. Team up with them at your own peril.

Old Ninja

Occasionally you will be playing a venerable member of the Spider Clan, with slightly different capabilities…

  • Hood: Untrackable by AI
  • Gloves: Ninjalike interactions with objects
  • Suit: Special features running off SpiderOS. Contains energy charge, smoke bomb count, messaging, cloaking mechanism, medkit and food dispenser, atmos scanner. Can view AI here if a pAI is inserted.
  • Ninja mask: Voice changer, “scouter” antagHUD


  • Phase Jaunt: Teleports you up to nine squares ahead, in the general direction you're facing. Not always reliable, but takes less energy than Phase Shift. Also generates a spark shower, so don't try this anywhere near plasma. You can bring people along with you if you grab them beforehand. Anyone in the destination you Jaunt to will be gibbed (or killed).
  • Phase Shift: Teleports you to a specific square on a right click. Same idea as Jaunt but is precise and more costly.
  • EM Burst: Exactly what it sounds like. Creates a 4-square strong, 6-square weak electromagnetic pulse. See that guy with the toolbox? He'll still beat you senseless if you're not careful.


  • Energy Star: Launches a Magic Missile-esque bolt at a random, living target on screen. Won't work on xenos but has no cooldown.
  • Energy Blade: This is probably going to be your most-used power. Spawns a blade of concentrated energy in your active hand. It is a very powerful weapon and can slice through basically anything excluding a reinforced wall. Creates a shower of sparks when summoned and consumes energy as long as it is active. Try it out on a variety of objects, particularly doors.
  • Energy Net: Traps a living target in a net of energy that will teleport them to a holding facility within 30 seconds or so. The net can be destroyed so make sure your target is immobilized or unable to harm the net. Remember to trap targets with special roles for MAD FUCKING NINJA POINTS
  • Smoke Bomb: Drops a smoke bomb that obstructs vision and allows your escape. You get ten. Use them wisely…or throw a ninja smoke party!
  • Adrenaline Boost: This undoes paralysis, stunning, extreme cold, and basically anything else that would affect your movement. Useful for getting away from Security. However, this also injects you with radium so be careful.

Crazed Weeaboo

Honor your ancestors.

Whilst others were out partying, you trained with the blade. Whilst others were wasting time in the gym, you trained with the blade. For years you have carefully honed your craft in peace; ready to defend the honor of your waifu. Unfortunately, outside forces seek to destroy your home. Starfaring corporations have purchased your mother's house; and so you have been forced to vacate her basement and seek refuge elsewhere. The time has come to seek revenge on all who might oppose you, by infiltrating their vessels and killing anyone who would dare stand in your way. Reclaim your lost honor!

Plays functionally the same, but with some differences.

  • Katana: Has different, weeby examine information. You can't turn it off or get any of the perks of being an esword, it's stuck on forever!
  • Shuriken: They're pizza rolls. You can use it in hand to eat it, and your print shuriken icon will be “cook” instead.
  • Hologram Projector: It's a dakimakura.
  • Poster: Anime poster designs.
games/sc13/guides/space_ninja.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/15 00:04 by wizardofaus_doku

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