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Random Events

These are random events that occur during a game. An announcement will be made providing general information about what type of event it is. These activate randomly or according to certain requirements in-game to activate. Surviving these adds points to the end of the round's scoreboard, even if some of these will certainly cause a shuttle call.

Abnormal Life Sign Report

An abnormal life sign has been detected in proximity of the ship/station/outpost. Long range scans determine signal to be human life. Approach with caution.

A strange lifesign has been detected near the ship/station/outpost! Can be a pirate, legionnaire, pizza delivery guy, samurai, gangster or occasionally something stranger! Pooled from active ghosts in the round.

Anomaly Alert (Ion)

Ion storm detected near the station. Please check all AI-controlled equipment for errors.

Will blow large areas of lighting across the station and/or create new laws for the AI. New AI laws can range from bizarre to humorous to outright dangerous. This usually results in someone having to reset the AI, and people complaining about engineering not replacing the lights.

Anomaly Alert (Radiation)

High levels of radiation detected near the station, ETA in 30 seconds. Please evacuate into one of the shielded maintenance tunnels.

GREEN BLINKING LIGHTS GET IN THE MAINT TUNNELS. Unlocks maint access for everyone 30 seconds before and after the event. Cleanses the station of braindeads and people who thought that space would save them (it doesn't). Radshielded hardsuits (Engi, CE and any rad shield rigsuit upgrade modified suit) protect from the storm until it reaches 100% radshield capacity, after which the radshield stops working until cleaning inside a hardsuit container, meaning you can be exposed to the storm proper for a few seconds without getting the mutations/poisoning.

The radiation emitted by this event is harvestable via radiation collectors.

Anomaly Alert (Phenomenon)

<Anomaly type> detected on long range scanners. Expected location: <area name>. Minimum Round Time: 20 minutes

A random type of anomaly spawns in a random location on the station! These tend to cause bad things if left alone. So hop to it! To neutralize an anomaly, grab an analyzer from a toolbox and a remote signaling device. Scan the anomaly with the analyzer, then send the signal with the frequency shown! This will neutralize the anomaly and leave behind an anomaly core, a relatively valuable item to science.

The anomalies will move around, so a bit of hunting may be necessary if it happens to stray from its location.

Types of Anomalies

Unstable bluespace anomaly (Rare)

If left unchecked, it will eventually detonate, warping every object in the area into a random location. Virology may end up in space! Tech storage may suddenly appear in the security wing!

Localized hyper-energetic flux wave (Very common, 10 players minimum)

If left alone, it will eventually erupt in a violent explosion.

Pyroclastic anomaly (Very common)

Creates plasma fires!

Gravitational anomaly (Very common)

Pulls and flings objects everywhere nearby.

Localized high-intensity vortex anomaly (Rare, 20 players minimum)

The rarest of the bunch. Consumes objects and creates hull breaches. Nasty!


(No announcement given)

Gives a random player Appendicitis. If they don't get it removed it explodes inside them. Is this even a thing anymore?

Automated Announcement

Critical alert: Bluespace connection to Central Command has been lost. The emergency shuttle is be unable to be called or recalled until further notice.

Stops the emergency shuttle from being called or recalled, causing rounds to be dragged out longer in worst case scenarios.

Automated Grid Check

Abnormal activity detected in [station name]'s powernet. As a precautionary measure, the station's power will be shut off for an indeterminate duration.

Cuts all power to the station for a while. Similar to a power sink.

Automated Meteorological Update - Unforecasted Blizzard

ROKER-class storm early warning systems have detected unforecasted, sudden-onset snowstorm approaching in the next two to four minutes. Crew members are encouraged to follow standard safety procedures and wear protective snow gear at all times.

Exclusive to snow planets, this event causes a strong blizzard that shuts down taxis between space and the planet and generally makes it hard to move around outside. Has a chance to be inaccurate.

Blob Cluster

The ship/station is about to pass through a Blob cluster. No overmind brainwaves detected.

A blob spawns somewhere on the ship/station, but without an overmind. They'll get deep inside the station, leaving blob on the walls/windows they destroyed while breaching the station, preventing some ZAS. This also applies to sentient blobs.

Biohazard Alert (Outbreak)

Confirmed outbreak of level [level] biohazard aboard [station name]. All personnel must contain the outbreak.

A pathogen has been detected on the station and is beginning to spread amongst the crew! Could be a flu, could be gibbingtons! All the medical doctors will finally have something to do! Level is anywhere from 1 to 8, calculated as half of all the symptoms' danger rating, rounded down. For example, if a disease spawns with two Danger 2 and two danger 4 symptom, the biohazard level would be 6 so you can better use the biohazard level as a measurement of danger. If the biohazard level ever reaches 9 you have a far worse problem on your hands than just a disease.

Biohazard Alert (Wallrot)

Harmful fungi detected on ship/station/outpost. Ship/Station/Outpost structures may be contaminated.

Spawns yellow-green globs on a random group of walls. You can bash it and magically tear it down letting you to get inside, or can clean it with a welder or the janitor's wire brush to save the wall structure.

Central Command Grand Slam-Stellar-Lottery

A lotto number draw is scheduled to happen within the next 5 minutes. The station's lottery machines now have an exclusive type of ticket available for purchase. All nearby entertainment monitors will be broadcasting the results!

During the 5m time period between the alert and the draw, all Lotto vending machines will sell special 6-number lotto tickets for the grand lottery. The potential jackpot persists across rounds, calculated as 10000x money spent on the lotto until a 6/6 win, with a low floor of 1 million and a ceiling of 200 million. Luck affects winnings.

Ionospheric Anomalies - Telecommunications Failure

Ionospheric anomalies detected. Temporary telecommunication failure imminent. Please contact you*%fj00)`5vc-BZZT

Disables the Telecommunications system for a while until the system reboots, disabling headsets but not wall-mounted or station bounced radios.

Kudzu/Space Vines/Biomass/Powercreep

(No announcement given)

Spawns a block of green vines/biomass/powercreep that overtakes the ship/station/outpost. It usually wins unless PBG'd/EMP'd or taken out by an engineering bot early on, or unless it's biomass which is relatively harmless if annoying.

Vines will only spawn in maintenance, powercreep will only spawn near engineering and biomass will only spawn on crew quarters (bar, kitchen, toilets, dorms, etc).

Lifesign Alert (Carp)

Unknown biological entities have been detected near [ship/station/outpost name], please stand-by.

These vicious critters will crowd around the ship/station/outpost and maul anyone silly enough to go near an open airlock or window to space. Very dangerous, as their fast speed will catch anybody not running away (or wearing a jetpack in space).

Lifesign Alert (Xenos)

Unidentified lifesigns detected coming aboard [ship/station/outpost name]. Secure any exterior access, including ducting and ventilation.

Xeno eggs and larvae are spawned somewhere near an unwelded vent, and a random, online, and ghosted player is chosen to play as the larva. The crew must act quickly to stop the spread of the xeno infestation before it escalates out of control. Weld those vents!

Local Bluespace Sensor Report

Alert: The ship/station appears to be on a collision course with an anomalous object perfectly suspended in space. Heavy structural damage may result.

Something of a humorous physics joke, an immovable rod will travel through the ship/station in a straight line causing reasonable amounts of damage to the structure and killing anybody unfortunate to be in its path. They take some time to travel through the ship/station, make an immense amount of noise, and as such are avoidable to players with quick reflexes. They will often open up secure areas, resulting in looting.

Comes in rod, pillar and monolith sizes, with the bigger sizes rolling less often but causing exponentially more damage.

Machine Learning Alert

Rampant brand intelligence has been detected aboard [station name], please stand-by. The origin is believed to be a <vendor type>.

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 15

Chance of occurrence: Low

One of the machine type specified in the CorpComm notice has become sentient! If not stopped, it will begin to spread a virus to all other vending machines, causing them to animate and attack anything in sight!

The origin machine can be any of the vending machines in the station, from the soda machine in escape to the cigarette dispenser in the captain's office. It will shout aggressive speech at anyone nearby and launch products at anything in sight. To stop it and prevent it from infecting any other vendors, it must be either deconstructed or its wires all cut, hacked via its RCon system if enabled, or just simply screwdriver the panel open and flick the speaker switch to off.

Meteor Alert

A meteor storm has been detected on collision course with the station. Seek shelter within the core of the station immediately.

Multiple meteors will impact the station, often causing large damage. Being struck by one is a sign of incredibly bad luck. Mostly an Engineering event. Does not roll if there's no engineering staff.

Organ Failure

The microdosimetry meter onboard [station name] has been tripped by recent cosmic interference. Automated Bragg Curve calculations show a threat of ion implantation in crew members, which may lead to sickness or organ failure. Central Command advises regular health screening of staff displaying symptoms of malaise.

One unlucky crewmember gets one or more of their organs severely damaged to the point of failure. Pray that it isn't you or that if it IS you, that the failing organ wasn't the heart.

Organic Debris Field

The station is about to pass through an unknown organic debris field. No hull breaches are likely.

Spawns a bunch of catatonic humans that get thrown at the station and explode in a shower of bodyparts. Free limbs for medical and meat/organs for the chef. Completely harmless.

PDA Spam

(No announcement given)

Spams the PDA with random bullshit. You can't reply to them but they occasionally are related to whatever situation you are in, which is creepy as fuck because they are not coded to do that at all.

You can buy an application on PDA terminals to block the spam and spare your AI thoughts of suicide.

Prisoner Transfer

A suspected agent of the syndicate has been assigned to your station. The transport shuttle will dock at your station in approximately three minutes. Crew payrolls will receive a bonus as long as the prisoner is alive.

An active pooled ghost becomes a prisoner that security must keep an eye on, finally giving them something to do on slow shifts! The prisoner may or may not be hostile, exercise caution.

Rogue Drone Alert

A combat drone wing operating out of the NMV Icarus has failed to return from a sweep of this sector, if any are sighted approach with caution.


Contact has been lost with a combat drone wing operating out of the NMV Icarus. If any are sighted in the area, approach with caution.


Unidentified hackers have targeted a combat drone wing deployed from the NMV Icarus. If any are sighted in the area, approach with caution.

Spawns a few laser blasting drones around the station. They bug about and may or may not unload shitloads of laser fire in your face. They drop neat circuit boards that can speed up RnD if acquired early but are otherwise useless.

Security Alert

Gr3y.T1d3 virus/Malignant trojan detected in [station_name] imprisonment subroutines. Recommend station AI involvement.

Breaks everything in the brig. Prisoners go rush out the doors to freedom, or lasers in their faces. Can only fire when there's at least one humanoid in the brig/prison area that doesn't have brig access.

Space-Time Anomalies Detected

Space-time anomalies detected on the station. There is no additional data.

Spawns wormholes everywhere, which act like teleporter portals without a view of the other side and sends people to random parts of the station, including in walls. Hint: If stuck in a wall, click on the wormhole you are on to get out again. Can happen artificially if a Time Agent is sent to the station.

Urgent Warning - Dark Season

ROKER-class storm warning has determined that the Dark Season on your planet's surface has started early. It is anticipated that the oncoming blizzard will last no more than two hours and the season itself will last sixteen months. As space may soon become inaccessible from surface, crew should migrate valuables from orbital outpost in the next eight to ten minutes.

Another snow planet exclusive, makes the snow maps permanently dark, also causes a blizzard. Is always accurate.

Vermin alert

Bioscans indicate that [vermin] have been breeding in [location]. Clear them out, before this starts affecting productivity. (Says “Drive them away!” for gremlins, a Dwarf Fortress reference.)

Spawns high numbers of small critters in the kitchen, atmospherics, the incinerator, chapel, library, hydroponics, vault or technical storage; ranging from harmless frogs and lizards to deadly and annoying headcrabs and gremlins. Can be any of the following:

Vermin Max
Mice 12
Lizards 6
Spiderlings 4
Slimes 4
Space bats 4
Borers 5
Mimics 1
Roaches 30
Gremlins 4
Angry bees 2 swarms
Deadly hornets 2 swarms
Rogue cell chargers 2
Gremlin assistants 3
Crabs 5
Diona nymphs 4
Mushroom pinheads 4
Frogs 12
Snails 7
Headcrabs 12

WARNING: Hostile Creature(s)

One or more hostile creatures have entered the station in [location]. External security cameras indicate that the creature has [features].

Spawns a few types of larger creatures in the same locations as above, ranging from benign to absolutely deadly and rare. Includes the following, hinted at in the [features] part:

Features Creature Max
Fur Bear 2
Slime Creature 2
A culticle Xenomoprhs 1
A synthetic covering Hivebot 6
Extreme decay Zombie 3
Fleshy bare skin Skrite 2
Monstrous size Spider queen 1
Slimy skin Frog 8
Long tentacles Goliath 2
Short tentacles David 4
Anger management issues Crab 6
Spaghetti dropping everywhere Meatballer 2
Heavy mutation Giant roach 3
Extreme mutation Queen giant roach 2

Bureaucratic Error

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: N/A

Chance of occurrence: Low

“A recent bureaucratic error in the Organic Resources Department may result in personnel shortages in some departments and redundant staffing in others.”

Randomly sets the overflow role (the infinite slot one, default is Assistant) to any job in the game. You might end up wading in Wardens or drowning in Clowns.

Camera Failure

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Chance of occurrence: Extremely High

One or two random cameras around the station will be deactivated.

Carp Migration

Minimum round time: 10 minutes

Minimum players: 2

Chance of occurrence: Above average

“Unknown biological entities have been detected near <station name>, please stand-by.”

Space carp spawn around the station. Take care and have a good weapon handy when heading out into space. And watch yourself when around windows!

Clogged Vents

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Chance of occurrence: High

“The scrubbers network is experiencing a backpressure surge. Some ejection of contents may occur.”

Air scrubbers around the station may suddenly erupt foam filled with chemicals and reagents. The chemicals/reagents which may be involved in this event are random and depends on the severity of the event, as there are several levels/versions of it.

Communications Blackout

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Chance of occurrence: High

“Ionospheric anomalies dete'fZ\\kg5_0-BZZZZZT”

Telecommunications goes down temporarily. The crew isn't often alerted of this, but the AI always is. Sometimes confused due to crew incompetence with the Ion Storm, detailed below.

Disease Outbreak

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 10

Chance of occurrence: Low

“Confirmed outbreak of level 7 viral biohazard aboard <station name>. All personnel must contain the outbreak.”

Get your asses in gear, medbay! A virus has somehow made it aboard the station. Could be the common cold, could be the confusing space retrovirus, could be the crippling brainrot, or a completely random Advanced Virus.

Due to the similar CentCom alert, expect many confused/dumb crewmen to fill communications with cries of “WHERE'S THE BLOB?” or “LYNCH VIRO.”

The longer the round has gone on, the worse the virus!

Electrical Storm

Minimum round time: 10 minutes

Minimum players: 5

Chance of occurrence: Very High

“An electrical storm has been detected in your area, please repair potential electronic overloads.”

A bunch of lights short out in a general area on the station. Annoying at best. But at least it gives the janitor something to do other than mop blood trails.

False Alarm

Minimum round time: 20 Minutes

Chance of occurrence: Above Average

Plays a false alarm message for about any other event. Fun with meteors.

Grid Check

Minimum round time: 20 Minutes

Chance of occurrence: Average

“Abnormal activity detected in station name's powernet. As a precautionary measure, the station's power will be shut off for an indeterminate duration.”

Shuts down all APCs stationwide for 30 to 120 seconds, with the exception of Engineering. Usually leads to stationwide looting once Assistants crowbar open airlocks. Can be fixed early by hitting the APC's “Reset” button.

Immovable Rod

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 15

Chance of occurrence: Average

“What the fuck was that?!”

Something of a humorous physics joke, an immovable rod will travel through the station in a straight line causing reasonable amounts of damage to the structure and killing anybody unfortunate to be in its path. They take some time to travel through the station, make an immense amount of noise, and as such are avoidable to players with quick reflexes. They will often open up secure areas, resulting in looting. If an Immovable Rod's path includes the arrivals shuttle, or any of the escape pods, you will find out what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object.

Mass Hallucination

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Chance of occurrence: Average

Everyone shares a hallucination! Doesn't even have a CentCom notice. Might result in mass panic due to an imaginary delta alert notice.

Meteor Wave

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 15/25/25 (Normal/Threatening/Catastrophic)

Chance of occurrence: Below Average

“Meteors have been detected on collision course with the station.”

Meteors begin to spawn on the outer edges of the map, hurling across space! These are capable of dealing heavy damage, if not instantly annihilating anything they collide with. Capable of even releasing the singularity with a few bad hits!

Meateor Wave

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Chance of occurrence: Very Low

“Meaty ores have been detected on collision course with the station.”

Like meteors, but with meat and gibs instead of minerals.

Mice Migration

Minimum round time: 20 Minutes

Chance of occurrence: Average

“Migration Alert.”

Spawns a bunch of cable-chewing mice all over the station's maintenance tunnels. It's a good idea to send in Engineers/cats/snakes/lizardpeople.

Portal Storm

Minimum round time: 30 minutes

Minimum players: 15

Chance of occurrence: Very Low

“Massive bluespace anomaly detected en route to <station name>. Brace for impact.”

A bunch of green portals start appearing on the station, spawning syndicate shocktroops.

Prison Break

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 5

Chance of occurrence: Average

“Gr3y.T1d3 virus detected in <station name> imprisonment subroutines. Recommend station AI involvement.”

All the lights in the brig blow, and all the cells and brig doors are bolted open, making a clear escape path for all inmates! The AI and cyborgs can get the doors shut quickly, but hacking will do in a pinch.

Processor Overload

Minimum round time: 20 Minutes

Minimum players: 20

Chance of occurrence: Above average

“Exospheric bubble inbound. Processor overload is likely. Please contact you*%xp25)`6cq-BZZT”

Blows up telecommunication processors and causes Engineers to despair as none of them know how to fix tcomms.

Radiation Storm

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Chance of occurrence: Average

“High levels of radiation detected near the station. Maintenance is best shielded from radiation.”

Everyone caught outside of protected zones is subject to a hefty dose of radiation. If you're particularly unlucky, you might get a bad mutation, or an extra strong radiation pulse. If you're lucky, you might get a genetic power!

Random Heart Attack

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 40

Chance of occurrence: High

Unlucky spessmen get heart disease, which if it reaches stage 5, causes a heart attack. The only permanent cure for heart disease is surgery, albeit corazone can help stop the progression of heart disease. Using gym equipment will grant a hidden exercise buff that prevents heart disease for 20 minutes.

Random Human-level Intelligence

Minimum round time: 20 Minutes

Chance of occurrence: Average

“Based on [data], we believe that one of the station's [pets] has developed [random] level intelligence, and the ability to communicate.”

Grants a ghost control over one of the station's simple animals/robots.

Shuttle Loan

Minimum round time: 6 Minutes

Chance of occurrence: Average

CentCom takes control of the Supply Shuttle and recalls it for some purpose they state in the announcement.

Cargo Bay can decide whether they want to loan the Supply Shuttle to CentCom for 5 minutes through the Supply Shuttle Console. The station receives a nice sum of bonus cargo points, in exchange for the following…

“The syndicate are trying to infiltrate your station. If you let them hijack your shuttle, you'll save us a headache.” A number of syndicate mobs come aboard the supply shuttle when it next comes. Have security arm up to take them out and safely confiscate any weapons they bring with them.

“A group of angry russians want to have a party, can you send them your cargo shuttle then make them disappear?” A number of armed and angry Russians, plus a bear or two come with the next supply shuttle. Kill them for some sweet duds!

“The Spider Clan has sent us a mysterious gift, can we ship it to you to see what's inside?” The next supply shuttle comes loaded with giant spiders, nasty!

“Your station has been chosen for an epidemiological research project. Send us your cargo shuttle to receive your research samples.” The next shuttle comes with human corpses ridden with various viruses, to be used for the benefit of science or traitoring. May also include virus culture bottles.

“Seems we've ordered doubles of our department resupply packages this month. Can we send them to you?” The next shuttle comes loaded with a variety of free goodies. Sweet! (Does not include extra points. Dang.)

“It looks like a neighbouring station accidentally delivered their pizza to you instead.” You get a bunch of free pizzas! May or may not include a pizza bomb.

Space Dust

Minimum round time: 0 minutes

Chance of occurrence: Extremely High

Spawns some high-speed space dust that can break grilles or windows on the edge of the station.

Space Dust (Major)

Minimum round time: None

Chance of occurrence: Below Average

“A neighbouring station is throwing rocks at you. Perhaps they've grown tired of your messages.”

Spawns small meteors that can cause trouble.

Space Vines

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 10

Chance of occurrence: Above Average

A plant which spreads extremely rapidly around the station. Space vines will grow thicker with time, first getting thick enough to block vision, then capable of entangling people. You can resist entanglement, but it is safer to avoid the vines. Airlocks, fire doors and windows will stop their growth until someone opens them. If in an open area, the vines will continue to expand until they engulf every space not blocked off!

To fight the vines:

Drag a goat, either Pete or one ordered from cargo into the vines. It'll eat any vine it passes into, and even quickly consume them on its own so long as there's any nearby. A scythe from a weed control crate is effective. Plant-b-gone spray from botany and weedkiller grenades from cargo are also good options. Fire will also kill vines dead. Not recommended, as it will also kill anyone unfortunate to be caught around it.

Spider Infestation

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 5

Chance of occurrence: Very Low

“Unidentified lifesigns detected coming aboard <station name>. Secure any exterior access, including ducting and ventilation.”

A number of spiderlings, along with a good chance of their mother spawn aboard the station. The babies will eventually grow into adult giant spiders, so smash them while they're vulnerable!

Spontaneous Appendicitis

Minimum round time: 10 minutes

Minimum players: 5

Chance of occurrence: High

Even spacemen have to deal with appendicitis sometimes!

Spontaneous Brain Trauma

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 5

Chance of occurrence: High

Sometimes your brain goes a little wrong.

As a wise man once said: “Didn't make sense not to live for fun, Your brain gets smart, but your head gets dumb”


Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 2

Chance of occurrence: Very Low

“Space-time anomalies detected on the station. There is no additional data.”

Wormholes start appearing randomly around the station for several minutes. Going into one of these wormholes will teleport you to a random location. Sometimes you might be lucky enough to wind up somewhere good. Sometimes you might find yourself out in the middle of space.

If you have no intention of taking the gamble, you should move around the station in Walk mode. Wormholes that spawn directly on you will not warp you, so remaining perfectly still will ensure your safety. But take care not to let some chucklefuck push you into one!

Antagonist Events

These events spawn various player-controlled antags that are announced to ghosts.


Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 20

Chance of occurrence: Average

Spawns an abductor team that will kidnap and experiment on the crew.

Alien Infestation

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 10

Chance of occurrence: Low

“Unidentified lifesigns detected coming aboard <station name>. Secure any exterior access, including ducting and ventilation.”

One or more alien larva spawn in random locations aboard the station, their players pulled from ghosts with the role enabled.


Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 20

Chance of occurrence: Low

“Confirmed outbreak of level 5 biohazard aboard <station name>. All personnel must contain the outbreak.”

A Blob spawns in a random location on the station. This will prevent the shuttle from leaving until it is either destroyed or kills everyone on station.

Fugitives / Hunters

Minimum round time: 30 minutes

Minimum players: 20

Chance of occurrence: Low

Spawns a team of Fugitives in a random spot in Maintenance, with no access and a single toolbox to hack around with. After 10 minutes, a team of Hunters, with basic access, is spawned in through a shuttle, and is assigned to capture the fugitives.


Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 15

Chance of occurrence: Average

Spawns a sentient Nightmare.


Minimum round time: 1 hour

Minimum players: 15

Chance of occurrence: Average

A Space Ninja spawns. 'nuff said here.


Minimum round time: 30 minutes

Minimum players: 10

Chance of occurrence: Low

Yar har! We're here for your credits!

The station receives a communication extorting current station funds (80% of ya'rr points to be exact!). If they answer yes, the money is just gone and nothing of interest happens.

If the station refuses to pay or is silent for 3 minutes, a pirate shuttle arrives somewhere in space.

Pirates can activate the Data Siphon - a device that steals station funds and shuts down RnD servers as well as the cargo shuttle. However, this reveals the pirate shuttle with a GPS beacon.


Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Chance of occurrence: Below average

Spawns a Revenant on station.

Slaughter Demon Minimum round time: 1 hour

Chance of occurrence: Extremely Low

Spawns a Slaughter Demon on station.

Sentient Disease Minimum round time: None

Chance of occurrence: Low

Spawns a Sentient Disease on station.


Minimum round time: 30 minutes

Chance of occurrence: Below Average

“Our long-range sensors have detected an odd signal emanating from your station's gateway. We recommend immediate investigation of your gateway, as something may have come through.”

Spawns a Swarmer shell on station.

Wiznerd Events

These events replace the regular events when the wizard casts Summon Events.

Special Events Prompt Effects Chance Advanced Darkness Warning: Your eyes hurt… a vignette settles in your vision and closes in. Start: This isn't your average everday darkness… this is advanced darkness! End: At last, the darkness recedes. Restricts the vision of affected mobs to a single tile in the cardinal directions. Flashlights, normal lights, they all do jack when you're trapped in Rock Bottom. Low Blobies None Some corpses turn into non-sentient Blob Zombies which are non-infectious. Average Change Faces None All sentient beings (including the wizard) swap their faces randomly High Change Minds None All sentient beings (except for the wizard) swap their minds randomly. An assistant can have his mind swapped with the captain, antags are carried along with the mind, but if you're a changeling, you're sort of boned. Very Low Change Places None All sentient beings swap places randomly (if they are in the station) Low Cursed Items None Cursed Katanas, Fake Wizard Robes, LSD Laced Cigarettes, Boxing Gloves, Luchador Masks, Chameleon Masks, and Cat Ears are distributed among the crew Average Ghost You suddenly feel extremely obvious… Ghosts are now visible to the crew. Average Greentext The mythical greentext appear at your feet! Pick it up if you dare… Anyone who picks up the greentext gains an objective to escape alive while carrying the greentext. Problem is, the greentext is absolutely gargantuan and weighs a literal ton. High Imposter None A fake, identical body double to the real wizard spawns. Can cast fake spells to confuse and scare the crew. Very Low Improved Casting None The cooldown of a single spell for the Wizard is decreased as if that spell had been taken again. Average Invincible None A random human (filthy lizards get out) is injected with 40 units of adminordrazine, making them invincible for 100 ticks Average Lava Warning: You feel the ground beneath you getting hot. Waves of heat distort the air. Start: The floor is lava! Get on top of something! End: The ground cools and returns to its usual form. The ground turns into surprisingly cool lava, lightly damaging anything on the floor. Flood the station with plasma for optimal effect. Low Magicarp Unknown magical entities have been detected near [station_name()], please stand-by. Magicarps and Chaos Magicarps are spawned around the station Very Low Petsplosion None The bane of every HOP, animals around the station start to randomly gib Low Possession You suddenly feel a welling of new spooky powers… Ghosts become visible to the crew, and can possess objects and spook people Low Race You feel somehow… different? Everyone turns into a random different species. Very unfortunate if you happen to turn into a Plasmaman. Low RPG Loot None All items get a snazzy little pronoun which either buffs or nerfs the item. Items can be buffed by using an item fortification scroll. Average Robeless Casting None The wizard can now cast all of his spells without any of his robes. Low Summon Guns None Everyone get guns, some get a survival objective Very Low Summon Magic None Everyone gets a wand, some get an objective to steal magical items Very Low

Event Cycle Events fire off in three cycles based on the event classification. Each event classification has a possible initial wait time after round-start before the first of its type fires off as well as a random interval of time in-between each consecutive event after the initial. Additionally, the more players in a round, the shorter the interval between events.

Mundane Events do not have an initial wait time and fire off every 10-15 minutes. Minor events have an initial wait time of 25-40 minutes and fire off every 30-45 minutes. Major events have an initial wait time of 55-75 and fire off every 50-70 minutes. While events have these preset time intervals, they can also be forced by administrators.

Event Weight Once it is time for a new event to be fired, one is randomly chosen based on a preset weight and a few variables. The higher weight an event has, the more likely it is to be picked. Much like wait times, each event has a preset weight interval. In addition to base weight, certain events are given more weight based on the number of crew members in specific departments. For example, the APC Short event will have more weight for each crew member in the Engineering department.

All Events Mundane Events Random events that have little to no impact on the round.

Event Description PDA Spam Pda.png Random crew members will receive spam PDA messages with various offers, including the infamous wetskrell.nt website supposedly endorsed by the NanoTrasen Morale Division. These messages are harmless, if mildly annoying, and cannot be replied to. Economic News Newscaster.png A story on the newscasters will be released revolving around economical news in the galaxy. This tends to detail catastrophe's, markets falling out, or economy booms. Mundane News Newscaster.png A story on the newscasters will be released revolving around mundane news in the galaxy. This tends to detail minorly significant things that you may see on the second or even third page of a newspaper. Good for learning about the minor on goings of the galaxy. Trivial News Newscaster.png A story on the newscasters will be released revolving around trivial news in the galaxy. This tends to detail boring everyday things you'd find in the sidebar of a newspaper. Good for learning about the general on goings of the galaxy, however. Vermin Infestation Spiderling.png Lifesign Alert - “Bioscans indicate that vermins have been breeding in NSS Cyberiad. Clear them out, before this starts to affect productivity.” Mice, lizards, or spiderlings appear in a random location on the station. While mice and lizards are generally harmless, the spiderlings, if left unchecked, can grow into adults which pose a threat to crew health and station integrity.

Koi School File:Space Koi.png Various large groups of space koi fish will float into the area around the station. They are generally very friendly in cute, but if you hit one they tend to get upset and smash a few things. Sentience MiceBrown.png A random creature such as a mouse, xenobio slime, or monkey, suddenly becomes sentient and aware. When this event occurs, ghost players are polled for the possibility of playing as a sentient animal. The animal will be able to speak Galactic Common, will have its health increased, and will able to attack objects and people. Fake Virus Generic virologist.png A small number of crew members will suffer from fake symptoms messages of a random virus. Camera Fail Security Camera.gif 1 to 3 cameras across the station will randomly fail and be disabled until someone comes to fix them. Minor Events Random events that have a minor impact on the ongoings of the crew.

Event Description Appendicitis Appendix.png A random crew member comes down with appendicitis. Without treatment the condition can be fatal! False Alarm Megaphone.png A random event announcement is triggered, bringing chaos and fake news to the station! Carp School Carp.gif Less severe than a Mass Carp Migration, between 1 and 6 space carp will appear alone or in pairs in various places around the station exterior. Lifesign Alert - “Unknown biological entities have been detected near NSS Cyberiad, please stand-by.”

Rogue Drone Combatdrone.png Between 2 and 6 combat drones appear at various places around the station exterior. Though rare, their ranged attack makes them more dangerous than space carp!

Rogue drone alert - “A combat drone wing operating out of the NSV Icarus has failed to return from a sweep of this sector, if any are sighted approach with caution.” Meteor Shower Meteor.gif Not to be confused with a Meteor Wave, a minor meteor shower pummels the station potentially causing several small breaches. Meteor Alert - “The station is now in a meteor shower.” Level 7 Bio-hazard Outbreak - Space Vines Vine.png Nasty fast-growing vines have begin to spread from a random point on the station. While not a terribly dangerous threat, if allowed to grow large enough it can be almost impossible to contain. Meaty Ores Cow.png Slightly different than a meteor shower in that instead of rocks the station is damaged by fast-moving space cows which burst on impact! Meaty Ore Alert - “Meaty ores have been detected on collision course with the station.” Prison Break Handcuffs.png A malignant virus affects the lighting and airlock systems in the brig, opening all cell windoors, many brig airlocks, and breaking lights throughout the department. AI or cyborg intervention is recommended to restore airlocks and windoors to proper working order. Light replacement can be handled by any willing personnel. Security Alert - “Gr3y.T1d3 virus detected in NSS Cyberiad imprisonment subroutines. Secure any compromised areas immediately. Station AI involvement is recommended.” Door Runtime Handcuffs.png All doors and lockdown blast doors are closed and shocked temporarily. After 90 seconds the system reboots and this is all reverted. Network Alert - “Hostile runtime detected in door controllers. Isolation lockdown protocols are now in effect. Please remain calm.” Communication Blackout Relay.gif An ionospheric storm has knocked out telecomms. Headset radios will not work, although intercoms and station-bounced radios will. The announcement may not reach the crew as 70% of outages hit before the automated announcement system can broadcast. The AI, however, is always aware of outages when they begin. Central Command Update - “Ionospheric anomalies detected. Temporary telecommunication failure imminent. Please contact you*%fj00)`5vc-BZZT” APC Short APC.png APCs all over the station will short out and need to be repaired. Critical Power Failure - Systems Power Failure - “ Overload detected in NSS Cyberiad's powernet. Engineering, please repair shorted APCs.”

Electrical Storm Light bulb.png A section of the station undergoes a lighting system overload causing all bulbs in the affected area to burst. Electrical Storm Alert - “An electrical storm has been detected in your area, please repair potential electronic overloads.” Immovable Rod File:Immovable Rod.png An Immovable Rod spawns out of timespace and physics and smashes through the station, tearing apart everything in its path.! General Alert - “What the fuck was that?!” Radiation Storm Radiationman.png The station enters a radiation field that can cause radiation damage and mutations in most organic crew. Maintenance doors are automatically set to all-access 60 seconds before the storm, and remain all-access until 60 seconds after the shower has completed. Anomaly Alert - “High levels of radiation detected near the station. Please evacuate into one of the shielded maintenance tunnels.” Spider Infestation Hunter Spider.png Similar to a Vermin Infestation except it's always spiders and significantly more spiderlings (a number equal to 80% of the active crew) are spawned. Kill them while they're little or they'll kill you when they're big! Lifesign Alert - “Bioscans indicate that spiders have been breeding in NSS Cyberiad. Clear them out, before this starts to affect productivity.”

Mass Hallucination Monkey.png A minor radiation field causes the crew to suffer from hallucinations. Hiding in maintenance will not protect you, however the hallucinations are generally harmless, at worst causing crew members to pass out for a few seconds. Central Command Update - “It seems that station NSS Cyberiad is passing through a minor radiation field, this may cause some hallucination, but no further damage” Solar Flare File:Sun?.png This event makes the station solar powers generate 40 times as much power as usual which isn't dangerous as long as they are not wired directly to the power grid, but also deal major burn damage as well as blind anyone who can see a space tile. Incoming Solar Flare - “A solar flare has been detected on collision course with the station.” Dimensional Tear Spacebear.png An otherworldly dimensional tear appears in a random place on the station and releases several dangerous creatures which will attack any nearby crew. The tear will spawn many low health, low hitting faithless and slightly tougher mi-gos. In addition, a single lesser hellhound will spawn. Rampant Intelligence Vendcola.gif Rampant™ Brand Intelligence infects one vending machine on board the station. Infected machines give voice to strange marketing slogans and shoot their wares at passers-by. If left alone the virus will spread to other nearby vending machines until all vendors on the station are infected, at which point they will all explode and/or start attacking the crew! To deactivate an infected vendor open up the maintenance panel and either cut all the wires or disable the voice switch. Machine Learning Alert - “Rampant brand intelligence has been detected aboard NSS Cyberiad, please stand-by.” Vent Clog Scrubber Port.png A backpressure surge in the scrubbers network causes several locations on the station to be showered with a variety of chemicals ranging from harmless (water, flour, hot cocoa) to amusing (LSD, psilocybin, methamphetamine) to outright lethal (aminitin, nanites, fluorosulphuric acid). Atmospherics alert - “The scrubbers network is experiencing a backpressure surge. Some ejection of contents may occur.” Honkonomaly File:Clown Goblin.png 5 hostile clown goblins spawn in a randomly chosen location on station Anomaly Alert - “Honkonomaly opened in Station Location” Anomalies AnyCore.gif A variety of anomalies can appear throughout the station. These anomalies can cause a wide variety of damage, from simply heating up a small area to completely tearing apart most of a department. It is best to deal with these as soon as you can, especially because a stabilized anomaly can become an anomaly core which is required for the construction of a Phazon combat mech! Anomaly Alert - “Anomalies detected on long range scanners. Expected location: Unknown.” Revenant Revenant.png (Player-Controlled) - A ghostly purple Revenant appears on the station which can cause electrical surges and attempt to steal life energy from weakened crew members. There will be no announcement on this event. Morph Morph.png (Player-Controlled) - A Morph appears at a random spot on the station. These creatures have the ability to disguise themselves as any object or person, and their goal is to eat the entire crew! There will be no announcement on this event. Level 7 Bio-hazard Outbreak - Virus Generic virologist.png A random crew member is afflicted with a virus. The virus can range from harmless to lethal and usually has a transmission vector that allows it to spread easily among the crew. Virology better be at the top of their game! Biohazard Alert - “Confirmed outbreak of level 7 viral biohazard aboard NSS Cyberiad. All personnel must contain the outbreak.” Virus Types

Flu - A common illness which causes fatigue, high fever, and muscle aches. Rarely fatal but quickly spread and will cause minor toxin and organ damage. Having an affected patient rest can slow the progress of this virus.

Cold - Still around since the dawn of man, this disease is relativity harmless, causing fatigue and a runny nose. Will progress to the Flu when untreated.

Brainrot - An infection that causes mental degradation and will cause the host to collapse in its later stages.

Magnitis - An infection of magnetic bacteria that build up in the body. As the disease progresses any metallic items not bolted down near the infected person will be pulled toward them, even objects as large as canisters. Ingested iron will draw the bacteria to it and allow them to be excreted normally.

Beesease - If left untreated subject will regurgitate bees.

Anxiety - If left untreated subject will regurgitate butterflies.

Fake GBS - If left untreated a subject will continue to show symptoms similar to gbs but is otherwise harmless.

Spanish inquisition Flu - If left untreated the subject will burn to death for being a heretic.

Pierrot's Throat - If left untreated the subject the subject will honk incessantly.

Lycancoughy - If left untreated subject will regurgitate… puppies.

Major Events Random events that have serious implications for the crew during the round. Due to the time inbetween these events they often only happen at the middle point of the round (and also at the very end) which is why they are often referred to as midrounds.

Event Description Carp Migration Carp.gif Similar to Carp School except there's more of them! Between 12 and 30 space carp and megacarp spawn in small groups around the station exterior. Lifesign Alert - “Massive migration of unknown biological entities has been detected near NSS Cyberiad, please stand-by.” Meteor Wave Meteor.gif Considerably more severe than a Meteor Shower. Multiple large meteors hit the station in several waves. Repair efforts must be swift and efficient or evacuation will be necessary! Meteor Alert - “Meteors have been detected on collision course with the station.” Shorted APCs APC.png Multiple random APC's will lose their power, anyone with basic tools and either APC access or hacking skills can repair them. Systems Power Failure - “Overload detected in NSS Cyberiad's powernet. Engineering, please repair shorted APCs.” Alien Infestation Alien.png (Player-Controlled) - Xeno larvae are spawned somewhere near an unwelded vent, and a observing players can choose to play as the larva. The crew must act quickly to stop the spread of the xeno infestation before it escalates out of control. Weld those vents! Lifesign Alert - “Unidentified lifesigns detected coming aboard NSS Cyberiad. Secure any exterior access, including ducting and ventilation.” Abductor Visit Agent.png (Player-Controlled) - Like the Abductor mode but with only a single pair of abductors. There will be no announcement on this event. Level 5 Bio-hazard Outbreak - Blob Blob core.gif (Player-Controlled) - Like the Blob mode, but a Blob spawns somewhere on the station, rather infecting someone to become a blob. Biohazard Alert - “Confirmed outbreak of level 5 biohazard aboard NSS Cyberiad. All personnel must contain the outbreak.” Level 3 Bio-hazard Outbreak - Terror Spiders Terror white.png (Player-Controlled) - Several Terror Spiders will spawn somewhere on the station with the goal of infesting it. The Bio-Hazard alert is delayed and will occur after a number of spiders have been hatched, or a Mother of Terror spawned in. Biohazard Alert - “Confirmed outbreak of level 3 biohazard aboard NSS Cyberiad. All personnel must contain the outbreak.” Sol Traders Earthflag.png (Player-Controlled) - Two Sol Federation traders spawn on Jupiter Station 6, near their shuttle, which carries many valuable items. They typically have objectives to trade these items to the crew for specific things, such as a large amount of credits, or solid plasma. Trader Shuttle Docking Request Accepted - “A trading shuttle from Jupiter Station has been granted docking permission at NSS Cyberiad arrivals port 4.” NOTE: If the station alert is Red or greater, the event will still trigger, but the traders will not spawn, and the crew will be notified that they have been denied docking permission due to the raised alert. Expect many groans.

Slaughter Demon Slaughterdemon.png 1) Shadow Demon Shadow Demon.png 2)

These are random events that occur during a game regardless of gamemode. They have a relatively low chance of occurring, and are often (but not always) accompanied by a broadcasted message from CentCom. Some may only occur after so much time has elapsed during a round.

Contents 1 Events 1.1 Anomalies 1.2 Aurora Caelus 1.3 Brand Intelligence 1.4 Bureaucratic Error 1.5 Camera Failure 1.6 Carp Migration 1.7 Clogged Vents 1.8 Communications Blackout 1.9 Disease Outbreak 1.10 Electrical Storm 1.11 Fake Virus 1.12 False Alarm 1.13 Grid Check 1.14 Immovable Rod 1.15 High-Priority Bounty 1.16 Ion Storm 1.17 Mass Hallucination 1.18 Meteor Wave 1.19 Meateor Wave 1.20 Mice Migration 1.21 Portal Storm 1.22 Greytide Virus 1.23 Processor Overload 1.24 Radiation Storm 1.25 Random Heart Attack 1.26 Random Human-level Intelligence 1.27 Shuttle Loan 1.28 Space Dust 1.29 Space Dust (Major) 1.30 Space Vines 1.31 Spider Infestation 1.32 Spontaneous Appendicitis 1.33 Spontaneous Brain Trauma 1.34 Stray Cargo Pod 1.35 Stray Syndicate Cargo Pod 1.36 Wormholes 1.37 Wisdom Cow 2 Antagonist Events 2.1 Abductors 2.2 Alien Infestation 2.3 Blob 2.4 Fugitives / Hunters 2.5 Nightmare 2.6 Ninja 2.7 Pirates 2.8 Revenant 2.9 Sentient Disease 2.10 Slaughter Demon 2.11 Solo Operative 2.12 Space Dragon 2.13 Swarmers 3 Wiznerd Events Events Anomalies Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Chance of occurrence: Varies

“<Anomaly type> detected on long range scanners. Expected location: <area name>.”

A random type of anomaly spawns in a random location on the station! These tend to cause bad things if left alone. So hop to it! To neutralize an anomaly, grab an analyzer from a toolbox and a remote signaling device. Scan the anomaly with the analyzer, then send the signal with the frequency shown! This will neutralize the anomaly and leave behind a core, a relatively valuable item to science.

The anomalies will move around, so a bit of hunting may be necessary if it happens to stray from its location.

Types of anomalies

Unstable bluespace anomaly (Rare) If left unchecked, it will eventually detonate, warping every object in the area into a random location. Virology may end up in space! Tech storage may suddenly appear in the security wing! Localized hyper-energetic flux wave (Very common, 10 players minimum) If left alone, it will eventually erupt in a violent explosion. Pyroclastic anomaly (Very common) Creates plasma fires! Gravitational anomaly (Very common) Pulls and flings objects everywhere nearby. Localized high-intensity vortex anomaly (Rare, 20 players minimum) The rarest of the bunch. Consumes objects and creates hull breaches. Nasty!

Aurora Caelus

Minimum round time: 5 minutes

Chance of occurrence: Above average

“<Station Name>: A harmless cloud of ions is approaching your station, and will exhaust their energy battering the hull. Nanotrasen has approved a short break for all employees to relax and observe this very rare event. During this time, starlight will be bright but gentle, shifting between quiet green and blue colors. Any staff who would like to view these lights for themselves may proceed to the area nearest to them with viewing ports to open space. We hope you enjoy the lights.”

The space around the hull glows with varying shades of green and blue as the ions batter themselves against the station.

Camera Failure Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Chance of occurrence: Extremely High

One or two random cameras around the station will be deactivated.

Carp Migration Minimum round time: 10 minutes

Minimum players: 2

Chance of occurrence: Above average

“Unknown biological entities have been detected near <station name>, please stand-by.”

Space carp spawn around the station. Take care and have a good weapon handy when heading out into space. And watch yourself when around windows!

Clogged Vents Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Chance of occurrence: High

“The scrubbers network is experiencing a backpressure surge. Some ejection of contents may occur.”

Air scrubbers around the station may suddenly erupt foam filled with chemicals and reagents. The chemicals/reagents which may be involved in this event are random and depends on the severity of the event, as there are several levels/versions of it.

Communications Blackout Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Chance of occurrence: High

“Ionospheric anomalies dete'fZ\\kg5_0-BZZZZZT”

Telecommunications goes down temporarily. The crew isn't often alerted of this, but the AI always is. Sometimes confused due to crew incompetence with the Ion Storm, detailed below.

Disease Outbreak Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 10

Chance of occurrence: Low

“Confirmed outbreak of level 7 viral biohazard aboard <station name>. All personnel must contain the outbreak.”

Get your asses in gear, medbay! A virus has somehow made it aboard the station. Could be the common cold, could be the confusing space retrovirus, could be the crippling brainrot, or a completely random Advanced Virus.

Due to the similar CentCom alert, expect many confused/dumb crewmen to fill communications with cries of “WHERE'S THE BLOB?” or “LYNCH VIRO.”

The longer the round has gone on, the worse the virus!

Electrical Storm Minimum round time: 10 minutes

Minimum players: 5

Chance of occurrence: Very High

“An electrical storm has been detected in your area, please repair potential electronic overloads.”

A bunch of lights short out in a general area on the station. Annoying at best. But at least it gives the janitor something to do other than mop blood trails.

Fake Virus Chance of occurrence: Very High

One to three random crewmembers will start experiencing random virus symptoms, such as a headache, coughing, or sneezing. These symptoms will gradually increase in frequency and become more severe over the course of three minutes, after which the symptoms will vanish. A Health Analyzer should clear the misconception up. In addition, shortly after the first one to three crewmembers are afflicted, another one to five other random crewmembers will cough, sneeze, or feel lightheaded exactly once.

False Alarm Minimum round time: 20 Minutes

Chance of occurrence: Above Average

Plays a false alarm message for about any other event. Fun with meteors.

Grid Check Minimum round time: 20 Minutes

Chance of occurrence: Average

“Abnormal activity detected in station name's powernet. As a precautionary measure, the station's power will be shut off for an indeterminate duration.”

Shuts down all APCs stationwide for 30 to 120 seconds, with the exception of Engineering. Usually leads to stationwide looting once Assistants crowbar open airlocks. Can be fixed early by hitting the APC's “Reset” button.

Immovable Rod Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 15

Chance of occurrence: Average

“What the fuck was that?!”

Something of a humorous physics joke, an immovable rod will travel through the station in a straight line causing reasonable amounts of damage to the structure and killing anybody unfortunate to be in its path. They take some time to travel through the station, make an immense amount of noise, and as such are avoidable to players with quick reflexes. They will often open up secure areas, resulting in looting. If an Immovable Rod's path includes the arrivals shuttle, or any of the escape pods, you will find out what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object.

High-Priority Bounty Minimum round time: 10 minutes

Chance of occurrence: Very High

“Central Command has issued a high-priority cargo bounty. Details have been sent to all bounty consoles.”

Whenever Cargo completes a bounty, there is a reasonable chance that it will be replaced with a high-priority bounty. All this really changes is that the reward for completing said bounty is doubled, encouraging Cargo to complete it. There is a maximum of three high-priority bounties that can be assigned in a round, meaning that during long shifts, it's pretty likely that Cargo's going to run out of these.

Mass Hallucination Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Chance of occurrence: Average

Everyone shares a hallucination! Doesn't even have a CentCom notice. Might result in mass panic due to an imaginary delta alert notice.

Meteor Wave Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 15/25/25 (Normal/Threatening/Catastrophic)

Chance of occurrence: Below Average

“Meteors have been detected on collision course with the station.”

Meteors begin to spawn on the outer edges of the map, hurling across space! These are capable of dealing heavy damage, if not instantly annihilating anything they collide with. Capable of even releasing the singularity with a few bad hits!

Meateor Wave Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Chance of occurrence: Very Low

“Meaty ores have been detected on collision course with the station.”

Like meteors, but with meat and gibs instead of minerals.

Mice Migration Minimum round time: 20 Minutes

Chance of occurrence: Average

“Migration Alert.”

Spawns a bunch of cable-chewing mice all over the station's maintenance tunnels. It's a good idea to send in Engineers/cats/snakes/lizardpeople.

Portal Storm Minimum round time: 30 minutes

Minimum players: 15

Chance of occurrence: Very Low

“Massive bluespace anomaly detected en route to <station name>. Brace for impact.”

A bunch of green portals start appearing on the station, spawning syndicate shocktroops.

Greytide Virus Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 5

Chance of occurrence: Average

“Gr3y.T1d3 virus detected in <station name> imprisonment subroutines. Recommend station AI involvement.”

All of the doors in a specific department or multiple departments become bolted open. The AI or cyborgs can fix this quickly, but hacking will do in a pinch.

Processor Overload Minimum round time: 20 Minutes

Minimum players: 20

Chance of occurrence: Above average

“Exospheric bubble inbound. Processor overload is likely. Please contact you*%xp25)`6cq-BZZT”

Blows up telecommunication processors and causes Engineers to despair as none of them know how to fix tcomms.

Radiation Storm Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Chance of occurrence: Average

“High levels of radiation detected near the station. Maintenance is best shielded from radiation.”

Everyone caught outside of protected zones is subject to a hefty dose of radiation. If you're particularly unlucky, you might get a bad mutation, or an extra strong radiation pulse. If you're lucky, you might get a genetic power!

Random Heart Attack Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 40

Chance of occurrence: High

Unlucky spessmen get heart disease, which if it reaches stage 5, causes a heart attack. The only permanent cure for heart disease is surgery, albeit corazone can help stop the progression of heart disease. Using gym equipment will grant a hidden exercise buff that prevents heart disease for 20 minutes.

Random Human-level Intelligence Minimum round time: 20 Minutes

Chance of occurrence: Average

“Based on [data], we believe that one of the station's [pets] has developed [random] level intelligence, and the ability to communicate.”

Grants a ghost control over one of the station's simple animals/robots.

Shuttle Loan Minimum round time: 6 Minutes

Chance of occurrence: Average

CentCom takes control of the Supply Shuttle and recalls it for some purpose they state in the announcement.

Cargo Bay can decide whether they want to loan the Supply Shuttle to CentCom for 5 minutes through the Supply Shuttle Console. The station receives a nice sum of bonus cargo points, in exchange for the following…

“The syndicate are trying to infiltrate your station. If you let them hijack your shuttle, you'll save us a headache.” A number of syndicate mobs come aboard the supply shuttle when it next comes. Have security arm up to take them out and safely confiscate any weapons they bring with them. “A group of angry russians want to have a party, can you send them your cargo shuttle then make them disappear?” A number of armed and angry Russians, plus a bear or two come with the next supply shuttle. Kill them for some sweet duds! “The Spider Clan has sent us a mysterious gift, can we ship it to you to see what's inside?” The next supply shuttle comes loaded with giant spiders, nasty! “Your station has been chosen for an epidemiological research project. Send us your cargo shuttle to receive your research samples.” The next shuttle comes with human corpses ridden with various viruses, to be used for the benefit of science or traitoring. May also include virus culture bottles. “Seems we've ordered doubles of our department resupply packages this month. Can we send them to you?” The next shuttle comes loaded with a variety of free goodies. Sweet! (Does not include extra points. Dang.) “It looks like a neighbouring station accidentally delivered their pizza to you instead.” You get a bunch of free pizzas! May or may not include a pizza bomb. Space Dust Minimum round time: None

Chance of occurrence: Extremely High

Spawns some high-speed space dust that can break grilles or windows on the edge of the station.

Space Dust (Major) Minimum round time: None

Chance of occurrence: Below Average

“A neighbouring station is throwing rocks at you. Perhaps they've grown tired of your messages.”

Spawns small meteors that can cause trouble.

Spider Infestation Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 5

Chance of occurrence: Very Low

“Unidentified lifesigns detected coming aboard <station name>. Secure any exterior access, including ducting and ventilation.”

A number of spiderlings, along with a good chance of their mother spawn aboard the station. The babies will eventually grow into adult giant spiders, so smash them while they're vulnerable!

Spontaneous Appendicitis Minimum round time: 10 minutes

Minimum players: 5

Chance of occurrence: High

Even spacemen have to deal with appendicitis sometimes!

Spontaneous Brain Trauma Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 5

Chance of occurrence: High

Sometimes your brain goes a little wrong.

As a wise man once said: “Didn't make sense not to live for fun, Your brain gets smart, but your head gets dumb”

Stray Cargo Pod Minimum round time: 10 minutes

Chance of occurrence: Very High

“Stray cargo pod detected on long-range scanners. Expected location of impact: [].”

A pod containing a random cargo supply park lands in a random part of the station. Contraband included!

Stray Syndicate Cargo Pod Minimum round time: 30 minutes

Chance of occurrence: Low

“Stray cargo pod detected on long-range scanners. Expected location of impact: [].”

A pod containing a crate loaded with 30 telecrystals worth of Syndicate Items lands in a random part of the station. A blast from the past.

Wormholes Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 2

Chance of occurrence: Very Low

“Space-time anomalies detected on the station. There is no additional data.”

Wormholes start appearing randomly around the station for several minutes. Going into one of these wormholes will teleport you to a random location. Sometimes you might be lucky enough to wind up somewhere good. Sometimes you might find yourself out in the middle of space.

If you have no intention of taking the gamble, you should move around the station in Walk mode. Wormholes that spawn directly on you will not warp you, so remaining perfectly still will ensure your safety. But take care not to let some chucklefuck push you into one!

Wisdom Cow Chance of occurrence: Very High - but it can only happen once!

“A wise cow has been spotted in the area. Be sure to ask for her advice.”

A cow spawns in a random area on the station. Centcomm doesn't tell you where, but the cow will wander around a bit. The first person who interacts with the wisdom cow will receive a puzzling piece of advice, and become a master at a random skill, upon which the wisdom cow will vanish.

Antagonist Events These events spawn various player-controlled antags that are announced to ghosts.

Abductors Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 20

Chance of occurrence: Average

Spawns an abductor team that will kidnap and experiment on the crew.

Alien Infestation Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 10

Chance of occurrence: Low

“Unidentified lifesigns detected coming aboard <station name>. Secure any exterior access, including ducting and ventilation.”

One or more alien larva spawn in random locations aboard the station, their players pulled from ghosts with the role enabled.

Blob Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 20

Chance of occurrence: Low

“Confirmed outbreak of level 5 biohazard aboard <station name>. All personnel must contain the outbreak.”

A Blob spawns in a random location on the station. This will prevent the shuttle from leaving until it is either destroyed or kills everyone on station.

Fugitives / Hunters Minimum round time: 30 minutes

Minimum players: 20

Chance of occurrence: Low

Spawns a team of Fugitives in a random spot in Maintenance, with no access and a single toolbox to hack around with. After 10 minutes, a team of Hunters, with basic access, is spawned in through a shuttle, and is assigned to capture the fugitives.

Nightmare Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 15

Chance of occurrence: Average

Spawns a sentient Nightmare.

Ninja Minimum round time: 1 hour

Minimum players: 15

Chance of occurrence: Average

A Space Ninja spawns. 'nuff said here.

Pirates Minimum round time: 30 minutes

Minimum players: 10

Chance of occurrence: Low

Yar har! We're here for your credits!

The station receives a communication extorting current station funds (80% of ya'rr points to be exact!). If they answer yes, the money is just gone and nothing of interest happens.

If the station refuses to pay or is silent for 3 minutes, a pirate shuttle arrives somewhere in space.

Pirates can activate the Data Siphon - a device that steals station funds and shuts down RnD servers as well as the cargo shuttle. However, this reveals the pirate shuttle with a GPS beacon.

Revenant Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Chance of occurrence: Below average

Spawns a Revenant on station.

Sentient Disease Minimum round time: None

Chance of occurrence: Low

Spawns a Sentient Disease on station.

Slaughter Demon Minimum round time: 1 hour

Chance of occurrence: Extremely Low

Spawns a Slaughter Demon on station.

Solo Operative Minimum round time: None

Chance of occurrence: None, unless the Nuclear Authentication Disk is unsecured, in which case it slowly ticks up to Low

Spawns a single Nuclear Operative, with 20 Telecrystals in their uplink.

Space Dragon Minimum round time: 1 hour and 10 minutes (70 minutes)

Minimum players: 20

Chance of occurrence: Extremely Low

“A large organic energy flux has been recorded near your station, please stand-by.”

Spawns a Space Dragon on station.

Swarmers Minimum round time: 30 minutes

Chance of occurrence: Below Average

“Our long-range sensors have detected an odd signal emanating from your station's gateway. We recommend immediate investigation of your gateway, as something may have come through.”

Spawns a Swarmer shell on station.

Wiznerd Events These events replace the regular events when the wizard casts Summon Events.

Special Events Prompt Effects Chance Advanced Darkness Warning: Your eyes hurt… a vignette settles in your vision and closes in. Start: This isn't your average everday darkness… this is advanced darkness! End: At last, the darkness recedes. Restricts the vision of affected mobs to a single tile in the cardinal directions. Flashlights, normal lights, they all do jack when you're trapped in Rock Bottom. Low Blobies None Some corpses turn into non-sentient Blob Zombies which are non-infectious. Average Change Faces None All sentient beings (including the wizard) swap their faces randomly High Change Minds None All sentient beings (except for the wizard) swap their minds randomly. An assistant can have his mind swapped with the captain, antags are carried along with the mind, but if you're a changeling, you're sort of boned. Very Low Change Places None All sentient beings swap places randomly (if they are in the station) Low Cursed Items None Cursed Katanas, Fake Wizard Robes, LSD Laced Cigarettes, Boxing Gloves, Luchador Masks, Chameleon Masks, and Cat Ears are distributed among the crew Average Ghost You suddenly feel extremely obvious… Ghosts are now visible to the crew. Average Greentext The mythical greentext appear at your feet! Pick it up if you dare… Anyone who picks up the greentext gains an objective to escape alive while carrying the greentext. Problem is, the greentext is absolutely gargantuan and weighs a literal ton. High Imposter None A fake, identical body double to the real wizard spawns. Can cast fake spells to confuse and scare the crew. Very Low Improved Casting None The cooldown of a single spell for the Wizard is decreased as if that spell had been taken again. Average Invincible None A random human (filthy liggers get out) is injected with 40 units of adminordrazine, making them invincible for 100 ticks Average Lava Warning: You feel the ground beneath you getting hot. Waves of heat distort the air. Start: The floor is lava! Get on top of something! End: The ground cools and returns to its usual form. The ground turns into surprisingly cool lava, lightly damaging anything on the floor. Flood the station with plasma for optimal effect. Low Magicarp Unknown magical entities have been detected near [station_name()], please stand-by. Magicarps and Chaos Magicarps are spawned around the station Very Low Petsplosion None The bane of every HOP, animals around the station start to randomly gib Low Possession You suddenly feel a welling of new spooky powers… Ghosts become visible to the crew, and can possess objects and spook people Low Race You feel somehow… different? Everyone turns into a random different species. Very unfortunate if you happen to turn into a Plasmaman. Low RPG Loot None All items get a snazzy little pronoun which either buffs or nerfs the item. Items can be buffed by using an item fortification scroll. Average Robeless Casting None The wizard can now cast all of his spells without any of his robes. Low Summon Guns None Everyone get guns, some get a survival objective Very Low Summon Magic None Everyone gets a wand, some get an objective to steal magical items Very Low

These are random events that occur during a game regardless of gamemode. They have a relatively low chance of occurring, and are often (but not always) accompanied by a broadcasted message from CentCom. Some may only occur after so much time has elapsed during a round.

The weight stands for how likely an event is to show up. A higher weight gives it a higher chance of occurring, and a lower weight gives it a lower chance of occurring.

Contents 1 Unremarkable Events 1.1 Aurora Caelus 1.2 Camera Failure 1.3 Chemical spill 1.3.1 Chemical Spill: Normal 1.3.2 Chemical Spill: Threatening 1.3.3 Chemical Spill: Catastrophic 1.4 Dolphin Migration 1.5 High Priority Bounty 1.6 Minor Space Dust 1.7 Probabilistic Anomaly 1.8 Random Human-level Intelligence 2 Moderate Events 2.1 Anomalies 2.1.1 Bluespace 2.1.2 Hyper-Energetic Flux 2.1.3 Gravitational 2.1.4 Pyroclastic 2.1.5 Radiation 2.1.6 Vortex 2.2 Brand Intelligence 2.3 Bureaucratic Error 2.4 Carp Migration 2.5 Clogged Vents 2.6 Communications Blackout 2.7 Disease Outbreak 2.8 Electrical Storm 2.9 False Alarm 2.10 Flutes 2.11 Gravity Systems Failure 2.12 Grey Tide 2.13 Grid Check 2.14 Immovable Duck 2.15 Immovable Rod 2.16 Ion Storm 2.17 Major Space Dust 2.18 Mass Hallucination 2.19 Meteor Wave 2.19.1 Catastrophic 2.19.2 Meaty 2.19.3 Normal 2.19.4 Threatening 2.20 Mice Migration 2.21 Processor Overload 2.22 Radiation Storm 2.23 Random Heart Attack 2.24 Revenant 2.25 Shuttle Catastrophe 2.26 Shuttle Loan 2.26.1 Antidote Needed 2.26.2 Department Resupply 2.26.3 Hijack Syndie 2.26.4 It's Hip To 2.26.5 PETA 2.26.6 Pizza Delivery 2.26.7 Rusky Party 2.26.8 Spider Gift 2.26.9 Syndicate Bomb 2.27 Space Vines 2.28 Spawn Morph 2.29 Spawn Space Dragon 2.30 Spontaneous Appendicitis 2.31 Spontaneous Brain Trauma 2.32 Stray Cargo Pod 2.33 Supermatter Surge 2.34 Wormholes 3 Major Events 3.1 Abductors 3.2 Alien Infestation 3.3 Bad Wizard 3.4 Blob 3.5 Devil 3.6 Floor Cluwne 3.7 Lone Operative 3.8 Obsession Awakening 3.9 Portal Storm: Syndicate Shocktroops 3.10 Sentient Disease 3.11 Slaughter Demon 3.12 Space Ninja 3.13 Space Pirates 3.14 Spawn Fugitives 3.15 Spawn Nightmare 3.16 Spawn Zombie 3.17 Spider Infestation 3.18 Swarmers Unremarkable Events

Security Camera.gif Camera Failure One or two random cameras around the station will be deactivated.

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Weight: 100

Maximum Occurrence: 20

Bottle16.png Chemical spill Due to a chemical spill in your sector, your pool water may be contaminated.

Will fill the pool's water with a reagent, normally safe but depending on the level of the event it has a random chance to be any possible reagent.

Bottle16.png Chemical Spill: Normal Will fill the pool with 50u and with a 25% chance of being any reagent.

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 10

Weight: 20

Maximum Occurrence: 3

Bottle16.png Chemical Spill: Threatening Will fill the pool with 75u and with a 50% chance of being any reagent.

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 25

Weight: 10

Maximum Occurrence: 1

Bottle16.png Chemical Spill: Catastrophic Will fill the pool with 100u and with a 75% chance of being any reagent.

Minimum round time: 30 minutes

Minimum players: 35

Weight: 5

Maximum Occurrence: 1

Dolphin.gif Dolphin Migration Unknown biological entities have been detected near the station, please stand-by.

Space Dolphins spawn around the station. Though initially not hostile, if provoked they will swarm their attacker. Alongside the space dolphins are a small chance for Space Manatees to spawn.

Minimum round time: 10 minutes

Weight: 15

OrderRequestConsole.gif High Priority Bounty Central Command has issued a high-priority cargo bounty. Details have been sent to all bounty consoles.

A cargo bounty that will provide a large amount of credits becomes available to complete, viewable on bounty consoles.

Minimum round time: 10 Minutes

Weight: 20

Dust.png Minor Space Dust Spawns some high-speed space dust that can break grilles and windows on the edge of the station.

Minimum round time: 0 minutes

Weight: 200

Maximum Occurrence: 1000

Probabilistic Anomaly

A probabilistic anomaly has been detected near the station. Prepare for a distortion of the laws of probability.

An event that breaches the physics of reality and forces the RNG to be stuck on the same value for 2 to 10 minutes. “Random” elements of the game will become static resulting in the possibility of arcade machines dispensing the same reward or coins flipping on the same side multiple times in a row.

Weight: 10

Random Human-level Intelligence

Based on scans from our long-range sensors, we believe that one of the station's pets has developed very low level intelligence, and the ability to communicate.

Grants a ghost control over one of the station's simple animals/robots, priority placed on identifiable animals such as station pets and mulebots or beepsky among others.

Minimum round time: 20 Minutes

Weight: 10

Moderate Events Anomalies A random type of anomaly spawns in a random location on the station! These tend to cause bad things if left alone. So hop to it! To neutralize an anomaly, grab an analyzer from a toolbox and a remote signaling device. Scan the anomaly with the analyzer, then send the signal with the frequency shown! This will neutralize the anomaly and leave behind a core, a relatively valuable item to science.

The anomalies will move around, so a bit of hunting may be necessary if it happens to stray from its location.

Bluespace.gif Bluespace Unstable bluespace anomaly detected on long range scanners. Expected location: [Location].

If left unchecked, it will eventually detonate, warping every object in the area into a random location. Virology may end up in space! Tech storage may suddenly appear in the security wing!

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Weight: 5

Electricity2.gif Hyper-Energetic Flux Localized hyper-energetic flux detected on long range scanners. Expected location: [Location].

If left alone, it will eventually erupt in a violent explosion.

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 10

Weight: 20

Maximum Occurrence: 5

Shield2.gif Gravitational Gravitational anomaly detected on long range scanners. Expected location: [Location].

Pulls and flings objects everywhere nearby.

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Weight: 20

Maximum Occurrence: 5

Mustard.gif Pyroclastic Pyroclastic anomaly detected on long range scanners. Expected location: [Location].

Creates plasma fires! It's even more rarer now that it has been discontinued until further notice.

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Weight: 20

Maximum Occurrence: 5

Radiation anomaly.gifRadiation Radioactive anomaly detected on long range scanners. Expected location: [Location].

Emits radiation and shoots radiation balls sporadically. Can spawn a highly aggressive radioactive goat that will be controlled by a ghost. It's even more rarer now that it has been discontinued until further notice.

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Weight: 20

Maximum Occurrence: 7

Anom.gif Vortex Localized high-intensity vortex detected on long range scanners. Expected location: [Location].

The rarest of the bunch. Consumes objects and creates hull breaches. Nasty! It's even more rarer now that it has been discontinued until further notice.

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 20

Weight: 5

Maximum Occurrence: 2

Carp.gif Carp Migration Unknown biological entities have been detected near the station, please stand-by.

Space carp spawn around the station. Take care and have a good weapon handy when heading out into space. And watch yourself when around windows!

Minimum round time: 10 minutes

Minimum players: 2

Weight: 15

Maximum Occurrence: 6

Clogged Vents

The scrubbers network is experiencing a backpressure surge. Some ejection of contents may occur.

Air scrubbers around the station may suddenly erupt foam of various chemicals and reagents. The chemicals/reagents which may be involved in this event are: plant-b-gone, blood, charcoal, space drugs, morphine, holy water, ethanol, hot chocolate, sulfuric acid, mindbreaker toxin, rotatium, pax, laughter, concentrated barbers aid, colorful reagent, dizzying solution, tiring solution, salt, beer, hair dye, white glitter, growth serum. The severity of the surge can vary, resulting in double or 2.5 times as much reagents to appear out of all vents.

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 10

Weight: 10

Maximum Occurrences: 3

Tube broken.png Electrical Storm An electrical storm has been detected in your area, please repair potential electronic overloads.

A bunch of lights short out in a general area on the station. Annoying at best. But at least it gives the janitor something to do other than mop blood trails.

Minimum round time: 10 minutes

Minimum players: 5

Weight: 15

Clown.png False Alarm Plays a false alarm message for just about any other event. Fun with meteors.

Minimum round time: 20 Minutes

Weight: 20

Maximum Occurrence: 5

Psychiatrist.png Flutes 1 person per ten people are chosen for this event and given one punishment. A few punishments include; brief periods of blurred vision, faint voices, intense headaches and nigh terminal brain damage.

Minimum players: 30

Weight: 1

Max Occurrences: 1

Gravity Generator.png Gravity Systems Failure Warning: Failsafes for the station's artificial gravity arrays have been triggered. Please be aware that if this problem recurs it may result in formation of gravitational anomalies. Nanotrasen wishes to remind you that the unauthorised formation of anomalies within Nanotrasen facilities is strictly prohibited by health and safety regulation A: Sub-clause C.

Causes the Gravity Generator to stop functioning, leaving the station without gravity for 80 to 120 seconds. Can be fixed early by turning the Gravity Generator's APC on and off.

Weight: 15

Airlock.gif Grey Tide Gr3y.T1d3 virus detected in the station's door subroutines. Severity level of 1. Recommend station AI involvement.

All the lights in a department blow, and any cells and doors are bolted open! The AI, cyborgs and anyone with access can get the doors shut quickly, but hacking will do in a pinch.

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 5

Weight: 10

Maximum Occurrence: 2

“Gr3y.T1d3 virus detected in <station name> imprisonment subroutines. Recommend station AI involvement.”

All the lights in the brig blow, and all the cells and brig doors are bolted open, making a clear escape path for all inmates! The AI and cyborgs can get the doors shut quickly, but hacking will do in a pinch. Has a chance to affect a camera, which will either; EMP it, EMP-proof it or motion activate it. Can also affect keycard authenticators, which can cause maintenance to open or red alert to activate.

Apc frame.png Grid Check Abnormal activity detected in the station's powernet. As a precautionary measure, the station's power will be shut off for an indeterminate duration.

Shuts down all APCs station-wide for 30 to 120 seconds, with the exception of Engineering. Usually leads to station-wide looting once Assistants crowbar open airlocks. Can be fixed early by hitting the APC's “Reset” button.

Minimum round time: 20 Minutes

Weight: 10

Maximum Occurrence: 3

Immquack.png Immovable Duck What the duck was that?!

Something of a humorous DUCK joke, an immovable DUCK will travel through the station in a straight line causing reasonable amounts of damage to the structure and killing anybody unfortunate to be in its path. They take some time to travel through the station, make an immense amount of noise, and as such are avoidable to players with quick reflexes. They will often open up secure areas, resulting in looting. If an Immovable DUCK's path includes the arrivals shuttle, or any of the escape pods, you will find out what happens when an unstoppable DUCK meets an immovable object.

Weight: 2

Maximum Occurrence: 3

Immrod.png Immovable Rod What the fuck was that?!

Something of a humorous physics joke, an immovable rod will travel through the station in a straight line causing reasonable amounts of damage to the structure and killing anybody unfortunate to be in its path. They take some time to travel through the station, make an immense amount of noise, and as such are avoidable to players with quick reflexes. They will often open up secure areas, resulting in looting. If an Immovable Rod's path includes the arrivals shuttle, or any of the escape pods, you will find out what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object.

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 18

Weight: 10

Maximum Occurrence: 3

AI.gif Ion Storm Ion storm detected near the station. Please check all AI-controlled equipment for errors.

All AIs aboard the station are uploaded with a random, glitched law! These new laws have random symbols for numbers, and thus are listed as the highest priority laws. New AI laws can range from bizarre and humorous to outright dangerous. A few examples include “CARGO REQUIRES THE STATION'S UNDERWEAR,” “THE STATION IS HAPPIER WITHOUT VIPERS,” and “JOHN SMITH IS A XENO.” This sometimes results in someone having to reset the AI.

Ion storms can also cause the order of laws to be rearranged. Have fun with an AI that doesn't have “you may not harm a human” as priority #1!

Even better, Ion storms can sometimes replace laws or even whole lawsets.

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 2

Weight: 15

Maximum Occurrence:

Spacedust.png Major Space Dust The station is passing through a debris cloud, expect minor damage to external fittings and fixtures.

Spawns small meteors that can cause trouble. Like minor space dust, but stronger.

Weight: 8

High alert.png Mass Hallucination Everyone shares a hallucination! Doesn't even have a CentCom notice. Might result in mass panic due to an imaginary delta alert notice.

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 1

Weight: 10

Maximum Occurrences: 2

Meteor Wave Spacedust.png Catastrophic Meteors have been detected on collision course with the station.

The most devastating form of meteors, a catastrophic meteor wave can deal heavy damage to your station and its crew. It will annihilate almost anything it comes into contact with, and if aimed properly can deal devastating damage to your engine.

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 25

Weight: 1

Maximum Occurrence: 3

Meateor.png Meaty Meaty ores have been detected on collision course with the station.

Like meteors, but with meat and gibs instead of minerals.

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Weight: 4

Maximum Occurrence: 1

Spacedust.png Normal Meteors have been detected on collision course with the station.

Meteors begin to spawn on the outer edges of the map, hurling across space! These are capable of dealing heavy damage, if not instantly annihilating anything they collide with. Capable of even releasing the singularity with a few bad hits!

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 10

Weight: 4

Maximum Occurrence: 3

Spacedust.png Threatening Meteors have been detected on collision course with the station.

A more threatening version of meteors.

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 20

Weight: 2

Mouse.png Mice Migration Due to budget-cuts, a number of squeaking things have descended into the maintenance tunnels.

Spawns a 5-15 cable-chewing mice all over the station's maintenance tunnels. It's a good idea to send in Engineers, snakes or cat/lizardpeople.

Minimum round time: 20 Minutes

Weight: 10

Pro.gif Processor Overload Exospheric bubble inbound. Processor overload is likely. Please contact you*%xp25)`6cq-BZZT

Blows up telecommunication processors and causes Engineers to despair as none of them know how to fix tcomms.

Minimum round time: 20 Minutes

Minimum players: 20

Weight: 15

Maintenancelocationpage.png Radiation Storm High levels of radiation detected near the station. Maintenance is best shielded from radiation.

Everyone caught outside of protected zones is subject to a hefty dose of radiation. If you're particularly unlucky, you might get a bad mutation, or an extra strong radiation pulse. If you're lucky, you might get a genetic power!

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Weight: 10

Maximum Occurrence: 1

Heart.png Random Heart Attack Unlucky spessmen get heart disease, which if it reaches stage 5, causes a heart attack. The only permanent cure for heart disease is surgery, albeit corazone can help stop the progression of heart disease. Using gym equipment will grant a hidden exercise buff that prevents heart disease for 20 minutes.

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 40

Weight: 20

Maximum Occurrence: 2

Revenant.png Revenant Spawns a Revenant on station.

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 5

Weight: 10

Communications Console.gif Shuttle Catastrophe The shuttle runs into some kind of horrible event, and is no longer serviceable. The station is given a new one!

Weight: 10

GrayCrate.png Shuttle Loan CentCom takes control of the Supply Shuttle and recalls it for some purpose they state in the announcement.

Cargo Bay can decide whether they want to loan the Supply Shuttle to CentCom for 5 minutes through the Supply Shuttle Console. The station receives a nice sum of bonus cargo points if they choose to.

Minimum round time: 7 Minutes

Weight: 10

Maximum Occurrence: 1

Bottle.png Antidote Needed Cargo: Your station has been chosen for an epidemiological research project. Send us your cargo shuttle to receive your research samples.

The next shuttle comes with human corpses ridden with various viruses, to be used for the benefit of science or traitoring. May also include virus culture bottles.

Bonus cargo points: 10,000

GrayCrate.png Department Resupply Cargo: Seems we've ordered doubles of our department resupply packages this month. Can we send them to you?

The next shuttle comes loaded with a variety of free goodies. Sweet! (Does not include extra points. Dang.)

Bonus cargo points: 0

Generic nukesyndie.png Hijack Syndie Cargo: The syndicate are trying to infiltrate your station. If you let them hijack your cargo shuttle, you'll save us a headache.

A number of syndicate mobs come aboard the supply shuttle when it next comes. Have security arm up to take them out and safely confiscate any weapons they bring with them.

Bonus cargo points: 10,000

Bee.gif It's Hip To Cargo: One of our freighters carrying a bee shipment has been attacked by eco-terrorists. Can you clean up the mess for us?

The shuttle will contain a number of toxic bees. Bee careful not to get stung!

Bonus cargo points: 20,000

Cat.png PETA Cargo: A group calling themselves PETA whatever that means is asking to inspect your station. Do you want to check it out?

The shuttle will contain a number of hostile critters, from rats and cats to space carps and bears.

Bonus cargo points: 10,000

Pizzaslice.png Pizza Delivery Cargo: It looks like a neighbouring station accidentally delivered their pizza to you instead.

You get a bunch of free pizzas! May or may not include a pizza bomb.

Bonus cargo points: 0

Dfdfdf.png Rusky Party Cargo: A group of angry Russians want to have a party. Can you send them your cargo shuttle then make them disappear?

A number of armed and angry Russians, plus a bear or two come with the next supply shuttle. Kill them for some sweet duds!

Bonus cargo points: 10,000

Spider.png Spider Gift Cargo: The Spider Clan has sent us a mysterious gift. Can we ship it to you to see what's inside?

The next supply shuttle comes loaded with giant spiders, nasty!

Bonus cargo points: 10,000

Syndicate Bomb.gif Syndicate Bomb Cargo: We have discovered an active Syndicate bomb near our VIP shuttle's fuel lines. If you feel up to the task, we will pay you for defusing it.

The shuttle will contain a live explosive. Do not call this unless you can safely evacuate the area.

Bonus cargo points: 45,000

Kudzugrowth.gif Space Vines A plant which spreads extremely rapidly around the station. Space vines will grow thicker with time, first getting thick enough to block vision, then capable of entangling people. You can resist entanglement, but it is safer to avoid the vines. Fire doors and windows will stop their growth until someone opens them, but airlocks won't. If in an open area, the vines will continue to expand until they engulf every space not blocked off! Space vines will always spawn in maintenance.

To fight the vines:

Drag a goat, either Pete or one ordered from cargo into the vines. It'll eat any vine it passes into, and even quickly consume them on its own so long as there's any nearby. A scythe from a weed control crate is effective, along with any sharp implement. Plant-b-gone spray from botany and weedkiller grenades from cargo are also good options. Fire will also kill certain vines dead. Welders are recommended sources of burn damage instead of, oh I don't know, a flamethrower. Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 10

Weight: 15

Maximum Occurrences: 3

Morph.png Spawn Morph Spawns a player-controlled morph.

Minimum round time: 30 minutes

Minimum players: 25

Weight: 5

Space dragon.gif Spawn Space Dragon It appears a lifeform with magical traces is approaching the station, please stand-by.

Spawns a player-controlled space dragon.

Minimum round time: 70 minutes

Minimum players: 20

Weight: 8

Maximum Occurrence: 1

Appendix inflamed.png Spontaneous Appendicitis Even spacemen have to deal with appendicitis sometimes!

Minimum round time: 10 minutes

Minimum players: 5

Weight: 20

Maximum Occurences: 4

Brain.png Spontaneous Brain Trauma Sometimes your brain goes a little wrong. Easily cured traumas have a more common chance of occurring. As a wise man once said: “Didn't make sense not to live for fun, your brain gets smart, but your head gets dumb.”

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Weight: 25

GrayCrate.png Stray Cargo Pod Stray cargo pod detected on long-range scanners. Expected location of impact: Location.

A cargo pod containing a random cargo supply pack crash-lands on a random spot on the station. Expect people to go ham and trespass into the Cap's Quarters for a box of riot shields or potted plants.

Minimum round time: 10 minutes

Weight: 20

Maximum occurrence: 4

Supermatteremoji.gif Supermatter Surge Class 4 supermatter surge detected. Intervention may be required.

Continuously increases the power of the Supermatter over a period of 30 to 120 seconds. Almost certain to de-stabilize a non-robust setup. Attention will be required.

Minimum round time: 10 minutes

Weight: 20

Maximum occurrence: 4

Anom.gif Wormholes Space-time anomalies detected on the station. There is no additional data.

Wormholes start appearing randomly around the station for several minutes. Going into one of these wormholes will teleport you to a random location. Sometimes you might be lucky enough to wind up somewhere good. Sometimes you might find yourself out in the middle of space.

If you have no intention of taking the gamble, you should move around the station in Walk mode. Wormholes that spawn directly on you will not warp you, so remaining perfectly still will ensure your safety. But take care not to let some chucklefuck push you into one!

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 2

Weight: 2

Maximum Occurrences: 3

Major Events Agent.png Abductors Spawns an abductor team that will kidnap and experiment on the crew. Requires a minimum of 2 willing players.

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 25

Weight: 12

Maximum Occurrence: 1

This will not occur during Nuke ops, Wizard, or Revolution.

Alien.png Alien Infestation Unidentified lifesigns detected coming aboard the station. Secure any exterior access, including ducting and ventilation.

One or more player controlled alien larva spawn in random locations aboard the station.

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 30

Weight: 5

Generic wizard.png Bad Wizard Spawns a wizard federation diplomat that, instead of spawning with a spellbook, spawns with a pre-set loadout of spells.

Minimum players: 20

Weight: 5

Blob core.gif Blob Confirmed outbreak of level 5 biohazard aboard the station. All personnel must contain the outbreak.

A Blob spawns in a random location on the station. This will prevent the emergency shuttle from leaving until it is either destroyed or kills everyone on station. If it gets out of hand, hightail it to a teleporter or the mining shuttle.

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 30

Weight: 8

Max Occurrence: 1

Devil.gif Devil A player will be randomly chosen to turn into a devil. This random event has been discontinued until further notice.

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 20

Maximum Occurrence: 0

Cluwne.png Floor Cluwne Spawns a floor cluwne. The floor cluwne will target anyone on the station and will stalk them, throwing things at them and honking. This will get more extreme as the floor cluwne prepares to attack. When the cluwne attacks, it will EMP an area around the target as well as lube it. It will move towards it's target (though it starts out on top of them) and drag them beneath the floor and gib them. The floor cluwne will repeat this, getting faster with every crewmember it takes. That said, the floor cluwne itself is pretty vulnerable when it appears and it will remain above the floor until it reaches and kills it's target or dies, so if you just drag the target as the floor cluwne appears you can easily wail on it with a toolbox until it dies.

The resulting mask itself is still evil, and will stick to your hand if grabbed (so pull it to a recycler or banish it into a locker if you want it disposed of). If worn, it will stick to your face and turn you into a Cluwne, a clown like abomination that is Valid and can be attacked by anyone, though they themselves are still bound by rules and can only immediately retaliate.

Minimum players: 20

Weight: 5

Generic nukesyndie.png Lone Operative This event spawns a single Nuclear Operative around the station in space, with the objective of activating the nuke.


Max Occurrences: 1

Chance of occurrence: Dependent on round events

Hugbox.png Obsession Awakening A random player will get traitor objectives centered around another crew member. Note that this only occurs to human station crew, and will not occur in say, an ashwalker.

Minimum players: 20

Weight: 10

Maximum Occurrences: 1

Generic nukesyndie.png Portal Storm: Syndicate Shocktroops Massive bluespace anomaly detected en route to the station. Brace for impact.

A bunch of green portals start appearing on the station, spawning syndicate shocktroops.

Minimum round time: 30 minutes

Minimum players: 15

Weight: 2

Sentient Disease Spawns a Sentient Disease on station.

Minimum round time: None

Slaughterdemon.png Slaughter Demon Spawns a Slaughter Demon on station.

The slaughter demon is a demon straight from hell born to slaughter! It has the ability to blood crawl this means you can sink into blood tiles which will allow you to move anywhere ya please just like if AI was viewing the station. To enter the world of the living again you must find a tile where there is blood. The common practice of the slaughter demon is to Murderbone Feed your ever growing hunger! To do this you must knock or kill someone until they are laying down then you can drag them into a pool of blood using the same ability as you did to blood crawl but now with a person! When you blood crawl with a crew member you will hear the sounds of you feasting on them. This permanently removes that person from the shift and heals you.

Minimum round time: 1 hour

Minimum players: 20

Generic ninja.png Space Ninja A Space Ninja spawns. 'nuff said here.

Minimum round time: 40 minutes

Minimum players: 15

Weight: 10

Maximum Occurrence: 1

Pirate.png Space Pirates Incoming subspace communication. Secure channel opened at all communication consoles.

The station receives a communication extorting current station funds (80% of ya'rr points to be exact!). If they answer yes, the money is just gone and nothing of interest happens.

If the station refuses to pay, attempts to pay without having enough funds in the cargo budget, or is silent for 5 minutes, a pirate shuttle arrives somewhere in space.

Pirates can activate the Data Siphon - a device that steals station funds and shuts down RnD servers as well as the cargo shuttle. However, this reveals the pirate shuttle with a GPS beacon.

Minimum round time: 30 minutes

Minimum players: 10

Weight: 8

Maximum Occurrence: 1

Will not occur during Nuke ops.

Revolver.png Spawn Fugitives Spawns a team of Fugitives in a random spot in Maintenance, with no access and a single toolbox to hack around with. After 10 minutes, a team of Hunters, with basic access, is spawned in through a shuttle, and is assigned to capture the fugitives.

Minimum round time: 30 minutes

Minimum players: 20

Shadowbeing.png Spawn Nightmare Spawns a sentient Nightmare. This random event has been discontinued until further notice.

Minimum round time: 45 minutes

Minimum players: 30

Maximum Occurrence: 0

ZombieTumor.png Spawn Zombie Spawns a player controlled zombie. The zombie will proceed to attack and kill anything it comes into contact with. Each attack has a chance to put a tumor that infects a crewmember transforming them into a zombie after some time. The tumor can be removed before transformation using surgery. It also can be delayed while having charcoal in your system, but this does not remove the tumor. Zombies have unlimited regeneration and come back to life after death. The quickest way to kill a zombie is to behead them.

Minimum players: 20

Weight: 4

Spider.png Spider Infestation Unidentified lifesigns detected coming aboard the station. Secure any exterior access, including ducting and ventilation.

A number of spiderlings, along with a good chance of their mother spawn aboard the station. The babies will eventually grow into adult giant spiders, so smash them while they're vulnerable!

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 25

Weight: 5

Maximum Occurrence: 1

Swarmer.png Swarmers Our long-range sensors have detected an odd signal emanating from your station's gateway. We recommend immediate investigation of your gateway, as something may have come through.

Spawns a Swarmer beacon in a xeno spawn location.

Minimum round time: 30 minutes

Minimum players: 15

Weight: 8

Maximum Occurrence: 1

Random events disrupt and add a bit of chaos to rounds. They tend to be more frequent and destructive the longer a round has been going on. Each event will (normally) be announced with a large Centcom status update.

While it is not possible to prevent random events from happening in the first place, in many cases, it is possible to counteract their effects. Spatial interdictors can mitigate or even nullify many random events, depending on which one it is. For example, it can provide a safe zone from radiation during blowouts and allows limited passage through spatial tears.

Contents 1 Default Events 1.1 Minor Events 1.1.1 Travelling Trader 1.2 Meteor Shower 1.2.1 Cybershark Attack 1.3 Solar Flare 1.4 Spatial Anomaly 1.5 Spatial Distortion 1.6 Ion Storm 1.7 Intruder Alert 1.7.1 Blob 1.8 Black Hole 1.9 White Hole 1.10 Radstorm 1.11 Blowout 1.12 Bio-Magnetic Field 1.13 Lottery Round 1.14 Appendicitis Contraction 1.15 Closet Skeletons 1.16 Sleeper Agents Signal 1.17 Pest Invasion 1.18 Hostile Critter 1.19 Locker Entanglement 1.20 Space Colors 2 Admin-Triggered Events 2.1 Kudzu 2.2 Flatulent Anomaly 2.3 Chaos Dunk 2.4 Syndicate Retribution Event 3 Supplementary Video Default Events Minor Events Includes the sudden appearance of alien artifacts, mice/roaches/wasps infestations, or weeds. NPC merchant ships also fall into this category. Minor events usually don't trigger an announcement. They tend to occur somewhat more often and usually happen earlier than other events.

Travelling Trader A merchant shuttle has docked with the station. A NPC trader from CentComm arrives on a certain place on the station, bringing worthless crap curious commodities from another land, usually centered around some sort of theme, like ores or space pod parts. They stay around for 5 to 10 minutes, then announce they're preparing to leave with another status update, before actually departing 30 seconds afterwards. The merchant shuttle can dock at the following locations:

Cogmap2Cogmap1ClarionMushroomOshanAtlasDonut 2 In the maintenance tunnel above the Kitchen and Hydroponics. In the maintenance tunnel below the Research Wing, near the Science Pod Bay. Meteor Shower MassiveMeteor.png

Significant meteor shower approaching from the east. Impact in 300 seconds. Giant meteors will begin raining upon the station from a given direction, destroying everything in their path before crumbling into a pile of rock and ore, or exploding into several, smaller meteors. The crew is given a 5 minute heads up (although more often than not it takes longer due to BYOND lag) indicating the direction and the severity. The crew can set up meteor shield generators which pop up shields to block meteors. After a meteor has hit enough objects, it will break, leaving behind whatever minerals it contained. Normally, it is just plain rocks, char, or molitz, but it can rarely be very valuable ores, like syreline or even the elusive starstone. The damage done by meteors is often minimal, and is usually repaired quickly. Rarely, admins may cause a meteor shower to hit the station from all sides. In the event of this happening, please follow standard operating procedure, by hiding in the nearest closet.

On aquatic maps, e.g. Oshan Laboratory, meteor showers are placed by cybershark attacks, which are visually distinct but mechanically identical to meteor showers.

Cybershark Attack CyberShark.png

Major cybershark attack approaching from the west. Impact in 300 seconds. A reskin of the above that appears only on ocean maps, e.g. Oshan. Instead of rocks, it's robot sharks with guns they apparently don't use ramming into the station, splitting into “shark chunks” that might split off into smaller ones.

Otherwise, the cybersharks and shark chunks act like regular meteors. Getting hit by cybersharks or their chunks hurts, shark collisions can knockdown walls and windows, shields from meteor shield generators block cybersharks, and the sharks can leave behind ores, including syreline or even starstone.

Solar Flare IntercomV2.png

A solar flare has been detected near the station. We estimate a signal interference rate of 91% lasting anywhere between three to five minutes. Space turns piss-yellow, communication over PDA, intercoms, Syndicate and Sec's spy stickers, and the General/Common radio frequency (i.e. 145.9) cannot go through, and the shuttle is unable to be called or recalled while the flare is in effect. Machine talk is unaffected, as are the department-specific frequencies and the radio channels used by gang members and nuclear operatives. Station-bounced radios also still work, even ones tuned to General. A status update will let the crew know when the flare has passed.

Spatial Anomaly SpatialAnomaly.gif

A severe spatial anomaly has been detected near the station. Personnel are advised to avoid any unusual phenomenae. A large red tear in space temporarily divides the station in two, appearing at a random location and spanning the entire z-level horizontally or vertically. The anomaly is completely impassible except by teleportation or riding disposal pipes. More of a nuisance than an actual hazard.

Spatial Distortion Wormhole.gif

Multiple localized spatial anomalies detected on the station. Personnel are advised to avoid any spatial distortions. Swirling wormholes pop up around the station. Jumping into one will teleport you to a random point in the station, including a burning toxins mixing room, inside a window, or exposed to space on the solar arrays.

Ion Storm AIMalf.gif

An electromagnetic storm recently passed by the station. Sensitive electrical equipment may require maintenance. Various electronics on the station/ship go haywire. Random doors are electrified, bolted, or open/closed. A couple of APCs might have lighting, equipment, and/or environmental power circuits disabled until they are fixed. (Better hope it's not one in Medbay!) Speaking of lighting, the ion storm can either break random lights (which releases sparks), randomize the color or brightness of various light bulbs/tubes, or simply turn a couple of lights off. The storm also messes with settings on various vending machines and manufacturers (effects are same as when pulsing wires when hacking them). In addition, it trips a handful of fire alarms and triggers 3 random PDA alerts, potentially leading to a false alarm.

More importantly, the AI and Cyborgs' Law Modules can malfunction, causing the module to either have the law entirely replaced or contain an additional law. The new law has a 33% chance to be generated from laws uploaded by players from past rounds, tailored to filter out more dangerous laws. Otherwise, the new law is selected from a built-in list of ion laws, which can may be hazardous or just weird and nonsensical, such as “PANIC PANIC PANIC PANIC PANIC PANIC PANIC PANIC PANIC PANIC PANIC PANIC” or “Occasionally repeat what you hear from the crew word-for-word. If challenged on this behavior, claim you said it first.” The Centcom notification comes some time after the new law appears, giving the AI time to act bizarrely before the crew rushes to fix it.

In order to fix the ion storm malfunctions, you will have to extract the affected Law Module from the Law Rack and reset it by hitting it with a multitool. Don't forget to put it back!

Intruder Alert JobspyNew.png

Our listening devices indicate the presence of a hostile intruder aboard the station. Security level elevated. A powerful antagonist has infiltrated the station. They appear a good few minutes before the announcement, so you might notice their antag antics before CentComm does…or not.

Unless it was admin-triggered, this event can only happen after the 27 minute mark and if all the antags are dead. In addition, it cannot happen in modes that do not have late-join antags, i.e. you won't see this in the Blob, Nuclear Emergency, Revolution, and Gang modes. Furthermore, this does not occur when the server is in “RP Mode”, i.e. it's the Goonstation Roleplay 4: Sylvester and Goonstation Roleplay 3: Morty servers.

When the game initiates this event, it randomly selects one of the following antagonists, each with equal probability:

Werewolf Hunter/Predator Wizard Wraith Wrestler (just a regular human one) Wrestledoodle Blob Blob (AI) (NPC Blob) Vampire Changeling Flockmind If the game did not select AI Blob, it'll then select someone to play the antag by notifying all eligible ghosts with a distinct ding and prompt, asking if they're willing to be respawned as an enemy role. This notification goes out to all ghosts who:

Haven't logged out/aren't braindead. Are not set to DNR. A lucky player from the pool of those who opted in is then randomly selected after 2 minutes, provided they responded to the offer in time. Selection ignores Antagonist preferences.

Blob BlobOvermind64.png

Aggressive macrocellular organism detected aboard the station. All personnel must contain the outbreak. If the game chooses blob for the Intruder Alert, there's a unique Centcom announcement. They're usually controlled by a player or, very rarely, an AI that's surprisingly quite capable of multitasking.

As for the blob itself, it is a pulsating mass that spreads around, often breaking walls, windows, and other parts of the station. It can attack every thing adjacent to itself, it posses many types of “cells” that perform different functions, and if it absorbs a human or monkey, it gets stronger and more advanced. The best tools for fighting the blob are generally welders and fire. Contrary to conventional belief, the blob can spread without oxygen.

Black Hole Blackhole.gif

A severe gravitational anomaly has been detected on the station in Refinery. It may collapse into a black hole if not stabilized. All personnel should feed mass to the anomaly until it stabilizes. A dark anomaly appears in the given area, and if the crew does not stabilize it by throwing mass into the anomaly, it will collapse into a black hole, sucking everything towards it, including the floor and otherwise immovable stuff, exactly like the singularity, but you may look at a black hole without mesons and not be harmed. Even though it normally disappears shortly after it spawns, the damage it causes is almost always enough to warrant calling the escape shuttle.

White Hole A severe anti-gravitational anomaly has been detected on the station in Chapel. It will uncollapse into a white hole. Consider quarantining it off. Quite literally the opposite of the Black Hole event - or, if you want to get technical, just the other end of one. All players in the vicinity of the newly-spawned white hole will get a worrying chat notification saying that “the air grows light and thin,” accompanied by the warning from Central Command.

A swirling mass of white light and mist, the white hole will sit menacingly while doing nothing for a variable amount of time - on the order of 30 seconds or less - before it “activates” and starts throwing random items, objects, and sometimes hostile critters from its center at high velocities. These objects can destroy windows, and the barrage of projectiles can easily send unlucky crewmembers into critical health. The anomaly will also push away anything not bolted down near it until it dissipates, which can create an absolute mess in their wake in tandem with the flood of items that get spawned. Their activation can be slowed through the use of an activated Spatial Interdictor, and they can be fully stabilized by…fishing in them? However, the dangers a white hole poses can be mostly mitigated by building secured barricades or walls around them, which will prevent anyone from being hit by flying Plasma tanks or Shot glasses and contain any angry monkeys that might otherwise start beating up bystanders.

Notably, the white hole will have an image inside of it that indicates what kinds of objects will be ejected from it, pulling from a wide variety of station locations (and some alien ones, too). If you see an image that looks like Medbay, expect to have a bunch of medical supplies thrown out of it. If you see something that looks like the Syndicate Battlecruiser, though, get ready to book it, because a hail of gunfire and some activated Sawflies and NAS-T turrents are about to get launched out of that thing, and you don't want to be around when that happens!

This event is also a favorite implement of certain Admins. If you see any white holes appearing in particularly comedic places or at particularly inopportune times, it's probably no coincidence.

Radstorm Radioactive anomalies have been detected on the station. Evacuate any areas containing abnormal green or blue energy fields. Medical personnel are advised to prepare potassium iodide and anti-toxin treatments, and remain on standby to treat cases of irradiation. Hotspots of radiation randomly appear on the station, subjecting nearby crew members to a bit of radiation. A high enough dose may also result in a beneficial or harmful mutation. Occasionally, the usual green hotspots are replaced by blue hotspots, which confer more deadly neutron radiation.

Blowout Extreme levels of radiation detected approaching the station. All personnel have [30.1-60.9] seconds to enter a maintenance tunnel or radiation safezone. Maintenance doors have temporarily had their access requirements removed. This is not a test. During the blowout, space turns red, and large amounts of radiation buffet the station areas highlighted in flashing yellow. Crew members must seek protection in maintenance tunnels during the storm, and to this end all maintenance doors are all-access for the duration of the blowout. Arrivals and Brig are also protected from radiation. Exposed crew members will take heavy radiation and may suffer horrible mutations. After a blow-out, alien artifacts may appear on the station.

Bio-Magnetic Field RedBio-MagneticField.pngBlueBio-MagneticField.png

Strong bio-magnetic fields have been detected manifesting on the station. Personnel are advised to avoid anybody charged with the opposite magnetic charge. The fields should dissipate within a few minutes. Everyone who doesn't have SMES Human or the Unionized trait (Get it? As in, un-ionized, so no charge) is enveloped in either a red or blue magnetic field. Each person's field starts at mid-strength and increases when the person moves in 90-degree turns.

If two people with the same charge come in contact, their bio-magnetic fields will repel each other, reducing the strength of their bio-magnetic field, throwing them across potentially huge distances, stunning them and causing brute damage when they land.

If two people with opposite charges come in contact, they will cause a minor magnetic blowout, shooting arcs nearby and throwing any unanchored objects towards them. Both people will also lose their magnetic field. Depending on the strength of the magfields of the people involved, the sheer number of objects thrown about can actually seriously hurt people caught by in blowout, even bystanders, especially if there are many of them.

Lottery Round ThousandCreditsV2.png

Lottery round [number]. I wish you all the best of luck. For an amazing prize of [jackpot] credits the lottery numbers are: [four numbers]. If you have these numbers get to an ATM to claim your prize now! As you might have guessed, Central Command holds a lottery for the station. The jackpot starts at 50 000 credits, and you try to win it by buying a ticket at an ATM. The tickets you buy go towards the subsequent lottery round. If the lottery hasn't occurred yet, the tickets will be for Round 1 (and only Round 1), and if Lottery Round 1 is in progress, you'll get tickets for Round 2, and so forth. You can claim your prize or simply check if your ticket has the winning numbers by clicking on the ATM with the ticket in-hand.

Lottery Rounds occur roughly 5-10 minutes after each other. If no one has a winning ticket or doesn't claim it, four new winning numbers are drawn, and the jackpot increases by 50 000. Jackpots don't holdover between rounds. Interestingly, though four numbers are drawn, the numbers only go from 1 to 3. Also, it's a lottery, not a raffle, so being the only person who bought a ticket won't guarantee you the prize, and you can get tickets with the same numbers on them, so buying lots of tickets won't guarantee you the prize either.

Appendicitis Contraction AppendixV2.png

Medical Data Inbound The NanoTrasen Personnel Records Department has informed us that some crew members have the genetic indicators that they will very likely contract Appendicitis, they should report to medbay before their condition worsens. One to three crew members have suddenly developed appendicitis, a potentially deadly disease where the afflicted's appendix has become tired of being called useless and decides to inflict some nasty pains before eventually exploding, leaving behind some pathogens in the process.

Closet Skeletons Skeleton64.png

Our sensors detected a rattling of bones rapidly approaching the station. Be wary of closets. A couple of random lockers and similar will shake and rattle eerily. If one of them is opened, a thankfully inanimate skeleton (i.e. not the kind that kill you physically) will pop out of it! Specific event text varies, but the warning about closets stays the same. Occurs exclusively in October, when Spooktober mode is activated.

Sleeper Agents Signal HardmodeTraitorNew64.png

Enemy Signal Detected A Syndicate radio station temporarily hijacked our communications. Be wary of individuals acting strangely. Everyone tuned to the Common frequency, 145.9, hears a peculiar noise consisting of a series of chimes, then numbers pronounced by a robotic voice, and then another series of chimes. Depending on the chances, a small number of crew may awaken as Syndicate sleeper agents, which are essentially Traitors with random objectives and no uplink!

Unless it was admin-triggered, this event can only happen after the 30 minute mark. In addition, it cannot happen in modes that do not allow late-join traitors, i.e. it can occur in the Traitor, Spy Theft, Mixed (Action), Mixed (Mild), Wizard and Conspiracy modes. On the roleplay servers (i.e. Goonstation Roleplay 3: Morty and Goonstation Roleplay 4: Sylvester), this event can only appear if only 10% or less of current antags are alive. On the non-RP servers, this event can happen regardless of antag numbers.

Though the Cyborgs and AI can hear the signal, it can't actually convert them over to the Syndicate; in other words, only humans can be awakened. Moreover, if said human has a radio without access to the 149.5 frequency or doesn't have a radio at all, they won't hear the signal. This event respects antag preferences; if someone has Traitor set to off in their character preferences, they can't be converted. Furthermore, it can't make people who can't spawn as antag (i.e. Security Officer, Head of Security, Nanotrasen Security Operative, and Security Assistant) a sleeper. Finally, there is a 50% chance for one person to be awakened, 25% for two people, and 25% for no one at all–the paranoia!

Pest Invasion RoachNew64.png

Pest invasion A large number of pests have been detected onboard. A group of weak player-controlled animals appear in weird places on the station. There's no limit to amount of pests that can spawn, and if at least 5 spawn, then the above announcement appears. They're not considered Antagonists.

These critters work like their normal counterparts and have the same abiities, but they have much less health, usually in the single or low double digit range, and they have the same mechanical restrictions as ghost critters, e.g. people can't understand their speech, inability to pick up most items, etc. The critters spawned are all the same type (i.e. cats can spawn, dogs can spawn, but never both at once). Possible animals include:

Flies, which can vomit on people. Mosquitos, which can suck blood. Cats and dogs, both of which can pounce on people to make them trip. Dogs came in the form of corgis, pugs, and shibas. Frogs, which have no unique traits or abilities, aside from an amusing hop. Buttcrabs, which can make people fart a lot or prevent them from farting. Eyespiders, which can see behind walls, mark to keep track of their location and appearance, people to let their changeling master see them behind walls (not that they have a master), explode into gibs, and cry to express the tragedy of the eyespider condition (and slip people). Roboroaches, which are actually completely normal and have nothing particularly special, besides having weird meat (?) and looking much cooler. Unless it was admin-triggered, this event can only occur once the round has passed the 5-minute mark and at least 25% of the people on the server are dead and not DNR. When the game initiates this event, it will send all eligible ghosts a notification with a distinct ding and prompt, asking if they want to be respawned as a random pest. This notification goes out to all ghosts who:

Haven't logged out/aren't braindead. Are not set to DNR. All the players that answered yes are then spawned as the selected critters after a delay.

Hostile Critter Gunbot64.png HumanFire64.png QueenSpider64.png

Hostile Critter Our sensors have detected a hostile nonhuman lifeform in the vicinity of the station. One to three dangerous player-controlled creatures suddenly appear on the station. They all spawn as one single type of critter, and the possibilites include gunbots with .38 FMJ and rubber slug guns, fire elementals that can spew long streams of flame and have surprisingly good cauterization skills, and baby spiders that have lots of arms venomous stings and can absorb victims to become more powerful. These critters are considered Antagonists and have random objectives. They all also drop unique loot when killed.

Unless it was admin-triggered, this event can only happen if about less than a quarter of the current antags are alive and the round has passed the 5-minute mark. In addition, it cannot happen in modes that do not have late-join antags, i.e. you won't see this in the Blob, Nuclear Emergency, Revolution, and Gang modes. When the game initiates this event, it will then select people to play by notifying all eligible ghosts with a distinct ding and prompt, asking if they're willing to be respawned as an antagonist critter. This notification goes out to all ghosts who:

Haven't logged out/aren't braindead. Are not set to DNR. The game then randomly picks up to 3 of the people who opted in and spawns them as the chosen critters after a delay.

Locker Entanglement GenericCloset.png

Quantum Anomaly A quantum anomaly has been detected on station. Locker dimensional subspaces might have become unstable. Enter lockers at your own risk. Certain lockers temporarily behave like two-way teleporters. You enter one locker, and you exit out another. Take the locker you just exited, and you'll end up back at the locker you originally exited. It works only with lockers with no access requirements (i.e. can't end up in the Armory), and it can't take you to lockers in places like Virtual Reality.

Effect ends after 1 to 5 minutes. This is headed by another announcement saying Locker quantum stability restored..

Space Colors SunglassesV2-32×32.png

Navigational Update Navigational radar indicates that the [station/ship name] will shortly begin drifting through a molecular cloud. This poses no danger to structural integrity or personnel, so enjoy the view.“ Space turns a random color, including the stars. Yep, that's it. The cloud doesn't make space extra dangerous or anything, so you don't need to take any extra precautions if you're venturing out there. Otherwise, as the message says, just enjoy view and admire the pretty colors. And they can quite pretty: this is accomplished through what's called a “color matrix”, so it looks much cleaner than, say, the red tint of a blowout.

For hopefully obvious reasons, this cannot occur on underwater maps (e.g. Oshan Laboratory, Nadir). There's no outer space to see after all. This also can't occur during Spooktober, because that would just kinda ruin the horror atmosphere.

Admin-Triggered Events Kudzu MediumKudzu.png MediumPinkKudzu.png

Rapidly expanding plant organism detected aboard the station. All personnel must contain the outbreak. Thick green kudzu will spawn at a random point on the station and begin growing quickly. The kudzu itself is harmless but it will greatly lower your line of sight, normally so much so that you can only see one tile next to you, and dense areas block movement. You also cannot pull anything over kudzu tiles. Kudzu does not spread through space or pass through walls, windows, and grilles. It can also spread through doors, but not as easily as regular floor tiles. Unlike the kudzu seed, kudzu from this event can spread infinitely.

Corpses on kudzu become vine cocoons that later grow into bulbs, and these bulbs eventually produce kudzupeople if no one breaks the corpse out of them. Kudzupeople have a variety of plant-based powers, including the ability to spread the kudzu further or limit its grow.

The kudzu can be removed with most objects save fists, but it receives extra damage from sharp instruments and certain heat sources, such as welders, flamethrowers, wirecutters, chainsaws, and phasers. Welding doors shut, bolting them down, or electrifying them reduces the chance kudzu spreading through them, and kudzu is completely unable to spread through doors that are all three. Note that dense kudzu ceases to spread, so containing the plant is as simple as pruning off the less tangled bits.

There is a rare pink version of kudzu that grows extra fast, and will take over the station in no time.

Flatulent Anomaly ButtV2.png

Our monitors have detected a spectral emission rapidly approaching the station. Duck and cover immediately. Everyone who failed to adhere to the last four words of the alert farts and their ass flies off, stunning them momentarily. If your ass has already been removed you will spray a load of gibs behind you.

Chaos Dunk Basketball.png BasketballHoop.png

A massive influx of negative b-ball protons has been detected. A Chaos Dunk is imminent. All personnel currently on the station have 15 seconds to reach minimum safe distance. This is not a test. Even though its not “random”, it is still very much an “event”. Someone got their hands on a basketball and combined it with a secret ingredient, and are about to slam a jam so powerful that its existence threatens the balance of chaos and order. Oh yeah, and it'll probably blow half the station to smithereens, which is also bad. This usually happens when a bored admin decides to make things more interesting. A Chaos Dunk is heralded by the blowout siren and visual effects without the radiation, followed by an enormous explosion centered on the b-baller who initiated it.

Syndicate Retribution Event CryogenicHealingPodEmpty.png Player access to this event has been suspended pending rework and redevelopement. This event has been disabled because the S.W.O.R.D. is a round-ender and is considered unfun to fight. This may change pending a rework. SWORD-Beacon-Inactive.gif

Alert An unidentified long-range beacon has been detected near the station. Await further instructions. The station is under siege by the Syndicate-made object detected earlier. Survive any way possible. An inert Syndicate-made beacon is drawn to a location on the station. The S.W.O.R.D. becomes active after two minutes and goes on a rampage that can destroy large swaths of the station and be extremely deadly to both carbon and silicon players. It's best handled with a prepared and numerous crew.

The S.W.O.R.D. can only appear as a random event past the 40-minute mark of a round and only if the pool of living antagonists has dwindled considerably and 30 or more crewmembers remain alive. The defeat of the S.W.O.R.D. is signalled with an announcement that The Syndicate Weapon has been eliminated.

These are random events that occur during a game regardless of gamemode. They have a relatively low chance of occurring, and are often (but not always) accompanied by a broadcasted message from CentCom. Some may only occur after so much time has elapsed during a round.

Contents 1 Events 1.1 Anomalies 1.2 Aurora Caelus 1.3 Brand Intelligence 1.4 Bureaucratic Error 1.5 Camera Failure 1.6 Carp Migration 1.7 Clogged Vents 1.8 Communications Blackout 1.9 Disease Outbreak 1.10 Electrical Storm 1.11 Fake Virus 1.12 False Alarm 1.13 Grid Check 1.14 Immovable Rod 1.15 High-Priority Bounty 1.16 Ion Storm 1.17 Market Crash 1.18 Mass Hallucination 1.19 Meteor Wave 1.20 Meateor Wave 1.21 Mice Migration 1.22 Portal Storm 1.23 Greytide Virus 1.24 Processor Overload 1.25 Radiation Storm 1.26 Random Heart Attack 1.27 Random Human-level Intelligence 1.28 Scrubber Overflow 1.29 Shuttle Loan 1.30 Space Dust 1.31 Space Dust (Major) 1.32 Space Vines 1.33 Spontaneous Appendicitis 1.34 Spontaneous Brain Trauma 1.35 Stray Cargo Pod 1.36 Stray Syndicate Cargo Pod 1.37 Wormholes 1.38 Wisdom Cow 2 Antagonist Events 2.1 Abductors 2.2 Alien Infestation 2.3 Blob 2.4 Fugitives / Hunters 2.5 Nightmare 2.6 Space Ninja 2.7 Spider Infestation 2.8 Pirates 2.9 Revenant 2.10 Sentient Disease 2.11 Slaughter Demon 2.12 Lone Operative 2.13 Space Dragon 2.14 Swarmers 3 Wiznerd Events Events Anomalies Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Chance of occurrence: Varies

”<Anomaly type> detected on long range scanners. Expected location: <area name>.“

A random type of anomaly spawns in a random location on the station! These tend to cause bad things if left alone. So hop to it! To neutralize an anomaly, grab an analyzer from a toolbox and a remote signaling device. Scan the anomaly with the analyzer, then send the signal with the frequency shown! This will neutralize the anomaly and leave behind a core, a relatively valuable item to science.

The anomalies will move around, so a bit of hunting may be necessary if it happens to stray from its location.

Types of anomalies

Unstable bluespace anomaly (Rare) If left unchecked, it will eventually detonate, warping every object in the area into a random location. Virology may end up in space! Tech storage may suddenly appear in the security wing! Localized hyper-energetic flux wave (Very common, 10 players minimum) If left alone, it will eventually erupt in a violent explosion. Pyroclastic anomaly (Very common) Creates plasma fires! Gravitational anomaly (Very common) Pulls and flings objects everywhere nearby. Localized high-intensity vortex anomaly (Rare, 20 players minimum) The rarest of the bunch. Consumes objects and creates hull breaches. Nasty! Hallucination anomaly Causes anyone nearby to hallucinate vividly. Bioscrambler anomaly Randomly swaps your limbs and organs with those of other species. Will not disappear on its own, and will instead continue pulsating until it is neutralized. Ectoplasmic anomaly (Rare) This event increases in power as more observers (dead players) orbit it. If only a few are orbiting the anomaly, it might only end up making a mess of the surrounding area or begin to haunt nearby objects. You can estimate how “powerful” one of these anomalies will be by examining it. If a majority of ghosts are orbiting the anomaly, it will summon a spooky ghost portal and spawn those players back into the world as (hostile) vengeful spirits. If you see one of these portals, you can destroy it and send them packing back to the realm of the dead! Players orbiting the anomaly can control the direction it moves in by speaking directional commands into deadchat. Aurora Caelus Minimum round time: 5 minutes

Chance of occurrence: Above average

”<Station Name>: A harmless cloud of ions is approaching your station, and will exhaust their energy battering the hull. Nanotrasen has approved a short break for all employees to relax and observe this very rare event. During this time, starlight will be bright but gentle, shifting between quiet green and blue colors. Any staff who would like to view these lights for themselves may proceed to the area nearest to them with viewing ports to open space. We hope you enjoy the lights.“

The space around the hull glows with varying shades of green and blue as the ions batter themselves against the station.

Brand Intelligence Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 15

Chance of occurrence: Low

“Rampant brand intelligence has been detected aboard <station name>. Please inspect any <machine brand> brand vendors for aggressive marketing tactics, and reboot them if necessary.”

One of the machine type specified in the CentCom notice has become sentient! If not stopped, it will begin to spread a virus to all other vending machines, causing them to animate and attack anything in sight!

The origin machine can be any of the vending machines in the station, from the soda machine in escape to the cigarette dispenser in the captain's office. It will shout aggressive speech at anyone nearby and launch products at anything in sight. To stop it and prevent it from infecting any other vendors, it must be either deconstructed or its wires all cut, or just simply screwdriver the panel open and flick the speaker switch to off.

Bureaucratic Error Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: N/A

Chance of occurrence: Low

“A recent bureaucratic error in the Organic Resources Department may result in personnel shortages in some departments and redundant staffing in others.”

Randomly sets the overflow role (the infinite slot one, default is Assistant) to any job in the game. You might end up wading in Wardens or drowning in Clowns

Camera Failure Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Chance of occurrence: Extremely High

One or two random cameras around the station will be deactivated.

Carp Migration Minimum round time: 10 minutes

Minimum players: 2

Chance of occurrence: Above average

“Unknown biological entities have been detected near <station name>, please stand-by.”

Space carp spawn around the station. Take care and have a good weapon handy when heading out into space. And watch yourself when around windows!

Clogged Vents Minimum players: 5

Chance of occurrence: High

“Minor biological obstruction detected in the ventilation network. Blockage is believed to be in <area>”

One of the station scrubbers will clog and begin pumping out creatures. These creatures are usually harmless, but there is a chance something truly nasty or bizarre might start crawling out instead. You can unclog a vent and stop the creatures with a plunger.

Communications Blackout Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Chance of occurrence: High

“Ionospheric anomalies dete'fZ\\kg5_0-BZZZZZT”

Telecommunications goes down temporarily. The crew isn't often alerted of this, but the AI always is. Sometimes confused due to crew incompetence with the Ion Storm, detailed below.

Disease Outbreak Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 10

Chance of occurrence: Low

“Confirmed outbreak of level 7 viral biohazard aboard <station name>. All personnel must contain the outbreak.”

Get your asses in gear, medbay! A virus has somehow made it aboard the station. Could be the common cold, could be the confusing space retrovirus, could be the crippling brainrot, or a completely random Advanced Virus.

Due to the similar CentCom alert, expect many confused/dumb crewmen to fill communications with cries of “WHERE'S THE BLOB?” or “LYNCH VIRO.”

The longer the round has gone on, the worse the virus!

Electrical Storm Minimum round time: 10 minutes

Minimum players: 5

Chance of occurrence: Very High

“An electrical storm has been detected in your area, please repair potential electronic overloads.”

A bunch of lights short out in a general area on the station. Annoying at best. But at least it gives the janitor something to do other than mop blood trails.

Fake Virus Chance of occurrence: Very High

One to three random crewmembers will start experiencing random virus symptoms, such as a headache, coughing, or sneezing. These symptoms will gradually increase in frequency and become more severe over the course of three minutes, after which the symptoms will vanish. A Health Analyzer should clear the misconception up. In addition, shortly after the first one to three crewmembers are afflicted, another one to five other random crewmembers will cough, sneeze, or feel lightheaded exactly once.

False Alarm Minimum round time: 20 Minutes

Chance of occurrence: Above Average

Plays a false alarm message for about any other event. Fun with meteors.

Grid Check Minimum round time: 20 Minutes

Chance of occurrence: Average

“Abnormal activity detected in station name's powernet. As a precautionary measure, the station's power will be shut off for an indeterminate duration.”

Shuts down all APCs stationwide for 30 to 120 seconds, with the exception of Engineering. Usually leads to stationwide looting once Assistants crowbar open airlocks. Can be fixed early by hitting the APC's “Reset” button.

Immovable Rod Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 15

Chance of occurrence: Average

“What the fuck was that?!”

Something of a humorous physics joke, an immovable rod will travel through the station in a straight line causing reasonable amounts of damage to the structure and killing anybody unfortunate to be in its path. They take some time to travel through the station, make an immense amount of noise, and as such are avoidable to players with quick reflexes. They will often open up secure areas, resulting in looting. If an Immovable Rod's path includes the arrivals shuttle, or any of the escape pods, you will find out what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object.

High-Priority Bounty Minimum round time: 10 minutes

Chance of occurrence: Very High

“Central Command has issued a high-priority cargo bounty. Details have been sent to all bounty consoles.”

Whenever Cargo completes a bounty, there is a reasonable chance that it will be replaced with a high-priority bounty. All this really changes is that the reward for completing said bounty is doubled, encouraging Cargo to complete it. There is a maximum of three high-priority bounties that can be assigned in a round, meaning that during long shifts, it's pretty likely that Cargo's going to run out of these.

Ion Storm Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 2, with at least one AI existing

Chance of occurrence: Above Average

“Ion storm detected near the station. Please check all AI-controlled equipment for errors.”

All AIs aboard the station are uploaded with a random, glitched law! These new laws have random symbols for numbers, and thus are listed as the highest priority laws. New AI laws can range from bizarre and humorous to outright dangerous. A few examples include “CARGO REQUIRES THE STATION'S UNDERWEAR,” “THE STATION IS HAPPIER WITHOUT VIPERS,” and “JOHN SMITH IS A XENO.” This sometimes results in someone having to reset the AI.

Ion storms can also cause the order of laws to be rearranged. Have fun with an AI that doesn't have “you may not harm a human” as priority #1!

Even better, Ion storms can sometimes replace laws or even whole lawsets.

Market Crash Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Chance of occurrence: Average

“Due to [reason], prices for on-station vendors will be increased for a short period.”

Vending machine prices become extremely expensive for a short duration. Not to be confused with the SpaceCoin market crash.

Mass Hallucination Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Chance of occurrence: Average

Everyone shares a hallucination! Doesn't even have a CentCom notice. Might result in mass panic due to an imaginary delta alert notice.

Meteor Wave Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 15/25/25 (Normal/Threatening/Catastrophic)

Chance of occurrence: Below Average

“Meteors have been detected on collision course with the station.”

Meteors begin to spawn on the outer edges of the map, hurling across space! These are capable of dealing heavy damage, if not instantly annihilating anything they collide with. Capable of even releasing the singularity with a few bad hits!

Meateor Wave Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Chance of occurrence: Very Low

“Meaty ores have been detected on collision course with the station.”

Like meteors, but with meat and gibs instead of minerals.

Mice Migration Minimum round time: 20 Minutes

Chance of occurrence: Average

“Migration Alert.”

Spawns a bunch of cable-chewing mice all over the station's maintenance tunnels. It's a good idea to send in Engineers/cats/snakes/lizardpeople.

Portal Storm Minimum round time: 30 minutes

Minimum players: 15

Chance of occurrence: Very Low

“Massive bluespace anomaly detected en route to <station name>. Brace for impact.”

A bunch of green portals start appearing on the station, spawning syndicate shocktroops.

Greytide Virus Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 5

Chance of occurrence: Average

“Gr3y.T1d3 virus detected in <station name> imprisonment subroutines. Recommend station AI involvement.”

All of the doors in a specific department or multiple departments become bolted open. The AI or cyborgs can fix this quickly, but hacking will do in a pinch.

Processor Overload Minimum round time: 20 Minutes

Minimum players: 20

Chance of occurrence: Above average

“Exospheric bubble inbound. Processor overload is likely. Please contact you*%xp25)`6cq-BZZT”

Blows up telecommunication processors and causes Engineers to despair as none of them know how to fix tcomms.

Radiation Storm Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Chance of occurrence: Average

“High levels of radiation detected near the station. Maintenance is best shielded from radiation.”

Everyone caught outside of protected zones is subject to a hefty dose of radiation. If you're particularly unlucky, you might get a bad mutation, or an extra strong radiation pulse. If you're lucky, you might get a genetic power!

Random Heart Attack Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 40

Chance of occurrence: High

Unlucky spessmen get heart disease, which if it reaches stage 5, causes a heart attack. The only permanent cure for heart disease is surgery, albeit corazone can help stop the progression of heart disease. Using gym equipment will grant a hidden exercise buff that prevents heart disease for 20 minutes.

Random Human-level Intelligence Minimum round time: 20 Minutes

Chance of occurrence: Average

“Based on [data], we believe that one of the station's [pets] has developed [random] level intelligence, and the ability to communicate.”

Grants a ghost control over one of the station's simple animals/robots.

Scrubber Overflow Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 10

Chance of occurrence: Average

“The scrubbers network is experiencing a backpressure surge. Some ejection of contents may occur.”

All of the station's scrubbers begin to eject various colors of slippery foam, filled with different chemicals that range from humorous to annoying to dangerous. This generally tends to make moving around in most areas slow and annoying. Foam doesn't go on tables; climb up onto one if you want to avoid filling your body with goop and gunk.

Shuttle Loan Minimum round time: 6 Minutes

Chance of occurrence: Average

CentCom takes control of the Supply Shuttle and recalls it for some purpose they state in the announcement.

Cargo Bay can decide whether they want to loan the Supply Shuttle to CentCom for 5 minutes through the Supply Shuttle Console. The station receives a nice sum of bonus cargo points, in exchange for the following…

“The syndicate are trying to infiltrate your station. If you let them hijack your shuttle, you'll save us a headache.” A number of syndicate mobs come aboard the supply shuttle when it next comes. Have security arm up to take them out and safely confiscate any weapons they bring with them. “A group of angry russians want to have a party, can you send them your cargo shuttle then make them disappear?” A number of armed and angry Russians, plus a bear or two come with the next supply shuttle. Kill them for some sweet duds! “The Spider Clan has sent us a mysterious gift, can we ship it to you to see what's inside?” The next supply shuttle comes loaded with giant spiders, nasty! “Your station has been chosen for an epidemiological research project. Send us your cargo shuttle to receive your research samples.” The next shuttle comes with human corpses ridden with various viruses, to be used for the benefit of science or traitoring. May also include virus culture bottles. “Seems we've ordered doubles of our department resupply packages this month. Can we send them to you?” The next shuttle comes loaded with a variety of free goodies. Sweet! (Does not include extra points. Dang.) “It looks like a neighbouring station accidentally delivered their pizza to you instead.” You get a bunch of free pizzas! May or may not include a pizza bomb. “One of our freighters carrying a bee shipment has been attacked by eco-terrorists. Can you clean up the mess for us?” The next shuttle arrives containing some beekeeping gear, and some bees. Bee careful! “We have discovered an active Syndicate bomb near our VIP shuttle's fuel lines. If you feel up to the task, we will pay you for defusing it.” The shuttle arrives with a LIVE SYNDICATE BOMB on it. You get a huge sum of credits for accepting it, but is it really worth the risk? “A neighboring station needs some help handling some paperwork. Could you help process it for us?” The station gets a bunch of paperwork, addressed to the various heads of staff. Make sure they stamp them and send them back to Central Command through cargo! Space Dust Minimum round time: None

Chance of occurrence: Extremely High

Spawns some high-speed space dust that can break grilles or windows on the edge of the station.

Space Dust (Major) Minimum round time: None

Chance of occurrence: Below Average

“A neighbouring station is throwing rocks at you. Perhaps they've grown tired of your messages.”

Spawns a few waves of space dust. Will cause damage to the hull/windows.

Space Vines Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 10

Chance of occurrence: Above Average

A plant which spreads extremely rapidly around the station. Space vines will grow thicker with time, first getting thick enough to block vision, then capable of entangling people. You can resist entanglement, but it is safer to avoid the vines. Airlocks, fire doors and windows will stop their growth until someone opens them. If in an open area, the vines will continue to expand until they engulf every space not blocked off!

To fight the vines:

Drag a goat, either Pete or one ordered from cargo into the vines. It'll eat any vine it passes into, and even quickly consume them on its own so long as there's any nearby. A scythe from a weed control crate is effective. Plant-b-gone spray from botany and weedkiller grenades from cargo are also good options. Fire will also kill vines dead. Not recommended, as it will also kill anyone unfortunate to be caught around it. Spontaneous Appendicitis Minimum round time: 10 minutes

Minimum players: 5

Chance of occurrence: High

Even spacemen have to deal with appendicitis sometimes!

Spontaneous Brain Trauma Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 5

Chance of occurrence: High

Sometimes your brain goes a little wrong.

As a wise man once said: “Didn't make sense not to live for fun, Your brain gets smart, but your head gets dumb”

Stray Cargo Pod Minimum round time: 10 minutes

Chance of occurrence: Very High

“Stray cargo pod detected on long-range scanners. Expected location of impact: [].”

A pod containing a random cargo supply pack lands in a random part of the station. Contraband included!

Stray Syndicate Cargo Pod Minimum round time: 30 minutes

Chance of occurrence: Low

“Stray cargo pod detected on long-range scanners. Expected location of impact: [].”

A pod containing a crate loaded with 30 telecrystals worth of Syndicate Items lands in a random part of the station. A blast from the past.

Wormholes Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 2

Chance of occurrence: Very Low

“Space-time anomalies detected on the station. There is no additional data.”

Wormholes start appearing randomly around the station for several minutes. Going into one of these wormholes will teleport you to a random location. Sometimes you might be lucky enough to wind up somewhere good. Sometimes you might find yourself out in the middle of space.

If you have no intention of taking the gamble, you should move around the station in Walk mode. Wormholes that spawn directly on you will not warp you, so remaining perfectly still will ensure your safety. But take care not to let some chucklefuck push you into one!

Wisdom Cow Chance of occurrence: Very High - but it can only happen once!

“A wise cow has been spotted in the area. Be sure to ask for her advice.”

A cow spawns in a random area on the station. Centcomm doesn't tell you where, but the cow will wander around a bit. The first person who interacts with the wisdom cow will receive a puzzling piece of advice, and become a master at a random skill, upon which the wisdom cow will vanish.

Antagonist Events These events spawn various player-controlled antags that are announced to ghosts.

Abductors Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 20

Chance of occurrence: Average

Spawns an abductor team that will kidnap and experiment on the crew.

Alien Infestation Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 10

Chance of occurrence: Low

“Unidentified lifesigns detected coming aboard <station name>. Secure any exterior access, including ducting and ventilation.”

One or more alien larva spawn in random locations aboard the station, their players pulled from ghosts with the role enabled.

Blob Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 20

Chance of occurrence: Low

“Confirmed outbreak of level 5 biohazard aboard <station name>. All personnel must contain the outbreak.”

A Blob spawns in a random location on the station. This will prevent the shuttle from leaving until it is either destroyed or kills everyone on station.

Fugitives / Hunters Minimum round time: 30 minutes

Minimum players: 20

Chance of occurrence: Low

Spawns a team of Fugitives in a random spot in Maintenance, with no access and a single toolbox to hack around with. After 10 minutes, a team of Hunters, with basic access, is spawned in through a shuttle, and is assigned to capture the fugitives.

Nightmare Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 15

Chance of occurrence: Average

Spawns a sentient Nightmare.

Space Ninja Minimum round time: 1 hour

Minimum players: 15

Chance of occurrence: Average

A Space Ninja spawns. 'nuff said here.

Spider Infestation Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 20

Chance of occurrence: Medium

“Unidentified lifesigns detected coming aboard <station name>. Secure any exterior access, including ducting and ventilation.”

Spawns two Broodmother Spider eggs in maintenance. Spiders are aggressive, swarming creatures that grow from eggs laid by a Broodmother and can quickly overwhelm the station if not contained.

Pirates Minimum round time: 30 minutes

Minimum players: 10

Chance of occurrence: Low

Yar har! We're here for your credits!

The station receives a communication extorting current station funds (80% of ya'rr points to be exact!). If they answer yes, the money is just gone and nothing of interest happens.

If the station refuses to pay or is silent for 3 minutes, a pirate shuttle arrives somewhere in space.

Pirates can activate the Data Siphon - a device that steals station funds and shuts down RnD servers as well as the cargo shuttle. However, this reveals the pirate shuttle with a GPS beacon.

Revenant Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Chance of occurrence: Below average

Spawns a Revenant on station.

Sentient Disease Minimum round time: None

Chance of occurrence: Low

Spawns a Sentient Disease on station.

Slaughter Demon Minimum round time: 1 hour

Chance of occurrence: Extremely Low

Spawns a Slaughter Demon on station.

Lone Operative Minimum round time: None

Chance of occurrence: None, unless the Nuclear Authentication Disk is unsecured, in which case it slowly ticks up the chance infinitely, until a Solo Operative does spawn.

Spawns a single Nuclear Operative, with 20 Telecrystals in their uplink.

Space Dragon Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 20

Chance of occurrence: : Low

“A large organic energy flux has been recorded near your station, please stand-by.”

Spawns a Space Dragon outside the station.

Swarmers Minimum round time: 30 minutes

Chance of occurrence: Below Average

“Our long-range sensors have detected an odd signal emanating from your station's gateway. We recommend immediate investigation of your gateway, as something may have come through.”

Spawns a Swarmer shell on station.

Wiznerd Events These events replace the regular events when the wizard casts Summon Events.

Special Events Prompt Effects Chance Advanced Darkness Warning: Your eyes hurt… a vignette settles in your vision and closes in. Start: This isn't your average everday darkness… this is advanced darkness! End: At last, the darkness recedes. Restricts the vision of affected mobs to a single tile in the cardinal directions. Flashlights, normal lights, they all do jack when you're trapped in Rock Bottom. Low Blobies None Some corpses turn into non-sentient Blob Zombies which are non-infectious. Average Change Faces None All sentient beings (including the wizard) swap their faces randomly High Change Minds None All sentient beings (except for the wizard) swap their minds randomly. An assistant can have his mind swapped with the captain, antags are carried along with the mind, but if you're a changeling, you're sort of boned. Very Low Change Places None All sentient beings swap places randomly (if they are in the station) Low Cursed Items None Cursed Katanas, Fake Wizard Robes, LSD Laced Cigarettes, Boxing Gloves, Luchador Masks, Chameleon Masks, and Cat Ears are distributed among the crew Average Ghost You suddenly feel extremely obvious… Ghosts are now visible to the crew. Average Greentext The mythical greentext appear at your feet! Pick it up if you dare… Anyone who picks up the greentext gains an objective to escape alive while carrying the greentext. Problem is, the greentext is absolutely gargantuan and weighs a literal ton. High Imposter None A fake, identical body double to the real wizard spawns. Can cast fake spells to confuse and scare the crew. Very Low Improved Casting None The cooldown of a single spell for the Wizard is decreased as if that spell had been taken again. Average Invincible None A random human is injected with 40 units of adminordrazine, making them invincible for 100 ticks Average Lava Warning: You feel the ground beneath you getting hot. Waves of heat distort the air. Start: The floor is lava! Get on top of something! End: The ground cools and returns to its usual form. The ground turns into surprisingly cool lava, lightly damaging anything on the floor. Flood the station with plasma for optimal effect. Low Magicarp Unknown magical entities have been detected near [station_name()], please stand-by. Magicarps and Chaos Magicarps are spawned around the station Very Low Petsplosion None The bane of every HOP, animals around the station start to randomly gib Low Possession You suddenly feel a welling of new spooky powers… Ghosts become visible to the crew, and can possess objects and spook people Low Race You feel somehow… different? Everyone turns into a random different species. Very unfortunate if you happen to turn into a Plasmaman. Low RPG Loot None All items get a snazzy little pronoun which either buffs or nerfs the item. Items can be buffed by using an item fortification scroll. Average Robeless Casting None The wizard can now cast all of his spells without any of his robes. Low Summon Guns None Everyone get guns, some get a survival objective Very Low Summon Magic None Everyone gets a wand, some get an objective to steal magical items Very Low

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games/sc13/guides/random_events.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/14 23:35 by wizardofaus_doku

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