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Guide to Paperwork

Writing is an integral part to paperwork and writing books! If you want to write an official department memo, or a good looking book, you're gonna have to know how to write it.

To properly understand this, you need a basic grasp of BBCode or HTML. But don't worry, even if you don't know either, just try copy pasting the examples and replacing the text with your own! Once you're comfortable with that, try experimenting with what works together and how.

Pens come in a few different colours, black or blue by default, and some departments are provided with red pens. Pens have a variety of functions!

Crayons work much like pens, except that they are always bold, and lack the list, horizontal rule, and small tags.

Formatting Paper


To sign your name, use the [sign] tag. Remember that if you use the [sign] tag, your signature is unique and cannot be forged in most cases.

Your signature: [sign]


To insert a field from which you can start writing (instead of just using the bottom of the paper), use the [field] tag.

Reason for Request: [field]

New Lines

New lines can be created by using the [br] tag. Without this, anything you write will continue on the same line until it reaches the end of the page.

text above [br] text below


To make text bold, enclose it within the [b] and [/b] tags.

[b]This text is going to be bold.[/b] This text is not.


To italicize text, enclose it within the [i] and [/i] tags.

[i]This text is italicized.[/i] This text is not.


To underline text, enclose it within the [u] and [/u] tags.

[u]This text is underlined.[/u] This text is not.


To center text, enclose it with the [center] and [/center] tags.

[center]Type the center tags onto the paper like this![/center]


Create a list by using the [list] and [/list] tags. For every entry in your list, add a [*] in front of your entry. For example;

[list][*]Bullet one.[*]Bullet two.[/list]

Large Text

Make text larger, enclose it within the [large] and [/large] tags. Large text like this can be used for emphasis or for titles.

[large]This text is much larger[/large] than this text.

Small Text

To shrink text, enclose it with the [small] and [/small] tags. Shrunken text can be used to fit more information onto your paper.

[small]This text is very small![/small] This text is normal-sized.

Horizontal rules

To add a horizontal rule, use the [hr] tag.

text above [hr] text below


To print the in-game date, use the [date] tag.

Today's date: [date]


To print the current ship time, use the [time] tag.

Station Time: [time]


To make a table, use the [table] and [/table] tags. Use [row] to add a new row, and [cell] to add another cell.

[table][row][cell]CELL ONE[cell]CELL TWO [row][cell]ROW TWO CELL ONE[cell]ROW TWO CELL TWO[/table]

Complete Forms divided by Job

These are some samples of possible paperwork that might be used around the station. You can use these, or make your own, as well. It's not required to use any of these, or anything like it, but many players will.

Chef / Cook: Sample Menu

A menu for a fictional restaurant chain. Change the title, entrees, and prices to create your own unique restaurant!

[center][large][b][i]Spiffy's Burgers Menu[/i][/b][/large][/center] [center][i]“What's better than a Spiffy burger? A bigger Spiffy burger!” -John Spiffy (CEO)[/i][/center] [hr] [center][large][i][b]Burgers[/b][/i][/large] [i][small]Corporate Command's favorite burgers! Always made fresh, never frozen.[/center][/small][/i] [list][*][i][b]Spiffy's Original Burger[/i][/b] - [i]Juicy and to the point. Ask what meats are available![/i] [b]($10)[/b][*][i][b]Spiffy's Triple Burger[/i][/b] - [i]Three times the juicy goodness as the original.[/i] [b]($20)[/b][*][i][b]Spiffy's [large]DELUXE[/large] Burger[/i][/b] - [i]Pushing the limits of burger science…[/i] [b]($40)[/b][/list] [center][large][i][b]Chicken[/b][/i][/large] [i][small]Old fashioned Earth chicken, nostalgic comfort food.[/center][/small][/i] [list][*][i][b]Spiffy's Drumsticks[/i][/b] - [i]Tender drumsticks fresh from the bird. Too good to share.[/i] [b]($10)[/b][*][i][b]Spiffy's Nuggets[/i][/b] - [i]Tasty bites of breaded white meat. DEFINITELY too good to share.[/i] [b]($10)[/b][*][i][b]Spiffy's Chicken Fillet[/i][/b] - [i]Battered and cooked to perfection in fresh corn oil.[/i] [b]($15)[/b][/list] [center][large][i][b]Sides[/b][/i][/large] [i][small]All Spiffy fries are made from choice NovusCorp potatoes.[/center][/small][/i] [list][*][i][b]Spiffy's Original Fries[/i][/b] - [i]Free with the purchase of any burger! Ask for ketchup.[/i] [b]($5)[/b][*][i][b]Spiffy's Corndog[/i][/b] - [i]A delicious classic, sausage covered with cornmeal batter.[/i] [b]($10)[/b][*][i][b]Spiffy's Splendid Sundae[/i][/b] - [i]An ice creamy dream come true, chocolate bits included.[/i] [b]($15)[/b][/list] [hr] [i][small]Spiffy's Burgers company policy allows employees to refuse service for any reason. However, Spiffy's Burgers is a subsidiary of NovusCorp and protection from punitive action is not guaranteed for employees operating at NovusCorp installations. When in doubt, ask your local NC security officer.[/small][/i]

Chef / Cook: Kitchen Inventory

A checklist for running a fictional restaurant franchise location. Change the entries to create your own unique inventory! Then throw it at the botanists and tell them to help you with the produce section.

[center][large][b][i]Spiffy's Burgers Kitchen Inventory[/i][/b][/large] [i]“Proper planning prevents pitiful performance!” -John Spiffy (CEO)[/i][/center] [hr] [center][large][i][b]Proteins[/b][/i][/large] [i][small]The backbone of a Spiffy's kitchen is a surplus of fresh meat![/center][/small][/i] [list][*][i][b]Meat[/i][/b] - [i]Fresh monkey, beef, or other…[/i] [*][i][b]Chicken[/i][/b] - [i]A supply of fresh chicken AND eggs.[/i][/list] [center][large][i][b]Produce[/b][/i][/large] [i][small]What is a kitchen without fresh produce? Not much.[/center][/small][/i] [list][*][i][b]Wheat[/i][/b] - [i]No good raw, spiffy when ground into flour.[/i] [*][i][b]Potatoes[/i][/b] - [i]Imagine trying to make fries without potatoes.[/i] [*][i][b]Tomatoes[/i][/b] - [i]Splendid for ketchup or the DELUXE burger.[/i] [*][i][b]Corn[/i][/b] - [i]Can't fry a chicken without some corn oil.[/i] [*][i][b]Cocoa Pods[/i][/b] - [i]Chocolate? CHOCOLATE!!![/i][/list] [center][large][i][b]Pizzazz[/b][/i][/large] [i][small]While optional, a bit of atmosphere can turn a good kitchen into a great one.[/center][/small][/i] [list][*][i][b]Company Colors[/i][/b] - [i]Use blue and white tiles for decor.[/i] [*][i][b]On-Site Seating[/i][/b] - [i]Make sure the customer has a place to sit![/i] [*][i][b]Official Mascot[/i][/b] - [i]Every Spiffy's should have a pillowbug mascot.[/i][/list] [hr] [i][small]This form is only intended as a basic guide on best practices for running the logistics of a Spiffy's kitchen and is not meant as a complete standard operating procedure. Spiffy's Burgers is a subsidiary of NovusCorp and this document is meant only for use by employees operating at NovusCorp installations.[/small][/i]

Head of Personnel: Additional Access

This is a form for a Head of Personnel to give to a crewmember who is requesting additional access.

[center][IMG][/IMG][/center] [large][center][b][i]AA/422: Additional Access Application[/center][/b][/i][/large] [large][center][i][b] NanoTrasen Science Station Exodus [/center][/i][/b][/large] [hr] [b]Employee Name: [/b][field][br] [b]Employee Signature: [/b][field][br] [hr] [b]Requested Access: [/b][field][br] [b]Reason(s) for Request: [/b][field][br] [hr] [center][b][u]HOP Authorization[/b][/u][/center][br] [b]HOP Name: [/b][field][br] [b]HOP Signature: [/b][field][br] [i][small]The Head of Personnel must sign above and stamp this form to authorize the request before additional access can be applied to the requesting employee's ID. The Head(s) of Staff for the department(s) to which access is being granted must also be contacted and verbally authorize the request, where applicable. These guidelines must be followed or this form is void and illegal.[/small][/i] Head of Personnel: Job Transfer This is for a Head of Personnel to give to a crewmember who is requesting that their job be changed.

[center][IMG][/IMG][/center] [large][center][b][i]JBE/27: Job Transfer Request[/center][/b][/i][/large] [large][center][i][b] NanoTrasen Science Station Exodus [/center][/i][/b][/large] [hr] [b]Employee Name: [/b][field][br] [b]Employee Signature: [/b][field][br] [hr] [b]Requested Position: [/b][field][br] [b]Reason(s) for Request: [/b][field][br] [hr] [b]From Department: [/b][field][br] [b]To Department: [/b][field][br] [i][small]If the transfer request does not involve a change of departments, mark both fields above as N/A.[/small][/i][br] [hr] [center][b][u]HOP Authorization[/b][/u][/center][br] [b]HOP Name: [/b][field][br] [b]HOP Signature: [/b][field][br] [i][small]The Head of Personnel must sign above and stamp this form to authorize the request before a job transfer can be applied to the requesting employee's ID. The Head(s) of Staff for the department(s) involved with the transfer must also be contacted and verbally authorize the transfer, where applicable. These guidelines must be followed or this form is void and illegal.[/small][/i] Head of Personnel: Demotion Record This is for the Head of Personnel to give to a crewmember who has been summarily demoted by a Head of Staff.

[center][IMG][/IMG][/center] [large][center][b][i]SLH-3A: Human Resources Demotion Record[/center][/b][/i][/large] [large][center][i][b] NanoTrasen Science Station Exodus [/center][/i][/b][/large] [hr] [b]Demoted Employee: [/b][field][br] [b]Former Assignment: [/b][field][br] [hr] [center][b][u]Reason for Demotion[/b][/u][/center][br] [field][br] [hr] [b]Supervisor Signature: [/b][field][br] [i][small]If authorized, the document must be signed and stamped by the employee's supervisor. The Head of Personnel on site may then remove all departmental access from the ID and apply a “Demoted” job title. Incomplete or unstamped demotion records are void, and illegal demotions will be prosecuted in accordance with the law.[/i][/small] Head of Personnel: ID/PDA Replacement This is a form for an employee who has lost their ID and needs a replacement.

[center][IMG][/IMG][/center] [large][center][b][i]JBE/27: ID Card / PDA Replacement Request[/center][/b][/i][/large] [large][center][i][b] NanoTrasen Science Station Exodus [/center][/i][/b][/large] [hr] [b]Employee Name: [/b][field][br] [b]Employee Signature: [/b][field][br] [hr] [b]Employee Position: [/b][field][br] [b]Item(s) to Replace: [/b][field][br] [hr] [center][b][u]HOP Authorization[/b][/u][/center][br] [b]HOP Name: [/b][field][br] [b]HOP Signature: [/b][field][br] [i][small]The Head of Personnel must sign above and stamp this form to authorize the request before a replacement identification card and/or personal data assistant may be issued. These guidelines must be followed or this form is void and illegal.[/small][/i] Head of Personnel: Employee Evaluation This is an employee evaluation form for the Head of Personnel. They can either use it themselves or supply one to another Head of Staff.

[center][IMG][/IMG][/center] [large][center][b][i]SLH-5: Human Resources Employee Evaluation[/center][/b][/i][/large] [large][center][i][b] NanoTrasen Science Station Exodus [/center][/i][/b][/large] [hr] [b]Employee: [/b][field][br] [b]Assignment: [/b][field][br] [i][small]Rate the employee's performance in the four categories below using the following scale: 5 = Consistently Exceeds Expectations, 4 = Exceeds Expectations, 3 = Meets Expectations, 2 = Below Expectations, 1 = Consistently Below Expectations.[/small][/i][br] [hr] [b]Procedure:[/b] Does the employee follow Nanotrasen's standard operating procedure and safety protocols where applicable?

[field][br] [b]Productivity:[/b] Does the employee produce an acceptable amount of work?

[field][br] [b]Proficiency:[/b] Is the employee familiar with the duties and requirements of their position? Are they familiar with the use of their workplace's equipment?

[field][br] [b]Professionalism:[/b] Does the employee communicate effectively with coworkers and maintain a professional demeanor?

[field][br] [hr] [center][b][u]Supervisor Comments[/b][/u][/center][br] [field][br] [hr] [b]Supervisor Signature: [/b][field][br] [i][small]To complete the evaluation, the employee's supervisor must sign above and stamp the document with the department stamp. Incomplete or unstamped evaluations will not be processed.[/small][/i] Head of Personnel: Weapons Permit Application This is a weapons permit application for the Head of Personnel.

[center][IMG][/IMG][/center] [large][center][b][i]AK/74: Weapons Permit Application[/center][/b][/i][/large] [large][center][i][b] NanoTrasen Science Station Exodus [/center][/i][/b][/large] [hr] [b]Employee Name: [/b][field][br] [b]Employee Signature: [/b][field][br] [hr] [b]Weapons Experience: [/b][field][br] [b]Criminal History: [/b][field][br] [i][small]If no weapons experience or criminal history, mark the relevant field as N/A.[/small][/i][br] [hr] [center][b][u]Reason for Application[/b][/u][/center][br] [field][br] [hr] [center][b][u]HOP Authorization[/b][/u][/center][br] [b]HOP Name: [/b][field][br] [b]HOP Signature: [/b][field][br] [i][small]The Head of Personnel must sign above and stamp this form to authorize this application before a weapon permit can be applied to the requesting employee's ID. The Warden or Head of Security must also approve the issuing of any firearms from the armory, where applicable. These guidelines must be followed or this form is void and illegal.[/small][/i] Robotics: Cyborgification This is for a cyborgification or AI assimilation procedure on a living crewmember.

[center][b]Cyborgification Contract[/b][br] Name: [field][br] Rank: [field][br] [b][i] NanoTrasen Science Station Exodus [/b][/i][/center][hr] I, undersigned, hereby agree to willingly undergo a Regulation Lobotimization with intention of cyborgification or AI assimilation, and I am aware of all the consequences of such act. I also understand that this operation may be irreversible, and that my employment contract will be terminated.[hr] Signature of Subject: [field][br][br] Signature of Captain or Commanding Officer: [field][br][br] Stamp below with the Captains or Commanding Officers stamp:

And another version.

[large][center] [b]Nanotrasen Cyborg Application Form C.C.26[/b] [/center][/large] [br] [hr] I give my full permission to have the cyborgization process carried out on me and understand that I will be permanently robbed of my free will and slaved to the station's artificial intelligence. [br] Signed, [field] [br] [hr] I, the Head of Personnel, Chief Medical Officer or Research Director confirm that the individual is of a healthy state of mind and give my permission for the operation to be carried out only once the patient has signed the above field. [br] [small][i]Please [b]sign[/b] below and/or stamp it with your respective stamp. A written name will not be accepted, it must be signed or stamped.[/small]

Medical: Prescription A form for prescribing patients medicines that they can then pick up later.

[center][large][b]NSS Exodus Medical Department[/b][/large][/center] [br] [large][u]Prescription[/u]:[/large][br] [field] [br][br][hr] [u]For[/u]: [field] [br] [u]Assignment[/u]: [field] [br] [hr] [u]Prescribing Doctor[/u]: [field] [br] [u]Date[/u]: [field] [br] [hr] [u]Pharmacist[/u]: [field] [br][br] [small]This prescription will not be refilled except under written authorisation.[/small]

Medical: Patient Intake An intake form for new patients as well as a liability waiver.

[center][br][b][large]NanoTrasen Hospital Services [br] PATIENT INTAKE FORM[/large][/b][/center]

[b]Patient Information[/b] [hr] Name:* [Field] Department:* [Field]

Reason for visit:* [Field]

Pre-existing conditions or disabilities:* [Field]

I, [Field], affirm that all information presented above is truthful and accurute to the best of my knowledge.

Signature: [Field]

[i][small]Note: Failure to disclose pre-existing conditions is violation of NT standard contract line 223(v)[/small][/i] [i][small]All fields indicated with a * are required[/small][/i]

[b]Form 440 Affidavit of Liabilit[/b]y[/center][hr]Facility: [Field]

I, [field], forfeit all rights to press criminal charges against the NanoTrasen Corporation, or any individual NanoTrasen Hospital Services employee, for any reason. This agreement releases the NanoTrasen Corporation Hospital Services from all liability relating to injuries and financial responsibilities for injuries that may occur during my stay.

Signature: [Field]

Research: Equipment Loan This is a form for the loaning of prototypes from R&D to other departments, usually equipment or experimental weapons.

[b]Equipment Loan[/b][br] [hr][br] The following item(s) are considered experimental. NanoTrasen can not be held responsible for injury sustained during the use of the item(s). The receiver must use the following item(s) only for their intended purpose. The receiver must not share these items with any other person(s) without direct approval of NanoTrasen command staff. [br] [br] Item(s) loaned:[br] [field][br] [br] Name of receiver: [field][br] Name of crew member loaning the item(s): [field][br] [br] Note: Please make sure this form is stamped bellow the line by related head of staff before the end of one standard work week. [br] [hr][br]

Security: Incident Report This is for security to use after making an arrest or fining a crew member for a crime, usually given to the warden after being filed out.

[center][b][u]Security Incident Report[/b][/u][/center][br] [hr] [br] [small][i]To be filled out by Officer on duty responding to the Incident. Report must be signed and submitted until the end of the shift![/i][/small][br] [br] [b]Offense/Incident Type: [/b][field][br] [b]Location: [/b][field][br] [b]Reporting Officer: [/b][field][br] [b]Assisting Officer(s): [/b][br] [field][br] [b]Personnel involved in Incident: [/b][br] [small][i](V-Victim, S-Suspect, W-Witness, M-Missing, A-Arrested, RP-Reporting Person, D-Deceased)[/i][/small][br] [field][br] [hr] [b]Description of Items/Property: [/b][br] [small][i](D-Damaged, E-Evidence, L-Lost, R-Recovered, S-Stolen)[/i][/small][br] [field][br] [hr] [b][u]Narrative: [/u][/b][br] [field][br] [hr] [b]Reporting Officer's Signature: [/b][field][br] [hr]

Security: Confiscation Form Specifically to accompany confiscated equipment. No more quid-pro-quo about the energy swords in the evidence closet

[center][b][u]Confiscation Form - [field][/b][/u][/center] [hr] [small][i]Above title must be filled with the name of the person whose items are being confiscated.[/i][/small][br] [small][i]To be filled out by the Brig's operating Warden. Otherwise, to be filled by the official performing confiscation.[/i][/small][br] [small][i]Confiscated items must be written down as such. - Number (Number written out) Description Item Name Additional Precisions Line Break[/i][/small][br] [small][b][u]Confiscated from :[/u][/b] [field][/small][br] [small][b][u]Confiscated by :[/u][/b] [field][/small][br] [small][b][u]Reason of Confiscation :[/u][/b] [field][/small][br] [small][b][u]Intervening Detectives or Forensics Investigator (if any) :[/u][/b] [field][/small][br] [small][b][u]Inventory of Confiscated Items :[/u][/b][/small][br] [small][field][/small] [hr] [small][i]I attest that all information on this form is truthful and may be used in a court of law, signed[/i] [field][/small] [hr] [small][i]This form must be filled and stamped below by the corresponding department heads or by the Captain in case of an item recovery or borrowing[/i][/small] Merchant: Bill of Sale Impress customers and your illiterate cousin Tichickyiakykathaitaia with official-looking paperwork for transactions.

[center][IMG][/IMG][/center] [large][center][b][i]MRC-5A: Merchant Bill of Sale[/center][/b][/i][/large] [large][center][i][b] NanoTrasen Science Station Exodus [/center][/i][/b][/large] [hr] [b]Purchased Item(s): [/b][field][br] [b]Agreed Price: [/b][field][br] [i][small]In the event that the seller accepts a payment other than credits, the payment method must be specified above. Other payment methods must be consistent with Space Law and the terms and conditions of corporate commerce, or this form is void and illegal.[/small][/i][br] [hr] [b]Buyer Signature: [/b][field][br] [b]Seller Signature: [/b][field][br] [i][small]This form is an official corporate commerce record. By signing both parties consent to the above exchange of the listed item(s) for the agreed price. In the event of an accidental unauthorized purchase of Nanotrasen corporate property, a licensed Merchant must present this record when requesting compensation.[/small][/i] Internal Affairs: Centcomm Fax For when you need to inform your bosses about an issue that has an effect on the whole station

[center][IMG][/IMG][/center] [large][center][b][i]FHR/451: Central Command Transmission[/center][/b][/i][/large] [large][center][i][b] NanoTrasen Science Station Exodus [/center][/i][/b][/large] [hr] [b]Sender: [/b][field][br] [b]Subject: [/b][field][br] [hr] [center][b][u]Summary[/b][/u][/center][br] [field][br] [hr] [b]Signature: [/b][field][br] [i][small]This fax and any attached files are solely intended for the use of Central Command authorities and may contain confidential information. Any unauthorized disclosure is strictly prohibited and will be prosecuted in accordance with the law. All official documents of this type should be stamped by their department before transmission.[/small][/i] Internal Affairs: Human Resources Fax For reports to HR about dysfunctional employees, or more rarely… employees who are worth commendation

[center][IMG][/IMG][/center] [large][center][b][i]SLH-7: Human Resources Employee Inquiry[/center][/b][/i][/large] [large][center][i][b] NanoTrasen Science Station Exodus [/center][/i][/b][/large] [hr] [b]Sender: [/b][field][br] [b]Subject: [/b][field][br] [b]Employee(s) Involved: [/b][field][br] [hr] [center][b][u]Brief of Inquiry[/b][/u][/center][br] [field][br] [hr] [b]Signature: [/b][field][br] [i][small]This fax and any attached files are solely intended for the use of Nanotrasen Human Resources and may contain confidential information. Any unauthorized disclosure is strictly prohibited and will be prosecuted in accordance with the law. All official documents of this type should be stamped by their department before transmission.[/small][/i] Internal Affairs: Demotion Record Supply this form to a Head of Staff who needs to perform a demotion and keep a copy for your records

[center][IMG][/IMG][/center] [large][center][b][i]SLH-3: Human Resources Demotion Record[/center][/b][/i][/large] [large][center][i][b] NanoTrasen Science Station Exodus [/center][/i][/b][/large] [hr] [b]Demoted Employee: [/b][field][br] [b]Former Assignment: [/b][field][br] [hr] [center][b][u]Reason for Demotion[/b][/u][/center][br] [field][br] [hr] [b]Supervisor Signature: [/b][field][br] [i][small]If authorized, the document must be signed and stamped by the employee's supervisor. A programmed and stamped demotion chip may then be applied to the employee's ID. Incomplete or unstamped demotion records are void, and illegal demotions will be prosecuted in accordance with the law.[/i][/small] Internal Affairs: Investigation Report To summarize the findings of a departmental investigation

[center][IMG][/IMG][/center] [large][center][b][i]27B/6: Internal Affairs Investigation Report[/center][/b][/i][/large] [large][center][i][b] NanoTrasen Science Station Exodus [/center][/i][/b][/large] [hr] [b]Agent: [/b][field][br] [b]Subject: [/b][field][br] [b]Employee(s) Involved: [/b][field][br] [hr] [center][b][u]Summary of Incident[/b][/u][/center][br] [field][br] [hr] [center][b][u]Details of Investigation[/b][/u][/center][br] [field][br] [hr] [b]Agent Signature: [/b][field][br] [i][small]This document is an official Nanotrasen Internal Affairs investigation record and may contain confidential information. Any unauthorized disclosure is strictly prohibited and will be prosecuted in accordance with the law.[/small][/i] Internal Affairs: Employee Complaint Form For employees who have complaints about station authorities or their fellow crew members

[center][IMG][/IMG][/center] [large][center][b][i]CT/CH-22: Nanotrasen Employee Complaint Form[/center][/b][/i][/large] [large][center][i][b] NanoTrasen Science Station Exodus [/center][/i][/b][/large] [hr] [b]Complainant: [/b][field][br] [b]Type of Complaint: [/b][field][br] [b]Employee(s) Involved: [/b][field][br] [hr] [center][b][u]Details of Complaint[/b][/u][/center][br] [field][br] [hr] [b]Complainant Signature: [/b][field][br] [i][small]By signing I affirm that the statements above are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that false statements may result in disciplinary action including, but not limited to, brig time or termination of employment.[/i][/small] Internal Affairs: Commerce Contract Get permission from the Captain to bully the local Trader into signing this if they want to do business on the station

[center][IMG][/IMG][/center] [large][center][b][i]27C/1: Corporate Commerce Contract[/center][/b][/i][/large] [large][center][i][b] NanoTrasen Science Station Exodus [/center][/i][/b][/large] [hr] [center][b][u]Terms and Conditions[/b][/u][/center][br] [i]Traders must read and agree to these terms and conditions before conducting corporate commerce aboard a Nanotrasen installation. Failure to abide by these terms and conditions will be met with immediate punitive action from Nanotrasen's security forces.[/i][br] [list][*][i][b]Human Trafficking[/i][/b] - [i]Any sales or purchases of Nanotrasen employees are strictly forbidden, with the first offense punishable by a fine of 200 credits and brig time for abduction at minimum. On a repeat offense, the offender will immediately have docking rights revoked and be deported.[/i][*][i][b]Theft of Property[/i][/b] - [i]Any theft of corporate property is strictly forbidden, punishable by the immediate recovery of the stolen property and brig time for theft at minimum. Depending on the severity of the theft, revocation of docking rights and deportation may also be applied.[/i][*][i][b]Unauthorized Purchases[/i][/b] - [i]The integrity of purchases of corporate property from Nanotrasen employees is not guaranteed. If the employee in question was not authorized to sell the property by their Head of Staff, it may immediately be recovered and the sale rendered void. Compensation for the unauthorized sale of corporate property is optional unless the purchaser holds a valid Merchant license.[/i][/list] [hr] [b]Signature: [/b][field][br] [i][small]By signing above I affirm that I have read and understood the terms and conditions for conducting corporate commerce aboard a Nanotrasen station. I understand that failure to follow these terms and conditions will be met with immediate punitive action including, but not limited to, brig time or deportation from the station. Docking rights for unlicensed traders who refuse to sign this document are not guaranteed.[/small][/i] Lawyer: Subpoena Lawyer's Subpoena

[center][IMG][/IMG][/center] [large][center][b][i]17Q/4: Official Court Subpoena[/center][/b][/i][/large] [large][center][i][b] NanoTrasen Science Station Exodus [/center][/i][/b][/large] [hr] [center][b][u]Trial Name[/b][/u][/center] [center][field] [b]vs[/b] [field][/center][br] [b]Prosecutor: [/b][field][br] [b]Defendant: [/b][field][br] [hr] [center][b][u]Details of Charges[/b][/u][/center][br] [b]Crimes Accused Of: [/b][field][br] [b]Employee(s) Involved: [/b][field][br] [hr] [center][b][u]Summary of Incident[/b][/u][/center][br] [field][br] [hr] [b]Judge Name: [/b][field][br] [b]Judge Signature: [/b][field][br] [i][small]The acting judge must sign above to authorize the trial to proceed and preside over it for the duration until a verdict is rendered. Any active Head of Staff may preside as the judge for a trial, as well as any authorized Central Command officials.[/small][/i] Hall Monitor Hall Monitor Hall Pass

[b][center]OFFICIAL HALL PASS[/b] __ This Hall Pass allows its bearer to walk the halls of the station without further harassment [b] IF, or, and WHEN the bearer [field] is stopped, halted, or bothered by Station Officers, Officials, Heads, Employees or Internal Affairs Agents this Official Hall Pass must be presented to avoid any further legal actions. [/b] I, [sign], Hall Monitor hereby grant this Hall Pass to the Bearer [field] . No station official, head, agent, employee or otherwise may bother the bearer of this Hall Pass any further under penalty of law.

[b] All fields must be signed by the bearer for this Hall Pass to be considered Official.

Geneticist: Block Sheet A basic Genetics block sheet.

[center][u]GENETICS BLOCK SHEET[/u][/center] [hr] Block 1: [field][br] Block 2: [field][br] Block 3: [field][br] Block 4: [field][br] Block 5: [field][br] Block 6: [field][br] Block 7: [field][br] Block 8: [field][br] Block 9: [field][br] Block 10: [field][br] Block 11: [field][br] Block 12: [field][br] Block 13: [field][br] Block 14: [field][br] Block 15: [field][br] Block 16: [field][br] Block 17: [field][br] Block 18: [field][br] Block 19: [field][br] Block 20: [field][br] Block 21: [field][br] Block 22: [field][br] Block 23: [field][br] Block 24: [field][br] Block 25: [field][br] Block 26: [field][br] Block 27: [field][br] Block 28: [field][br] Block 29: [field][br] Block 30: [field][br] Block 31: [field][br] Block 32: [field][br] Block 33: [field][br] Block 34: [field][br] Block 35: [field][br] Block 36: [field][br] Block 37: [field][br] Block 38: [field][br] Block 39: [field][br] Block 40: [field][br] Block 41: [field][br] Block 42: [field][br] Block 43: [field][br] Block 44: [field][br] Block 45: [field][br] Block 46: [field][br] Block 47: [field][br] Block 48: [field][br] Block 49: [field][br] Block 50: [field][br] Block 51: [field][br] Block 52: [field][br] Block 53: [field][br] Block 54: [field][br] Block 55: Species [hr] Signed,[br][sign] D&D character sheet A basic character sheet for playing D&D

Character name: [field] Character class: [field] Character race : [field]

Strength:[field] Endurance: [field] Dexterity:[field] Intelligence: [field] Wisdom: [field] Charisma:[field]

Armor: [field] Weapon :[field] Ranged weapon [field]

Character Defense (Dex+End+Armor+10):[field] Character Health points (End+10):[field]


games/sc13/guides/paperwork.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/21 18:39 by wizardofaus_doku

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