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Job Accessibility Requirements


Contents 1 Overview 1.1 Criteria 1.1.1 Mobility: 1.1.2 Eyesight: 1.1.3 Communication: Speech Hearing 1.1.4 Limbs: 2 Permission 2.1 Command 2.2 Security 2.3 Science 2.4 Medical 2.5 Engineering 2.6 Service: 2.7 Operations: The Biesel Government alongside its companies has earned a reputation for inclusiveness, this applies not only their policy on aliens but also those differently-abled. Nonetheless, certain disabilities regrettably disallow the affected person to perform certain duties, which could lead to possible hazards, injuries in the workplace, or, in the worst case, loss of profit.

This guide will help you create your own disabled character, without the risk of being ridiculed or needlessly questioned by OOC staff or IC staff on your character's viability to work their chosen job. Note, this refers to the state of your character at the beginning of the round. Your character will not get fired because they lost their hand as an engineer in the middle of the round. However, your character should try to find corrective means within possibility as soon as possible. Like a Mechanical Limb.

Criteria The following are classifications of disability levels that scale up according to the severity in regards to affecting the production of the crewmember. These classifications are not meant to imply that certain conditions are less severe or that individuals that have them are less important. It is simply meant as a simple way for players and admins to classify characters into job roles that are left purposefully vague.

Note, a job that allows characters with high severity disabilities likewise permits lower severity disabilities. Thus a job that allows muteness also allows every other “lower” speech impediment.

Mobility: Unimpaired: The job will require the character to move quickly, navigate obstacles and perform complex and exhausting maneuvers in high-stress environments. Characters with prosthetics that are just as effective as healthy limbs also belong to this category. Movement Impaired: The job will require a character to be able to move and navigate the station and main departments without issue. Characters with joint pain, Vestibular issues, and other disabilities that might require a cane belong in this category. Heavily Movement Impaired: The job will require the character to be able to move in the main hallways and departments. Characters with missing legs, severe arthritis, and other disabilities that might require a wheelchair belong in this category. Eyesight: Perfect: The job will require the character to be able to easily discern details, and have perfect depth of vision. Characters with nearsightedness, or other disabilities that may affect the eyes to a minor extent belong in this category. Flawed: This job will require the character to be able to see most of the light spectrum, and have adequate depth of vision. Characters with colorblindness or nearsightedness also belong in this category. Blind: This job will not directly require the character to see in any form. Characters that are blind, or otherwise unable to see belong to this category. Communication: Speech Minimal Speech Impediment: The job will require the character to enunciate quickly, clearly, and properly, lives will depend on their ability to speak. Characters with a minor, single-syllable stutter, or a light, and understandable accent belong in this category. Speech Impediment: The job will require the character to be able to speak quickly and properly, these characters might find themselves in emergencies where proper speech might save a life. Characters with the nervousness disability, a stutter, a lisp, or a heavy accent belong in this category. Heavy Speech Impediment: The job will require the character to be able to communicate with their co-workers. Characters with a limited ability to speak Tau Ceti basic, heavy stutter, and other disabilities that severely limit speech belong in this category. Mute: The job will require the character to communicate with their co-workers via text, sign language, or other means besides speech. Characters who are unable to talk at all, belong in this category. Hearing Healthy Hearing: The job will require the character to receive and understand commands clearly and quickly. Characters with a hearing aid also belong in this category. Impaired Hearing: The job does not require the character to receive or understand commands clearly and immediately. Characters with a popped ear-drum, severe tinnitus, or impaired with deafness belong in this category. Limbs: Unimpaired: The job will require the character to use both their limbs with precision and speed. Robotic limbs belong in this category. Impaired: The job will require the character to use their limb. Characters with a missing hand, a missing arm, or tremors belong in this category. !A CREWMEMBER SHOULD NEVER BE MISSING BOTH OF HIS ARMS OR HANDS! Permission Here is a comprehensive list of which types of disability your character is permitted to have, per their job.

Command Command is expected to lead during situations and emergencies. However, due to the amount of experience required to attain such a role and the variety, each role has different expectations associated with it.

Command Mobility Eyesight Speech Hearing Limbs Captain: Movement Impaired Flawed Minimal Speech Impediment Healthy Hearing Unimpaired Head of Security: Unimpaired Flawed Minimal Speech Impediment Healthy Hearing Unimpaired Head of Personnel: Movement Impaired Flawed Minimal Speech Impediment Healthy Hearing Unimpaired Chief Engineer: Unimpaired Perfect Minimal Speech Impediment Healthy Hearing Unimpaired Research Director: Movement Impaired Flawed Minimal Speech Impediment Healthy Hearing Unimpaired Chief Medical Officer: Movement Impaired Flawed Minimal Speech Impediment Healthy Hearing Unimpaired Consular: Movement Impaired Flawed Minimal Speech Impediment Healthy Hearing Unimpaired Operations Manager: Movement Impaired Flawed Speech Impediment Healthy Hearing Unimpaired Security Security is one of the most physically demanding departments. Chasing assistants, wrestling with a drunk Unathi, or hunting space carp all belong on the work-list of security. With the exception of cadets, all members of the department are expected to be capable of EVA activity if required.

Security Mobility Eyesight Speech Hearing Limbs Security Officer: Unimpaired Flawed Minimal Speech Impediment Healthy Hearing Unimpaired Security Cadet: Unimpaired Flawed Minimal Speech Impediment Healthy Hearing Unimpaired Warden: Unimpaired Flawed Minimal Speech Impediment Healthy Hearing Unimpaired Investigator: Unimpaired Perfect Minimal Speech Impediment Healthy Hearing Unimpaired Science While scientists are widely considered lazy and weak, this doesn't mean just anyone can join. Many roles require the crewmember to perform heavy duty work, complicated EVA maneuvers, or delicate movements. Much more leeway is afforded, however, to the basic scientist role as this role can vary wildly in its specialization.

Science Mobility Eyesight Speech Hearing Limbs Scientist: Movement Impaired Flawed Speech Impediment Healthy Hearing Unimpaired Phoron Researcher: Unimpaired Flawed Speech Impediment Healthy Hearing Unimpaired Xenoarcheologist: Unimpaired Flawed Speech Impediment Healthy Hearing Unimpaired Anomalist: Unimpaired Flawed Speech Impediment Healthy Hearing Unimpaired Xenobiologist: Movement Impaired Flawed Speech Impediment Healthy Hearing Unimpaired Lab Assistant: Specialization Dependent* Flawed Specialization Dependent* Specialization Dependent* Specialization Dependent* * Choose based on the science role your Lab Assistant is specializing for.

Medical The medicinal field is much more permissive towards the disposition of the doctors. More frequently they'll be expected to stand around for long hours rather than running to any patients, with the exception of first responders.

Medical Mobility Eyesight Speech Hearing Limbs Physician: Movement Impaired Flawed Speech Impediment Healthy Hearing Unimpaired Surgeon: Movement Impaired Flawed Speech Impediment Healthy Hearing Unimpaired Pharmacist: Movement Impaired Flawed Speech Impediment Healthy Hearing Unimpaired First Responder: Unimpaired Flawed Minimal Speech Impediment Healthy Hearing Unimpaired Psychiatrist: Heavily Movement Impaired Flawed Minimal Speech Impediment Healthy Hearing Impaired Medical Intern: Specialization Dependent* Flawed Specialization Dependent* Specialization Dependent* Specialization Dependent* * Choose based on the medical role your Medical Intern is specializing for.

Engineering Engineers are expected to deal with station emergencies and physical work is their daily bread and butter. As far as speech impediments are concerned they aren't as strict.

Engineering Mobility Eyesight Speech Hearing Limbs Station Engineer: Unimpaired Perfect Speech Impediment Healthy Hearing Unimpaired Atmospheric Technician: Unimpaired Perfect Speech Impediment Healthy Hearing Unimpaired Engineering Apprentice: Unimpaired Perfect Speech Impediment Healthy Hearing Unimpaired Service: The Service department features many jobs and many people. Thus, it is the most permissive department in regards to disabilities.

Service Mobility Eyesight Speech Hearing Limbs Chaplain: Heavily Movement Impaired Blind Mute Impaired Hearing Impaired Librarian: Heavily Movement Impaired Flawed Mute Impaired Hearing Impaired Reporter: Heavily Movement Impaired Flawed Speech Impediment Healthy Hearing Impaired Janitor: Unimpaired Flawed Mute Impaired Hearing Impaired Bartender: Heavily Movement Impaired Flawed Mute Impaired Hearing Impaired Chef: Heavily Movement Impaired Flawed Mute Impaired Hearing Unimpaired Hydroponicist: Heavily Movement Impaired Flawed Mute Impaired Hearing Impaired Assistant: Specialization Dependent* Specialization Dependent* Specialization Dependent* Specialization Dependent* Specialization Dependent* * Assistants can assist in a variety of roles, refer to the above tables when deciding into which role they should be permitted.

Operations: Operations is, likewise, relatively permissive. However, it is much more specific to each individual role as a Shaft Miner will be required to do much more physically than a Hangar Technician or a Operations Manager.

Cargo Mobility Eyesight Speech Hearing Limbs Hangar Technician: Unimpaired Flawed Mute Healthy Hearing Unimpaired Shaft Miner: Unimpaired Flawed Heavy Speech Impediment Healthy Hearing Unimpaired Machinist: Movement Impaired Flawed Speech Impediment Healthy Hearing Unimpaired

games/sc13/guides/job_accessibility.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/14 23:42 by wizardofaus_doku

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