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Chelsea Ramsay's Masterclass Guide to Cooking Pan-Galactic Cluster-Worthy Meals

Hello, my name is Chelsea Ramsay, and I'm here to present to you a guide on preparing Pan-Galactic Cluster-worthy meals in the kitchen whether you happen to be planet-bound or in the darkest recesses of space. Let's get started with some basic information about nutrition.

Nutrition and You

As you go about your business, you will slowly become hungry. Exerting yourself or moving about rapidly will increase the rate at which you become hungry. Nutrition can be abstracted as a number between zero and five hundred, ideally. Consuming anything that contains a substance with nutriment factor (see below) will increase your nutrition as it is processed (most chemicals are absorbed at a rate of 0.2u per tick, but there are exceptions). Over the life of its absorption, a chemical will confer nutrition equal to the number of units times the nutriment factor (so, for example, three units of corn oil is worth 60 nutrition). The immediate implication of this is that you should avoid eating too quickly, as nutrition takes time to accumulate - a lesson that many spacemen do not take to heart.

Eating Example: Bustanuts, 6u nutriment. 6 x 15 = 90 nutrition.

Hunger Example: The distance from the Cargo desk to the Medbay side entrance on a station is 100 tiles. It costs 2 nutrition to make that trip.

There are some other things that can cause loss of nutrition. Notably, lipozine (extreme loss), vomiting (high loss), exposure to extreme cold, or working on a treadmill also burn nutrition very rapidly (mild loss per second).

Fatness: Remaining stuffed (over 500 nutrition) over a prolonged period will gradually result in becoming fat; this is handled as a chemical process (excess nutrition is converted to 1u increments of fat, which metabolizes very slowly back into nutrition, at a rate accelerated based on your current hunger score.) This has several effects. Losing nutrition will help remove weight.

People with over 50 units of fat are considered overweight:

  • Movement speed slowed (by 1.5)
  • Treadmill speed slowed (by 1.5)
  • Unable to put on hardsuits
  • Will experience increased body temperature while moving
  • Altered sprite and description
  • Able to consume animals, such as monkeys, whole

People with over 100 units of fat (the overdose level) are considered obese:

  • Movement speed slowed (by 2)
  • Treadmill speed slowed (by 2)
  • Unable to put on hardsuits
  • Unable to fit in mechs
  • Will experience significantly increased body temperature while moving
  • Altered sprite and description
  • Able to consume animals, such as monkeys, whole

People with over 300 units of fat are considered morbidly obese:

  • Movement speed slowed (by 3)
  • Treadmill speed slowed (by 3)
  • Unable to put on hardsuits
  • Unable to fit in mechs
  • Will experience profoundly increased body temperature while moving
  • Altered sprite and description
  • Able to consume animals, such as monkeys, whole

Contents May Settle

Before anything else, there are some basics to learn. First off, there are basic chemicals inside food that feed the body and stave off hunger. The following list is far from comprehensive - for example, most fruit juices have a nutriment factor of 5. However, these are the most common chemicals you will encounter in the kitchen.

Chemical Nutriment Factor Description
Corn Oil 20 A product of grinding up corn, this is applied by the deep fryer.
Nutriment 15 The most standard food chemical, found in almost every plant and snack. Also has a 50% chance of healing 1 Brute damage per tick while metabolizing.
Protein 10 Meat dishes usually contain protein, which is good for building muscles and used in cytology. 50% chance of healing 0.8 Brute damage.
Vitamin 5 Healthy foods often contain vitamins, which are good for you; 50% chance per tick of healing 1 Brute or Burn damage, and increases your Health motive. Health, in turn, is a quantifiable measure of one's resistance to physical ailments such as heart disease, and thus is important to increase when possible; junk food almost never contains Vitamins.
Sugar 5 Obtained by grinding up sugar cane.
Coco 5 Found by grinding up cocoa pods.
Cinnamon 5 Found by grinding up cinnamonium.
Ketchup 5 Found by grinding up tomatoes.
Fat 5 Commonly stored in the body from excess nutrition at the rate of 10 excess nutrition equals one unit of fat, may also be found in naturally healthy-fatty products like peanuts.
Soy Sauce 2 The product of soy milk and sulfuric acid.
Food 1 The raw mass of foodstuffs, converted slowly in the stomach to nutrition.
Cholesterol 1 The unhealthy fats found mostly in meat products, has a negative impact on the body.
Lipozine -10 Produced by the chemist, also treats fatness directly.

Surprise Inside

Food, with a few exceptions, can hold 4 times as many chemicals (not including Food, the generic catch-all for foodstuffs that do not have more relevant nutritional or other content) as they have units of Food. For example, an ordinary fast-food hamburger has 120 grams, or 12 units of Food, so there's a total of 48 units of chemicals that can be inside it. Most foods already contain some chemicals (nutriment, vitamins, proteins, cholesterol, fat, and other fun things). All that extra space can be filled with new chemicals, which can be added via dropper or syringe, or cooked into the meal via various techniques. When someone takes a bite of food, they get equal proportions of each chemical inside the food. This doesn't change the bite size, though. If you start eating a burger that takes more than three bites, it has certainly had something added!

As a rule, one sip is 5 units, one bite is 25 units, one shot is 30 units, and one chug is 60 units.

Your Kitchen, Your Gear

Now that that's out of the way, let's take a look at your common kitchen utensils:

Cutting Board: Where you slice dough and various veggies into more palatable chunks.

Mixing Bowl: Where you prepare doughs and batters before baking.

Microwave: When you need food fast, the trusty microwave is ready to churn out orders. Don't expect grand flavor, though.

Kitchen Knife: Your standard tool for cutting most kitchen foods.

Butcher's Cleaver: Used to hack apart and butcher large sources of meat.

Meatspike: A device for impaling meat sources so that one can leisurely remove the meat and organs from them in preparation for cooking.

Abbatoir: Converts large meat sources into meat directly, including human carcasses. Renew, recycle, reuse. Upgraded abbatoirs provide more meat slabs, work more quickly, and can work through tougher obstructions.

Spatula: A tool for safely removing food from heated surfaces.

Power Mixer: Mixes things in a mixing bowl quickly and efficiently, requires power.

Whisk: Allows you to mix things yourself in a mixing bowl. Requires stamina and time.

Large Pot: Allows you to make large dishes like soups and stews.

Ladle: A device for serving food from large pots or shifting it to other containers.

Industrial Blender: Grinds down foodstuffs inserted into juices or smoothies. Can also reduce some other items to their reagent form.

Grill: This heavy-duty grill imparts added flavor. Electric grills simply sizzle the meat, adding a hint of Charcoal (or more than a hint if you overcook it), whereas fuel grills also impart a flavor based on the fuel (which means that fuels with reagents in it will transfer some of the reagents to the food via smoke.)

Griddle: This metal cooking surface provides steady, even cooking to items prepared on it.

Stovetop: The burners on your stove are ideal for preparing dishes that require a pot or pan to prepare, providing steady heat to your future cooking masterpieces.

Oven: When something needs to bake quickly, but with more of a conventional taste than that produced by a microwave, the oven is your go-to for a rich cooking experience.

Deep Fryer: Requires cooking oil; imparts cooking oil (and whatever else is in the vat) onto food while rendering it a lovely golden brown.

Cooking Tray: Holds items to cook in an oven.

Serving Tray: Holds multiple items for serving up a meal to customers.

discussion of the available tools

Cooking Fundamentals

Now that we've covered that, let's look at some of the fundamentals of cooking that need to be prepared for inclusion into a dish, including those that can be prepared in a food processor or using universal enzymes. Plants are covered in more detail in the Guide to Hydroponics; Chefs do not need to be expert gardeners, although it doesn't hurt to know how to grow plants in case your gardener friends are unavailable, and the sheer volume of plants available is too much for this text.


Most of the meat you will use in cooking will be locally sourced, as meat is prohibitively expensive in the depths of space. You can usually get by if you happen to have cows, chickens, monkeys, pigs, or other common food animals; however, it is worth noting that you may have to rely on your local Lipid Extractor or Morgue should the need to reclaim unused meat become particularly high. Don't worry, just make sure that the person you are about to use has been successfully cloned and resleeved before you begin and never make use of a live person! Modern kitchens are equipped with meatspikes for locally sourcing meat, and high-quality farms and some industrial kitchens have their own abbatoir for fully converting a living animal into a useful carcass.

To butcher a simple animal, hit the carcass with your blade on Combat Mode. Monkeys count as simple animals, and this is how you get the most meat. Humanoids such as, well, humans, cannot be butchered with just a knife, thought they can be dismembered if attacked with a sufficiently robust sharp object, like a hatchet or butcher's cleaver. Cutting off and dismembering a head lets you harvest the brain, tongue, and eyes with a sharp object, like you're butchering a simple animal. Dismembering the limbs from the torso lets you harvest organs such as heart, appendix and lungs, by slicing at the torso until it splits open and the guts all fall out.

To get actual, cookable, burger-able meat from a humanoid, you will need to put them in the abbatoir, one of the machines in the freezer room. Do this by undressing them, grabbing them, and then clicking the abbatoir. Then click the abbatoir again to activate it, wait a few seconds, and you'll be showered in meat, skin, and splattered blood and gibs. Slaughtering a humanoid in such a fashion results in meat and skin, and while monkeys can be “harvested” like this you could also use the knife, which produces a lot of extra meat, drops all of the monkey's organs, and generates a large amount of gibs and blood. Skin yield is the same regardless of the method used.

You can butcher animals, monkeys, and even humans (to a less culinary end) more efficiently by putting them on a meatspike. This immobilizes the mob for easy killing, and increases the amount of meat they produce while keeping any organs they may contain intact. (Butchering a simple animal without a meatspike has an individual chance of destroying each organ they would drop; using a meatspike guarantees the organs won't be destroyed.) It also gives them a BIG burst of brute damage. To do this, simply bring the animal to be butchered into your meat freezer, and while you have them grabbed, click one of the meatspikes. After the beast is hung on the spike, simply butcher them as normal and you'll reap your rewards! If you're working a ghetto kitchen, you can make a meatspike frame from metal sheets (use the sheets inhand), and turn it into a proper meatspike by wrenching it down and adding some rods.

The abbatoir also can be upgraded in order to acquire more meat per body, faster processing, and the ability to gib fully clothed people with better manipulators (not that you would need that, if you're following directions). It should be in your best interest to at least upgrade your abbatoir to gather meat more efficiently.

There are many types of meat, and only some of them are listed below.

Type How to obtain
Beef (Cow Meat) Harvest by butchering cows, either with a knife or in the abbatoir. A valuable space commodity.
Pork (Pig Meat) Harvest by butchering pigs, either with a knife or in the abbatoir. A valuable space commodity.
Chicken (Chicken Meat) Harvest by butchering chickens, either with a knife or in the abbatoir. A valuable space commodity.
Monkey (Monkey Meat) Harvest by butchering monkeys, either with a knife or in the abbatoir. Standard abbatoirs will not accept living monkeys.
BioMeat (Bioroid Meat) Harvest by butchering your fellow bioroids, either with a knife or in the abbatoir. Standard abbatoirs will not accept living bioroids.
??? Meat You can often harvest other species for their meat, although this is frowned upon in some cultures.
Synthmeat A tasty alternative to eating the dead.
Bear Meat Giant space bears are a challenging dish to slaughter and butcher, but the rewards are often worthwhile.
Carp Meat Harvested from the dreaded space carp, this meat carries carpotoxin, which is considered a dangerous poison.
Xeno Meat Harvested from xenomorphs, this meat carries polytrinic acid, which is a dangerous poison and acid.
Fish Meat Harvested from fish of various kinds.
Crab Meat Harvested from crabs.
Spider Meat Harvested from giant spiders, carries some Toxin, which, of course, is toxic.
Mushroom Meat Harvested from giant mushrooms.
Tomato Meat Harvested from giant killer tomatoes.
Mystery Meat Harvested from rats, roaches and similar things.
Soy Meat (Tofu) Made from processed tofu, theoretically food.
Protein Paste A paste made of protein, nutriment, and vitamins that sustains workers. Common element in Prison Loaf.

Knife & Rolling Pin

These food ingredients are created by using your knife and rolling pin (found in the kitchen's dinnerware vending machine). When the recipe creates multiple products from a single object, each individual product has the same reagents as the sliced object, divided by the number of products made. (For example, a bread loaf with 20 nutriment sliced into 8 bread slices would contain 2.5 nutriment per slice.)

Food name How to acquire
Bread Slice Slice any bread with your knife. Used to make sandwiches. Makes 8 slices.
Cake Slice Slice any cake with your knife. Makes 8 slices.
Pizza Slice Slice any pizza with your knife. Makes 8 slices.
Flat Dough Flatten a dough with your rolling pin. Makes 1 flat dough. Used in pizza recipes.
Dough Slice Slice a flat dough with your knife. Makes 4 dough slices.
Doughball Slice a dough slice with a knife. Makes 6 doughballs. Used in fishing.
Raw Patty Flatten a raw meatball with your rolling pin.
Raw Cutlet Slice a meat with your knife. Makes 3 cutlets.
Pie Dough Flatten a cake batter with your rolling pin. Makes 1 pie dough.
Raw Pastry Base Slice a pie dough with your knife. Makes 3 raw pastry base.
Potato Wedges Slice a potato with your knife. Makes one plate of potato wedges.
Pineapple Slice Slice a pineapple with your knife. Makes 6 pineapple slices.
Onion Slice Slice an onion with your knife. Makes 8 onion slices.
Cheese Wedge Slice a cheese wheel with your knife. Makes 8 cheese wedges.
Salami Slice a sausage with your knife and choose salami. Makes 8 slices of salami.
American Sausage Slice a sausage with your knife and choose American Sausage.

Basic Ingredients

Other Basic Ingredients

Type How to obtain
Eggs Feed wheat to chicken, then wait. If you leave the eggs on the ground after they've been laid, they have a chance to eventually hatch into chicks. Also can be grown from egg-plants.
Flour One of the most frequently used ingredients, you'll want your botanists to have some wheat growing at all time. Grind the wheat to process it into flour. You can also receive this directly from the Biogenerator if it is properly provided with biomass. Try not to think about it.
Rice Used in much fewer recipes than wheat. Grind the rice stalks to process it into useable rice.
Milk Used by many recipes for both foods and drinks. Can be processed into Cheese. To harvest it, simply use a beaker or other reagent container on a Cow or Goat, or collect it from a Biogenerator.
Milk Cream Used in some recipes, especially desserts. Obtained from the Boozeomat or by mixing milk and sulfuric acid.
Soy Milk Despite its name and look, this is not a substitute for milk. Can process it into tofu. Obtained by grinding soybeans.


Type How to obtain
Universal Enzyme A chemical that can be ordered from food crates or made in Chemistry, and is used exclusively as a catalyst to process an ingredient into another. Protect that bottle from petty thieves.
Salt Can be requested from Chemistry.
Black Pepper Obtained by grinding seeds of any kind.
Sugar Used in a few desserts, and to make chocolate bars. Can be obtained from grinding some plants such as sugar canes and white beets, as well as honeycombs. Also dispensed in chemistry.
Ketchup Obtained by grinding tomatoes. Feel the spice!
Hotsauce Obtained by grinding chili peppers. Raises body temperature.
Coldsauce Obtained by grinding ice peppers. Lowers body temperature.
Corn oil Obtained by grinding ears of corn.
Olive oil Obtained by grinding olives.
Soy Sauce Obtained by mixing 4 parts soy milk with 1 part sulfuric acid.
Sprinkles Obtained by mixing sugar with universal enzyme.
Malt Vinegar Obtained by mixing wine and water with universal enzyme.
Honey Obtained by grinding honeycombs. Has healing properties.
Cinnamon Obtained by grinding cinnamon sticks.
Black food coloring Found in the bartenders closet. Stains your best jumpsuit easily. Makes it difficult to determine what a drink or food is made from without a reagent scanner.
Red food coloring Found in the kitchen. Adds red to a food's color.
Green food coloring Found in the kitchen. Adds green to a food's color.
Blue food coloring Found in the kitchen. Adds blue to a food's color.
Bleaching agent Found in the kitchen. Lightens a food's color.

Products of chemical reactions

Remember that Universal Enzymes are catalysts, and as such aren't consumed by the reactions.

Type How to obtain
Cheese Mix 40 units of space milk with 5 units of universal enzymes.
Chocolate bar Mix 2 units of cocoa powder (obtained by grinding cocoa pods) with 2 units of milk, and 2 units of sugar.
Tofu Mix 10 units of soy milk with 5 units of universal enzymes.

Ingredients from Processor

Some items can be processed with the Processor, which can be found in your kitchen. Just place the ingredient in the processor then click on it.

Type How to obtain
Raw X Meatball Process one slab of meat (beef makes beef meatballs, mystery meat makes mystery meatballs, etc.)
X Slime Jam Process one slime. Note: Slime jam is highly toxic to most bioroids. Different colors have different additional reagents. Slime extracts can't be inserted.
Tater Tots Process one potato.
Space Fries Process one plate of potato wedges.
Carrot Fries Process one carrot.
Roast Parsnip Process one parsnip.
Soy Dope Process one soy bean.
Spaghetti Process one dough slice.
Tortilla Process one corn.
Yaki Imo Process one sweet potato.
Popsicle Stick Process one log of wood.
Processed spider eggs Process spider eggs. Nontoxic.

You will find most other ingredients in the Guide to Hydroponics.

The Daily Grind

The All-in-One Grinder most people have in their kitchen makes effortless work of grinding or juicing, while a mixing bowl lets you mix products together.

In order to create some of these items you will either need to mix the reagents by hand or toss them into the blender/grinder and grind them, after which either a finished product will be produced or you will need to transfer the liquid to your CondiMaster Neo in the freezer to create a condiment bottle containing it.

Any recipe listed as Grind will require the use of the blender, any recipe listed as Mix only requires a bowl or other liquid storage device. All of your juices will require the Grinder's other setting Juice.

Blends How to acquire
Universal Enzyme Found on the Cook's table, more can be ordered from Cargo Bay. Also botanists can use wooden barrels to ferment tomatoes into this. Can be made in biogenerator.
Nutriment Grind most solid foods. 50% chance to heal 1 brute damage.
Vitamin Grind certain types of solid food. 50% chance to heal 1 brute and burn damage.
Protein Grind some types of solid food. 50% chance to heal 0.8 brute damage. Used in cytology.
Hot Sauce/Capsaicin Oil Grind chilis. Can warm you to unsafe levels.
Cold Sauce/Frost Oil Blue Slimes or from grinding Ice Pepper. A special oil that noticeably chills the body. Extracted from ice peppers or slimes. Will cool you faster the longer it has been in the body, up to maximum strength after 35 cycles. Changeling cryo sting injects this. Creates slippery ice tiles if spilled on floor for about 1 second per unit, depending on pressure and temperature. Spilling also reduces area temperature by 5K per unit. Hurts slimes and slimepeople. Metabolism rate 0.4u per tick.
Ketchup Grind tomatoes.
Korta Flour Grind korta nuts
Korta Milk Juice korta nuts
Korta Nectar Grind sweet korta nuts
Mushroom Powder Grind seraka mushrooms.
Flour Grind wheat or oat stalks
Rice Grind rice stalks
Rice Bowl Mix 10 rice + 10 water in a bowl
Dough Mix 15u flour + 10u water
Egg Yolk / Egg White Break an egg. Makes 3u egg yolk and 6u egg white.
Cake Batter Mix 15u flour + 6u egg yolks + 12u egg white + 5u sugar or 15u flour + 15u soy milk + 5u sugar.
Pancake Batter Mix 6u egg yolk + 12u egg white + 10u milk + 5u flour. Results in 15 units of pancake batter.
Secret Sauce Makes food taste amazing. Recipe is completely random and changes every 7 days. The recipe may be found in a certain space ruin on a paper. You could have to mix a random number of random ingredients in random amounts with a similarly random set of catalysts, raise or lower it past a random temperature, mix it specifically in a random container (it won't work in any other container if this is the case), heat an explosive beyond its exploding point, and more. Either way, the recipe as written will only make 1u.
BBQ Sauce 3 parts Saline-Glucose Solution, 1 part ash, 1 part tomato juice, 1 part pepper
Soy Sauce Mix 40 units soy milk + 10 units Sulfuric Acid
Salt 1 part Chlorine, 1 part Sodium, 1 part Water. Salt-shakers can be found in cafe.
Pepper Grind pepper-mills from the cafe, or grind any seed.
Healing Peptides Is created in your body if you eat Food after eating Probital. Heals brute and some burn every few seconds. Does not give as much nutrition as other Foods when digested.
Moonshine Mix 10 nutriment + 5 universal enzyme
Cheese Wheel Mix 40 milk + 5 universal enzyme (catalyst). End result will magically pop a full wheel of cheese.
Chocolate Bar Mix 2 units coco powder (grind a cocoa pod) + 2 units milk/soy milk + 2 units sugar
Tofu Mix 10 soy milk + 5 universal enzyme (catalyst)
Butter Mix 15 milk in the grinder
Butter on a stick Insert a metal rod into butter
Mayonnaise Grind egg yolk
Sugar Grind white beet or sugarcane
Astrotame Found in Dinnerware Vendor. Artificial sweetener. Makes food taste better while adding zero calories or nutrition. If overdosed (17u) it makes you disgusted instead.
Caramel Heat sugar to 413.15K. Will burn into carbon if heated to 483.15K.
Corn starch Juice corn
Corn Syrup Mix 1 part corn starch + 1 part sulfuric acid, heat to 374K. Results in 5 parts instead of 2. 1.2u decays into 3u sugar in body per tick.
Sprinkles Grind donuts. Acts as a healing powder for the enlisted security force.
Cherry Jelly Grind cherries
Blue Cherry Jelly Grind blue cherries
Gravy Mix 1 part nutriment + 1 part flour + 1 part milk
Dry Ramen Buy Cup Ramen.
Hot Ramen Mix 3 parts dry ramen with 1 part water. Results in 3 parts instead of 4. Warms you up to safe levels.
Hell Ramen Mix 6 parts hot ramen with 1 part capsaicin oil. Results in 6 parts instead of 7. Can warm you to unsafe levels.
Olive Paste Grind Olives. Mix 4 parts olive paste with 1 part water to make Quality Olive Oil!
Mothic Pizza Dough Mix 5 parts milk + 2 parts olive oil + 5 parts saline-glucose solution + 10 parts cornmeal + 5 parts flour
Cornmeal Batter Mix 20 parts cornmeal, 10 parts yoghurt, 5 parts egg yolk

Making Dishes By Hand

Excellent. Now we've come to grasps with the basics and are ready to get cooking. The simplest dishes are prepared by hand without any actual cooking required, but being a master at this requires skill and knowledge nonetheless. All you need is a bowl or plate to properly serve your creation, clean hands to make it with, and you're ready.

bowl and plate dishes made by hand

Stovetop Cooking

Next, we cover the oven stovetop, where a pan, a skillet, and a stock pot can turn a handful of ingredients into a Cluster-worthy meal.

stovetop advice, including proper temperatures and times

Ovenist Mastery

From there, we move on to the oven itself, where you can bake, broil, and simmer delightful dishes for you and your crew.

oven advice, including proper temperatures and times

The oven is used to use to bake pizzas, pastries and other dough products. Simply open it up, fill an oven tray with some cookies, toss it in, close it up, and wait!

The oven will prepare the cookies and when you see brown smoke the food is done. When it goes black you're a bit too late!

Food How to acquire Notes
Plain Bread Bake a dough Used in most bread recipes.
Rootbread Bake a rootdough Used in lizard cuisine.
Bun Bake a dough slice Used in burgers.
Root Roll Bake a rootdough slice Used in lizard cuisine.
Pastry Base Bake a raw pastry base Used in most pastry recipes.
Pizza Bread Bake a flat dough Used for pizzas.
Root flatbread Bake a flat rootdough Used in lizard cuisine.
Plain Pie Bake a pie dough Used in pie recipes.
Plain Cake Bake a cake batter Used in cake recipes.
Warm Donk-pocket Bake a Donk-pocket. Contains Omnizine.

Pizza Masterpieces

Making a good pizza is part of any good chef's repertoire, so this next section covers the basics of making classic pizzas as well as custom orders.

pizza oven advice

Grilling in Style

Outdoor enthusiasts may appreciate a lesson in grilling, as may anyone who owns a smokeless grill for indoor use.

Food Processes
Grilled Meatball Grill a raw meatball on a grill.
Grilled Patty Grill a raw patty on a grill.
Grilled X Cutlet Grill a raw X cutlet on a grill.
Grilled X Steak Grill raw X meat on a grill.
Grilled chicken Grill chicken meat on a grill.
Grilled X Grill (fish) on a grill.
Grilled Bacon Grill raw bacon on a grill.

Fryer Tactics

The fryer is usually found on well-equipped commercial kitchens, and while not the healthiest choice, it will certainly provide filling and flavorful fare, deep-fried.

fryer advice

Instapot Recipes

The instapot is a wonderful invention for home cooks who don't have the time for a slow simmer but want the option to cook pot meals, air-fry foods, and use advanced techniques to get the most out of their ingredients.

instapot advice

Griddle Magic

It's not just for pancakes; this flat metal cooking surface can cook a wide variety of foods, including most raw meat products. Turn it on, then place these dishes on there and wait until they change color. Note that you can prepare most of these dishes over a bonfire or grill if you're inclined to cook outdoors. You can grill multiple pieces of food at the same time on a griddle.

Picture Processes Results
Meatball Grill a raw meatball on a griddle
Patty Grill a raw patty on a griddle
X Cutlet Grill a raw X cutlet on a griddle
X Steak Grill raw X meat on a griddle.
Cooked chicken Grill chicken meat on a griddle.
Cooked X Grill (fish) on a griddle.
Bacon Grill raw bacon on a griddle
Fried Egg Splash an egg on the griddle
Pancake Splash 5u pancake batter on a griddle. Cook the resulting goopy pancake until done.
Berry Pancake Rightclick.png Splash 5u pancake batter on a griddle. Add 1 berry to the resulting goopy pancake. Cook until done.
Chocolate Chip Pancake Splash 5u pancake batter on a griddle. Add 1 chocolate bar to the resulting goopy pancake. Cook until done.

Contents Under Pressure

The pressure cooker is a high-risk, high-reward culinary instrument, allowing you to cook foods that would normally require hours or days in mere minutes; however, it is very time-sensitive.

pressurecooker advice

Fast Microwave Dishes

People with limited resources, such as a corporate office, may find themselves relying mostly on microwaved food. While there are many prepackaged products that can be prepared in the microwave with only rudimentary knowledge, there are also many original dishes you can make on your own.

microwave advice

Every food item listed here is made in the microwave. You must add the exact ingredients to the microwave, either by using a container with the chemical inside on the microwave, or by using the item requested on the microwave. Be certain that you add the exactly correct number of reagents (you can adjust how much of a chemical is poured with Objects > Set Transfer Amount) - if it isn't an EXACT match, you will cook a Burned Mess instead, which is poisonous, and there is a chance it will damage your microwave.

If you do slip up and cook a mess, the microwave may become dirty or broken. If dirty, use any container with 5u Space Cleaner on it, soap, or a damp rag, and it will be cleaned. If broken, use a screwdriver and then a wrench to fix it.

Upgrades: Normally, a microwave takes 10 ticks to cook. With a better manipulator, that can be lowered to 3 ticks. With a better scanning module, the microwave will confirm by name the recipe you're going to cook when you put in the matching ingredients before pressing cook so that you're sure you're not going to mess it up. Ask a mechanic for help upgrading your kitchen.

Cooked food How to acquire
Boiled Egg Microwave an egg
Boiled Rice Microwave a rice bowl. Used in rice recipes.
Boiled Spaghetti Microwave spaghetti. Used in spaghetti recipes.
Khinkali Microwave a raw khinkali.
Onion Rings Microwave an onion slice.
Popcorn Microwave a corn.
Toasted Sandwich Microwave a sandwich.
Warm Donk-pocket Microwave a Donk-pocket. Contains Omnizine.

Non-edible microwave recipes

What's the point if you can't eat 'em?

Recipe Ingredients Notes
Clay Pot 1 piece of sand, 10 units of water This is sufficient to make a clay pot suitable for holding plantlife, to increase the beauty of your kitchen and elsewhere.
Gauze 1 Aloe Apply to wounds to stop bleeding.
Ointment 5 units Dermaline Apply to burns to provide some instant relief.

end microwave

Bringing It Together

Now that you've baked, grilled, fried, sliced, and prepared the elements of a dish, here's how to bring it all together.


Recipe Ingredients Nutritional Value Notes
Appendix Burger 1 bun + 1 cooked appendix 8 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin Tastes like appendicitis.
Bacon Burger 1 bun + 3 cooked bacon + 3 cheese wedges 19 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin The perfect combination of all things American.
Beargur 1 bun + 1 cooked bear patty 3 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin, 6 Protein Best served rawr.
Big Bite Burger 1 bun + 3 cooked patties + 2 cheese wedges 17 Nutriment, 9 Vitamin Forget the Big Mac.
Brain Burger 1 bun + 1 cooked brain 8 Nutrient, 6 Mannitol, 5 Vitamin Rarely will you be able to make this. Bother the Roboticist or Medical for delicious brains. Contains Mannitol.
Burger 1 bun + 1 cooked patty 7 Nutriment, 3 Vitamin A classic burger.
Cat Burger 1 bun + 1 cooked patty + 1 cat ears + 1 cat tail 6 Nutriment, 3 Protein, 2 Vitamin Finally those cats and catpeople are worth something!
Cheeseburger 1 bun + 1 cooked patty + 1 cheese wedge 3 Nutriment, 7 Protein, 2 Vitamin This noble burger stands proudly clad in golden cheese.
Chicken Sandwich 1 bun + 5u mayonnaise + 1 cooked chicken patty 3 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin, 7 Protein, 3 Mayonnaise, 2 Cooking oil A delicious chicken sandwich.
Clown Burger 1 bun + 1 clown mask 6 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin, 6 Banana Get the mime to steal the mask from his nemesis.
Crab Burger 1 bun + 2 cooked crab patties 3 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin, 5 Protein A delicious patty of the crabby kind, slapped in between a bun.
Empowered Burger 1 bun + 2 plasma sheets 8 Nutriment, 5 Liquid Electricity

Five Alarm Burger | 1 bun + 2 ghost chilis | 6 Nutriment, 5 Capsaicin, 5 Pepper, 1 Vitamin | HOT! HOT! Ghost Burger | 1 bun + 1 ectoplasm | 7 Nutriment, 12 Vitamin | Terror-ifficly tasty. Home Run Baseball Burger | 1 bun + 1 baseball bat | 6 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | It's still warm. The steam coming off of it looks like baseball. Human burger | 1 bun + 1 human patty | 7 Nutriment, 3 Vitamin | Shares the name of your victim. People will know right off if you're feeding them their crewmates. Jelly Burger | 1 bun + 5 units slime jam or 5 units cherry jelly | 2 Nutrient, 5 Slime/Cherry Jelly, 5 Vitamin | My insides are burning! McGuffin | 1 bun + 2 cooked bacon pieces + 1 fried egg | 2 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin, 7 Protein, 3 egg yolk | A cheap and greasy imitation of an eggs benedict. McRib | 1 bun + 1 BBQ ribs + 1 onion slice | 2 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin, 7 Protein, 1 BBQ sauce | An elusive rib shaped burger with limited availablity across the galaxy. Not as good as you remember it. Mime Burger | 1 bun + 1 mime mask | 6 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin, 6 Nothing | Get the clown to steal the mask from his nemesis. Or order a costume crate like the unrobust person you are. Pretty Patty | 1 bun + 1 patty + 1 crayon (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, or white) | 2 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin, 5 Protein, 10 Colorful Reagent | Comes in 8 delicious colours! Rat Burger | 1 bun + 1 dead mouse | 3 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | What did you expect? Soylent Burger | 1 bun + 2 cheese wedges, 1 soylent green | 4 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin, 6 Protein | An eco-friendly burger made using upcycled low value biomass. Spell Burger | 1 bun + 1 wizard hat | 8 Nutriment, 10 Vitamin | You will eat this until you have had Ei Nath. Super Bite Burger | 1 bun + 3 cheese wedges + 5 patties + 4 tomatoes + 1 boiled egg + 1 piece of bacon + 5 units salt + 5 units pepper | 44+ Nutriment, 24+ Vitamin, 5 Salt, 5 Pepper | If this doesn't clog their arteries, nothing will. Two bites will take you from starving to overfed. Tofu Burger | 1 bun + 1 tofu | 6 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | Melts your face! Xenoburger | 1 bun + 1 xeno patty | 9 Nutriment, 8 Vitamin | Ali-yum!


Recipe | Ingredients | Nutritional Value | Notes Baguette | 2 pastry base + 1 unit salt + 1 unit pepper | 6 Nutriment, 1 Black Pepper, 1 Salt, 1 Vitamin | The mime's favorite. Banana Bread | 1 plain bread + 3 boiled eggs + 5 units milk + 1 banana | 20 Banana, 20 Nutriment | Sliceable. Contains a massive amount of banana essence. Bread cat | 1 plain bread + 3 meat slabs + 1 pair of cat ears + 1 cat tail + 50u blood + 5u strange reagent | N/A | It's a cat… with a bread! Butter Biscuit | 1 bun + 1 butter | 8 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | Well butter my biscuit! Butterdog | 1 bun + 3 butter | 18 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | Made from exotic butters. Buttered Toast | 1 plain bread slice + 1 butter | 5 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | Butter lightly spread over a piece of toast. Cornbread | Heat 25u cornmeal batter to 473K. | 10 Nutriment | Some good down-home country-style, rootin'-tootin', revolver-shootin', dad-gum yeehaw cornbread. Cream Cheese Bread | 1 plain bread + 2 cheese wedges + 5 units milk | 20 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. French Toast | 1 plain bread slice + 2 eggs + 5 units milk | 4 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | A slice of bread soaked in a beaten egg mixture. Put it on a griddle to start cooking! Garlic Bread | 1 plain bread slice + 1 butter + 1 garlic | 5 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin, 2 Garlic Juice | Alas, it is limited. Hot cross bun | 1 plain bread slice + 1 sugar | 6 Nutriment, 1 Sugar | A spiced sweet bun usually made with fruit, marked with a cross on the top, and traditionally eaten on Good Friday. Not made from a pastry base, because a sweet bun is different from a pastry apparently. Not made from a bun, as the buns we have are hamburger buns. Jellytoast.png | Jelly Toast | 1 plain bread slice + 5 units slime jam or cherry jelly | 1 Nutriment, 5 Cherry/Slime Jelly, 2 Vitamin | As if science are gonna give up their slimes for toast! Meatbread.png | Meatbread | 1 plain bread + 3 cutlets + 3 cheese wedges | 30 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Mimanabread.png | Mimana Bread | 1 plain bread + 3 tofu + 5 units soy milk + 1 mimana | 20 Nutriment, 5 Mute Toxin, 5 Nothing, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Leaves diners speechless! Moldy bread slice.png | Moldy Bread | 1 plain bread + 1 fly amanita | 4 nutriment, 1 mushroom hallucinogen, 7 amatoxin, 2 growth serum, 10 mold | Key ingredient of Pruno mix. The mold tastes gross, but is delicious if you have deviant tastes! Sausagebread.png | Sausagebread Loaf | 1 plain bread + 2 sausages | 20 Nutriment, 10 Toxin, 12 Protein | Dont think too much about it. Spidermeatloaf.png | Spidermeat bread | 1 plain bread + 3 spider cutlets + 3 cheese wedges | 30 Nutriment, 15 Toxin, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Green but delicious. Tofubread.png | Tofu bread | 1 plain bread + 3 tofus + 3 cheese wedges | 30 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Twobread.png | Two Bread | 2 plain bread slices + 5 wine | 2 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | Classy. Xbread.png | Xenomeat bread | 1 plain bread + 3 xeno cutlets + 3 cheese wedges | 30 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. A fitting, and filling, end to xeno scum.


Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Nutritional Value | Notes Holy cake.png | Angel Food Cake | 1 plain cake + 15u holy water | 1 Nutriment, 3 Vitamen, 10 Holy Water | Sliceable. Contains holy water. Applecake.png | Apple Cake | 1 plain cake + 2 apples | 20 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Birthday.png | Birthday Cake | 1 plain cake + 5 sugar + 2 caramel + 1 candle | 20 Nutriment, 10 Sprinkles, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Don't forget to make a wish. Contains sprinkles, which heal security members. If you microwave the cake it becomes a cakehat Cakehat.PNG. Bscc.png | Blackberry and Strawberry Chocolate Cake | 1 plain cake + 5 berries + 2 chocolate bars | 20 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin, 5 Coco | Sliceable. Blackberry and strawberry vanilla cake.png | Blackberry and Strawberry Vanilla Cake | 1 plain cake + 5 berries | 20 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Braincake.png | Brain Cake | 1 plain cake + 1 brain | 20 Nutriment, 10 Mannitol, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Bother the Roboticist for unusable brains. Cak.png | Cak | 1 birthday cake + 1 brain + 1 heart + 3 meat slabs + 30 units blood + 5 units sprinkles + 1 unit teslium. | N/A | A cake/cat hybrid controlled by the player whose brain is used. Clicking the cak with an open hand with Rightclick.png Disarm 32.png provides small amounts of nutriment and vitamin. The cak quickly heals brute damage, but can be killed if you take too many bites of it in quick succession. Donuts around the cak automatically become frosted. Not sliceable; a knife will just hurt it. The cak will be named Keeki, but if it is possessed, the possessor can pick a name. Carrotcake.png | Carrot Cake | 1 plain cake + 2 carrots | 20 Nutriment, 10 Oculine, 5 Vitamin | Slicable. Heals eye trauma. Cheesecake.png | Cheese Cake | 1 plain cake + 2 cheese wedges | 20 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Slicable. Does not come with scantily dressed ladies. Choccake.png | Chocolate Cake | 1 plain cake + 2 chocolate bars | 20 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Clowncake.png | Clown Cake | 1 plain cake + 2 sundae + 5 bananas | 20 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin, 15 Sugar | Sliceable. Requires reading Cooking Desserts 101 to unlock. Energy cake.gif | Energy Cake | 1 birthday cake + 1 energy sword ESword.png | 10 Nutriment, 10 Sprinkles, 5 Vitamin, 10 Liquid Electricity | Sliceable. Just enough calories for a whole nuclear operative squad. If you microwave the cake it becomes an energy cake(hat) Energy cake hat.gif. Hardware cake.png | Hardware Cake | 1 plain cake + 2 circuit boards + 5u Sulphuric Acid | 20 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin, 15u Sulphuric Acid, 15u Oil | Sliceable. Contains 15u sulphuric acid and 15u oil. Lemoncake.png | Lemon Cake | 1 plain cake + 2 lemons | 20 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Limecake.png | Lime Cake | 1 plain cake + 2 limes | 20 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Orangecake.png | Orange Cake | 1 plain cake + 2 oranges | 20 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Pound cake.png | Pound Cake | 4 plain cake | 60 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Counts as junk food. Pumpkinspicecake.png | Pumpkin Spice Cake | 1 plain cake + 2 pumpkin | 32 Nutriments, 11 Vitamin | Sliceable. Slimecake.png | Slime Cake | 1 plain cake + 1 Slime Extract | 20 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Spacemans Cake.png | Spaceman's Cake | 1 plain cake + 2 Spaceman's Trumpet + 5 units cream + 5 units berry juice | 20 Nutriment, 10 Vitamin, 15 Polypyrylium Oligomers, 5 Cream, 5 Berryjuice | Sliceable. Slowly heals lung and brute damage while stopping bleeding over time. Vanillacake.png | Vanilla Cake | 1 plain cake + 2 vanilla pods | 20 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin, 15 Sugar, 15 Vanilla | Sliceable. Requires reading Cooking Desserts 101 to unlock.

Egg-Based Food Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Nutritional Value | Notes Chaw.png | Chawanmushi | 5 units water + 5 units soy sauce + 2 boiled eggs + 1 chanterelle mushroom | 5 Nutriment | Nǐ xiǎng yào chī shénme? Cheesepmelet.png | Cheese Omelette | 2 eggs + 2 cheese wedges | 8 Nutriment | Can eat these with a fork. Have a medical team on standby in case of utensil-related injuries. Chocegg.png | Chocolate Egg | 1 boiled egg + 1 chocolate bar | 4 Nutriment, 2 Sugar, 2 Coco | NT regulations forbid stuffing toys in these things anymore. Eggbowl.png | Egg Bowl | 1 boiled rice + 1 boiled egg + 1 carrot + 1 corn | 4 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin | A bowl of rice with a fried egg. Eggsausage.png | Egg with sausage | 1 fried egg + 1 sausage | 8 Protein, 2 Vitamin, 4 Nutriment | A good egg with a side of sausages. Wrap.png | Egg Wrap | 1 fried egg + 1 cabbage + 10 units soy sauce | 5 Nutriment | The precursor to Pigs in a Blanket. Benedict.png | Eggs Benedict | 1 fried egg + 1 meat steak + 1 bread slice | 6 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin | There is only one egg on this, how rude. Scotchegg.png | Scotch Egg | 1 egg + 1 unit salt

+ 1 unit pepper + 1 meatball | 6 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | A boiled egg wrapped in a delicious, seasoned meatball. Frozen Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Nutritional Value | Notes Creamsicle berry.png | Berry creamsicle | 1 Popsicle Stick + 4 units berry juice + 2 units ice + 2 units milk cream + 2 units Sugar + 2 units Vanilla | 4 Berry juice, 2 Cream, 2 Vanilla, 4 Sugar | A vibrant berry creamsicle. A berry good frozen treat. Cornuto.png | Cornuto | 1 chocolate bar + 1 pastry base + 2 units ice + 4 units milk cream + 4 units Sugar | 6 Nutriment, 4 Hot coco, 2 Cream, 2 Sugar, 4 Vanilla | A neapolitan vanilla and chocolate icecream cone. It menaces with a sprinkling of caramelized nuts. Honkdae.png | Honkdae | 5 units Cream + 1 Clown mask + 1 Cherry + 2 Banana + 1 Icecream | 6 Nutriment, 10 Banana, 4 Vitamin | The clown's favorite desert. Icecreamsandwich.png | Icecream Sandwich | 1 Ice cream + 5 units Ice + 5 units Milk cream | 3 Nutriment, 4 Ice | Portable Ice Cream in it's own packaging. Jumbopopsicle.png | Jumbo Icecream | 1 Popsicle Stick + 1 chocolate bar + 2 units ice + 2 units milk cream + 2 units Sugar + 3 units Vanilla | 4 Hot coco, 2 Cream, 3 Vanilla, 2 Sugar | A luxurius icecream covered in rich chocolate. It seems smaller than you remember it being. Nogga black.png | Licorice creamsicle | 1 Popsicle Stick + 4 units Blumpkin juice + 1 units Salt + 2 units ice + 2 units milk cream + 2 units Sugar, 2 units Vanilla | 4 Nutriment, 1 Salt, 2 Cream, 1 Vanilla, 4 Sugar | A salty licorice icecream. A salty frozen treat. Creamsicle orange.png | Orange creamsicle | 1 Popsicle Stick 4 units orange juice 2 units ice + 2 units milk cream + 2 units Sugar + 2 units Vanilla | 4 Orange juice, 2 Cream, 2 Vanilla, 4 Sugar | A classic orange creamsicle. A sunny frozen treat. Spacefreezy.png | Space Freezy | 5 units blue cherry jelly + 15 units Space mountain wind + 1 Icecream | 6 Nutriment, 5 Blue Cherry Jelly, 4 Vitamin | The best icecream in space! Strayberrysandwich.png | Strawberry ice cream sandwich | 2 Berries + 5 units ice + 5 units milk cream | 4 Nutriment, 4 Ice | Portable Ice Cream in it's own packaging. Sundae.png | Sundae | 5 units Cream + 1 Cherry + 1 Banana + 1 waffle cone | 6 Nutriment, 5 Banana, 2 Vitamin | A classic desert. Snowcones Paper cups can be dispensed from from water coolers, found in some places.

Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Nutritional Value | Notes Blue sc.png | Apple Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 5u apple juice | 1 Nutriment, 5 Apple juice, 11 Water | Apple syrup drizzled over a snowball in a paper cup. Berry sc.png | Berry Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 5u berry juice | 1 Nutriment, 5 Berry juice, 11 Water | Berry syrup drizzled over a snowball in a paper cup. Red sc.png | Bluecherry Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 5u blue cherry jelly | 1 Nutriment, 5 Blue cherry jelly, 11 Water | Bluecherry syrup drizzled over a snowball in a paper cup, how rare! Blue sc.png | Cherry Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 5u cherry jelly | 1 Nutriment, 5 Cherry jelly, 11 Water | Cherry syrup drizzled over a snowball in a paper cup. Clown sc.png | Clown Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 5u Laughter | 1 Nutriment, 5 Laughter, 11 Water | Laughter drizzled over a snowball in a paper cup. Flavorless sc.png | Flavorless Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice | 1u water | It's just shaved ice. Still fun to chew on. Fruitsalad sc.png | Fruit Salad Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 5u orange juice + 5u lime juice + 5u lemon juice | 1 Nutriment, 5 Orange juice, 5 Lime juice, 5 Lemon juice, 11 Water | A pirates favorite treat on a hot summer day. Grape sc.png | Grape Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 5u grape juice | 1 Nutriment, 5 Grape juice, 11 Water | Grape syrup drizzled over a snowball in a paper cup. Honey sc.png | Honey Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 5u honey | 1 Nutriment, 5 Honey, 11 Water | Honey drizzled over a snowball in a paper cup. Lemon sc.png | Lemon Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 5u lemon juice | 1 Nutriment, 5 Lemon juice, 11 Water | Don't eat the yellow snow. Lime sc.png | Lime Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 5u lime juice | 1 Nutriment, 5 Lime juice, 11 Water | Lime syrup drizzled over a snowball in a paper cup. Mime sc.png | Mime Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 5u nothing | 1 Nutriment, 5 Nothing, 11 Water | “…” Orange sc.png | Orange Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 5u orange juice | 1 Nutriment, 5 Orange juice, 11 Water | Orange syrup drizzled over a snowball in a paper cup. Pineapple sc.png | Pineapple Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 5u pineapple juice | 1 Nutriment, 5 Pineapple juice, 11 Water | Pineapple syrup drizzled over a snowball in a paper cup. Pwrgamer sc.png | Pwr Game Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 15u Pwr Game | 1 Nutriment, 5 Pwrgame, 11 Water | Cool Fuel.

Rainbow Snowcone 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 5u Colorful Reagent 1 Nutriment, 5 Laughter, 11 Water A very colorful snowball in a paper cup.
Space Cola Snowcone 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 5u cola 1 Nutriment, 5 Space cola, 11 Water Space Cola drizzled over a snowball in a paper cup.

Mountainwind sc.png | Space Mountain Wind Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 15u Space Mountain Wind | 1 Nutriment, 5 Space Mountain Wind, 11 Water | Space mountain wind, now with brainfreeze! |

Lizard Cuisine

Recipe Ingredients Nutritional Value Notes
Atrakor dumpling soup 10 water + 5 soy sauce + 1 bowl + 2 raw cutlet + 1 onion + 1 Tiziran dumplings 1 Nutriment, 3 Protein, 2 Vitamin A bowl of rich, meaty dumpling soup, traditionally served during the festival of Atrakor's Might on Tizira. The dumplings are shaped like the Night Sky Lord himself.
Black scrambled eggs 5 units blood + 2 units vinegar + 2 egg 4 Protein, 2 Vitamin A country dish from rural Tizira. Made with eggs, blood, and foraged greens. Traditionally eaten with rootbread and a spicy sauce.
Candied mushrooms 5 units caramel + 1 unit salt + 1 iron rod + 1 steeped seraka mushroom 2 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin, 3 caramel A slightly bizarre dish from Tizira, consisting of seraka mushrooms coated with caramel on a skewer. Carries a pronounced 'sweet and savoury' kick.
Crispy breaded headcheese 1 headcheese slice + 1 rootbread slice 1 Nutriment, 3 Protein, 1 cooking oil A delicious snack from the streets of Zagoskeld, consisting of headcheese coated in rootbread breadcrumbs. Commonly served with fries.
Crispy shredded lung stirfry 1 lungs + 1 onion + 1 carrot + 1 chili 2 Vitamin, 3 Protein, 1 capsaicin Crispy lung strips, with veggies and a spicy sauce. Delicious, if you like lungs.
Demit nizaya 5 units korta milk + 5 units korta nectar + 1 nizaya pasta + 1 carrot + 1 onion + 1 eggplant 6 Nutriment, 2 korta nectar A sweet, creamy nizaya pasta dish made with korta milk and nectar.
Desert snail cocleas 3 units lemon juice + 2 units black pepper + 3 units quality oil + 1 canned desert snails + 1 garlic 3 Nutriment, 2 Protein, 1 garlic Another example of cultural crossover between lizards and humans, desert snail escargot is closer to the Roman dish cocleas than the contemporary French escargot. It's a common street food in the desert cities.
Desert snail nizaya 5 units wine + 1 canned desert snails + 1 nizaya pasta + 1 garlic 6 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin, 2 Protein A high class pasta dish from Tizira's vineyard region of Valyngia. Traditionally made with only the finest Tiziran wine… but the human swill will do, in a pinch.
Emperor Roll 1 rootroll + 1 liver pate + 2 headcheese slice + 1 moonfish caviar paste 4 Nutriment, 7 Protein, 1 Vitamin A popular sandwich on Tizira, named in honor of the Imperial family.
Eyeball-and-brain pate 3 salt + 1 brain + 1 eyes + 1 onion 5 Protein A thick pink puree made from finely chopped poached eyeballs and brains, fried onions, and fat. Lizards swear it's delicious!
Fried blood sausage 5 units korta flour + 5 units water + 1 raw Tiziran blood sausage 3 Protein, 1 salt, 1 cooking oil A blood sausage, battered and deep fried. Commonly served with fries as a quick and simple snack on the streets of Zagoskeld.
Garlic nizaya 5 quality oil + 1 nizaya pasta + 1 garlic + 1 chili 6 Nutriment, 8 Protein A lizard adaptation of the Italian pasta dish, aglio e olio, made with nizaya pasta.
Headcheese 1 raw headcheese, cured on a drying rack 5 Protein, 5 salt A cured block of headcheese. Delicious, if you're a lizard.
Honey sweetroll 5 honey + 1 rootroll + 1 bunch of berries + 1 banana 4 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin, 2 honey A sweetened rootroll with sliced fruit, enjoyed as a seasonal dessert on Tizira.
Imperial flatbread 1 root flatbread, 1 liver pate, 1 sauerkraut, 1 headcheese 15 Nutriment, 10 Protein, 15 Vitamin A flatbread topped with pate, pickled vegetables, and cubed headcheese. Not very suited to anyone's tastes but the lizards.
Italic flatbread 3 quality oil + 1 root flatbread + 1 garlic + 1 tomato + 2 meatballs 15 Nutriment, 10 Protein, 15 Vitamin The introduction of human foods to Tizira led to an advancement in lizard cooking- the Italic flatbread is now a common sight on the menus of takeout stores on the planet.
Jellyfish stew 1 bowl + 1 canned gunner jellyfish + 1 soybeans + 1 red beet + 1 potato 3 Nutriment, 5 Protein A slimy bowl of jellyfish stew. It jiggles if you shake it.
Korta brittle slab 5 korta nectar + 5 units sugar + 2 salt + 2 korta nut + 1 stick of butter 5 Nutriment, 10 sugar, 5 korta nectar A big slab of korta nut brittle. So sugary it should be a crime!
Korta ice 1 paper cup + 15 units ice + 5 units korta nectar + 1 berries 4 Nutriment, 4 Ice, 4 Berryjuice Shaved ice, korta nectar and berries. A sweet treat to eat to beat summer heat!
Liver pate 1 liver + 1 raw cutlet + 1 onion 3 Protein A rich, meaty paste made from liver, meat, and a few additions for extra flavor.
Loaded poms-franzisks 5 BBQ sauce + 1 space fries + 2 cutlet 4 Nutriment, 3 Protein, 1 salt, 2 BBQ sauce One of the many human foods to make its way to the lizards was french fries, which are called poms-franzisks in Draconic. When topped with barbecued meat and sauce, they make a hearty meal.
Meatball noodle soup 10 Water, 1 bowl, 2 raw cutlet, 1 onion, 1 nizaya pasta, 2 meatball, 1 Gallery's peanuts 4 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin, 6 Protein A hearty noodle soup made from meatballs and nizaya in a rich broth. Commonly topped with a handful of chopped nuts.
Moonfish caviar paste 2 units salt + 1 moonfish eggs 2 Protein A rich paste made from moonfish eggs. Generally the only way most lizards can get them, and used fairly heavily in coastal cooking.
Moonfish demiglace 5 units korta milk + 5 units wine + 1 grilled moonfish + 1 potato + 1 carrot 3 Nutriment, 5 Protein A slab of beautifully seared moonfish on a bed of potatoes and carrots, with a wine and demiglace reduction on top. Simply marvelous.
Mushroom nizaya 5 quality oil + 1 nizaya pasta + 1 steeped seraka mushroom + 1 garlic 6 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin A nizaya pasta dish made with seraka mushrooms and quality oil. Has a pronounced nutty flavour.
Mushroomy stirfry 5 quality oil + 1 steeped seraka mushroom + 1 plump-helmet mushroom + 1 chanterelle cluster 5 Nutriment, 3 Vitamin A medley of mushrooms, made to meet your monstrous munchies. Marvelous!

Nectar larvae.png | Nectar larvae | 5 units korta nectar + 1 canned bee larva + 1 tomato + 1 chili | 5 Protein, 2 korta nectar, 1 capsaicin | Little crispy larvae in a korta nectar based sweet and spicy sauce. Bugtastic! |

Patzikula 2 tomato + 1 onion + 1 chili + 2 egg 4 Nutriment, 4 Protein, 4 Vitamin, 1 capsaicin A smooth and spicy tomato-based sauce topped with eggs and baked. Delicious.
Picoss skewers 5 vinegar + 2 cleaned armorfish + 1 onion + 1 chili + 1 iron rod 3 Nutriment, 3 Protein, 1 vinegar, 1 capsaicin A popular Tiziran streetfood consisting of vinegar-marinated armorfish on a skewer with onion and chilis.
Raw Tiziran blood sausage 5 units blood + 2 units salt + 1 raw cutlet + 1 raw piece of bacon 3 Protein, 3 blood A raw Tiziran blood sausage, ready to be cured on a drying rack.
Raw headcheese 10 units salt + 5 units black pepper + 1 meat 5 Protein, 5 salt A common food on Tizira, headcheese is traditionally made of an animal's head, with the organs removed, boiled until it falls apart, at which point it is collected, strained of moisture, salted heavily, packed into blocks, and left to dry and age for several months. The resulting hard block tastes similar to cheese.
Rootdough 5 korta flour + 10 water + 2 potato + 1 egg 2 Nutriment A root based dough, made with nuts and tubers. Used in a wide range of Tiziran cooking.
Rootbread soup 1 bowl + 2 rootbread slices + 1 garlic + 1 chili + 1 egg 4 Nutriment, 3 Vitamin, 3 Protein A big bowl of spicy, savoury soup made with rootbread. Heavily seasoned, and very tasty.
Rustic flatbread 2 Lemon Juice + 3 quality oil + 1 root flatbread + 1 garlic 15 Nutriment, 10 Vitamin A simple Tiziran country dish, popular as a side to meat or fish dishes. Topped with herbs and oil.
Sauerkraut 10 units salt + 2 cabbage 3 Nutriment Pickled cabbage, as made famous by Germans, and which has become common in lizard cooking, where it is known as Zauerkrat.
Steeped mushrooms 5 units lye + 1 seraka cap 2 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin Seraka mushrooms that have been steeped in alkaline water to remove the extract, thereby making them completely safe to consume.
Tiziran black broth 5 vinegar + 5 units blood + 2 units ice + 1 bowl + 1 Tiziran blood sausage + 1 onion 8 Protein, 5 blood A bowl of sausage, onion, blood and vinegar, served ice cold. Every bit as rough as it sounds.
Tiziran dumplings 5 units korta flour + 1 potato 3 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin Mashed root vegetables, mixed with korta flour and boiled to produce a large, round and slightly spicy dumpling. Commonly eaten in soup.
Tiziran blood sausage 1 raw blood sausage, cured on a drying rack 5 Protein A coarse dry-cured blood sausage, traditionally made by farmers in the farmlands around Zagoskeld. Similar in texture to old-Earth Spanish chorizo.
Tsatsikh 2 units salt + 2 black pepper + 1 heart + 1 liver + 1 lungs + 1 stomach 5 Protein A Tiziran dish consisting of spiced ground offal, stuffed into a stomach and boiled. Pretty foul to anyone who's not used to the taste.
Zagosk surf 'n' turf smorgasbord 1 grilled moonfish + 2 picoss skewers + 1 steak + 1 bbq ribs 15 Nutriment, 10 Protein, 10 Vitamin A massive platter of Tizira's finest meat and seafood, typically shared by groups at the beach. Of course, nothing's stopping you eating it on your own… fatass.


Recipe Ingredients Nutritional Value Notes
BBQ Ribs 2 meat steak + 2 rods + 5u BBQ sauce 3 Nutriment, 10 Protein, 10 BBQ sauce Sweet, Smokey, Savory, and gets everywhere. Perfect for Grilling.
Beef Stroganoff 5 flour + 5 milk + 5 units salt + 5 units black pepper + 2 mushroom + 1 onion + 1 tomato + 1 meat steak 16 Protein, 4 Vitamin A Russian dish that consists of beef and sauce. Really popular in Japan, apparently.
Beef Wellington 5 cream + 2 salt + 2 Black Pepper + 1 meat steak + 1 mushroom + 1 garlic + 1 bacon + 1 flat dough 21 Protein, 6 Vitamin A luxurious log of beef, covered in a fine mushroom duxelle and pancetta ham, then bound in puff pastry.
Chicken Nugget 1 cutlet 2 Nutriment, 2 Protein, 1 Vitamin A 'chicken' nugget vaguely shaped like one of four fun shapes!
Corned beef and cabbage 1 meat steak + 2 cabbages + 5 units salt 6 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin Now you can feel like a real tourist vacationing in Ireland.
Double Rat Kebab 2 Dead Mice, 1 Metal Rod 6 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin Twice the rat, twice the flavor.
Fiesta Skewer 1 cutlet + 1 Chili + 1 Corn + 1 Tomato + 1 Metal rod 6 Nutriment, 3 Capsaicin, 12 Protein Some proper space Mexican food well charred over a flame.
Filet Migrawr 1 bear steak + 5 units Manly Dorf (requires lighter) 2 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin, 5 Manly Dorf Because eating bear wasn't manly enough.
Full English Breakfast 1 sausage + 2 fried egg + 1 bacon + 1 mushroom + 1 tomato + 1 tin of beans + 1 buttered toast 8 Protein, 4 Vitamin A hearty plate with all the trimmings, representing the pinnacle of the breakfast art.
Fried Chicken 1 Cooked chicken + 5 corn starch + 5 Flour 6 Protein, 2 Vitamin A juicy hunk of chicken meat, fried to perfection.
Kebab 1 Metal Rod + 2 meat steak (meat must be same type!), 2 human meat steaks, 2 tofus, or 1 lizard tail 8 Nutriment You get the metal rod back after eating.
Green Eggs and Ham 2 spider cutlets + 1 spider egg + 1 unit salt 6 Nutriment, 1 Salt, 3 Toxin You swear it's still moving.
Meat Bun 5 units soy sauce + 1 bun + 1 meatball + 1 cabbage 6 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin Has the potential to not be Dog.
Meat Clown 1 meat steak + 1 Banana 3 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin, 1 Banana A happy meat that can slip people.
Pig in a Blanket 1 bun + 1 butter + 1 cutlet 6 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin A tiny sausage wrapped in a flakey, buttery roll.
Raw Khinkali 1 Dough slice + 1 meatball + 1 garlic 1 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin, 1 Garlic Juice Microwave to finish preparing.
Rat kebab 1 Dead Mouse, 1 Metal Rod 6 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin Not so delicious rat meat, on a stick.
Rice and Pork 1 Boiled Rice + 2 cutlets 18 Nutriment, 7 Vitamin, 6.5 Salbutamol, 2 Epinephrine It's rice and … “pork”.
Sausage 1 meatball + 2 cutlets 6 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin Slicable into salami or American Sausage. Who even knows what or who it's made from anymore.


Recipe Ingredients Nutritional Value Notes

Sashimi.png | Carp Sashimi | 1 spider egg + 1 Carp fillet + 5 units soy sauce | 6 Nutriment, 5 Toxin | Good luck getting Space Carp meat. (Note: POISONOUS) Cubancarp.png | Cuban Carp | 1 Carp Fillet + 5 units flour + 1 chili | 6 Nutriment, 3 Capsaicin | Slightly toxic, and very spicy. Carpsandwich.png | Fillet -o- Carp Sandwich | 1 bun + 1 Carp fillet + 1 cheese wedge | 3 Carpotoxin, 3 Vitamin | Slightly toxic. Called a “fish burger” in the crafting menu. Fishandchips.png | Fish & Chips | 1 space fries + 1 Carp fillet | 6 Nutriment | The Brit's favorite. Good luck getting Space Carp meat. (Note: POISONOUS) Ffish.png | Fish Fingers | 5 units flour + 1 bun + 1 Carp fillet | 4 Nutriment | Good luck getting Space Carp meat. (Note: POISONOUS) Fishfry.png | Fish Fry | 1 Corn + 1 Peas + 1 Carp fillet | 6 Nutriment, 3 Vitamin | All that and no bag of chips… Fish taco.png | Fish Taco | 1 tortilla + 1 fish filet + 1 cheese wedge + 1 cabbage | 2 Nutriment, 3 Protein, 2 Vitamin | A taco with fish, cheese, and cabbage. Carpfillet.png | Imitation Carp Fillet | Inject 5 units Carpotoxin into 1 tofu | 3 Nutriment, 2 Carpotoxin, 2 Vitamin | Almost just like the real thing, kinda. Slightly toxic. Seaweed sheet.png | Seaweed Sheet | Produced at a biogenerator. Use an ingredient on it to start making custom sushi! | 1 Nutriment 1 Vitamin | A dried sheet of seaweed used for making sushi. Spicysushi.png | Spicy Filet Sushi | 1 seaweed sheet + 1 Boiled Rice + 1 fish filet + 1 chili + 1 onion | 12 Nutriment, 4 Protein, 4 capsaicin, 4 vitamin | A roll of tasty, spicy sushi made with fish and vegetables. Sliceable into pieces! Vegsushi.png | Vegetarian Sushi | 1 Seaweed Sheet + 1 Boiled Rice + 1 carrot + 1 potato | 12 Nutriment, 4 vitamin | A roll of simple vegetarian sushi with rice, carrots, and potatoes. Sliceable into pieces! Mexican Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Nutritional Value | Notes Burrito.png | Burrito | 1 tortilla + 2 Soybeans | 4 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | Delicious! CarneBurrito.png | Carne Asada Burrito | 1 tortilla + 2 cutlets + 1 Soybeans | 5 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | The best burrito for meat lovers. CheesyBurrito.png | Cheesy Burrito | 1 tortilla + 2 cheese wedges + 1 Soybeans | 4 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | It's a burrito filled with cheese. CheesyNachos.png | Cheesy Nachos | 1 tortilla + 1 cheese wedge + 1 unit Salt | 6 Nutriment, 3 Vitamin, 1 Salt | The delicious combination of nachos and melting cheese. Chips and salsa.png | Chips and Salsa | 1 Boritos Corn Chips + 1 chili, 1 onion, 1 tomato | 4 Nutriment, 2 Capsaisin, 4 Vitamin | Some tortilla chips with a cup of zesty salsa. Highly addictive! Classictaco.png | Classic Taco | 1 tortilla + 1 cheese wedge + 1 cutlet + 1 Cabbage | 4 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | A traditional taco with meat, cheese, and lettuce Cuban Nachos.png | Cuban Nachos | 1 tortilla + 5 units Ketchup + 2 Chili pepper | 7 Nutriment, 8 Capsaicin, 4 Vitamin | That's some dangerously spicy nachos. Enchi.png | Enchiladas | 2 cutlets + 2 chilis + 2 tortillas | 8 Nutriment, 6 Capsaicin | Spicy. PlasmaBurrito.png | Fuego Plasma Burrito | 1 tortilla + 2 ghost chili + 1 Soybeans | 4 Nutriment, 5 Capsaicin, 3 Vitamin | A super spicy burrito. Nachos.png | Nachos | 1 tortilla + 1 unit Salt | 6 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin, 1 Salt | Chips from Space Mexico Plaintaco.png | Plain Taco | 1 tortilla + 1 cheese wedge + 1 cutlet | 3 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | A traditional taco with meat and cheese, minus the rabbit food. Stuffedlegion.gif | Stuffed Legion | 1 cooked Goliath meat steak + 1 Legion Core + 2 units Ketchup + 2 units Capsaicin | 5 Nutriment, 2 Capsaicin, 2 Vitamin | Putting skulls to use as food bowls has never seemed better. (Note: goliath meat must be cooked on lava or on a bonfire. Putting goliath meat in the microwave will only lead to tears.) Misc. Food Moffic Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Nutritional Value | Notes Curdcheese.png | Curd Cheese | Combine 15 milk, 5 vinegar and 5 cream in a bowl, heat to 353K. | 3 Protein, 1 Cream | Known by many names throughout human cuisine, curd cheese is useful for a wide variety of dishes. Cheesecurd.png | Cheese Curds | Microwave a Curd Cheese | 3 Protein | Not to be mistaken for curd cheese. Tasty deep fried. Firmcheese.png | Firm Cheese | Dry Cheese Curds | 3 Protein | Firm aged cheese, similar in texture to firm tofu. Due to its lack of moisture it's particularly useful for cooking with, as it doesn't melt easily. Mozzarella.png | Mozzarella Cheese | Combine 15 milk, 10 cream, and 1 universal enzyme in a bowl, heat to 353K. | 3 Protein | Delicious, creamy, and cheesy, all in one simple package. Griddletoast.png | Griddle Toast | Cook a slice of bread on a griddle | 3 Vitamin | Thick cut bread, griddled to perfection. Pesto.png | Pesto | 1 firm cheese slice + 5 salt + 2 herbs + 1 garlic + 5 quality oil + 1 pine nuts | 3 Vitamin | A combination of firm cheese, salt, herbs, garlic, oil, and pine nuts. Frequently used as a sauce for pasta or pizza, or eaten on bread. Tomatosauce.png | Tomato Sauce | 1 can of tomatoes + 2 salt + 1 herbs + 5 quality oil | 3 Vitamin | Tomato sauce, perfect for pizza or pasta. Mamma mia! Bechamelsauce.png | Béchamel Sauce | 10 milk + 5 flour + 1 butter | 3 Vitamin | A classic white sauce common to several European cultures. Roastedredpepper.png | Roasted Bell Pepper | 1 bell pepper, roasted in an oven. | 3 Protein, 5 Vitamin, 1 Char | A blackened, blistered bell pepper. Great for making sauces. Sweet Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Nutritional Value | Notes Branrequests.png | Bran Requests Cereal | 1 Wheat + 1 4no Raisins | 3 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin, 10 Salt | A dry cereal that satiates your requests for bran. Candiedapple.png | Candied Apple | 5 units Caramel + 1 Apple | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar | Happy Halloween generic shift! Chocobunny.png | Chocolate Bunny | 2 units Sugar + 1 chocolate bar | 4 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin, 2 Sugar, 2 Coco | Contains less than 10% real rabbit! Chococoin.png | Chocolate Coin | 1 Coin + 1 chocolate bar | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 1 Coco | A completely edible but nonflippable festive coin. Chocoorange.png | Chocolate Orange | 1 Orange + 1 chocolate bar | 6 Nutriment, 3 Vitamin, 3 Sugar, 2 Coco | A festive chocolate orange, please don't smash it to bits. Chocodice.png | Fudge Dice | 1 Die + 1 chocolate bar | 3 Nutriment, 1 Coco | You get a fudge die after eating it. Honeybar.png | Honey Nut Bar | 1 Oat + 5 units Honey | 5 Nutriment, 5 Honey | Oats and nuts compressed together into a bar, held together with a honey glaze. Melonkeg.gif | Melon Keg | 1 Holy melon + 1 Vodka bottle + 25 units vodka | 9 Nutriment, 15 Vodka, 4 Vitamin | Who knew vodka was a fruit? Powercrepe.png | Powercrepe | 1 flat dough + 1 Milk + 5 Cherry Jelly + 1 Super Power Cell + 1 Captain's Sabre | 10 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin, 5 Cherry Jelly | With great power, comes great crepes. Extremely robust as a weapon, comparable to an energy sword, but bulky to carry. Ricepudding.png | Rice Pudding | 1 Boiled Rice + 5 Milk + 5 Sugar | 9 Nutriment, 3 Vitamin, 5 Milk, 5 Sugar | Everybody loves rice pudding! Spiderlollipop.png | Spider Lollipop | 1 Rod + 5 Sugar + 5 Water+ 1 Spiderling | 1 Nutriment, 1 Toxin, 10 Iron, 5 Sugar, 2 Omnizine | Still gross, but at least it has a mountain of sugar on it. Antpop.png | Ant Popsicle | 1 Rod + 5 Sugar + 5 Water + 10 Ants | 1 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin, 5 Sugar, 5 Ants | I can't believe you ate the spider lollipop, you seriously aren't going to eat this too…right? Savory Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Nutritional Value | Notes Butterbear.png | Butterbear | 15 butter + 1 brain (with soul) + 1 heart + 5 meat slabs + 50 units blood + 1 unit Teslium. | N/A | A butter/bear hybrid controlled by the player whose brain is used. The crew can eat the bear by smacking it, but it has a large regeneration factor to counteract this. When the bear slaps people it has a significant chance to slip its unfortunate victim. The bear will be named Terrygold. Cheesefries.png | Cheese Fries | 1 space fries + 1 cheese wedge | 6 Nutriment | Tasty, tasty cheese fries. Crab rangoon.png | Crab Rangoon | 1 Dough slice + 1 raw crab meat + 1 cheese wedge + 5 units cream | 5 Nutriment, 7 Protien, 5 Vitamin | Has many names, like crab puffs, cheese wontons, crab dumplings? Whatever you call them, they're a fabulous blast of cream cheesy crab. Eggplantparmigiana.png | Eggplant Parmigiana | 2 cheese wedges + 1 Eggplant | 6 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | Clogs your arteries, healthily! Bakedpotato.png | Loaded Baked Potato | 1 Potato + 1 cheese wedge | 6 Nutriment | No bacon bits? Pierogi.png | Pierogi | 1 dough slice + 1 potato + 1 onion | 4 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | A dumpling made by wrapping unleavened dough around a savory or sweet filling and cooking in boiling water. This one is filled with a potato and onion mixture. Poutine.png | Poutine | 1 space fries + 1 cheese wedge + 3 gravy | 7 Nutriment, 4 antihol | Fries covered in cheese curds and gravy. Risotto.png | Risotto | 5 Wine + 1 cheese wedge + 1 boiled rice + 1 chanterelle cluster | 10 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin | Proof the Italians mastered every carb. Royal cheese.png | Royal Cheese | 1 cheese wheel + 1 gold crown + 5 units Strange Reagent

+ 5 units Unstable Mutagen

. | 20 Gold, 15 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin, 5 Unstable Mutagen | Feed a rat with it to turn it into a regal rat. A hostile mob with no allegiance to its creator. It just wants to rule with an iron fist. Has several abilites. Stuffed Cabbage.png | Stuffed Cabbage | 1 Boiled Rice + 2 cutlets + 1 cabbage + 1 tomato | 10 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | A savory mixture of ground meat and rice wrapped in cooked cabbage leaves and topped with a tomato sauce. To die for. Beans.png | Tin of Beans | 2 Soy Beans + 5 units Ketchup | 10 Nutriment | Musical fruit in a slightly less musical container. Moffic Cuisine Base Ingredients Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Nutritional Value | Notes Herbycheese.png | Herby Cheese | 1 curd cheese + 4 herbs | 3 Protein | As a staple of mothic cuisine, cheese is often augmented with various flavours to keep variety in their diet. Herbs are one such addition, and are particularly beloved. Grilledcheese.png | Grilled Cheese | Grill a slice of Firm Cheese | 5 Protein, 1 Char | As prescribed by Lord Alton, blessed be his name, 99.997% of the world's recipes for grilled cheese flat out lie: never once is the cheese grilled, it is merely a griddled sandwich containing melted cheese. This, on the other hand, is truly grilled cheese, grillmarks and all. Mothicsalad.png | Mothic Salad | 1 cabbage + 2 red onion slice + 1 tomato | 5 Vitamin | A basic salad of cabbage, red onion and tomato. Can serve as a perfect base for a million different salads. Toastedseeds.png | Toasted Seeds | 1 sunflower seed + 1 pumpkin seed + 1 poppy seed + 1 quality oil | 1 Vitamin | While they're far from filling, toasted seeds are a popular snack amongst the moths. Salt, sugar, or even some more exotic flavours may be added for some extra pep. Enginefodder.png | Engine Fodder | 1 toasted seeds + 1 CNDs + 1 popcorn + 1 peanut + 1 chips | 2 Vitamin, 3 Sugar | A common snack for engineers on the mothic fleet, made of seeds, nuts, chocolate, popcorn, and potato chips- designed to be dense with calories and easy to snack on when an extra boost is needed. Entrées Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Nutritional Value | Notes Squeakingstirfry.png | Skeklitmischtpoppl (Squeaking Stir Fry)

1 cheese curds + 1 tofu + 1 chili pepper + 1 boiled rice + 1 carrot + 1 onion slice | 5 Protein, 3 Vitamin | A mothic classic made with cheese curds and tofu (amongst other things). Translated literally the name means 'squeaking stir fry', a name given due to the distinctive squeak of the proteins. Cabbagewrap.png | Sweet Chili Cabbage Wrap | 1 grilled cheese + 1 mothic salad + 1 chili pepper + 1 cabbage + 1 honey | 3 Protein, 4 Vitamin, 1 Capsaicin | Grilled cheese and salad in a cabbage wrap, topped with delicious sweet chili sauce. Loadedcurds.png | Ozlsettitæloskekllön Ede Pommes (Loaded Curds)

1 cheese curds + 1 vegetarian chili + 1 onion slice + 1 cheese wedge + 1 fries | 6 Protein, 2 Vitamin, 1 Capsaicin | What's better than cheese curds? Deep fried cheese curds! What's better than deep fried cheese curds? Deep fried cheese curds with chili (and more cheese) on top! And what's better than that? Putting it on fries! Bakedcheese.png | Baked Cheese Wheel | Bake 1 cheese wheel | 6 Protein, 2 Vitamin, 1 Capsaicin | A baked cheese wheel, melty and delicious. Bakedcheeseplatter.png | Stanntkraktælo (Baked Cheese Platter)

1 baked cheese wheel + 4 griddle toast | 6 Protein, 2 Vitamin, 1 Capsaicin | A baked cheese wheel, melty and delicious. Greenlasagne.png | Green Lasagne al Forno | 1 pesto + 2 boiled spaghetti + 1 bechamel sauce + 1 firm cheese, baked in the oven | 12 Protein, 18 Vitamin | A fine lasagne made with pesto and a herby white sauce. Good for multiple servings. Bigbakedrice.png | Big Baked Rice | 2 boiled rice 1 vegetable soup + 2 potato + 1 chili pepper + 1 herbs, baked in the oven | 12 Protein, 36 Vitamin | A mothic favourite, baked rice can be filled with a variety of vegetable fillings to make a delicious meal to share. Potatoes are also often layered on the bottom of the cooking vessel to create a flavourful crust which is hotly contested amongst diners. Ovenbakedcorn.png | Oven-Baked Corn | 1 corn, baked in the oven | 4 Vitamin, 1 Char | A cob of corn, baked in the roasting heat of an oven until it blisters and blackens. Beloved as a quick yet flavourful and filling component for dishes on the Fleet. Butteredbakedcorn.png | Buttered Baked Corn | 1 oven-baked corn + 1 butter | 2 Protein, 4 Vitamin, 1 Char | What's better than baked corn? Baked corn with butter! Fiestaskillet.png | Fiesta Corn Skillet | 1 oven-baked corn + 1 cornchips + 2 chili pepper + 1 tomato + 2 onion slice + cheese wedge | 3 Protein, 7 Vitamin, 1 Char | Sweet, spicy, saucy, and all kinds of corny. Ratatouille.png | Ratatouille | 1 tomato + 1 red onion + 1 eggplant + 1 roasted red pepper | 3 Protein, 7 Vitamin, 1 Char | The perfect dish to save your restaurant from a vindictive food critic. Bonus points if you've got a rat in your hat. Mozzarellasticks.png | Mozzarella Sticks | 1 mozzarella + 2 bread slice + 1 tomato sauce | 3 Protein, 3 Vitamin | Little sticks of mozzarella, breaded and fried. Stuffedpepper.png | Voltölpaprik (Stuffed Peppers)

1 bell pepper + 1 herby cheese + 2 onion slice, baked in the oven | 3 Protein, 3 Vitamin | A soft yet still crisp bell pepper, with a wonderful melty cheesy interior. Fueljacks lunch.png | Fueljack's Lunch | 1 cabbage + 1 potato + 2 onion slice + 1 chili pepper + 1 firm cheese slice | 3 Protein, 3 Vitamin | A dish made from fried vegetables, popular amongst fueljacks- the brave moths who operate the fuel skimmers to keep the fleet running. Given the constant need for fuel, and the limited windows in which the stars align for harvesting (literally), they'll often take packed meals to save on trips to the mess, which they heat using the fresh canisters. Mac balls mothic64.png | Macheronirölen | 1 Heated Ready-Donk: Donk-a-Roni, 1 Tomato Sauce, 5 units Cornmeal Batter | 3u Nutriment, 3u Protein | Fried balls of macaroni cheese dipped in corn batter, served with tomato sauce. A popular snack across the galaxy, and especially on the Mothic Fleet- where they tend to use Ready-Donk as the base. Sustenancebar.png | Surplus Fleet PSB | Ordered at cargo | 20 Nutriment | The PSB, or Prepacked Sustenance Bar, is a densely packed, nutrient rich food which is designed to hold the populace over during times of food shortage. Made from soy and pea protein, each lasts 3 days if adequately rationed. While they have a long shelf life, they do eventually go bad- prompting them to be sold as surplus by the fleet. This particular one is, like most artificially-flavoured moth food, mixed-herb flavoured. Soups Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Nutritional Value | Notes Mothcotton.png | Flöfrölenmæsch (Cotton Soup)

1 cotton + 1 onion + 1 carrot + 1 eggplant + 1 oven-baked corn + 10 water + 1 bowl | 3 Vitamin | A soup made from raw cotton in a flavourful vegetable broth. Enjoyed only by moths and the criminally tasteless. Mothcheese.png | Ælosterrmæsch (Cheese Soup)

2 cheese wedge + 1 butter + 1 sweet potato + 5 flour + 5 milk + 1 bowl | 5 Protein, 1 Salt | A simple and filling soup made from homemade cheese and stale bread. The curds provide texture while the whey provides volume- and they both provide deliciousness! Mothseed.png | Misklmæsch (Seed Soup)

1 sunflower seed + 1 lily seed + 1 ambrosia seed + 10 water + 5 vinegar + 1 bowl | 6 Vitamin | A seed based soup, made by germinating seeds and then boiling them. Produces a particularly bitter broth which is usually balanced by the addition of vinegar. Hotstew.png | Chili Sin Carne | 1 Tomato + 1 Chili + 1 Salt + 10 Water + 1 Bowl | 4 Nutriment, 4 Protein, 3 Capsaicin, 4 Tomato Juice, 4 Vitamin | For the hombres who don't want carne. Mothbean.png | Prickeldröndolhaskl (Bean Stew)

1 can of beans + 1 cabbage + 1 tomato + 1 onion + 1 chili pepper + 1 oven-baked corn + 5 water + 1 bowl | 3 Protein, 7 Vitamin, 1 Char | A spicy bean stew with lots of veggies, commonly served aboard the fleet as a filling and satisfying meal with rice or bread. Mothoat.png | Häfmisklhaskl (Oat Stew)

1 oat + 1 sweet potato + 1 parsnip + 1 carrot + 5 water + 1 bowl | 3 Protein, 7 Vitamin, 1 Char | A spicy bean stew with lots of veggies, commonly served aboard the fleet as a filling and satisfying meal with rice or bread. Mothfire.png | Tömpröttkrakklmæsch (Heartburn Soup)

1 ghost chili + 1 tofu + 10 yoghurt + 2 vinegar + 1 bowl | 3 Protein, 5 Vitamin | Tömpröttkrakklmæsch, or heartburn soup, is a cold soup dish that originated amongst the jungle moths, and is named for two things- its rosy pink colour, and its scorchingly hot chilli heat. Riceporridge.png | Höllflöfmisklsløsk (Rice Porridge)

1 rice bowl + 10 water + 2 salt | 3 Protein, 5 Vitamin | A plate of rice porridge. It's mostly flavourless, but it does fill a spot. To the Chinese it's congee, and moths call it höllflöfmisklsløsk. Huamulancongee.png | Hua Mulan Congee | 1 rice porridge + 1 bacon + 2 fried egg | 5 Nutriment, 5 Protein, 5 Vitamin | Nobody is quite sure why this smiley bowl of rice porridge with eggs and bacon is named after a mythological Chinese figure- it's just sorta what it's always been called. Toechtaueseporridge.png | Töchtaüse Rice Porridge | 1 rice porridge + 1 chili pepper + 1 toechtauese syrup | 3 Protein, 5 Vitamin | Commonly served aboard the mothic fleet, rice porridge with töchtaüse syrup is more palatable than the regular stuff, if even just because it's spicier than normal. Cornmealporridge.png | Cornmeal Porridge | 10 cornmeal + 10 water + 1 bowl | 3 Protein, 5 Vitamin | A plate of cornmeal porridge. It's more flavourful than most porridges, and makes a good base for other flavours, too. Cheesyporridge.png | Cheesy Porridge | 1 cornmeal porridge + 5 milk + 1 firm cheese slice + 1 curd cheese + 1 butter | 3 Protein, 5 Vitamin | A rich and creamy bowl of cheesy cornmeal porridge. Eggplantpolenta.png | Fried Eggplant and Polenta | 1 cheesy porridge + 1 eggplant + 2 bread slice + 1 tomato sauce + 1 mozzarella | 3 Protein, 5 Vitamin | Polenta loaded with cheese, served with a few discs of fried eggplant and some tomato sauce. Lække! Salads Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Nutritional Value | Notes Capresesalad.png | Zaileskenknusksolt (Caprese Salad)

1 tomato + 1 mozzarella + 1 herbs + 2 quality oil + 2 vinegar | 3 Protein, 2 Vitamin | While it's far from an original creation of the moths, caprese salad has become a favourite aboard the Fleet due to how simple it is to prepare yet how tasty it is. To the moths it's known as zaileskenknusksolt: two tone salad, in GalCom. Fleetsalad.png | Lörtonknusksolt (Fleet Salad)

1 mothic salad + 1 grilled cheese + 1 bread slice + 1 carrot + 2 quality oil + 2 vinegar | 3 Protein, 5 Vitamin | Lörtonknusksolt, or Fleet Salad in GalCom, is commonly seen at the snack bars and canteens aboard the Fleet. The grilled cheese makes it particularly filling, while the croutons provide a crunchy kick. Cottonsalad.png | Flöfrölenknusksolt (Cotton Salad)

1 mothic salad + 2 cotton + 1 carrot + 2 quality oil + 2 vinegar | 3 Protein, 5 Vitamin | A salad with added cotton and a basic dressing. Presumably either moths are around, or the South's risen again. Kachumbari.png | Kæniatknusksolt (Kachumbari)

1 oven-baked corn + 1 chili pepper + 1 red onion + 1 tomato + herbs + 2 lime juice | 3 Protein, 5 Vitamin | Originally a Kenyan recipe, kachumbari is yet another cross-cultural favourite from humanity that has been adopted by the moths- though some ingredients have been necessarily changed. Pizzas Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Nutritional Value | Notes Mothmargheritapizza.png | Mothic Margherita Pizza | 1 Mothic Pizza Dough, 1 Tomato Sauce, 1 Mozzarella, 1 Firm Cheese, 1 Bundle of Herbs | 25 Nutriment, 8 Protein, 6 Tomato Juice, 5 Vitamin | A key characteristic of mothic pizza is that it's sold by weight- single slices are available for discretionary credits, while a meal ticket can buy a whole pie. Firecrackerpizza.png | Mothic Firecracker Pizza | 1 Mothic Pizza Dough, 10 units Barbecue Sauce, 1 Firm Cheese, 1 Oven-Baked Corn, 1 Ghost Chili | 25 Nutriment, 8 Protein, 6 BBQ Sauce, 5 Vitamin, 10 Capsaicin | They're not kidding when they call this a hot pizza pie. 5cheese.png | Mothic Five Cheese Pizza | 1 Mothic Pizza Dough, 1 Tomato Sauce, 1 Firm Cheese, 1 Cheese Wedge, 1 Mozzarella, 1 Herby Cheese, 1 Cheese Curds | 15 Nutriment, 5 Protein, 6 Tomato Juice, 3 Vitamin | For centuries, scholars have asked: how much cheese is too much cheese? Whitepie.png | Mothic White-Pie Pizza | 1 Mothic Pizza Dough, 1 Bechamel Sauce, 1 Firm Cheese, 1 Garlic, 1 Mozzarella, 1 Bundle of Herbs | 25 Nutriment, 8 Protein, 6 Tomato Juice, 5 Vitamin | You say to-may-to, I say to-mah-to, and we put neither on this pizza. Pestopizza.png | Mothic Pesto Pizza | 1 Mothic Pizza Dough, 1 Pesto, 1 Tomato, 1 Mozzarella | 25 Nutriment, 8 Protein, 6 Tomato Juice, 5 Vitamin | Green as the grass in the garden. Not that there's many of those on mothic ships. Garlicpizza.png | Mothic Garlic Pizzabread | 1 Mothic Pizza Dough, 1 Stick of Butter, 1 Garlic, 1 Bundle of Herbs | 25 Nutriment, 8 Protein, 6 Tomato Juice, 5 Vitamin | The best food in the galaxy, hands down. Desserts

Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Nutritional Value | Notes Moth balls.png | Ælorölen | 1 Curd Cheese, 1 Chocolate Bar, 5 units Flour, 5 units Sugar, 5 units Honey | 5 Protein, 5 Sugar | Ælorölen (cheese balls) are a traditional mothic dessert, made of soft cheese, powdered sugar and flour, rolled into balls, battered and then deep fried. They're often served with either chocolate sauce or honey, or sometimes both! Mothmallow.png | Mothmallows | 1 Soybean, 5 units Vanilla, 15 units Sugar, 5 units Rum | 15 Nutriment, 10 Sugar | A light and fluffy vegan marshmallow flavoured with vanilla and rum and topped with soft chocolate. These are known to the moths as höllflöfstarkken: cloud squares. Red porridge.png | Eltsløsk ül a Priktæolk | 1 Red Beet, 5 units Vanilla, 10 units Yoghurt, 5 units Sugar | 4 Vitamin, 6 Sugar | Red porridge with yoghurt. The name and vegetable ingredients obscure the sweet nature of the dish, which is commonly served as a dessert aboard the fleet. Pastries Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Nutritional Value | Notes Fortunecookie.png | Fortune Cookie | 1 pastry base + 1 Piece of paper with prophecy | 3 Nutriment | Bad luck and misfortune will infest your pathetic soul for all eternity. Sugarcookie.png | Sugar Cookie | 1 pastry base + 5 units Sugar | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar | Just like your little sister used to make. Muffin.png | Muffin | 1 pastry base + 5 units Milk | 6 Nutriment | Muffin! Berrymuffin.png | Berry Muffin | 1 pastry base + 5 units Milk + 1 Berry | 6 Nutriment | A delicious and spongy little cake, with berries. Booberrymuffin.png | Booberry Muffin | 1 pastry base + 5 units Milk + 1 Berry + 1 Ectoplasm | 6 Nutriment | My stomach is a graveyard! No living being can quench my bloodthirst! Moffin.png | Moffin | 1 pastry base + 5 units Milk + 1 cloth | 6 Nutriment | A delicious and spongy little cake. Moths love these! Cracker.png | Cracker | 1 pastry base + 1 salt | 1 Nutriment | Poly yells, “POLY WANNA CRACKER!” Pretzel.png | Poppy Pretzel | 1 pastry base + 1 Poppy Seed | 5 Nutriment | Heals brute damage with opium! Biscuit.png | Plump Biscuits | 1 pastry base + 1 Plump Helmet | 5 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin (10% chance of additional 3 Nutriment, 5 Omnizine | The perfect chaser for a Manly Dorf. Oatmealcookie.png | Oatmeal cookie | 1 pastry base + 1 Oat stalk | 5 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | The best of both cookie and oat. Raisincookie.png | Raisin Cookie | 1 pastry base + 1 Oat stalk + 1 4no Raisins | 5 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | Why would you put raisins on a cookie? Cherrycupcake.png | Cherry Cupcake | 1 pastry base + 1 Cherry | 5 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | A sweet cupcake with cherry bits. Bluecherrycupcake.png | Blue Cherry Cupcake | 1 pastry base + 1 Blue cherry | 5 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | A sweet cupcake with cherry bits. Khachapuri.png | Khachapuri | 1 plain bread + 1 cheese wedge + 5 units egg yolk | 12 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | Chococornet.png | Chocolate Cornet | 1 Pastry Base + 1 unit Salt + 1 Chocolate Bar | 5 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | Honeybun.png | Honey Bun | 1 Pastry Base + 5 units Honey | 5 Nutriment, 5 Honey | Cannoli.png | Cannoli | 1 Pastry Base + 1 units Milk + 3 units sugar | 5 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | Donuts Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Nutritional Value | Notes Donut plain.png | Donut | 1 pastry base + 1 unit Sugar | 3 Nutriment, 1 Sprinkles (30% Chance of 2 Sprinkles), 2 sugar | Security members recover morale quickly with these. Donut green.png | Apple Donut | 1 donut + 3 units apple juice | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Apple juice, 1 Sprinkles | No artificial colors! Donut pink.png | Berry Donut | 1 donut + 5 units berry juice | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 BerryJuice, 1 Sprinkles | Goes great with a soy latte. Donut blue.png | Blumpkin Donut | 1 donut + 3 units blumpkin juice | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Blumpkin juice, 1 Sprinkles | Goes great with a mug of soothing drunken blumpkin. Donut yellow.png | Bungo Donut | 1 donut + 3 units bungo juice + 5 units Cold Sauce | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Bunjo juice, 1 Sprinkles | On a tropical island Underneath the molten lava moon Hanging with the hula dancers Asking questions 'cause they got all the answers.

Donut beige.png | Caramel Donut | 1 donut + 3 units caramel | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Caramel, 1 Sprinkles | Goes great with a mug of hot coco. Donut chaos.png | Chaos Donut | 1 pastry base + 5 units Hot Sauce + 5 units Cold Sauce | 2 Nutriment, 1 Sprinkles (30% Chance of 2 Sprinkles), 1 Sugar Possible 4th Ingredients (Random): 3 Nutriment, 3 Capsaicin, 3 Frost Oil, 3 Sprinkles, 3 Plasma, 3 Coco, 3 Slime Jelly, 3 Banana, 3 Berry Juice, 3 Omnizine

Produces a variety of (possibly dangerous) effects when eaten. Donut choco.png | Chocolate Donut | 1 donut + 1 chocolate bar | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Hot coco, 1 Sprinkles | Goes great with a glass of milk. Donut olive.png | Matcha Donut | 1 donut + 3 units tea powder | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Tea powder, 1 Sprinkles | So good you may just suffer donut overdose. Donut meat.png | Meat Donut | 1 pastry base + 1 meat slab | 3 Nutriment, 2 ketchup | Tastes as gross as it looks. Donut purple.png | Spaceman's Donut | 1 donut + 3 units Polypyrylium Oligomers | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Polypyrylium Oligomers, 1 Sprinkles | Goes great with a glass of malk. Slowly heals lung and brute damage while stopping bleeding over time. Sweetpeadonut.png | Sweet Pea Donut | 1 donut + 3 units Laughin' Syrup | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Laughter | Goes great with a bottle of Bastion Burbon! Donut jelly.png | Jelly Donut | 1 pastry base + 5 units berry juice | 3 Nutriment, 1 Sprinkles (30% Chance of 2 Sprinkles), 5 Berry Juice, 1 Vitamin, | Security members recover more morale with these. Donut jelly.png | Slime Jelly Donut | 1 pastry base + 5 units slime jelly | 3 Nutriment, 1 Sugar, 3 Slime jelly, 1 Vitamin | You Jelly? Donut jelly green.png | Apple Jelly Donut | 1 jelly donut + 3 units apple juice | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Apple juice, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin | Goes great with a shot of cinnamon schnapps! Donut jelly green.png | Apple Slime Donut | 1 slime jelly donut + 3 units apple juice | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Apple juice, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin, 3 Slime jelly | Donut jelly pink.png | Berry Jelly Donut | 1 jelly donut + 3 units berry juice | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Berry juice, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin | Mmmm Pink. Donut jelly pink.png | Berry Slime Donut | 1 slime jelly donut + 3 units berry juice | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Berry juice, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin, 3 Slime jelly | Donut jelly blue.png | Blumpkin Jelly Donut | 1 jelly donut + 3 units blumpkin juice | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Blumpkin juice, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin | Hard to describe how it tastes. Donut jelly blue.png | Blumpkin Slime Donut | 1 slime jelly donut + 3 units blumpkin juice | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Blumpkin juice, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin, 3 Slime jelly | Donut jelly yellow.png | Bungo Jelly Donut | 1 jelly donut + 3 units bungo juice | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Bungo juice, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin | Goes great with a mason jar of hippie's delight. Donut jelly yellow.png | Bungo Slime Donut | 1 slime jelly donut + 3 units bungo juice | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Bungo juice, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin, 3 Slime jelly | Donut jelly beige.png | Caramel Jelly Donut | 1 jelly donut + 3 units caramel | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Caramel, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin | Goes great with a mug of hot coco. Donut jelly beige.png | Caramel Slime Donut | 1 slime jelly donut + 3 units caramel | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Caramel, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin, 3 Slime jelly | Donut jelly choco.png | Chocolate Jelly Donut | 1 jelly donut + 1 chocolate bar | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Hot coco, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin | Delighfully decadent. Donut jelly choco.png | Chocolate Slime Donut | 1 slime jelly donut + 1 chocolate bar | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Hot coco, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin, 3 Slime jelly | Donut jelly olive.png | Matcha Jelly Donut | 1 jelly donut + 3 units tea powder | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Tea powder, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin | Goes great with a cup of tea. Donut jelly olive.png | Matcha Slime Donut | 1 slime jelly donut + 3 units tea powder | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Tea powder, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin, 3 Slime jelly | Donut jelly purple.png | Spaceman's Jelly Donut | 1 jelly donut + 3 units Polypyrylium Oligomers | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Polypyrylium Oligomers, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin | Goes great with a cold beaker of malk. Donut jelly purple.png | Spaceman's Slime Donut | 1 slime jelly donut + 3 units Polypyrylium Oligomers | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Polypyrylium Oligomers, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin, 3 Slime jelly | Sweetpeajellydonut.png | Sweet Pea Jelly Donut | 1 jelly donut + 3 units Laughin' Syrup | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Laughter | Goes great with a cold beaker of malk. Sweetpeajellydonut.png | Sweet Pea Slime Donut | 1 slime jelly donut + 3 units Laughin' Syrup | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Laughter, 3 Slime jelly Pockets Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Nutritional Value | Notes Donkpocketbanana 0.png | Banana Donk-Pocket | 1 pastry base + 1 meatball +1 Banana +3 units Sugar | 4 Nutriment | Once heated up contains a little Omnizine, honk! Donkpocketberry 0.png | Berry Donk-Pocket | 1 pastry base + 1 Berry | 4 Nutriment | Once heated up ontains a little Omnizine, sweet! Dankpocket.png | Dank-Pocket | 1 pastry base + 1 Cannabis | 3 Lipolicide, 3 Space Drugs, 4 Nutriment | Donkpocket.png | Donk-Pocket | 1 pastry base + 1 meatball | 4 Nutriment | Once heated up contains Omnizine, until they cool. Reheatable once they do. Donkpocketgondola 0.png | Gondola Donk-Pocket | 1 pastry base + 1 meatball + 5 units Tranquility | 4 Nutriment | Once heated up contains a little Omnizine! Also transforms you into a gondola. Donkpocketpizza 0.png | Pizza Donk-Pocket | 1 pastry base + 1 meatball + 1 Tomato | 4 Nutriment | Once heated up contains a little Omnizine, mama mia! Donkpocketspicy 0.png | Spicy Donk-Pocket | 1 pastry base + 1 meatball + 1 Chili | 4 Nutriment | Once heated up contains a little Omnizine, spicy! Donkpocketteriyaki 0.png | Teriyaki Donk-Pocket | 1 pastry base + 1 meatball + 3 units soy sauce | 4 Nutriment | Once heated up contains a little Omnizine, savory! Waffles Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Nutritional Value | Notes Soylenvirdians.png | Soylent Green | 2 pastry base + 2 Human Meats | 10 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | SOYLENT GREEN IS PEOPLE! Soylenvirdians.png | Soylen Viridians | 2 pastry base + 1 Soy Bean | 10 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | SOYLENT VIRIDIAN IS PLANTS! Roffle.png | Roffle Waffles | 2 pastry base + 5 units Mushroom Hallucinogen | 8 Nutriment, 8 Mushroom Hallucinogen, 2 Vitamin | Like pancakes with hallucinogen traps. Waffles.png | Waffles | 2 pastry base | 8 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | Like pancakes with syrup traps. Pies Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Nutritional Value | Notes Amapie.png | Amanita Pie | 1 plain pie + 1 Amanita | 6 Nutriment, 3 Amatoxin, 1 Mushroom Hallucinogen, 4 Vitamin | Only slightly toxic, really! Applepie.png | Apple Pie | 1 plain pie + 1 Apple | 11 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | The traditional dessert. Baklava.png | Baklava Pie | 4 Oat stalks + 4 tortillas + 2 butter | 12 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin | A delightful healthy snack made of nut layers with thin bread. Pie.gif | Banana Cream Pie | 1 plain pie + 1 Banana | 8 Nutriment, 5 Banana, 4 Vitamin | Contains a moderate amount of banana essence. Bearypie.png | Beary Pie | 1 bear steak + 1 plain pie + 1 Berry | 12 Nutriment, 5 Protein, 5 Vitamin | No brown bears, this is a good sign. Berryclafoutis.png | Berry Clafoutis | 1 plain pie + 1 Berry | 11 Nutriment, 5 Berry Juice, 4 Vitamin | It's like asking the deep-friers at a carnival for something healthy! Berrytart.png | Berry Tart | 1 plain pie + 5 units Sugar + 5 units Milk + 3 berries | 3 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | A tasty dessert of many different small barries on a thin pie crust. Requires reading Cooking Desserts 101 to unlock. Blumpkinpie.png | Blumpkin Pie | 1 plain pie + 5 units Milk + 5 units Sugar + 1 Blumpkin | 13 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin | Full of delicious chlorine and ammonia. Cherrypie.png | Cherry Pie | 1 plain pie + 1 Cherry | 11 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | “To bake a pie, we must first invent the universe.” -Carl Sagan Chocolatelavatart.png | Chocolate Lava Tart | 1 plain pie + 5 units Sugar + 5 units Milk + 3 Chocolate Bars + 1 Slime Extract | 4 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin | A tasty dessert made of chocaloate, with a liquid core. Requires reading Cooking Desserts 101 to unlock. Dulcedebatata.png | Dulce de Batata | 5 units Vanilla + 5 units Water + 2 Sweet potato | 14 Nutriment, 8 Vitamin | Delicious sliceable jelly. French silk pie.png | French Silk Pie | 1 plain pie + 2 Chocolate Bars + 5 units Sugar | 12 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin. | A decadent pie made of a creamy chocolate mousse filling topped with a layer of whipped cream and chocolate shavings. Sliceable. Frostypie.png | Frostypie | 1 plain pie + 1 Blue cherry | 14 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin. | Tastes like blue and cold. Gtart.png | Golden Apple Streusel Tart | 1 plain pie + 5 units Milk + 5 units Sugar + 1 Gold apple | 8 Nutriment, 5 Gold, 4 Vitamin | A tasty dessert that won't make it through a metal detector. Grapetart.png | Grape Tart | 1 plain pie + 5 units Sugar + 5 units Milk + 3 Grapes | 4 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin | A tasty dessert that reminds you of the wine you didn't make. Meatpies.png | Meatpies | 1 plain pie + 1 meat steak + 1 salt + 1 pepper | 10 Nutriment, 2 Protein, 4 Vitamin | Made of people, or not? Mimetart.png | Mime Tart | 1 plain pie + 5 units Sugar + 5 units Milk + 5 units Nothing | 5 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin, 10 Nothing | … . Requires reading Cooking Desserts 101 to unlock. Plumppie.GIF | Plump Pie | 1 plain pie + 1 Plump Helmet | 11 Nutriment, 5 Omnizine (10% Chance), 4 Vitamin | Has a chance to be “exceptional” - it'll contain Omnizine! Pumpkinpie.png | Pumpkin Pie | 1 plain pie + 1 Pumpkin + 5 units Milk + 5 units Sugar | 11 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Dangerously delicious. Meatpies.png | Tofu Pie | 1 plain pie + 1 tofu | 11 Nutriment, 1 Protein, 6 Vitamin | Made of plants, or not? Xpie.png | Xeno Pie | 1 plain pie + 2 xeno cutlets | 11 Nutriment, 4 Protein, 6 Vitamin | A delicious end to the xeno threat. Pizzas Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Nutritional Value | Notes Arnoldpizza.png | Raw Arnold Pizza | 1 flat dough + 3 cutlets + 1 cheese wedge + 1 Tomato + 8 9mm Bullet Casings | 30 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin, 10 Iron, 30 omnizine | Sliceable. Blows your arm off if you eat it voluntarily. Instantly gibs you if you try to put pineapple on it. Mutes you if you try to put mushroom on it. Dankpizza.png | Raw Dank Pizza | 1 flat dough + 3 Ambrosia vulgaris + 1 cheese wedge + 1 Tomato | 25 Nutriment, 5 Doctor's Delight, 6 Tomato Juice, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. The ambrosia used to craft it probably contains space drugs, so this will get you high. Donkpocketpizza.png | Raw Donk Pocket Pizza | 1 flat dough + 3 Warm donk pockets + 1 Tomato + 1 cheese wedge | 27 Nutriment, 9 Omnizine, 6 Vitamin | Sliceable. Pineapplepizza.png | Raw Hawaiian pizza | 1 flat dough + 2 cutlet + 3 Pineapple Slices + 1 cheese wedge + 1 Tomato | 30 nutriment, 20 vitamin, 1 cooking oil, 1 water | Sliceable. Contains pineapple. The pizza equivalent of Einstein's riddle. Margheritapizza.png | Raw Margherita Pizza | 1 flat dough + 4 cheese wedges + 1 Tomato | 30 Nutriment, 6 Tomato Juice, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Meatpizza.png | Raw Meat Pizza | 1 flat dough + 4 cutlets + 1 cheese wedge + 1 Tomato | 40 Nutriment, 6 Tomato Juice, 8 Vitamin | Sliceable. Extremely nutritious, despite the grease. Mushroompizza.png | Raw Mushroom Pizza | 1 flat dough + 5 any Mushrooms | 30 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Sassysagepizza.png | Raw Sassysage Pizza | 1 flat dough + 3 meatballs + 1 cheese wedge + 1 Tomato | 6 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin | Sliceable. Vegepizza.png | Raw Vegetable Pizza | 1 flat dough + 1 Eggplant + 1 Carrot + 1 Corn + 1 Tomato | 25 Nutriment, 6 Tomato Juice, 12 Oculine, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Salads Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Nutritional Value | Notes Aesirsalad.png | Aesir Salad | 1 Bowl + 3 Ambrosia Deus + 1 Gold apple | 8 Nutriment, 8 Omnizine, 6 Vitamin | Duuuuuuuuuude. Gumbo.png | Black-Eyed Gumbo | 1 boiled Rice, 1 Cutlet + 1 Peas + 1 Chili | 5 Nutriment, 3 Vitamin, 2 Capsaicin | A spicy and savory meat and rice dish. Citrusdelight.png | Citrus Delight | 1 Bowl + 1 Orange + 1 Lime + 1 Lemon | 7 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Citrus overload! Fruitsalad.png | Fruit Salad | 1 Bowl + 1 Orange + 1 Apple + 1 Grapes + 2 Watermelon slice | 2 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin | Your standard fruit salad. Herbsalad.png | Herb Salad | 1 Bowl + 3 Ambrosia Vulgaris + 1 Apple | 8 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | What if, like, WE'RE the aliens, man? Junglesalad.png | Jungle Salad | 1 Bowl + 1 Apple + 1 Grapes + 2 Banana + 2 Watermelon slice | 7 Nutriment, 5 Banana, 4 Vitamin | Exotic fruits in a bowl. Melonfruitbowl.png | Melon Fruit Bowl | 1 Watermelon + 1 Apple + 1 Orange + 1 Lemon + 1 Banana + 1 Ambrosia | 6 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin | The only salad where you can eat the bowl Monkeydel.png | Monkey's Delight | 1 Bowl + 1 Monkey Cube + 1 Banana + 5 units flour + 1 unit salt + 1 unit pepper | 10 Nutriment, 5 Banana, 1 Salt, 1 Black Pepper 5 Vitamin | EE EEE! Edensalad.png | Salad of Eden | 1 Bowl + 1 Ambrosia Vulgaris, 1 Ambrosia Deus, 1 Ambrosia Gaia, 1 World Peas | 7 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin, 3 Earthsblood, 5 Omnizine, 2 Happiness | A salad brimming with untapped potential. Validsalad.png | Valid Salad | 1 Bowl + 3 Ambrosia Vulgaris + 1 Potato + 1 meatball | 8 Nutriment, 5 Doctor's Delight 2 Vitamin | Heals everyone! Not really Sandwiches Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Nutritional Value | Notes Blt.png | BLT | 2 (plain) bread slices + 2 bacon + 1 Cabbage + 1 Tomato | 7 Nutriment, 5 Protein, 3 Vitamin | A classic bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwich. Toastsand.png | Cheese Sandwich | 2 (plain) bread slices + 2 cheese wedge | 6 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | Space Vegetarian, but not Space Vegan friendly. Hotdog.png | Hot Dog | 1 bun + 1 Sausage + 5 units Ketchup | 6 Nutriment, 3 Ketchup, 3 Vitamin | Fresh footlong ready to go down on. Rorosandwich.png | Jelly Sandwich | 2 (plain) bread slices + 5 units cherry jelly | 2 Nutriment, 5 Cherry, 2 Vitamin | In the grim darkness of the 26th century, peanut allergies run rampant. Rorosandwich.png | Jelly Sandwich (slime) | 2 (plain) bread slices + 5 units slime jam | 2 Nutriment, 5 Slime Jelly, 2 Vitamin | Probably as toxic to the crew as peanuts would be. Notasandwich.png | Not-a-Sandwich | 1 Fake Moustache + 2 (plain) bread slices | 6 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin | Something seems to be wrong with this, you can't quite figure what. Maybe it's his moustache. Sandwich.png | Sandwich | 2 (plain) bread slices + 1 meat steak + 1 cheese wedge | 7 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | Talking to your food may result in a trip to the Chaplain. Soups & Stews Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Nutritional Value | Notes AmanitaJelly.gif | Amanita Jelly | 1 Bowl + 5 units water + 5 units vodka + 3 Amanitas | 6 Nutriment, 6 Amatoxin, 3 Mushroom Hallucinogen | It's evil, don't touch it! Beetsoup.png | Beet Soup | 1 bowl + 10 units water + 1 whitebeet + 1 cabbage | 3+ Nutriment, 10 Water, 7+ Vitamin | Feed your inner Russian with borscht. Bisque.png | Bisque | 1 bowl + 10 units water + 1 crab meat + 1 boiled rice | 6 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin, 6 Protein, 5 Water | A classic entree from Space-France. Bloodsoup.png | Blood Soup | 1 bowl + 10 units blood + 2 bloodtomatoes | 3+ Nutriment, 10 Blood, 8+ Vitamin | They may think you're the homicidal maniac you are when you produce a large amount of these. Bungo curry.png | Bungo Curry | 1 bowl + 5 units water + 5 units cream + 1 bungo fruit + 1 chili | 6 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin, 8 Bungo juice, 5 capsaicin | A spicy vegetable curry made with the humble bungo fruit, Exotic! Clownchili.png | Chili con carnival | 1 bowl + 2 Cutlet + 1 Chili_pepper + 1 tomato + 1 Clown Shoes | 6 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin, 4u tomato juice, 1u laughter, 1u banana | Not very funny. Clownsoup.png | Clown's Tears | 1 bowl + 10 units water + 1 banana + 1 bananium sheet | 2+ Nutriment, 5+ Banana, 10 Water, 9+ Vitamin | Not very funny. Coldstew.png | Cold Chili Stew | 1 bowl + 2 cutlets + 1 Ice pepper + 1 tomato | 8+ Nutriment, 1+ Frost Oil, 2 Tomato Juice, 4+ Vitamin | Ice, ice, baby! Electron soup.gif | Electron Soup | 1 bowl + 10 units water + 5 units table salt + 1 jupiter cup | 3 Nutriment, 5 Liquid Electricity | A gastronomic curiosity of ethereal origin. It is famed for the minature weather system formed over a properly prepared soup. Eyeballsoup.png | Eyeball Soup | 1 bowl + 10 units water + 2 tomatoes + 1 Eyeball | 5+ Nutriment, 10+ Blood, 3+ Vitamin, 3 Liquid Gibs | A nice hearty bowl of… eyeballs? French onion soup.png | French Onion Soup | 1 bowl + 10 units water + 1 onion + 1 cheese wedge | 1 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Good enough to make a grown mime cry. Hotstew.png | Hot Chili Stew | 1 bowl + 2 cutlets + 1 chili pepper + 1 tomato | 8+ Nutriment, 1 Capsaicin, 2 Tomato Juice, 4+ Vitamin | Some like it hot, hot, HOT! Indiancurry.png | Indian Chicken Curry | 5 Cream + 1 chicken meat + 2 onion + 1 chili + 1 garlic + 1 butter + 1 boiled rice | 8+ Nutriment, 1 Capsaicin, 2 Tomato Juice, 4+ Vitamin | A mild, creamy curry from the old subcontinent. Liked by the Space-British, because it reminds them of the Raj. Mammi.png | Mammi | 1 plain bread + 1 chocolate bar + 5 units Milk | 11 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | A bowl of mushy bread and milk. It reminds you, not too fondly, of a bowel movement. Meatsoup.png | Meatball Soup | 1 bowl + 10 units water + 1 meatball + 1 carrot + 1 potato | 7+ Nutriment, 10 Water, 8+ Vitamin | Out of spaghetti? Don't like stew? Here's the thing for you. Milo.png | Miso Soup | 1 bowl + 10 units water + 2 soy dopes + 2 tofus | 9 Nutriment, 10 Water, 3 Vitamin | Made when the hippies decide to only grow soy crops. Mushroomsoup.png | Mushroom Soup | 1 bowl + 5 units water + 5 units Milk + 1 chanterelle | 2+ Nutriment, 5 Water, 5 Milk, 6+ Vitamin | The debate on whether you can use Aminitas for the soup goes on. Mysterysoup.png | Mystery Soup | 1 bowl + 10 units water + 1 burned mess + 1 tofu + 1 boiled egg + 1 cheese wedge | 7 Nutriment, 10 Water, 2 Tomato juice, 2 Vitamin, and 5 of a Random Ingredient:

Capsaicin,Frost Oil, Omnizine, Banana, Blood, Slime Jelly, Toxin, Oculine, Carbon

This dish contains all the essential nutriment for a growing crew, and almost anything else you can feed them. Nettlesoup.png | Nettle Soup | 1 bowl + 10 units water + 1 nettle + 1 boiled egg + 1 potato | 5+ Nutriment, 10 Water, 5 Omnizine, 8+ Vitamin | Contains trace amounts of sulphuric acid. Contains Omnizine. Oatmeal.png | Oatmeal | 1 bowl + 10 units milk + 1 oat stalk | 7 Nutriment, 10 Milk, 2 Vitamin | A nice bowl of oatmeal. Peasoup.png | Pea Soup | 1 bowl + 10 units water + 2 pea pod, 1 parsnip, 1 carrot | 8 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin, 2 Occuline | A humble split pea soup. Redbeetsoup.png | Red Beet Soup | 1 bowl + 10 units water + 1 red beet + 1 cabbage | 4 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin | Quite a delicacy. Slimesoup.png | Slime Soup | 1 bowl + 10 units water + 5 units slime jam | 1 Nutriment, 5u Slime Jelly, 10u Water, 5 Vitamin | Mmm, mmm, oh God my guts. Duff.gif | Spacy Liberty Duff | 1 Bowl + 5 units water + 5 units vodka + 3 Liberty Caps | 6 Nutriment, 6 Mushroom Hallucinogen | The colors, maaaan, THE COLORS. Stew.png | Stew | 1 bowl + 10 units water + 3 cutlet + 1 tomato + 1 potato + 1 carrot + 1 eggplant + 1 mushroom | 14+ Nutriment, 10 Water, 5 Tomato Juice, 5 Oculine, 13+ Vitamin | The perfect thing for when the bar starts to get cold. Stewedsoymeat.png | Stewed Soy Meat | 2 soy dopes + 1 carrot + 1 tomato | 7 Nutriment, 2+ Vitamin | Like a steak dinner, only with less murder. Sweetpotatosoup.png | Sweet Potato Soup | 1 bowl + 10 units water + 5 units sugar + 2 sweet potatoes | 4 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Delicious sweet potato in soup form. Tomatosoup.png | Tomato Soup | 1 bowl + 10 units water + 2 tomatoes | 3+ Nutriment, 10 Water, 10 Tomato Juice, 5+ Vitamin | What, no crackers? Vegesoup.png | Vegetable Soup | 1 bowl + 10 units water + 1 carrot + 1 corn + 1 eggplant + 1 potato | 5+ Nutriment, 10 Water, 8+ Vitamin | Force feed the Botanists this. Wingfangchu.png | Wingfangchu | 1 bowl + 5 soy sauce + 2 xeno cutlet | 9 Protein, 10 Soy Sauce, 7 Vitamin | A savory dish of alien wing wang in soy. Wishsoup.png | Wish Soup | 1 bowl + 20 units water | 20 water, (25% Chance for 9 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin) | Makes you wish the chef could cook. Zurek.png | Zurek | 1 bowl + 10 units water + 5 units flour + 1 boiled egg + 1 cutlet + 1 carrot + 1 onion | 8 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin, 2 Protein | A traditional Polish soup composed of vegetables, meat, and an egg. Goes great with bread. Spaghettis Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Nutritional Value | Notes Beefnoodle.png | Beef Noodle | 1 boiled spaghetti + 1 Bowl + 2 cutlet + 1 Cabbage | 5 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin, 3 Liquid Gibs | Nutritious, beefy, and noodly. Butternoodles.png | Butter Noodles | 1 boiled spaghetti + 1 butter | 8 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | Noodles covered in savory butter. Chowmein.png | Chowmein | 1 boiled spaghetti + 1 cutlet + 2 Cabbage + 1 Carrot | 7 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin | A nice mix of noodles and fried vegetables. Copypasta.gif | Copypasta | 2 tomato pastas | 12 Nutriment, 20 Tomato Juice, 8 Vitamin | Make this, and the wrath of the Coderbus will descend upon you. No, really. They hate this stuff. Lasaga.png | Lasagna | 1 boiled spaghetti + 2 cutlet + 2 tomato + 2 cheese wedge | 6 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin, 10 Tomato juice | A slice of lasagna. Perfect for a Monday afternoon. Maccheese.png | Mac 'n' Cheese | 1 boiled spaghetti + 1 bechamel sauce + 2 cheese wedge + 1 bread slice + 2 black pepper | 9 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | Made the proper way with only the finest cheese and breadcrumbs. And yet, it can't scratch the same itch as Ready-Donk. Meatballspag.png | Spaghetti & Meatballs | 1 boiled spaghetti + 2 meatballs | 8 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin | That's-a a spicy meat-aball! Spesslaw.png | Spesslaw | 1 boiled spaghetti + 4 meatballs | 8 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin | Lawyer's choice! Pastatomato.png | Tomato Pasta | 1 boiled spaghetti + 2 tomatoes | 6 Nutriment, 10 Tomato Juice, 4 Vitamin | Don't put it in your pockets. That's just unsanitary. Custom Recipes Sometimes you want to get creative. You can make custom food by adding any ingredient you like on a base food to start a custom recipe. You can rename those foods with a pen.

Custom food | How to acquire Custom Bread | Use ingredients on a plain bread. Sliceable for custom bread slice. Custom Cake | Use ingredients on a plain cake. Sliceable for custom cake slice. Custom Pizza | Use ingredients on a pizza bread. Sliceable for custom cake slice. Custom Pie | Use ingredients on a plain pie. Custom Spaghetti | Use ingredients on a plate of boiled spaghetti. Custom Salad | Use ingredients on an empty bowl. Custom Soup | Fill a bowl with any liquid reagent then use your ingredients on the bowl. Custom Kebab | Use ingredients on a metal rod. Custom Sandwich | Use ingredients on any bread slice. Use another bread slice (any type) to finish the sandwich. Custom Burger | Use ingredients on a bun. Custom Sushi | Use ingredients on a seaweed sheet. Recipe Books Some recipes will only be visible in your crafting menu Crafting menu hud icon.png after reading a special book first. So far there is only one such book:

Picture | Book | Unlocks | Where to get | Notes Cooking Desserts 101.png | Cooking Desserts 101 | Mime tart, berry tart, chocolate lava tart, clown cake and vanilla cake. | Dinner-o-Mat | Icecream Vat.png Icecream Vat Ding-aling ding dong. Get your Nanotrasen-approved ice cream!

This is the window that opens when you click an Icecream Vat. For those hot days on the station there's an Icecream Vat, which can be used to make icecream. You do this by first clicking the Icecream Vat to open a window. To create an icecream, you must first dispense a cone. Then you click “select” next to the icecream type you want to put into the cone. Then you click the vat while holding the cone in hand. The vat starts with some icecream and several cones stored. To make more of them you must click the “make” buttons while having the correct ingredients stored in the vat. Making more icecream or cones will just store them in the vat, until you make an icecream with it as described above. The “Refill from beaker” button can be used to refill the vat with the standard ingredients (flour, sugar, milk, vanilla etc). Do it by loading a beaker (containing for example ice) into the vat, and then clicking “refill from beaker”. The ice will be transferred to the vat, and can then be used if you click certain “make” buttons. Eject a beaker with alt-click. The recipes below describe which ingredients the vat must be filled with to be able to “make” the listed items.

Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Notes Waffle Cone.png | Waffle Cone | 1 unit units flour + 1 unit sugar | Delicious waffle cone, but no ice cream. Chocolate Cone.png | Chocolate Cone | 1 unit units flour + 1 unit sugar + 1 coco powder | Delicious chocolate cone, but no ice cream. Vanilla Icecream.png | Vanilla Ice Cream | 1 unit Milk + 1 unit ice + 1 unit vanilla | Scoop it up with a Waffle/Chocolate Cone. Strawberry Icecream.png | Strawberry Ice Cream | 1 unit Milk + 1 unit ice + 1 unit berry juice | Scoop it up with a Waffle/Chocolate Cone. Chocolate Icecream.png | Chocolate Ice Cream | 1 unit Milk + 1 unit ice 1 unit coco powder | Scoop it up with a Waffle/Chocolate Cone. Blue Icecream.png | Blue Ice Cream | 1 unit Milk + 1 unit ice + 1 unit Singulo | Scoop it up with a Waffle/Chocolate Cone. Vanilla Icecream.png | Custom Ice Cream | 1 unit Milk + 1 unit ice + 1 unit optional flavoring (any reagent) | This will let you create custom ice cream flavoured by any reagent. Do it by putting a beaker with any reagents into the Icecream Vat. Then click “Make” and “Select” next to “custom ice cream”. Then dispense and use a cone on the Icecream Vat to create your custom icecream. Remove the beaker by alt-clicking the vat. Grill on.gifGrill Orderable from cargo. Grilling food adds grill marks, nutrition and char which makes it taste better. Can be powered with coal, wood or Monkey Energy Monkey energy.png. (Detailed instructions to be added)

Produce console.pngProduce Orders Console An interface for ordering fresh produce and other. A far more expensive option than the botanists, but oh well.

Fruits and Veggies Picture | Food name | Cost Potato.png | Potato | 10 cr Tomato.png | Tomato | 10 cr Carrot.png | Carrot | 10 cr Eggplant.png | Eggplant | 10 cr Plumphelmet.png | Plump Helmet | 10 cr Cabbage.png | Cabbage | 10 cr Onion.png | Onion | 10 cr Apple.png | Apple | 10 cr Pumpkin.png | Pumpkin | 10 cr Watermelon.png | Watermelon | 10 cr Corn.png | Corn | 10 cr Soybeans.png | Soybeans | 10 cr Garlic.png | Garlic | 10 cr Cherry.png | Cherries | 10 cr Chanterelle.png | Chanterelle | 10 cr Cocoapod.png | Cocoa | 10 cr Herbs.png | Bundle of Herbs | 5 cr Bellpepper.png | Bell Pepper | 10 cr Milk and Eggs Picture | Food name | Cost Milk.png | Milk | 30 cr Soymilk.gif | Soy Milk | 30 cr Creamjug.png | Cream | 40 cr Yoghurt.png | Yoghurt | 40 cr Eggcarton.png | Egg Carton | 40 cr Carpfillet.png | Fish Fillet | 12 cr Spidereggs.gif | Spider Eggs | 10 cr Moonfish eggs.png | Moonfish Eggs | 30 cr Canned snails.png | Canned Desert Snails | 20 cr Canned jellyfish.png | Canned Gunner Jellyfish | 20 cr Canned larvae.png | Canned Larvae | 20 cr Tomatocan.png | Canned San Marzano Tomatoes | 30 cr Pinenutcan.png | Canned Pine Nuts | 20 cr Sauces and Reagents Picture | Food name | Cost Flour.png | Flour Sack | 30 cr Sugar.gif | Sugar Sack | 30 cr Rice.png | Rice Sack | 30 cr Universal Enzyme.png | Universal Enzyme | 40 cr Salt.png | Salt Shaker | 15 cr Pepper.png | Pepper Mill | 15 cr Soysauce.png | Soy Sauce | 15 cr BBQ sauce.png | BBQ Sauce | 60 cr Vinegar.png | Vinegar | 30 cr Oliveoil.png | Quality Oil | 50 cr Vending Machine Food Vendsnack.gif Junk Food If you're hungry and the Cook is not around to make you a meal, you might want to check the nearest Getmore Chocolate Corp -vending machine for some quick snacks to fill up your belly. Most of these cannot be made, except for beef jerky and raisins: these are made by drying meat and grapes respectively on a drying rack.

Picture | Dispenses | Description Candy.png | Candy | Nougat; love it or hate it. Consists of nutriment and sugar, filling you mildly. Cup Ramen.png | Cup Ramen | Just add 10ml water, self heats! A taste that reminds you of your school years. Chips.png | Chips | Commander Riker's What-The-Crisps. Consists of nutriment and sugar, filling you mildly. Beef Jerky.png | Scaredy's Private Reserve Beef Jerky | Beef jerky made from the finest space cows. Consists of nutriment and sugar, filling you mildly. 4no Raisins.png | 4no Raisins | Best raisins in the universe. Not sure why. Consists of nutriment and sugar, making it a filling snack. Space Twinkie.png | Space Twinkie | A few bite snack consisting of a small amount of sugar. Cheesie Honkers.png | Cheesie Honkers | Bite sized cheesie snacks that will honk all over your mouth. Consists of nutriment and sugar, filling you mildly, Shrimpchip.png | Shrimp Chips | Deep-fried, shrimp flavored chips. A favorite junkfood among seafood connoisseurs! Gallerypeanuts.png | Gallery's Peanuts | A favourite amongst the terminally angry. Available in 5 flavours. Cds.png | C&Ds | Legally, we cannot say that these won't melt in your hands. Available in 5 flavours. Buritoschipflavors.gif | Boritos | Triangular corn chips. They do seem a bit bland but would probably go well with some kind of dipping sauce, comes in 4 flavors. Pistachios.png | Pistachios | A pack of Sweetie's brand premium pistacios. Semki.png | Semki | A pack of roasted sunflower seeds. Beloved by space russians and babushka alike.. Highenergybar.png | High-Power Energy Bars | An energy bar with a lot of punch, you probably shouldn't eat this if you're not an Ethereal. Filled with Liquid Electricity, which feeds Ethereals and shocks everyone else. Other food Picture | Item | Description Cookie.gif | Cookie | A Peacekeeper cyborg can dispense cookies. Each cookie contains a small amount of nutriment. Lollipop.png | Lollipop | Medical cyborgs can dispense lollipops. Full of Omnizine, sugar, iron, vitamin and nutriment. Gumball.png | Gumball | Medical cyborgs can also dispense gumballs! These contain not only sugar, but also healing chemicals. Roastedsunflowerseeds.png | Roasted sunflower seeds | “Homemade roasted sunflower seeds in a paper cup. A healthy and filling snack to nibble as you watch people pass.” Made by drying Sunflower.png Sunflower. in a Drying rack.png drying rack. Hunger As you walk and move about on station, your starting nutrition bar will start to drain from starting green, down to dark red. The effects of obesity and hunger are inversely bad of each other, and it is best to keep yourself reasonably fed with food or drinks, else you will suffer one of the two extremes.

Hungerlevels.gif The six hunger levels are Starving, Hungry, Fed, Well Fed, Full and Fat. The only bad levels are Starving, Hungry and Fat. Currently, you won't see your nutrition bar unless you are hungry or fat.

Note that nutrition is typically slow-release, so if you don't fill up immediately, you will in the near future. Listen to your stomach messages when eating, don't eat if your body is unwilling.

Starvation If you drop to dark red, you move very slowly and your description reveals your lack of eating habits. You are starving, this is not good! You won't die, but you will move slowly until you eat some food, so head to the Kitchen for a burger or slice of meatbread!

Obesity A troubling problem for all station goers who enjoy food too much, without working off the calories they consumed. You grow pudgy and move slowly, though not as slow as a starving person. You will only become fat once your food has had time to digest, this becomes a problem if you are say, working on the solars. By getting enough exercise, you can work off those pounds, but surgery or using lipocide is faster. Note that you can also become fat from drinking too much.

When one is fat, eating the mint or ingesting mint toxin (from grinding the mint) will gib them.

Satiety Eating healthy food and being well fed can make your organism temporarily stronger against viruses and toxic reagents that get into your body. Being hungry will make you metabolize both good and bad reagents slower, for a higher total effect. On the other hand, eating junk food will satiate your hunger for a while but it will make you want food again faster, and eating too much of them can make you a bit jittery.

Breakfast Some food and drink types will give a positive moodlet for 10 minutes if consumed within 15 minutes of the start of the shift. These are:

most egg based foods coffee bacon oatmeal orange juice milk pancakes waffles donuts toasts biscuits cereal

Proper Presentation

No master chef worth his salt ever just hands over a glop of food; proper presentation includes adding toppings, condiments, and dressings to make your food surpass the basic expectations of diners.

advice on plating and additions to make to food to make it even better

Consistency in Quality

Kitchens working in cafeteria settings need to process high-volume orders to stock buffets and kiosks. Whether turning out sandwiches and burgers or salad ingredients or fried chicken and steaks, it is important to stay consistent, maintain quality control, and never serve a dish that you aren't satisfied with.

advice on checking food quality

Junk Food

In conclusion, the life of a Chef can be rewarding and his work significantly important. There are plenty of other foods available that are not nearly as filling or satisfying. For completeness, we include basic information about these 'foods' and their effects on health.


Unorganized Junk

Microwave Recipes

Note: Milk, Berry Juice, Soy Sauce, Hot Sauce, Cold Sauce, and Soy Milk are all measured off of reagent units rather than containers (like in previous version). They can be poured directly into the microwave. Additionally, you only need at LEAST the suggested amount of those ingredients instead of exactly the right amount.

Some dishes are sliceable. To slice them, place them on a table and use a kitchen knife on them. Other items such as hatchets and circular saws can slice them too, but inaccurately (resulting in the loss of some slices)

Burgers & Sliders

Picture Recipe Ingredients Notes

Burger.png | Burger | 5 Flour, 1 Meat | If you use human meat, the burger will share the name of your victim. Mac chicken.png | Chicken Burger | 5 Flour, 1 Raw chicken | Tastes like chi…oh wait! Brainburger.png | Brain Burger | 5 Flour, 1 Brain | Rarely will you be able to make this. Bother the Roboticist or Medbay for delicious brains. Burger.png | Appendix Burger | 5 Flour, 1 Organ | Slightly toxic Clownburger.png | Clown Burger | 1 Clown Mask, 5 Flour | Get the mime to steal the mask from his nemesis. Mimeburger.png | Mime Burger | 1 Beret, 5 Flour | Get the clown to steal the beret from his nemesis. Or order a costume crate like the unrobust person you are. Tofubuger.png | Tofu Burger | 5 Flour, 1 Tofu | Yum? Spell.png | Spell Burger | 5 Flour, 1 Wizard hat | You will eat this until you have had Ei Nath. Roburger.png | Roburger | 1 Robot Head, 5 Flour | Beep Boop. WARNING: Eating will cause spontaneous transformation into a cyborg. Xenoburger.png | Xenoburger | 5 Flour, 1 Xeno-meat | Ali-yum! Jellyburger.png | Jelly Burger | 15 Flour, 5 Cherry Jelly | My insides are burning! Can also be made with Slime Jelly. Ghostbur.PNG | Ghost Burger | 5 Flour, 1 Ectoplasm | Terror-ifficly tasty. Bigbite.png | Big Bite Burger | 3 Meat, 5 Flour | Forget the Big Mac. Superbite.png | Super Bite Burger | 15 Flour, 3 Cheese Wedges, 5 Meat, 4 Tomato, 2 Egg, 5 units of Salt, 5 units of Pepper | If this doesn't clog their arteries, nothing will. Two bites will take you from starving to overfed. Assburger.png | Assburger | 5 Flour, 1 Butt | Causes brain damage. Slider.png | Sliders | 10 flour, 2 meat/synth meat | Almost all slider recipes produce 4 sliders in a convenient box! Slider carp.png | Carp Sliders | 10 flour, 2 carp meat | Slightly toxic! Slider spider.png | Spider Sliders | 10 flour, 2 spider meat | Slightly toxic! Slider xeno.png | Xeno Sliders | 10 flour, 2 xeno meat Slider chicken.png | Chicken Sliders | 10 flour, 2 raw chicken | Filling! Slider clown.png | Honky Sliders | 10 flour, 2 meat, 1 clown mask | HONK! Slider mime.png | Quiet Sliders | 10 flour, 2 meat, 1 beret Slider slippery.png | Slippery Sliders | 10 flour, 2 meat, 5 space lube, 1 banana | Slippery! Only produces 2 sliders!

Breads & Sandwiches

Picture Recipe Ingredients Notes

Bread.pngBreadslice.png | Bread | 15 Flour | Sliceable. Sandwich.png | Sandwich | 2 Bread Slices, 1 Meat Steak, 1 Cheese Wedge | Talking to your food may result in a trip to the Chaplain. Toastsand.png | Toasted Sandwich | 1 Sandwich Toastsand.png | Grilled Cheese Sandwich | 2 Bread Slices, 1 Cheese Wedge | Space Vegetarian, but not Space Vegan friendly. Jellytoast.png | Jelly Toast | 5 Cherry Jelly, 1 Bread Slice Jellysandwich.png | Jelly Sandwich | 5 Cherry Jelly, 2 Bread Slices | In the grim darkness of the 22nd century, peanut allergies run rampant. Twobread.png | Two Bread | 2 Breadslices, 5 Wine | Classy. Notasandwich.png | Not-A-Sandwich | 2 Breadslices, 1 Fake Moustache | Why would this be in the sandwiches section if it's not a sandwich? Baguette.png | Baguette | 15 Flour, 1 Salt, 1 Pepper. | The mime's favorite. Creambread.pngCreambreadslice.png | Cream Cheese Bread | 15 Flour, 2 Cheese Wedges | Sliceable. Bananabread.gifBananabreadslice.png | Banana-nut Bread | 15 Flour, 3 Egg, 5 units Milk, 1 Banana | Sliceable. Contains a massive amount of banana essence. Meatbread.pngMeatbreadslice.png | Meatbread | 3 Meat, 15 Flour, 3 Cheese Wedges | Sliceable. Tofubread.pngTofubreadslice.png | Tofu-Bread | 3 Tofu, 3 Cheese Wedges, 15 Flour | Sliceable. Xbread.pngXenobreadslice.png | Xenomeatbread Loaf | 3 Xeno meat, 15 Flour, 3 Cheese Wedges | Sliceable. A fitting, and filling, end to xeno scum. Spiderbread.pngSpiderbreadslice.png | Spider Meat Loaf | 3 Spider meat, 15 Flour, 3 Cheese Wedges | Sliceable. Pumpkinbread.pngPumpkinbreadslice.png | Pumpkin Bread | 15 Flour, 1 Pumpkin | Sliceable. Eucharist wafer.png | Eucharist Wafer | 5 Holy Water, 5 Flour | Chaplain equivalent of Scooby Snacks. Contains Holy Water. Croissant.png | Croissant | 5 Water, 5 Flour, 5 Milk, 1 Egg | True French cuisine.


Picture Recipe Ingredients Notes

Margheritapizza.pngMargheritapizzaslice.png | Margherita Pizza | 10 Flour, 4 Cheese Wedges, 1 Tomato | Sliceable. Mushroompizza.pngMushroompizzaslice.png | Mushroom Pizza | 10 Flour, 5 any Mushrooms | Sliceable. Meatpizza.pngMeatpizzaslice.png | Meat Pizza | 10 Flour, 3 Meat, 1 Cheese Wedge, 1 Tomato | Sliceable. Extremely nutritious, despite the grease. Vegepizza.pngVegepizzaslice.png | Vegetable Pizza | 10 Flour, 1 Eggplant, 1 Carrot, 1 Corn, 1 Tomato | Sliceable.


Picture Recipe Ingredients Notes

Spaghetti.png | Spaghetti | 5 Flour | Spagettiboiled.png | Boiled Spaghetti | 5 units of Water, 1 Spaghetti | Mama mia! Pastatomato.png | Tomato Pasta | 5 units of Water, 1 Spaghetti, 2 Tomatoes | Don't put it in your pockets. That's just unsanitary. Meatballspag.png | Spaghetti & Meatballs | 5 units of Water, 1 Spaghetti, 2 Faggot. | That's-a a spicy meat-aball! Spesslaw.png | Spesslaw | 5 units of Water, 1 Spaghetti, 4 Faggot. | Lawyer's choice Copypasta.png | Copypasta | 2 Tomato Pastas | What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? Spagettiboiled.png | MoMMI Spaghetti | 5 units of Flour, 1 Pipe, 1 Plasma sheet | Transforms the person who consumes it into a MoMMI. Risotto.png | Risotto | 10 units of Rice, 5 units of Wine, 1 Cheese Wedge | An offer you can't refuse. Bruschetta.png | Bruschetta | 1 Garlic, 1 Grapes, 1 Cheese Wedge, 10 Flour, 2 Salt | Quiche.png | Quiche | 1 Blue Tomato, 1 Garlic, 1 Egg, 1 Cheese Wedge | Makes you feel more intelligent. Give to lower lifeforms!

Soups & Stews

Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Notes Meatsoup.png | Meatball Soup | 10 units of Water, 1 Faggot, 1 Carrot, 1 Potato | Nettlesoup.png | Nettle Soup | 10 units of Water, 1 Nettle, 1 Egg, 1 Potato | Wishsoup.png | Wish Soup | 20 Water | Vegesoup.png | Vegetable Soup | 10 units of Water, 1 Carrot, 1 Corn, 1 Eggplant, 1 Potato | Tomatosoup.png | Tomato Soup | 10 units of Water, 2 Tomatoes. | Tomatosoup.png | Blood Soup | 10 units of Blood, 2 Blood Tomatoes. | They may think you're the homicidal maniac you are when you produce a large amount of these. Clownsoup.png | Clown's Tears | 10 units of Water, 1 Banana, 1 Bananaium ore. | Because the clown totally didn't need it for anything. Mysterysoup.png | Mystery Soup | 10 units of Water, 1 Bad Recipe, 1 tofu, 1 egg, 1 cheese. | Extremely poisonous, don't make it unless you wanna kill someone. Mushroomsoup.png | Mushroom Soup | 5 units of Water, 5 units of Milk, 1 chanterelle. | Beetsoup.png | Beet Soup | 10 units of Water, 1 whitebeet, 1 cabbage | Feed your inner Russian with borscht. Milo.png | Milo Soup | 10 units of Water, 2 Soy Dope, 2 tofu | Stewedsoymeat.png | Stewed Soy Meat | 2 Soy Dope, 1 Carrot, 1 Tomato | Stew.png | Stew | 10 units of Water, 1 Meat, 1 Tomato, 1 Potato, 1 Carrot, 1 Eggplant, 1 Mushroom. | The perfect thing for when the bar starts to get cold. Coldstew.png | Cold Chili Stew | 1 Meat, 1 Ice Pepper, 1 Tomato | Ice, ice, baby! Hotstew.png | Hot Chili Stew | 1 Meat, 1 Chili Pepper, 1 Tomato | Some like it hot, hot, HOT! Minestrone.png | Minestrone | 1 Koibeans, 1 Carrot, 1 Spaghetti, 10 Water | Gazpacho.png | Gazpacho | 1 Garlic, 1 Blue Tomato, 10 Vinegar, 2 Salt | Chiliconcarne.png | Chili Con Carne | 1 Koibeans, 1 Tomato, 1 Chili, 1 Meat | Primordialsoup.png | Primordial Soup | 1 Moonflower, 1 Gold Apple, 1 Green Grapes, 1 Blood Tomato, 10 Water |

Chicken Recipes

Picture Recipe Ingredients Notes

Turkey.pngTurkeyslice.png | Turkey | 1 Raw Chicken, 1 Bread Slice, 2 Carrots, 1 Orange, 1 unit Salt, 1 unit Pepper, 1 unit Corn oil | A complicated recipe for a dish that you'll rarely ever get the chance to taste. Chickenbucket.pngChickendrumstick.png | Chicken Drumsticks | 2 Raw Chicken, 1 piece of cardboard | Chickennuggets.png | Chicken Nuggets | 1 Raw Chicken, 5 units of Ketchup, 1 piece of cardboard | CFillet.png | Chicken Fillet | 1 Raw Chicken, 3 units of Corn Oil | Honeycitruschicken.png | Honey Citrus Chicken | 1 Raw Chicken, 1 Orange, 10 Honey, 5 Soy Sauce | Seafood Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Notes Cubancarp.png | Cuban Carp | 1 Carp Filet, 5 Flour, 1 Chilli Pepper | Slightly toxic, and very spicy. Carpsandwich.png | Fillet -o- Carp Sandwich | 5 Flour, 1 Carp Filet | Slightly toxic. Fishandchips.png | Fish & Chips | 1 Fries, 1 Carp Filet | The Brit's favorite. Contains carpotoxin and carp pheromones. Fishfingers.png | Fish Fingers | 10 Flour, 1 Egg, 1 Carp Filet | Contains carpotoxin and carp pheromones. Sashimi.png | Sashimi | 5 Soy Sauce, 1 Spider Egg, 1 Carp Filet | Toxic. Fishtacosupreme.png | Fish Taco Supreme | 1 Koibeans, 1 Tomato, 1 Carp Filet, 10 Flour | Poissoncru.png | Poisson Cru | 1 Ice Pepper, 1 Carp Filet, 10 Lime Juice | A more cultured option for a chef cooking fish Crabsticks.png | Not-Actually-Imitation Crab sticks | 1 Crab meat, 1 Salt, 1 Sugar | Made of actual crab meat.

Asiatic Recipes

Picture Recipe Ingredients Notes

Riceball.png | Rice Ball | 5 units of Rice | Not to be confused with donuts Boiledrice.png | Boiled Rice | 5 Water, 10 Rice | Ricepudding.png | Rice Pudding | 5 Milk, 10 Rice | Chawanmushi.png | Chawanmushi | 5 units of Water, 5 units of Soy Sauce, 2 Egg, 1 Chanterelle | Wingchu.png | Wing Fang Chu | 5 units of Soy Sauce, 1 Xeno Meat | At least it wasn't Head of Personnel's dog. Sushi.png | Spicy Eggplant Sushi Rolls | 10 units of Rice, 2 units of Vinegar, 1 Eggplant, 1 Chili | Spicy! Spicycoldnoodles.png | Spicy Cold Noodles | 1 Ice Pepper, 1 Spaghetti, 5 Soy Sauce | Spicy!


Picture Recipe Ingredients Notes

Chicken Balti.png | Chicken Balti | 10 Units of Water, 2 Raw Chicken, 1 Chili, 2 Tomatoes | Your standard no-nonsense curry. Vindaloo.png | Chicken Vindaloo | 10 Units of Water, 5 units of capsaicin (hot sauce), 2 Raw Chicken, 2 Chili's, 1 Tomato | Extremely Spicy. Lemon Curry.png | Lemon Curry | 10 Units of Water, 5 Units of Lemon Juice, 2 Raw Chicken, 3 Lemons | Extremely Bitter. Xeno Curry.png | Xeno Balti | 10 Units of Sulfuric Acid, 2 Xeno Meat, 1 Chili, 2 Tomatoes. | Extremely Alien.

Pies & Cakes

Picture Recipe Ingredients Notes

Pie.gif | Banana Cream Pie | 10 Flour, 1 Banana | Contains a moderate amount of banana essence. Berryclafoutis.png | Berry Clafoutis | 10 Flour, 1 Berry | Meatpies.png | Meatpies | 1 Meat, 10 Flour | Made of people, or not? Meatpies.png | Tofu Pie | 1 tofu, 10 Flour | Xpie.png | Xeno-pie | 1 Xeno-meat, 10 Flour | A delicious end to the xeno threat. Applepie.png | Apple Pie | 10 Flour, 1 Apple | The traditional dessert. Cherrypie.png | Cherry Pie | 1 Cherry, 10 Flour | CinnamonPie.png | Cinnamon Pie | 5 Milk, 10 Flour, 10 Sugar, 1 Egg, 5 Cinnamon | Guaranteed snail-free! Plumppie.GIF | Plump Pie | 10 Flour, 1 Plump Helmet | Has a chance to be “exceptional” - it'll contain Tricordrazine! Amapie.png | Amanita Pie | 5 Flour, 1 Amanita | Asspie.png | Asspie | 10 Flour, 1 Butt | Causes brain damage. Gappletart.png | Golden Apple Tart | 5 units of Milk, 5 units of Sugar, 1 Golden Apple, 1 Egg, 15 Flour | Mincepie.png | Mincepie | 1 Meat, 1 Cherry, 10 Flour | Regularcake.pngRegularcakeslice.png | Vanilla Cake | 15 Flour, 3 Egg, 5 units Milk | Slicable and boring vanilla flavored. Pumpkinpie.pngPumpkinpieslice.png | Pumpkin Pie | 1 Pumpkin, 5 Flour, 1 Egg, 5 units of Milk, 5 units of Sugar | Can be sliced. Dangerously delicious. Carrotcake.pngCarrotcakeslice.png | Carrot Cake | 15 Flour, 3 Eggs, 5 Units Milk, 2 Carrots | Slicable. Heals minor eye damage. Cheesecake.pngCheesecakeslice.png | Cheese Cake | 15 Flour, 3 Egg, 5 units Milk, 2 Cheese Wedges | Slicable. Birthday.pngBirthdayslice.png | Birthday Cake | 15 Flour, 3 Egg, 1 Cake Hat, 5 units of Milk. | Sliceable. Don't forget to make a wish. Applecake.pngApplecakeslice.png | Apple Cake | 5 units of Milk, 2 Apple, 15 Flour, 3 Egg | Sliceable. Orangecake.pngOrangecakeslice.png | Orange Cake | 5 units of Milk, 2 Oranges, 15 Flour, 3 Egg | Sliceable. Limecake.pngLimecakeslice.png | Lime Cake | 5 units of Milk, 2 Lime, 15 Flour, 3 Egg | Sliceable. Lemoncake.pngLemoncakeslice.png | Lemon Cake | 5 units of Milk, 2 Lemon, 15 Flour, 3 Egg | Sliceable. Choccake.pngChoccakeslice.png | Chocolate Cake | 5 units of Milk, 2 Chocolate bar, 15 Flour, 3 Egg | Sliceable. Buche.pngBucheslice.png | Buche de Noël | 5 units of Milk, 10 units of Milk Cream, 15 Flour, 2 Eggs, 2 Chocolate bar, 2 Berries | Sliceable. Braincake.pngBraincakeslice.png | Brain Cake | 5 units of Milk, 1 Brain, 15 Flour, 3 Egg | Sliceable. Bother the Roboticist for unusable brains. Heals brain damage. Chococherry.pngChococherryslice.png | Chocolate-Cherry Cake | 5 Milk, 15 Flour, 3 Eggs, 2 Chocolate bars, 2 Cherries | Sliceable. Fruitcake.pngFruitcakeslice.png | Fruit Cake | 5 Milk, 15 Flour, 3 Eggs, 1 Cherry, 1 Orange | Sliceable. Popoutcake.png Regularcakeslice.png | Vanilla Pop-Out Cake | 15 Milk, 45 Flour, 6 Eggs, 6 Cardboard Sheets | An enormous vanilla cake with a cardboard box inside, big enough to accommodate exactly one human. Put a stripper inside to get a great birthday cake for the captain!


Picture Recipe Ingredients Notes

Herbsalad.png | Herb Salad | 3 Ambrosia Vulgaris, 1 Apple | What if, like, WE'RE the aliens, man? Aesirsalad.png | Aesir salad | 3 Ambrosia Deus, 1 Goldapple | Duuuuuuuuuude. Validsalad.png | Valid Salad | 3 Ambrosia Vulgaris, 1 Potato, 1 Faggot | Heals everyone! Potato salad.png | Potato Salad | 10 units of Water, 10 units of Milk, 1 Salt, 1 Pepper, 2 Potatoes, 1 Egg | Coleslaw.png | Coleslaw | 2 units of Vinegar, 1 Carrot, 1 Cabbage | Chinesecoldsalad.png | Chinese Cold Salad | 1 Ice Pepper, 1 Garlic, 1 Cabbage, 5 Vinegar, 5 Soy Sauce | Confederatesalad.png | Confederate Spirit Salad | 2 Watermelon Slice, 1 Kudzu Pod, 1 Cheese Wedge, 1 Pimiento | Fruitsalad.png | Fruit Salad | 1 Orange, 1 Watermelon Slice, 1 Banana, 1 Grapes | Grapesalad.png | Grape Salad | 1 Green Grapes, 1 Cheese Wedge, 10 Sugar | Mexicansalad.png | Mexican Salad | 1 Koibeans, 1 Cheesewedge, 1 Pimiento, 1 Cabbage, 5 Lime Juice | Midnightsnack.png | Midnight Snack | 2 Moonflowers, 1 Glowberries | Glows in the dark! Starrynight.png | Starry Night | 1 Moonflowers, 3 White Beets | Orzosalad.png | Orzo Salad | 1 Blue Tomato, 1 Koibeans, 1 Lemon, 1 Mint, 10 Rice | Nofruitsalad.png | No-Fruit Salad | 1 No-Fruit, 1 Cabbage, 1 Grapes | Doesn't turn into anything!


Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Notes Cheesepmelet.png | Cheese Omelette | 2 Eggs, 2 Cheese Wedges | Can eat these with a fork. Have a medical team on standby in case of utensil-related injuries. Friedegg.png | Fried Egg | 1 Egg, 1 unit Salt, 1 unit Pepper | The ancient and sacred meal of the solar wiring engineer. Begg.png | Boiled Egg | 1 Egg, 5 units Water | Precracked, just eat! Chocegg.png | Chocolate Egg | 1 Egg, 1 Chocolate bar | NT regulations forbid stuffing toys in these things anymore. Eggbenedict.png | Eggs Benedict | 1 Fried Egg, 1 Meat Steak, 1 Bread Slice | Technically only “Egg” Benedict in this case. Eggwrap.png | Egg Wrap | 10 Soy Sauce, 1 Fried Egg, 1 Cabbage | Greeneggsandham.png | Green Eggs and Ham | 1 Salt, 1 Spider Meat, 1 Spider Egg | Toxic. Omurice.png | Omelette Rice | 5 Rice, 5 Ketchup, 1 Egg | Omuriceheart.png | Omelette Rice - Heart | 5 Rice, 5 Ketchup, 1 Egg, 5 Sugar | Omuricesmile.png | Omelette Rice - Smile | 5 Rice, 5 Ketchup, 1 Egg, 5 Salt |

Sweets & Desserts

Picture Recipe Ingredients Notes

Donut1.pngDonut2.png | Donut | 5 Flour, 1 Egg | Security members recover morale quickly with these. Jdonut1.gif | Jelly Donut | 5 Flour, 1 Egg, 5 units of Berry Juices/Cherry Jelly | Security members recover more morale with these. Probability to be frosted. Donut1.gif | Chaos Donuts | 1 Egg, 5 Flour, 5 units of capsaicin (hot sauce), 5 units of Frost Oil (cold sauce) | Produces a variety of (possibly dangerous) effects when eaten. Unwrapped coin.pngWrapped coin.png | Chocolate Coin | 1 Chocolate Bar, 5 Milk. | Just like a real coin! Can be used in vending machines like a real coin, too! Waffles.png | Waffles | 10 Flour, 2 Eggs | Like pancakes with syrup traps. Roffle.png | Roffle Waffles | 10 Flour, 2 Egg, 5 units of Psilocybin. | Like pancakes with hallucinogen traps. AmanitaJelly.gif | Amanita Jelly | 5 units of Water, 5 units of Vodka, 3 Amanitas | It's evil, don't touch it! Fortunecookie.png | Fortune Cookie | 5 Flour, 1 Egg, 1 Piece of Paper with Prophecy | Bad luck and misfortune will infest your pathetic soul for all eternity. Muffins.png | Muffins | 1 Egg, 5 Flour, 5 units Milk | Muffins! Berrymuffin.png | Berry Muffin | 5 Milk, 5 Flour, 1 Egg, 1 Berry | Muffins, but better! Booberrymuffin.png | Booberry Muffin | 5 Milk, 5 Flour, 1 Egg, 1 Berry, 1 Ectoplasm | Count Chocula's only weakness. Dindu Muffin.png | Dindu Muffin | 5 Milk, 5 Flour, 5 Nothing, 1 Pair of Handcuffs | He didn't do muffin! Eclair.png | Improper Eclair | 1 Chocolate bar, 5 Flour, 5 Cream | Plus doux que ses lèvres. Popcorn.png | Popcorn | 1 Corn | Some bites will contain unpopped kernels, which will cause brute damage. Duff.gif | Spacy Liberty Duff | 5 units of Water, 5 units of Vodka, 3 Liberty Caps | The colors, maaaan, THE COLORS. Candiedapple.png | Candied Apple | 5 units of Water, 5 Sugar, 1 Apple | Sugarcookie.png | Sugar Cookie | 5 Flour, 5 Sugar, 1 Egg | Gigapuddi.gif | Giga Puddi | 15 Milk, 2 Eggs, 1 Chocolate bar | Put the Giga Puddi back in the microwave with a grey slime extract for a special surprise! Happypuddi.gif | Giga Puddi - Happy | 15 Milk, 2 Eggs, 1 Chocolate bar, 5 Sugar | Angerpuddi.gif | Giga Puddi - Anger | 15 Milk, 2 Eggs, 1 Chocolate bar, 5 Salt | Flan.png | Flan | 5 Milk, 1 Egg | Honeyflan.png | Honey Flan | 5 Milk, 5 Cinnamon, 5 Honey, 1 Egg | Bluespace.gif | Bluespaceberry Muffin | 5 Flour, 5 Milk, 1 Egg, 1 Berry, 1 Bluespace Crystal | Made with delicious science! Yellowcake.gif | Yellowcake | 5 Uranium, 10 Radium, 3 Eggs | Trade it for the nuke disc, it's the perfect plan! Yellowcupcake.gif | Yellowcupcake | 2 Uranium, 5 Radium, 1 Egg | Cookiebowl.png | Cookie Bowl | 5 Flour, 2 Sugar, 1 Egg, 1 Chocolate bar | CinnamonRoll.png | Cinnamon Roll | 5 Milk, 5 Flour, 10 Sugar, 1 Egg, 5 Cinnamon | Ijzerkoekje.png | Ijzerkoekje | 30 Flour, 30 Iron | Makes six Gelatin.png | Gelatin | 1 Teeth, 10 Water | Yogurt.png | Yogurt | 10 Milk Cream, 5 Virus Food, 1 Green Grapes | Pannacotta.png | Panna Cotta | 1 Gelatin, 1 Yogurt, 1 Grapes, 10 Milk Cream | Icecreamsandwich.png | Icecream Sandwich | 1 Chocolate Bar, 1 Ice Cream Cone | Candycane.png | Candy cane | 5 Sugar, 5 Water, 1 Egg | Gingerbread man.png | Gingerbread man | 5 Flour, 5 Sugar, 5 Water, 1 Egg | Maple leaf.png | Maple leaf | 1 Aloe vera, 1 Snowball, 15 Honey, 10 Sugar | Contains maple syrup, a fast-acting healing chemical.


Picture Recipe Ingredients Notes

Plain chips.png | Plain Chips | 2 Salt, 1 Potato | Vinegar chips.png | Salt and Vinegar Chips | 2 Salt, 1 Potato, 5 Malt Vinegar | Cheddar chips.png | Cheddar Chips | 2 Salt, 1 Potato, 1 Cheese Wedge | Clown chips.png | Clown chips | 20 Banana Juice, 1 Potato | May cause an uncontrollable urge to HONK! Nuclear chips.gif | Nuclear Chips | 2 Salt, 1 Potato, 10 Uranium | Contains Nuka Cola! Commie chips.png | Communist Chips | 2 Salt, 1 Potato, 10 Vodka | Xeno chips.png | Xeno Raiders | 2 Salt, 1 Potato, 1 Xeno Meat | A great source of nutriment! Chipbasket.png | Chip Basket | 20 Flour, 10 Corn Oil, 10 Salt | A basket full of tortilla chips. Pick up by dragging it onto your character. Queso.png | Queso | 2 Cheese Wedge, 1 Chili, 5 Pepper | Filled with dipping sauce. Requires making cheese. Salsa.png | Salsa | 1 Garlic, 1 Tomato, 10 Lime Juice | Filled with dipping sauce. Requires trading with Vox for garlic. Guacamole.png | Guacamole | 1 Ice Pepper, 10 Lime Juice, 5 Salt | Filled with dipping sauce. Requires mutating peppers. Hummus.png | Hummus | 1 Soybeans, 10 Lemon Juice, 5 Honey | Filled with dipping sauce. Requires beekeeping. Chilaquiles.png | Chilaquiles | 4 Tortilla Chip, 1 Salsa, 1 Koibeans, 1 Cheese Wedge |

Alien food

Main Article: Birdfood

Some foods can only be made by trading for Vox plants, and there are some fusion dishes that require both Human and Vox food. These are generally very uncommon to see cooked, only fusion dishes are listed on this page. For additional dishes, see the main article.

Picture Recipe Ingredients Notes

Gravy.png | Gravy | 10 units Water, 1 Chicken-of-the-Stars | Not a food on its own, but a condiment used in other recipes. Produces 10 units. Voxroast.png | Sunday Roast | 10 units Gravy, 1 unit Salt, 1 unit Pepper, 1 Raw Chicken, 2 Garlic | An even larger dish which requires cooking a primitive Earth chicken. Very filling. Flammkuchen.png | Flammkuchen | 10 units Flour, 3 Cheese Wedge, 2 Garlic | Big, pizza-like dish that absolutely disgusts vampires. Zhulongcaofan.png | Zhu Lóng Cao Fàn | 10 units Rice, 1 Pitcher Plant | Rich with iron - good for recovering from bloodloss. Carefully steamed to remove acid! Hoboburger.png | Hobo Burger | 1 Box Meat, 1 Pitcher Plant, 1 Cheese Wedge | An extremely filling meal, too much for anyone to eat on their own. Purified of acid! Sweetsourpork.png | Sweet-and-Sour Pork | 10 units Soy Sauce, 10 units Sugar, 1 Box Meat | May cause some brief confusion of movement and toxicity, but helps you recover from stuns. Best served with gravy to offset toxins. Poutine.png | Poutine | 5 units Gravy, 1 Space fries, 1 Cheese Wedge | A long lost Sol delicacy, the rediscovery of gravy has allowed both vox and humans to enjoy this meal. Maple syrup poutine.png | Maple Syrup Poutine | 1 Poutine, 5 Maple Syrup |

Other recipes

Picture Recipe Ingredients Notes

Meatstake.png | Meat Steak | 1 unit of Salt, 1 unit of Black Pepper, 1 Meat | Wait, how can it have grill marks if it's in the microwave…? Soylenvirdians.png | Soylent Green | 2 Human Meat, 15 Flour | SOYLENT GREEN IS PEOPLE! Soylenvirdians.png | Soylen Viridians | 15 Flour, 1 Soybean | SOYLENT VIRIDIAN IS PLANTS! Cheesefries.png | Cheese Fries | 1 Stack of fries, 1 Cheese Wedge | Tasty, tasty cheese fries. Eggplantparmigiana.png | Eggplant Parmigiana | 2 Cheese Wedges, 1 Eggplant | Cracker.png | Cracker | 5 Flour, 1 unit of Salt | Poly wanna cracker! Kebab.png | Kebab | 2 Meat (Human, Synthyflesh or Monkey, or Tofu - both meats must be same type), Metal Rod | You get a metal rod back after eating. Bakedpotato.png | Loaded Baked Potato | 1 Potato, 1 Cheese Wedge | No bacon bits? Sausage.png | Sausage | 1 Faggot, 1 Meat | Who even knows what or who it's made from anymore. Donkpocket.png | Warm Donk Pocket | 5 Flour, 1 Faggot | Contains tricordrazine, until they cool. Reheatable once they do. Enchi.png | Enchiladas | 1 Meat, 2 Chili, 1 Corn. | Spicy. Monkeydel.png | Monkey's Delight | 1 monkeycube, 1 banana, 5 flour, 1 salt, 1 pepper. | EE EEE! Pretzel.png | Poppy Pretzel | 1 Poppy Seed, 1 Egg, 5 Flour | Phelmbiscuit.png | Plump Biscuits | 5 Flour, 1 Plump Helmet | The perfect chaser for a Manly Dorf. Tinbeans.png | Tin of Beans | 5 Ketchup, 2 Soybeans | Where did the tin come from? Hotdog2.png | Hotdog | 5 Ketchup, 1 Sausage, 1 Bread Slice | Bonus points if it's made from actual dog. Meatbun.png | Meat Bun | 5 Soy Sauce, 5 Flour, 1 Faggot, 1 Cabbage | Boiledspiderleg.png | Boiled Spider Leg | 10 Water, 1 Spider Leg | Toxic. Corndog.png | Corndog | 5 Flour, 1 Egg, 1 Sausage, 1 Corn | CORNYDOG.png | CORNYDOG | 1 Rod, 1 Corn, 1 Corgi Meat | Higashikata.png | The Higashikata Special | 20 Cream, 10 Watermelon Juice, 10 Slime Jelly, 20 Ice, 10 Milk, 5 Watermelon Slices, 1 Corn | A large, nine layer parfait, the [shape] of the glass it's in helps keep the layers perfectly separated. Sundae.png | Sundae | 10 Cream, 10 Ice, 5 Milk, 1 Chocolate Bar | A sundae you make with a microwave, just don't think about how dumb of an idea it is! Cup ramen.png | Cup Ramen | 5 Flour, 1 Cardboard | Just like Getmore used to make! SweetSundae.png | Sundae Ramen | 30 dry ramen, 1 sprinkles, 1 black coloring, 6 units of hardcores (from Bustanuts), 1 whole chocolate bar, 1 whole banana | This is… sundae (?) flavored (?) ramen (?). You just don't know. SweetSundaeRamen.png | Sweet Sundae Ramen | 1 sundae ramen, 1 rice pudding, 1 giga puddi, 1 donk pocket | A conglomerate of foods that should not be conglomerated, you never quite know what the turnout will be. Potent ham.png | Potent Ham | 10 Plasma, 1 Robot head, 1 Asimov upload module, 1 Handcuffs, 1 slab of box meat | Drives Asimov silicons wild and unleashes an EMP! Nutritioncube.png | Recycled Nutrition Cube | 5 units Vomit, 1 unit Antitoxin | Waste not, want not. Burrito.png | Three Bean Burrito | 1 Koibeans, 1 Tin of Beans, 1 Soybeans, 5 Flour | Pimiento.png | Pimiento | 1 Cherry, 1 Chili | Known as the “Cherry Pepper” Hauntedjam.gif | Haunted Jam | 3 Ghost Pepper, 5 Sugar, 5 Vinegar | Ghosts may cause this to rattle and move! Dangerously cheesy poutine.png | Dangerously Cheesy Poutine | 1 Poutine, 1 Cheese Wheel, 10 Gravy | Contains cheesy gloop, dangerous in quantities above 5 units! Dangerously cheesy poutine barrel.png | Dangerously Cheesy Poutine Barrel | 4 Dangerously Cheesy Poutines, 50 Gravy | Poutine ocean.png | Poutine Ocean | 4 Dangerously Cheesy Poutine Barrels, 100 Gravy | Produces an endless supply of poutine for anyone with a plate. It's so big, it can't even be picked up- you have to drag it around instead. Make with 5 barrels and 50 maple syrup instead of gravy for a very Canadian surprise!

Fully-Custom Specialties

Using the machines in your kitchen like the Oven and the Candy Maker, you can make custom food out of anything edible (and deep fry ANYTHING if you pray hard enough!). Some custom dishes require special preparation, however:

Picture Type How to make

CustomSandwich.pngBreadslice.png | Stackable Sandwich | Use any edible food item on a slice of bread. Add more food to stack on top. Optionally, add another bread slice to add the topping. CustomBurger.pngCustomBurgerBun.png | Stackable Burger | Use a sack of flour on an egg to make dough, then microwave it to get a hamburger bun. Add anything you want! CustomPizza.pngFlatdough.png | Personal Pizza | Use a sack of flour on an egg to make dough, then flatten it with a rolling pin. Add any edible food as topping to finish. CustomSpaghetti.pngSpagettiboiled.png | Spaghetti and ??? | Add anything to Boiled Spaghetti (5 units of Water, 1 Spaghetti). CustomSoup.pngSoupBowl.png | Soup | Grab a wooden bowl from your kitchen utensils dispenser. Add any ingredients you want to make them into soup. CheeseOnAPlate.png | Delicacy on a Plate | If you feel your food is lacking on presentation or could use twice as many plates, you can just use it on a plate to place it on top. Looking appetizing!

Food Recipes Liquids, condiments, ground fruits and vegetables, and eggs that have been cracked into a container are all measured in reagent units rather than their own items. They can be poured directly into the oven or pan (whole eggs can be added directly to the oven and are considered a separate ingredient, so be careful!) Sliceable foods can be divided into smaller portions by slicing them with a sharp object. Their reagents are divided equally into the slices. The slices noted here are the maximum number of slices, which you can get by using a precise cutting tool like a kitchen knife, cleaver, or scalpel; crude cutting tools, like axes, shovels, and saws will result in fewer slices. Condiments and reagents can be added to food, possibly increasing their nutrition value or adding some fun extras. A chef can create condiments by grinding up things that contain them and isolating them in the CondiMaster in the back room. Condiments let you put ketchup on your fries, salt in your soup, dylovene on your fish fingers, or psilocybin on your ghost burger–the possibilities are endless. Foods hold a maximum of fifty units of reagents. Some poisonous foods can be prepared safely if Dylovene is added to the finished product, or if the poisonous reagent is neutralized somehow(try using syringes!). Experienced chefs only! Poisonous reagents are marked in red text. Reagents which have other, non-deadly effects–like intoxication, sleepiness, or the effects of hot or cold sauce–are marked in blue text. Traitor chefs can make some sneaky substitutions: Poisonous apples can be used in all apple dishes, and the final dish will be poisoned. Unlike poisonous mushrooms, cyanide apples can easily kill. Slime jelly can be substituted for cherry jelly, and will poison the resulting food. Anything made with meat can be made with human meat. (It's still necessary to emag the gibber before butchering one's murder victims.)

Mixed Recipes

Cooking has been revamped since the 2nd of September, 2020, so the page below is somewhat of a work in progress. Microwaves have been removed, with most of their function relegated to plates, bowls, and stoves instead.

To create some mixed food, you first need a container to mix things in. This can be a skillet, an oven dish, a frying basket, a serving plate, and so forth. For recipes that simply require combining foods into a tasty mix, simply stuff them together in your container of choice, drag the container's sprite onto your character's, and watch the delicious goodies appear. If you can fit multiple configurations of the same recipe into your container, you can even speed up the process: for example, combining six cabbages, three tomatoes, three carrots, and three apples in a bowl before dragging it to yourself will net you three tosse salads.

Many recipes aren't so easily mixed, however, and also require that they are baked, fried, boiled, baked, or otherwise heated up. Where this applies, pick up a container from its appliance, insert the various ingredients, and then put it back. If the appliance isn't turned on, your food won't cook. Make sure to turn your appliances on before putting stuff on there! There's no use in frying a nice steak or baking a delicious chocolate cake in a cold oven. Your appliances give helpful pings when the food inside is done, after which you should have plenty of time to grab your foods before they burn. Food is done when it reaches a set temperature, and it generally takes a while for burning to set in, so don't be afraid to put your fryer, stove, and oven to their max temperature values.

Result | Recipe | Reagents & Notes Banana split.png | Banana Split | Mix 1 ice cream cone, 1 banana, 5u milk, 5u ice in a bowl or plate. | 5 nutriment, 3 banana, 2 ice cream A dessert made with ice cream and a banana.

Plain Burger.png | Burger | Combine 1 cooked cutlet or meatball with 1 bun by clicking on the bun with the cooked cutlet or meatball. | 3 nutriment, 3 animal protein Cheeseburger.png | Cheese Burger | Use 1 cheese wedge on a burger. | 2 animal protein, 2 nutriment Brainburger.png | Brain Burger | Mix 1 Bun and 1 brain in a plate or bowl. | 7 animal protein, 6 alkysine, 5 blood Xenoburger.png | Xenoburger | Mix 1 Bun and 1 xeno-meat in a plate or bowl. | 15 animal protein, 6 polytrinic acid Bearburger.gif | Bearburger | Mix 1 Bun and 1 bear meat in a bowl or plate. | 10 animal protein, 5 hyperzine Carpsandwich.png | Fillet -o- Fish Sandwich | Mix 1 Bun and 1 fish fillet in a bowl or plate. | 10 animal protein, 6 carpotoxin Tofubuger.png | Tofu Burger | Mix 1 Bun and 1 Tofu in a bowl or plate. | 6 nutriment, 1 animal protein Hotdog.png | Hotdog | Use a sausage on a bun. Alternatively, put both in a bowl or plate and mix. | 19 animal protein Bacon Stick.png | Eggpop | Combine 1 Bacon with 1 Boiled Egg in a bowl or plate. | 3 animal protein, 1 egg Chickenfillet.gif | Chicken Fillet | Mix 1 Katsu and 1 Bun in a bowl or plate. | 5 nutriment, 10 animal protein Fish sashimi.png | Fish Sashimi | Mix 1 fish fillet and 5u soy sauce in a bowl or plate. | 3 seafood Meatkabob.png | (Human)-kabob | Mix 2 human meat and 1 metal rod in a bowl or plate. | 26 animal protein Meatkabob.png | Meat-kabob | Mix 2 meat and 1 metal rod in a bowl or plate. | 26 animal protein Meatkabob.png | Tofu-kabob | Mix 2 tofu and 1 metal rod in a bowl or plate. | 8 nutriment Meatkabob.png | Nomad Skewer | Mix 1 adhomian meat, 1 dirtberry, 1 earthenroot, and 1 metal rod in a bowl or plate. | 8 nutriment, 6 animal protein, 3 oil, 3 sugar, 6 earthen-root juice, 2 triglyceride Bakedpotato.png | Loaded Baked Potato | Bake 1 potato, 1 cheese wedge. | 3 nutriment, 7 animal protein, 2 potato juice Cheesefries.png | Cheesy Fries | If you like to watch your fellow crewmembers suffer, mix 1 space fries and 1 cheese wedge in a bowl. If you want to give them delicious molten cheese with crispy fries, fry them in a skillet. | 4 nutriment, 6 animal protein Chilicheesefries.gif | Chili Cheese Fries | Mix 1 Space Fries, 1 Hot Chili, 1 cheese wedge in a bowl or plate. As with the cheese fries, do it in a saucepan or skillet if you don't want to serve a lukewarm mess. | 9 nutriment, 9 animal protein, 2 capsaicin Sushi Roll.png | Ouerean Fish Log | Mix 1 carp meat, 1 cabbage, 1 boiled rice in a bowl or plate. Sliceable. | 4 nutriment, 6 seafood protein Tajaran Spicy Clams.png | Spicy Ras'val clams | Mix 2 Ras'val clams, 1 cabbage, 1 chili, 1 capsaicin, 1 space spice in a bowl or plate. | 4 seafood, 1 pepper Bigbite.png | Big Bite Burger | Mix 1 Burger, 3 meat, 3 egg yolk in a bowl or plate. | 40 animal protein, 4 nutriment, 3 egg yolk Sandwich.png | Sandwich | Mix 2 bread slices, 1 Meat Steak, 1 cheese wedge in a bowl or plate. Custom sandwiches can be made by combining items with a bread slice, but use this recipe for others that call for a sandwich as an ingredient.

3 nutriment, 20.4 animal protein, 1.2 egg yolk, 1 salt, 1 pepper Lardwich.png | Hro'zamal Lard Sandwhich | Mix 2 flatbread and 1 lard in a bowl or plate. | 6 nutriment, 5 triglyceride A lard sandwich prepared in the style of Hro'zamal, usually made from Schlorrgo lard.

Icecreamsandwich.png | Ice Cream Sandwich | Mix 2 ice cream cone, 5u milk, 5u ice in a bowl or plate. | 4 ice cream Portable ice cream in its own packaging.

Candiedapple.png | Candied Apple | Mix 5 units water, 5 units sugar, 1 apple in a bowl or plate. | 3 nutriment Superbite.png | Super Bite Burger | Mix 1 Big Bite Burger, 1 ball of dough, 1 meat, 1 tomato, 1 Boiled Egg, 1 cheese wedge, 5 units salt, 5 units pepper in a bowl or plate. | 25 nutriment, 25 animal protein Jellyburger.png | Jelly Burger | Mix 1 bun, 5 units of cherry jelly or slime jelly in a bowl or plate. Slime jelly will poison someone who eats it.

5 nutriment, 5 cherry jelly or 5 slime jelly, 1 animal protein Twobread.png | Two Bread | Mix 2 bread slices and 5 units wine in a bowl, plate or skillet. | 2 nutriment, 0.4 animal protein, 1.2 egg yolk Jellysandwich.png | Jelly Sandwich | Mix 2 bread slices, 5 units cherry jelly or slime jelly in a bowl or plate. | 2 nutriment, 5 cherry jelly or 5 slime jelly, .4 animal protein, 1.6 egg yolk Herbsalad.png | Tossed Salad | Mix 2 cabbage, 1 tomato, 1 carrot, 1 apple in a bowl or plate. | 8 nutriment, 5 Oculine, 2 tomato juice, 1 carrot juice Aesirsalad.png | Aesir salad | Mix 1 ambrosia deus and 1 golden apple in a bowl or plate. | 8 nutriment, 8 The Doctor's Delight, 8 tricordrazine, 1 bicaridine, 1 synaptizine, 1 hyperzine, 1 space drugs, 3 gold. Validsalad.png | Valid Salad | Mix 3 ambrosia vulgaris, 1 potato, 1 meatball in a bowl or plate. | 6 nutriment, 5 animal protein, 3 space drugs, 3 kelotane, 3 bicaridine, 2 potato juice Taco.png | Taco | Mix 1 tortilla, 1 cutlet, 1 cheese wedge in a bowl or plate, or fry them in a skillet. | 4 nutriment, 10.3 animal protein Salsadip.png | Salsa Dip | Mix 1 chili pepper, 1 tomato, 1 lime, 1 space spice, 1 salt, 1 pepper in a bowl or plate. Dip chips or nachos in this!

20 nutriment Guacdip.png | Guacamole Dip | Mix 1 tofu, 1 chili pepper, 1 lime, 1 space spice, 1 salt, 1 pepper in a bowl or plate. Dip chips or nachos in this! Don't tell anyone there's no avocado in it.

20 nutriment Cheesedip.png | Queso Dip | Cook 1 cheese wedge, 1 chili pepper, 1 tomato, 1 space spice, 1 salt, 1 pepper in a saucepan on the stove. Dip chips or nachos in this!

20 nutriment Burrito.png | Meat Burrito | Mix 1 tortilla, 2 meatballs, 1 space spice in a bowl or plate. | 6 nutriment, animal protein Veganburrito.png | Vegan Burrito | Mix 1 tortilla, 1 tofu in a bowl or plate. | 6 nutriment, 4 tofu Spicyburrito.png | Spicy Meat Burrito | Mix 1 burrito and 2 chili in a bowl or plate. | 6 nutriment, animal protein, capsaicin Cheesyburrito.png | Cheesy Burrito | Mix burrito and 1 cheesewedge in a bowl or plate. | 6 nutriment, animal protein Cheesyspicyburrito.png | Spicy Cheesy Burrito | Mix 1 burrito, 1 cheesewedge, 2 chili in a bowl or plate. | 6 nutriment, animal protein, capsaicin Hellburrito.png | El Diablo | Mix 1 spicy meat burrito and 10 chili in a bowl or plate. | 6 nutriment, animal protein, capsaicin While it may be a great burrito, the peppers will still make it unpleasant.

Mysteryburrito.png | Burrito (Mystery) | Mix 1 burrito and 1 mystery soup in a bowl or plate. | 6 nutriment, ??? Breakfest of Guwandi.png | Breakfast of champions | Mix 1 sausage, 1 omelette, 1 meatsteak in a bowl or plate. | 6 animal protein, 4 egg. Red Sun Special.png | Lortl | Mix 1 dried q'lort slice and 1u salt in a bowl or plate. | 2 animal protein. Stuffed Meatball.png | Stuffed Meatball | Mix 1 meatball, 1 cheese wedge, 1 cabbage in a bowl or plate. | 4 animal protein. Koiskebab3.png | K'ois Kebab | Combine up to 3 Fried K'ois with 1 metal rod. | 6/12/18 k'ois paste, 9/12/15 phoron Poisonous to everything but Vaurca.

Donerkebab.png | Doner Kebab | Combine 1 meat steak, 1 flat dough, 1 tomato, 1 cabbage, 1u salt in a bowl or plate. | 5 nutriment, 4 protein, 4 dough, 2 cabbage Koissoup.png | K'ois Soup | Use a rolling pin on 1 Fried K'ois. | 15 k'ois paste, 10 phoron Poisonous to everything but Vaurca.

Burnedmess.png | Burned Mess | Created when you try to cook an invalid recipe. It may also break or dirty the appliance. | 1+ toxin, 3+ carbon Baconburger.png | Bacon Burger | Mix a bun, meat, and three bacon in a bowl or plate. | 4 nutriment, 8 animal protein, 2.6 triglyceride Fishtaco.png | Fish taco | Mix 1 carp meat, 1 tortilla, 1 lemon, and 1 chili pepper in a bowl or plate. | 8 nutriment, 3 seafood protein, 10 lemon juice, 7 capsaicin oil BLT.png | BLT | Mix two bread slices, two bacon, one tomato and one cabbage in a bowl or plate. | 7.75 nutriment, 4 animal protein, 0.25 salt, 0.6 triglyceride, 11 tomato juice Mashedpotato.png | Mashed potato | Mix 1 potato in a bowl or plate. | 4 nutriment. Creamice.png | Creamice | Mix 10 units of fatshouter milk, 10 units of sugar, 10 units of ice, and 1 dirtberry in a bowl or plate. | 8 nutriment. Koisburger.png

K'ois burger | Mix two fried k'ois in a bowl or plate. | 20 k'ois paste, 20 phoron Poisonous to everything but Vaurca.

Reubensandwich.png | Reuben Sandwich | Mix 2 toast, 1cutlet, 1 Cheese Wedge, 1 Sauerkraut,5 units of mayonnaise, and 5 units of ketchup in a bowl or plate. | 8 Nutriment, 4 Animal Protein, 2 Ketchup, 2 Mayonnaise PBJ Sandwich | Mix 2 bread slices, 5 units of cherry jelly, and 5 units of peanut butter in a bowl or plate. | 2 nutriment.


Cooking on a stove requires it to be preheated and the right pot or pan to be used. Some recipes like meatballs can be mass produced and reagents like spice can be left over in the pan if it is not used up in the recipe itself. You can take your pan or pot from the stove and fill in all the reagents before starting the cooking process by putting it back on. Same as with the oven, the stove will ping once a meal is done. To select a temperature and start the heating process use ctrl + left click.

Result | Recipe | Reagents & Notes Onionrings.png | Onion Rings | Fry 1 onion and 1 doughslice in a fryer. | 5 nutriment. Onionsoup.png | Onionsoup | Cook 1 onion and 10 water in a pan or pot. | 5 nutriment. Qilvo.png | Qilvo | Cook 1 mollusc meat (slimy meat), 2 seaweed, 10u water, 5u cream in a pan or pot. | 5 nutriment, 3 seafood protein, 5 water, 3 cream Zantiri.png | Zantiri | Cook 2 guami, 1 eki and 10 water in a pan or pot. | 8 nutriment, 6 water Bacon.png | Fried Bacon | Fry 1 Raw Bacon in a skillet. | .3 animal protein, 1 unit Triglyceride Friedegg.png | Fried Egg | Fry an egg, 1u salt, and 1u black pepper in a skillet. Fry once for over easy eggs, and fry those again if you want them well-done. | 3 animal protein, 3 egg yolk, 1 salt, 1 pepper Poachedegg.gif | Poached Egg | Fry 1 egg, 1 unit salt, 1 unit pepper, 1 unit space spice, 5 units water in a skillet or saucepan. | 3 egg yolk, 1 nutriment, 1 pepper Egg.png | Boiled Egg | Boil an egg and 5u of water in a saucepan or pot. | 2 animal protein, 3 egg yolk Porkbowl.png | Porkbowl | Cook 10 rice, 5 water, 1 bacon in a saucepan. | 4 protein, 6 rice. Meatbun.gif | Meat Bun | Put 1 raw cutlet, 1 dough slice, 1 unit space spice, 5 units water in a sauce pan or pot and cook on the stove. | 5 nutriment, 3 animal protein NT muffin.png | NT Muffin | Fry a plump helment biscuit, sausage, fried egg, and cheese wedge in a skillet. Koiswaffles.png | K'ois Waffles | Fry 1 k'ois paste in a skillet. | 25 k'ois paste, 12 phoron Poisonous to everything but Vaurca.

Koisjelly.png | K'ois Jelly | Cook 1 K'ois Soup and 2 k'ois spores in a saucepan. | 25 k'ois paste, 20 phoron, 20 Oculine Poisonous to everything but Vaurca.

Friedkois.png | Fried K'ois | Fry 1 k'ois spore in a skillet | 6 k'ois paste, 9 phoron Poisonous to everything but Vaurca. Curiously, not fried in the fryer.

Koissteak.png | K'ois Steak | Fry 1 fried k'ois in a skillet. | 20 k'ois paste, 15 phoron Poisonous to everything but Vaurca.

Seared Carp.png | Korlaaskak | Fry 6 carp meat, 1 cabbage, 1 lime, 1 units space spice in a skillet. | 12 seafood. Red Sun Special.png | Red Sun Special | Fry 1 sausage, 1 cheese wedge in a skillet or pan. | 2 animal protein. Hatchling Surprise.png | Hatchling Suprise | Cook 1 poached egg, 3 bacon in a saucepan. | 2 egg, 4 animal protein. Meat Pancake.png | Meat Pancake | Fry 3 meatball and 1 omelette in a skillet. | 2 egg, 6 animal protein. Chilied Eggs.png | Chilied Eggs | Cook 1 hotchili and 3 boiled egg in a pan or pot. | 6 egg, 2 animal protein. Moghresian Sea Delight.png | Moghresian Sea delight | Cook 3 eggs and 15 units blood in a pan or pot. | 4 egg. Batwings.png | Spiced Shrieker Wings | Cook 2 chili, 2 bat wings, and a stick of butter in a skillet or pan. | 3 animal protein, 2 triglyceride, 5 capsaicin Jellystew.png | Jelly Stew | Cook 10 water, 2 chili, 1 slimy fillet, 1 cutlet, and a stick of butter in a pot. | 3 nutriment, 6 seafood protein, 3 animal protein, 3 triglyceride, 5 capsaicin Stuffedfish.png | Stuffed Fish Fillet | Cook 1 fish fillet, 1 roe sack, and one cheese wedge in a skillet or pan. | 3 nutriment, 7 seafood protein, 2 cheese, possibily 3 carpotoxin Razirnoodles.png | Razir Noodles | Cook 1 worm fillet, 1 egg, and 1u of salt in a skillet or pan. | 3 nutriment, 8 seafood protein, 3 egg yolk, 5 polytrinic acid, 3 hyperzine Sintapudding.png | Sinta Pudding | Cook 15u blood, 10u sugar, 5u coco, and 1 stick of butter in a pot. | 1 nutriment, 1 animal protein, 6 blood, 4 coco Chip basket.png | Basket of Chips | Fry 1 tortilla and 1u salt in a skillet or the fryer. | 10 nutriment Nachos.png | Nachos | Fry 1 chip basket, 1 cheese wedge in a skillet. | 10 nutriment Bacon and Eggs.png | bacon and eggs | Fry 1 bacon and 1 fried egg in a skillet. | 3 animal protein, 1 egg Tofurkey.png | Tofurkey | Fry 2 tofu, 1 Stuffing in a pan. | 12 nutriment, 3 soporific, 1 animal protein, 3 egg yolk Mushroomsoup.png | Chantrelle Soup | Cook 5 units water, 5 units milk, 1 chantrelle mushroom in a pan or pot. | 8 nutriment Redcurry.gif | Red Curry | Cook 2 cutlets, 5 units cream, 2 units space spice, 5 units rice in a skillet. | 6 animal protein, 2 nutriment, 2 space spice Greencurry.gif | Green Curry | Cook 2 tofu, 1 chili pepper, 5 units cream, 2 units space spice, 5 units rice in a skillet. | 5 tofu, 2 capsaicin, 1 nutriment, 2 space spice Yellowcurry.gif | Yellow Curry | Cook 2 peanuts, 1 potato, 5 units of cream, 2 units space spice, 5 units rice in a skillet. | 8 nutriment, 2 space spice Chawanmushi.png | Chawanmushi | Cook 5 units water, 5 units soy sauce, 6 units egg yolk, 1 chantrelle mushroom in a saucepan. | 5 animal protein, 6 egg yolk Beetsoup.png | Borscht | Cook 10 units water, 1 white beet, 1 cabbage in a pan or pot. | “Wait, how do you spell it again..?” 8 nutriment, 3 sugar

Tomatosoup.png | Tomato Soup | Cook 2 tomato and 10u water in a pan or pot. Alternatively, cook 30u blood in a pan or pot. | Drinking this makes you feel like a vampire. A tomato vampire. 5 nutriment, 14 tomato juice OR 2 animal protein, 30 blood, 5 water

Moroz brudet.png | Morozian Brudet | Cook 1 tomato, 10u water, and any fish filet in a pan or pot. | The most popular dish from the Dominian Empire, this stew is a staple of Imperial cuisine. 8 nutriment, 5 water

Chocegg.png | Chocolate Egg | Cook 1 egg and 1 chocolate bar in a pan or pot. | 3 nutriment, 4 sugar, 4 coco, 3 egg yolk Sausage.png | Sausage | Cook 1 cutlet, 1 meatball in a skillet. | 12 animal protein Mysterysoup.png | Mystery Soup | Cook 10 units water, 1 Burned Mess, 1 tofu, 3 egg yolk, 1 cheese wedge in a pot. | Always contains 4 animal protein, 3+ toxin, and 1+ carbon. Possible other reagents: nutriment, capsaicin, tomato juice, frost oil, water, tricordrazine, banana juice, blood, slime jelly, or Oculine.

Tomatosoup.png | Bluespace Tomato Soup | Cook 2 bluespacetomato and 10u water in a pan or pot. | A scientific experiment turned into a possibly unsafe meal. 5 nutriment, 5 bluespace dust

Roffle.png | Roffle Waffles | Cook 2 balls of dough, 10 units sugar, 5 units psilocybin in a pan or skillet. | 8 nutriment, 8 psilocybin, 2 animal protein Stew.png | Diona Stew | Cook 10 units water, 1 potato, 1 carrot, 1 chantrelle mushroom and a diona nymph in a pot or saucepan. | 8 nutriment, 2 carrotjuice, 2 potatojuice, 2 radium Stew.png | Diona Soup | Cook 10 units water, 1 cabbage and a diona nymph in a pot or saucepan. | 11 nutriment, 5 water, 2 radium Stew.png | Stew | Cook 10 units water, 1 meat, 1 tomato, 1 potato, 1 carrot, 1 eggplant, 1 chantrelle mushroom in a pot. | 6 nutriment, 13 animal protein, 7 tomato juice, 10 Oculine, 5 water, 2 potato juice, 1 carrot juice Bearstew.gif | Bear Stew | Cook 10 units water, 1 bluespace bear meat, 1 tomato, 1 potato, 1 carrot, 1 eggplant, 1 chantrelle mushroom in a pot | 6 nutriment, 4 animal protein, 5 tomato juice, 5 hyperzine, 5 Oculine, 5 water Omgtoast.png | Toast | Fry 1 breadslice and 1 unit of triglyceride in a skillet. | 1 nutriment Jellytoast.png | Jellied Toast | Fry 1 bread slice, 5 units cherry jelly or slime jelly in a skillet. Alternatively, mix 1 toast and 5 units of jelly in a bowl. Slime jelly will poison someone who eats it.

1 nutriment, 0.2 animal protein, 0.6 egg yolk, 5 cherry jelly or 5 slime jelly Honeytoast.gif | Honeyed Toast | Fry 1 bread slice and 5 units honey in a skillet. | 1 nutriment, 0.2 animal protein, 0.6 egg yolk, 5 honey Pbtoast.png | Peanut Butter Toast | Fry 1 bread slice, 5 units of peanut butter in a skillet. Alternatively, mix 1 toast and 5 units of peanut butter in a bowl. | 1 nutriment. Garlicbread.png | Garlic Bread | Fry 1 breadslice and 1 butter and 5 units of garlic sauce in a skillet. | 5 nutriment, 3 garlic sauce Milo.png | Milosoup | Cook 10 units water, 2 tofu, 2 soy dope in a pot. | 8 nutriment, 5 water Stewedsoymeat.png | Stewed Soy Meat | Fry 2 soy dope, 1 carrot, 1 tomato in a saucepan. | 8 nutriment, 5 Oculine, 1 carrot juice, 2 tomato juice Spagettiboiled.png | Boiled Spaghetti | Cook 5 units water and 1 spaghetti (uncooked) in a pan or pot. | 2 nutriment, .33 animal protein Lomein.gif | Lo Mein | Cook 5 units water, 5 units soy sauce, 1 carrot, 1 cabbage, 1 spaghetti (uncooked) in a pan or pot. | 6 nutriment, 3 carrot juice, 1 Oculine Boiledrice.png | Boiled Rice | Cook 5 units water and 10 units rice in a pot or pan. | 2 nutriment Friedrice.gif | Fried Rice | Fry 5 units water, 10 units rice, 5 units soy sauce, 1 carrot, 1 cabbage in a skillet or pan. | 6 nutriment, 5 rice, 3 carrot juice, 1 Oculine Risotto.gif | Risotto | Cook 5 units wine, 10 units rice, 1 unit space spice, 1 chantrelle mushroom in a pan or pot. | 6 mushroom, 4 rice Bibimbap.gif | Bibimbap | Cook 5 units rice, 1 cutlet, 1 egg, 1 carrot, 1 cabbage, 1 chantrelle mushroom, 2 units space spice in a pan or pot. | 6 animal protein, 3 egg yolk, 3 space spice, 3 Oculine Ricepudding.png | Rice Pudding | Cook 5 units milk and 10 units rice in a pan or pot. | 4 nutriment Pastatomato.png | Spaghetti | Cook 5 units water, 1 spaghetti (uncooked), 2 tomatoes in a pan or pot. | 6 nutriment, 14 tomato juice, .33 animal protein Meatballspag.png | Spaghetti & Meatballs | Cook 5 units water, 1 spaghetti (uncooked), 2 meatballs in a pan or pot. | 4 nutriment, 10.33 animal protein Spesslaw.png | Spesslaw | Cook 5 units water, 1 spaghetti (uncooked), 4 meatballs in a pan or pot. | 4 nutriment, 16.33 animal protein AmanitaJelly.gif | Amanita Jelly | Cook 5 units water, 5 units vodka, 5 units amatoxin in a saucepan. | 6 nutriment, 3 psilocybin Meatsoup.png | Meatball Soup | Cook 10 units water, 1 meatball, 1 carrot, 1 potato in a pan or pot. | 11 animal protein, 5 water, 5 Oculine, 1 carrot juice, 2 potato juice Meatsoup.png | Steamed Crab Legs | Cook 1 crab legs, 1 nutri-spread, 10 water, 1u salt in a saucepan or pot. | Crab legs steamed and buttered to perfection. One day when the boss gets hungry… 2 nutrition, 6 seafood, 1 salt, 2 savory butter

Vegesoup.png | Vegetable Soup | Cook 10 units water, 1 carrot, 1 corn, 1 eggplant, 1 potato in a saucepan or pot. | 8 nutriment, 5 water, 3 corn oil, 5 Oculine, 1 carrot juice, 2 potato juice Nettlesoup.png | Nettle Soup | Cook 10 units water, 1 nettle, 3 units egg yolk, 1 potato in a pan or pot. | 8 nutriment, 5 water, 5 tricordrazine, 9 sulphuric acid, 2 potato juice, 3 egg yolk Wishsoup.png | Wish Soup | Boil 20 units water in a saucepan or pot. Yep. | 10 water, 25% chance of 8 nutriment Dynpozole.png | Dyn pozole | Cook 10 units water, 1 dyn, 1 cabbage, 1 tomato and 1 meat in a pan or pot. | 8 nutriment, 5 water, 2 dyn juice. Hotstew.png | Hot Chili | Cook 1 meat, 1 chili pepper, 1 tomato in a pan or pot. | 3 nutriment, 12 animal protein 10 capsaicin, 4 tomato juice Coldstew.png | Cold Chili | Cook 1 meat, 1 ice pepper, 1 tomato in a pan or pot. | 3 nutriment, 12 animal protein, 10 frost oil, 4 tomato juice Bearchili.gif | Bear Chili | Cook 1 bear meat, 1 chili, 1 tomato in a pan or pot. | 3 nutriment, 12 animal protein, 4 tomato juice Tajaran Stew.png | Adhomian Stew | Cook 10 units water, 2 adhomai meat, 2 dirtberries, 1 mushroom, 1 messas tear in a pan or pot. | 4 nutriment, 4 animal protein Tajaran soup.png | Earthen-root soup | Cook 2 earthenroot, 10 units water, 1 space spice, 1 salt in a pan or pot. | 4 nutriment Toastsand.png | Toasted Sandwich | Fry 1 Sandwich in a skillet. | 3 nutriment, 23.4 animal protein, 1.2 egg yolk, 1 salt, 1 pepper, 2 carbon Toastsand.png | Grilled Cheese Sandwich | Fry 2 bread slices and 1 cheese wedge in a skillet. | 3 nutriment, 8.4 animal protein, 1.2 egg yolk Fishandchips.png | Fish & Chips | Fry 1 Space Fries and 1 fish meat in a skillet. | 3 nutriment, 6 animal protein, possibly 6 carpotoxin Meatkabob.png | Fatshouters Bloodpudding | Cook 1 adhomian meat, 1 lard, 5u blizzard ear flour, 10u blood in a pan or pot. | 12 animal protein, 7 triglyceride, 5 blizzard ear flour, 10 blood Popcorn.png | Popcorn | Fry 1 corn in a saucepan. | 2 nutriment, 3 corn oil Mint.png | Mint | Cook 5 units sugar, 5 units frost oil in a saucepan. | 1 mint toxin Meatstake.png | Meat Steak | Fry 1 unit salt, 1 unit pepper, 1 meat (any type) in a skillet. | 13 animal protein, 1 salt, 1 pepper Meatbun.gif | Custard Bun | Cook 1 dough slice, 3 units egg yolk, 1 unit space spice, 5 units water in a pan or pot. Don't use a whole egg, or it will end up as a boiled egg.

6 nutriment, 2 egg yolk Momo.gif | Chicken Momo | Cook 1 chicken meat, 3 dough slices, 2 units space spice, 5 units water in a pan or pot. | 7 nutriment, 6 animal protein, 2 space spice Momo.gif | Vegetable Momo | Cook 1 carrot, 1 cabbage, 3 dough slices, 2 units space spice, 5 units water in a saucepan or pot. | 10 nutriment, 4 space spice, 3 carrot juice, 1 Oculine Omelette.png | Omelette Du Fromage | Fry 6 units egg yolk and 2 cheese wedges in a skillet. | 16 animal protein, 6 egg yolk Waffles.png | Waffles | Fry 2 balls of dough and 10 units sugar in a skillet. | 8 nutriment, 2 animal protein Eggbasket.png | Egg Basket | Fry 1 breadslice and 1 egg in a skillet. | 2 nutriment, 3 egg yolk

Oven Oven.gif Before you can use the oven, it must be preheated. Right-click and select Toggle Power to turn it on. Preheating takes several minutes, but after a short while it can be used to cook even if not fully preheated. The food will cook more slowly until preheating is complete. Examine the oven while next to it to see how hot it is. You can alt+click the oven to open and close the oven door. If the oven door is left open, heat will escape. Make sure it's closed, especially when cooking and preheating! To add a single food item to the oven, use the food directly on the oven, which will place it into an empty oven tray. If you want to cook a recipe that requires multiple ingredients, remove one of the oven trays, put all recipe ingredients into it, and then put the tray back in the oven. The oven can cook any variety and quantity of recipes simultaneously, as long as you have all the ingredients in a single tray. Any leftover reagents will be absorbed into the cooked foods. When not making a recipe the oven can also be used to just bake any food, which will cook it, give it a nice brown colour. The oven can also be used for Combination Cooking, which allows you to make custom bread, pies, cakes, and pizzas with whatever fillings/toppings you want. To do this, right click and Choose Output, select the combine target, and then insert an oven tray full of ingredients. The quantity of stuff used to make it will determine the size of the result. Combination Cooking can only make one item at a time - whatever output is set will only work for the next item cooked.

Result | Recipe | Reagents & Notes Ovenchips.png | Oven chips | Bake 1 raw potato sticks. | 4 nutriment Ribplate.png | Rib Plate | Bake 1 meat, 5 units honey, 2 units space spice, 1 unit black pepper. Obtain honey from beehives, or small amounts by grinding up the Messa's tear plant.

6 animal protein, 5 honey, 2 triglyceride, 1 black pepper Bacon.png | Oven-cooked Bacon | Bake 6 raw bacon, 1 butter/nutri-spread Mass baked Bacon.

.3 animal protein, 1 unit Triglyceride Bacon.png | Pan-cooked Bacon | Fry 6 raw bacon, 1 butter/nutri-spread in a pan. Mass cooked Bacon.

.3 animal protein, 1 unit Triglyceride Phelmbiscuit.png | Plump Helmet Biscuit | Bake 1 plump helmet mushroom, 5 units water, 5 units flour. | 5 nutriment, 10% chance of 8 nutriment and 5 tricordrazine Meatbread.png | Meatbread Loaf | Bake 3 meat, 3 balls of dough, 3 cheese wedges. | 10 nutriment, 20 animal protein Sliceable: Makes 5 slices.

Xbread.png | Xenomeatbread | Bake 3 xeno-meat, 3 balls of dough, 3 cheese wedges. | 10 nutriment, 32.5 animal protein, 7.5 polytrinic acid Sliceable: Makes 5 slices.

Meatbread.png | Synthbread | Bake 3 synthmeat, 3 balls of dough, 3 cheese wedges. | 10 nutriment, 20 animal protein Sliceable: Makes 5 slices.

Bananabread.gif | Banana-nut Bread | Bake 3 balls of dough, 5 units milk, 15 units sugar, 1 banana. | 20 nutriment, 21 banana juice, 3 animal protein Sliceable: Makes 5 slices.

Bun.png | Bun | Bake 1 dough. | 3 nutriment, 1 animal protein Honeybun.png | Honeybun | Bake 1 dough, 5 honey. | 3 nutriment, 5 honey, 1 animal protein Tofubread.png | Tofu-Bread | Bake 3 tofu, 3 cheese wedges, 3 balls of dough. | 30 nutriment, 15 animal protein Sliceable: Makes 5 slices.

Donkpocket.png | Warm Donk Pocket | Bake 1 Donk Pocket in an oven. | 2 nutriment, 2 animal protein, 5 tricordrazine Donkpocket.png | Donk Pocket | Allow a warm Donk Pocket to cool. | 2 nutriment, 2 or 6 animal protein Baguette.png | Baguette | Bake 2 balls of dough, 1 unit salt, 1 unit pepper. | 6 nutriment, 1 pepper, 1 salt, 2 animal protein Flatbread.png | Flatbread | Bake 1 flat dough. | 3 nutriment, 1 animal protein Moroz flatbread.png | Morozian Flatbread | Bake 1 tomato, 1 flatdough (not flatbread!), and 1u salt. | 10 nutriment Creambread.png | Cream Cheese Bread | Bake 2 balls of dough, 2 cheese wedges. | 5 nutriment, 25 animal protein. Sliceable: Makes 5 slices.

Bread.png | Bread | Bake 4 balls of dough, 1 unit salt. | 6 nutriment, 1 animal protein, 3 egg yolk Sliceable: Makes 5 slices. Bread slices can be turned into custom sandwiches by combining them with any food item.

Pancakes.png | Pancakes | Fry 2 flatdough and 2 berries in a skillet. | 8 nutriment Meatpies.png | Meat-Pie | Bake 1 meat, 1 flat dough. | 20 animal protein Meatpies.png | Tofu-Pie | Bake 1 tofu, 1 flat dough. | 10 nutriment, 1 animal protein Xpie.png | Xeno-Pie | Bake 1 xeno-meat, 1 flat dough. | 17 animal protein, 6 polytrinic acid Pie.gif | Banana Cream Pie | Bake 1 flat dough, 1 banana, 5 units sugar. | 4 nutriment, 6 banana juice, 1 animal protein Cherrypie.png | Cherry Pie | Bake 1 cherry, 1 flat dough, 10 units sugar. | 4 nutriment, 1 sugar, 1 cherry jelly, 1 animal protein Applepie.png | Apple Pie | Bake 1 flat dough, 1 apple, 5u sugar. | 4 nutriment, 1 animal protein Pumpkinpie.png | Pumpkin Pie | Bake 1 flat dough, 10 units sugar, 2 units pumpkin spice, 5 units pumpkin pulp. | 15 nutriment Sliceable: Makes 5 slices. Pumpkin spice is 8 space spice + 2 pumpkin pulp.

Gappletart.png | Golden Apple Streusel Tart | Bake 10 units flour, 1 egg, 1 golden apple, 5 units milk, 5 units sugar. | 8 nutriment, 8 gold, 3 egg yolk Eggplantparmigiana.png | Eggplant Parmigiana | Bake 2 cheese wedges, 1 eggplant. | 6 nutriment, 8 animal protein Soylent yellow.png | Soy Wafers | Bake 1 soybean and 10 units of flour. | 10 nutriment, 1 soy milk Berryclafoutis.png | Berry Clafoutis | Bake 1 flat dough, 1 berry. | 4 nutriment, 7 berry juice, 1 animal protein Keylimepie.gif | Key Lime Pie | Bake 2 limes, 10 units flour, 3 units egg yolk, 5 units milk, 5 units sugar. | 16 nutriment Sliceable: Makes 5 slices.

Amapie.png | Amanita Pie | Bake 1 flat dough, 5 units amatoxin. | 5 nutriment, 3 amatoxin, 1 psilocybin, 1 animal protein Plumppie.GIF | Plump Pie | Bake 1 flat dough, 1 plump helmet. | 8 nutriment, 1 animal protein, 10% chance of 5 tricordrazine Quiche.gif | Quiche | Bake 9 units egg yolk, 10 units flour, 5 units milk, 1 cheese wedge | 10 nutriment, 10 cheese Sliceable: Makes 5 slices.

Stuffing.png | Stuffing | Bake 1 Bread, 5 units water, 1 unit salt, 1 unit pepper. | 3 nutriment, 1 animal protein, 3 egg yolk Cookie.png | Cookie | Bake 1 ball of dough, 1 chocolate bar, 10 units milk, 10 units sugar. Makes four cookies.

5 nutriment, 2 sugar, 2 coco, 1 animal protein Fortunecookie.png | Fortune Cookie | Bake 1 dough slice, 5 units sugar, 1 piece of paper. For the recipe to work, you must write something on the paper to serve as the fortune!

3 nutriment, .33 animal protein Poppypretzel.png | Poppy Pretzel | Bake 1 ball of dough, 1 poppy. | 10 nutriment, 1 animal protein, 3 bicaridine Muffins.png | Muffin | Bake 1 ball of dough, 5 units milk, 5 units sugar. | 6 nutriment, 1 animal protein Berrymuffin.png | Berry muffin | Bake 5 sugar, 5 milk, 1 dough ball, 1 berry. | 6 nutriment. Koismuffin.png | K'ois muffin | Bake 1 K'ois soup. | 15 k'ois paste, 15 phoron Poisonous to everything but Vaurca.

Cracker.png | Cracker | Bake 1 dough slice, 1 unit salt. | 1 nutriment, .3 animal protein You might also get these by gibbing a parrot! In that case, they have 5.4 nutriment, for some reason.

Cheese Cracker.png | Supreme Cheese Toast | Mix 1 butter/nutri-spread, 1 bread slice, 1 cheese wedge, 1 unit space spice in a bowl or plate. | 8 nutriment. Enchi.png | Enchiladas | Bake 1 tortilla, 1 cutlet, 2 chili peppers. | 9 animal protein, 2 nutriment, 20 capsaicin, 3 corn oil Monkeydel.png | Monkey's Delight | Bake 1 monkey cube, 10 units flour, 1 banana, 1 unit salt, 1 unit pepper. | 20 animal protein, 6 banana, 1 pepper, 1 salt Dionaroast.png | Diona Roast | Bake 1 Diona nymph, 1 apple, 5 units polytrinic acid. | 6 nutriment, 2 radium. Note that this is illegal to make in Biesel space. Regularcake.png | Vanilla Cake | Bake 5 units milk, 15 units flour, 15 units sugar, 9 units egg yolk. | 20 nutriment. Sliceable: Makes 5 slices.

Carrotcake.png | Carrot Cake | Bake 5 units milk, 15 units flour, 15 units sugar, 9 units egg yolk, 3 carrots. | 25 nutriment, 25 Oculine Sliceable: Makes 5 slices.

Cheesecake.png | Cheese Cake | Bake 5 units milk, 15 units flour, 15 units sugar, 9 units egg yolk, 2 cheese wedges. | 10 nutriment, 19 animal protein Sliceable: Makes 5 slices.

Orangecake.png | Orange Cake | Bake 5 units milk, 15 units flour, 15 units sugar, 9 units egg yolk, 2 orange. | 20 nutriment, 1 orange juice Sliceable: Makes 5 slices.

Limecake.png | Lime Cake | Bake 5 units milk, 15 units flour, 15 units sugar, 9 units egg yolk, 2 limes. | 20 nutriment, 1 lime juice Sliceable: Makes 5 slices.

Lemoncake.png | Lemon Cake | Bake 5 units milk, 15 units flour, 15 units sugar, 9 units egg yolk, 2 lemon. | 20 nutriment, 1 lemon juice Sliceable: Makes 5 slices.

Choccake.png | Chocolate Cake | Bake 5 units milk, 15 units flour, 15 units sugar, 9 units egg yolk, 2 chocolate bar. | 20 nutriment, 4 sugar, 4 coco powder Sliceable: Makes 5 slices.

Applecake.png | Apple Cake | Bake 5 units milk, 15 units flour, 15 units sugar, 9 units egg yolk, 2 apples. | 15 nutriment Sliceable: Makes 5 slices.

Brownies.png | Brownies | Bake 10 units brownie mix, 3 units egg yolk. | 8 nutriment, 2 brownie mix Sliceable: Makes 4 pieces.

Cosmicbrownies.png | Cosmic Brownies | Bake 10 units brownie mix, 3 units egg yolk, 1 ambrosia vulgaris. | 8 nutriment, 4 brownie mix, 4 space drugs, 2 bicaridine, 2 kelotane, 2 toxin Sliceable: Makes 4 pieces.

Duff.gif | Spacy Liberty Duff | Bake 5 units water, 5 units vodka, 5 units psilocybin. | 6 nutriment, 6 psilocybin Margheritapizza.png | Margherita | Bake 1 flat dough, 4 cheese wedges, 1 tomato. | 35 nutriment, 8 tomato juice, 7 animal protein Sliceable: Makes 6 slices.

Meatpizza.png | Meatpizza | Bake 1 flat dough, 3 meat, 1 cheese wedge, 1 tomato. Substituting synthetic meat from chemistry will also work.

10 nutriment, 44 animal protein, 10 cheese, 6 tomato juice Sliceable: Makes 6 slices.

Mushroompizza.png | Mushroom Pizza | Bake 1 flat dough, 5 chantrelle mushrooms, 1 cheese wedge, 1 tomato. | 35 nutriment, 10 animal protein, 2 tomato juice Sliceable: Makes 6 slices.

Vegepizza.png | Vegetable Pizza | Bake 1 flat dough, 1 cheese wedge, 1 eggplant, 1 carrot, 1 corn, 1 tomato. | 30 nutriment, 6 tomato juice, 9 Oculine, 5 animal protein Sliceable: Makes 6 slices.

Pineapple pizza.png | Pineapple Pizza | Bake 1 flat dough, 1 cheese wedge, 2 pineapple rings and 1 tomato | 30 nutriment, 4 animal protein, 5 cheese, 6 tomato juice Sliceable: Makes 6 slices.

Meat pocket.png | Meat Pocket | Bake 1 flat dough, 1 meat ball, 1 cheese wedge | 6 nutriment, 6 animal protein Results in 2 pockets

Bacon pizza.png | Bacon Cheese Flatbread | Bake 1 flat dough, 1 cheese wedge, 4 bacon, 2 tomato. | 5 nutriment, 5 protein Truffle.png | Chocolate Truffle | Bake 1 chocolate bar, 2 coco powder, 5 cream | 24 coco powder Results in 4 truffles

Croissant.png | Croissant | Bake 1 dough, 1 salt, 5 water, 5 milk | 4 nutriment Xuqqil.png | Xuq'qil | Bake 1 cheese wedge, 1 crab legs, 1 plump helmet. | 4 nutriment, 3 cheese, 3 seafood protein Tajcadny.png | Plate of Sugar Tree Candy | Bake 5 units fatshouter milk, 3 egg yolk, 1 dough, 2 sugar tree fruits. | 26 nutriment Makes a total of 26 candy cubes.

Tajbread.png | Adhomian Bread | Bake 1 dirtberry, 1 unit space spice, and 1 flatbread. | 5 nutriment Hardbread.png | Adhomian Hardbread | Bake 3 adhomian breads and 1 unit of space spice. | 15 nutriments Conecake.png | Cone Cake | Bake 5 units of fatshouters milk, 15 units of blizzard ear flour, 5 units of water and 15 units of sugar. | 15 nutriments Rikazu fruit.png | Fruit Rikazu | Bake 5 units of sugar, 1 Messa's tear, and 1 adhomian bread. | 8 nutriments Rikazu meat.png | Meat Rikazu | Bake 1 unit of salt, 1 unit of black pepper, 1 adhomian meat, and 1 adhomian bread. | 4 nutriments, 4 proteins Rikazu veg.png | Vegetable Rikazu | Bake 5 units of blizzard ear flour, 1 earthen-root, and 1 adhomian bread | 8 nutriments Rikazu choc.png | Chocolate Rikazu | Bake 5 units of cream, 1 adhomian bread, and 1 chocolate bar. | 8 nutriments Roast dirtberries.png | Roasted Dirtberries | Bake 1 unit of space spice, 5 units of sugar, and 1 dirtberry. | 4 nutrients, 4 syrup caramel Fatshouterfillet full.png | Fatshouter Fillet | Bake 1 unit of space spice, 5 units of blizzard ear flour, 1 unit of salt, 1 unit of black pepper, 5 units of Messa's mead, 2 earthern-root, 1 adhomian bread, 4 adhomian meat, and 1 lard. | 10 nutrients, 10 protein, 5 Messa mead Sliceable: Makes 5 slices.

Roastedpeanutsbowl.png | Bowl of Roasted Peanuts | Bake 10 peanuts. | 10 ground roasted peanuts, 4 peanut oil

Deepfryer Fryer.gif Before you can use the fryer, it must be preheated. Right-click and select Toggle Power to turn it on. Heating up takes a while, so be sure to do it early. Prepare other ingredients while it warms up! The deep fryer has an oil level that you should keep an eye on - cooking efficiency will fall as it drops, and it starts off at a randomized level. For optimal cooking, keep the oil topped up to the maximum. You can sometimes find a spare tank of cooking oil in the maintenance behind the kitchen. Otherwise, you can order one from cargo. To add a single food item to the fryer, use the food directly on it, which will place that item into an empty fryer basket. If you want to cook a recipe that requires multiple ingredients, remove one of the fryer baskets by clicking the fryer with an empty hand, and put all your ingredients into the basket. Once everything for the recipe is inside, put the basket back in the fryer. The fryer can cook any variety and quantity of recipes simultaneously, as long as you have all the ingredients in a single basket. Many fryer recipes require an ingredient to be coated in batter or beer-batter for the recipe to work. See the next section for an explanation of battering foods. Any leftover reagents will be absorbed into the cooked foods. When not making a recipe the fryer can also be used to just “deep fry” any food, which will cook it, give it a nice brown color, and add some extra nutrition to it. Result | Recipe | Reagents & Notes Batteredsausage.png | Battered Sausage | Fry 1 Sausage, battered. | 6 protein, 1.7 batter, 1.5 oil Corndog.png | Corndog | Fry 1 Sausage, 1 batter, | 4 nutriment, 12 animal protein Fishfingers.png | Fish Fingers | Deep fry one battered fish fillet. | 7 animal protein, 6 carpotoxin, 3 egg yolk Pizzacrunch.png | Crunchy Pizza | Fry 1 Pizza Slice, battered. | 25 nutriment, 6.5 batter, 4 oil Cubancarp.png | Cuban Carp | Fry 1 chili, 1 ball of dough, 1 carp meat. | 3 seafood, 3 nutriment, 3 carpotoxin, 3 capsaicin Wingchu.png | Wing Fang Chu | Deep fry 1 xeno meat and 5u soy sauce. | 12 animal protein, 6 polytrinic acid Sweet and Sour.png | Sweet and Sour Pork | Fry 1 Bacon, 1 cutlet, 5 soysauce, 10 batter. | 3 protein, 6 nutriment Donuts.png | Donut | Fry 1 ball of dough, 10 units sugar. | 3 nutriment, 1 sprinkles (3 if frosted), 1 animal protein Donuts.png | Donut (Chaos) | Fry 1 ball of dough, 10 units sugar, 10 units Hot Sauce, 10 units Cold Sauce. | Always: 2 nutriment, 1 sprinkles (3 if frosted), 1 animal protein Chance of containing an additional 3 units of one of the following: nutriment, capsaicin, frost oil, sprinkles, phoron, coco,slime jelly, banana, berry juice, or tricordrazine

Jdonut1.gifJdonut2.png | Donut (Jelly) | Fry 1 ball of dough, 10 units sugar, 10 units of berry juice/cherry jelly/slime Jelly. | 3 nutriment, 1 sprinkles (3 if frosted), 5 berry juice or cherry jelly or slime jelly, 1 animal protein Koisdonut.png | K'ois donut | Fry 1 Fried K'ois. | 15 k'ois paste, 10 phoron Poisonous to everything but Vaurca.

Friedmushroom.gif | Fried Mushroom | Fry 1 plump helmet mushroom, beer-battered. | 4 nutriment, 2 protein Funnelcake.gif | Funnel Cake | Fry 10 batter, 5 sugar. | 10 batter, 5 sugar Jalapenopop.png | Jalapeno Popper | Fry 1 chili, battered. | 1.5 nutriment, 0.3 batter, 0.15 oil Katsu.png | Katsu | Fry 1 chicken meat, beer-battered. | 6 protein, 2 beer batter, 1 oil Pisanggoreng.png | Pisang Goreng | Fry 2 bananas, battered. | 8 nutriment Risottoballs.png | Risotto Balls | Fry 1 salt, 1 black pepper, 1 Risotto, battered. | 2 nutriment, 4 rice, 1 black pepper Fries.png | Space Fries | Fry 1 raw potato sticks. | 4 nutriment Fries.png | Chicken Nugget | Fry 1 chicken meat and 5u flour. | 4 nutriment Avah.png | Avah | Fry 5 units of fatshouter milk, 5 units of sugar, 1 dough, and 1 slice of cheese. | 7 nutriment, 5 cheese Roefritters.png | Roe fritters | Fry 1 roe sack, 10u batter | 3 Nutriment, 5 batter, 6 Seafood Protein

Batter You can coat food in batter before putting it in the deepfryer!

Nearly everything you can fry can be coated in batter. Put all of the ingredients of the batter in a container to create the batter, then use a food item on the container to cover it in batter. The ingredients for the batter can be mixed in any kind of container. Result | Recipe | Reagents & Notes Condiment.png | Batter | Mix 1 egg, 10 units flour, 5 units water, 2 units salt. | TBA Condiment.png | Beerbatter | Mix 1 egg, 10 units flour, 5 units beer, 2 units salt. | TBA

Intermediate Ingredients These items are usually steps on the way to more complicated recipes. Try to prepare them while waiting on the oven and the fryer.

Result | Recipe | Notes Bun.png | Bun | Bake 1 ball of dough in the oven. | 4 nutriment, 1 animal protein Tortilla.png | Tortilla | Fry 5 flour and 5 water in a skillet. | 6 nutriment. Flat Dough.png | Flat Dough | Roll 1 ball of dough with a rolling pin. | 3 nutriment, 1 animal protein Sliceable: Makes 3 dough slices.

Dough Slice.png | Dough Slice | Cut 1 flat dough with a kitchen knife. | 2 nutriment, .33 animal protein Spaghetti.png | Spaghetti | Cut 1 dough slice with a kitchen knife. | 3 nutriment, .33 animal protein Egg.png | Egg | Found in kitchen storage, can be ordered at Cargo, gathered from a chicken that has been fed wheat, or harvested from a mutated eggplant plant. | 3 egg yolk Egg.png | Egg Yolk | Use an egg on any container to break 3 units of egg yolk into it. Eggs can also be ground up in the grinder. Be careful to check whether the a recipe needs egg yolk or whole eggs! | Meat.png | Meat | From butchering most animals and people. The gibber will not accept people unless emagged. Synthetic meat can be created from the Biogenerator in hydroponics, or made by mixing blood and clonexadone. | Varying amounts of animal protein and nutriment. Raw Cutlet.png | Raw Cutlet | Cut 1 meat (any type) with a kitchen knife. | 1 animal protein Cutlet.png | Cutlet | Fry 1 raw cutlet in a skillet. | 3 animal protein Raw Bacon.png | Raw Bacon | Cut 1 raw cutlet with a kitchen knife. | .3 animal protein Carpfillet.png | Carp Meat | Butcher a dead space carp (using the gibber yields three fillets, cutting with a knife yields one). | 3-10 animal protein, 3 carpotoxin, ~9 nutriment Xenomeat.png | Xeno Meat | Butcher a dead giant spider or a xenomorph. | 6 animal protein, 6 polytrinic acid, ~9 nutriment Bearmeat.png | Bear Meat | Butcher a dead space bear. | ~12 animal protein, 5 hyperzine, ~9 nutriment Mushroomslice.png | Huge Mushroom Slice | Butcher a dead walking mushroom. | ~7 nutriment, 3 psilocybin Tomatoslice.png | Tomato Slice | Butcher a dead killer tomato. | ~12 nutriment. Raw Sticks.png | Raw Potato Sticks | Cut 1 potato with a kitchen knife. | 3 nutriment Carrotfries.png | Carrot Fries | Cut 1 carrot with a kitchen knife. | 3 nutriment, 3 Oculine Soydope.png | Soy Dope | Cut 1 soybean with a kitchen knife. | 2 nutriment Fishroe.png | Roe Sack | Butcher a dead space carp. | 3 seafood protein Cosmomeat.png | Slimy Fillet | Butcher a dead cosmozoan. | 3 seafood protein Carpfillet.png | Worm Fillet | Butcher a dead cavern dweller. | 6 seafood protein, 6 polytrinic acid, 15 hyperzine Batwingsraw.png | Bat Wings | Butcher a swarm of space bats (yeilds six wings, two per bat.) | 1 animal protein

Reagents/Condiments/Recipes from Blending or Mixing To mix reagents, put them in the same container. You will hear a bubbling sound if mixing is successful.

To see exactly what you've mixed, use a beaker and then add it to a nearby All-In-One Grinder or ChemMaster machine. Grinding a completed food item in the grinder reduces it to the reagents inside.

Reagent | How to Obtain Condiment.png | Animal Protein | Process meat or protein-containing foods. Condiment.png | Barbecue Sauce | Mix 2 units of ketchup, 1 unit of garlic sauce and 1 unit of sugar. Jellyjar.png | Jar of Cherry Jelly | Process cherries from the garden. Rarely, cargo may have containers that you can fill a dispenser with in their warehouse. Coldsauce.png | Cold Sauce/Frost Oil | Process ice peppers from the garden, or even Xenobotany. Lowers body temperature, causes shivering, and removes capsaicin from your body quickly. Cornoil.png | Corn oil | Process corn from the garden. Can be spread on the floor as a lubricant to slip people! Marge.png | Nutri-spread | Created in the biogenerator for 80 biomass. Butter.png | Butter | Created by mixing 20 cream and 1 salt. Condiment.png | Brownie Mix | Mix 5 units flour, 5 units cocoa, and 5 units sugar. Condiment.png | Egg Yolk | Process an egg, or crack an egg into a container. Flour.png | Flour | Process wheat from the garden, or pour directly from a flour sack. Condiment.png | Garlic Sauce | Mix 1 unit of garlic juice from garlics, 1 unit of corn oil from processedcorn. Hotsauce.png | Hot Sauce/Capsaicin | Process chili peppers from the garden. Capsaicin raises body temperature, causes discomfort, and removes frost oil from your body when eaten. Causes 0.5 toxin damage per unit if injected. Ketchup.png | Ketchup | Mix 2 parts tomato juice, 1 part water, and 1 part sugar. Condiment.png | Nutriment | Process almost any food. Pepper.png | Pepper | Extra pepper mills are in the bar, or can be ordered in a Kitchen Supple Crate from cargo. Condiment.png | Rice | Process Rice. Ground rice is what is used in most recipes, rather than the whole plant. Salt.png | Salt | Found in salt shakers, or by mixing sodium and chlorine from the chem dispenser. If the chemist won't oblige, there are extra salt shakers in the bar, and they can also be ordered in a Kitchen Supply Crate from cargo. Spacespice.gif | Space Spice | A large bottle is available in the kitchen storage locker. Additional spice can be ordered in a Kitchen Supple Crate from cargo. Soysauce.png | Soy Sauce | Mix 4 units of soy milk, 1 unit of salt and 5 unit of universal enzyme as catalyst. Condiment.png | Sprinkles | Process frosted donuts, found around the station or prepared yourself. Emptycondiment.png | Sugar | Process white beet or sugarcane. Peanutoil.png | Peanut Oil | Process roasted peanuts. Mayo.png | Mayonnaise | Mix 3 egg yolk, 2 units of lemon juice and 10 units of corn oil in a beaker. Peanutbutter.png | Peanut Butter | Mix 5 units of ground peanuts, 1 unit of sugar and 1 unit of sodium chloride.

Food | How to Obtain | Contains Cheesewheel.gif | Cheese Wheel | Mix 40 units milk, 5 universal enzyme (catalyst). Sliceable: Makes 8 slices.

20 animal protein Chocolatebar.gif | Chocolate Bar | Mix 2 units coco, 2 units milk (or soymilk), 2 units sugar. | 2 nutriment, 2 sugar, 2 coco Tofu.gif | Tofu | Mix 10 units soymilk, 5 units universal enzyme (catalyst). | 3 nutriment Dough.png | Dough | Mix 3 units egg yolk, 10 units flour. Can be made quickly by adding an egg directly to a flour sack, which counts as a reagent container.

3 nutriment, 1 animal protein Meatball.png | Meatball | Mix 3 units animal protein, 5 units flour. Fry in a skillet or pan. | 3 Animal Protein Sauerkraut.png | Sauerkraut | Mix 1 cabbage with 5 enzyme in a mixing bowl. | 4 nutriment

Junk Food When there's no chef, the chef is serving toxic glop, or the chef is trying to murder you and your friends, most people resort to one of two things: grazing on produce, or the vending machines.

Junk food requires no chef or machinery, but it's generally not as filling or as interesting.

Item | Source | Reagents & Notes Candy.png | Candy | Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine. | 1 nutriment, 3 sugar Chips.png | Chips | Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine. | 3 nutriment Ramen.png | Cup Ramen | Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine. | 30 dry ramen Ramen.png | Hot Ramen | Mix 3 parts Dry Ramen, 1 part water. | Makes 3 parts Hot Ramen. Ramen.png | Hell Ramen | Mix 1 part capsaicin, 6 parts Hot Ramen. Raises body temperature.

Makes 6 parts Hell Ramen Jerky.png | Scaredy's Private Reserve Beef Jerky | Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine. | 4 animal protein Raisins.png | 4no Raisins | Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp vending machine. | 6 nutriment Twinkie.png | Space Twinkie | Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine. | 4 sugar CheesieHonkers.png | Cheesie Honkers | Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine. | 4 nutriment Breadtube.png | Bread Tube | Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine. | 12 nutriment Syndiecake.png | Syndi-Cake | Hack a Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine to unlock these for purchase. | 4 nutriment SkrellSnax.png | SkrellSnax | Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine. | 10 nutriment Monkeycube.png | Monkey Cube | Stocked in Science and Virology. | 10 animal protein Eating this will kill you as a monkey grows inside you. Also comes in Stok, Farwa, and Naera varieties, available through Cargo.

Liquidfood.png | LiquidFood Ration | Can be found on the shuttle as emergency rations, or in the Mining reward vending machine. | 10 nutriment, 3 iron Koisbar.png | K'ois Bar | Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine. | 10 K'ois Paste, 15 Phoron Poisonous to everything except Vaurca.

Phoron candy.png | Phoron Rock Candy | Obtained from the lunchbox loadout item. | 25u Phoron Poisonous to everything except Vaurca.

Koisbar.png | Diona Bites | Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine. | 6 nutriment Breakfast wrap.png | Breakfast Wrap | | 6 nutriment

Advanced Cooking Some reagents in finished recipes are poisonous or have undesirable effects. If you're a traitor that may be the point, but if you're just feeling fancy you may want to try and serve these items safely. A little creative chemistry or careful preparation can help get rid of the dangerous reagents in your food.

Any piece of food can contain up to 50 units of reagents, including those that are created with it.

When using medicines, be careful not to add too much to avoid triggering an overdose. Reagents that react inside the food to neutralize a poison may be dangerous themselves until they react. Using too much will leave poisonous leftovers. Reagents can be removed from food with a syringe, and separated using the CondiMaster in the kitchen. Get that Carpotoxin outta there!

Reagent | How to Neutralize

Blood | Blood is not necessarily poisonous. It is always the same type as the person it was taken from, and if the type is incompatible with the recipient, it will cause a rejection reaction. O-negative blood is always safe. Add one unit of dylovene for every four units of blood. Alcoholic drinks created with blood of any type are safe. Be sure there is no blood left over after the reaction. Blood can also be neutralized with clonexadone (1 unit clonexadone to 5 units blood).

Carpotoxin | Anything made with carp meat will have carpotoxin in it. Since it metabolizes very slowly, using dylovene in the food is ineffective. Carpotoxin reacts with copper and cryptobiolin to form rezadone, a wonderful healing medicine with minor side effects. This is the best way to make carpotoxin safe.

Amatoxin | Found in fly amanita mushrooms. Add 1 unit dylovene per 2 units amatoxin.

Toxin | Add 1 unit dylovene per 2 units toxin.

Slime Jelly | This jelly poison your customers no matter how much dylovene you add. Adding dylovene (No more than 30 units or so) will keep them from dying of the poisoning before they can get to Medical, but if you're not a traitor, do you want to serve them such a painful dish? (No, don't answer that. We know customers can be annoying, but that's still no excuse to poison them.)

Radium | Found in roast diona. This will cause radiation poisoning. Add 1 unit of dylovene per unit of radium, which will react to form hyronalin.

Sulphuric Acid | Dylovene won't cut it for sulphuric acid, which will burn as well as poison anyone unlucky enough to ingest it. Instead, neutralize each 1 unit of Sulphuric acid with either 3 units of corn oil (creates glycerol), 4 units of soymilk (creates soy sauce), or 5 units of wine (creates Acid Spit, an alcoholic cocktail).

Polytrinic Acid | You're serious about serving that xeno meat, huh? Well, don't serve it plain; polytrinic acid will poison, burn, and generally kill your customers in a gruesome manner. Like with sulphuric acid dylovene isn't enough, but unlike sulphuric acid, it's not easy to neutralize. Polytrinic acid will react with foaming agent and either iron or aluminum to create metal foam, and 10 units of polytrinic acid with 20 units of plasticide will create plastic. When working out how to do this, remember that plasticide is poisonous, and metal foam can be chipped through with a kitchen knife.

Alcohol (Ethanol) | An equal amount of ethylredoxrazine reacts with ethanol (including alcoholic drinks) to make water.

Synaptizine | Synaptizine is poisonous, but the bigger problem is that it hangs around in the system for a long time. For every unit of synaptizine, you need 30 units of dylovene, which makes treating it this way impractical.

Phoron | Really, now? You could neutralize phoron by adding 2 rum and 1 vermouth per unit, but eating phoron is still a bit of a waste….

Nutrition As you walk and move about on station, your starting nutrition bar will start to drain from starting green, down to dark red. The effects of hunger are fairly harsh, so keep in mind how long it was since you last ate, and you will be fine. Note that nutrition is typically slow-release, so if you don't fill up immediately, you will in the near future.

Hud-hunger.gifStarvation If you drop to dark red, you move very slowly and your description reveals your lack of eating habits. You are starving, this is not good! You won't die, but you will move slowly until you eat some food, so head to a the chef for something for substantial than the junk from the nearest vending machine. Note that you can also start the round with a lunchbox with your personal choice of food by selecting it in the loadout.

Species-specific Needs Certain species have different needs when it comes to nutrition that cooks should be aware of.

Skrell Cannot digest animal proteins (Meat, eggs, milk, cheese and anything containing these ingredients) and will become sick if ingested. Tajaran Cannot process caffeine, and will become sick if they drink coffee, energy drinks, or food containing these as ingredients. Teshari Have extremely fast metabolisms and will be satisfied by far less food, but become hungry much faster. Animal proteins have increased nutritional value. Unathi Preference for meat. Dislike sugars and react poorly to the cold. Milkshakes do not make a pleased Unathi. Promethean Water, and therefore juices and other water-based drinks, are toxic to them. They can eat things that are toxic to other species, however. Food Microwave.png Grill.png Oven.png Fryer.png Recipes Note: When 'units of' are specified, reagents should poured directly into the microwave or trays. 3 units of egg = 1 egg cracked into a beaker. Additionally, you only need at LEAST the suggested amount of those ingredients instead of exactly the right amount.

Burgers Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Notes Burger.png | Burger Grill.png

1 raw meat, 1 bun. | The classic. Has some hidden variants based on meat used. Note: Many burgers can be made simply by combining the ingredients in-hand. Cheeseburgerfood.png | Cheeseburger | Use cheese wedge on a burger. | The cheese adds a good flavor Tofuburger.png | Tofu Burger Grill.png

1 tofu, 1 bun | What.. is that meat? Baconburger.png | Bacon Burger Grill.png

1 meat, 1 bun, 2 cooked bacon | The cornerstone of every nutritious breakfast, now with bacon! Fishburger.png | Fillet o' Carp Burger Grill.png

1 fish meat, 1 bun | Slightly toxic. Chickenburger.png | Chicken Fillet Sandwich Grill.png

1 bun, 1 chicken katsu | Fried chicken, in sandwich format. Beauty is simplicity. Bigbiteburger.png | Big Bite Burger Grill.png

1 burger, 3 meat, 3 units egg | Forget the Big Mac. Superbigbiteburger.png | Super Big Bite Burger Grill.png

1 Big Bite Burger, 1 dough, 1 raw meat, 1 cheese wedge, 1 tomato, 1 boiled egg, 5 units salt, 5 units pepper | If this doesn't clog their arteries, nothing will. Two bites will take you from starving to overfed. Bearburger.png | Bear Burger Grill.png

1 bear meat, 1 bun | The solution to your unbearable hunger Spell.png | Spell Burger Grill.png

1 bun, 1 wizard hat | You will eat this until you have had Ei Nath. Contains a random amount of protein. Ghostbur.PNG | Ghost Burger Grill.png

1 bun, 1 ectoplasm | Terror-ifficly tasty. Roburger.png | Roburger Grill.png

1 bun, 1 robot Head | May contain nanites Brainburger.png | Brain Burger Grill.png

1 bun, 1 brain | Contains Alkysine Mouseburger.png | Mouse Burger Grill.png

1 bun, 1 mouse | Squeaky and a little furry. Xenoburger.png | Xenoburger Grill.png

1 bun, 1 raw xeno-meat | Toxic! Jellyburger.png | Jelly Burger Grill.png

1 bun, 5 units cherry jelly OR slime jelly | Slime jelly is toxic. Clownburger.png | Clown Burger Grill.png

1 bun, 1 clown mask | This tastes funny… Mimeburger.png | Mime Burger Grill.png

1 bun, 1 beret | Its taste defies language. Breads, Wraps & Sandwiches Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Notes Bread.png | Bread Oven.png

4 dough, 1 unit salt, 5 units yeast | Sliceable. Meatbread.png | Meat Bread Oven.png

3 dough, 3 raw meat, 3 cheese wedges | Sliceable. Tofubread.png | Tofu Bread Oven.png

3 dough, 3 tofu, 3 cheese wedges | Sliceable. Bananabread.gif | Banana Bread Oven.png

3 dough, 5 units milk, 15 units sugar, 1 banana | A heavenly and filling treat. Sliceable. Creambread.png | Cream Cheese Bread Oven.png

2 dough, 2 cheese wedges | Sliceable. Xbread.png | Xeno-bread Oven.png

3 dough, 3 raw xeno-meat, 3 cheese wedges | Sliceable. Sandwich.png | Sandwich Microwave.png

1 Meat Steak, 2 bread slices, 1 cheese wedge | Toastsand.png | Toasted Sandwich Grill.png

Grill a sandwich. | Toastsand.png | Grilled Cheese Sandwich Grill.png

2 bread slices, 1 cheese wedge | Space Vegetarian, but not Space Vegan friendly. Toastsand.png | Supreme Cheese Toast Grill.png

1 butter, 1 bread slice, 1 cheese wedge, 1 unit space spice | A piece of toast lathered with butter, cheese, spices, and herbs. Rorosandwich.png | Jelly Sandwich Microwave.png

2 bread slices, 5 units cherry jelly | You wish you had some peanut butter to go with this… Rorosandwich.png | Slime Jelly Sandwich Microwave.png

2 bread slices, 5 units slime jelly | Toxic! PBJSand.png | Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich Microwave.png

2 bread slices, 5 units peanut butter, 5 units cherry jelly | You wish you had some peanut butter to go with this… Oh wait! HoneyToast.png | Honey Toast Grill.png

5 units honey, 1 slice bread | For those who like their breakfast sweet. Jellytoast.png | Jelly Toast Grill.png

5 units cherry jelly, 1 bread slice | Jellytoast.png | Slime Jelly Toast Grill.png

5 units slime jelly, 1 bread slice | As if science are gonna give up their slimes for toast! Toxic! Twobread.png | Two Bread Microwave.png

5 units wine, 2 bread slices | Baguette.png | Baguette Oven.png

2 dough, 1 unit salt, 1 unit black pepper, 5 units yeast | Bon appetit! Croissant.png | Croissant Oven.png

1 unit salt, 5 units water, 5 units milk, 5 units yeast, 1 dough | Bunbun.png | Bun Bun Grill.png

2 buns | Bun.png | Bun Oven.png

1 dough | Cracker.png | Cracker Oven.png

1 dough slice, 1 unit salt | Flatbread.png | Flatbread Oven.png

1 flat dough | Biscuit.png | Plump Helmet Biscuit Microwave.png

1 plump helmet, 5 units water, 5 units flour | Pretzel.png | Poppy Seed Pretzel Oven.png

1 dough, 1 poppy | Tortilla.png | Tortilla Microwave.pngOven.png

1 flat dough, 5 units flour. For microwave, also add 5 units water | Breakfastburrito.png | Breakfast Burrito Microwave.png

1 tortilla, 1 cooked bacon, 1 cheese wedge, 1 egg | Bacon, egg and cheese. MeatBurrito.png | Carne Asada Burrito Microwave.png

1 soybeans, 1 tortilla, 2 cooked cutlet | Meat and beans. SpicyBurrito.png | Chili Burrito Microwave.png

1 tortilla, 2 meatball, 1 unit space spice | Meat and meat. SpicyBurrito.png | Fuego Phoron Burrito Microwave.png

1 soybeans, 1 tortilla, 2 chili | Spicy Beans. ElDiabloBurrito.png | El Diablo Burrito Microwave.png

1 soybeans, 1 tortilla, 10 chili, 2 meatball, 1 unit space spice | So much spice. MeatBurrito.png | Meat Cheese Burrito Microwave.png

1 tortilla, 2 meatball, 1 cheese wedge | Meat and cheese. CheeseBurrito.png | Cheese Burrito Microwave.png

1 soybeans, 1 tortilla, 2 cheese wedge | Cheese and beans. HotCheeseBurrito.png | Spicy Cheese Burrito Microwave.png

1 soybeans, 1 tortilla, 2 cheese wedge, 2 chili | Cheese, chilis and beans. VeganBurrito.png | Vegan Burrito Microwave.png

1 tortilla, 1 tofu | Tofu! MysteryBurrito.png | Mystery Burrito Microwave.png

1 tortilla, 1 mystery soup | ???? BLT.png | BLT Microwave.png

1 tomato, 1 lettuce, 2 slices bread, 2 cooked bacon | Baconflatbread.png | Bacon Flatbread Oven.png

1 flat dough, 1 cheese wedge, 4 cooked bacon, 2 tomato | Not a pizza. Breakfastmuffin.png | Breakfast Muffin Microwave.png

1 Plump Helmet Biscuit, 1 Sausage, 1 Fried egg, 1 cheese wedge | PlainBagel.png | Plain Bagel Microwave.png

5 units water, 1 bun | This bread's got chutzpah! CheeseBagel.png | Cheese Bagel Microwave.png

5 units water, 1 bun, 1 cheese wedge | This bread's got cheese n' chutzpah! CinnamonBagel.png | Cinnamon Raisin Bagel Microwave.png

5 units water, 1 bun, 1 packet 4noraisins | This bread's got… raisins! PoppyBagel.png | Poppy Seed Bagel Microwave.png

5 units water, 1 bun, 1 poppy | This bread's got chutzpah, and poppy seeds! SunFlowerBagel.png | Sunflower Seed Bagel Microwave.png

5 units water, 1 bun, 1 raw sunflower seeds | This bread's got chutzpah, and sunflower seeds! PlainBagel.png | Two Bagel Microwave.png

5 units water, 1 bun, 1 soulstone | Noo! …Two bagels! EverythingBagel.gif | Everything Bagel Microwave.png

5 units water, 1 bun, 1 supermatter fuel assembly | Mmm… Immeasurably unfathomable! Pizzas Picture | Recipe | Appliance | Ingredients | Notes Hawaiianpizza.png | Hawaiian Pizza Oven.png

1 flat dough, 1 cheese wedge, 2 pineapple rings, 1 tomato | The accursed wheel from ancient times. Sliceable Margheritapizza.png | Margherita Pizza Oven.png

1 flat dough, 4 cheese wedges, 1 tomato | Sliceable. Mushroompizza.png | Mushroom Pizza Oven.png

1 flat dough, 5 chanterelle, 1 cheese wedge, 1 tomato | Sliceable. Meatpizza.png | Meat Pizza Oven.png

1 flat dough, 3 raw meat, 1 cheese wedge, 1 tomato | Extremely nutritious, despite the grease. Sliceable. Vegepizza.png | Vegetable Pizza Oven.png

1 flat dough, 1 cheese wedge, 1 eggplant, 1 carrot, 1 corn, 1 tomato | Sliceable. Pizzacrunch.png | Pizza Crunch Fryer.png

Any 1 pizza with batter coating | A Scottish delicacy. Sliceable. Pasta, Rice and Noodles Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Notes Spagettiboiled.png | Boiled Spaghetti Microwave.png

5 units of Water, 1 spaghetti | Mama Mia! Pastatomato.png | Spaghetti Microwave.png

5 units of water, 1 spaghetti, 2 tomatoes | Don't put it in your pockets. That's just unsanitary. Meatballspag.png | Spaghetti & Meatballs Microwave.png

5 units water, 1 spaghetti, 2 meatballs | That's-a a spicy meat-aball! Spesslaw.png | Spesslaw Microwave.png

5 units of Water, 1 spaghetti, 4 meatballs | Lawyer's choice! Eggplantparmigiana.png | Eggplant Parmigiana Microwave.png

2 cheese wedge, 1 eggplant | Clogs your arteries, healthily! LasagneRecipe.png | Lasagna Oven.png

2 flat dough, 2 cooked cutlet, 2 tomatoe, 1 eggplant | Cats love it! BoiledRice.png | Boiled Rice Microwave.png

5 units water, 10 units rice | So plain! Add something, please! Risotto.png | Risotto Microwave.png

5 units wine, 1 unit space spice, 10 units rice, 1 chanterelle | A creamy, savory rice dish from southern Europe RisottoBalls.png | Risotto Balls Fryer.png

Risotto with batter coating, 1 unit salt, 1 unit pepper | Deep fried risotto. CurryRice.png | Curry Rice Microwave.png

1 chili, 10 units rice | Spicy! FriedRice.png | Fried Rice Microwave.png

5 units water, 10 units rice, 5 units soy sauce, 1 carrot, 1 cabbage | Rice with delicious veggies. EggBowl.png | Egg Bowl Microwave.png

5 units water, 10 units rice, 3 units egg | Egg fried rice. PorkBowl.png | Pork Bowl Microwave.png

5 units water, 10 units rice, 1 cooked cutlet | Fried rice with cuts of meat. Bibimbap.png | Bibimbap Bowl Microwave.png

1 carrot, 1 cabbage, 1 chanterelle, 1 egg, 1 cooked cutlet, 5 units rice, 2 units space spice | Korean style rice bowl. Lomein.png | Lo Mein Microwave.png

5 units water, 5 units soy sauce, 1 carrot, 1 cabbage, 1 spaghetti | Chinese style noodle dish. Chopsticks optional. Kitsuneudon.png | Kitsune Udon Microwave.png

3 units egg, 1 spaghetti, 1 tofu | Noodles of mythological proportions. GreenCurry.png | Green Curry Microwave.png

5 units cream, 2 units space spice, 5 units rice, 2 tofu, 1 chili | Mild Japanese-style curry with tofu. RedCurry.png | Red Curry Microwave.png

5 units cream, 2 units space spice, 5 units rice, 2 cooked cutlet | Mild Japanese-style curry with meat. YellowCurry.png | Yellow Curry Microwave.png

5 units cream, 2 units space spice, 5 units rice, 2 peanut, 1 potato | Mild Japanese-style curry with nuts and potato. Dumplings Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Notes Meatbun.png | Meat and Leaf Bun Oven.png

1 cabbage, 1 meatball, 1 flat dough, 5 units water | Baozi with a meat and cabbage filling. Meatbun.png | Char Sui Meat Bun Oven.png

1 dough slice, 1 raw cutlet, 2 units space spice, 5 units water | Baozi with a spiced meat filling. Meatbun.png | Custard Bun Oven.png

1 dough slice, 3 units egg, 1 unit space spice, 5 units water | Baozi with a sweet custard filling. Smomo.png | Chicken Momo Oven.png

2 units space spice, 5 units water, 3 dough slices, 1 raw chicken meat | Steamed chicken dumplings from South Asia. Smomo.png | Veggie Momo Oven.png

2 units space spice, 5 units water, 3 dough slices, 1 carrot, 1 cabbage | Steamed vegetable dumplings from South Asia. Soups & Stews Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Notes Meatsoup.png | Meatball Soup Microwave.png

10 units water, 1 carrot, 1 potato, 1 meatball | Out of spaghetti? Don't like stew? Here's the thing for you. Nettlesoup.png | Nettle Soup Microwave.png

10 units water, 3 units egg, 1 nettle, 1 potato | Contains trace amounts of sulpheric acid. Vegesoup.png | Vegetable Soup Microwave.png

10 units water, 1 carrot, 1 potato, 1 corn, 1 eggplant | Force feed the Botanists this. Tomatosoup.png | Tomato Soup Microwave.png

10 units of water, 2 tomatoes | What, no crackers? Bloodsoup.png | Blood Soup Microwave.png

30 units of Blood | They may think you're the homicidal maniac you are if you produce a large amount of these. Metriodsoup.png | Slime Soup Microwave.png

10 units of water, 5 units of slime jelly. | Mmm, mmm, oh God my guts. Mysterysoup.png | Mystery Soup Microwave.png

10 units water, 3 units egg, 1 burnt mess, 1 tofu, 1 cheese wedge | This dish contains all the essential nutriment for a growing crew, and almost anything else you can feed them. Mushroomsoup.png | Chanterelle Soup Microwave.png

5 units of Water, 5 units of Milk, 1 Chanterelle. | The debate on whether you can use Aminitas for the soup goes on. OnionSoup.png | Onion Soup Microwave.png

1 Onion, 10 units of Water | Don't cry! Chickennoodlesoup.png | Chicken Noodle Soup Microwave.png

10 units water, 1 carrot, 1 spaghetti, 1 raw cutlet | Get well soon! Beetsoup.png | Borscht Microwave.png

1 white beet, 1 cabbage, 10 units water | Feed your inner Russian with borscht. Goulashfood.png | Goulash Microwave.png

1 tomato, 1 spaghetti, 1 cooked cutlet | Hope you're Hungary! Hotsour.png | Hot and Sour Soup Microwave.png

10 units of water, 1 tofu, 1 cabbage, 1 chanterelle, 2 units salt, 2 units pepper | Szechuan Style. Milo.png | Miso Soup Microwave.png

10 units of water, 2 tofu, 2 soy dope | Made when the hippies decide to only grow soy crops. Stew.png | Stew Microwave.png

1 potato, 1 carrot, 1 tomato, 1 eggplant, 1 chanterelle, 10 units water, 1 raw meat | The perfect thing for when the bar starts to get cold. Bearstew.png | Bear Stew Microwave.png

1 potato, 1 tomato, 1 carrot, 1 eggplant, 1 chanterelle, 10 units water, 1 raw bear meat | A thick, dark stew. Stewedsoymeat.png | Stewed Soy Meat Microwave.png

2 soy dope, 1 carrot, 1 tomato | Like a steak dinner, only with less murder. Coldstew.png | Cold Chili Microwave.png

1 raw meat, 1 ice pepper, 1 tomato | Ice, ice, baby! Hotstew.png | Hot Chili Microwave.png

1 raw meat, 1 chili, 1 tomato | Some like it hot, hot, HOT! Bearchilli.png | Bear Chili Microwave.png

1 chili, 1 tomato, 1 raw bear meat | Can you bear the heat? Wishsoup.png | Wish Soup Microwave.png

20 units water | Make you wish the chef could cook. Meat and Meat Alternatives Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Notes Meatstake.png | Meat Steak Grill.png

1 raw meat, 1 unit salt, 1 unit pepper | Grilled to perfection. Kebab.png | Kebab Grill.png

2 raw meat, 1 metal rod | You get a metal rod back after eating. May break microwave. Kebab.png | Tofu Kebab Grill.png

2 tofu, 1 metal rod | You get a metal rod back after eating. May break microwave. DonKebab.png | Doner Kebab Microwave.png

1 tomato, 1 lettuce, 1 unit salt, 1 Meat Steak, 1 flat dough | When you've had enough beer. MeatPocket.png | Meat Pocket Oven.png

1 flat dough, 1 meatball, 1 cheese wedge | The gourmet version of… Donkpocket.png | Warm Donk Pocket Microwave.png

1 dough, 1 meatball | …Whatever this is. Sausage.png | Sausage Microwave.png

1 meatball, 1 cooked cutlet | Who even knows what or who it's made from anymore. BatteredSausage.png | Battered Sausage Fryer.png

1 Sausage with batter coating | A piece of mixed, long meat, battered and then deepfried. Hotdog.png | Hot Dog Grill.png

1 Sausage, 1 bun | Can also be combined. BangersMash.png | Bangers and Mash Microwave.png

1 Sausage, 1 Mashed Potatoes | Bri'ish innit. PigInBlanket.png | Pig in Blanket. Microwave.png

1 Sausage, 1 sliced dough | Blimey mate. Bacon.png | Bacon Grill.png

1 raw bacon, 1 spread | Standard bacon. Bacon.png | Oven-cooked Bacon Oven.png

6 raw bacon, 1 spread | Baked bacon batch. Bacon.png | Microwaved Bacon Microwave.png

1 raw bacon | Nasty. Baconeggs.png | Bacon and Eggs Microwave.png

1 cooked bacon, 1 Fried Egg | Classic breakfast. Championbreakfast.png | Breakfast of Champions Microwave.png

1 Sausage, 1 Meat Steak, 6 units egg | Bigger, meaner breakfast. MeatPancake.png | Meat Pancake Microwave.png

3 meatballs, 6 units egg | An absurdly large breakfast for four. BlackPudding.png | Black Pudding Microwave.png

1 Sausage, 5 units blood | Don't ask. StuffedMeatball.png | Stuffed Meatball Microwave.png

1 meatball, 1 cheese wedge, 1 cabbage | Tasty! RoastBeefFood.png | Roast Beef Microwave.png

1 raw meat, 2 potato, 2 carrot | Meat and two veg. DionaRoast.png | Diona Roast Oven.png

1 apple, 1 diona nymph, 5 units polytrinic acid | It's like an enormous, leathery carrot. With an eye. Monkeydel.png | Monkey's Delight Oven.png

1 monkey cube, 1 unit salt, 1 unit pepper, 10 units flour, 1 banana | Ook. RibPlate.png | Rib Plate Oven.png

5 units honey, 2 units space spice, 1 unit black pepper, 1 raw meat | A half-rack of ribs, brushed with some sort of honey-glaze. Why are there no napkins on board? RoastTurkey.png | Turkey Oven.png

1 raw chicken meat, 1 stuffing, 1 unit salt, 1 unit pepper | Sliceable. TofuTurkey.png | Tofurkey Oven.png

2 tofu, 1 stuffing, 1 unit salt, 1 unit pepper | ChickenNugget.png | Chicken Nugget Microwave.png

5 units flour, 1 raw chicken meat | Comes in four fun shapes! Katsu.png | Chicken Katsu Fryer.png

1 raw chicken meat with beer batter coating | Finger lickin'. ChickenWings.png | Chicken Wings Fryer.png

4 raw meat, 5 units hot sauce, 10 units batter | Straight from the buffalo. SweetSourPork.png | Sweet and Sour Pork Fryer.png

1 cooked bacon, 1 cooked cutlet, 5 soy sauce, 10 batter | Probably not pork. GeneralTso.png | General's Chicken Fryer.png

2 units hot sauce, 2 units sugar, 10 units batter, 2 raw meat | Wonderfully inauthentic. Enchi.png | Enchiladas Oven.png

1 cooked cutlet, 1 tortilla, 2 chili | Spicy! Taco.png | Taco Microwave.png

1 tortilla, 1 cooked cutlet, 1 cheese wedge | Take a bite! SoylentGreen.png | Soylent Green Microwave.png

2 raw human meat, 10 units flour | Soylent Green is People! SoylentGreen.png | Soylent Viridians Microwave.png

1 soybean, 10 units flour | Soylent Viridians is Plants! Wingchu.png | Wing Fang Chu Microwave.png

1 raw xeno-meat, 5 units soy sauce | Alien bits in soy, delicious? Locust.png | Fried Locust Microwave.png

1 locust coated in batter. | Extremely crunchy. Seafood Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Notes Lobster.png | Lobster Oven.png

1 lobster, 1 lemon, 1 lettuce | Master chef! Cuttlefishfood.png | Cuttlefish Oven.png

1 cuttlefish | Cute. Monkfishfood.png | Monkfish Oven.png

1 raw monkfish fillet, 1 chili, 1 onion | A religious experience. Sharksteak.png | Shark Steak Oven.png

1 raw shark meat, 1 salt, 1 pepper | The smoothest meat. Cubancarp.png | Cuban Carp Fryer.png

1 chili, 1 dough, 1 raw carp meat | Slightly toxic, very spicy. Ffish.png | Fish Fingers Fryer.png

1 raw fish meat with batter coating. | Fish have fingers? Fishandchips.png | Fish and Chips Microwave.png

1 Space Fries, 1 raw fish meat | Pop down the chippy. Fishtaco.png | Fish Taco Microwave.png

1 chili, 1 lemon, 1 tortilla, 1 raw fish meat | A questionably cooked fish taco. Zestfish.png | Zesty Fish Oven.png

1 lime OR lemon, 3 units salt, 1 raw fish meat | Lightly seasoned fish fillet. Sashimi.png | Sashimi Microwave.png

5 units soy sauce, 1 raw fish meat | Mm, microwave sushi. Sushifood.png | Sushi Roll Microwave.png

3 raw fish meat, 20 units rice, 1 cabbage | Mm, microwave sushi. Sharkdip.png | Hot Shark Shank Microwave.png

1 raw shark meat, 1 chili, 1 unit salt | Smooth yet spicy. Sharkcube.png | Shark Cubes Microwave.png

1 raw shark meat, 5 units soy sauce, 1 unit salt, 1 potato | Foul, fermented cubes of hell. Egg Dishes Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Notes Begg.png | Boiled Egg Microwave.png

1 egg, 5 units water | Precracked, just eat! Friedegg.png | Fried Egg Microwave.png

1 egg, 1 unit salt, 1 unit pepper | The ancient and sacred meal of the solar wiring engineer. EggRoll.png | Egg Roll Microwave.png

10 units soy sauce, 1 Fried Egg, 1 cabbage | Free with orders over 10 thalers. Devilledegg.png | Devilled Egg Microwave.png

2 egg, 1 chili, 2 units salt, 5 units mayonaise | Spicy homestyle favorite. Poachedegg.png | Poached Egg Microwave.png

1 unit space space, 1 unit salt, 1 unit pepper, 5 units water, 1 egg | Delicate, implicitly stolen. Benedict.png | Eggs Benedict Microwave.png

1 cooked cutlet, 1 Fried Egg, 1 slice bread | Hey, there's only one egg in this! Chawanmushi.png | Chawanmushi Microwave.png

1 chanterelle, 5 units water, 5 units soy sauce, 6 units of egg | A legendary egg custard that makes friends out of enemies. Probably too hot for a cat to eat. Eggpop.png | Eggpop Microwave.png

1 cooked bacon, 1 boiled egg | A bacon wrapped boiled egg, conviently skewered on a wooden stick. Cheesepmelet.png | Cheese Omelette Grill.png

2 cheese wedge, 6 units egg | Omelette du Fromage. Omurice.png | Omelette Rice Grill.png

5 units rice, 5 units ketchup, 3 units egg | Just like your Japanese animes! Omuriceheart.png | Omelette Rice (Heart) Grill.png

5 units rice, 5 units ketchup, 3 units egg, 5 units sugar | Just like your Japanese animes! Omuricecat.png | Omelette Rice (Cat Face) Grill.png

5 units rice, 5 units ketchup, 3 units egg, 1 unit salt | Just like your Japanese animes! Quiche.png | Quiche Oven.png

5 units milk, 9 units egg, 10 units flour, 1 cheese wedge | Real men eat this. Sliceable. Salads Picture | | Ingredients | Notes Herbsalad.png | Tossed Salad Microwave.png

2 lettuces, 1 carrot, 1 tomato, 1 apple | What if, like, WE'RE the aliens, man? Vegan. Validsalad.png | Valid Salad Microwave.png

1 potato, 3 ambrosia, 1 meatball | Nothing suspicious about it. Aesirsalad.png | Aesir Salad Microwave.png

1 golden apple, 1 ambrosia deus | Duuuuuuuuuude. FlowerchildRose.png | Flowerchild Rose Salad Microwave.png

1 harebell, 1 rose, 1 roasted sunflower seeds | A fragrant salad. FlowerchildPoppy.png | Flowerchild Poppy Salad Microwave.png

1 harebell, 1 poppy, 1 roasted sunflower seeds | A fragrant salad. Fruitsalad.png | Fruit Salad Microwave.png

1 orange, 1 apple, 1 grapes, 1 watermelon | Your standard fruit salad. Side Dishes Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Notes Fries.png | Space Fries Fryer.png

1 raw potato sticks | Not so French. Ovenchips.png | Oven Chips Oven.png

1 raw potato sticks | They're not fries if they're ovened. Micro-chips.png | Micro-chips Microwave.png

1 raw potato sticks | They're not fries if they're this soggy. Cheesefries.png | Cheese Fries Fryer.png

1 Space Fries, 1 cheese wedge | Tasty, tasty cheese fries. Chilicheesefries.png | Chili Cheese Fries Microwave.png

1 Space Fries, 1 cheese wedge, 1 Hot Chili (dish, not plant) | Because your arteries are overrated. OnionRings.png | Onion Rings Fryer.png

1 onion with batter coating | Better than fries. FriedMushroom.png | Fried Mushroom Fryer.png

1 plump helmet with batter coating | JalaPoppers.png | Jalapeno Poppers Fryer.png

1 chili with batter coating | Pop it like it's hot. Goreng.png | Pisang Goreng Fryer.png

2 banana with batter coating | The popular street food. FrostbelleFritter.png | Frostbelle Fritter Fryer.png

1 frostbelle with batter coating, 5 units sugar | A Sivian favourite. CornDog.png | Corn Dog Fryer.png

1 Sausage with batter coating, 1 corn with batter coating | Don't forget to eat the stick. MacNCheese.png | Macaroni and Cheese Oven.png

1 spaghetti, 1 cheese wedge, 5 units milk | The perfect combination. Bakedpotato.png | Loaded Baked Potato Oven.pngMicrowave.png

1 cheese wedge, 1 potato | Totally baked. MashPotato.png | Mashed Potato Microwave.png

1 spread, 1 potato | Pillowy Goodness. CheeseMash.png | Cheesy Mashed Potato Microwave.png

1 Mashed Potato, 1 cheese wedge | Pillowy, cheesy Goodness. Beans.png | Baked Beans Microwave.png

2 soybeans, 5 units ketchup | Beans, beans, good for your heart… Popcorn.png | Popcorn Microwave.png

1 Corn | Some bites will contain unpopped kernels, which cause brute damage. Chipplate.png | Plate of Chips Microwave.png

1 unit salt, 1 tortilla | Great for dippin'! Nachoplate.png | Plate of Nachos Microwave.png

1 Plate of Chips, 1 cheese wedge | Those are some cheesy nachos! Great for dippin'! Salsadip.png | Salsa Dip Microwave.png

1 chili, 1 tomato, 1 lime, 1 unit space spice, 1 unit pepper, 1 unit salt | Chunky spicy chip dip. Queso.png | Queso Dip Microwave.png

1 chili, 1 tomato, 1 unit space spice, 1 unit pepper, 1 unit salt, 1 cheese wedge | Super cheesy chip dip. Guac.png | Guac Dip Microwave.png

1 chili, 1 tofu, 1 lime, 1 unit space spice, 1 unit pepper, 1 unit salt | Smooth avacado-substitute dip. CubanNachos.png | Cuban Nachos Microwave.png

5 unit ketchup, 1 chili, 1 tortilla | Those are some spicy nachos. Pies Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Notes Meatpies.png | Meat Pie Oven.png

1 flat dough, 1 raw meat | Barber's favourite. Meatpies.png | Xeno-meat Pie Oven.png

1 flat dough, 1 raw xeno-meat | Meatpies.png | Tofu Pie Oven.png

1 flat dough, 1 tofu | Not the barber's favourite. Pie.gif | Banana Cream Pie Oven.png

1 flat dough, 5 units sugar, 1 banana | Contains a moderate amount of banana essence. Applepie.png | Apple Pie Oven.png

1 apple, 1 flat dough | The traditional dessert. Cherrypie.png | Cherry Pie Oven.png

1 flat dough, 10 units sugar, 1 cherry | “To bake a pie, we must first invent the universe.” -Carl Sagan Berryclafoutis.png | Berry Clafoutis Microwave.png

1 flat dough, 1 berry | Pumpkinpie.png | Pumpkin Pie Oven.png

1 flat dough, 5 units sugar, 1 pumpkin | Sliceable. Keylimepie.png | Key Lime Pie Oven.png

5 units milk, 5 units sugar, 3 units egg, 10 units flour, 2 limes | What's a key lime, anyway? Sliceable. Plumppie.GIF | Plump Pie Oven.png

1 flat dough, 1 plump helmet | Has a chance to be “exceptional” - it'll contain Tricordrazine! Amapie.png | Amanita Pie Oven.png

1 flat dough, 5 units amatoxin | Sweet poison pie. Cakes Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Notes Regularcake.png | Vanilla Cake Oven.png

5 units milk, 15 units flour, 15 units sugar, 9 units egg, 1 unit vanilla extract | Slicable and boring vanilla flavored. Choccake.png | Chocolate Cake Oven.png

5 units milk, 15 units flour, 5 units sugar, 9 units egg, 4 units coco, 1 Chocolate Bar | Sliceable. Carrotcake.png | Carrot Cake Oven.png

5 units milk, 15 units flour, 5 units sugar, 9 units egg, 3 carrots | Slicable. Heals minor eye damage. Birthday.png | Birthday Cake Oven.png

5 units milk, 15 units flour, 15 units sugar, 9 units egg, 1 Cake Hat | Sliceable. Don't forget to make a wish. Does not come with scantily dressed ladies. Applecake.png | Apple Cake Oven.png

5 units milk, 15 units flour, 9 units egg, 5 units sugar, 2 apples | Sliceable. Braincake.png | Brain Cake Oven.png

5 units milk, 15 units flour, 15 units sugar, 9 units egg, 1 brain | Sliceable. Bother the Roboticist for unusable brains. Orangecake.png | Orange Cake Oven.png

5 units milk, 15 units flour, 5 units sugar, 9 units egg, 1 orange | Sliceable. Limecake.png | Lime Cake Oven.png

5 units milk, 15 units flour, 5 units sugar, 9 units egg, 3 units lime juice, 1 lime | Sliceable. Lemoncake.png | Lemon Cake Oven.png

5 units milk, 15 units flour, 5 units sugar, 9 units egg, 3 units lemon juice, 1 lemon | Sliceable. Peanutcake.png | Peanut Cake Oven.png

5 units milk, 10 units flour, 5 units sugar, 6 units egg, 5 units peanut butter, 3 peanuts | Sliceable. May contain nuts. Cheesecake.png | Cheesecake Oven.png

5 units milk, 15 units flour, 15 units sugar, 9 units egg, 2 cheese wedge | Slicable. Applestrusel.png | Golden Apple Strusel Tart Oven.png

5 units milk, 5 units sugar, 10 units flour, 3 egg, 1 golden apple | A tasty dessert that won't make it through a metal detector. Buchenoel.png | Buche de Noel Oven.png

2 berries, 5 units milk, 15 units flour, 10 units cream, 5 units coco, 6 units egg | Merry Christmas! Muffin.png | Muffin Microwave.png

1 dough, 5 units milk, 5 units sugar | A delicious and spongy little cake. Berrymuffin.png | Berry Muffin Microwave.png

5 units milk, 5 units sugar, 1 dough, 1 berries | A delicious and spongy little cake, with berries. Booberrymuffin.png | Booberry Muffin Microwave.png

1 dough, 5 units milk, 5 units sugar, 1 berry, 1 ectoplasm | My stomach is a graveyard! No living being can quench my bloodthirst! Cinnamonbun.png | Cinnamon Bun Oven.png

15 units sugar, 10 units cream, 1 dough | So precious, uwu. Honeybun.png | Honey Bun Oven.png

1 dough, 5 units milk, 3 units egg, 5 units honey | You're my… Sweets and Desserts Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Notes Chocegg.png | Chocolate Egg Microwave.png

1 egg, 1 chocolate bar | NT regulations forbid stuffing toys in these things anymore. Truffle.png | Truffle Oven.png

5 sugar, 5 cream, 1 chocolate bar | Luxurious. Reecup.png | Reishis' Cup Microwave.png

3 psilocybin, 3 sugar, 1 chocolate bar | Tastes far out. Tablemint.png | Mint Microwave.png

5 units sugar, 5 units frost oil | It's only wafer thin. Candiedapple.png | Candied Apple Microwave.png

5 units water, 5 units sugar, 1 apple | Happy Halloween generic shift! Caramelapple.png | Caramel Apple Microwave.png

5 units sugar, 5 units milk, 1 apple | Happy Halloween generic shift! Icecreamsandwich.png | Ice Cream Sandwich Microwave.png

5 units milk, 5 units ice, 1 icecream | You scream. Donut.png | Donut Fryer.png

1 dough slice, 5 units sugar | Zoologist Approved Security Chow. Jdonut1.gif | Jelly Donut Fryer.png

1 dough, 5 units sugar, 5 units of berry juice/cherry jelly/slime jelly/poisonberry juice | Zoologist Approved Security Chow. Donut.png | Chaos Donut Fryer.png

1 dough slice, 5 units sugar, 5 units hot sauce, 5 units cold sauce | Produces a variety of (possibly dangerous) effects when eaten. Equal chance of containing 3 units of one of the following: Nutriment, capsaicin, frost oil, sprinkles, phoron, coco, Slime Jelly, banana, berry juice, and tricordrazine. Funnelcake.png | Funnel Cake Fryer.png

5 units sugar, 10 units batter | Just like the fairground. Brownies.png | Brownies Oven.png

10 units brownie mix, 3 units egg | Is it a cake? Who cares. Sliceable. Cosmicbrownies.png | Cosmic Brownies Oven.png

10 units brownie mix, 3 units egg, 1 ambrosia | Far out, man. Sliceable. Cookie1.png | Cookie Oven.png

1 dough, 1 chocolate bar, 10 units milk, 10 units sugar | COOKIE!!! Sugarcookie.png | Sugar Cookie Microwave.png

1 dough, 5 units sugar, 3 units egg | Just like your little sister used to make. Fortunecookie.png | Fortune Cookie Oven.png

1 dough slice, 5 units sugar, 1 piece of paper (writing optional) | Bad luck and misfortune will infest your pathetic soul for all eternity. Pancakes2.png | Pancakes Oven.png

2 flat dough, 5 units milk, 15 units sugar | Do you like them? Pancakes.png | Berry Pancakes Oven.png

2 flat dough, 5 units milk, 15 units sugar, 2 berries | Berry good! Waffles.png | Waffles Oven.png

2 dough, 10 units sugar | Battery breakfast. Roffle.png | Roffle Waffles Oven.png

2 dough, 5 units psilocybin, 10 units sugar | Battery breakfast that'll blow your mind. AmanitaJelly.gif | Amanita Jelly Microwave.png

5 units water, 5 units vodka, 5 units amatoxin | It's evil, don't touch it! Duff.gif | Space Liberty Duff Microwave.png

5 units water, 5 units vodka, 5 units psilocybin | The colors, maaaan, THE COLORS. Gigapuddi.gif | Astro-pudding Microwave.png

15 units milk, 2 egg | A large crème caramel. Gigapuddihappy.gif | Astro-pudding (Happy) Microwave.png

15 units milk, 5 units sugar, 2 egg | A large crème caramel, made with love. Gigapuddiangry.gif | Astro-pudding (Angry) Microwave.png

15 units milk, 5 units salt, 2 egg | A large crème caramel, made with HATE. Ricepudding.png | Rice Pudding Microwave.png

5 units milk, 10 units rice | Where's the jam? Mammi.png | Mammi Microwave.png

1 orange, 5 units milk, 10 units flour, 1 unit salt | Finnish your meal. Alien Cuisine Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Notes Hatchlingsurprise.png | Hatchling Surprise Microwave.png

1 poached egg, 3 cooked bacon | A poached egg on top of three slices of bacon. A typical breakfast for hungry Unathi children. Seadelight.png | Moghesian Sea Delight Microwave.png

3 eggs, 15 units blood | Three raw eggs floating in a sea of blood. An authentic replication of an ancient Unathi delicacy. Redsun.png | Red Sun Special Microwave.png

1 Sausage, 1 cheese wedge | One lousy piece of sausage sitting on melted cheese curds. A popular utilitarian meal for the Unathi of Moghes. Redeemedeggs.png | Redeemed Eggs Microwave.png

1 Hot Chili (dish, not plant), 3 boiled egg | Three deviled eggs floating in a bowl of meat chili. A popular lunchtime meal for Unathi, with mild religious undertones. Tajgrill.png | Njarir Merana Grill Grill.png

6 raw fish meat, 1 cabbage, 1 lime, 1 unit space spice | A well-dressed fish, seared to perfection and adorned with herbs and spices in a traditional Nerahni Tajaran style. Can be sliced into proper serving sizes. Kudzudonburi.png | Zhan-Kudzu Overtaker Microwave.png

1 kudzu, 10 units rice, 1 raw fish meat | About as Zhan-Khazan Tajaran as General Tso's chicken is Chinese. Other Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Notes Boiledcore.png | Boiled Slime Core Microwave.png

5 units water, 1 slime extract | Contains slime jelly. Suppermatter.png | Suppermatter Oven.png

5 units radium, 5 units milk, 1 Cheesecake | Science!! Suppermatter.png | Exciting Suppermatter Oven.png

5 units radium, 5 units space spice, 1 Cheesecake | SCIENCE!!! Virusdish.png | Ruined Virus Dish Microwave.png

1 virus dish | Fuck you, science! Foodcube.png | Food Cubes Microwave.png

20 units universal enzyme, 5 units virus food, 15 units nutriment, 15 units protein. | A tray of tasteless goodness. Icecream Vat.png Ice Cream Vat Ding-aling ding dong. Get your Nanotrasen-approved ice cream!

For those hot days on the station there's an Ice cream vat, which can be used to make:

Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Notes Waffle Cone.png | Waffle Cone | 1 unit of Flour + 1 unit of Sugar | Delicious waffle cone, but no ice cream. Chocolate Cone.png | Chocolate Cone | 1 Waffle Cone + 1 Chocolate Flavouring (obtained from Chocolate) | Delicious chocolate cone, but no ice cream. Vanilla Icecream.png | Vanilla Ice Cream | 1 unit of Milk + 1 unit of Sugar | Scoop it up with a Waffle/Chocolate Cone. Strawberry Icecream.png | Strawberry Ice Cream | 1 unit of Milk + 1 unit of Sugar | Scoop it up with a Waffle/Chocolate Cone. Chocolate Icecream.png | Chocolate Ice Cream | 1 unit of Milk + 1 unit of Sugar | Scoop it up with a Waffle/Chocolate Cone. Chocolate flavouring is obtained from Cocoa powder. Blue Icecream.png | Blue Ice Cream | 1 unit of Milk + 1 unit of Sugar | Scoop it up with a Waffle/Chocolate Cone. Blue flavouring is obtained from bluespace tomato singulo. Blender.png Reagents/Condiments/Recipes from Grinding/Juicing or Mixing In order to create some of these items you will either need to mix the regents by hand or toss them into the blender/grinder and grind them. After which either a finished product will be produced or you will need to transfer the liquid to your ChemMaster.png CondiMaster Neo in the freezer to create it into a bottle.

Any recipe listed as Grind will require the use of the blender, any recipe listed as Mix only requires the beaker. All of your juices will require the Grinder's other setting Juice.

Picture | Condiments | Blends Nutriment.png | Nutriment | Grind any solid food Hotsauce.png | Hot Sauce/Capsicum Oil | Grind chilis Coldsauce.png | Cold Sauce/Frost Oil | Grind ice peppers Salt.png | Salt | Mix Sodium + Chlorine (from Chem Dispenser). Salt-shakers can be found in kitchen. Pepper.png | Pepper | Grind pepper-mills. Spacespice.png | Space Spice | Grind wurmwoad Ketchup.png | Ketchup | Mix 2 parts Tomato Juice, 1 part Water, 1 part Sugar Barbequesauce.png | Barbeque Sauce | Mix 2 parts Tomato Juice, 1 part Apple Juice, 1 part Sugar, 1 part Space Spice Soysauce.png | Soy Sauce | Mix 40 units Soy Milk + 10 units Sulphuric Acid Mayo1.png | Mayonnaise | Mix 9 units Egg, 5 units Corn Oil, 5 units Lemon Juice, 1 unit Salt. PeanutButter.png | Peanut Butter | Mix 2 parts Peanut Oil, 1 part Sugar, 1 part Salt, 5 units Universal Enzyme. Cornoil.png | Corn Oil | Grind wheat Flour.png | Flour | Grind wheat Cheesewheel.gif | Cheese Wheel | Mix 40 Milk + 5 Universal Enzyme. End result will magically pop a full wheel of cheese Cheese Wedge.png | Cheese Wedge | Slice up a Cheese Wheel with a knife Chocolatebar.gif | Chocolate Bar | Mix 1 part Coco Powder + 1 part Milk/Soy Milk + 1 part Sugar Tofu.gif | Tofu | Mix 10 soymilk + 5 Universal Enzyme Sugar.gif | Sugar | Grind white beet or sugar cane Sprinkles.gif | Sprinkles | Grind donuts Blender.png Intermediate Ingredients These items are usually steps on the way to more complicated recipes. Try to prepare them while waiting on the oven and the fryer.

Picture | Recipe | Ingredients Bun.png | Bun Oven.png

1x Dough Butter.png | Butter | Mix: 20 units cream, 1 units salt. Recipes that call for 'spread' can use butter or nutrispread. Nutrispread.png | Nutri-spread | Produced from biogenerator in Botany. Can be used as butter substitute in some recipes. RawCutlet.png | Raw Cutlet | Cut: 1x Meat (Any Type). RawCutlet.png | Cutlet Microwave.png

1x Raw Cutlet RawBacon.png | Raw Bacon | Cut: x1 Raw Cutlet Dough.png | Dough | Mix In: 3x units of Egg and 10x units of Flour DoughSlice.png | Dough Slice | Cut: Flat Dough with Kitchen Knife FlatDough.png | Flat Dough | Roll Out: 1 Dough with Rolling Pin Tortilla.png | Tortilla Microwave.pngOven.png

1 flat dough, 5 units flour. For microwave, also add 5 units water. Meatball.png | Raw Meatball | Mix In: 3x Animal Protein and 5x Flour Meatball.png | Meatball Microwave.png

1x Raw Meatball RawSunflowerSeeds.png | Sunflower Seeds | Cut: 1 Sunflower. RawSunflowerSeeds.png | Roasted Sunflower Seeds Microwave.png

1 unit salt, 1 unit corn oil OR peanut oil, 1 raw sunflower seeds RoastedPeanuts.png | Roasted Peanuts Microwave.png

2 units salt, 2 peanuts, 1 corn oil Stuffing.png | Stuffing Microwave.png

5 units water, 1 unit salt, 1 unit pepper, 1 bread loaf Condiment.png | Brownie Mix | Mix: 5 units flour, 5 uinits coco, 5 units sugar Spaghetti.png | Spaghetti | Cut: Dough Slice with Kitchen Knife Yeast.png | Yeast | Found in Dinnerware vendor and cargo. Meat.png | Meat | From butchering or processing most animals (and people), from the Biogenerator in Botany, or from mixing blood and Clonexadone. Recipes that call for meat will accept any generic meat (except for specific, named meats such as the ones listed below, which have their own recipes). Carpfillet.png | Carp Fillet | Butcher a Space Carp (gibbing gives three fillets, cutting with a knife gives one). Contains carpotoxin. Recipes that call for 'fish meat' may use this. Carpfillet.png | Murkfish Fillet | Butcher a Murkfish (gibbing gives three fillets, cutting with a knife gives one). Contains murkfin protein. Recipes that call for 'fish meat' may use this. Carpfillet.png | Sivian Fish Fillet | Butcher a Javelin, Glitter Bass, Rock-fish, or Sun-fin (gibbing gives three fillets, cutting with a knife gives one). Contains toxic protein. Recipes that call for 'fish meat' may use this. Carpfillet.png | Fish Fillet | Butcher any other kind of fish, including Bass, Trout, Salmon, Perch, Pike, and Koi, poisonous or otherwise (gibbing gives three fillets, cutting with a knife gives one). Contains toxic protein. Meat.png | Bear Meat | Butcher a Space bear (gibbing gives three fillets, cutting with a knife gives one.) Raw Sticks.png | Raw Potato Sticks | Cut up one potato. Carrotfries.png | Carrot Fries | Cut up one carrot. Pineapplering.png | Pineapple Ring | Cut up one pineapple or spineapple. Appliances Oven.png Oven The oven can cook any variety and quantity of recipes simultaneously, as long as you have all the ingredients in a single tray. Any leftover reagents will be absorbed into the cooked foods. You cannot make several different recipes in one tray - each tray must ONLY contain the ingredients for one type of recipe (whether individual-or-multi-cooking). When not making a recipe the oven can also be used to just bake any food, which will cook it, give it a nice brown colour. The oven can also be used for Combination Cooking, which allows you to make custom bread, pies, cakes, and pizzas with whatever fillings/toppings you want. To do this, right click and Choose Output, select the combine target, and then insert an oven tray full of ingredients. The quantity of stuff used to make it will determine the size of the result. Combination Cooking can only make one item at a time - whatever output is set will only work for the next item cooked. Fryer.png Deep-Fryer Before you can use the fryer, it must be preheated. Right-click and select Toggle Power to turn it on. Heating up takes a while, so be sure to do it early. Prepare other ingredients while it warms up! The deep fryer has an oil level that you should keep an eye on - cooking efficiency will fall as it drops, and it starts off at a randomized level. For optimal cooking, keep the oil topped up to the maximum. (You can order additional tanks from Cargo, under Hospitality) To add a single food item to the fryer, use the food directly on it, which will place that item into an empty fryer basket. If you want to cook a recipe that requires multiple ingredients, remove one of the fryer baskets by clicking the fryer with an empty hand, and put all your ingredients into the basket. Once everything for the recipe is inside, put the basket back in the fryer. The fryer can cook any variety and quantity of recipes simultaneously, as long as you have all the ingredients in a single basket. Many fryer recipes require an ingredient to be coated in batter or beer-batter for the recipe to work. See the next section for an explanation of battering foods. Any leftover reagents will be absorbed into the cooked foods. You cannot make several different recipes in one tray - each tray must ONLY contain the ingredients for one type of recipe (whether individual-or-multi-cooking). When not making a recipe the fryer can also be used to just “deep fry” any food, which will cook it, give it a nice brown color, and add some extra nutrition to it. Batter You can coat food in batter before putting it in the deepfryer!

Nearly everything you can fry can be coated in batter. Put all of the ingredients of the batter in a container to create the batter, then use a food item on the container to cover it in batter. The ingredients for the batter can be mixed in any kind of container. Batter Recipes:

Picture | Recipe | Ingredients Condiment.png | Batter | Mix 3 units egg, 10 units flour, 5 units water, 2 units salt. Condiment.png | Beer Batter | Mix 3 units egg, 10 units flour, 5 units beer, 2 units salt. Grill.pngGrill Before you can use the grill, it must be preheated. Right-click and select Toggle Power to turn it on. Preheating takes several minutes, but after a short while it can be used to cook even if not fully preheated. The food will cook more slowly until preheating is complete. Examine the grill while next to it to see how hot it is. Prepare other ingredients while it warms up! To add a single food item to the grill, use the food directly on it, which will place that item into an empty grill. If you want to cook a recipe that requires multiple ingredients, remove one of the grill racks by clicking the grill with an empty hand, and put all your ingredients into the rack. Once everything for the recipe is inside, put the rack back in the grill. The grill can cook any variety and quantity of recipes simultaneously, as long as you have all the ingredients in a single basket. Any leftover reagents will be absorbed into the cooked foods. You cannot make several different recipes in one tray - each tray must ONLY contain the ingredients for one type of recipe (whether individual-or-multi-cooking). When not making a recipe the grill can also be used to just “grill” any food, which will cook it, give it a nice grilled appearance, and add a smidge of extra nutrition. Mixer.png Custom Foods You can make any ingredient or existing food into a variety of other interesting variants by using the grill, deep fryer, cereal maker and candy machine. Even wondered what a boiled egg gobstopper would taste like? Now's your chance! Experiment and disgust/delight your crewmates. Just select the 'Select Output' option on these machines to select the intended result, and insert your ingredients.

Vendsnack.gif Vending Machines If you're hungry and the Chef is not around to make you a meal, you might want to check the nearest Getmore Chocolate Corp vending machine for some quick snacks to fill up your belly. Note that the Chef cannot make these snacks and this is only a sampling.

Picture | Dispenses | Description Candy.png | Grandma Ellen's Hard Candy | Now without nuts! Gummies.png | AlliCo Gummies | Somehow, there's never enough cola bottles. Cup Ramen.png | Cup Ramen | Just add 10ml water, self heats! A taste that reminds you of your school years. Chips.png | What-The-Crisps | Commander Riker's What-The-Crisps, lightly salted. BBQChips.png | Legendary BBQ Chips | You know I can't grab your ghost chips! Cheesie Honkers.png | Cheesie Honkers | Bite sized cheesie snacks that will honk all over your mouth. Consists of nutriment, making it a filling snack! Beef Jerky.png | Scaredy's Private Reserve Beef Jerky | Beef jerky made from the finest space cows. Consists of nutriment, making it a filling snack! 4no Raisins.png | 4no Raisins | Best raisins in the universe. Not sure why. Consists of nutriment, making it a very filling snack! Space Twinkie.png | Space Twinkie | A few bite snack consisting of small amount of sugar. Semki.png | Semki | Sunflower seeds. A favorite among both birds and gopniks. Pistachio.png | Pistachios | Pistachios. There is absolutely nothing remarkable about these. CandyBar.png | Candy Bars | Vendors offer a wide selection of candy bars from across the galaxy. TunaFlakes.png | Tuna Snax | Dried fish. Sif was after all, settled by Scandinavians. Tips Milk, Soy Milk, Berry Juice, Soy Sauce, Hot Sauce, Cold Sauce, and Sugar are all measured in reagent units rather than by number of containers. They can be poured directly into the microwave. Sliceable foods can be divided into smaller portions by slicing them. Their reagents are divided equally into the slices. The slices noted here are the maximum number of slices, which you can get by using a precise cutting tool like a kitchen knife, cleaver, or scalpel; crude cutting tools, like axes, shovels, and saws will result in fewer slices. Condiments are reagents can be added to food, possibly increasing their nutrition value or adding some fun extras. A chef can create condiments by grinding up things that contain them and isolating them in the CondiMaster in the back room. Condiments let you put ketchup on your fries, salt in your soup, dylovene on your fish fingers, or psilocybin on your ghost burger–the possibilities are endless. Foods hold a maximum of fifty units of reagents. Some poisonous foods can be prepared safely if Dylovene is added to the finished product, or if the poisonous reagent is neutralized somehow. Experienced chefs only! Traitor chefs can make some sneaky substitutions. Poisonous apples can be used in all apple dishes, and the final dish will be poisoned. Unlike poisonous mushrooms, cyanide apples can easily kill. Slime jelly can be substituted for cherry jelly, and will poison the resulting food. Anything made with meat can be made with human meat. (It's still necessary to emag the gibber before butchering one's murder victims.) Blood is not necessarily poisonous. It is always the same type as the person the brain was taken from, and if the type is incompatible with the recipient, it will cause a rejection reaction. O-negative blood is always safe. Units of egg are obtained by breaking eggs into beakers.

Drinks Note: These mixtures are mostly for filling a glass (50 units) or shaker (100 units). If there are several reagents in the glass, it will show the one with biggest amount.

A drink's strength determines how quickly a drinker gets drunk and how much it improves the chances of success in surgery when applied externally.

Basic Drink Ingredients Picture | Cocktail | Strength | Ingredients | Drink Description | Notes Absinthe.png | Absinthe | 80 | 1 part Absinthe | A powerful alcoholic drink. Rumored to cause hallucinations but does not. | Has a chance to cause hallucinations. Ale.png | Ale | 55 | 1 part ale | A warm pint of delicious ale. | To acquire: In Booze-O-Mat, 6 bottles Magm-Ale, 30 units each. Or from the Service borg shaker. Banana juice glass.png | Banana Juice | N/A | 1 part banana juice | The raw essence of a banana. HONK | Heals clowns and monkeys of brute and burn damage To acquire: Juice bananas. Beer.png | Beer | 55 | 1 part beer | A freezing pint of beer. | To acquire: In Booze-O-Mat, 6 bottles of Space Beer, 30 units each. Or 1000 units in Bartender's beer keg. Or from Service borg shaker. Or mix 10 parts Flour, 5 units universal enzyme (catalyst). Berry juice glass.png | Berry Juice | N/A | 1 part berry juice | berry juice. Or maybe it's jam. Who cares? | To acquire: Juice berries. Carrot juice glass.png | Carrot juice | N/A | 1 part carrot juice | It is just like a carrot but without crunching. | Heals eye damage. To acquire: Juice carrots. Brownglass.gif | Coffee | N/A | 1 part coffee | Don't drop it, or you'll send scalding liquid and glass shards everywhere. | Heals dizziness, drowsiness, wakes up, heats up if frozen. To acquire: Grind dried coffee leaves to get Coffee Powder. Mix 1 Coffee Powder + 5 units water. Or from the Hot Drinks -vending machines. Cognac glass.png | Cognac | 45 | 1 part cognac | Damn, you feel like some kind of French aristocrat just by holding this. | To acquire: In Booze-O-Mat, 5 bottles of Chateau De Baton Premium Cognac, 100 units each. Or from Service borg shaker. Cream glass.png | Milk Cream | N/A | 1 part milk cream | Ewwww… | Heals brute damage. To acquire: In Booze-O-Mat, 4 bottle of Milk Cream, 100 units each. Or from Service borg shaker. Or from the Biogenerator. Dr gibb glass.png | Dr. Gibb | N/A | 1 part Dr. Gibb | Dr. Gibb. Not as dangerous as the name might imply. | Heals drowsiness, cools down if overheated. To acquire: 10 cans of Space Mountain Wind in Robust Softdrinks -vending machines. Ginvodkaglass.gif | Gin | N/A | 1 part gin | It's gin. In space. I say, good sir. | To acquire: In Booze-O-Mat, 5 bottles of Griffeater Gin, 100 units each. …??? Berry juice glass.png | Grape Juice | N/A | 1 part grape juice | The juice of a bunch of grapes. Guaranteed non-alcoholic. | To acquire: Juice grapes. Water glass.png | Holy Water | N/A | 1 part holy water | A glass of holy water. | Makes people jittering, stuttering, dizzy. Heals cultism. To acquire: Have the Chaplain hit a water container with the Bible. Or One Flask of Holy Water, 100 units, in the Chapel. Ice glass.png | Glass of Ice | N/A | 1 part ice | Generally, you're supposed to put something else in there too… | Cools down. To acquire: In Booze-O-Mat, 9 Ice Cups, 30 units each. Or from Service borg shaker. Kahlua glass.png | Kahlúa | 45 | 1 part Kahlúa | DAMN, THIS THING LOOKS ROBUST | Heals dizziness, drowsiness and sleeping. To acquire: In Booze-O-Mat, 5 bottles of Robert Robust's Coffee Liqueur, 100 units each. Or from Service borg shaker. Or mix 5 coffee + 5 sugar + 5 universal enzyme. Lemon juice glass.png | Lemon Juice | N/A | 1 part lemon juice | Sour… | To acquire: Juice lemons. Lemon lime glass.png | Lemon-Lime | N/A | 1 part Lemon-Lime | You're pretty certain a real fruit has never actually touched this. | Cools down if overheated. To acquire: 10 cans of Lemon-Lime in Robust Softdrinks -vending machines. Lime juice glass.png | Lime Juice | N/A | 1 part lime juice | A glass of sweet-sour lime juice. | Heals toxic damage. To acquire: In Booze-O-Mat, 4 bottles of Lime Juice, 100 units each. Or from Service borg shaker. Juice limes. Cream glass.png | Milk | N/A | 1 part milk | White and nutritious goodness! | Heals brute damage. To acquire: Biogenerator. Or milk a goat or a cow. Or from Milk.png Space Milk cartons, 50 units in each. 5 are found in kitchen freezer. Ordered food crate has one. Cream glass.png | Nothing | N/A | 1 part nothing | Absolutely nothing. | Heals mimes of brute damage. To acquire: Mime's Bottle of Nothing. Orange juice glass.png | Orange Juice | N/A | 1 part orange juice | Vitamins! Yay! | Heals suffocation damage. To acquire: In Booze-O-Mat, 4 bottles of Orange Juice, 100 units each. Or from Service borg shaker. 15 units in each can of Star-kist, along with 15 units of space cola. Or juice oranges. Poison berry juice glass.png | Poison Berry Juice | N/A | 1 part poison berry juice | berry juice. Or maybe it's poison. Who cares? | Shows up as 'Berry Juice'. Crit dose: 40 units/100 ticks. To acquire: Juice poison berries. Rum glass.png | Rum | 45 | 1 part rum | Now you want to Pray for a pirate suit, don't you? | To acquire: In Booze-O-Mat, 5 bottles of Captain Pete's Cuban Spiced Rum, 100 units each. Or from Service borg shaker. Water glass.png | Soda Water | N/A | 1 part soda water | Why not make a scotch and soda? | Heals dizziness and drowsiness. Cools down if overheated. To acquire: In Booze-O-Mat, 15 bottles of Soda Water, 50 units each. Or from Service borg shaker. Cream glass.png | Soy Milk | N/A | 1 part soy milk | White and nutritious soy goodness! | Heals brute damage. To acquire: From Soymilk.gif Soy Milk cartons, 50 units in each. 5 are found in kitchen freezer. Ordered food crate has one. Space cola glass.png | Space Cola | N/A | 1 part Space Cola | A glass of refreshing Space Cola. | Cools down if overheated. To acquire: 10 cans of Space Cola in Robust Softdrinks -vending machines. Or 8 cans in Booze-O-Mat. Or from Service borg shaker. 30 units in each can of Space Cola, 15 units in each can of Star-kist, along with 15 units of orange juice. Space mountain wind glass.png | Space Mountain Wind | N/A | 1 part Space Mountain Wind | Space Mountain Wind. As you know, there are no mountains in space, only wind. | Heals drowsiness and sleeping, cools down if overheated. To acquire: 10 cans of Space Mountain Wind in Robust Softdrinks -vending machines. Space up glass.png | Space-Up | N/A | 1 part Space-Up | Space-Up. It helps keep your cool. | Cools down if overheated. To acquire: 10 cans of Space-Up in Robust Softdrinks -vending machines. Teaglass.gif | Tea | N/A | 1 part tea | Drinking it from here would not seem right. | To acquire: Grind dried tea leaves to get Tea Powder. Mix 1 Tea Powder + 5 units water. Or from the Hot Drinks -vending machines. Teqilla glass.png | Tequila | 35 | 1 part tequila | Now all that's missing is the weird colored shades! | To acquire: In Booze-O-Mat, 5 bottles of Caccavo Guaranteed Quality Tequila, 100 units each. Or from Service borg shaker. Water glass.png | Tonic Water | N/A | 1 part tonic water | Quinine tastes funny, but at least it'll keep that Space Malaria away. | Heals dizziness, drowsiness and sleeping, cools down if overheated. To acquire: In Booze-O-Mat, 8 bottles of T-Borg's Tonic Water, 50 units each. Or from Service borg shaker. Tomato juice glass.png | Tomato Juice | N/A | 1 part tomato juice | Are you sure this is tomato juice? | Heals burn damage Blood shows the same way. To acquire: In Booze-O-Mat, 4 bottles of Tomato Juice, 100 units each. Or from Service borg shaker. Juice tomatoes. Brownglass.gif | Potato Juice | N/A | 1 part potato juice | Bleh… | To acquire: Juice potatoes. Vermouth glass.png | Vermouth | 45 | 1 part vermouth | You wonder why you're even drinking this straight. | To acquire: In Booze-O-Mat, 5 bottles of Goldeneye Vermouth, 100 units each. Or from Service borg shaker. Ginvodkaglass.gif | Vodka | 45 | 1 part vodka | The glass contain wodka. Xynta. | To acquire: Mix 10 potato juice + 5 universal enzyme Water glass.png | Water | N/A | 1 part water | The father of all refreshments. | To acquire: Sinks. Watertanks. Tomato juice glass.png | Watermelon Juice | N/A | 1 part watermelon juice | A glass of watermelon juice. | To acquire: Juice watermelon slices. Whiskeyemoji.png | Whiskey | 45 | 1 part whiskey | A superb and well-aged single-malt whiskey. Damn. | To acquire: In Booze-O-Mat, 5 bottles of Uncle Git's Special Reserve, 100 units each. Wine glass.png | Wine | 45 | 1 part wine | A very classy looking drink. | To acquire: In Booze-O-Mat, 5 bottles of Doublebeard Bearded Special Wine, 100 units each. Or from Service borg shaker. Or mix 10 grape juice + 5 universal enzyme (instantly becomes grappa). Dr gibb glass.png | Welder Fuel | N/A | 1 part welder fuel | Unless you are an industrial tool, this is probably not safe for consumption. | Crit dose: 40 units/100 ticks. To acquire: Find a Welder fuel tank. Mixed Drinks Picture | Cocktail | Strength | Ingredients | Drink Description | Notes AcidSpit.gif | Acid Spit | 45 | 5 parts wine, 1 part Sulphuric Acid | A drink from Nanotrasen. Made from live aliens. | AlliesCocktail.gif | Allies Cocktail | 35 | 1 part Classic Martini, 1 part vodka | A drink made from your allies. | Refers to Triple Entente: French Vermouth, Russian Vodka, English Gin Aloe.gif | Aloe | 35 | 3 part watermelon juice, 1 part milk cream, 2 part whiskey | Very, very, very good. | Amasec.gif | Amasec | 35 | 1 part Iron, 5 part wine, 5 part vodka | Always handy before COMBAT!!! | Warhammer 40k drink Andalusia.gif | Andalusia | 35 | 1 part rum, 1 part whiskey, 1 part lemon juice | A nice, strange named drink. | Antifreezeglass.gif | Anti-Freeze | 25 | 2 parts vodka, 1 part milk cream, 1 part ice | The ultimate refreshment. | Heats you up if you are frozen Arnold palmer.png | Arnold Palmer | N/A | 1 part lemon juice, 1 part tea | Encourages the patient to go golfing. | Atomicbombglass.gif | Atomic Bomb | N/A | 10 parts B-52, 1 part Uranium | Nanotrasen cannot take legal responsibility for your actions after imbibing. | Makes you druggy, confused, dizzy, stuttering; eventually, sleeping. Can be mixed in a shot glass. Makes 10 parts instead of 11. B-52.png | B-52 | 25 | 1 part irish cream, 1 part Kahlúa, 1 part cognac | Kahlua, Irish Cream, and cognac. You will get bombed. | IBA Official Cocktail Bacchus blessing.png | Bacchus' Blessing | 300 | 1 part Hooch + 1 part absinthe + 1 part Manly Dorf + 1 part Syndicate Bomb | Unidentifiable mixture. Unmeasurably high alcohol content. | Can kill you if you drink enough, but better than sterilizine when used in surgery. Bahamamamaglass.gif | Bahama Mama | 35 | 2 parts rum, 2 parts orange juice, 1 part lime juice, 1 part ice | Tropic cocktail. | Existing cocktail BananaHonk.gif | Banana Honk | 25 | 1 part banana juice, 1 part milk cream, 1 part sugar | A drink from Clown Heaven. | Heals clowns and monkeys of brute and burn damage. To acquire: Juice bananas. Barefootglass.gif | Barefoot | 45 | 1 part milk cream, 1 part vermouth, 1 part berry juice | Barefoot and pregnant. | Quickly heals brute damage when not wearing shoes. BeepskySmash.gif | Beepsky Smash | 25 | 2 parts lime juice, 2 parts whiskey, 1 part Iron | Heavy, hot and strong. Just like the Iron fist of the LAW. | Repeatedly stuns. Makes 4 parts instead of 5. Bilkglass.gif | Bilk | 55 | 1 part beer, 1 part milk | A brew of milk and beer. For those alcoholics who fear osteoporosis. | Slowly heals brute damage BlackRussian.png | Black Russian | 35 | 3 parts vodka, 2 parts Kahlúa | For the lactose-intolerant. Still as classy as a White Russian. | IBA official cocktail BloodyMary.png | Bloody Mary | 35 | 1 part vodka, 2 parts tomato juice, 1 part lime juice | Tomato Juice, mixed with Vodka and a lil' bit of lime. Tastes like liquid murder. | IBA official cocktail Bluecherryshake.png | Blue Cherry Shake | N/A | 1 part ice, 1 part cream , 1 part blue cherry jelly | A blue cherry flavored milkshake. | Boogerglass.gif | Booger | 45 | 1 part milk cream, 1 part banana juice, 1 part rum, 1 part watermelon juice | Ewww… | BraveBull.png | Brave Bull | 35 | 2 parts tequila, 1 part Kahlúa | Tequila and Coffee liquor, brought together in a mouthwatering mixture. Drink up. | Temporarily increases maximum health. Existing cocktail ChangelingSting.gif | Changeling Sting | 15 | 2 part lemon-lime, 1 part Screwdriver Cocktail | A stingy drink. | Restores chemicals for changelings. Makes 5 parts instead of 3. Cherryshake.gif | Cherry Shake | N/A | 1 part ice, 1 part cream, 1 part cherry jelly. | A cherry flavored milkshake. | Chocolatepudding.gif | Chocolate Pudding | N/A | 5 part milk, 5 part cocoa, 5 part eggyolk | A chocolate flavored pudding in a glass. | Chocolate glass.png | Chocolate | N/A | 5 parts water, 1 part Coco Powder | Tasty. | Heats up if frozen ClassicMartini.png | Classic Martini | 35 | 2 parts gin, 1 part vermouth | Damn, the bartender even stirred it, not shook it. | IBA official cocktail Cafelatteglass.gif | Coffee Latte | N/A | 1 part coffee, 1 part milk | A nice, strong and refreshing beverage while you are reading. | Heals dizziness, drowsiness, wakes up, heats up if frozen CubaLibre.png | Cuba Libre | 45 | 2 parts rum, 1 part Space Cola | A classic mix of rum and cola. | Heals revolutionaries. IBA official cocktail Demonsbloodglass.gif | Demons Blood | 35 | 1 part Space Mountain Wind, 1 part rum, 1 part blood, 1 part Dr. Gibb | Just looking at this thing makes the hair at the back of your neck stand up. | Prevents slaughter demons from dragging you into pools of blood. DevilsKiss.gif | Devil's Kiss | 35 | 1 part Blood, 1 part rum, 1 part Kahlúa | Creepy time! | Causes slaughter demons to take brute damage and eject you if they try to eat you. DoctorDelight.gif | Doctor's Delight | N/A | 1 part lime juice, 1 part tomato juice, 1 part orange juice, 1 part milk cream, 1 part Cryoxadone | A healthy mixture of juices, guaranteed to keep you healthy until the next toolboxing takes place. | Doesn't heal you anymore. ClassicMartini.png | Driest Martini | 25 | 1 part Nothing, 1 part gin | Only for the experienced. You think you see sand floating in the glass. | Nothing is found in the Mime's Bottle of Nothing Drunkenblumpkin.png | Drunken Blumpkin | 35 | 1 part blumpkin juice, 2 parts irish cream, 1 part ice | A weird mix of whiskey and blumpkin juice, with cream on top | Nog2.png | Eggnog | 1 | 5 parts egg yolk, 5 parts rum, 5 parts cream | For enjoying the most wonderful time of the year. | ErikaSurprise.gif | Erika Surprise | 35 | 1 part ale, 1 part lime juice, 1 part whiskey, 1 part ice, 1 part banana juice | The surprise is, it's green! | Fetching fizz.png | Fetching Fizz | 10 | 1 part Nuka Cola, 1 part Iron | Whiskey sour/iron/uranium mixture resulting in highly magnetic slurry. Mild alcohol content. | Causes nearby ores to slowly move towards you. Results in 3 units instead of 2. Gibbfloats.gif | Gibb Floats | N/A | 5 parts dr gibb, 5 parts ice, 5 parts cream | Icecream on top of a Dr. Gibb glass. | GinFizz.png | Gin Fizz | 45 | 2 parts gin, 1 part soda water, 1 part lime juice | Refreshingly lemony, deliciously dry. | IBA Official Cocktail GinTonic.png | Gin and Tonic | 55 | 2 parts gin, 1 part tonic water | A mild but still great cocktail. Drink up, like a true Englishman. | Goldschlagerglass.gif | Goldschlager | 25 | 10 parts vodka, 1 part Gold | 100 proof that teen girls will drink anything with gold in it. | Exists in real world Makes 10 parts instead of 11. Berry juice glass.png | Grape Soda | N/A | 1 part grape juice, 1 part soda water | Beloved of children and teetotalers. | Grappa.png | Grappa | 45 | 1 part wine, 5 units universal enzyme (catalyst) | A fine Italian brandy, for when regular wine just isn't alcoholic enough for you. | Green beer glass.png | Green Beer | 55 | 10 parts beer, 1 part Green Crayon Powder | A freezing pint of green beer. Festive. | Turns you green. Makes 10 parts instead of 11. Grog.gif | Grog | 1 | 1 part water, 1 part rum | A fine and cepa drink for Space. | Exists in real world Hearty punch.png | Hearty Punch | 10 | 5 parts Brave Bull + 5 parts Syndicate Bomb + 5 parts absinthe (requires temperature of 315) | Brave bull/syndicate bomb/absinthe mixture resulting in an energizing beverage. Mild alcohol content. | Provides quick healing for people in critical condition. Results in 1 unit instead of 15. Hippiesdelight.png | Hippie's Delight | N/A | 1 part Mushroom Hallucinogen, 1 part Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster | A drink enjoyed by people during the 1960's. | Makes you druggy, stuttering and dizzy, then jittering Hoochglass.gif | Hooch | 35 | 2 parts Ethanol, 1 part welder fuel, 1 part universal enzyme (catalyst) | You've really hit rock bottom now… your liver packed its bags and left last night. | Slang for moonshine or bootleg alcohol, popular term during prohibition era IcedBeer.gif | Iced Beer | 55 | 5 parts beer, 1 part ice or 10 parts beer, 1 part frost oil | A beer so frosty, the air around it freezes. | Cools you down if overheated Icecoffeeglass.gif | Iced Coffee | N/A | 1 part ice, 3 parts coffee | A drink to perk you up and refresh you! | Cools you down if overheated, removes dizziness, drowsiness and sleep Iceteaglass.gif | Iced Tea | N/A | 1 part ice, 3 parts tea | All natural, antioxidant-rich flavour sensation. | Cools you down if overheated, removes dizziness, drowsiness and sleep, heals toxin damage IrishCarBomb.gif | Irish Car Bomb | 25 | 1 part irish cream, 1 part ale | An Irish car bomb. | Exists in real world IrishCoffee.png | Irish Coffee | 35 | 2 parts irish cream, 2 parts coffee | Coffee and alcohol. More fun than a Mimosa to drink in the morning. | IBA Official Cocktail IrishCream.png | Irish Cream | 35 | 2 parts whiskey, 1 part milk cream | It's cream, mixed with whiskey. What else would you expect from the Irish? | Exists in real world LongIslandIcedTea.png | Long Island Iced Tea | 25 | 1 part vodka, 1 part gin, 1 part Cuba Libre, 1 part tequila | The liquor cabinet, brought together in a delicious mix. Intended for middle-aged alcoholic women only. | IBA Official Cocktail Manhattan.png | Manhattan | 45 | 2 parts whiskey, 1 part vermouth | The Detective's undercover drink of choice. He never could stomach gin… | IBA Official Cocktail Manhattanprojglass.gif | Manhattan Project | 15 | 10 parts Manhattan, 1 part Uranium | A scienitst drink of choice, for thinking how to blow up the station. | Makes you druggy. Makes 10 parts instead of 11. Margarita.png | Margarita | 35 | 2 parts tequila, 1 part lime juice | On the rocks with salt on the rim. ¡Arriba! | IBA Official Cocktail Mead.gif | Mead | 45 | 2 units Honey, 5 units universal enzyme (catalyst) | A Vikings Beverage, though a cheap one. | Exists in real world Water glass.png | Moonshine | 25 | 5 units Nutriment, 5 units Sugar, 5 units universal enzyme (catalyst) | You've really hit rock bottom now… your liver packed its bags and left last night. | Nukacolaglass.gif | Nuka Cola | N/A | 1 part Uranium, 6 parts Space Cola | Don't cry, Don't raise your eye, It's only nuclear wasteland | Makes you druggy, dizzy, wakes you up, gives you ephedrine speed Reference to Fallout. Neurotoxin.gif | Neurotoxin | N/A | 1 part Morphine, 1 part Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster | A drink that is guaranteed to knock you silly. | Stuns you repeatedly GargleBlaster.gif | Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster | N/A | 1 part gin, 1 part vodka, 1 part whiskey, 1 part cognac, 1 part lime juice | Does… does this mean that Arthur and Ford are on the station? Oh joy. | Makes you dizzy, then stuttering, then confused, then druggy Drink from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Patronglass.gif | Patron | 45 | 10 parts tequila, 1 part Silver | Drinking patron in the bar, with all the subpar ladies. | Exists in real world Makes 10 parts instead of 11. Pumpkinlatte.gif | Pumpkin Latte | N/A | 5 parts pumpkin juice, 5 parts coffee, 5 parts cream | A delicious mix of pumpkin juice and coffee. | RedMead.gif | Red Mead | 45 | 1 part mead, 1 part blood | A True Vikings Beverage, though its color is strange. | Sbitenglass.gif | Sbiten | 35 | 1 part vodka, 1 part Capsaicin | A spicy mix of Vodka and Spice. Very hot. | Heats you up if you are frozen Exists in real world Screwdriver.png | Screwdriver Cocktail | 35 | 2 parts vodka, 1 part orange juice | A simple, yet superb mixture of Vodka and orange juice. Just the thing for the tired engineer. | Quickly removes radiation for engineers. IBA Official Cocktail Silencer.gif | Silencer | 15 | 1 part Nothing, 1 part milk cream, 1 part sugar | A drink from mime Heaven. | Nothing is found in the Mime's Bottle of Nothing. Heals mimes. Singuloglass.gif | Singulo | 15 | 5 parts vodka, 1 part Radium, 5 part wine | A blue-space beverage. | SnowWhite.gif | Snow White | 45 | 1 part beer, 1 part Lemon-Lime | A cold refreshment. | Soylatteglass.gif | Soy Latte | N/A | 1 part coffee, 1 part soy milk | A nice and refreshing beverage while you are reading. | Heals dizziness, drowsiness and sleeping; heats up if frozen; heals brute damage SyndicateBomb.gif | Syndicate Bomb | 15 | 1 part Whiskey Cola, 1 part beer | A syndicate bomb. | Fluff: two glasses connected with a tank valve. You need to drink from the valve, else it spills. TequillaSunrise.png | Tequila Sunrise | 35 | 2 parts tequila, 1 part orange juice | Oh great, now you feel nostalgic about sunrises back on Terra… | IBA Official Cocktail ManlyDorf.png | The Manly Dorf | 45 | 2 parts beer, 4 parts ale | A manly concotion made from Ale and Beer. Intended for true men only. | Reference to Dwarf Fortress Orangeglass.gif | Thirteen Loko | 35 | 1 part vodka, 1 part lime juice, 1 part coffee | This is a glass of Thirteen Loko, it appears to be of the highest quality. The drink, not the glass. | Wakes you up, cools you down if overheated Threemileislandglass.gif | Three Mile Island Iced Tea | 15 | 10 parts Long Island Iced Tea, 1 part Uranium | A glass of this is sure to prevent a meltdown. | Makes you druggy. Makes 10 parts instead of 11. ToxinsSpecial.gif | Toxins Special | 15 | 2 parts rum, 1 part vermouth, 2 parts Plasma | Whoah, this thing is on FIRE | Heats you up if frozen. Best served in a shot glass. Orange juice glass.png | Triple Citrus | N/A | 1 part Lemon Juice, 1 part Lime Juice, 1 part Orange Juice | Triple the citrus, triple the fun. | Can be used to make Colorful Reagent. Vanillapudding.gif | Vanilla Pudding | N/A | 5 part milk, 5 part vanilla, 5 part eggyolk | A vanilla flavored pudding in a glass. | VodkaMartini.png | Vodka Martini | 25 | 2 parts vodka, 1 part vermouth | A bastardisation of the classic martini. Still great. | VodkaTonic.png | Vodka and Tonic | 35 | 2 parts vodka, 1 part tonic water | For when a gin and tonic isn't russian enough. | WhiskeyCola.png | Whiskey Cola | 35 | 2 parts whiskey, 1 part Space Cola | An innocent-looking mixture of cola and Whiskey. Delicious. | WhiskeySoda.png | Whiskey Soda | 35 | 2 parts whiskey, 1 part soda water | Ultimate refreshment. | Whiskey sour.png | Whiskey Sour | 35 | 1 part whiskey, 1 part lemon juice, 1 part sugar | Lemon juice/whiskey/sugar mixture. Moderate alcohol content. | WhiteRussian.png | White Russian | 35 | 3 Black Russian, 2 part milk cream | A very nice looking drink. But that's just, like, your opinion, man. | IBA Official Cocktail Brownglass.gif | ..What? | N/A | Fail a recipe | You can't really tell what this is. | You get this when there is something else in the glass Food Hunger As you walk and move about on station, your starting nutrition bar will start to drain from starting green, down to dark red. The effects of obesity and hunger are inversely bad of each other, and it is best to keep yourself reasonably fed with food or drinks, else you will suffer one of the two extremes.

Hungerlevels.gif The six hunger levels are Starving, Hungry, Fed, Well Fed, Full and Fat. The only bad levels are Starving, Hungry and Fat. Currently, you won't see your nutrition bar unless you are hungry or fat.

Note that nutrition is typically slow-release, so if you don't fill up immediately, you will in the near future. Listen to your stomach messages when eating, don't eat if your body is unwilling.

Starvation If you drop to dark red, you move very slowly and your description reveals your lack of eating habits. You are starving, this is not good! You won't die, but you will move slowly until you eat some food, so head to the Kitchen for a burger or slice of meatbread!

Obesity A troubling problem for all station goers who enjoy food too much, without working off the calories they consumed. You grow pudgy and move slowly, though not as slow as a starving person. You suffer from overheating if you run too far, and you cannot wear some of the more tight fitting suits on ship (space suits mostly). You will only become fat once your food has had time to digest, this becomes a problem if you are say, working on the solars and your suit bursts. By getting enough exercise, you can work off those pounds, eventually. Note that you can also become fat from drinking too much.

When one is fat, eating the mint or ingesting mint toxin (from grinding the mint) will gib them.

Satiety Eating healthy food and being well fed can make your organism temporarily stronger against viruses and toxic reagents that gets into your body but also make it metabolize healing reagents slower for a longer effect. On the other hand, eating junk food will satiate your hunger for a while but it will make you want food again faster, and eating too much of them can make you a bit jittery.

Ingredients Butcherknife.pngButcheringGibber.png This is how you get your meat Meat.png.

To butcher a simple animal, hit the carcass with your blade on harm intent. Monkeys count as simple animal, and this is how you get the most meat. Humanoids such as, well, humans, cannot be butchered with just a knife, thought they can be dismembered. Cutting off and dismembering a head lets you harvest the brain, while dismembering the torso lets you harvest organs such as heart, appendix and lungs. To get meat from a person, you will need to put them in the gibber, the machine in the freezer room. Gibbing a humanoid in such a fashion results in 1 meat slab and 1 skin, and while monkeys can be “harvested” like this you should really use the knife, unless you want the skins for a monkey costume.

Knife.pngRolling Pin.png Knife & Rolling Pin These food are created by using your knife and rolling pin (found in the kitchen's dinnerware vending machine).

Picture | Food name | How to acquire Breadslice.png | Bread Slice | Slice any bread with your knife. Used to make sandwiches. Cakeslice.png | Cake Slice | Slice any cake with your knife. Pizzaslice.png | Pizza Slice | Slice any pizza with your knife. Doughslice.png | Dough Slice | Slice a flat dough with your knife. Flatdough.png | Flat Dough | Flatten a dough with your rolling pin. Rawmeatcutlet.png | Raw Cutlet | Slice a meat with your knife. Piedough.png | Pie Dough | Flatten a cake batter with your rolling pin. Rawpastrybase.png | Raw Pastry Base | Slice a pie dough with your knife. Potato wedges.png | Potato Wedges | Slice a potato with your knife. Cheese Wedge.png | Cheese Wedge | Slice a cheese wheel with your knife. Processor.png Processor Some items will go through the Processor, which is next to your grinder. Experiment them out.

Picture | Processes | Condiments Bacon.png | Raw Bacon | Process one raw cutlet. Faggot.png | Faggot | Process one slab of human or monkey meat. Slamjamspacekabam.png | Slime Jam | Process one slime. Note: Eating this will kill you. Fries.png | Space Fries | Process one plate of potato wedges. Carrotfries.png | Carrot Fries | Process one carrot. Roastparsnip.png | Roast Parsnip | Process one parsnip. Soydope.png | Soy Dope | Process one soy bean. Spaghetti.png | Spaghetti | Process one dough slice. Tortilla.png | Tortilla | Process one corn. Yakiimo.png | Yaki Imo | Process one sweet potato. Blender.png All-In-One-Grinder In order to create some of these items you will either need to mix the regents by hand or toss them into the blender/grinder and grind them.

After which either a finished product will be produced or you will need to transfer the liquid to your ChemMaster.png CondiMaster Neo in the freezer to create it into a bottle.

Any recipe listed as Grind will require the use of the blender, any recipe listed as Mix only requires the beaker. All of your juices will require the Grinder's other setting Juice.

Picture | Blends | How to acquire Universal Enzyme.png | Universal Enzyme | Found on the Cook's table, used in cooking various dishes, more can be ordered from Cargo Bay. Nutriment.png | Nutriment | Grind any solid food. Hotsauce.png | Hot Sauce/Capsicum Oil | Grind chilis. Coldsauce.png | Cold Sauce/Frost Oil | Grind ice peppers. Ketchup.png | Ketchup | Grind tomatoes. Flour.png | Flour | Grind wheat or oat stalks. Rice.png | Rice | Grind rice stalks. Ricebowl.png | Rice Bowl | Mix 10 rice + 10 water in a bowl. Dough.png | Dough | Mix 15 flour + 10 water. Cakebatter.png | Cake Batter | Mix 15 flour + 15 egg yolk + 5 sugar. (you can also use soy milk instead of egg yolk) Begg.png | Egg Yolk | Break an egg into a beaker. Soysauce.png | Soy Sauce | Mix 40 units soy milk + 10 units Sulphuric Acid. Salt.png | Salt | Mix Sodium + Chlorine + Water (sodium and chlorine from Chem Dispenser). Salt-shakers can be found in cafe. Pepper.png | Pepper | Grind pepper-mills in cafe. Moonshine.png | Moonshine | Mix 10 Nutriment + 5 universal enzyme. Cheesewheel.gif | Cheese Wheel | Mix 40 milk + 5 universal enzyme. End result will magically pop a full wheel of cheese. Chocolatebar.gif | Chocolate Bar | Mix 2 units Coco powder (grind a Cocoa Pod) + 2 units milk/soy milk + 2 units Sugar. Tofu.gif | Tofu | Mix 10 soy milk + 5 universal enzyme. Sugar.gif | Sugar | Grind white beet or sugar cane. Sprinkles.gif | Sprinkles | Grind donuts (acts as a healing powder for the enlisted security force). Cherry.png | Cherry Jelly | (My favorite!) Grind cherries. Bluecherry.png | Blue Cherry Jelly | (My favorite!) Grind blue cherries. Microwave.png Microwave Oven The microwave oven is used to cook or boil raw ingredients. You can load multiple of them in the oven and cook them simultaneously. Use a kitchen tray to load it faster.

Trying to cook uncookable food will return a burned mess and will make the oven dirtier (which increases chances of failure).

In case of a failure, just use Space Cleaner or Soap on it and remove the burned mess inside.

Picture | Cooked food | How to acquire Baconcooked.png | Bacon | Microwave a raw bacon. Bread.png | Plain Bread | Microwave a dough. Used in all bread recipes. Bun.png | Bun | Microwave a dough slice. Used in burgers. Pastrybase.png | Pastry Base | Microwave a raw pastry base. Used in most pastry recipes. Spagettiboiled.png | Boiled Spaghetti | Microwave spaghettis. Used in spaghetti recipes. Pizzabread.png | Pizza Bread | Microwave a flat dough. Used in pizza recipes. Pie.gif | Plain Pie | Microwave a pie dough. Used in pie recipes. Regularcake.png | Plain Cake | Microwave a cake batter. Used in cake recipes. Spiderleg.png | Boiled Spider Leg | Microwave a spider leg. Meatcutlet.png | Cutlet | Microwave a raw cutlet. Used in many recipes with meat. Meatstake.png | Meat Steak | Microwave a slab of meat. Used in many recipes with meat. Toastsand.png | Toasted Sandwich | Microwave a sandwich. Popcorn.png | Popcorn | Microwave a corn. Fries.png | Space Fries | Microwave one plate of potato wedges. Donkpocket.png | Warm Donk-pocket | Microwave a Donk-pocket. Begg.png | Boiled Egg | Microwave an egg. Boiledrice.png | Boiled Rice | Microwave a Rice Bowl. Used in rice recipes. Khinkali.png | Khinkali | Microwave a Raw Khinkali. Icecream Vat.png Ice Cream Vat Ding-aling ding dong. Get your Nanotrasen-approved ice cream!

For those hot days on the station there's an Ice Cream Vat, which can be used to make:

Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Notes Waffle Cone.png | Waffle Cone | 1 unit units flour + 1 unit Sugar | Delicious waffle cone, but no ice cream. Chocolate Cone.png | Chocolate Cone | 1 Waffle Cone + 1 Chocolate Flavouring (obtained from Chocolate) | Delicious chocolate cone, but no ice cream. Vanilla Icecream.png | Vanilla Ice Cream | 1 unit milk + 1 unit Sugar | Scoop it up with a Waffle/Chocolate Cone. Strawberry Icecream.png | Strawberry Ice Cream | 1 unit milk + 1 unit Sugar | Scoop it up with a Waffle/Chocolate Cone. Chocolate Icecream.png | Chocolate Ice Cream | 1 unit milk + 1 unit Sugar | Scoop it up with a Waffle/Chocolate Cone. Chocolate flavouring is obtained from Cocoa powder. Blue Icecream.png | Blue Ice Cream | 1 unit milk + 1 unit Sugar | Scoop it up with a Waffle/Chocolate Cone. Blue flavouring is obtained from bluespace tomato singulo. Crafting Recipes Most dish recipes are made using crafting, that is by placing your ingredients out nearby then clicking on the craft button to open a crafting window which lists all recipes that can be done with the ingredients. If one of the ingredients is a liquid, you can have the liquid in any kind of container, such as a beaker, bowl or drinking glass. Simply click any recipe to start crafting it. As long as you have at least the minimum amount of each needed ingredients, all within 1 tile of your character, you can craft it.

Burgers Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Nutritional Value | Notes Burger.png | Burger | 1 bun + 1 meat steak | 7 Nutriment, 3 Vitamin | If you use human meat, the burger will share the name of your victim. If you add a crayon it will color the burger. Baconburger.png | Bacon Burger | 1 bun + 3 cooked bacon + 3 cheese wedge | 19 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Brainburger.png | Brain Burger | 1 bun + 1 Brain | 8 Nutrient, 6 Mannitol, 5 Vitamin | Rarely will you be able to make this. Bother the Roboticist or Medical for delicious brains. Contains Mannitol. Clownburger.png | Clown Burger | 1 bun + 1 Clown Mask | 6 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin, 6 Banana | Get the mime to steal the mask from his nemesis. Mimeburger.png | Mime Burger | 1 bun + 1 Mime Mask | 6 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin, 6 Nothing | Get the clown to steal the mask from his nemesis. Or order a costume crate like the unrobust person you are. Tofubuger.png | Tofu Burger | 1 bun + 1 tofu | 6 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | Melts your face! Spell.png | Spell Burger | 1 bun + 1 Wizard Hat | 8 Nutriment, 10 Vitamin | You will eat this until you have had Ei Nath. Xenoburger.png | Xenoburger | 1 bun + 1 xeno meat steak | 9 Nutriment, 8 Vitamin | Ali-yum! Jellyburger.png | Jelly Burger | 1 bun + 5 units slime jam or 5 units cherry jelly | 2 Nutrient, 5 Slime/Cherry Jelly, 5 Vitamin | My insides are burning! Ghostbur.PNG | Ghost Burger | 1 bun + 1 Ectoplasm | 7 Nutriment, 12 Vitamin | Terror-ifficly tasty. Appendixburger.png | Appendix Burger | 1 bun + 1 Appendix | 8 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin | Tastes like appendicitis Fivealarmburger.png | Five Alarm Burger | 1 bun + 2 ghost chili | | Better call the burn center beforehand… Ratburger.png | Rat Burger | 1 bun + 1 dead mouse | 3 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | What did you expect? Bigbite.png | Big Bite Burger | 1 bun + 3 meat steak | 17 Nutriment, 9 Vitamin | Forget the Big Mac. Superbite.png | Super Bite Burger | 1 bun + 3 cheese wedges + 5 meat steak + 4 Tomatoes + 2 boiled eggs + 5 units salt + 5 units pepper | 44+ Nutriment, 24+ Vitamin, 5 Salt, 5 Pepper | If this doesn't clog their arteries, nothing will. Two bites will take you from starving to overfed. Baseball.png | Home Run Baseball Burger | 1 bun + 1 Baseball Bat | 6 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | Breads & Sandwiches Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Nutritional Value | Notes Meatbread.png | Meatbread | 1 plain bread + 3 cutlets + 3 cheese wedges | 30 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Tofubread.png | Tofu-Bread | 1 plain bread + 3 tofus + 3 cheese wedges | 30 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Xbread.png | Xeno-Bread | 1 plain bread + 3 xeno cutlets + 3 cheese wedges | 30 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. A fitting, and filling, end to xeno scum. Spidermeatloaf.png | Spider Meatloaf | 1 plain bread +3 spider cutlets + 3 cheese wedges | 30 Nutriment, 15 Toxin, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Green but delicious. Bananabread.gif | Banana-nut Bread | 1 plain bread + 3 boiled eggs + 5 units milk + 1 Banana | 20 Banana, 20 Nutriment | Sliceable. Contains a massive amount of banana essence. Bananabread.gif | Mimana Bread | 1 plain bread + 3 tofu + 5 units soymilk + 1 Mimana | | Sliceable. Creambread.png | Cream Cheese Bread | 1 plain bread + 2 cheese wedges + 5 units milk | 20 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Baguette.png | Baguette | 2 pastry base + 1 unit salt + 1 unit pepper | 6 Nutriment, 1 Black Pepper, 1 Salt, 1 Vitamin | The mimes favorite. Sandwich.png | Sandwich | 2 (plain) bread slices + 1 meat steak + 1 cheese wedge | 6 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | Talking to your food may result in a trip to the Chaplain. Toastsand.png | Grilled Cheese Sandwich | 2 (plain) bread slices + 2 cheese wedge | 7 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | Space Vegetarian, but not Space Vegan friendly. Jellytoast.png | Jelly Toast | 1 bread slice + 5 units slime jam or cherry jelly | 1 Nutriment, 5 Cherry/Slime Jelly, 2 Vitamin | As if science are gonna give up their slimes for toast! Twobread.png | Two Bread | 2 (plain) bread slices + 5 wine | 2 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | Classy. Rorosandwich.png | Jelly Sandwich | 2 (plain) bread slices + 5 units slime jam or cherry jelly | 2 Nutriment, 5 Cherry/Slime Jelly, 2 Vitamin | In the grim darkness of the 22nd century, peanut allergies run rampant. Notasandwich.png | Not-a-Sandwich | 1 Fake Moustache + 2 (plain) bread slices | 6 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin | Something seems to be wrong with this, you can't quite figure what. Maybe it's his moustache. Icecreamsandwich.png | Ice Cream Sandwich | 1 ice cream + 5 units ice + 5 units milk cream | 2 Nutriment, 2 Ice | Portable Ice Cream in it's own packaging. Pizzas Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Nutritional Value | Notes Margheritapizza.png | Margherita Pizza | 1 pizza bread + 4 cheese wedges + 1 Tomato | 30 Nutriment, 6 Tomato Juice, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Mushroompizza.png | Mushroom Pizza | 1 pizza bread + 5 any Mushrooms | 30 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Meatpizza.png | Meat Pizza | 1 pizza bread + 4 cutlets + 1 cheese wedge + 1 Tomato | 40 Nutriment, 6 Tomato Juice, 8 Vitamin | Sliceable. Extremely nutritious, despite the grease. Donkpocketpizza.png | Donk Pocket Pizza | 1 pizza bread + 3 Warm donk pockets + 1 Tomato + 1 Cheesewedge | 27 Nutriment, 9 Omnizine, 6 Vitamin | Sliceable. Dankpizza.png | Dank Pizza | 1 pizza bread + 3 Ambrosia vulgaris + 1 Cheesewedge + 1 Tomato | | Sliceable. Sassysagepizza.png | Sassysage Pizza | 1 pizza bread + 3 Faggots + 1 Cheesewedge + 1 Tomato | | Sliceable. Vegepizza.png | Vegetable Pizza | 1 pizza bread + 1 Eggplant + 1 Carrot + 1 Corn + 1 Tomato | 25 Nutriment, 6 Tomato Juice, 12 Oculine, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Pastas Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Nutritional Value | Notes Pastatomato.png | Tomato Pasta | 1 boiled spaghetti + 2 Tomatoes | 6 Nutriment, 10 Tomato Juice, 4 Vitamin | Don't put it in your pockets. That's just unsanitary. Copypasta.gif | Copypasta | 2 tomato pastas | 12 Nutriment, 20 Tomato Juice, 8 Vitamin | Make this, and the wrath of the Coderbus will descend upon you. No, really. They hate this stuff. Meatballspag.png | Spaghetti & Meatballs | 1 boiled spaghetti + 2 faggots | 8 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin | That's-a a spicy meat-aball! Spesslaw.png | Spesslaw | 1 boiled spaghetti + 4 faggots | 8 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin | Lawyer's choice! Chowmein.png | Chowmein | 1 boiled spaghetti + 1 Cutlet + 2 Cabbage + 1 Carrot | | Beefnoodle.png | Beef Noodle | 1 boiled spaghetti + 1 Bowl + 2 Cutlet + 1 Cabbage | | Soups & Stews Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Nutritional Value | Notes Meatsoup.png | Meatball Soup | 1 Bowl + 10 units water + 1 faggot + 1 Carrot + 1 Potato | 7+ Nutriment, 10 Water, 8+ Vitamin | Out of spaghetti? Don't like stew? Here's the thing for you. Nettlesoup.png | Nettle Soup | 1 Bowl + 10 units water + 1 Nettle + 1 boiled egg + 1 Potato | 5+ Nutriment, 10 Water, 5 Omnizine, 8+ Vitamin | Contains trace amounts of sulphuric acid. Contains Omnizine. Vegesoup.png | Vegetable Soup | 1 Bowl + 10 units water + 1 Carrot + 1 Corn + 1 Eggplant + 1 Potato | 5+ Nutriment, 10 Water, 8+ Vitamin | Force feed the Botanists this. Tomatosoup.png | Tomato Soup | 1 Bowl + 10 units water + 2 Tomatoes | 3+ Nutriment, 10 Water, 10 Tomato Juice, 5+ Vitamin | What, no crackers? Bloodsoup.png | Blood Soup | 1 Bowl + 10 units Blood + 2 Blood Tomatoes | 3+ Nutriment, 10 Blood, 8+ Vitamin | They may think you're the homicidal maniac you are when you produce a large amount of these. Slimesoup.png | Slime Soup | 1 Bowl + 10 units water + 5 units slime jam | 1 Nutriment, 5 Slime Jelly, 10 Water, 5 Vitamin | Mmm, mmm, oh God my guts. Clownsoup.png | Clown's Tears | 1 Bowl + 10 units water + 1 Banana + 1 Bananium ore | 2+ Nutriment, 5+ Banana, 10 Water, 9+ Vitamin | Not very funny. Mysterysoup.png | Mystery Soup | 1 Bowl + 10 units water + 1 burned mess + 1 tofu + 1 boiled egg + 1 cheese wedge | 7 Nutriment, 10 Water, 2 Tomato juice, 2 Vitamin, and 5 of a Random Ingredient:

Capsaicin,Frost Oil, Omnizine, Banana, Blood, Slime Jelly, Toxin, Oculine, Carbon

This dish contains all the essential nutriment for a growing crew, and almost anything else you can feed them. Mushroomsoup.png | Mushroom Soup | 1 Bowl + 5 units water + 5 units milk + 1 Chanterelle | 2+ Nutriment, 5 Water, 5 Milk, 6+ Vitamin | The debate on whether you can use Aminitas for the soup goes on. Beetsoup.png | Beet Soup | 1 Bowl + 10 units water + 1 Whitebeet + 1 Cabbage | 3+ Nutriment, 10 Water, 7+ Vitamin | Feed your inner Russian with borscht. Milo.png | Milo Soup | 1 Bowl + 10 units water + 2 Soy Dopes + 2 tofus | 9 Nutriment, 10 Water, 3 Vitamin | Made when the hippies decide to only grow soy crops. Stewedsoymeat.png | Stewed Soy Meat | 2 Soy Dopes + 1 Carrot + 1 Tomato | 7 Nutriment, 2+ Vitamin | Like a steak dinner, only with less murder. Stew.png | Stew | 1 Bowl + 10 units water + 3 cutlet + 1 Tomato + 1 Potato + 1 Carrot + 1 Eggplant + 1 Mushroom | 14+ Nutriment, 10 Water, 5 Tomato Juice, 5 Oculine, 13+ Vitamin | The perfect thing for when the bar starts to get cold. Coldstew.png | Cold Chili Stew | 1 Bowl + 2 cutlets + 1 Ice Pepper + 1 Tomato | 8+ Nutriment, 1+ Frost Oil, 2 Tomato Juice, 4+ Vitamin | Ice, ice, baby! Hotstew.png | Hot Chili Stew | 1 Bowl + 2 cutlets + 1 Chili Pepper + 1 Tomato | 8+ Nutriment, 1 Capsaicin, 2 Tomato Juice, 4+ Vitamin | Some like it hot, hot, HOT! Oatmeal.png | Oatmeal | 1 Bowl + 10 units Milk + 1 Oat stalk | | Sweetpotatosoup.png | Sweet Potato Soup | 1 Bowl + 10 units Water + 5 units Sugar + 2 Sweet potatoes | | Redbeetsoup.png | Red Beet Soup | 1 Bowl + 10 units Water + 1 Red beet + 1 Cabbage | | Wishsoup.png | Wish Soup | 1 Bowl + 20 units water | 20 Water, (25% Chance for 9 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin) | Make you wish the chef could cook. Seafood Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Nutritional Value | Notes Carpfillet.png | Imitation Carp Fillet | 5 units Carpotoxin + 1 tofu | 3 Nutriment, 2 Carpotoxin, 2 Vitamin | Almost just like the real thing, kinda. Slightly toxic. Carpsandwich.png | Fillet -o- Carp Sandwich | 1 bun + 1 Carp Fillet | 3 Carpotoxin, 3 Vitamin | Slightly toxic. Cubancarp.png | Cuban Carp | 1 Carp Fillet + 5 units flour + 1 Chili Pepper | 6 Nutriment, 3 Capsaicin | Slightly toxic, and very spicy. Fishandchips.png | Fish & Chips | 1 space fries + 1 Carp meat | 6 Nutriment | The Brit's favorite. Good luck getting Space Carp meat. (Note: POISONOUS) Ffish.png | Fish Fingers | 5 units flour + 1 bun + 1 Carp meat | 4 Nutriment | Good luck getting Space Carp meat. (Note: POISONOUS) Sashimi.png | Carp Sashimi | 1 spider egg + 1 carp meat + 5 units soy sauce | 6 Nutriment, 5 Toxin | Good luck getting Space Carp meat. (Note: POISONOUS) Meat Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Nutritional Value | Notes Sausage.png | Sausage | 1 faggot + 2 cutlets | 6 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | Who even knows what or who it's made from anymore. Spidereggsham.png | Green Eggs and Ham | 2 spider cutlets + 1 spider egg + 1 salt | 6 Nutriment, 1 Salt, 3 Toxin | You swear it's still moving. Cornedbeef.png | Corned beef and cabbage | 1 Meat steak + 2 Cabbages + 5 salt | 6 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin | Now you can feel like a real tourist vacationing in Ireland. Bearsteak.gif | Filet Migrawr | 1 Bear steak + 5 units Manly Dorf (requires lighter) | 2 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin, 5 Manly Dorf | Khinkali.png | Raw Khinkali | 1 Dough slice + 1 faggot | 1 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | Microwave to finish preparing. Salads Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Nutritional Value | Notes Herbsalad.png | Herb Salad | 1 Bowl + 3 Ambrosia Vulgaris + 1 Apple | 8 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | What if, like, WE'RE the aliens, man? Aesirsalad.png | Aesir Salad | 1 Bowl + 3 Ambrosia Deus + 1 Goldapple | 8 Nutriment, 8 Omnizine, 6 Vitamin | Duuuuuuuuuude. Validsalad.png | Valid Salad | 1 Bowl + 3 Ambrosia Vulgaris + 1 Potato + 1 faggot | 8 Nutriment, 5 Doctor's Delight 2 Vitamin | Heals everyone! Not really Melonfruitbowl.png | Melon Fruit Bowl | 1 Watermelon + 1 Apple + 1 Orange + 1 Lemon + 1 Banana + 1 Ambrosia | | The only salad where you can eat the bowl Fruitsalad.png | Fruit Salad | 1 Bowl + 1 Orange + 1 Apple + 1 Grapes + 2 Watermelon slice | | Junglesalad.png | Jungle Salad | 1 Bowl + 1 Apple + 1 Grapes + 2 Banana + 2 Watermelon slice | | Citrusdelight.png | Citrus Delight | 1 Bowl + 1 Orange + 1 Lime + 1 Lemon | 9 Nutriment, 9 Vitamin | Pies Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Nutritional Value | Notes Pie.gif | Banana Cream Pie | 1 plain pie + 1 Banana | 4 Nutriment, 5 Banana, 2 Vitamin | Contains a moderate amount of banana essence. Berryclafoutis.png | Berry Clafoutis | 1 plain pie + 1 Berry | 4 Nutriment, 5 Berry Juice, 2 Vitamin | It's like asking the deep-friers at a carnival for something healthy! Meatpies.png | Meatpies | 1 plain pie + 1 meat steak + 1 salt + 1 pepper | 10 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Made of people, or not? Meatpies.png | Tofu Pie | 1 plain pie + 1 tofu | 10 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | Made of plants, or not? Xpie.png | Xeno Pie | 1 plain pie + 2 xeno cutlets | 10 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | A delicious end to the xeno threat. Applepie.png | Apple Pie | 1 plain pie + 1 Apple | 4 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | The traditional dessert. Cherrypie.png | Cherry Pie | 1 plain pie + 1 Cherry | 4 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | “To bake a pie, we must first invent the universe.” -Carl Sagan Amapie.png | Amanita Pie | 1 plain pie + 1 Amanita | 5 Nutriment, 3 Amatoxin, 1 Mushroom Hallucinogen, 4 Vitamin | Only slightly toxic, really! Pumpkinpie.png | Pumpkin Pie | 1 plain pie + 1 Pumpkin + 5 units milk + 5 units Sugar | 13 Nutriment, 3 Vitamin | Sliceable. Dangerously delicious. Plumppie.GIF | Plump Pie | 1 plain pie + 1 Plump Helmet | 8 Nutriment, 5 Omnizine (10% Chance), 4 Vitamin | Has a chance to be “exceptional” - it'll contain Omnizine! Gtart.png | Golden Apple Tart | 1 plain pie + 5 units milk + 5 units Sugar + 1 Goldapple | 8 Nutriment, 5 Gold, 4 Vitamin | Tastes like chaos! Blumpkinpie.png | Blumpkin Pie | 1 plain pie + 5 units milk + 5 units Sugar + 1 Blumpkin | | Toxic! Dulcedebatata.png | Dulce de Batata | 5 units Vanilla + 5 units Water + 2 Sweet potato | | sliceable Frostypie.png | Frostypie | 1 plain pie + 1 Blue cherry | | Bearypie.png | Beary Pie | 1 bear steak + 1 plain pie + 1 Berry | 2 Nutriment, 3 Vitamin | Grapetart.png | Grape Tart | 1 plain pie + 5 units Sugar + 5 units Milk + 3 Grapes | 4 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin | Cakes Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Nutritional Value | Notes Carrotcake.png | Carrot Cake | 1 plain cake + 2 Carrots | 20 Nutriment, 10 Oculine, 5 Vitamin | Slicable. Heals eye trauma. Cheesecake.png | Cheese Cake | 1 plain cake + 2 cheese wedges | 20 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Slicable. Does not come with scantily dressed ladies. Birthday.png | Birthday Cake | 1 plain cake + 1 Cake Hat | 20 Nutriment, 10 Sprinkles, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Don't forget to make a wish. Contains sprinkles, which heal security members. Applecake.png | Apple Cake | 1 plain cake + 2 Apples | 20 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Braincake.png | Brain Cake | 1 plain cake + 1 Brain | 20 Nutriment, 10 Mannitol, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Bother the Roboticist for unusable brains. Orangecake.png | Orange Cake | 1 plain cake + 2 Oranges | 20 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Limecake.png | Lime Cake | 1 plain cake + 2 Limes | 20 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Lemoncake.png | Lemon Cake | 1 plain cake + 2 Lemons | 20 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Choccake.png | Chocolate Cake | 1 plain cake + 2 Chocolate Bars | 20 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Pumpkinspicecake.png | Pumpkin Spice Cake | 1 plain cake + 2 Pumpkin | 32 Nutriments, 11 Vitamin | Sliceable. Slimecake.png | Slime Cake | 1 plain cake + 1 Slime Extract | 20 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Cak.png | Cak | 1 Birthday Cake + 1 Brain + 1 Heart + 3 meat slabs + 30 units Blood + 5 Sprinkles + 1 unit Teslium | N/A | A cake/cat hybrid controlled by the player whose brain is used. Clicking the cak with an open hand on harm intent provides small amounts of nutriment and vitamin, and the cak quickly heals brute damage. Donuts around the cak automatically become frosted. Side Dishes Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Nutritional Value | Notes Cheesefries.png | Cheese Fries | 1 space fries + 1 cheese wedge | 6 Nutriment | Tasty, tasty cheese fries. Cheesepmelet.png | Cheese Omelette | 2 boiled eggs + 2 cheese wedges | 8 Nutriment | Can eat these with a fork. Have a medical team on standby in case of utensil-related injuries. Friedegg.png | Fried Egg | 1 boiled egg + 1 unit salt + 1 unit pepper | 2 Nutriment, 1 Salt, 1 Black Pepper | The ancient and sacred meal of the solar wiring engineer. Bakedpotato.png | Loaded Baked Potato | 1 Potato + 1 cheese wedge | 6 Nutriment | No bacon bits? Eggplantparmigiana.png | Eggplant Parmigiana | 2 cheese wedges + 1 Eggplant | 6 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | Clogs your arteries, healthily! Donkpocket.png | Warm Donk-Pocket | 1 pastry base + 1 faggot | 4 Nutriment | Contains Omnizine, until they cool. Reheatable once they do. Hotdog.png | Hot Dog | 1 bun + 1 Sausage + 5 units Ketchup | 6 Nutriment, 3 Ketchup, 3 Vitamin | Fresh footlong ready to go down on. Benedict.png | Eggs Benedict | 1 fried egg + 1 meat steak + 1 bread slice | 6 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin | There is only one egg on this, how rude. Beans.png | Tin of Beans | 2 Soy Beans + 5 units Ketchup | 10 Nutriment | Musical fruit in a slightly less musical container. Pastries Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Nutritional Value | Notes Donut.png | Donut | 1 pastry base + 1 unit Sugar | 3 Nutriment, 1 Sprinkles (30% Chance of 2 Sprinkles), 2 sugar | Security members recover morale quickly with these. Jdonut1.gif | Jelly Donut | 1 pastry base + 5 units berry juice or slime jam or cherry jelly | 3 Nutriment, 1 Sprinkles (30% Chance of 2 Sprinkles), 5 Berry Juice, 1 Vitamin, | Security members recover more morale with these. Donut1.gif | Chaos Donuts | 1 pastry base + 5 units Hot Sauce + 5 units Cold Sauce | 2 Nutriment, 1 Sprinkles (30% Chance of 2 Sprinkles), 1 Sugar Possible 4th Ingredients (Random): 3 Nutriment, 3 Capsaicin, 3 Frost Oil, 3 Sprinkles, 3 Plasma, 3 Coco, 3 Slime Jelly, 3 Banana, 3 Berry Juice, 3 Omnizine

Produces a variety of (possibly dangerous) effects when eaten. Soylenvirdians.png | Soylent Green | 2 pastry base + 2 Human Meats | 10 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | SOYLENT GREEN IS PEOPLE! Soylenvirdians.png | Soylen Viridians | 2 pastry base + 1 Soy Bean | 10 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | SOYLENT VIRIDIAN IS PLANTS! Waffles.png | Waffles | 2 pastry base | 8 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | Like pancakes with syrup traps. Roffle.png | Roffle Waffles | 2 pastry base + 5 units Mushroom Hallucinogen | 8 Nutriment, 8 Mushroom Hallucinogen, 2 Vitamin | Like pancakes with hallucinogen traps. Fortunecookie.png | Fortune Cookie | 1 pastry base + 1 Piece of paper with prophecy | 3 Nutriment | Bad luck and misfortune will infest your pathetic soul for all eternity. Sugarcookie.png | Sugar Cookie | 1 pastry base + 5 units Sugar | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar | Just like your little sister used to make. Muffin.png | Muffin | 1 pastry base + 5 units milk | 6 Nutriment | Muffin! Berrymuffin.png | Berry Muffin | 1 pastry base + 5 units milk + 1 Berry | 6 Nutriment | A delicious and spongy little cake, with berries. Booberrymuffin.png | Booberry Muffin | 1 pastry base + 5 units milk + 1 Berry + 1 Ectoplasm | 6 Nutriment | My stomach is a graveyard! No living being can quench my bloodthirst! Cracker.png | Cracker | 1 pastry base + 1 salt | 1 Nutriment | Poly yells, “POLY WANNA CRACKER!” Pretzel.png | Poppy Pretzel | 1 pastry base + 1 Poppy Seed | 5 Nutriment | Heals brute damage with opium! Biscuit.png | Plump Biscuits | 1 pastry base + 1 Plump Helmet | 5 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin (10% chance of additional 3 Nutriment, 5 Omnizine | The perfect chaser for a Manly Dorf. Oatmealcookie.png | Oatmeal cookie | 1 pastry base + 1 Oat stalk | | Raisincookie.png | Raisin Cookie | 1 pastry base + 1 Oat stalk + 1 4noraisin | | Cherrycupcake.png | Cherry Cupcake | 1 pastry base + 1 Cherry | | Bluecherrycupcake.png | Blue Cherry Cupcake | 1 pastry base + 1 Blue cherry | | Dankpocket.png | Dank-pocket | 1 pastry base + 1 Cannabis | 3 Lipolicide, 3 Space Drugs, 4 Nutriment | Khachapuri.png | Khachapuri | 1 plain bread + 1 cheese wedge + 5 units egg yolk | 12 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | Chococornet.png | Chocolate Cornet | 1 Pastry Base + 1 unit Salt + 1 Chocolate Bar | 5 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | Honeybun.png | Honey Bun | 1 Pastry Base + 5 units Honey | 5 Nutriment, 5 Honey | Sweets Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Nutritional Value | Notes Chocegg.png | Chocolate Egg | 1 boiled egg + 1 Chocolate Bar | 4 Nutriment, 2 Sugar, 2 Coco | NT regulations forbid stuffing toys in these things anymore. Chococoin.png | Chocolate Coin | 1 Coin + 1 Chocolate Bar | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 1 Coco | Chocodice.png | Fudge Dice | 1 Die + 1 Chocolate Bar | 3 Nutriment, 1 Coco | You get a fudge die after eating it. Chocoorange.png | Chocolate Orange | 1 Orange + 1 Chocolate Bar | 6 Nutriment, 3 Vitamin, 3 Sugar, 2 Coco | Candiedapple.png | Candied Apple | 5 units water + 5 units Sugar + 1 Apple | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar | Happy Halloween generic shift! Sundae.png | Sundae | 5 units Cream + 1 Cherry + 1 Banana + 1 Icecream | | Honkdae.png | Honkdae | 5 units Cream + 1 Clown mask + 1 Cherry + 2 Banana + 1 Icecream | | Spacefreezy.png | Space Freezy | 5 units Blue cherry jelly + 15 units Space mountain wind + 1 Icecream | | Honeybar.png | Honey Nut Bar | 1 Oat + 5 units Honey | 5 Nutriment, 5 Honey | Exotic Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Nutritional Value | Notes Monkeydel.png | Monkey's Delight | 1 Bowl + 1 Monkey Cube + 1 Banana + 5 units flour + 1 unit salt + 1 unit pepper | 10 Nutriment, 5 Banana, 1 Salt, 1 Black Pepper 5 Vitamin | EE EEE! Chaw.png | Chawanmushi | 5 units Water + 5 units soy sauce + 2 boiled eggs + 1 Chanterelle | 5 Nutriment | Nǐ xiǎng yào chī shénme? Wingchu.png | Wing Fang Chu | 5 units soy sauce + 2 xeno cutlets | 6 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | At least it wasn't the dog. Enchi.png | Enchiladas | 2 cutlets + 2 Chilis + 2 Tortilla | 8 Nutriment, 6 Capsaicin | Spicy. Wrap.png | Egg Wrap | 1 fried egg + 1 Cabbage + 10 units soy sauce | 5 Nutriment | The precursor to Pigs in a Blanket. Burrito.png | Burrito | 1 Tortilla + 2 Soybeans | | Delicious! CheesyBurrito.png | CheesyBurrito | 1 Tortilla + 2 Cheeswedge + 1 Soybeans | | CarneBurrito.png | Carne de Asada Burrito | 1 Tortilla + 2 Cutlet + 1 Soybeans | | PlasmaBurrito.png | Fuego Plasma Burrito | 1 Tortilla + 2 ghost chili + 1 Soybeans | | Kebab.png | Kebab | 1 Metal Rod + 2 meat steaks (meat must be same type!), 2 tofus, or 1 lizard tail | 8 Nutriment | You get the metal rod back after eating. Nachos.png | Nachos | 1 Tortilla + 1 unit Salt | 4 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin, 1 Salt | CheesyNachos.png | Cheesy Nachos | 1 Tortilla + 1 unit Salt + 1 Cheeswedge | 7 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin, 1 Salt | Cuban Nachos.png | Cuban Nachos | 1 Tortilla + 5 units Ketchup + 2 Chili pepper | | AmanitaJelly.gif | Amanita Jelly | 1 Bowl + 5 units water + 5 units vodka + 3 Amanitas | 6 Nutriment, 6 Amatoxin, 3 Mushroom Hallucinogen | It's evil, don't touch it! Duff.gif | Spacy Liberty Duff | 1 Bowl + 5 units water + 5 units vodka + 3 Liberty Caps | 6 Nutriment, 6 Mushroom Hallucinogen | The colors, maaaan, THE COLORS. Melonkeg.gif | Melon Keg | 1 Holy melon + 1 Vodka bottle + 25 units Vodka | | Riceandpork.png | Rice and Pork | 1 Boiled Rice + 2 Cutlet | 18 Nutriment, 7 Vitamin, 6.5 Salbutamol, 2 Epinephrine | It's rice and …“pork”. Eggbowl.png | Eggbowl | 1 Boiled Rice + 1 Boiled egg + 1 Carrot + 1 Corn | | Ricepudding.png | Rice Pudding | 1 Boiled Rice + 5 Milk + 5 Sugar | 9 Nutriment, 3 Vitamin, 5 Milk, 5 Sugar | Meatbun.png | Meat Bun | 5 units soy sauce + 1 bun + 1 faggot + 1 Cabbage | 6 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | Has the potential to not be Dog. Lizardwine.png | Bottle of Lizard Wine | 1 Lizard Tail + 100 units Ethanol | | Lizard wine has a booze power of 45.

Custom Recipes Sometimes you want to get creative. You can make custom food by adding any ingredient you like on a base food to start a custom recipe. You can rename those foods with a pen.

Custom food | How to acquire Custom Bread | Use ingredients on a plain bread. Sliceable for custom bread slice. Custom Cake | Use ingredients on a plain cake. Sliceable for custom cake slice. Custom Pizza | Use ingredients on a pizza bread. Sliceable for custom cake slice. Custom Pie | Use ingredients on a plain pie. Custom Spaghetti | Use ingredients on a plate of boiled spaghetti. Custom Salad | Use ingredients on an empty bowl. Custom Soup | Fill a bowl with any liquid reagent then use your ingredients on the bowl. Custom Kebab | Use ingredients on a metal rod. Custom Sandwich | Use ingredients on any bread slice. Use another bread slice (any type) to finish the sandwich. Custom Burger | Use ingredients on a bun. Vending Machine Food Vendsnack.gif Junk Food If you're hungry and the Cook is not around to make you a meal, you might want to check the nearest Getmore Chocolate Corp -vending machine for some quick snacks to fill up your belly. Most of these cannot be made, except for beef jerky and raisins: these are made by drying meat and grapes respectively on a drying rack.

Picture | Dispenses | Description Candy.png | Candy | Nougat; love it or hate it. Consists of nutriment and sugar, filling you mildly. Cup Ramen.png | Cup Ramen | Just add 10ml water, self heats! A taste that reminds you of your school years. Chips.png | Chips | Commander Riker's What-The-Crisps. Consists of nutriment and sugar, filling you mildly. Beef Jerky.png | Scaredy's Private Reserve Beef Jerky | Beef jerky made from the finest space cows. Consists of nutriment and sugar, filling you mildly. 4no Raisins.png | 4no Raisins | Best raisins in the universe. Not sure why. Consists of nutriment and sugar, making it a filling snack. Space Twinkie.png | Space Twinkie | A few bite snack consisting of a small amount of sugar. Cheesie Honkers.png | Cheesie Honkers | Bite sized cheesie snacks that will honk all over your mouth. Consists of nutriment and sugar, filling you mildly, Vendcola.gif Junk Drinks If you feel like drinking something which has no alcohol or sugar in it (why on earth would you want to do that?), look for your closest Robust Softdrinks -vending machine.

Picture | Dispenses | Description Space Cola.png | Space Cola | Cola. in space. Space Mountain Wind.png | Space Mountain Wind | Blows right through you like a space wind. Dr Gibb.png | Dr. Gibb | A delicious mixture of 42 different flavors. Star-kist.png | Star-kist | Made up of Cola and orange juice. The taste of a star in liquid form. And, a bit of tuna…? Space-Up.png | Space-Up | Tastes like a hull breach in your mouth. Lemon-Lime.png | Lemon-Lime | You wanted ORANGE. It gave you Lemon-Lime. Vendcoffee.gif Hot Drinks If you feel like you want to be warmer, find a Hot Drinks Machine -vending machine. Consuming before entering a cryochamber is not advised; consuming before entering space is a good idea if you lack a space suit.

Picture | Dispenses | Description Robust Coffee.png | Robust Coffee | Careful, the beverage you're about to enjoy is extremely hot. Duke Purple Tea.png | Duke Purple Tea | An insult to Duke Purple is an insult to the Space Queen! Any proper gentleman will fight you, if you sully this tea. Duke Purple Tea.png | Dutch Hot Coco | Contains hot coco and sugar. Made in Space South America. Hot coco can also be made on the station from 5 parts water 1 part coco. Other food Picture | Item | Description Cookie.gif | Cookie | A Peacekeeper cyborg can dispense cookies. Each cookie contains a small amount of nutriment.

Aurora Meals

Guide to Food Jump to navigationJump to search

Contents 1 | Nutrition 1.1 | Fullness/Starvation 2 | Food Recipes 2.1 | Mixed Recipes 2.2 | Stove 2.3 | Oven 2.4 | Deep Fryer 2.5 | Batter 2.6 | Intermediate Ingredients 2.6.1 | Butchery 2.7 | Reagents/Condiments/Recipes from Blending or Mixing 2.7.1 | Processed Reagents 2.7.2 | Mixed Reagents 2.7.3 | Mixed Foods 3 | Junk Food 4 | Advanced Cooking Nutrition As you walk, run, and spend time on the station, your character's nutrition level will drop. Eating food that contains nutriment, protein, or certain other reagents (see below) will replenish this value. It isn't good to go without food for too long, or to overeat! Keep in mind how much you've eaten and how long it has been since you last ate, and try to stay comfortably full.

Note that nutriment and other reagents need to be metabolized by your body after you've eaten, so if you don't fill up immediately after a meal, you may after a few moments.

Several reagents will increase your nutrition:

Very effective: Fats (Corn oil, peanut oil, and triglycerides in meat), caramel, glucose, nutriment (found in most foods), protein (found in meat, cheese, eggs, tofu, and seafood), and k'ois (if you are a Vaurca; it is poisonous otherwise). Somewhat effective: Honey, ketchup, coco powder, peanut butter/roasted peanuts, hot ramen, Hell Ramen, barbecue sauce, garlic sauce, mayonnaise, batter, synthetic nutriment (found in junk food). Minor increase: Soy sauce, hot cocoa, potato juice, sprinkles, dry ramen, flour, rice, moss, cherry jelly, coffee/tea grounds, alcoholic drinks. There may be others! Alien species have special dietary needs:

Vaurca are only nourished by k'ois paste, which is found in the k'ois products on station. These foods also contain phoron, which the species needs to survive. Consuming any other food reagent will poison them. Unathi are only nourished by animal products: meat, eggs, dairy, and so forth. Though they can eat other foods, these will not provide an Unathi with nourishment. Unathi are sensitive to foods that lower body temperature. Skrell do not have special dietary needs and are not allergic to animal protein. However, they do not have teeth and prefer soft foods. Tajara do not have special dietary needs, but are sensitive to foods that raise body temperature. IPCs do not eat food. They require power from cyborg recharge stations or station APCs. Fullness/Starvation Nutrition0.pngNutrition3.pngNutrition4.png

These icons may appear on your screen when your nutrition level needs attention:

A burger with a grey marker means you are too full and will move around more slowly. The yellow marker means your character is getting hungry. If you see the icon of a burger with a red marker on your screen, you will start to move very slowly due to starvation. This effect can be severe and will continue until you eat some food, so head to the chef for a wholesome snack! IPCs that run out of nutrition due to a lack of power will be temporarily immobilized. Vaurca are affected by nutrition like other species, but will also begin to suffocate if they do not replenish their internal phoron supply by consuming k'ois or finding an external source of phoron. Some things will decrease your nutrition quickly:

Sprinting by toggling 'Walk' to 'Run' Vomiting Being cold (by exposure to cold environments or because you were in a cryo tube) Recovering from blood loss Taking Lipozine Some viruses Food Recipes Liquids, condiments, ground fruits and vegetables, and eggs that have been cracked into a container are all measured in reagent units. They can be poured directly into the oven or pan (whole eggs can be added directly to a container and are considered a separate ingredient, so be careful!) Sliceable foods can be divided into smaller portions by slicing them with a sharp object. Their reagents are divided equally into the slices. The slices noted here are the maximum number of slices, which you can get by using a precise cutting tool like a kitchen knife, cleaver, or scalpel; crude cutting tools, like axes, shovels, and saws will result in fewer slices. Condiments and reagents can be added to food, possibly increasing their nutrition value or adding some fun extras. A chef can create condiments by grinding up things that contain them and isolating them in the CondiMaster. Condiments let you put ketchup on your fries, salt in your soup, dylovene on your fish fingers, or psilocybin on your xeno burger–the possibilities are endless. Foods hold a maximum of fifty units of reagents. Some poisonous foods can be prepared safely if the poisonous reagent is neutralized or removed somehow (try using syringes!). Experienced chefs only! Poisonous reagents are marked in red text. Reagents which have other, non-deadly effects–like intoxication, sleepiness, or the effects of hot or cold sauce–are marked in blue text. Microwaves do not exist. Most of their functions have been relegated to plates, bowls, and stoves instead. To create most foods, you need a container to mix ingredients. Containers include skillets, saucepans, pots, serving bowls and plates, oven dishes, and deep-fryer baskets. Some recipes must be baked, boiled, fried, or cooked. For these, pick up a container from its appliance, insert the various ingredients, and then put the container back. If the appliance isn't turned on, your food won't cook; turn it on with an alt-click on the appliance, then select the desired temperature. Food is done when it reaches a set temperature; your appliance will sound a helpful ping to notify you. If left too long after it is cooked, it burns; but there is plenty of time to reach the appliance and retrieve the food between cooked and burnt, so don't be afraid to set your fryer, stove, and oven to their max temperatures. Traitor chefs can make some sneaky substitutions: Psychedelic or poisonous mushrooms can be substituted for mushrooms in most mushroom dishes. If your victim gets medical treatment in a reasonable amount of time, they should survive. Poisonous apples (Xenobotany) can be used in all apple dishes, and the final dish will be poisoned. Unlike poisonous mushrooms, cyanide apples can easily kill, since cyanide causes paralysis and heart failure. Slime jelly (Xenobiology) can be substituted for cherry jelly, and will poison the resulting food. Slime jelly is highly toxic; your victim will require intensive medical care to survive. Anything made with meat can be made with human meat. (It's still necessary to emag the gibber before butchering one's murder victims.) Anything made with fish can be made with carp. This will poison your victim with carpotoxin. It will also upset the pharmacist, since carpotoxin can be made into rare chemicals. Mixed Recipes Some recipes do not need to be heated, just mixed together. A few recipes can be created by clicking on one ingredient with the other; most require a mixing bowl or other container. Simply stuff the ingredients into a serving bowl or plate, drag the container's sprite onto your character's, and watch the delicious goodies appear in the container. If you can fit multiples of the same recipe into your container, you can even speed up the process: for example, combining six cabbages, three tomatoes, three carrots, and three apples in a bowl before dragging it to yourself will net you three tossed salads.

Result | Container | Recipe | Reagents & Notes Aesirsalad.png | Aesir salad | Bowl/Plate | 1 ambrosia deus, 1 golden apple | 8 Nutriment, 4 Ambrosia Extract, 2 Apple Juice, 1 Bicaridine, 3 Gold, 1 Synaptizine, 8 The Doctor's Delight, 8 Tricordrazine Ambrosia Deus and Golden Apple are mutant plants obtainable from Xenobotany. Baconburger.png | Bacon Burger | Bowl/Plate | 1 bun, 2 bacon, 1 meat | 4 nutriment, 8 animal protein, 2.67 triglyceride Banana split.png | Banana Split | Bowl/Plate | 1 ice cream cone 1 banana 5u milk, 5u ice | 5 nutriment, 3 banana juice Bearburger.png | Bearburger | Bowl/Plate | 1 Bun, 1 bear meat | 10 animal protein, 5 hyperzine Bigbite.png | Big Bite Burger | Bowl/Plate | 1 Burger, 3 meat 3u egg yolk | 4 nutriment, 10 animal protein BLT.png | BLT | Bowl/Plate | 2 bread slice, 2 bacon 1 cabbage, 1 tomato | 7.75 nutriment, 4 animal protein, 0.25 salt, 11 tomato juice, 0.6 triglyceride Brainburger.png | Brain Burger | Bowl/Plate | 1 Brain, 1 Bun | 4 nutriment, 6 animal protein, 6 alkysine, 5 blood Breakfest of Guwandi.png | Breakfast of champions | Bowl/Plate | 1 meat steak, 1 omelette du fromage, 1 sausage | 12 animal protein, 8 egg yolk, .64 nutriment, 1 pepper, 1 salt, 2.33 triglyceride Bunbun.png | Bun Bun | Bowl/Plate | 2 Bun | 8 Nutriment Plain Burger.png | Burger | None OR Bowl/Plate | 1 Bun and [1 Cutlet OR 1 Meatball] | 4 nutriment, 2 animal protein, .67 triglyceride Mysteryburrito.png | Burrito (Mystery) | Bowl/Plate | 1 Meat burrito, 1 mystery soup | 13 nutriment, 6 animal protein, 1 space spice. Also contains whatever reagents were in the Mystery Soup Candiedapple.png | Candied Apple | Bowl/Plate | 1 apple 5u water, 5u sugar | 3 nutriment, 2 apple juice, 5 sugar, 5 water Cheeseburger.png | Cheese Burger | None OR Bowl/Plate | 1 Burger, 1 Cheese wedge | 4 nutriment, 3 animal protein, 2 cheese Cheesyburrito.png | Cheesy Burrito | Bowl/Plate | 1 Meat burrito, 1 cheese wedge | 6 nutriment, animal protein, 2.5 cheese, 1 space spice Cheesefries.png | Cheesy Fries | Bowl/Plate OR Skillet | 1 cheese wedge, 1 space fries | 4 nutriment, 3 cheese, corn oil Chickenfillet.png | Chicken Fillet Sandwich | None OR Bowl/Plate | 1 Bun, 1 Katsu | 4 nutriment, 8 animal protein, beer batter, corn oil Chilicheesefries.png | Chili Cheese Fries | Bowl/Plate OR Saucepan OR Skillet | 1 Space Fries, 1 Hot Chili, 1 Cheese Wedge | 8 nutriment, 2 animal protein, 2 capsaicin Hotcorgi.png | Classic Hotdog | None OR Bowl/Plate | 1 Bun, 1 Corgi meat | 4 nutriment, 19 animal protein, .33 triglyceride Creamice.png | Creamice | Bowl/Plate | 1 dirtberry 10u fatshouter milk, 10u ice, 10u sugar | 8 nutriment, 11 dirt berry juice, 10 fatshouter milk, 8 ice, 3 oil, 10 sugar Fatshouter milk is available from the bartender. Donerkebab.png | Doner Kebab | Bowl/Plate | 1 flat dough, 1 meat steak 1 cabbage, 1 tomato 1u salt | 7 nutriment, 6 animal protein, 1 pepper, 2 salt, 11 tomato juice, 2 triglyceride Bacon Stick.png | Eggpop | Bowl/Plate | 1 bacon, 1 boiled egg | 3 animal protein, 2 egg yolk, .33 triglyceride Hellburrito.png | El Diablo | Bowl/Plate | 1 spicy meat burrito 10 chili | 24 nutriment Carpsandwich.png | Fillet -o- Fish Sandwich | Bowl/Plate | 1 Bun, 1 Fish Fillet | 4 nutriment, 6 seafood protein Fish sashimi.png | Fish Sashimi | Bowl/Plate | 1 fish fillet 5u soy sauce | 3 seafood protein, 5 soy sauce Fishtaco.png | Fish taco | Bowl/Plate OR Skillet | 1 fish fillet, 1 tortilla 1 chili, 1 lemon | 8 nutriment, 7 capsaicin, 10 lemon juice, 3 seafood protein Guacdip.png | Guacamole Dip | Bowl/Plate | 1 tofu 1 chili, 1 lime 1u pepper, 1u salt, 1u space spice | 20u nutriment Hotdog.png | Hotdog | None OR Bowl/Plate | 1 Bun, 1 Sausage | 4 nutriment, 6 animal protein, .33 triglyceride Lardwich.png | Hro'zamal Lard Sandwhich | Bowl/Plate | 2 flatbread, 1 lard | 6 nutriment, 5 triglyceride Icecreamsandwich.png | Ice Cream Sandwich | Bowl/Plate | 1 ice cream cone 5u ice, 5u milk | 4 nutriment Jellytoast.png | Jellied Toast | Bowl/Plate OR Skillet | 1 toasted bread 5u cherry jelly | 2 nutriment, 5 cherry jelly Jellyburger.png | Jelly Burger | Bowl/Plate | 1 bun 5u cherry Jelly | 4 nutriment, 5 cherry jelly Jellysandwich.png | Jelly Sandwich | Bowl/Plate | 2 bread slice 5u cherry jelly | 3.75 nutriment, 1.25 animal protein, 5 cherry jelly, .25 salt Koisburger.png | K'ois burger | Bowl/Plate | 2 Fried K’ois | 15 k'ois, 15 phoron Koiskebab3.png | K'ois on a stick | None | Metal Rod, 1-3 Fried K’ois | 6/8/10 k'ois, 9/12/15 phoron Lortl.png | Lortl | Bowl/Plate | 1 dried q’lort slice 1u salt | 2 nutriment, 2 salt Mashedpotato.png | Mashed potato | Bowl/Plate | 1 potato | 4 nutriment, 11 potato juice Burrito.png | Meat Burrito | Bowl/Plate | 1 tortilla, 2 meatball 1u space spice | 6 nutriment, 6 animal protein, 1 space spice Meatkabob.png | Meat-kabob | Bowl/Plate | 2 meat, 1 metal rod | 12 animal protein, 4 triglyceride Nomadskewer.png | Nomad Skewer | Bowl/Plate | 1 adhomian meat, 1 metal rod 1 dirtberry, 1 earthenroot | 8 nutriment, 6 animal protein, 11 dirt berry juice, 6 earthen-root juice, 3 oil, 3 sugar, 2 triglyceride Sushi Roll.png | Ouerean Fish Log | Bowl/Plate | 1 fish fillet, 1 boiled rice 1 cabbage | 4 nutriment, 10 rice, 6 seafood protein, 5 water Sliceable: 3 Ouerean fish cake Pbj.png | PBJ Sandwich | Bowl/Plate | 2 bread slice 5u cherry jelly, 5u peanut butter | 3.75 nutriment, 1.25 animal protein, 5 cherry jelly, 5 peanut butter, .25 salt Pbtoast.png | Peanut Butter Toast | Bowl/Plate OR Skillet | 1 toasted bread 5u peanut butter | 2 nutriment, 5 peanut butter Ratburger.png | Rat burger | None OR Bowl/Plate | 1 bun, 1 rat meat | 4 nutriment, 5 animal protein, 2 Triglyceride Reubensandwich.png | Reuben Sandwich | Bowl/Plate | 1 Cheese Wedge, 1 cutlet, 1 Sauerkraut, 2 toast 5u mayonnaise, 5u ketchup | 8 nutriment, 2 animal protein, 2 ketchup, 2 mayonnaise Salsadip.png | Salsa Dip | Bowl/Plate | 1 chili, 1 tomato, 1 lime 1u space spice, 1u salt, 1u pepper | 20u nutriment Sandwich.png | Sandwich | Bowl/Plate | 2 bread slice, 1 cheese wedge, 1 Meat Steak | 3.75 nutriment, 7.25 animal protein, 2.5 cheese, 1 pepper, 1.25 salt, 2 triglyceride Sauerkraut.png | Sauerkraut | Bowl/Plate | 1 cabbage 5u Universal Enzyme | 4 nutriment Cheesyspicyburrito.png | Spicy Cheese Meat Burrito | Bowl/Plate | 1 meat burrito, 1 cheese wedge 2 chili | 8 nutriment, 6 animal protein, 14 capsaicin, 2.5 cheese, 1 space spice Spicyburrito.png | Spicy Meat Burrito | Bowl/Plate | 1 meat burrito 2 chili | 8 nutriment, 6 animal protein, 14 capsaicin, 1 space spice Tajaran Spicy Clams.png | Spicy Ras'val Clams | Bowl/Plate | 2 Ras'val clam meat 1 cabbage, 1 chili 1u capsaicin, 1u space spice | 3 nutriment, 8 capsaicin, 4 seafood protein, 1 space spice Stuffed Meatball.png | Stuffed Meatball | Bowl/Plate | 1 cheese wedge, 1 meatball 1 cabbage | 4 animal protein, 2.5 cheese, 2 nutriment Superbite.png | Super Bite Burger | Bowl/Plate | 1 Big Bite Burger, 1 boiled egg, 1 cheese wedge, 1 dough, 1 meat 1 tomato 5u pepper, 5u salt | 25 nutriment, 25 animal protein Cheese Cracker.png | Supreme Cheese Toast | Bowl/Plate | 1 [Butter OR nutri-spread OR lard], 1 bread slice, 1 cheese wedge 1u space spice | 8 nutriment, .16 animal protein, .63 cheese, .28 salt, .25 space spice, 5 triglyceride Makes 4 Taco.png | Taco | Bowl/Plate OR Skillet | 1 cheese wedge, 1 cutlet, 1 tortilla | 6 nutriment, 3 animal protein, 2.5 cheese, .67 triglyceride Tofubuger.png | Tofu Burger | Bowl/Plate | 1 Bun, 1 Tofu | 4 nutriment, 3 tofu protein Meatkabob.png | Tofu-kabob | Bowl/Plate | 1 metal rod, 2 tofu | 8 tofu protein Herbsalad.png | Tossed Salad | Bowl/Plate | 1 apple, 2 cabbbage, 1 carrot, 1 tomato | 9 nutriment, 2 apple juice, 10 carrot juice, 5 Oculine, 11 tomato juice Twobread.png | Two Bread | Bowl/Plate OR Skillet | 2 bread slice 5u wine | 3.75 nutriment, 1.25 animal protein, .25 salt, 5 wine Validsalad.png | Valid Salad | Bowl/Plate | 1 meatball 3 ambrosia vulgaris, 1 potato | 6 nutriment, 12 Ambrosia Extract, 3 animal protein, 3 bicaridine, 3 kelotane, 11 potato juice Veganburrito.png | Vegan Burrito | Bowl/Plate | 1 tofu, 1 tortilla | 6 Nutriment, 6 tofu protein Xenoburger.png | Xenoburger | Bowl/Plate | 1 Bun, 1 Xeno-meat | 4 nutriment, 8 animal protein, 6 polytrinic acid Stove To cook on a stove, the stove must be preheated (ctrl+left click to choose temperature), and the right container must be used. Some recipes, like meatballs, can be mass produced. If reagents are not used in the recipe, they will be left over in the pan. Remove the container from the stove, add all the reagents to it, and put it back on the stove. The stove will “ping” when the food is finished.

Result | Container | Recipe | Reagents & Notes Tajaran Stew.png | Adhomian Stew | Pot OR Saucepan | 2 adhomian meat 2 dirtberry, 1 Messa's Tear, 1 mushroom 10u water | 13.2 nutriment, 12 animal protein, 10.8 dirt berry juice, 6 oil, 4 triglyceride, 4 water AmanitaJelly.png | Amanita Jelly | Saucepan | 5u amatoxin, 5u vodka, 5u water | 6 nutriment, 6 amatoxin, 6 psilocybin, 5 vodka, 5 water Bacon.png | Bacon | Skillet | 1 raw bacon | 1 animal protein, .33 triglyceride Bacon and Eggs.png | Bacon and eggs | Skillet | 1 bacon, 1 fried egg | 3 animal protein, 3 egg yolk, 1 pepper, 1 salt, .33 triglyceride Bearchili.png | Bear Chili | Pot OR Saucepan | 1 bear meat 1 chili, 1 tomato | 3 nutriment, 3 animal protein, 3 capsaicin, 5 hyperzine, 2 tomato juice Bearstew.png | Bear Stew | Pot | 1 bear meat 1 carrot, 1 chantrelle, 1 eggplant, 1 potato, 1 tomato 10u water | 6 nutriment, 4 animal protein, 5 tomato juice, 5 hyperzine, 5 Oculine, 5 water Bibimbap.png | Bibimbap | Pot OR Saucepan | 1 cutlet, 1 egg 1 cabbage, 1 carrot, 1 chantrelle 5u rice, 2u space spice | 6 nutriment, 6 animal protein, 3 egg yolk, 3 Oculine, 2 space spice Swirlsoup.png | Bluespace Tomato Soup | Pot OR Saucepan | 2 bluespace tomato 10u water | 5 nutriment, 5 bluespace dust, 24 Singulo, 10 Water Egg.png | Boiled Egg | Pot OR Saucepan | 1 egg 5u water | 2 egg yolk Fjylozyn boiled.png | Boiled Fjylozyn | Pot OR Saucepan | 1 fjylozyn 5 water | 4 nutriment, 1.75 Toxin, 6.25 Plant-B-Gone Boiledrice.png | Boiled Rice | Pot OR Saucepan | 10u rice, 5u water | 2 nutriment, 10 rice, 5 water Spagettiboiled.png | Boiled Spaghetti | Pot OR Saucepan | 1 spaghetti 5u water | 3 nutriment, 5 water Beetsoup.png | Borscht | Pot OR Saucepan | 1 cabbage, 1 white-beet 10u water | 8 nutriment, 3 sugar, 10 water Mushroomsoup.png | Chantrelle Soup | Pot OR Saucepan | 1 mushroom 5u milk, 5u water | 8 nutriment Chawanmushi.png | Chawanmushi | Saucepan | 1 chantrelle 6u egg yolk, 5u soy sauce, 5u water | 5 animal protein Momo.png | Chicken Momo | Pot OR Saucepan | 1 chicken meat, 3 dough slice 2u space spice, 5u water | 9 nutriment, 6 animal protein, 2 space spice Chilied Eggs.png | Chilied Eggs | Pot OR Saucepan | 3 boiled egg, 1 hot chili | 3 nutriment, 6 animal protein, 3 capsaicin, 6 egg yolk, 11 tomato juice, 2 triglyceride Chocegg.png | Chocolate Egg | Pot OR Saucepan | 1 chocolate bar, 1 egg | 3 nutriment, 3 egg yolk Coldstew.png | Cold Chili | Pot OR Saucepan | 1 meat 1 ice pepper, 1 tomato | 3 nutriment, 6 animal protein, 7 frost oil, 11 tomato juice, 2 triglyceride Meatbun.png | Custard Bun | Pot OR Saucepan | 1 dough slice 3u egg yolk, 1u space spice, 5u water | 6 nutriment, 2 animal protein, 2 egg yolk Cutlet.png | Cutlet | Skillet | 1 raw cutlet | 2 Animal Protein, .66 Triglyceride Dionasoup.png | Dionae Soup | Pot OR Saucepan | 1 diona meat 1 cabbage 10u water | 11 nutriment, 2 radium, 5 water Illegal in Biesel space.

Dionastew.png | Diona Stew | Pot OR Saucepan | 1 diona meat 1 carrot, 1 chantrelle, 1 potato 10u water | 8 nutriment, 2 carrot juice, 2 potato juice, 2 radium Illegal in Biesel space.

Dynpozole.png | Dyn pozole | Pot OR Saucepan | 1 meat 1 cabbage, 1 dyn, 1 tomato 10u water | 8.2 nutriment, 6 animal protein, 10 dylovene, 7 dyn juice, 6.25 dyn tea, 10.5 tomato juice, 2 triglyceride Tajaran soup.png | Earthen-root soup | Pot OR Saucepan | 2 earthenroot 1u salt, 1u space spice, 10u water | 4 nutriment, 10 earthen-root juice, 1 salt, 1 space spice, 4 sugar, 10 water Eggbasket.png | Egg Basket | Skillet | 1 bread slice, 1 egg | 2 nutriment, .63 animal protein, 3 egg yolk, .13 salt Fatshouters bloodpudding.png | Fatshouters Bloodpudding | Pot OR Saucepan | 1 adhomian meat, 1 lard 5u blizzard ear flour, 10u blood | 12 animal protein, 7 triglyceride, 5 blizzard ear flour, 10 blood Friedegg.png | Fried Egg | Skillet | 1 over-easy fried egg | 3 egg yolk, 1 pepper, 1 salt Friedkois.png | Fried K'ois | Skillet | 1 K’ois | 6 k'ois paste, 9 phoron Friedrice.png | Fried Rice | Saucepan OR Skillet | 1 cabbage, 1 carrot 10u rice, 5u soy sauce, 5u water | 6 nutriment, 3 carrot juice, 1 Oculine, 5 rice Greencurry.png | Green Curry | Skillet | 2 tofu 1 chili 5u cream, 5u rice, 2u space spice | 8 nutriment, 2 capsaicin, 2 space spice, 5 tofu protein Toastsand.png | Grilled Cheese Sandwich | Skillet | 2 bread slice, 1 cheese wedge | 3.75 nutriment, 4 animal protein, 2.5 cheese, .25 salt Hatchlingsurprise.png | Hatchling Suprise | Saucepan OR Skillet | 3 bacon, 1 poached egg | 1 nutriment, 4 animal protein, 2 egg yolk, 1 pepper, 1 triglyceride Honeytoast.png | Honeyed Toast | Skillet | 1 bread slice 5u honey | 1 nutriment, 2 honey Hotstew.png | Hot Chili | Pot OR Saucepan | 1 meat 1 chili, 1 tomato | 3 nutriment, 6 animal protein, 7 capsaicin, 11 tomato juice, 2 triglyceride Jellystew.png | Jelly Stew | Pot | 1 cutlet, 1 slimy fillet, 1 butter 2 chili 10u water | 3 nutriment, 3 animal protein, 5 capsaicin, 6 seafood protein, 3 triglyceride Koisjelly.png | K'ois Jelly | Saucepan | 1 K’ois Paste 2 K’ois | 25 k'ois, 20 Oculine, 20 phoron Koissteak.png | K'ois Steak | Skillet | 1 Fried K’ois | 20 k'ois, 15 phoron Koiswaffles.png | K'ois Waffles | Skillet | 1 K’ois Paste | 25 k'ois, 12 phoron Seared Carp.png | Korlaaskak | Skillet | 6 fish fillet 1 cabbage, 1 lime 1u space spice | 3 nutriment, 10 lime juice, 18 seafood protein, 1 space spice Sliceable: 6 slices Lomein.png | Lo Mein | Pot OR Saucepan | 1 spaghetti 1 cabbage, 1 carrot 5u soy sauce, 5u water | 8 nutriment, 2 animal protein, 3 carrot juice, 1 Oculine Maeuntang.png | Maeuntang | Pot OR Saucepan | 1 fish fillet 1 chili, 1 moss 10u water | 8 nutriment, 7 capsaicin, 3 seafood protein, 10 water Meatbun.png | Meat Bun | Pot OR Saucepan | 1 dough slice, 1 raw cutlet 1u space spice, 5u water | 5 nutriment, 3 animal protein Meat Pancake.png | Meat Pancake | Skillet | 3 meatball, 1 omelette du fromage | 9 animal protein, 8 egg yolk Meatstake.png | Meat Steak | Skillet | 1 meat 1u pepper, 1u salt | 6 animal protein, 1 pepper, 1 salt, 2 triglyceride Meatball.png | Meatball | Saucepan OR Skillet | 1 raw meatball | 3 animal protein Meatsoup.png | Meatball Soup | Pot OR Saucepan | 1 meatball 1 carrot, 1 potato 10u water | 3 nutriment, 18 animal protein, 10 carrot juice, 5 Oculine, 11 potato juice, 10 water Naera stew.png | Neaera Stew | Pot | 1 Neaera Meat 2 eki, 2 guami 5 cream, 10 dyn juice | 35 Nutriment, 3 Animal Protein, 4 Dyn Juice, 6 Seafood Protein, 2 Triglyceride Milo.png | Milosoup | Pot | 2 soy dope, 2 tofu 10u water | 8 nutriment, 6 tofu protein, 10 water Mint.png | Mint | Saucepan | 5u frost oil, 5u sugar | 1 mint Miyeokguk.png | Miyeokguk | Pot OR Saucepan | 1 meat 1 moss, 1 seaweed 10u water | 8 nutriment, 6 animal protein, 2 triglyceride, 10 water Moghresian Sea Delight.png | Moghresian Sea delight | Pot OR Saucepan | 3 egg 15u blood | 15 blood, 9 egg yolk Moroz brudet.png | Morozian Brudet | Pot OR Saucepan | 1 fish fillet 1 tomato 10u water | 8 nutriment, 3 seafood protein, 11 tomato juice, 10 water Mossbowl.png | Moss bowl | Pot OR Saucepan | 2 moss 3u egg yolk, 5u water | 2 nutriment, 3 egg yolk, 6 moss, 5 water Mysterysoup.png | Mystery Soup | Pot | 1 Burned Mess, 1 cheese wedge, 1 tofu 3u egg yolk, 10u water | Always contains 7 nutriment. Possible other reagents: nutriment, banana juice, blood, capsaicin, frost oil, Oculine, slime jelly, tricordrazine, tomato juice, or water.

Nachos.png | Nachos | Skillet | 1 chip basket, 1 cheese wedge | 10 nutriment, 2.5 cheese, 1 salt, corn oil Nettlesoup.png | Nettle Soup | Pot OR Saucepan | 1 nettle, 1 potato 3u egg yolk, 10u water | 3 egg yolk, 11 potato juice, 10 sulphuric acid, 5 tricordrazine, 10 water Nettles from Xenobotany. NT muffin.png | NT Muffin | Skillet | 1 plump helment biscuit, 1 sausage, 1 fried egg, 1 cheese wedge | 3 Nutriment, 5 Animal Protein Omelette.png | Omelette Du Fromage | Skillet | 2 cheese wedge 6u egg yolk | 8u egg yolk Onionsoup.png | Onion Soup | Pot OR Saucepan | 1 onion 10u water | 5 nutriment, 3 onion juice, 10 water Friedegg.png | Over-easy fried egg | Skillet | 1 egg 1u pepper, 1u salt | 3 egg yolk, 1 pepper, 1 salt Bacon.png | Pan-cooked Bacon | Skillet | 1 [Butter OR Nutri-Spread], 6 raw bacon | 1 animal protein, 3.67 triglyceride, .17 salt Makes 6 Pancakes.png | Pancakes | Skillet | 2 flat dough 2 berry | 8 nutriment, 11 berry juice Makes 2 Poachedegg.png | Poached Egg | Saucepan OR Skillet | 1 egg 1u pepper, 1u salt, 1u space spice, 5u water | 1 nutriment, 1 pepper Popcorn.png | Popcorn | Saucepan | 1 Corn | 3 nutriment, 3 corn oil Porkbowl.png | Porkbowl | Saucepan | 1 bacon 10u rice, 5u water | 4 animal protein, 6 rice Qilvo.png | Qilvo | Pot OR Saucepan | 1 slimy meat 2 seaweed 5u cream, 10u water | 5 nutriment, 3 cream, 3 seafood protein, 5 water Cheesedip.png | Queso Dip | Saucepan OR Skillet | 1 cheese wedge 1 chili, 1 tomato 1u pepper, 1u salt, 1u space spice | 20u nutriment Razirnoodles.png | Razir Noodles | Saucepan OR Skillet | 1 egg, 1 worm fillet 1 lime 1u salt | 3 nutriment, 8 seafood protein, 3 egg yolk, 5 polytrinic acid, 3 hyperzine Redcurry.png | Red Curry | Skillet | 2 cutlet 5u cream, 5u rice, 2u space spice | 8 nutriment, 7 animal protein, 2 space spice Red Sun Special.png | Red Sun Special | Saucepan OR Skillet | 1 cheese wedge, 1 sausage | 6 Animal Protein, 2.5 Cheese, .33 Triglyceride Ricepudding.png | Rice Pudding | Pot OR Saucepan | 5u milk, 10u rice | 4 nutriment, 5 milk, 10 rice Risotto.png | Risotto | Pot OR Saucepan | 1 chantrelle 10u rice, 1u space spice, 5u wine | 9 nutriment, 1 animal protein Sausage.png | Sausage | Skillet | 1 cutlet, 1 meatball | 6 animal protein, .33 triglyceride Makes 2 Sintapudding.png | Sinta Pudding | Pot OR Saucepan | 1 butter 15u blood, 5u coco, 10u sugar | 1 nutriment, 1 animal protein, 15 blood, 3 coco, 1 salt, 9 sugar, 20 triglyceride Wishsoup.png | Slime Soup | Pot OR Saucepan | 5u slime jelly, 10u water | 5 slime jelly, 10 water Pastatomato.png | Spaghetti | Pot OR Saucepan | 1 spaghetti 2 tomato 5u water | 7 nutriment, 22 tomato juice, 5 water Meatballspag.png | Spaghetti & Meatballs | Pot OR Saucepan | 2 meatball, 1 spaghetti 5u water | 4 nutriment, 6 animal protein, 5 water Spesslaw.png | Spesslaw | Pot OR Saucepan | 4 meatball, 1 spaghetti 5u water | 4 nutriment, 12 animal protein, 5 water Batwings.png | Spiced Shrieker Wings | Saucepan OR Skillet | 2 bat wings, 1 butter 2 chili | 2.7 nutriment, 3 animal protein, 14 capsaicin, 20 triglyceride, 1 salt Steamedcrab.png | Steamed Crab Legs | Pot OR Saucepan | 1 crab legs, 1 nutri-spread 1u salt, 10u water | 2 nutriment, 6 seafood protein, 1 salt Stew.png | Stew | Pot | 1 meat 1 carrot, 1 chantrelle, 1 eggplant, 1 potato, 1 tomato 10u water | 9 nutriment, 4 animal protein, 10 carrot juice, 5 Oculine, 11 potato juice, 6 tomato juice, 5 water Stewedsoymeat.png | Stewed Soy Meat | Saucepan | 2 soy dope 1 carrot, 1 tomato | 8 nutriment, 10 carrot juice, 5 Oculine, 11 tomato juice Stuffedfish.png | Stuffed Fish Fillet | Saucepan OR Skillet | 1 cheese wedge, 1 fish fillet, 1 roe sack | 3 nutriment, 2 cheese, 7 seafood protein, possibly 3 carpotoxin Omgtoast.png | Toasted bread | Skillet | 1 bread slice 1u triglyceride | 2 nutriment Toastsand.png | Toasted Sandwich | Skillet | 1 Sandwich | 3.75 nutriment, 7.25 animal protein, 2 carbon, 2.5 cheese, 1 pepper, 1.25 salt, 2 triglyceride Tomatosoup.png | Tomato Soup | Pot OR Saucepan | 2 tomato 10u water | 5 nutriment, 22 tomato juice, 10 water Tomatosoup.png | Tomato Soup [Blood] | Pot OR Saucepan | 30u Blood | 2 animal protein, 30 blood, 5 water Tortilla.png | Tortilla | Skillet | 5u flour, 5u water | 6 nutriment Vegesoup.png | Vegetable Soup | Pot OR Saucepan | 1 carrot, 1 corn, 1 eggplant, 1 potato 10u water | 9 nutriment, 10 carrot juice, 3 corn oil, 5 Oculine, 11 potato juice, 10 water Momo.png | Veggie Momo | Pot OR Saucepan | 3 dough slice 1 cabbage, 1 carrot 2u space spice, 5u water | 13 nutriment, 3 carrot juice, 1 Oculine, 4 space spice Waffles.png | Waffles | Skillet | 2 dough 10u sugar | 8 nutriment, 10 sugar Wishsoup.png | Wish Soup | Pot OR Saucepan | 20u water | 10 water, 25% chance of 8 nutriment Yellowcurry.png | Yellow Curry | Skillet | 2 peanut, 1 potato 5u cream, 5u rice, 2u space spice | 8 nutriment, 2 space spice Zantiri.png | Zantiri | Pot OR Saucepan | 1 eki, 2 guami 10u water | 8 nutriment, 6 water Zkahnkowa.png | Zkah'nkowa | Pot OR Saucepan | 1 Adhomian Meat 10u blood, 5u blizzard-ear flour, 1u pepper, 1u salt | 25 animal protein, 5 blizzard ear flour, 10 blood, 1 pepper, 1 salt, 2 triglyceride Sliceable: 5 slices Oven Oven.png

Before you can use the oven, it must be preheated. Ctrl+click and select your preferred temperature to turn it on. Preheating takes several minutes, but after a short while it can be used to cook even if not fully preheated. The food will cook more slowly until preheating is complete. Examine the oven while next to it to see how hot it is. You can alt+click the oven to open and close the oven door. If the oven door is left open, heat will escape. Make sure it's closed, especially when cooking and preheating. To add a single food item to the oven, use the food directly on the oven, which will place it into an empty oven tray. If you want to cook a recipe that requires multiple ingredients, remove one of the oven trays, put all recipe ingredients into it, and then put the tray back in the oven. The oven can cook any variety and quantity of recipes simultaneously, as long as you have all the ingredients in a single tray. Any leftover reagents will be absorbed into the cooked foods. When not making a recipe, the oven can also be used to just bake any food, which will cook it, giving it a nice brown color. The oven can also be used for Combination Cooking, which allows you to make custom bread, pies, cakes, and pizzas with whatever fillings/toppings you want. To do this, right click and Choose Output, select the combine target, and then insert an oven tray full of ingredients. The quantity of stuff used to make an item will determine the size of the result. Combination Cooking can only make one item at a time - whatever output is set will only work for the next item cooked. Result | Container | Recipe | Reagents & Notes Tajbread.png | Adhomian Bread | Oven | 1 flatbread 1 dirtberry 1u space spice | 5 nutriment Hardbread.png | Adhomian Hardbread | Oven | 3 adhomian bread 1u space spice | 15 nutriment, 1 space spice Amapie.png | Amanita Pie | Oven | 1 flat dough 5u amatoxin | 5 nutriment, 5 amatoxin, 1 psilocybin Applecake.png | Apple Cake | Oven | 2 apple 15u flour, 5u milk, 15u sugar, 9u egg yolk | 15 nutriment Sliceable: 5 slices Applepie.png | Apple Pie | Oven | 1 flat dough 1 apple 5u sugar | 5 Nutriment, 2 Apple Juice, 5 Sugar Bacon pizza.png | Bacon Cheese Flatbread | Oven | 4 bacon, 2 cheese wedge, 1 flat dough 2 tomato | 7 nutriment, 5 animal protein, 2.5 cheese, 22 tomato juice, 1.333 triglyceride Baguette.png | Baguette | Oven | 2 dough 1u pepper, 1u salt | 6 Nutriment, 1 pepper, 1 salt Pie.png | Banana Cream Pie | Oven | 1 flat dough 1 banana 5u sugar | 4 nutriment, 10 banana juice, 5 sugar Bananabread.png | Banana-nut Bread | Oven | 3 dough 1 banana 5u milk, 15u sugar | 20 nutriment, 20 banana juice, 5 milk, 5 sugar Sliceable: 5 slices Berryclafoutis.png | Berry Clafoutis | Oven | 1 flat dough 1 berry | 5 nutriment, 11 berry juice Berrymuffin.png | Berry muffin | Oven | 1 dough 1 berry 5u milk, 5u sugar | 5 nutriment Bdaycake.png | Birthday Cake | Oven | 1 candle 15u flour, 5u milk, 15u sugar, 9u egg yolk | 20 nutriment, 10 sprinkles Sliceable: Makes 5 slices. Roastedpeanutsbowl.png | Bowl of Roasted Peanuts | Oven | 10 [Peanut OR Dry Peanut] | 15 ground roasted peanuts, 5 peanut oil Braincake.png | Brain Cake | Oven | 1 brain 15u flour, 5u milk, 15u sugar, 9u egg yolk | 5 nutriment, 10 alkysine, 25 animal protein Sliceable: 5 slices Bread.png | Bread | Oven | 4 dough 1u salt | 15 nutriment, 5 animal protein, 1 salt Sliceable: Makes 8 slices. Bread slices can be turned into custom sandwiches by combining them with any food item. Brownies.png | Brownies | Oven | 10u brownie mix, 3u egg yolk | 8 nutriment, 2 brownie mix Sliceable: 4 pieces Bun.png | Bun | Oven | 1 dough | 4 nutriment Buns can be turned into custom burgers by combining them with any food item.

Carrotcake.png | Carrot Cake | Oven | 3 carrot 15u flour, 5u milk, 15u sugar, 9u egg yolk | 25 nutriment, 10 Oculine Sliceable: 5 slices Cheesecake.png | Cheese Cake | Oven | 2 cheeese wedge 15u flour, 5u milk, 15u sugar, 9u egg yolk | 10 nutriment, 15 cheese Sliceable: 5 slices Cherrypie.png | Cherry Pie | Oven | 1 flat dough 1 cherry 10u sugar | 4 nutriment, 10 cherry jelly, 11 sugar Choccake.png | Chocolate Cake | Oven | 2 chocolate bar 15u flour, 5u milk, 15u sugar, 9u egg yolk | 20 nutriment Sliceable: 5 slices Rikazu choc.png | Chocolate Rikazu | Oven | 1 adhomian bread, 1 chocolate bar 5u cream | 8 nutriment, 5 cream Truffle.png | Chocolate Truffle | Oven | 1 chocolate bar 2u coco, 5u cream | 6 coco powder Makes 4 Conecake.png | Cone Cake | Oven | 15u blizzard ear flour, 5u fatshouters milk, 15u sugar, 5u water | 15 nutriment, 15 blizzard ear flour, 5 fatshouters milk, 10 sugar, 5 water Donkpocket.png | Cooked Donk Pocket | Oven | 1 Donk Pocket | 2 nutriment, 2 animal protein, 5 tricordrazine Cookie.png | Cookie | Oven | 1 dough, 1 chocolate bar 10u milk, 10u sugar | 2 nutriment, 3 sugar Makes 4 Cosmicbrownies.png | Cosmic Brownies | Oven | 1 ambrosia vulgaris 10u brownie mix, 3u egg yolk | 8 nutriment, 4 ambrosia extract, 2 bicaridine, 4 brownie mix, 2 kelotane, 2 toxin Sliceable: 4 pieces Cracker.png | Cracker | Oven | 1 dough slice 1u salt | 2u nutriment, 1u salt Also obtainable by butchering a parrot. Creambread.png | Cream Cheese Bread | Oven | 2 cheese wedge, 2 dough | 6 Nutriment, 15 Cheese Sliceable: 5 slices Croissant.png | Croissant | Oven | 1 dough 5u milk, 5u salt, 5u water | 4 nutriment Donkpocket.png | Donk Pocket | Oven | 1 dough, 1 meatball | 3 nutriment, 3 animal protein Makes 2 Eggplantparmigiana.png | Eggplant Parmigiana | Oven | 2 cheese wedge 1 eggplant | 6 nutriment, 5 cheese Enchi.png | Enchiladas | Oven | 1 cutlet, 1 tortilla 2 chili | 8 nutriment, 6 animal protein, 14 capsaicin, .66 triglyceride Fatshouterfillet full.png | Fatshouter Fillet | Oven | 1 adhomian bread, 4 adhomian meat, 1 lard 2 earthen-root 5u blizzard ear flour, 5u Messa’s mead, 1u pepper, 1u salt, 1u space spice | 10 nutrients, 10 protein, 5 Messa's mead Sliceable: 5 slices Flatbread.png | Flatbread | Oven | 1 flat dough | 3 nutriment Fortunecookie.png | Fortune Cookie | Oven | 1 dough slice, 1 piece of paper 5u sugar | 3 nutriment, 5 sugar The recipe will not work unless something is written on the paper. Rikazu fruit.png | Fruit Rikazu | Oven | 1 adhomian bread 1 Messa's tear 5u sugar | 8 nutriment, 2 honey, 5 kelotane, 5 sugar Garlicbread.png | Garlic Bread | Oven OR Skillet | 1 bread slice, 1 butter 5u garlic sauce | 5 nutriment, 3 garlic sauce Gappletart.png | Golden Apple Streusel Tart | Oven | 1 golden apple 10u flour, 5u milk, 5u sugar, 3u egg yolk | 8 nutriment, 5 gold Pineapple pizza.png | Ham & Pineapple Pizza | Oven | 1 cheese wedge, 1 flat dough, 2 pineapple rings 1 tomato | 30 nutriment, 4 animal protein, 5 cheese, 5 pineapple juice, 6 tomato juice Sliceable: 6 slices. Pineapple rings can be bought from snack vendors. Honeybun.png | Honeybun | Oven | 1 dough 5u honey | 3 nutriment, 5 honey Koismuffin.png | K'ois muffin | Oven | K’ois Paste | 15 k'ois, 15 phoron Keylimepie.png | Key Lime Pie | Oven | 2 lime 10u flour, 5u milk, 5u sugar, 3u egg yolk | 16 nutriment Sliceable: 5 slices Lasagna.png | Lasagna | Oven | 2 flat dough, 2 meat 1 eggplant, 2 tomato | 12 nutriment, 12 animal protein Lemoncake.png | Lemon Cake | Oven | 2 lemon 15u flour, 5u milk, 15u sugar, 9u egg yolk | 20 nutriment Sliceable: 5 slices Limecake.png | Lime Cake | Oven | 2 lime 15u flour, 5u milk, 15u sugar, 9u egg yolk | 20 nutriment Sliceable: 5 slices Bakedpotato.png | Loaded Baked Potato | Oven | 1 cheese wedge 1 potato | 3 nutriment, 3 animal protein, 2.5 cheese, 11 potato juice Lortl.png | Lortl | Oven | 1 q’lort slice 1u salt | 2 nutriment, 2 salt Msairation.png | M’sai scout ration | Oven | 2 Adhomian Meat 2 Dirtberry 1u salt | 4 nutriment, 6 animal protein, 5 triglyceride Margheritapizza.png | Margherita | Oven | 4 cheese wedge, 1 flat dough 1 tomato | 35 nutriment, 9 cheese, 6 tomato juice Sliceable: 6 slices Meat pocket.png | Meat Pocket | Oven | 1 cheese wedge, 1 flat dough, 1 meatball | 3 nutriment, 3 animal protein, 1.25 cheese Makes 2 pockets.

Rikazu meat.png | Meat Rikazu | Oven | 1 adhomian meat, 1 adhomian bread 1u pepper, 1u salt | 5 nutriment, 6 animal protein, 1 pepper, 1 salt, 2 triglyceride Meatpies.png | Meat-Pie | Oven | 1 flat dough, 1 meat | 3 nutriment, 10 animal protein, 2 triglyceride Meatbread.png | Meatbread Loaf | Oven | 3 cheese wedge, 3 dough, 3 meat | 10 nutriment, 20 animal protein, 7.5 cheese, 6 triglyceride Sliceable: 5 slices Meatpizza.png | Meatpizza | Oven | 1 cheese wedge, 1 flat dough, 3 meat 1 tomato | 10 nutriment, 44 animal protein, 10 cheese, 6 tomato juice Sliceable: 6 slices Moroz flatbread.png | Morozian Flatbread | Oven | 1 flat dough 1 tomato 1u salt | 10 nutriment, 1 salt, 11 tomato juice Mossdumplings.png | Moss dumplings | Oven | 1 dough 2 moss | 3 Nutriment, 3 Moss Makes 2 Muffins.png | Muffin | Oven | 1 dough 5u milk, 5u sugar | 6 nutriment Mushroompizza.png | Mushroom Pizza | Oven | 1 cheese wedge, 1 flat dough 5 chantrelle, 1 tomato | 35 nutriment, 5 cheese Sliceable: 6 slices Naera brain loaf.png | Neaera Brain Loaf | Oven | 1 Neaera Brain 10 Cream | 6 Seafood Protein, 10 Cream, 2 Triglyceride Orangecake.png | Orange Cake | Oven | 2 orange 15u flour, 5u milk, 15u sugar, 9u egg yolk | 20 nutriment Sliceable: 5 slices Bacon.png | Oven-cooked Bacon | Oven | 1 [Butter OR Nutri-Spread], 6 raw bacon | 1 animal protein, 3.67 triglyceride, .53 nutriment, .17 salt Makes 6 Tajcadny.png | Plate of Sugar Tree Candy | Oven | 1 dough 2 sugar tree fruit 5u fatshouter milk, 3u egg yolk | 26 nutriment Makes 26 candy cubes. Get fatshouter milk from the bartender. Phelmbiscuit.png | Plump Helmet Biscuit | Oven | 1 plump helmet 5u flour, 5u water | 5 nutriment, 5 water, 5 flour; 10% chance of adding 3 nutriment and 5 tricordrazine Plumppie.png | Plump Pie | Oven | 1 flat dough 1 plump helmet | 8 nutriment; 10% chance of adding 5 tricordrazine Poppypretzel.png | Poppy Pretzel | Oven | 1 dough 1 poppy | 5 nutriment, 1.5 bicaridine Makes 2 Pumpkinpie.png | Pumpkin Pie | Oven | 1 flat dough 5u pumpkin pulp, 2u pumpkin spice, 10u sugar | 15 nutriment Sliceable: 5 slices Quiche.png | Quiche | Oven | 1 cheese wedge 9u egg yolk, 10u flour, 5u milk | 10 nutriment, 10 cheese Sliceable: 5 slices Ribplate.png | Rib Plate | Oven | 1 meat 5u honey, 2u space spice, 1u pepper. | 6 animal protein, 5 honey, 1 pepper, 2 triglyceride Dionaroast.png | Roast Diona | Oven | 1 diona meat 1 apple 2 space spice | 6 nutriment, 2 Apple Juice, 10 Dionae Powder, 2 Space Spice Sliceable: Makes 3 slices. Illegal in Biesel space. Roast dirtberries.png | Roasted Dirtberries | Oven | 1 dirtberry 1u space spice, 5u sugar | 4 nutriment, 4 caramel sugar, 11 dirt berry juice, 3 oil, 1 space spice, 5 sugar Roffle.png | Roffle Waffles | Oven | 2 dough 5u psilocybin, 10u sugar | 8 nutriment, 8 psilocybin, 10 sugar Soylent yellow.png | Soy Wafers | Oven | 1 soybean 10u flour | 10 nutriment Duff.png | Spacy Liberty Duff | Oven | 5u psilocybin, 5u vodka, 5u water | 6 nutriment, 6 psilocybin Stuffing.png | Stuffing | Oven | 1 Bread 1u pepper, 1u salt, 5u water | 10 Nutriment Meatpies.png | Tofu-Pie | Oven | 1 flat dough, 1 tofu | 8 nutriment, 3 tofu protein Tofubread.png | Tofubread | Oven | 3 cheese wedge, 3 dough, 3 tofu | 30 nutriment, 7.5 cheese, 9 tofu protein Sliceable: 5 slices Tofurkey.png | Tofurkey | Oven | 1 Stuffing, 2 Tofu | 41 nutriment, 6 tofu protein, 3 soporific Regularcake.png | Vanilla Cake | Oven | 9u egg yolk, 15u flour, 5u milk, 15u sugar | 20 nutriment Sliceable: 5 slices Vegepizza.png | Vegetable Pizza | Oven | 1 cheese wedge, 1 flat dough 1 carrot, 1 corn, 1 eggplant, 1 tomato | 25 nutriment, 4.5 carrot juice, 2.5 cheese, 12 Oculine, 6 tomato juice Sliceable: 6 slices Rikazu veg.png | Vegetable Rikazu | Oven | 1 adhomian bread 1 earthen-root 5u blizzard ear flour | 8 nutriment, 5 blizzard ear flour, 5 earthen-root juice, 2 sugar Xpie.png | Xeno-Pie | Oven | 1 flat dough, 1 xeno-meat | 3 nutriment, 10 animal protein, 6 polytrinic acid Xbread.png | Xenomeatbread | Oven | 3 cheese wedge, 3 dough, 3 xeno-meat | 10 nutriment, 20 animal protein, 2 cheese, 18 polytrinic acid Sliceable: 5 slices Xuqqil.png | Xuq'qil | Oven | 1 cheese wedge, 1 slimy meat 1 plump helmet. | 4 nutriment, 3 cheese, 3 mollusc protein, 3 seafood protein Deep Fryer Fryer.png

Before you can use the fryer, it must be preheated. Right-click and select Toggle Power to turn it on. Heating up takes a while, so be sure to do it early. Prepare other ingredients while it warms up! The deep fryer has an oil level that you should keep an eye on - cooking efficiency will fall as it drops, and it starts off at a randomized level. For optimal cooking, keep the oil topped up to the maximum. You can find a spare tank of cooking oil in the cold room behind the kitchen. If you need more, you can order one from cargo. To add a single food item to the fryer, use the food directly on it, which will place that item into an empty fryer basket. If you want to cook a recipe that requires multiple ingredients, remove one of the fryer baskets by clicking the fryer with an empty hand and put all your ingredients into the basket. Once everything for the recipe is inside, put the basket back in the fryer. The fryer can cook any variety and quantity of recipes simultaneously, as long as you have all the ingredients in a single basket. Many fryer recipes require an ingredient to be coated in batter or beer-batter for the recipe to work. To coat an item in batter, hold the item and click on the batter. Any leftover reagents will be absorbed into the cooked foods. The fryer can also be used to just “deep fry” any food, which will cook it, give it a nice brown color, and add some extra nutrition to it. Food fried in the deep fryer will usually have a small, random amount of corn oil added to the final product. Food that is battered before being fried will usually have a small, random amount of the appropriate batter in the final product. Result | Container | Recipe | Reagents & Notes Avah.png | Avah | Fryer | 1 cheese slice, 1 dough 5u fatshouter milk, 5u sugar | 7 nutriment, 5 cheese, 5 fatshouters milk, 5 sugar, corn oil Fatshouter milk is available from the bartender. Chip basket.png | Basket of Chips | Fryer OR Skillet | 1 tortilla 1u salt | 10 nutriment, 1 salt Batteredsausage.png | Battered Sausage | Fryer | Sausage (Battered) | 6 animal protein, .33 triglyceride, batter, corn oil Burnedmess.png | Burned Mess | Fryer OR Oven OR Stove | Created when you leave a finished item in the oven, stove, or fryer too long. | 1 toxin, 3 carbon Chicknugget.png | Chicken Nugget | Fryer | 1 chicken meat 5u flour | 4 nutriment Corndog.png | Corn dog | Fryer | 1 sausage (Battered) 1 corn (Battered) | 4 nutriment, 6 animal protein, .33 triglyceride, batter, corn oil Cubancarp.png | Cuban Fish Sandwich | Fryer | 1 dough, 1 fish fillet 1 chili | 4 nutriment, 7 capsaicin, 3 Seafood Protein, corn oil Donuts.png | Donut | Fryer | 1 dough 10u sugar | 3 nutriment, 5 sugar, corn oil; 30% chance of adding 2 sprinkles Makes 2 Jdonuts.png | Donut (Jelly) | Fryer | 1 dough 10u sugar, 10u cherry jelly | 3 nutriment, 5 cherry jelly, 1 sprinkles, 5 sugar, corn oil; 30% chance of adding 2 sprinkles Makes 2 Fishandchips.png | Fish & Chips | Fryer OR Skillet | 1 fish fillet, 1 space fries | 4 nutriment, 7 seafood protein, corn oil Fishfingers.png | Fish Fingers | Fryer | 1 fish fillet (Battered) | 7 seafood protein, batter, corn oil Friedmushroom.png | Fried Mushroom | Fryer | 1 Plump Helmet (Beer Battered) | 4 nutriment, 2 animal protein, corn oil Funnelcake.png | Funnel Cake | Fryer | 10 batter, 5 sugar | 10 batter, 5 sugar Jalapenopop.png | Jalapeno Popper | Fryer | 1 chili (Battered) | 2 nutriment, 7 capsaicin, batter, corn oil Koisdonut.png | K'ois donut | Fryer | 1 Fried K’ois | 15 k'ois, 10 phoron, corn oil Makes 2 Katsu.png | Katsu | Fryer | 1 chicken meat (Beer Battered) | 6 animal protein, beer batter, corn oil Onionrings.png | Onion Rings | Fryer | 1 dough slice 1 onion | 5 nutriment, 3 onion juice, corn oil Pisanggoreng.png | Pisang Goreng | Fryer | 2 Banana (Battered) | 8 nutriment, corn oil Pizzacrunch.png | Pizza Crunch | Fryer | 1 pizza (Battered) | 35 nutriment, 5 cheese, batter, corn oil Sliceable: 6 slices Can be made with any whole pizza; final reagents depend on pizza used. Risottoballs.png | Risotto Balls | Fryer | 1 Risotto (Battered) 1u pepper, 1u salt | 2 Nutriment, 1 pepper, 4 rice, 1 salt Roefritters.png | Roe fritters | Fryer | 1 roe sack 10u batter | 3 Nutriment, 5 batter, 6 seafood Protein Fries.png | Space Fries | Fryer | 1 raw potato sticks | 5 nutriment, corn oil Sweet and Sour.png | Sweet and Sour Pork | Fryer | 1 bacon, 1 cutlet 10u batter, 5u soy sauce | 16 nutriment, 3 animal protein, 10 batter, 5 corn oil, 5 soy sauce, 1 triglyceride Wingchu.png | Wing Fang Chu | Fryer | 1 xeno-meat 5u soy sauce | 6 animal protein, 6 polytrinic acid, 5 soy sauce, corn oil Batter You can coat food in batter before putting it in the deep fryer!

Nearly everything you can fry can be coated in batter. Put all of the ingredients of the batter in a container to create the batter, then use a food item on the container to cover it in batter. The ingredients for the batter can be mixed in any kind of container. Result | Recipe Batter.png | Batter Mix | 10u flour, 2u salt, 5u water, 3u egg yolk Batter.png | Beer Batter Mix | 5u beer, 10u flour, 2u salt, 3u egg yolk Intermediate Ingredients Some ingredients need special preparation. Animals need to be butchered, items need to be cut up into smaller pieces, and dough needs to be flattened with a rolling pin.

Result | Tool | Recipe | Reagents & Notes Carrotfries.png | Carrot Fries | Knife | Carrot | 3 nutriment, 3 Oculine Dough Slice.png | Dough Slice | Knife | Flat Dough | 2 nutriment, .33 animal protein. Makes 3. Sliceable: Makes 1 Spaghetti Flat Dough.png | Flat Dough | Rolling Pin | Dough | 3 nutriment Sliceable: Makes 3 dough slices. Icecream.png | Ice Cream Cone | Ice Cream Cart | [Various ingredients] | 3 nutriment Ice cream cart is located downstairs, near the farm. Koissoup.png | K’ois Paste | Rolling Pin | Fried K’ois | 15 k'ois, 10 phoron Raw Bacon.png | Raw Bacon | Knife | Raw Cutlet | 1 animal protein, .33 triglyceride Makes 2 Raw Cutlet.png | Raw Cutlet | Knife | Meat | 2 animal protein, .67 triglyceride Sliceable: Makes 2 raw bacon Raw Sticks.png | Raw Potato Sticks | Knife | Potato | 3 nutriment Soydope.png | Soy Dope | Knife | Soybean | 2 nutriment Spaghetti.png | Spaghetti | Knife | Dough Slice | 3 nutriment Marge.png | Nutri-spread | Biogenerator | 80 Biomass | Butchery Butchering turns animals into ingredients. You have three ways to butcher animals:

The gibber. This large machine, located in the kitchen cold room, will turn any animal into its component parts. Click and drag the animal to the gibber to put it in; click on the gibber to turn it on. If the animal in question is a human, monkey, or similar creature, the gibber produces organs and limbs as well as meat. These organs and limbs can be eaten or ground up for animal protein, but often contain toxins. There is a safety guard that must be disabled before humans can be put into the gibber. The meat spike. Smaller animals can be put on the meat spike by grabbing them (Grab intent) and clicking on the meat spike. Then they can be butchered by clicking on the meat spike. Cleaver and table. Animals can be put on a table and butchered with a cleaver. Be aware that humans, monkeys, and similar creatures cannot be butchered this way, and butchering other animals with a cleaver is inefficient. Clams, Barnacles, Molluscs and Ras'Val clams are grown in hydroponics trays, and are butchered by hitting them with a hatchet or knife. Result | Animal (Yield) | Reagents & Notes Adhomianmeat.png | Adhomian Meat | Farwa (4) or Schlorrgo | 3 Animal Protein Batwingsraw.png | Bat Wings | Swarm of Space Bats (6) | 1 Animal Protein Bearmeat.png | Bear Meat | Bear (5), Space Bear (5) | 12 animal protein, 5 hyperzine Brain.png | Brain | Monkey and monkey-analogues; humans | Carpfillet.png | Carp Meat | Space Carp, Gnat | 3 seafood protein, 3 carpotoxin Chickenbreast.png | Chicken Meat | Chicken | 6 Animal protein Meat.png | Corgi Meat | Corgi (3) | Animal protein Crablegs.png | Crab Legs | Crab | 2 seafood protein Plantmeat.png | Diona Nymph Meat | Diona Nymph | 10 Dionae Powder Carpfillet.png | Fish Fillet | Available in the kitchen cold room | 3 seafood protein Carpfillet.png | Hma'trra fillet | | 6 animal protein Mushroomslice.png | Huge Mushroom Slice | Walking Mushroom | 3 nutriment, 3 psilocybin Meat.png | Meat | Most animals and people. The gibber will not accept people unless emagged. Synthetic meat can be created from the Biogenerator in hydroponics, or made by mixing blood and clonexadone. | Varying amounts of animal protein and triglyceride. Standard meat from the back room has 6 Animal Protein and 2 Triglyceride. Sliceable: 3 Raw cutlet Brain skrell.png | Neaera Brain | Neaera | Eyes skrell.png | Neaera Eyes | Neaera | Kidneys skrell.png | Neaera Kidneys | Neaera | Liver skrell.png | Neaera Liver | Neaera | File:Neaera meat.png | Neaera Meat | Neaera | Rasvalclam.png | Ras'val Clam Meat | Ras'val Clam | 2 Seafood Protein Chickenbreast.png | Rat Meat | Rat | 5 Animal protein, 2 Triglyceride Fishroe.png | Roe Sack | Space Carp (1) | 3 seafood protein, 3 carpotoxin Cosmomeat.png | Slimy Fillet | Cosmozoan | 3 Cosmozoan protein Carpfillet.png | Slimy Meat | Clam, barnacle, or Mollusc (1) | 3 mollusc protein Tomatoslice.png | Tomato Slice | Killer Tomato | 3 nutriment Carpfillet.png | Worm Fillet | Cavern Dweller | 6 seafood protein, 6 polytrinic acid, 15 hyperzine Xenomeat.png | Xeno-Meat | Greimorian (3) or Xenomorph | 6 animal protein, 6 polytrinic acid Reagents/Condiments/Recipes from Blending or Mixing To mix reagents, put them in the same container. You will hear a bubbling sound if mixing is successful.

To see exactly what you've mixed, use a beaker and then add it to a nearby All-In-One Grinder or ChemMaster machine. Grinding a completed food item in the grinder reduces it to the reagents inside. Processed Reagents Reagent | How to Obtain Condiment.png | Amatoxin | Process Fly Amanita Condiment.png | Animal Protein | Process meat or protein-containing foods. Condiment.png | Blood | Draw with a syringe; or, process organs and limbs. Hotsauce.png | Capsaicin | Process chili peppers. Capsaicin causes discomfort when eaten. Jellyjar.png | Cherry Jelly | Process cherries. Cocoapowder.png | Coco | Process cacao fruit. Cornoil.png | Corn oil | Process corn from the garden. Found in a tank in the cold room. Can be spread on the floor as a lubricant to slip people! Eggyolkcarton.png | Egg Yolk | Process an egg or crack an egg into a container. Coldsauce.png | Frost Oil | Process an ice pepper (Xenobotany). Flour.png | Flour | Process wheat from the garden, or pour directly from a flour sack. Condiment.png | Garlic Juice | Process garlic. Grapejelly.png | Grape Jelly | Process grapes. Condiment.png | Grape juice | Process grapes. Groundpeanut.png | Ground roasted peanuts | Process Bowl of Roasted Peanuts Honey.png | Honey | Product of beekeeping (ask the gardener); or, process Messa's Tear. Condiment.png | Nutriment | Process almost any food. Peanutoil.png | Peanut Oil | Process roasted peanuts. Pepper.png | Pepper | Process peppercorn. Extra pepper mills are in the bar, or can be ordered in a Kitchen Supply Crate from cargo. Psilocybin.png | Psilocybin | Process Reishi Pumpkinpulp.png | Pumpkin Pulp | Process Pumpkin Rice.png | Rice | Process Rice. Ground rice is what is used in most recipes, rather than the whole plant. Sugarbag.png | Sugar | Process white beet or sugarcane. Triglyceridebottle.png | Triglyceride | Process Butter or Nutri-Spread. Enzyme.png | Universal Enzyme | Some bottles can be found on the kitchen counter. Mixed Reagents Reagent | Recipe Barbecue.png | Barbecue Sauce | 1u garlic sauce, 2u ketchup, 1u sugar Beerbottle.png | Beer | 5u corn oil, 5u Universal Enzyme (Catalyst) Condiment.png | Brownie Mix | 5u cocoa, 5u flour, 5u sugar Coldsauce.png | Cold Sauce/Frost Oil | Process ice peppers (Xenobotany). Lowers body temperature and removes capsaicin from your body quickly. Condiment.png | Garlic Sauce | 1u Corn Oil, 1u Garlic Juice Ketchup.png | Ketchup | 1u sugar, 2u tomato juice, 1u water Mayo.png | Mayonnaise | 10u corn oil, 3u egg yolk, 2u lemon juice Peanutbutter.png | Peanut Butter | 5u ground roasted peanuts, 1u salt, 1u sugar Pumpkinspice.png | Pumpkin Spice | 2u pumpkin pulp, 8u space spice Salt.png | Salt | 1u sodium, 1u hydrochloric acid (ask the chemist). Extra salt shakers are in the bar, or order more from Ops. Soysauce.png | Soy Sauce | 4u soy milk, 1u salt, 5u universal enzyme (Catalyst) Spacespice.png | Space Spice | Two bottles are found on the kitchen counter; order more from Ops. Vodkabottle.png | Vodka | 5u potato juice, 5u Universal Enzyme (Catalyst) Vwinebottle.png | Wine | 5u grape juice, 5u Universal Enzyme (Catalyst) Mixed Foods Food | How to Obtain | Contains Butter.png | Butter | 20u cream, 1u salt | 20 triglyceride, 1 salt Cheesewheel.png | Cheese Wheel | 40u milk, 5u universal enzyme (catalyst) | 20 cheese Sliceable: 8 cheese wedge Chocolatebar.png | Chocolate Bar | 2u coco, 2u [Milk OR Soymilk], 2u sugar | 2 nutriment Dough.png | Dough | 3u egg yolk, 10u flour | 3 nutriment Fermentedhmatrra.png | Fermented Hma'trra | 1 Hma'trra meat, 5u Universal Enzyme | 20 seafood protein, 10 ammonia Rawmeatball.png | Raw Meatball | 3u animal protein, 5u flour | 1 Animal Protein Tofu.png | Tofu | 10u soymilk, 5u universal enzyme (catalyst). | 3 tofu protein Junk Food When there's no chef, the chef is serving toxic glop, or the chef is trying to murder you and your friends, most people resort to one of two things: grazing on produce, or the vending machines.

Junk food requires no chef or machinery, but it's generally not as filling or as interesting.

Item | Source | Reagents & Notes Mints.png | Ad-Mints | Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine Contains 6 Mint | 1 mint Breadtube.png | Bread Tube | Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine | 6 synthetic nutriment, 3 salt Pineapple rings.png | Can of Pineapple Rings | Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine Contains 6 Pineapple Ring | 2 nutriment, 3 pineapple juice Candy.png | Candy | Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine | 3 nutriment, 3 sugar Carpsahoy.png | Carps Ahoy! Miniature Cookies | Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine Contains 6 Miniature Cookie | .5 Nutriment CheesieHonkers.png | Cheesie Honkers | Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine | 4 synthetic nutriment, 3 cheese, 6 salt Chips.png | Chips | Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine | 3 synthetic nutriment Ramen.png | Cup Ramen | Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine | 30 dry ramen Ramen.png | Hot Ramen | Mix 3u Dry Ramen, 1u water | Makes 3u Hot Ramen Ramen.png | Hell Ramen | Mix 1u capsaicin, 6u Hot Ramen Raises body temperature.

Makes 6u Hell Ramen Chocolatebar.png | Chocolate Bar | Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine | 2 nutriment Twinkie.png | Creamy Spongecake | Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine | 4 synthetic nutriment, 4 sugar Raisins.png | Getmore Raisins | Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp vending machine | 6 synthetic nutriment Gogomoss.png | Go-Go Gwok! Authentic Konyanger moss | Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine | 4 nutriment Koisbar.png | K'ois Bar | Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine. | 10 Filtered K'ois, 15 Phoron Kokobar.png | Koko Bar | Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine | 4 nutriment, 7 koko reed juice, 3 sugar Liquidfood.png | LiquidFood Ration | Biogenerator; Mining reward vending machine | 10 nutriment, 3 iron Lollipop.png | Lollipop | Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine | 2 sugar, 20 [fruit] juice Mapsham.png | Maps salty ham | Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine | 6 animal protein, 6 salt Mogunzpie.png | Mo'gunz Meat Pie | Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine | 2 synthetic nutriment, 12 animal protein, 4 salt Monkeycube.png | Monkey Cube | Stocked in Science and Medical; created via biogenerator | Run under water in the sink to create a monkey. Also comes in Stok, Farwa, and Naera varieties.

Syndiecake.png | Nutri-Cakes | Hack a Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine. | 4 nutriment, 5 The Doctor's Delight Ricebowl.png | Packed Rice Bowl | Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine | 5 nutriment Koisbar.png | Organic K'ois Bar | Hack a Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine. | 10 K'ois, 15 Phoron Phoron candy.png | Phoron Rock Candy | Obtained from the lunchbox loadout item for Vaurca | 25u Phoron Poisonous to everything except Vaurca.

Razibeef.png | Razi-snack corned beef | Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine | 10 animal protein, 3 iron, 6 salt Riceball.png | Rice Ball | Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine | 3 nutriment Jerky.png | Scaredy's Private Reserve Beef Jerky | Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine | 4 animal protein, 3 salt SkrellSnax.png | SkrellSnax | Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine | 10 synthetic nutriment TunaSnax.png | Tuna Snax | Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine | 4 seafood protein Vkrexisnax.png | V'krexi Snax | Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine. Contains 6 V'Krexi Taffy | .5 V'Krexi Taffy Advanced Cooking Some reagents in finished recipes are poisonous or have undesirable effects. If you're a traitor that may be the point, but if you're just feeling fancy you may want to try and serve these items safely. A little creative chemistry or careful preparation can help get rid of the dangerous reagents in your food.

Any piece of food can contain up to 50 units of reagents.

Reagents can be removed from food with a syringe and separated using the CondiMaster in the kitchen. After removing undesirable reagents, the rest can be injected or poured back into the food. Some poisonous reagents will react with other reagents to create non-toxic results. When neutralizing reagents this way, make sure to get the amounts right. Reagent | How to Neutralize Blood | Blood is not necessarily poisonous. It is always the same type as the person it was taken from, and if the type is incompatible with the recipient, it will cause a rejection reaction. O-negative blood is always safe. Alcoholic drinks created with blood of any type are safe. Be sure there is no blood left over after the reaction. Blood can also be neutralized with clonexadone (1 unit clonexadone to 5 units blood), which creates synthetic meat.

Carpotoxin | Anything made with carp meat will have carpotoxin in it. Carpotoxin reacts with copper and cryptobiolin to form rezadone, a wonderful healing medicine with minor side effects. The pharmacist most likely wants your carpotoxin. Radium | Found in roast diona. This will cause radiation poisoning. Add 1 unit of dylovene per unit of radium, which will react to form hyronalin, an anti-radiation medicine. Sulphuric Acid | Neutralize each 1 unit of Sulphuric acid with 5 units of wine (creates Acid Spit, an alcoholic cocktail). Polytrinic Acid | You're serious about serving that xeno meat, huh? Well, don't serve it plain; polytrinic acid will poison, burn, and generally kill your customers in a gruesome manner. Polytrinic acid will react with foaming agent and either iron or aluminum to create metal foam, and 10 units of polytrinic acid with 20 units of plasticide will create plastic. When working out how to do this, remember that plasticide is poisonous and metal foam can be chipped through with a kitchen knife. Phoron | Really, now? You could neutralize phoron by adding 2 rum and 1 vermouth per unit, but eating phoron is still a bit of a waste.

Unlike in real life, experimenting with making food isn't really rewarded in space. Not following the established recipes will only lead to either a broken microwave, a burned mess, or just sadness overall. Feel free to make suggestions in outside channels, though.

Contents 1 The Mechanics of Food 1.1 Fullness 1.2 Starvation 1.3 Hydroponics 1.4 The Church 1.5 Animals 2 Recipes 2.1 Basic Components 2.2 Nadezhda Cultural “Cuisine” 2.3 Burgers & Sandwiches 2.4 Cakes and Sweets 2.5 Cereals/Breads 2.6 Meat & Seafood Dishes 2.7 Salads 2.8 Soups 2.9 Miscellaneous 2.10 Pizzas 2.11 Pasta 2.12 Vegetable Dishes 2.13 Combinable Food 2.14 Reagents and Condiments 2.15 Vending Machines 3 Tips 3.1 Advanced Cooking The Mechanics of Food Fullness As you walk and move about in and around the colony, your starting nutrition bar will start to drain from starting green, down to dark red; if your hunger bar turns black, you've eaten way too much. The effects of fullness and hunger are equally bad, so it is best to stay at a happy medium. So keep in mind how much you've eaten and how long it has been since you last ate, and you will be fine.

Go with the rule that, “If you have a hard time getting it down, don't eat any more”. Note that nutrition is typically slow-release, so if you don't fill up immediately, you will in the near future.

Several reagents will increase your fullness:

Very effective: Nutriment, found in most foods. The main one and most effective; Corn Oil; Animal Protein, found in meat and Egg Yolk. Somewhat effective: Ketchup, Sugar, Sprinkles, Coco powder, Cherry jelly. Some alcoholic drinks. Starvation Food1.pngFood2.pngFood3.pngFood4.pngFood5.png

If you drop to dark red, you move very slowly and your description reveals your lack of eating habits. You are starving, this is not good! You will move slowly until you eat some food, so head to the Chef for a burger or slice of meatbread!

Some things will decrease your hunger faster:

Vomiting Being cold (by exposure to cold environments or because you were in a cryo tube) Recovering from blood loss Taking Lipozine Some viruses Hydroponics Hydroponics, located just beside the kitchen, exists to produce produce for use in your various dishes. While a great variety of fruits and vegetables can be grown here, the most vital for most dishes are wheat, tomatoes, and potatoes. Growing these is an intelligent start to a good lunch. The department can also produce wheat and milk using spare biomass from unneeded plant matter, which is quite handy upon occasion. See the Guide to Hydroponics for more information.

The Church If you don't feel like questioning the source of your meat and milk, The Church of the Absolute is an acceptable provider of basic kitchen stock, with their private chicken coop, public surface garden, and massive tank filled with acid to slowly and torturously dispose of any biological material deposited therein, breaking it down into their base components for reassembly into foodstuffs. But hey, they'll likely give it to you for free! So charitable.

Animals The grinder located in the freezer is suitable for chewing up any corpses that happen to fall into your hands, processing them into usable steaks. Pretty much anything can yield at least one good slab of meat, in general. In case the crew objects to eating any random meat that is available, however, the Cook can order a variety of other sources of protein from Lonestar or the Church, or source 'free-range' meat from the Prospectors or Blackshield.

Cow.png Cows - aside from slaughtering for meat, can be milked with a bucket, but they do require feeding them some wheat.

Chicken.png Chickens - ordering some to keep in the pasture as part of your private petting zoo is a good step to take if you know you'll be needing more eggs than the ones you start with. Feed them with wheat to get them to lay eggs. Unattended eggs may hatch into even more Chick.png chickens, so beware of exponential chicken growth events. Note: Any egg that is touched by anyone in any way permanently prevents hatching.

Refer to the list of native and non-native fauna for further sources of delicious meat.

Recipes Poisonous reagents are marked in red text. Reagents which have other, non-deadly effects, like intoxication, sleepiness, or the effects of hot or cold sauce, are marked in blue text.

Basic Components Strive to have at least some of these on hand at all times, so you can fill orders that much quicker!

Icon | Food | How to Obtain | Contains Cheesewheel.gif | Cheese Wheel Mix 40 Milk and 5 Universal Enzyme. | 20 Animal Protein CheeseWedge.png | Cheese Wedge Slice a Cheese Wheel. | 5 Animal Protein ButterStick.png | Butter Stick Mix 5 Cream and 5 Salt. | 5 Animal Protein ButterSlice.png | Butter Slice Slice a Butter Stick. | 5 Animal Protein Dough.png | Dough Mix 3 Egg Yolk, 10 Units Flour | 3 Nutriment, 1 Animal Protein DoughSlice.png | Dough Slice Cut a Flat Dough with Kitchen Knife | 2 Nutriment, .33 Animal Protein Spaghetti.png | Spaghetti Cut Dough Slice with Kitchen Knife | 3 Nutriment, .33 Animal Protein FlatDough.png | Flat Dough Roll out 1 Dough with the Rolling Pin | 3 Nutriment, 1 Animal Protein. Sliceable: 3 Slices Bun.png | Bun Microwave 1 Dough | 4 Nutriment, 1 Animal Protein Egg.png | Egg Harvested from an egg plant (can be mutated from eggplants), ordered from Cargo, or laid by a chicken that has been fed wheat. | 3 Egg Yolk Meat.png | Meat From butchering most animals and people with a sharp object. The meat grinder will not accept people unless tampered with. | Animal Protein (Varying amounts); Nutriment (Varying amounts) Meat.png | Synthflesh | 5 Blood, 1 Clonexidone. Tastes like shoe leather but at least you won't starve. | Animal Protein (Varying amounts); Nutriment (Varying amounts) Carpfillet.png | Carp Meat Butcher a Carp (Butchering on a spike gives 3, grinding gives 2, cutting on table gives 1) | 3-10 Animal Protein, 3 Carpotoxin, ~9 Nutriment Bearmeat.png | Bear Meat From butchering a Space Bear or Mukwah. | ~12 Animal Protein, 5 Hyperzine, ~9 Nutriment Xenomeat.png | Spider Meat From butchering giant spiders. | 7-9 Animal Protein and various toxins Xenomeat.png | Roach Meat From butchering roaches with a sharp object. Will not work with the Meat Grinder. There are 5 different types of roaches with differing meats and chemical compositions. See the relevant section. | 4-8 Animal Protein and various toxins which Medical might want Xenomeat.png | Xeno Meat From butchering a xenomorph | 6 Animal Protein, 6 Polytrinic Acid, ~9 Nutriment RawCutlet.png | Raw Cutlet Cut 1 Meat with a knife | 1 Animal Protein Cutlet.png | Cutlet Microwave 1 Raw Cutlet | 3 Animal Protein RawPatty.png | Raw Patty Roller Pin 1 Raw Cutlet | 3 Animal Protein Patty.png | Patty Microwave 1 Raw Patty | 3 Animal Protein Chickenmeat.png | Poultry | From butchering any bird, chicken, or avian creature | 8 Animal Protein Chickenbreast.png | Poultry breast | Cut 1 Poultry with a knife | 2 Animal Protein Sus.png | Porcine meat | From butchering pigs, hell boars, certain tengolos, anything porcine-looking. | 8 Animal Protein Rawbacon.png | Raw bacon strip | Cut 1 Porcine meat with a knife | 2 Animal Protein Bacon.png | Bacon | Microwave 1 Raw bacon strip, 1 units Salt, 1 unit Corn Oil | 3 Animal Protein, 5 Corn Oil RawMeatball.png | Raw Meatball Mix 3 Animal Protein and 5 Flour | 3 Animal Protein Meatball.png | Meatball Microwave 1 Raw Meatball | 3 Animal Protein RawSticks.png | Raw Potato Sticks Cut up one Potato. | 3 Nutriment Tomatoslice.png | Tomato Slice Cut up a Tomato | ~12 Nutriment. Mushroomslice.png | Huge Mushroom Slice Slicing up a Walking Mushroom | ~7 Nutriment, 3 Psilocybin Tofu.gif | Tofu Mix 10 Soy Milk and 5 Universal Enzyme (Catalyst) | 3 Nutriment Nadezhda Cultural “Cuisine” Icon | Food | How to Obtain | Contains RoachBurger64.png | Kampfer Burger | Microwave 1 Kampfer Roach meat and 1 Bun. | 4 Animal Protein, 2 Nutriment, Roach Toxins Jagerburger64.png | Jager Burger | Microwave 1 Jager Roach meat and 1 Bun. | 6 Animal Protein, 3 Nutriment, Roach Toxins Seucheburger64.png | Seuche Burger | Microwave 1 Seuche Roach meat and 1 Bun. | 4 Animal Protein, 2 Nutriment, Roach Toxins Panzerburger64.png | Panzer Burger | Microwave 1 Panzer Roach meat and 1 Bun. | 8 Animal Protein, 1 Nutriment, Roach Toxins Fuhrerburger64.png | Fuhrer Burger | Microwave 2 Fuhrer Roach meat, 1 Bun and 1 Egg. | 8 Animal Protein, 3 Fuhrerole, 3 Nutriment, Roach Toxins Kaiserburger64.png | Kaiser Burger | Microwave 2 Kaiser Roach meat, 1 Bun and 1 Egg. | 10 Animal Protein, 3 Nutriment, Roach Toxins Bigroachburger64.png | Big Roach Burger | Microwave 1 Kampfer Roach meat, 1 Jager Roach meat, 1 Seuche Roach meat, 1 Panzer Roach meat, 1 Bun and 1 Egg. | 8 Animal Protein, 3 Nutriment, Roach Toxins RoachCube.png | Roach Cube | Microwave 1 Kampfer Roach meat, 15 Animal Protein, 3 Egg Yolk and 1 Potato. | 10 Animal Protein RoachlingCube.png | Roachling Cube | Microwave 1 Kampfer Roach meat, 5 Animal Protein, 1 Seligitillin and 1 Potato. | 10 Animal Protein JaegerCube.png | Jaeger Cube | Microwave 1 Jaeger Roach meat, 10 Animal Protein, 5 Blattedin and 1 Potato. | 10 Animal Protein SeucheCube.png | Seuche Cube | Microwave 1 Seuche Roach meat, 10 Animal Protein, 10 Blattedin and 1 Potato. | 10 Animal Protein PanzerCube.png | Panzer Cube | Microwave 2 Panzer Roach meat, 20 Animal Protein, 5 Starkellin and 1 Potato. | 10 Animal Protein KraftwerkCube.png | Kraftwerk Cube | Microwave 1 Kraftwerk Roach meat, 10 Animal Protein, 5 Gewaltine and 1 Potato. | 10 Animal Protein GlowRoachCube.png | Glowing Roach Cube | Microwave 1 Glowing Roach meat, 10 Animal Protein, 5 Uranium and 1 Potato. | 10 Animal Protein GestrahlteCube.png | Gestrahlte Cube | Microwave 1 Gestrahlte Roach meat, 10 Animal Protein, 5 Toxin and 1 Potato. | 10 Animal Protein FuhrerCube.png | Fuhrer Cube | Microwave 2 Fuhrer Roach meat, 25 Animal Protein, 5 Fuhrerole and 2 Potato. | 10 Animal Protein ElektroCube.png | Elektromagnetisch Cube | Microwave 1 Elektromagnetisch Roach meat, 10 Animal Protein, 5 Iron and 1 Potato. | 10 Animal Protein Burgers & Sandwiches Icon | Food | How to Obtain | Contains Burg.png | Hamburger | Use a Patty in a Bun or Microwave 1 Patty and 1 Bun. | 6 Animal Protein Cheeseburg.png | Cheeseburger | Use a Cheese Wedge on a Hamburger | 2 Animal Protein, 2 Nutriment Baconburger.png | Bacon Burger | Microwave 1 Patty, 1 Bun, 1 Bacon | 6 Animal Protein Poultryburger.png | Poultry Burger | Microwave 1 Bun, 1 Fried Poultry | 6 Animal Protein Muffinegg.png | Muffin Egg Sandwich | Microwave 1 Bun, 1 Fried Egg, 1 Bacon | 6 Nutriment Bigbiteburg.png | Big Bite Burger | Microwave 1 Hamburger, 2 Patties, 1 Fried Egg | 10 Animal Protein, 4 Nutriment Superbiteburg.png | Super Bite Burger | Microwave 1 Big Bite Burger, 1 Bun, 2 Patties, 1 Bacon, 1 Cheese Wedge, 5 Units Salt, 5 Units Pepper, 1 Tomato | 40 Animal Protein, 25 Nutriment Spellburg.png | Spell Burger | Microwave 1 Burger, 1 Wizard Hat | 6 Nutriment, 3 or 13 Animal Protein Brainburg.png | Brain Burger | Microwave 1 Bun, 1 Brain | 7 Animal Protein, 6 Alkysine, 5 Blood* Roburg.png | Roburger | Microwave 1 Bun, 1 Robot Head | 2 Nutriment, 1 Animal Protein, 5% probability of 2 Units Nanites Tofuburg.png | Tofu Burger | Microwave 1 Bun, 1 Tofu | 6 Nutriment, 1 Animal Protein Xenoburg.png | Xenoburger | Microwave 1 Bun, 1 Xeno-meat | 15 Animal Protein, 6 Polytrinic Acid Carpsand.png | Fish Sandwich | Microwave 1 Bun,1 Carp fillet | 10 Animal Protein, 6 Carpotoxin Jellyburg.png | Jelly Burger | Microwave 1 Bun, 5 Units Cherry Jelly/Slime Jelly | 5 Nutriment, 5 Slime Jelly or Cherry Jelly, 1 Animal Protein Jellysand.png | Jelly Sandwich | Microwave 2 Bread Slice, 5 Units Cherry Jelly/Slime Jelly | 2 Nutriment, 5 Cherry Jelly or 5 Slime Jelly, 2 Animal Protein, 0.6 Egg Yolk Jellytoast.png | Jellied Toast | Microwave 1 Bread Slice, 5 Units Cherry Jelly/Slime Jelly | 1 Nutriment, 0.2 Animal Protein, 0.6 Egg Yolk, 5 Cherry Jelly or Slime Jelly. Sandwich.png | Sandwich | Microwave 2 Bread Slice, 1 Meat Steak, 1 Cheese Wedge | 3 Nutriment, 20.4 Animal Protein, 1.2 Egg Yolk, 1 Salt, 1 Pepper Toastsand.png | Toasted Sandwich | Microwave 1 Sandwich, 1 Butter Slice | 3 Nutriment, 3 Animal Protein, 1 Salt, 1 Pepper, 2 Carbon Toastsand.png | Grilled Cheese Sandwich | Microwave 2 Bread Slice, 1 Cheese Wedge, 1 Butter Slice | 3 Nutriment, 4 Animal Protein Blt.png | BLT | Microwave 2 Bread Slice, 1 Bacon, 1 Tomato, 1 Cabbage | 3 Nutriment Butterbrod.png | Buttered Toast | Use 1 Butter Slice on a Bread Slice | 3 Nutriment Donkpocket.png | Donk Pocket | Find in boxes, or allow a Warm Donk Pocket to cool. | 2 Nutriment, 2 or 6 Animal Protein Donkpocket.png | Warm Donk Pocket | Microwave 1 Dough, 1 Meatball | 2 Nutriment, 6 Animal Protein, 5 Tricordrazine Donkpocket.png | Warm Donk Pocket | Microwave 1 Donk Pocket | 2 Nutriment, 2 Animal Protein, 5 Tricordrazine Cakes and Sweets Icon | Food | How to Obtain | Contains Donut.pngFrosteddonut.png | Donut | Microwave 1 Dough, 5 units Sugar, 1 units Corn Oil | 3 Nutriment, 1 Sprinkles (3 if Frosted Jellydonut.pngFrostedjellydonut.png | Jelly Donut | Microwave 1 Dough, 5 units Sugar, 5 units Berry Juice/Cherry Jelly/Slime Jelly. | 3 Nutriment, 1 Sprinkles (3 if Frosted), 5 Berry Juice or Cherry Jelly or Slime Jelly, 1 Animal Protein. Donut.pngFrosteddonut.png | Chaos Donuts | Microwave 1 Dough, 5 units Sugar, 5 units Hot Sauce, 5 units Cold Sauce | Always: 2 Nutriment, 1 Sprinkles (3 if Frosted), 1 Animal Protein. Equal chance of containing 3 Units of one of the following: Nutriment, capsaicin, frost oil, sprinkles, plasma, coco,Slime Jelly, banana, berry juice, and tricordrazine.

Muffins.png | Muffin | Microwave 1 Dough, 5 units Milk, 5 units Sugar | 6 Nutriment, 1 Animal Protein Applepie.png | Apple Pie | Microwave 1 Flat Dough, 1 Apple, 1 Butter Slice | 4 Nutriment, 1 Animal Protein Pie.png | Banana Cream Pie | Microwave 1 Flat Dough, 1 Banana, 5 units Sugar, 1 Butter Slice | 4 Nutriment, 6 Banana Juice, 1 Animal Protein Berryclafoutis.png | Berry Clafoutis | Microwave 1 Flat Dough, 1 Berry, 1 Butter Slice | 4 Nutriment, 7 Berry Juice, 1 Animal Protein Cherrypie.png | Cherry Pie | Microwave 1 Cherry, 1 Flat Dough, 10 units Sugar, 1 Butter Slice | 4 Nutriment, 1 Sugar, 1 Cherry Jelly, 1 Animal Protein Cake.pngCakeslice.png | Vanilla Cake | Microwave 5 units Milk, 15 units Flour, 15 units Sugar, 9 units Egg Yolk, 1 Butter Stick NOTE: Flour and Egg Yolk will mix into Dough inside any reagent container but the microwave, add the egg yolk seperately to prevent accidental mixing.

20 Nutriment. Sliceable: 5 Slices.

Applecake.pngApplecakeslice.png | Apple Cake | Microwave 5 units Milk, 15 units Flour, 15 units Sugar, 9 units Egg Yolk, 2 Apples, 1 Butter Stick NOTE: Flour and Egg Yolk will mix into Dough inside any reagent container but the microwave, add the egg yolk seperately to prevent accidental mixing.

15 Nutriment Sliceable: 5 Slices

Birthdaycake.pngBirthdaycakeslice.png | Birthday Cake | Microwave 5 units Milk, 15 units Flour, 15 units Sugar, 9 units Egg Yolk, 1 Cake Hat, 1 Butter Stick NOTE: Flour and Egg Yolk will mix into Dough inside any reagent container but the microwave, add the egg yolk seperately to prevent accidental mixing.

20 Nutriment, 10 Sprinkles Sliceable: 5 Slices

Braincake.pngBraincakeslice.png | Brain Cake | Microwave 5 units Milk, 15 units Flour, 15 units Sugar, 9 units Egg Yolk, 1 Brain, 1 Butter Stick NOTE: Flour and Egg Yolk will mix into Dough inside any reagent container but the microwave, add the egg yolk seperately to prevent accidental mixing.

5 Nutriment, 20 Animal Protein, 10 Alkysine, 5 Blood* Sliceable: 5 Slices

Carrotcake.pngCarrotcakeslice.png | Carrot Cake | Microwave 5 units Milk, 15 units Flour, 15 units Sugar, 9 units Egg Yolk, 3 Carrots, 1 Butter Stick NOTE: Flour and Egg Yolk will mix into Dough inside any reagent container but the microwave, add the egg yolk seperately to prevent accidental mixing.

25 Nutriment, 25 Imidazoline Sliceable: 5 Slices

Cheesecake.pngCheesecakeslice.png | Cheese Cake | Microwave 5 units Milk, 15 units Flour, 15 units Sugar, 9 units Egg Yolk, 2 Cheese Wedge NOTE: Flour and Egg Yolk will mix into Dough inside any reagent container but the microwave, add the egg yolk seperately to prevent accidental mixing.

10 Nutriment, 19 Animal Protein Sliceable: 5 Slices

Choccake.pngChoccakeslice.png | Chocolate Cake | Microwave 5 units Milk, 15 units Flour, 5 units Sugar, 9 units Egg Yolk, 5 units Coco, 1 Chocolate Bar NOTE: Flour and Egg Yolk will mix into Dough inside any reagent container but the microwave, add the egg yolk seperately to prevent accidental mixing.

20 Nutriment, 5 Sugar, 5 Coco Powder Sliceable: 5 Slices

Limecake.pngLimecakeslice.png | Lime Cake | Microwave 5 units Milk, 15 units Flour, 5 units Sugar, 9 units Egg Yolk, 3 units Lime Juice, 1 Lime, 1 Butter Stick NOTE: Flour and Egg Yolk will mix into Dough inside any reagent container but the microwave, add the egg yolk seperately to prevent accidental mixing.

20 Nutriment, 1 Lime Juice Sliceable: 5 Slices

Lemoncake.pngLemoncakeslice.png | Lemon Cake | Microwave 5 units Milk, 15 units Flour, 5 units Sugar, 9 units Egg Yolk, 3 units Lemon Juice, 1 Lemon, 1 Butter Stick NOTE: Flour and Egg Yolk will mix into Dough inside any reagent container but the microwave, add the egg yolk seperately to prevent accidental mixing.

20 Nutriment, 1 Lemon Juice Sliceable: 5 Slices

Orangecake.pngOrangecakeslice.png | Orange Cake | Microwave 5 units Milk, 15 units Flour, 5 units Sugar, 9 units Egg Yolk, 3 units Orange Juice, 1 Orange, 1 Butter Stick NOTE: Flour and Egg Yolk will mix into Dough inside any reagent container but the microwave, add the egg yolk seperately to prevent accidental mixing.

20 Nutriment, 1 Orange Juice Sliceable: 5 Slices

Pumpkinpie.pngPumpkinpieslice.png | Pumpkin Pie | Microwave 1 Pumpkin, 10 units Flour, 3 units Egg Yolk, 5 units Milk, 5 units Sugar NOTE: Flour and Egg Yolk will mix into Dough inside any reagent container but the microwave, add the egg yolk seperately to prevent accidental mixing.

15 Nutriment Sliceable: 5 Slices.

Brownies.pngBrownieslice.png | Brownies | Microwave 10 units Cocoa Powder, 15 units Flour, 3 units Egg Yolk, 5 units Sugar, 1 Butter Stick | 20 Nutriment Sliceable: 5 Slices.

Candiedapple.png | Candied Apple | Microwave 5 Units Water, 5 Units Sugar, 1 Apple | 3 Nutriment Chocolatebar.png | Chocolate Bar | 2 units Chocolate Milk, 1 unit coco powder, 2 units sugar OR 2 units coco powder, 2 units Soy Milk, 2 units Sugar | 2 Nutriment, 2 Sugar, 2 Coco Powder Chocegg.png | Chocolate Egg | Microwave 1 Egg, 1 Chocolate bar | 3 Nutriment, 4 Sugar, 4 Coco, 3 Egg Yolk Cookie.png | Cookie | Microwave 1 Dough, 1 Butter Slice, 1 Chocolate Bar, 5 units Milk, 5 units Sugar | 5 Nutriment, 2 Sugar, 2 Coco, 1 Animal Protein Fortunecookie.png | Fortune Cookie | Microwave 1 Dough Slice, 5 units Sugar, 1 Piece of Paper (with something written on it) | 3 Nutriment, .33 Animal Protein Gappletart.png | Golden Apple Streusel Tart | Microwave 10 units Flour, 1 Egg, 1 Golden Apple, 5 units Milk, 5 units Sugar. | 8 Nutriment, 8 Gold, 3 Egg Yolk Mint.png | Mint | Microwave 5 units Sugar, 5 units Frost Oil | 1 Mint Toxin Waffles.png | Waffles | Microwave 1 Dough Slice, 5 units Sugar, 5 units Milk | 8 Nutriment, 2 Animal Protein Roffle.png | Roffle Waffles | Microwave 2 Dough, 10 units Sugar, 5 units Psilocybin. | 8 Nutriment, 8 Psilocybin, 2 Animal Protein Pancake.png | Pancakes | Microwave 1 Butter Slice, 10 units Sugar, 5 units Milk, 5 units Flour | 8 Nutriment, 8 Psilocybin, 2 Animal Protein Medialuna.png | Croissant | Microwave 1 Dough Slice, 1 Butter Slice, 5 units of Sugar, 5 units of Milk | 6 Nutriment Cinnamon.png | Cinnamon Roll | Microwave 1 raw Dough Slice, 1 Cheese Wedge, 1 Butter Slice, 5 units Cinnamon Powder (grind cinnamon plants), 10 units Sugar, 5 units Milk, 3 units Egg Yolk | 6 Nutriment AmanitaJelly.png | Amanita Jelly | Microwave 5 Units Water, 5 Units Vodka, 3 Amanitas | 6 Nutriment, 6 Psilocybin Duff.png | Spacy Liberty Duff | Microwave 5 units Water, 5 units Vodka, 3 Liberty Caps | 6 Nutriment, 6 Psilocybin Icecream.png | Vanilla Icecream | Combine 10 units of Icecream Base with 5 units Ice | 6 Nutriment Chococream.png | Chocolate Icecream | Combine 10 units of Icecream Base with 5 units Cocoa Powder | 6 Nutriment Strawbcream.png | Strawberry Icecream | Combine 10 units of Icecream Base with 5 units Berry Juice | 6 Nutriment Honeyice.png | Honey Icecream | Combine 10 units of Icecream Base with 5 units Honey | 6 Nutriment Cereals/Breads Icon | Food | How to Obtain | Contains Baguette.png | Baguette | Microwave 2 Dough, 1 unit Salt, 1 unit Pepper | 6 Nutriment, 1 Pepper, 1 Salt Flatbread.png | Flatbread | Microwave 1 Flat Dough | 3 Nutriment, 1 Animal Protein Cracker.png | Cracker | Microwave 1 Dough Slice, 1 unit Salt | 1 Nutriment. You can also get these by gibbing a Parrot; in that case they have 5.4 Nutriment Poppypretzel.png | Poppy Pretzel | Microwave 1 Dough, 1 Poppy | 10 Nutriment,3 Bicaridine Popcorn.png | Popcorn | Microwave 1 Corn | 2 Nutriment, 3 Corn Oil Twobread.png | Two Bread | Microwave 2 Bread Slice, 5 units Wine | 2 Nutriment. Breadloaf.pngBreadslice.png | Bread Microwave 1 Dough, 1 Egg | 6 Nutriment, 1 Animal Protein, 3 Egg Yolk. Sliceable: 5 slices. Bread slices can be turned into sandwiches by combining them with any food item. Bananabread.pngBananabreadslice.png | Banana-nut Bread | Microwave 3 Dough, 5 units Milk, 15 units Sugar, 1 Banana | 20 Nutriment, 21 Banana Juice Sliceable: 5 slices.

Creambread.pngCreambreadslice.png | Cream Cheese Bread | Microwave 2 Dough, 2 Cheese Wedge. | 5 Nutriment, 15 Animal Protein. Sliceable: 5 slices. Tofubread.pngTofubreadslice.png | Tofu-Bread | Microwave 3 Tofu, 3 Cheese Wedge, 3 Dough | 30 Nutriment. Sliceable: 5 slices. Meat & Seafood Dishes Icon | Food | How to Obtain | Contains Hotstew.png | Hot Chili | Microwave 1 Meat, 1 Chili Pepper, 1 Tomato | 3 Nutriment, 12 Animal Protein 10 Capsaicin, 4 Tomato Juice Coldstew.png | Cold Chili | Microwave 1 Meat, 1 Ice Pepper, 1 Tomato | 3 Nutriment, 12 Animal Protein, 10 Frost Oil, 4 Tomato Juice Hotstew.png | Bear Chili | Microwave 1 Bear Meat, 1 Chili Pepper, 1 Tomato | 3 Nutriment, 12 Animal Protein 3 Capsaicin, 5 Hyperzine Enchi.png | Enchiladas | Microwave 1 Cutlet, 2 Chili, 1 Corn | 9 Animal Protein, 2 Nutriment, 20 Capsaicin, 3 Corn Oil Egg.png | Boiled Egg | Microwave 1 Egg, 5 units Water | 2 Animal Protein, 3 Egg Yolk Friedegg.png | Fried Egg | Microwave 1 Egg, 1 unit Salt, 1 unit Pepper, 1 unit Corn Oil | 3 Animal Protein, 3 Egg Yolk, 1 Salt, 1 Pepper Baconegg.png | Eggs and bacon | Microwave 1 Fried Egg, 1 Bacon, 3 units Corn oil | 6 Animal Protein, 3 Corn Oil Cheeseomelette.png | Cheese Omelette | Microwave 2 Egg, 2 Cheese Wedge, 1 Butter Slice, 2 unit Corn Oil | 8 Animal Protein Cubancarp.png | Cuban Carp | Microwave 1 Carp Fillet, 1 Dough, 1 Chilli Pepper | 7 Animal Protein, 3 Nutriment, 10 Capsaicin, Fishandchips.png | Fish & Chips | Microwave 1 Space Fries, 1 Fish Fingers | 3 Nutriment, 3 Animal Protein Fishfingers.png | Fish Fingers | Microwave 10 units Flour, 3 units Egg Yolk, 1 Carp meat, 2 units Corn Oil | 4 Animal Protein Meatsteak.png | Meat Steak Microwave 1 unit of Salt, 1 unit of Pepper, 1 Meat (Any Type) | 4 Animal Protein, 1 Salt, 1 Pepper Porkchops.png | Glazed pork chops | Microwave 1 Porcine meat, 1 unit of Salt, 1 unit of Pepper, 5 units of Barbecue sauce | 8 Animal Protein Roast.png | Poultry Roast | Microwave 1 Poultry meat, 1 unit of Salt, 1 unit of Pepper | 10 Animal Protein Chickenbreast.png | Chicken steak | Microwave 1 Poultry Breast, 1 unit of Salt, 1 unit of Pepper | 6 Animal Protein Friedchikin.png | Fried Poultry | Microwave 1 Poultry Breast, 5 units of Corn Oil, 5 units of Flour, 1 unit of Salt, 1 unit of Pepper | 6 Animal Protein, 5 Corn Oil Tonkatsu.png | Tonkatsu | Microwave 1 Raw Porcine meat, 3 units Egg Yolk, 5 units Flour, 2 units Corn Oil, 1 unit of Salt | 8 Animal Protein, 1 Salt Benedict.png | Eggs Benedict | Microwave 1 Bread Slice, 1 Butter Slice, 1 Bacon, 1 Boiled Egg, 3 units of Egg Yolk, 1 unit of Salt, 1 unit of Pepper | 15 Animal Protein, 1 Salt, 1 Pepper Meatpie.png | Meat-Pie | Microwave 1 Meat, 1 Flat Dough | 20 Animal Protein Meatbread.pngMeatbreadslice.png | Meatbread | Microwave 3 Meat, 3 Dough, 3 Cheese Wedge | 10 Nutriment, 34 Animal Protein Sliceable: 5 slices.

Wingchu.png | Wing Fang Chu | Microwave 5 units Soy Sauce, 1 Xeno Meat | 6 Animal Protein, 6 Polytrinic Acid Dumplings.png | Dumplings | Microwave 1 Cabbage, 1 Dough Slice, 2 Raw Bacon strips, 5 units soy sauce, 1 unit Salt, 1 unit Pepper, 1 unit Corn Oil | 10 Animal Protein Sashimi.png | Sashimi | Microwave 2 Carp fillets, 5 units soy sauce | 4 Animal Protein Xenopie.png | Xeno-meat Pie | Microwave 1 Flat Dough and 1 Xeno Meat. | 10 Animal Protein, 10 Polytrinic Acid Xbread.pngXbreadslice.png | Xenomeatbread | Microwave 3 Xeno Meat, 3 Dough, 3 Cheese Wedge | 10 Nutriment, 20 Animal Protein. Sliceable: 5 slices.

Monkeydel.png | Monkey's Delight | Microwave 1 Monkey Cube, 10 units Flour, 1 Banana, 1 unit Salt, 1 unit Pepper | 10 Animal Protein, 6 Banana, 1 Pepper, 1 Salt Sausage.png | Sausage | Microwave 1 Raw Bacon Strip, 1 Raw Meatball, 1 unit Salt, 1 unit Pepper | 12 Animal Protein Taco.png | Taco | Microwave 5 units Flour, 1 Corn, 1 Cabbage, 1 Cutlet, 1 Cheese Wedge | 4 Nutriment, 3 Animal Protein Soylentgreen.png | Soylent Green | Microwave 10u Flour, 2 Human Meat | 10u Animal Protein Salads Icon | Food | How to Obtain | Contains Aesirsalad.png | Aesir salad | Microwave 1 Ambrosia Deus, 1 Golden Apple. | 8 Nutriment, 8 The Doctor's Delight,, 8 Tricordrazine, 1 Bicaridine, 1 Synaptizine, 1 Hyperzine, 1 Space drugs, 3 Gold. Herbsalad.png | Tossed Salad | Microwave 2 Cabbage, 1 Tomato, 1 Carrot, 1 Apple. | 8 Nutriment, 5 Imidazoline, 2 Tomato Juice, 1 Carrot Juice Validsalad.png | Valid Salad | Microwave 3 Ambrosia Vulgaris, 1 Potato, 1 Meatball. | 6 Nutriment, 5 Animal Protein, 3 Space drugs, 3 Kelotane, 3 Bicaridine, 2 Potato Juice Soups Icon | Food | How to Obtain | Contains Beetsoup.png | Borscht | Microwave 10 units Water, 1 White Beet, 1 Cabbage | “Wait, how do you spell it again..?” 8 Nutriment, 3 Sugar

Mushroomsoup.png | Chantrelle Soup | Microwave 5 units Milk, 5 units Cream, 1 unit of Salt, 1 unit of Pepper, 1 Chanterelle. | 8 Nutriment Meatballsoup.png | Meatball Soup | Microwave 10 units Water, 1 Meatball, 1 Carrot, 1 Potato | 8 Animal Protein, 5 Water, 5 Imidazoline, 1 Carrot Juice, 2 Potato Juice Milo.png | Milosoup | Microwave 10 units Water, 2 Tofu, 2 Soy Dope | 8 Nutriment, 5 Water Mysterysoup.png | Mystery Soup | Microwave 10 units Water, 1 Burned Mess, 1 Tofu, 1 Egg, 1 Cheese Wedge | Always contains 4 Animal Protein, 3+ Toxin, and 1+ Carbon. Possible other reagents: Nutriment, Capsaicin, tomato juice, frost oil, Water, tricordrazine, banana juice, blood, slime jelly, and/or imidazoline.

Nettlesoup.png | Nettle Soup | Microwave 10 units Water, 1 Nettle, 1 Egg, 1 Potato | 8 Nutriment, 5 Water, 5 Tricordrazine, 10 Sulphuric Acid Tomatosoup.png | Tomato Soup | Microwave 10 units Water, 2 tomatoes | 5 Nutriment, 10 Tomato Juice. Drinking this makes you feel like a vampire. A tomato vampire. Tomatosoup.png | “Tomato” Soup | Microwave 10 units blood, 2 Blood Tomato. | Smells like copper. 2 Animal Protein, 10 Blood*, 5 Water

Vegsoup.png | Vegetable Soup | Microwave 10 units Water, 1 Carrot, 1 Corn, 1 Eggplant, 1 Potato | 8 Nutriment, 5 Water, 5 Imidazoline. Wishsoup.png | Wish Soup | 20 units Water. | 25% chance of 8 Nutriment Stew.png | Stew | Microwave 10 units Water, 1 Meat, 1 tomato, 1 potato, 1 carrot, 1 chanterelle mushroom | 6 Nutriment, 4 Animal Protein, 4 Tomato Juice, 10 Imidazoline, 5 Water. Beefcurry.png | Beef Curry | Microwave 1 Chili, 1 carrot, 1 tomato, 5 units Flour, 5 units Soy Sauce, 1 raw meat, 1 Butter Slice, 1 Boiled Rice | 8 Animal Protein, 2 Capsaicin Chikincurry.png | Poultry Curry | Microwave 1 Chili, 1 carrot, 1 tomato, 5 units Flour, 5 units Soy Sauce, 1 raw poultry breast, 1 Butter Slice, 1 Boiled Rice | 8 Animal Protein, 2 Capsaicin Mashedpotatoes.png | Mashed Potatoes | Microwave 2 Potatoes, 5 units of Milk, 1 Butter Slice | 8 Nutriment Katsudon.png | Katsudon | Microwave 1 Tonkatsu, 1 Boiled Rice, 5 units Soy Sauce, 3 units Egg Yolk | 10 Nutriment Miscellaneous Icon | Food | How to Obtain | Contains Burnedmess.png | Burned Mess | Created when you try to microwave an invalid recipe. It may also break or dirty the microwave. | 1+ Toxin, 3+ Carbon Boiledcore.png | Boiled Slime Core | Created when you microwave 10u Water and slime extract. | Slime Jelly Pizzas Icon | Food | How to Obtain | Contains Margheritapizza.pngMargheritapizzaslice.png | Margherita | Microwave 1 Flat Dough, 4 Cheese Wedge, 1 Tomato | 40 Nutriment, 6 Tomato Juice, 5 Animal Protein. Sliceable: 6 slices.

Meatpizza.pngMeatpizzaslice.png | Meatpizza | Microwave 1 Flat Dough, 3 Meat, 1 Cheese Wedge, 1 Tomato | 50 Animal Protein, 6 Tomato Juice Sliceable: 6 slices.

Mushroompizza.pngMushroompizzaslice.png | Mushroom Pizza | Microwave 1 Flat Dough, 5 Mushrooms, 1 Cheese Wedge, 1 Tomato. | 50 Nutriment, 6 tomato Juice Sliceable: 6 slices

Vegpizza.pngVegpizzaslice.png | Vegetable Pizza | Microwave 1 Flat Dough, 1 Cheese Wedge, 1 Eggplant, 1 Carrot, 1 Corn, 1 Tomato | 30 Nutriment, 6 Tomato Juice, 14 Imidazoline, 5 Animal Protein. Sliceable: 6 slices.

Pasta Icon | Food | How to Obtain | Contains Boiledspaghetti.png | Boiled Spaghetti | Microwave 5 units Water, 1 Spaghetti. | 3 Nutriment, .33 Animal Protein Pastatomato.png | Tomato Spaghetti | Microwave 5 units Water, 1 Spaghetti, 2 Tomatoes. | 6 Nutriment, 10 Tomato Juice Meatballspag.png | Spaghetti & Meatballs | Microwave 5 units Water, 1 Spaghetti, 2 Meatball. | 4 Nutriment, 10.33 Animal Protein Spesslaw.png | Spesslaw | Microwave 5 units Water, 1 Spaghetti, 4 Meatball. | 4 Nutriment, 16.33 Animal Protein Vegetable Dishes Icon | Food | How to Obtain | Contains Fries.png | Space Fries | Microwave 1 Raw Potato Sicks, 1 unit Corn Oil | 4 Nutriment Carrotfries.png | Carrot Fries | Cut up one carrot. | 3 Nutriment, 3 Imidazoline Cheesefries.png | Cheese Fries | Microwave 1 Space Fries, 1 Cheese Wedge | 4 Nutriment, 6 Animal Protein Meatkabob.png | Tofu-kabob | 2 Tofu, 1 Metal Rod | 8 Nutriment. May break the microwave; still obtainable via silver slime cores. Chawanmushi.png | Chawanmushi | Microwave 5 units Water, 5 units Soy Sauce, 2 Egg, 1 Chanterelle. | 5 Animal Protein. Eggplantparmigiana.png | Eggplant Parmigiana | Microwave 2 Cheese Wedge, 1 Eggplant | 6 Nutriment. Bakedpotato.png | Loaded Baked Potato | Microwave 1 Potato, 1 Cheese Wedge | 3 Nutriment, 3 Animal Protein. Phelmbiscuit.png | Plump Helmet Biscuit | Microwave 1 Plump Helmet, 5 units Water, 5 units Flour, 1 Butter Slice | 5 Nutriment, 10% chance of 8 Nutriment and 5 Tricordrazine Meatpie.png | Tofu-Pie | Microwave 1 Flat Dough, 1 Tofu | 10 Nutriment Plumppie.png | Plump Pie | Microwave 1 Flat Dough, 1 Plump Helmet | 8 Nutriment, 10% chance of 5 Tricordrazine Amapie.png | Amanita Pie | Microwave 1 Flat Dough, 1 Amanita | 5 Nutriment, 9 Amatoxin, 2 Psilocybin. Boiledrice.png | Boiled Rice | Microwave 5 units Water, 10 units Rice | 2 Nutriment Ricepudding.png | Rice Pudding | Microwave 5 units Milk, 10 units Rice | 4 Nutriment Soydope.png | Soy Dope | Cut 1 Soybean | 2 Nutriment Soylenvirdians.png | Soylen Virdians | Microwave 10 units Flour, 1 Soybean | 10 Nutriment, 1 Soy Milk Stewedsoymeat.png | Stewed Soy Meat | Microwave 2 Soy Dope, 1 Carrot, 1 Tomato | 8 Nutriment, 5 Imidazoline Tofurkey.png | Tofurkey | Microwave 2 Tofu, 1 Stuffing. | 12 Nutriment, 3 Soporific, 1 Animal Protein, 3 Egg Yolk Stuffing.png | Stuffing | Microwave 1 Bread, 5 units Water, 1 unit of Salt, 1 unit of Pepper. | 3 Nutriment, 1 Animal Protein, 3 Egg Yolk Combinable Food Icon | Food | How to Obtain | Contains Burger.png | Hamburger | Combine 1 Patty with Bun | 2 Animal Protein, 2 Nutriment Cheeseburger.png | Cheese Burger | Combine 1 Cheese Wedge with Hamburger | 2 Animal Protein, 2 Nutriment Hotdog.png | Hotdog | Combine 1 Sausage with 1 Bun | 6 Animal Protein Meatballspag.png | Spaghetti with meatballs | Combine Meatball with Boiled Spaghetti | 4 Nutriment, 10.33 Animal Protein Spesslaw.png | Spesslaw | Combine Meatball with spaghetti with meatballs | 4 Nutriment, 16.33 Animal Protein Icesandwich.png | Icecream Sandwich | Combine 1 Vanilla Icecream with 1 Brownie Slice | 8 Nutriment Sbsandwich.png | Strawberry Icecream Sandwich | Combine 1 Strawberry Icecream with 1 Cookie | 8 Nutriment Reagents and Condiments You get these mostly from grinding, blending or mixing.

To grind, put your desired grindable object in the grinder. When enough of a reagent is inside, it will spit out a container of that reagent. Reagents can be ejected early for a partially-full container. Grinding foods reduces them to their component parts. NOTE: When putting in containers, the container is lost. Don't grind your beakers, folks. Lonestar's more than happy to charge you for more.

To blend, put your object in the blender, ideally with a catch container inside, and hit blend. If it WILL blend, you get some reagents in the container, which you can then eject.

To mix reagents, put them in the same container. You should hear a bubbling sound if it's successful.

Icon | Reagent | How to Obtain Condiment.png | Animal Protein Process Meat or protein-containing foods. Condiment.png | Cherry Jelly Process Cherries. Condiment.png | Coco Powder Process Cacao Pods. Coldsaucepack.png | Cold Sauce/Frost Oil | Process ice peppers. Coldsaucepack.png | Ice Cream Base | 1u sugar 1u ice 1u cream. Cornoil.png | Corn Oil | Process corn. Condiment.png | Egg Yolk | Process an Egg, or crack an Egg into a container. Flour.png | Flour Process Wheat stalks. Hotsaucepack.png | Hot Sauce/Capsaicin | Process chili peppers. Ketchuppack.png | Ketchup | Mix 2 parts Tomato Juice, 1 part Water, 1 part Sugar Vinegar.png | Vinegar Mix 1 part wine, 1 part Flour, 1 part Water Bbqsauce.png | Barbecue Sauce Mix 1 part Ketchup, 1 part Vinegar, 1 part Sugar Condiment.png | Nutriment Process almost any food. Pepper.png | Pepper Extra pepper mills are in the bar. The only way to obtain more is printing through the biogenerator. Rice.png | Rice Process Rice Stalks. Salt.png | Salt Mix 1 unit Hydrocloric Acid, 1 unit Sodium, 1 unit Water. Available on salt shakers in the kitchen. Soysaucepack.png | Soy Sauce Mix 1 units Soy Milk, 1 units Flour, 1 units Salt Condiment.png | Sprinkles | Process donuts. Sugarpack.png | Sugar Process white beets or sugar canes. Also can be found in a drinks dispenser. Waterbottle.png | Water From a sink, beverage dispenser, chemical dispenser, pond or water tank. Enzyme.png | Universal Enzyme One bottle in the kitchen, more can be ordered from Lonestar. Not intended for consumption. Vending Machines If you're hungry and the Chef is not around to make you a meal, you might want to check the nearest vending machine for some quick snacks to fill up your belly. Note that the Chef cannot (or is contractually obligated not to) make these.

Picture | Dispenses | Description Candy.png | Candy | Nougat; love it or hate it. Consists of Nutriment and Sugar, filling you a little. Ramen.png | Cup Ramen | Just add 10u of Water, self heats! A taste that reminds you of your school years. Ramen.png | Hot Ramen | Made from Cup Ramen once hydrated. Ramen.png | Hell Ramen | Add 1 part Capsaicin to 6 parts Hot Ramen Chips.png | Chips | Commander Riker's What-The-Crisps. Consists of Nutriment, filling you mildly. Jerky.png | Scaredy's Private Reserve Beef Jerky | Beef jerky made from the finest space cows. Consists of Nutriment, making it a filling snack! Raisins.png | 4no Raisins | Best raisins in the universe. Nobody knows quite sure why. Consists of Nutriment, making it a very filling snack! Twinkie.png | Space Twinkie | A few bite snack consisting of small amount of Sugar. CheesieHonkers.png | Cheesie Honkers | Bite sized cheesy snacks that will honk all over your mouth. Consists of Nutriment, making it a filling snack! Breadtube.png | Bread Tube | A tube! Of bread! A bread tube! Almost as good as canned! Syndiecake.png | Syndi-Cake | A delicious traitorous treat! Available from hacked Getmore Chocolate Corp Vending Machines Monkeycube.png | Monkey Cube | 10 Animal Protein; kills you as a monkey grows inside you. Add Water instead of eating it, to get a monkey. Also comes in Stok, Farwa, and Naera varieties, available through Cargo. Liquidfood.png | LiquidFood Ration | Sometimes found in Maintenance. 20 Nutriment, 3 Iron Honeycomb.png | Honeycomb | From beekeeping MRE.png | MRE (Meal Ready-to-Eat) | Every colonist is provided one when arriving topside. Beans, salt, and some sort of chemically supplemented protein in a self-heating pouch. Tastes like trench warfare. If heated up (use in hand), contains a small ammount of Tricordazine, so do not overconsume. ERPfood.png | ERP (Emergency Ration Pack) | Sometimes found in the darker corners of maintenance. Includes a spoon, a packet of four crackers (contains Dexalin Plus and Nicotine), preserved stew meat in a can (contains Bicaridine and Kelotane), and fruit in can or paste form (A can of peaches, or a nutrient paste containing Hyperzine and Paracetamol). Tastes like officer-grade trench warfare. Tips Milk, Soy Milk, Berry Juice, Soy Sauce, Hot Sauce, Cold Sauce, and Sugar are all measured in reagent units rather than by number of containers. They can be poured directly into the microwave. Be sure to check their pouring amount first. Tired of customers shoveling their food in their face and running off? Snag a syringe from somewhere, and inject your creations with Nutriment, Corn Oil, or Animal Protein you get from your grinder. By increasing the amount of reagents, your food takes that many more bites to finish, which means diners stick around and chat more! This also opens up the opportunity for takeout meals. Alternatively, just grind up everything and make it all into unappetizing Nutriment slurry. Or convenient pills, if you somehow get hold of a ChemMaster or cooperation with Soteria. Don't expect your boss to enjoy this method, however. Sliceable foods can be divided into smaller portions by slicing them. Their reagents are divided equally into the slices. The slices noted here are the maximum number of slices, which you can get by using a precise cutting tool like a kitchen knife, cleaver, or scalpel. Crude cutting tools, like axes, shovels, and saws will result in fewer slices. Condiments are reagents that can be added to food, possibly increasing their nutrition value or adding some fun extras. A chef can create condiments by grinding up things that contain them and isolating them. Condiments let you put ketchup on your fries, salt in your soup, Dylovene on your fish fingers, or Psilocybin on your ghost burger–the possibilities are endless! Foods hold a maximum of 50 units of reagents. Some poisonous foods can be prepared safely if Dylovene is added to the finished product, or if the poisonous reagent is neutralized somehow. Experienced chefs only! Traitor chefs can make some sneaky substitutions: Poisonous apples can be used in all apple dishes, and the final dish will be poisoned. Unlike poisonous mushrooms, cyanide apples can easily kill. Slime jelly can be substituted for cherry jelly, and will poison the resulting food. Anything made with meat can be made with human meat. (It's still necessary to emag the gibber before butchering one's murder victims.) Blood is not necessarily poisonous. It is always the same type as the person the brain was taken from, and if the type is incompatible with the recipient, it will cause a rejection reaction. O-negative blood is always safe, but Soteria usually wants that for transfusions. Units of egg yolk are obtained by breaking eggs into beakers. Advanced Cooking Some reagents in the finished products are poisonous, you may want to serve these items safely. This is where a little chemistry can help neutralize or remove the dangerous reagents from your food. Any given piece of food can contain only 50 units of reagents.

When using Dylovene, it's okay to use more than you strictly need. Other chemicals you might use to neutralize poison aren't so forgiving, and some are poisonous themselves.

Reagent | How to Neutralize Blood | Blood is not necessarily poisonous. It is always the same type as the person it was taken from, and if the type is incompatible with the recipient, it will cause a rejection reaction. O-negative blood is always safe. Add one unit of Dylovene for every four units of blood. Alcoholic drinks made with blood, of any type, are safe; just be sure there is no blood left over after the reaction. Blood can also be neutralized with Clonexadone (1 unit Clonexadone to 5 units Blood), or by adding drink ingredients to create a blood-based drink.

Carpotoxin | Anything made with carp meat will have carpotoxin in it. Counter it with 1 unit Dylovene per 3 units Carpotoxin. Carpotoxin also reacts with copper and Cryptobiolin to form Rezadone, but overdose of Rezadone starts at 15 units and most carpotoxin-containing foods have five or more units of it. Amatoxin | Found in mushrooms. Add 1 unit Dylovene per 2 units Amatoxin. Toxin | Add 1 unit Dylovene per 2 units Toxin. Slime Jelly | Will poison your customers no matter how much Dylovene you add. Adding Dylovene (around 30 units or so) will keep them from dying of the poisoning before they can get to Medical, but if you're not a traitor, do you really want to serve them such a painful dish? (No, don't answer that. We know customers can be annoying; that's still no excuse to poison them.) Radium | Found in roast diona and will cause radiation poisoning. Add 1 unit of Dylovene per unit of Radium; reacts to form Hyronalin. Sulphuric Acid | Dylovene won't cut it for sulphuric acid, which will burn as well as poison anyone unlucky enough to ingest it. Instead, neutralize each 1 unit of sulphuric acid with either 3 units of Corn Oil (creates Glycerol) or 5 units of wine (creates Acid Spit, an alcoholic cocktail). Polytrinic Acid | You're serious about serving that xeno meat, huh? Well, don't serve it plain. Polytrinic acid will poison, burn, and generally kill your customers in a rather nasty manner. Like with sulphuric acid, Dylovene isn't enough, but unlike sulphuric acid, it's not easy to neutralize. Polytrinic acid will react with foaming agent and either iron or aluminum to create metal foam, and 10 units of polytrinic acid and 20 units of Plasticide will create plastic. When working out how to do this, remember that Plasticide is poisonous and metal foam can be chipped through with a kitchen knife. Alcohol | An equal amount of Ethylredoxrazine reacts with Alcohol (including alcoholic drinks) to make water. If medical is humming along nicely, the Bartender may already have some handy for unruly alcoholics. Synaptizine | Synaptizine is poisonous, but the bigger problem is that it hangs around in the system for a long time. For every unit of Synaptizine, you need 30 units of Dylovene. Roach Toxins | Usually fine and beneficial to eat for Cht’mant aside from Fuhrerole, but VERY toxic to all other species. Dose with Carbon or Dylovene as needed, or in extreme cases, Haloperidol. Possibilities include: Blattedin, Diplopterum, Starkellin, Seligitillin, Gewaltine, Fuherole, various nanites, soluble Iron and Uranium. Please consult with an experienced Chemist before serving.

Guide to food Jump to navigationJump to search You need food to avoid hunger. Food is cooked either with the crafting menu Crafting menu hud icon.png or by putting certain ingredients into different types of machinery, such as the microwave Microwave.png.

Contents 1 | Example Cooking Guide 2 | Ingredients 2.1 | Butchering 2.2 | Knife & Rolling Pin 2.3 | Processor 2.4 | Griddle 2.5 | All-In-One-Grinder 2.6 | Oven 2.7 | Microwave Oven 2.8 | Stoves 3 | Crafting Recipes 3.1 | Burgers 3.2 | Breads 3.3 | Cakes 3.4 | Egg-Based Food 3.5 | Frozen 3.5.1 | Snowcones 3.6 | Lizard Cuisine 3.7 | Meats 3.7.1 | Seafood 3.8 | Mexican 3.9 | Misc. Food 3.9.1 | Moffic 3.9.2 | Sweet 3.9.3 | Savory 3.10 | Moffic Cuisine 3.10.1 | Base Ingredients 3.10.2 | Entrées 3.10.3 | Soups 3.10.4 | Salads 3.10.5 | Pizzas 3.11 | Pastries 3.11.1 | Donuts 3.11.2 | Pockets 3.11.3 | Waffles 3.12 | Pies 3.13 | Pizzas 3.14 | Salads 3.15 | Sandwiches 3.16 | Soups & Stews 3.17 | Spaghettis 3.18 | Custom Recipes 3.19 | Recipe Books 4 | Icecream Vat 5 | Grill 6 | Produce Orders Console 6.1 | Fruits and Veggies 6.2 | Milk and Eggs 6.3 | Sauces and Reagents 7 | Vending Machine Food 7.1 | Junk Food 8 | Other food 9 | Hunger 9.1 | Starvation 9.2 | Obesity 9.3 | Satiety 9.4 | Breakfast Example Cooking Guide As an example that requires both machinery and the crafting menu Crafting menu hud icon.png, here is how to cook a sausage Sausage.png:

Grab two pieces of meat Meat.png from your fridge. Put one of the pieces of meat Meat.png into the food processor Processor.png. Click the food processor Processor.png to turn it on. This will turn the meat into three raw meatballs Raw meatball.png. Place the other piece of meat Meat.png on any table R-table.png. Vend a kitchen knife Knife.png from the dinnerware vendor Venddinnerware.gif, and use it on the piece of meat Meat.png. It should turn into 3x raw meat cutlets Rawmeatcutlet.png. Place the raw meatballs Raw meatball.png and the raw cutlets Rawmeatcutlet.png on the same tile (such as the same table). Stand within 1 tile's reach from both the raw meatballs Raw meatball.png and the raw meat cutlets Rawmeatcutlet.png. Click the crafting menu HUD icon Crafting menu hud icon.png to open the crafting menu. In the crafting menu, click on the “Meats” tab on the little sidebar on the left. Optionally click the “craftable only” checkbox to compress things down a bit. If you followed the above steps correctly, the “Raw Sausage” recipe should be clickable (instead of greyed out). Click it and stand still a few seconds to craft a raw sausage Raw sausage.png. Click the griddle to turn it on. Put the raw sausage on the griddle until it changes color. Your sausage Sausage.png is ready to be served. Ingredients Butcherknife.pngButcheringGibber.png This is how you get your meat. In space, meat can be expensive to purchase from Cargo, and there are only so many monkeys on the station. There is a reason you have Morgue access. Meat.png

To butcher a simple animal, hit the carcass with your blade on Combat Mode Combat 32.png. Monkeys count as simple animal, and this is how you get the most meat. Humanoids such as, well, humans, cannot be butchered with just a knife, thought they can be dismembered if attacked with a sufficiently robust sharp object, like a hatchet or butcher's cleaver. Cutting off and dismembering a head lets you harvest the brain, tongue, and eyes by clicking on it in Combat Mode Combat 32.png with a sharp object, like you're butchering a simple animal. Dismembering the limbs from torso lets you harvest organs such as heart, appendix and lungs, by slicing at the torso until it splits open and the guts all fall out.

To get actual, cookable, burger-able meat from a person, you will need to put them in the gibber, one of the machines in the freezer room. Do this by undressing them, grabbing them with Grab action.png Grab 32.png, and then clicking the gibber. Then click the gibber again to activate it, wait a few seconds, and you'll be showered in meat, skin, and splattered blood and gibs. Gibbing a humanoid in such a fashion results in meat and skin, and while monkeys can be “harvested” like this you could also use the knife, which produces a lot of extra meat, drops all of the monkey's organs, and generates a large amount of gibs and blood. Skin yield is the same regardless of the method used. You can butcher your simplemobs, monkeys, and even humans (to a less culinary end) more efficiently by putting them on a meatspike. This immobilizes the mob for easy killing, and increases the amount of meat they produce while keeping any organs they may contain intact. (Butchering a simple animal without a meatspike has an individual chance of destroying each organ they would drop; using a meatspike guarantees the organs won't be destroyed.) It also gives them a BIG burst of brute damage. To do this, simply bring the animal to be butchered into your meat freezer, and while you have them grabbed, click one of the meatspikes. After the beast is hung on the spike, simply butcher them as normal and you'll reap your rewards! If you're working a ghetto kitchen, you can make a meatspike frame from metal sheets (use the sheets inhand), and turn it into a proper meatspike by wrenching it down and adding some rods.

The gibber also can be upgraded in order to acquire more meat per body, faster processing, and the ability to gib fully clothed people with better manipulators (not that you would need that). It should be in your best interest to get the science team to at least upgrade your gibber. Go here to see the upgrades in detail.

There are many types of meat, and only some of them are listed below.

Picture | Food name | How to acquire Meat.png | Meat | Get meat from humans by gibbing them with a gibber. Get meat from most other creatures by slaughterering their dead bodies with a sharp object Knife.png on Combat Mode Combat 32.png. Meatyourcoworkers.gif | Your Coworkers and Enemies! | Nanotrasen employs and interacts with a wide range of Species Each with their own unique flavor, try tossing them in a gibber for the beginnings of a truly unique dish. Birdsteak raw.png | Chicken Meat | Slaughter a dead chicken with a sharp object Knife.png on Combat Mode Combat 32.png. Bear meat.png | Bear Meat | Slaughter a dead space bear with a sharp object Knife.png on Combat Mode Combat 32.png. Fish fillet.png | Carp Fillet | Slaughter a dead space carp with a sharp object Knife.png on Combat Mode Combat 32.png. Armorfish fillet.png | Armorfish Fillet | Slaughter a dead armorfish with a sharp object Knife.png on Combat Mode Combat 32.png. Armorfish can be purchased from cargo as part of an aquarium. Moonfish fillet.png | Moonfish Fillet | Slaughter a dead moonfish with a sharp object Knife.png on Combat Mode Combat 32.png. Moonfish can be purchased from cargo as part of an aquarium. Jellyfish fillet.png | Jellyfish Fillet | Slaughter a dead jellyfish with a sharp object Knife.png on Combat Mode Combat 32.png. Jellyfish can be purchased from cargo as part of an aquarium. Crab meat raw.png | Raw Crab Meat | Slaughter a dead crab with a sharp object Knife.png on Combat Mode Combat 32.png. Spider leg.png | Spider Leg | Slaughter a dead spider with a sharp object Knife.png on Combat Mode Combat 32.png. Spider meat.png | Spider Meat | Slaughter a dead spider with a sharp object Knife.png on Combat Mode Combat 32.png. Knife.pngRolling Pin.png Knife & Rolling Pin These food are created by using your knife and rolling pin (found in the kitchen's dinnerware vending machine). When the recipe creates multiple products from a single object, each individual product has the same reagents as the sliced object, divided by the number of products made. (For example, a bread loaf with 20 nutriment would be sliced into 5 bread slices containing 4 nutriment each.)

Picture | Food name | How to acquire Breadslice.png | Bread Slice | Slice any bread with your knife Used to make sandwiches. Makes 5 slices.

Rootbread slice.png | Rootbread Slice | Slice rootbread with your knife Used to make lizard cuisine. Makes 5 slices.

Cakeslice.png | Cake Slice | Slice any cake with your knife Makes 5 slices.

Pizzaslice.png | Pizza Slice | Slice any pizza with your knife Makes 6 slices.

Sheet pizza.png | Pepperoni Sheetzzas | Flatten a Slice any pizza with your knife with your rolling pin. This is a construction material. Flatdough.png | Flat Dough | Flatten a dough with your rolling pin Makes 1 flat dough. Used in pizza recipes.

Rootdough flat.png | Flat Rootdough | Flatten a rootdough with your rolling pin Makes 1 flat rootdough.

Doughslice.png | Dough Slice | Slice a flat dough with your knife Makes 3 dough slices.

Rootdough slice.png | Rootdough Slice | Slice flat rootdough with your knife Used to make lizard cuisine. Makes 3 slices.

Doughball.png | Doughball | Slice a dough slice with a knife. Makes 5 doughballs. Used in fishing.

Nizaya.png | Nizaya | Slice rootdough slice with your knife Used to make lizard cuisine.

Raw patty.png | Raw Patty | Flatten a raw meatball with your rolling pin Rawmeatcutlet.png | Raw Cutlet | Slice a meat with your knife Makes 3 cutlets.

Piedough.png | Pie Dough | Flatten a cake batter with your rolling pin Makes 1 pie dough.

Rawpastrybase.png | Raw Pastry Base | Slice a pie dough with your knife Makes 3 raw pastry base.

Potato wedges.png | Potato Wedges | Slice a potato with your knife Makes one plate of potato wedges.

Pineappleslice.png | Pineapple Slice | Slice a pineapple with your knife Makes 3 pineapple slices.

Onionslice.png | Onion Slice | Slice an onion with your knife Cheese Wedge.png | Cheese Wedge | Slice a cheese wheel with your knife Makes 5 cheese wedges.

Salami.png | Salami | Slice a sausage with your knife and choose salami Makes 6 slices of salami.

American sausage.png | American Sausage | Slice a sausage with your knife and choose American Sausage. Processor.png Processor Some items can be processed with the Processor, which can be found in your kitchen.

Picture | Processes | Condiments Bacon.png | Raw Bacon | Process one raw cutlet Raw meatball.png | Raw Meatball | Process one slab of meat There are several types.

Slamjamspacekabam.png | Slime Jam | Process one slime. Note: Eating this will kill you. Slimes or slime extracts can't be inserted. Tatortot.png | Tator Tot | Process one potato. Fries.png | Space Fries | Process one plate of potato wedges Carrotfries.png | Carrot Fries | Process one carrot. Roastparsnip.png | Roast Parsnip | Process one parsnip. Soydope.png | Soy Dope | Process one soy bean Spaghetti.png | Spaghetti | Process one dough slice Tortilla.png | Tortilla | Process one corn Tempeh.png | Tempeh | Process one tempeh starter Sliceable.

Yakiimo.png | Yaki Imo | Process one sweet potato. Popstick.png | Popsicle Stick | Process one log Towercap.png. Spidereggs.gif | Processed spider eggs | Process spider eggs. Nontoxic. Griddle.png Griddle Used for frying/grilling most raw meat products. Click it with an empty hand to turn it on. Then the listed raw food on it until they change color. You can grill multiple pieces of food at the same time. If you don't have a griddle you can instead use a bonfire Bonfire.png or a grill Grill on.gif.

Picture | Processes | Condiments Meatball.png | Meatball | Grill a raw meatball on a griddle Renamed from “faggot” in April 2020 for compliance with Github ToS.

Patty.png | Patty | Grill a raw patty on a griddle Spiderleg.png | Boiled Spider Leg | Grill a spider leg on a griddle. Meatcutlet.png | Cutlet | Grill a raw cutlet on a griddle Meatstake.png | Meat Steak | Grill meat on a griddle Birdsteak cooked.png | Cooked chicken | Grill meat on a griddle. Grilled moonfish.png | Grilled moonfish | Grill moonfish on a griddle. Baconcooked.png | Bacon | Grill raw bacon on a griddle Friedegg.png | Fried Egg | Rightclick.png Splash an egg on the griddle Khinkali.png | Khinkali | Grill raw khinkali Pancake.png | Pancake | Rightclick.png Splash 5u pancake batter on a griddle. Cook the resulting goopy pancake until done.

Bbpancake.png | Blueberry Pancake | Rightclick.png Splash 5u pancake batter on a griddle. Add 1 berry to the resulting goopy pancake. Cook until done.

Ccpancake.png | Chocolate Chip Pancake | Rightclick.png Splash 5u pancake batter on a griddle. Add 1 chocolate bar to the resulting goopy pancake. Cook until done. Rootbread flat.png | Root flatbread | Grill flat rootdough on a griddle Tacoshell.png | Hard Taco Shell | Grill a tortilla on a griddle Blender.png All-In-One-Grinder In order to create some of these items you will either need to mix the regents by hand or toss them into the blender/grinder and grind them.

After which either a finished product will be produced or you will need to transfer the liquid to your Chemmaster.gif CondiMaster Neo in the freezer to create it into a bottle.

Any recipe listed as Grind will require the use of the blender, any recipe listed as Mix only requires the beaker. All of your juices will require the Grinder's other setting Juice.

Picture | Blends | How to acquire Universal Enzyme.png | Universal Enzyme | Found on the Cook's table, more can be ordered from Cargo Bay. Also botanists can use wooden barrels to ferment tomatoes into this. Can be made in bioreactor. Nutriment.png | Nutriment | Grind any solid food. 50% chance to heal 1 brute damage. Nutriment.png | Vitamin | Grind some types of solid food. 50% chance to heal 1 brute and burn damage. Nutriment.png | Protein | Grind some types of solid food. 50% chance to heal 0.8 brute damage. Used in cytology. Hotsauce.png | Hot Sauce/Capsaicin Oil | Grind chilis. Can warm you to unsafe levels. Coldsauce.png | Cold Sauce/Frost Oil | Blue Slimes or from grinding Ice Pepper. A special oil that noticably chills the body. Extracted from ice peppers or slimes. Will cool you faster the longer it has been in the body, up to maximum strength after 35 cycles. Changeling cryo sting injects this. Creates slippery ice tiles if spilled on floor for about 1 second per unit, depending on pressure and temperature. Spilling also reduces area temperature by 5K per unit. Hurts slimes and slimepeople. Metabolism rate 0.4u per tick. Ketchup.png | Ketchup | Grind tomatoes Korta nut.png | Korta Flour | Grind korta nuts Korta nut.png | Korta Milk | Juice korta nuts Korta nut.png | Korta Nectar | Grind sweet korta nuts Seraka.png | Mushroom Powder | Grind seraka mushrooms. Flour.png | Flour | Grind wheat or oat stalks Rice.png | Rice | Grind rice stalks Uncooked rice.png | Uncooked Rice | Mix 10 rice + 10 water Dough.png | Dough | Mix 15u flour + 10u water Cakebatter.png | Cake Batter | Mix 15 flour + 6 egg yolks + 12 egg white + 5 sugar or 15 flour + 15 soy milk + 5 sugar Bacchus blessing.png | Pancake Batter | Mix 6 egg yolk + 12 egg white + 10 milk + 5 flour. Results in 15 units of pancake batter. Begg.png | Egg Yolk | Break an egg into a beaker Makes 5u egg yolk Secret sauce glass.png | Secret Sauce | Makes food taste amazing. Recipe is completely random and changes every 7 days. The recipe may be found in a certain space ruin on a paper. You could have to mix a random number of random ingredients in random amounts with a similarly random set of catalysts, raise or lower it past a random temperature, mix it specifically in a random container (it won't work in any other container if this is the case), heat an explosive beyond its exploding point, and more. Either way, the recipe will only make 1u. BBQ sauce.png | BBQ Sauce | 3 parts Saline-Glucose Solution

1 part ash 1 part tomato juice 1 part pepper

Soysauce.png | Soy Sauce | Mix 40 units soy milk + 10 units Sulphuric Acid Salt.png | Salt | 1 part Chlorine 1 part Sodium 1 part Water

Salt-shakers can be found in cafe.

Pepper.png | Pepper | Grind pepper-mills from the cafe. Peptides glass.png | Peptides | Is created in your body if you eat food after eating Probital. Heals brute and some burn every few seconds. Does not give as much nutriment as other foods. Moonshine.png | Moonshine | Mix 10 nutriment + 5 universal enzyme Cheesewheel.gif | Cheese Wheel | Mix 40 milk + 5 universal enzyme (catalyst) End result will magically pop a full wheel of cheese.

Chocolatebar.gif | Chocolate Bar | Mix 2 units coco powder (grind a cocoa pod) + 2 units milk/soy milk + 2 units sugar Tofu.gif | Tofu | Mix 10 soy milk + 5 universal enzyme (catalyst) Butter.png | Butter | Mix 15 milk in the grinder Butter on a stick.png | Butter on a stick | Insert a metal rod Rods.png into butter Mayonnaise.png | Mayonnaise | Grind egg yolk Sugar.gif | Sugar | Grind white beet or sugarcane Condi astrotame.png | Astrotame | Found in Dinnerware Vendor. Artificial sweetener. Makes food taste better while adding zero calories. If overdosed (17u) it makes you disgusted. Caramel glass.png | Caramel | Heat sugar to 413.15K Will burn into carbon if heated to 483.15K.

Corn starch.png | Corn starch | Juice corn Corn starch.png | Corn Syrup | Mix 1 part corn starch + 1 part sulphuric acid, heat to 374K Results in 5 parts instead of 2. 1.2u decays into 3u sugar in body per tick.

Sprinkles.gif | Sprinkles | Grind donuts Acts as a healing powder for the enlisted security force.

Cherry.png | Cherry Jelly | Grind cherries Bluecherry.png | Blue Cherry Jelly | Grind blue cherries Gravy.png | Gravy | Mix 1 part nutriment + 1 part flour + 1 part milk Cup Ramen.png | Dry Ramen | Buy Cup Ramen. Cup Ramen.png | Hot Ramen | Mix 3 parts dry ramen with 1 part water. Results in 3 parts instead of 4. Warms you up to safe levels. Cup Ramen.png | Hell Ramen | Mix 6 parts hot ramen with 1 part capsaicin oil. Results in 6 parts instead of 7. Can warm you to unsafe levels. Olivepaste.png | Olive Paste | Grind Olives. Mix 4 parts olive paste with 1 part water to make Quality Oil! Mothdough.png | Mothic Pizza Dough | Mix 5 parts milk + 2 parts quality oil + 5 parts saline-glucose solution

+ 10 parts cornmeal + 5 parts flour Cornmeal Batter | Mix 20 parts cornmeal, 10 parts yoghurt, 5 parts egg yolk PeanutButterJar.png | Peanut Butter | Grind Peanuts Yoghurt | Mix 10u Cream, 2u Virus Food Cornmeal | Grind Corn Quality Oil | Mix 1u Quality Oil, 2u Cooking Oil Oven.png Oven Autowiki-kitchen range.png The oven is used to use to bake pizzas, pastries and other dough products. Simply open it up, fill an oven tray with some cookies, toss it in, close it up, and wait!

The oven will prepare the cookies and when you see brown smoke the food is done. When it goes black you're a bit too late!

Picture | Cooked food | How to acquire Bread.png | Plain Bread | Bake a dough Used in most bread recipes.

Rootbread.png | Rootbread | Bake a rootdough Used in lizard cuisine.

Bun.png | Bun | Bake a dough slice Used in burgers.

Rootroll.png | Root Roll | Bake a rootdough slice Used in lizard cuisine.

Pastrybase.png | Pastry Base | Bake a raw pastry base Used in most pastry recipes.

Pizzabread.png | Pizza Bread | Bake a flat dough Rootbread flat.png | Root flatbread | Bake a flat rootdough Used in lizard cuisine.

Pie.gif | Plain Pie | Bake a pie dough Used in pie recipes.

Regularcake.png | Plain Cake | Bake a cake batter Used in cake recipes.

Donkpocket.png | Warm Donk-pocket | Bake a Donk-pocket. Contains Omnizine. Breadstick.png | Breadstick | Bake a raw breadstick. BrownieSheet.png | Brownie Sheet | Bake a brownie batter. Can be sliced into 4 brownie squares

Peanutbrowniesheet.png | Peanut Butter Brownie Sheet | Bake a peanut butter brownie batter. Can be sliced into 4 peanut butter brownie squares

Meatloaf.png | Meatloaf | Bake a raw meatloaf Can be sliced into 4 meatloaf slices

Microwave.png Microwave Oven The microwave oven is used to cook or boil raw ingredients. You can load multiple of them in the oven and cook them simultaneously. Use a kitchen tray to load it faster.

Trying to cook uncookable food will return a burned mess and will make the oven dirtier (which increases chances of failure).

In case of a failure, just use Space Cleaner, soap or a damp rag Rag.png on it and remove the burned mess inside.

Picture | Cooked food | How to acquire Begg.png | Boiled Egg | Microwave an egg Cooked rice.png | Boiled Rice | Microwave an uncooked rice Used in rice recipes.

Spagettiboiled.png | Boiled Spaghetti | Microwave spaghetti Used in spaghetti recipes.

Onionrings.png | Onion Rings | Microwave an onion slice. Popcorn.png | Popcorn | Microwave a corn. Toastsand.png | Toasted Sandwich | Microwave a sandwich. Donkpocket.png | Warm Donk-pocket | Microwave a Donk-pocket. Contains Omnizine. Autowiki-kitchen range.png Stoves Stovetops, found on Ranges and, well, Stoves are used to prepare Soup.

Soup can be made by filling a Autowiki-soup pot.png Soup Pot with reagents and ingredients and placing it on a stovetop. You can then Rightclick.png right-click the stove to bring it to a boil and, over time, the ingredients will mix into a nice soup.

The finished product will contain soup reagent and some additional byproducts according to the recipe. Additionally, the product will ALSO contain all other reagents present in the ingredients you use.

This means better produce from botany will produce more soup, and inversely poisoned produce will affect your finished pot. If you're skeptical of your fellow service workers, be sure to check before dishing up.

To serve, just add 20-30 units of your mixture into a bowl. You can use a soup ladle, dispensed from your silverware vendor, for easier portioning.

See the Soup category for more information and recipes.

Crafting Recipes Most dish recipes are made using the crafting menu, that is by placing your ingredients out nearby then clicking on the craft button (Crafting menu hud icon.png a small T icon on your HUD) to open a crafting window which lists all recipes that can be done with the ingredients. If one of the ingredients is a liquid, you can have the liquid in any kind of container, such as a beaker, bowl or drinking glass. Simply click any recipe to start crafting it. As long as you have at least the minimum amount of each needed ingredients, all within 1 tile of your character, you can craft it.

Burgers Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Taste | Nutritional Value | Notes Appendixburger.png | Appendix Burger | 1 bun + 1 appendix | Bun, grass | 2 Nutriment, 6 Protein, 6 Vitamin | Tastes like appendicitis Baconburger.png | Bacon Burger | 1 bun + 3 cooked bacon + 3 cheese wedges | Bun, bacon | 3 Nutriment, 6 Protein, 2 Vitamin | The perfect combination of all things American Beargur.png | Bearger | 1 bun + 1 bear patty | Bun, meat, salmon | 3 Nutriment, 6 Protein, 5 Vitamin | Best served rawr. Bigbite.png | Big Bite Burger | 1 bun + 3 patties + 2 cheese wedges | Bun, beef patty | 4 Nutriment, 10 Protein, 5 Vitamin | Forget the Big Mac. Brainburger.png | Brain Burger | 1 bun + 1 brain | Bun, brains | 6 Nutriment, 6 Protein, 5 Vitamin, 6 Mannitol | Rarely will you be able to make this. Bother the Roboticist or Medical for delicious brains. Contains Mannitol. Burger.png | Plain Burger | 1 bun + 1 patty | Bun, beef patty | 2 Nutriment, 6 Protein, 3 Vitamin | Has a 1% chance of turning into steamed hams. Catburger.png | Catburger | 1 bun + 1 patty + 1 cat ears + 1 cat tail | Bun, meat, cat | 6 Nutriment, 3 Protein, 2 Vitamin | Finally those cats and catpeople are worth something! CheeseburgerNew.png | Cheese burger | 1 bun + 1 patty + 1 cheese wedge | Bun, beef patty, cheese | 3 Nutriment, 7 Protein, 2 Vitamin | This noble burger stands proudly clad in golden cheese. Chickenburger.png | Chicken Sandwich | 1 bun + 5u mayonnaise + 1 chicken patty | Bun, chicken, God's covenant | 3 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin, 7 Protein, 3 Mayonnaise, 2 Cooking oil | A delicious chicken sandwich, it is said the proceeds from this treat helps criminalize disarming people on the space frontier. Burger.png | Corgi burger | 1 bun + 1 corgi patty | Bun, corgi meat | 2 Nutriment, 6 Protein, 6 Vitamin | You monster Clownburger.png | Clown Burger | 1 bun + 1 clown mask | Bun, a bad joke | 4 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin, 6 Vitamin | Get the mime to steal the mask from his nemesis. Crab burger.png | Crab Burger | 1 bun + 2 crab patties | Bun, crab meat | 4 Nutriment, 5 Protein 4 Vitamin, | A delicious patty of the crabby kind, slapped in between a bun. Crazyhanmburger.gif | Crazy hamburger | 1 bun + 2 patties + 2 cheese wedges + 1 chili + 1 cabbage + 1 green crayon + 1 flare + 15u cooking oil | Bun, beef patty, cheese, beef soaked in chili, a smoking flare | 4 Nutriment, 6 Protein, 3 Capsicum, 3 Condensed capsaicin, 6 Vitamin | This looks like the sort of food that a demented clown in a trenchcoat would make Empowered burger.gif | Empowered Burger | 1 bun + 2 plasma sheets | Bun, pure electricity | 5 Nutriment, 5 Protein, 1 Vitamin, 6 Liquid Electricity | It's shockingly good, if you live off of electricity that is. Fivealarmburger.png | Five Alarm Burger | 1 bun + 2 ghost chilis

Bun, extreme heat | 4 Nutriment, 6 Protein, 5 Capsaicin, 5 Condensed Capsaicin, 6 Vitamin | HOT! HOT! Ghostburger.gif | Ghost Burger | 1 bun + 1 ectoplasm | Bun, ectoplasm | 5 Nutriment, 4 Protein, 12 Vitamin, 5 Salt | Terror-ifficly tasty. Baseball.png | Home Run Baseball Burger | 1 bun + 1 baseball bat | Bun, a home run | 3 Nutriment, 5 Protein, 2 Vitamin | It's still warm. The steam coming off of it looks like baseball. Burger.png | Human burger | 1 bun + 1 human patty | Bun, long pig | 2 Nutriment, 6 Protein, 5 Vitamin | Shares the name of your victim. People will know right off if you're feeding them their crewmates. Jellyburger.png | Jelly Burger | 1 bun + 5 units slime jam or 5 units cherry jelly | Bun, jelly | 6 Nutrient, 6 Slime/Cherry Jelly, 6 Vitamin | My insides are burning! Mcguffin.png | McGuffin | 1 bun + 2 cooked bacon pieces + 1 fried egg | Muffin, bacon | 2 Nutriment, 7 Protein, 1 Vitamin, 3 egg yolk | A cheap and greasy imitation of an eggs benedict. Mcrib.png | McRib | 1 bun + 1 BBQ ribs + 1 onion slice | Bun, pork patty | 2 Nutriment, 7 Protein, 4 Vitamin, 1 BBQ sauce | An elusive rib shaped burger with limited availablity across the galaxy. Not as good as you remember it. Mimeburger.png | Mime Burger | 1 bun + 1 mime mask | Bun, beef patty | 6 Nutriment, 9 Protein, 4 Vitamin, 6 Nothing | Get the clown to steal the mask from his nemesis. Or order a costume crate like the unrobust person you are. Prettypatty.gif | Pretty Patty | 1 bun + 1 patty + 1 crayon (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, or white) | Bun, beef patty | 2 Nutriment, 5 Protein, 4 Vitamin, 10 Colorful Reagent | Comes in 8 delicious colours! Ratburger.png | Rat Burger | 1 bun + 1 dead mouse | Dead rat, bun | 3 Nutriment, 6 Protein, 2 Vitamin | What did you expect? Soylentburg.png | Soylent Burger | 1 bun + 2 cheese wedges, 1 soylent green | Bun, assistant | 4 Nutriment, 6 Protein, 4 Vitamin | An eco-friendly burger made using upcycled low value biomass. Spell.png | Spell Burger | 1 bun + 1 wizard hat | Bun, magic | 6 Nutriment, 5 Protein, 10 Vitamin | You will eat this until you have had Ei Nath. Superbite.png | Super Bite Burger | 1 bun + 3 cheese wedges + 5 patties + 4 tomatoes + 1 boiled egg + 1 piece of bacon + 1 pickle + 5 units salt

+ 5 units pepper | Bun, type two diabetes | 26 Nutriment, 40 Protein, 13 Vitamin | If this doesn't clog their arteries, nothing will. Two bites will take you from starving to overfed. Tofubuger.png | Tofu Burger | 1 bun + 1 tofu | Bun, tofu | 3 Nutriment, 6 Protein, 3 Vitamin | Melts your face! Xenoburger.png | Xenoburger | 1 bun + 1 xeno patty | Bun, acid | 3 Nutriment, 6 Protein, 5 Vitamin | Ali-yum! Breads Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Taste | Nutritional Value | Notes Baguette.png | Baguette | 2 pastry base + 1 unit salt

+ 1 unit pepper | Bread | 6 Nutriment, 1 Black Pepper, 1 Salt, 1 Vitamin | The mime's favorite. Bananabread.gif | Banana Bread | 1 plain bread + 3 boiled eggs + 5 units milk + 1 banana | Bread, banana | 20 Banana, 20 Nutriment | Sliceable. Contains a massive amount of banana essence. Breadcat resting.gif | Bread cat | 1 plain bread + 3 meat slabs + 1 pair of cat ears + 1 cat tail + 50u blood + 5u strange reagent | N/A | N/A | It's a cat… with a bread! Breaddog.png | Bread dog | 2 plain bread + 3 meat slabs + 1 brain + 1 heart + 50u blood + 5u teslium | N/A | N/A | It is a dog made out of bread. 'The universe is definitely half full'. Butterbiscuit.png | Butter Biscuit | 1 bun + 1 butter | Butter, biscuit | 8 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | Well butter my biscuit! Butterdog.png | Butterdog | 1 bun + 3 butter | Butter, exotic butter | 18 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | Made from exotic butters. Butteredtoast.png | Buttered Toast | 1 plain bread slice + 1 butter | Butter, toast | 5 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | Butter lightly spread over a piece of toast. Cornbread.png | Cornbread | Heat 25u cornmeal batter to 473K. | | 10 Nutriment | Some good down-home country-style, rootin'-tootin', revolver-shootin', dad-gum yeehaw cornbread. Creambread.png | Cream Cheese Bread | 1 plain bread + 2 cheese wedges + 5 units milk | Bread, cheese | 20 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. | French Toast | 1 plain bread slice + 2 eggs + 5 units milk | French toast, syrup, golden deliciousness | 4 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | A slice of bread soaked in a beaten egg mixture. Put it on a griddle to start cooking! Garlicbread.png | Garlic Bread | 1 plain bread slice + 1 butter + 1 garlic | Bread, garlic, butter | 5 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin, 2 Garlic Juice | Alas, it is limited. Hotcrossbun.png | Hot cross bun | 1 plain bread slice + 1 sugar | | 6 Nutriment, 1 Sugar | A spiced sweet bun usually made with fruit, marked with a cross on the top, and traditionally eaten on Good Friday. Not made from a pastry base, because a sweet bun is different from a pastry apparently. Not made from a bun, as the buns we have are hamburger buns. Jellytoast.png | Jelly Toast | 1 plain bread slice + 5 units slime jam or cherry jelly | Toast, jelly | 1 Nutriment, 5 Cherry/Slime Jelly, 2 Vitamin | As if science are gonna give up their slimes for toast! Meatbread.png | Meatbread | 1 plain bread + 3 cutlets + 3 cheese wedges | Bread, meat | 30 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Mimanabread.png | Mimana Bread | 1 plain bread + 3 tofu + 5 units soy milk + 1 mimana | Bread, silence | 20 Nutriment, 5 Mute Toxin, 5 Nothing, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Leaves diners speechless! Moldy bread slice.png | Moldy Bread | 1 plain bread + 1 fly amanita | Decaying fungus | 4 nutriment, 1 mushroom hallucinogen, 7 amatoxin, 2 growth serum, 10 mold | Key ingredient of Pruno mix. The mold tastes gross, but is delicious if you have deviant tastes! Sausagebread.png | Sausagebread Loaf | 1 plain bread + 2 sausages | Bread, meat | 20 Nutriment, 10 Vitamin, 12 Protein | Dont think too much about it. Spidermeatloaf.png | Spidermeat bread | 1 plain bread + 3 spider cutlets + 3 cheese wedges | Bread, cobwebs | 30 Nutriment, 15 Toxin, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Green but delicious. Tofubread.png | Tofu bread | 1 plain bread + 3 tofus + 3 cheese wedges | Bread, tofu | 30 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Twobread.png | Two Bread | 2 plain bread slices + 5 wine | Bread | 2 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | Classy. Xbread.png | Xenomeat bread | 1 plain bread + 3 xeno cutlets + 3 cheese wedges | Bread, acid | 30 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. A fitting, and filling, end to xeno scum. RawBreadstick.png | Raw Breadstick | 1 Dough slice + 1 unit Salt + 1 butter | Raw dough | 4 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | An uncooked strip of dough in the shape of a breadstick. Cakes Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Taste | Nutritional Value | Notes Holy cake.png | Angel Food Cake | 1 plain cake + 15u holy water | Cake, sweetness, clouds | 1 Nutriment, 3 Vitamen, 10 Holy Water | Sliceable. Contains holy water. Applecake.png | Apple Cake | 1 plain cake + 2 apples | Cake, sweetness, apple | 20 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Birthday.png | Birthday Cake | 1 plain cake + 5 sugar + 2 caramel + 1 candle | Cake, sweetness | 20 Nutriment, 10 Sprinkles, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Don't forget to make a wish. Contains sprinkles, which heal security members. If you microwave the cake it becomes a cakehat Cakehat.PNG. Bscc.png | Blackberry and Strawberry Chocolate Cake | 1 plain cake + 5 berries + 2 chocolate bars | Blackberry, strawberries, chocolate, sweetness, cake | 20 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin, 5 Coco | Sliceable. Blackberry and strawberry vanilla cake.png | Blackberry and Strawberry Vanilla Cake | 1 plain cake + 5 berries | Blackberry, strawberries, vanilla, sweetness, cake | 20 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Braincake.png | Brain Cake | 1 plain cake + 1 brain | Cake, sweetness, brains | 20 Nutriment, 10 Mannitol, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Bother the Roboticist for unusable brains. Cak.png | Cak | 1 birthday cake + 1 brain + 1 heart + 3 meat slabs + 30 units blood + 5 units sprinkles + 1 unit teslium. | N/A | N/A | A cake/cat hybrid controlled by the player whose brain is used. Clicking the cak with an open hand with Rightclick.png Disarm 32.png provides small amounts of nutriment and vitamin. The cak quickly heals brute damage, but can be killed if you take too many bites of it in quick succession. Donuts around the cak automatically become frosted. Not sliceable; a knife will just hurt it. The cak will be named Keeki, but if it is possessed, the possessor can pick a name. Carrotcake.png | Carrot Cake | 1 plain cake + 2 carrots | Cake, sweetness, carrot | 20 Nutriment, 10 Oculine, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Heals eye trauma. Cheesecake.png | Cheese Cake | 1 plain cake + 2 cheese wedges | Cake, cream cheese | 20 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Does not come with scantily dressed ladies. Choccake.png | Chocolate Cake | 1 plain cake + 2 chocolate bars | Cake, sweetness, chocolate | 20 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Clowncake.png | Clown Cake | 1 plain cake + 2 sundae + 5 bananas | Cake, sugar, joy | 20 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin, 15 Sugar | Sliceable. Requires reading Cooking Desserts 101 to unlock. Energy cake.gif | Energy Cake | 1 birthday cake + 1 energy sword ESword.png | Cake, a Vlad's Salad | 10 Nutriment, 10 Sprinkles, 5 Vitamin, 10 Liquid Electricity | Sliceable. Just enough calories for a whole nuclear operative squad. If you microwave the cake it becomes an energy cake(hat) Energy cake hat.gif. Hardware cake.png | Hardware Cake | 1 plain cake + 2 circuit boards + 5u Sulphuric Acid | Acid, metal, glass | 20 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin, 15u Sulphuric Acid, 15u Oil | Sliceable. Contains 15u sulphuric acid and 15u oil. Lemoncake.png | Lemon Cake | 1 plain cake + 2 lemons | Cake, sweetness, sourness | 20 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Limecake.png | Lime Cake | 1 plain cake + 2 limes | Cake, sweetness, unbearable sourness | 20 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Orangecake.png | Orange Cake | 1 plain cake + 2 oranges | Cake, sweetness, oranges | 20 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. | Plum cake | 1 plain cake + 2 plums | Cake, sweetness, plum | 20 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Pound cake.png | Pound Cake | 4 plain cake | Cake, sweetness, batter | 60 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Counts as junk food. Pumpkinspicecake.png | Pumpkin Spice Cake | 1 plain cake + 2 pumpkin | Cake, sweetness, pumpkin | 32 Nutriments, 11 Vitamin | Sliceable. Slimecake.png | Slime Cake | 1 plain cake + 1 Slime Extract | Cake, sweetness, slime | 20 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Spacemans Cake.png | Spaceman's Cake | 1 plain cake + 2 Spaceman's Trumpet + 5 units cream + 5 units berry juice | Cake, violets, jam | 20 Nutriment, 10 Vitamin, 15 Polypyrylium Oligomers, 5 Cream, 5 Berryjuice | Sliceable. Slowly heals lung and brute damage while stopping bleeding over time. Vanillacake.png | Vanilla Cake | 1 plain cake + 2 vanilla pods | Cake, sugar, vanilla | 20 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin, 15 Sugar, 15 Vanilla | Sliceable. Requires reading Cooking Desserts 101 to unlock. Egg-Based Food Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Taste | Nutritional Value | Notes Chaw.png | Chawanmushi | 5 units water + 5 units soy sauce + 2 boiled eggs + 1 chanterelle mushroom | Custard | 5 Nutriment | Nǐ xiǎng yào chī shénme? Cheesepmelet.png | Cheese Omelette | 2 eggs + 2 cheese wedges | Egg, cheese | 8 Nutriment | Can eat these with a fork. Have a medical team on standby in case of utensil-related injuries. Chocegg.png | Chocolate Egg | 1 boiled egg + 1 chocolate bar | Chocolate, sweetness | 4 Nutriment, 2 Sugar, 2 Coco | NT regulations forbid stuffing toys in these things anymore. Eggbowl.png | Egg Bowl | 1 boiled rice + 1 boiled egg + 1 carrot + 1 corn | Rice, egg | 4 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin | A bowl of rice with a fried egg. Eggsausage.png | Egg with sausage | 1 fried egg + 1 sausage | Egg, meat | 8 Protein, 2 Vitamin, 4 Nutriment | A good egg with a side of sausages. Wrap.png | Egg Wrap | 1 fried egg + 1 cabbage + 10 units soy sauce | Egg | 5 Nutriment | The precursor to Pigs in a Blanket. Benedict.png | Eggs Benedict | 1 fried egg + 1 meat steak + 1 bread slice | Egg, bacon, bun | 6 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin | There is only one egg on this, how rude. Scotchegg.png | Scotch Egg | 1 egg + 1 unit salt

+ 1 unit pepper + 1 meatball | | 6 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | A boiled egg wrapped in a delicious, seasoned meatball. Frozen Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Taste | Nutritional Value | Notes Creamsicle berry.png | Berry creamsicle | 1 Popsicle Stick + 4 units berry juice + 2 units ice + 2 units milk cream + 2 units Sugar + 2 units Vanilla | | 4 Berry juice, 2 Cream, 2 Vanilla, 4 Sugar | A vibrant berry creamsicle. A berry good frozen treat. Cornuto.png | Cornuto | 1 chocolate bar + 1 pastry base + 2 units ice + 4 units milk cream + 4 units Sugar | Chopped hazelnuts, waffle | 6 Nutriment, 4 Hot coco, 2 Cream, 2 Sugar, 4 Vanilla | A neapolitan vanilla and chocolate icecream cone. It menaces with a sprinkling of caramelized nuts. Honkdae.png | Honkdae | 5 units Cream + 1 Clown mask + 1 Cherry + 2 Banana + 1 Icecream | Ice cream, banana, a bad joke | 6 Nutriment, 10 Banana, 4 Vitamin | The clown's favorite dessert. Icecreamsandwich.png | Icecream Sandwich | 1 Ice cream + 5 units Ice + 5 units Milk cream + 1 Waffle cone | Ice cream | 3 Nutriment, 4 Ice | Portable Ice Cream in it's own packaging. Jumbopopsicle.png | Jumbo Icecream | 1 Popsicle Stick + 1 chocolate bar + 2 units ice + 2 units milk cream + 2 units Sugar + 3 units Vanilla | | 4 Hot coco, 2 Cream, 3 Vanilla, 2 Sugar | A luxurius icecream covered in rich chocolate. It seems smaller than you remember it being. Nogga black.png | Licorice creamsicle | 1 Popsicle Stick + 4 units Blumpkin juice + 1 units Salt + 2 units ice + 2 units milk cream + 2 units Sugar, 2 units Vanilla | Salty liquorice | 4 Nutriment, 1 Salt, 2 Cream, 1 Vanilla, 4 Sugar | A salty licorice icecream. A salty frozen treat. Creamsicle orange.png | Orange creamsicle | 1 Popsicle Stick 4 units orange juice 2 units ice + 2 units milk cream + 2 units Sugar + 2 units Vanilla | | 4 Orange juice, 2 Cream, 2 Vanilla, 4 Sugar | A classic orange creamsicle. A sunny frozen treat. Spacefreezy.png | Space Freezy | 5 units blue cherry jelly + 15 units Space mountain wind + 1 Icecream | Blue cherries, ice cream | 6 Nutriment, 5 Blue Cherry Jelly, 4 Vitamin | The best icecream in space! Strayberrysandwich.png | Strawberry ice cream sandwich | 2 Berries + 5 units ice + 5 units milk cream + 1 Waffle cone | Ice cream, berry | 4 Nutriment, 4 Ice | Portable Ice Cream in it's own packaging. Sundae.png | Sundae | 5 units Cream + 1 Cherry + 1 Banana + 1 waffle cone | Ice cream, banana | 6 Nutriment, 5 Banana, 2 Vitamin | A classic dessert. Snowcones Paper cups can be dispensed from from water coolers, crafted using two pieces of paper, or found in some places.

Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Taste | Nutritional Value | Notes Blue sc.png | Apple Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 5u apple juice | Ice, water, apples | 1 Nutriment, 5 Apple juice, 11 Water | Apple syrup drizzled over a snowball in a paper cup. Berry sc.png | Berry Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 5u berry juice | Ice, water, berries | 1 Nutriment, 5 Berry juice, 11 Water | Berry syrup drizzled over a snowball in a paper cup. Red sc.png | Bluecherry Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 5u blue cherry jelly | Ice, water, blue, cherries | 1 Nutriment, 5 Blue cherry jelly, 11 Water | Bluecherry syrup drizzled over a snowball in a paper cup, how rare! Blue sc.png | Cherry Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 5u cherry jelly | Ice, water, red, cherries | 1 Nutriment, 5 Cherry jelly, 11 Water | Cherry syrup drizzled over a snowball in a paper cup. Clown sc.png | Clown Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 5u Laughter | Ice, water, jokes, brainfreeze, joy | 1 Nutriment, 5 Laughter, 11 Water | Laughter drizzled over a snowball in a paper cup. Flavorless sc.png | Flavorless Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice | Ice, water | 1u water | It's just shaved ice. Still fun to chew on. Fruitsalad sc.png | Fruit Salad Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 5u orange juice + 5u lime juice + 5u lemon juice | Ice, water, oranges, limes, lemons, citrus, salad | 1 Nutriment, 5 Orange juice, 5 Lime juice, 5 Lemon juice, 11 Water | A pirates favorite treat on a hot summer day. Grape sc.png | Grape Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 5u grape juice | Ice, water, grape | 1 Nutriment, 5 Grape juice, 11 Water | Grape syrup drizzled over a snowball in a paper cup. Honey sc.png | Honey Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 5u honey | Ice, water, flowers, sweetness, wax | 1 Nutriment, 5 Honey, 11 Water | Honey drizzled over a snowball in a paper cup. Lemon sc.png | Lemon Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 5u lemon juice | Ice, water, lemons | 1 Nutriment, 5 Lemon juice, 11 Water | Don't eat the yellow snow. Lime sc.png | Lime Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 5u lime juice | Ice, water, lime | 1 Nutriment, 5 Lime juice, 11 Water | Lime syrup drizzled over a snowball in a paper cup. Mime sc.png | Mime Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 5u nothing | Ice, water, nothing | 1 Nutriment, 5 Nothing, 11 Water | “…” Orange sc.png | Orange Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 5u orange juice | Ice, water, orange | 1 Nutriment, 5 Orange juice, 11 Water | Orange syrup drizzled over a snowball in a paper cup. Pineapple sc.png | Pineapple Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 5u pineapple juice | Ice, water, pineapples | 1 Nutriment, 5 Pineapple juice, 11 Water | Pineapple syrup drizzled over a snowball in a paper cup. Pwrgamer sc.png | Pwr Game Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 15u Pwr Game | Ice, water, valid, salt, wats | 1 Nutriment, 5 Pwrgame, 11 Water | Cool Fuel. Rainbow sc.png | Rainbow Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 5u Colorful Reagent

Ice, water, sunlight, light, slime, paint, clouds | 1 Nutriment, 5 Laughter, 11 Water | A very colorful snowball in a paper cup. Soda sc.png | Space Cola Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 5u cola | Ice, water, cola | 1 Nutriment, 5 Space cola, 11 Water | Space Cola drizzled over a snowball in a paper cup. Mountainwind sc.png | Space Mountain Wind Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 15u Space Mountain Wind | Ice, water, mountain wind | 1 Nutriment, 5 Space Mountain Wind, 11 Water | Space mountain wind, now with brainfreeze! Lizard Cuisine Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Taste | Nutritional Value | Notes Black egg.png | Black scrambled eggs | 5 units blood + 2 units vinegar + 2 egg | Eggs, greens, blood | 8 Protein, 6 Vitamin | A country dish from rural Tizira. Made with eggs, blood, and foraged greens. Traditionally eaten with rootbread and a spicy sauce. Candied mushrooms.png | Candied mushrooms | 5 units caramel + 1 unit salt

+ 1 iron rod + 1 steeped seraka mushroom

savouriness, sweetness | 8 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin, 4 caramel | A slightly bizarre dish from Tizira, consisting of seraka mushrooms coated with caramel on a skewer. Carries a pronounced 'sweet and savoury' kick. Crispy headcheese.png | Crispy breaded headcheese | 1 headcheese

slice + 1 rootbread slice | Cheese, oil | 3 Nutriment, 5 Protein, 2 cooking oil | A delicious snack from the streets of Zagoskeld, consisting of headcheese coated in rootbread breadcrumbs. Commonly served with fries. Lung stirfry.png | Crispy shredded lung stirfry | 1 lungs + 1 onion + 1 carrot + 1 chili | Meat, heat, veggies | 4 Vitamin, 6 Protein, 2 capsaicin | Crispy lung strips, with veggies and a spicy sauce. Delicious, if you like lungs. Demit nizaya.png | Demit nizaya | 5 units korta milk + 5 units korta nectar + 1 nizaya pasta + 1 carrot + 1 onion + 1 eggplant | Peppery sweet, veggies, gnocchi | 8 Nutriment, 4 korta nectar, 2 Vitamin | A sweet, creamy nizaya pasta dish made with korta milk and nectar. Escargot.png | Desert snail cocleas | 3 units lemon juice + 2 units black pepper + 3 units quality oil + 1 canned desert snails + 1 garlic | Snails, garlic, oil | 6 Nutriment, 4 Protein, 2 garlic | Another example of cultural crossover between lizards and humans, desert snail escargot is closer to the Roman dish cocleas than the contemporary French escargot. It's a common street food in the desert cities. Snail nizaya.png | Desert snail nizaya | 5 units wine + 1 canned desert snails + 1 nizaya pasta + 1 garlic | Snails, wine, gnocchi | 8 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin, 4 Protein | A high class pasta dish from Tizira's vineyard region of Valyngia. Traditionally made with only the finest Tiziran wine… but the human swill will do, in a pinch. Emperor roll.png | Emperor Roll | 1 rootroll + 1 liver pate + 2 headcheese

slice + 1 moonfish caviar paste

Bread, cheese, liver, caviar | 6 Nutriment, 8 Protein, 2 Vitamin | A popular sandwich on Tizira, named in honour of the Imperial family. Brain pate.png | Eyeball-and-brain pate | 3 salt

+ 1 brain + 1 eyes + 1 onion | Brains | 8 Protein, 2 Liquid Gibs | A thick pink puree made from finely chopped poached eyeballs and brains, fried onions, and fat. Lizards swear it's delicious! Fried blood sausage.png | Fried blood sausage | 5 units korta flour + 5 units water + 1 raw Tiziran blood sausage

Black pudding, batter, oil | 6 Protein, 2 Vitamin, 1 salt, 1 cooking oil | A blood sausage, battered and deep fried. Commonly served with fries as a quick and simple snack on the streets of Zagoskeld. Garlic nizaya.png | Garlic-and-oil nizaya | 5 quality oil + 1 nizaya pasta + 1 garlic + 1 chili | Garlic, oil, gnocchi | 8 Nutriment, 10 Protein | A lizard adaptation of the Italian pasta dish, aglio e olio, made with nizaya pasta. Headcheese cured.png | Headcheese | 1 raw headcheese

, cured on a drying rack | Cheese, salt | 15 Protein, 5 salt | A cured block of headcheese. Delicious, if you're a lizard. Honey roll.png | Honey sweetroll | 5 honey + 1 rootroll + 1 bunch of berries + 1 banana | Bread, honey, fruit | 6 Nutriment, 8 Vitamin, 2 honey | A sweetened rootroll with sliced fruit, enjoyed as a seasonal dessert on Tizira. Imperial flatbread.png | Imperial flatbread | 1 root flatbread, 1 liver pate, 1 sauerkraut

, 1 headcheese

Bread, herb, oil, garlic, tomato, meat | 15 Nutriment, 15 Protein, 10 Vitamin | A flatbread topped with pate, pickled vegetables, and cubed headcheese. Not very suited to anyone's tastes but the lizards. Italic flatbread.png | Italic flatbread | 3 quality oil + 1 root flatbread + 1 garlic + 1 tomato + 2 meatballs | Bread, herb, oil, garlic, tomato, meat | 15 Nutriment, 10 Protein, 15 Vitamin | The introduction of human foods to Tizira led to an advancement in lizard cooking- the Italic flatbread is now a common sight on the menus of takeout stores on the planet. Brittle slab.png | Korta brittle slab | 5 korta nectar + 5 units sugar + 2 salt

+ 2 korta nut + 1 stick of butter | Peppery heat, sweetness | 15 Nutriment, 20 sugar, 15 korta nectar | A big slab of korta nut brittle. So sugary it should be a crime! Korta ice.png | Korta ice | 1 paper cup + 15 units ice + 5 units korta nectar + 1 berries | Peppery sweet, berry | 8 Nutriment, 4 Ice, 6 Berryjuice | Shaved ice, korta nectar and berries. A sweet treat to eat to beat summer heat! Pate.png | Liver pate | 1 liver + 1 raw cutlet + 1 onion | Liver | 5 Protein | A rich, meaty paste made from liver, meat, and a few additions for extra flavour. Lizard fries.png | Loaded poms-franzisks | 5 BBQ sauce

+ 1 space fries + 2 cutlet | Fries, bbq sauce, barbecued meat | 4 Nutriment, 6 Protein, 1 salt, 2 BBQ sauce | One of the many human foods to make its way to the lizards was french fries, which are called poms-franzisks in Draconic. When topped with barbecued meat and sauce, they make a hearty meal. Moonfish caviar.png | Moonfish caviar paste | 2 units salt

+ 1 moonfish eggs | Caviar | 6 Protein, 3 Vitamin | A rich paste made from moonfish eggs. Generally the only way most lizards can get them, and used fairly heavily in coastal cooking. Moonfish demiglace.png | Moonfish demiglace | 5 units korta milk + 5 units wine + 1 grilled moonfish + 1 potato + 1 carrot | Fish | 2 Nutriment, 8 Protein, 6 Vitamin | A slab of beautifully seared moonfish on a bed of potatoes and carrots, with a wine and demiglace reduction on top. Simply marvelous. Mushroom nizaya.png | Mushroom nizaya | 5 quality oil + 1 nizaya pasta + 1 steeped seraka mushroom

+ 1 garlic | Savouriness, nuttiness, gnocchi | 8 Nutriment, 10 Vitamin | A nizaya pasta dish made with seraka mushrooms and quality oil. Has a pronounced nutty flavour. Mushroom stirfry.png | Mushroomy stirfry | 5 quality oil + 1 steeped seraka mushroom

+ 1 plump-helmet mushroom + 1 chanterelle cluster | Marvelous mushrooms, sublime shrooms | 8 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin | A medley of mushrooms, made to meet your monstrous munchies. Marvelous! Nectar larvae.png | Nectar larvae | 5 units korta nectar + 1 canned bee larva + 1 tomato + 1 chili | Meat, sweet, heat | 7 Protein, 3 korta nectar, 1 capsaicin | Little crispy larvae in a korta nectar based sweet and spicy sauce. Bugtastic! Patzikula.png | Patzikula | 2 tomato + 1 onion + 1 chili + 2 egg | Eggs, tomato, heat | 6 Nutriment, 8 Protein, 8 Vitamin, 2 capsaicin | A smooth and spicy tomato-based sauce topped with eggs and baked. Delicious. Picoss.png | Picoss skewers | 5 vinegar + 2 cleaned armorfish + 1 onion + 1 chili + 1 iron rod | Fish, acid, onion, heat | 8 Protein, 4 Vitamin, 1 vinegar, 1 capsaicin | A popular Tiziran streetfood consisting of vinegar-marinated armorfish on a skewer with onion and chillis. Blood sausage raw.png | Raw Tiziran blood sausage | 5 units blood + 2 units salt

+ 1 raw cutlet + 1 raw piece of bacon | Meat, black pudding | 3 Protein, 3 blood | A raw Tiziran blood sausage, ready to be cured on a drying rack. Raw headcheese.png | Raw headcheese | 10 units salt

+ 5 units black pepper + 1 meat | Meat, salt | 15 Protein, 5 salt | A common food on Tizira, headcheese is traditionally made of an animal's head, with the organs removed, boiled until it falls apart, at which point it is collected, strained of moisture, salted heavily, packed into blocks, and left to dry and age for several months. The resulting hard block tastes similar to cheese. Rootdough.png | Rootdough | 5 korta flour + 10 water + 2 potato + 1 egg | Potato, earthy heat | 6 Nutriment | A root based dough, made with nuts and tubers. Used in a wide range of Tiziran cooking. Rustic flatbread.png | Rustic flatbread | 2 Lemon Juice + 3 quality oil + 1 root flatbread + 1 garlic | Bread, herb, oil, garlic | 15 Nutriment, 15 Vitamin, 2 Garlic | A simple Tiziran country dish, popular as a side to meat or fish dishes. Topped with herbs and oil. Saerkraut.png | Sauerkraut | 10 units salt

+ 2 cabbage | Cabbage, acid | 4 Nutriment | Pickled cabbage, as made famous by Germans, and which has become common in lizard cooking, where it is known as Zauerkrat. Steeped mushrooms.png | Steeped seraka mushrooms | 5 units lye

+ 1 seraka cap | Savouriness, nuttiness | 2 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | Seraka mushrooms that have been steeped in alkaline water to remove the extract, thereby making them completely safe to consume. Tiziran dumpling.png | Tiziran dumplings | 5 units korta flour + 1 potato | Potato, earthly heat | 6 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | Mashed root vegetables, mixed with korta flour and boiled to produce a large, round and slightly spicy dumpling. Commonly eaten in soup. Blood sausage.png | Tiziran blood sausage | 1 raw blood sausage

, cured on a drying rack | Meat, black pudding | 6 Protein, 3 Vitamin | A coarse dry-cured blood sausage, traditionally made by farmers in the farmlands around Zagoskeld. Similar in texture to old-Earth Spanish chorizo. Tzatsikh.png | Tsatsikh | 2 units salt

+ 2 black pepper + 1 heart + 1 liver + 1 lungs + 1 stomach | Assorted minced organs | 10 Protein | A Tiziran dish consisting of spiced ground offal, stuffed into a stomach and boiled. Pretty foul to anyone who's not used to the taste. Surf n turf.png | Zagosk surf 'n' turf smorgasbord | 1 grilled moonfish + 2 picoss skewers + 1 steak + 1 bbq ribs

Surf, turf | 15 Nutriment, 10 Protein, 10 Vitamin | A massive platter of Tizira's finest meat and seafood, typically shared by groups at the beach. Of course, nothing's stopping you eating it on your own… fatass. Also see Soup for more related recipes.

Meats Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Taste | Nutritional Value | Notes BBQ ribs.png | BBQ Ribs | 2 meat steak + 2 rods + 5u BBQ sauce

Meat, smokey sauce | 3 Nutriment, 10 Protein, 10 BBQ sauce | Sweet, Smokey, Savory, and gets everywhere. Perfect for Grilling. Stroganoff.png | Beef Stroganoff | 5 flour + 5 milk + 5 units salt

+ 5 units black pepper + 2 mushroom + 1 onion + 1 tomato + 1 meat steak | Beef, sour cream, salt, pepper | 16 Protein, 4 Vitamin | A russian dish that consists of beef and sauce. Really popular in japan, or at least that's what my animes would allude to. Beefwellington.png | Beef Wellington | 5 cream + 2 salt

+ 2 Black Pepper + 1 meat steak + 1 mushroom + 1 garlic + 1 bacon + 1 flat dough | Beef, mushrooms, pancetta | 21 Protein, 6 Vitamin | A luxurious log of beef, covered in a fine mushroom duxelle and pancetta ham, then bound in puff pastry. Nugget.png | Chicken Nugget | 1 cutlet | | 2 Nutriment, 2 Protein, 1 Vitamin | A 'chicken' nugget vaguely shaped like one of four fun shapes! Cornedbeef.png | Corned beef and cabbage | 1 meat steak + 2 cabbages + 5 units salt

Meat, cabbage | 6 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin | Now you can feel like a real tourist vacationing in Ireland. Doubleratkebab.png | Double Rat-Kebab | 2 Dead Mice, 1 Metal Rod | Rat meat, metal | 6 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | Twice the rat, twice the flavor. Fiestaskewer.png | Fiesta Skewer | 1 cutlet + 1 Chili + 1 Corn + 1 Tomato + 1 Metal rod | Tex-mex, cumin | 6 Nutriment, 3 Capsaicin, 12 Protein | Some proper space mexican food well charred over a flame. Bearsteak.gif | Filet Migrawr | 1 bear steak + 5 units Manly Dorf (requires lighter) | Meat, salmon | 2 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin, 5 Manly Dorf | Because eating bear wasn't manly enough. Fullenglish.png | Full English Breakfast | 1 sausage + 2 fried egg + 1 bacon + 1 mushroom + 1 tomato + 1 tin of beans + 1 buttered toast | Sausage, bacon, egg, tomato, mushrooms, bread, beans | 8 Protein, 4 Vitamin | A hearty plate with all the trimmings, representing the pinnacle of the breakfast art. Friedchicken.png | Fried Chicken | 1 Cooked chicken + 5 corn starch +5 Flour | Chicken, fried batter | 6 Protein, 2 Vitamin | A juicy hunk of chicken meat, fried to perfection. Kebab.png | Kebab | 1 Metal Rod + 2 meat steak (meat must be same type!), 2 human meat steaks, 2 tofus, or 1 lizard tail | Meat, metal | 8 Nutriment | You get the metal rod back after eating. Spidereggsham.png | Green Eggs and Ham | 2 spider cutlets + 1 spider egg + 1 unit salt

Meat, the colour green | 6 Nutriment, 1 Salt, 3 Toxin | You swear it's still moving. Meatbun.png | Meat Bun | 5 units soy sauce + 1 bun + 1 meatball + 1 cabbage | Bun, meat | 6 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | Has the potential to not be Dog. Meatclown.png | Meat Clown | 1 meat steak + 1 Banana | Meat, clown, sixteen teslas | 3 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin, 1 Banana | A happy meat that can slip people. Rawmeatloaf.png | Raw Meatloaf | 3 meat slabs + 1 onion + 1 garlic + 10 ketchup | Raw meat, onions | 32 Nutriment, 32 Vitamin, 40 Protein | A mixture of meat, onions, and garlic formed into a loaf and baked in an oven. It's covered in a generous slathering of ketchup. Use a knife to cut it into slices! Pigblanket.png | Pig in a Blanket | 1 bun + 1 butter + 1 cutlet | Meat, butter | 6 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | A tiny sausage wrapped in a flakey, buttery roll. Khinkali.png | Raw Khinkali | 1 Dough slice + 1 meatball + 1 garlic | Meat, onions, garlic | 1 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin, 1 Garlic Juice | Grill to finish preparing. Tempehstarter.png | Tempeh Starter | 5 soybeans + 1 Plump Helmet seed | Nutty, bland | 2 Protein | Process to finish preparing. Ratkebab.png | Rat-kebab | 1 Dead Mouse, 1 Metal Rod | Rat meat, metal | 6 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | Not so delicious rat meat, on a stick. Riceandpork.png | Rice and Pork | 1 Boiled Rice + 2 cutlets | | 18 Nutriment, 7 Vitamin | It's rice and …“pork”. Sausage.png | Sausage | 1 meatball + 2 cutlets | Meat | 6 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | Slicable into salami or American Sausage. Who even knows what or who it's made from anymore. Seafood Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Taste | Nutritional Value | Notes Sashimi.png | Carp Sashimi | 1 spider egg + 1 Carp fillet + 5 units soy sauce | Fish, hot peppers | 6 Nutriment, 5 Toxin | Good luck getting Space Carp meat. (Note: POISONOUS) Cubancarp.png | Cuban Carp | 1 Carp Fillet + 5 units flour + 1 chili | Fish, batter, hot peppers | 6 Nutriment, 3 Capsaicin | Slightly toxic, and very spicy. Carpsandwich.png | Fillet -o- Carp Sandwich | 1 bun + 1 Carp fillet + 1 cheese wedge | | 3 Carpotoxin, 3 Vitamin | Slightly toxic. Called a “fish burger” in the crafting menu. Fishandchips.png | Fish and Chips | 1 space fries + 1 Carp fillet | Fish, chips | 6 Nutriment | The Brit's favorite. Good luck getting Space Carp meat. (Note: POISONOUS) Ffish.png | Fish Fingers | 5 units flour + 1 bun + 1 Carp fillet | Fish, breadcrumbs | 4 Nutriment | Good luck getting Space Carp meat. (Note: POISONOUS) Fishfry.png | Fish Fry | 1 Corn + 1 Peas + 1 Carp fillet | Fish, pan seared vegetables | 6 Nutriment, 3 Vitamin | All that and no bag of chips… Fish taco.png | Fish Taco | 1 tortilla + 1 fish filet + 1 cheese wedge + 1 cabbage | Taco, fish, cheese, cabbage | 2 Nutriment, 3 Protein, 2 Vitamin | A taco with fish, cheese, and cabbage. Carpfillet.png | Imitation Carp Fillet | Inject 5 units Carpotoxin into 1 tofu | | 3 Nutriment, 2 Carpotoxin, 2 Vitamin | Almost just like the real thing, kinda. Slightly toxic. Seaweed sheet.png | Seaweed Sheet | Produced at a biogenerator. Use an ingredient on it to start making custom sushi! | | 1 Nutriment 1 Vitamin | A dried sheet of seaweed used for making sushi. Fishpoke.png | Fish Poké | 1 bowl + 1 seaweed sheet + boiled rice + fish fillet + 1 cabbage + 1 cucumber + 1 tofu + 1 unit soy sauce | Rice and fish, lettuce, soy sauce | 5 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin, 2 Protein | Simple poke, rice on the bottom, vegetables and fish on top. Should be mixed before eating. Meatpoke.png | Meat Poké | 1 bowl + 1 seaweed sheet + boiled rice + cutlet + 1 cabbage + 1 cucumber + 1 tofu + 1 unit soy sauce | Rice and meat, lettuce, soy sauce | 5 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin, 2 Protein | Simple poke, rice on the bottom, vegetables and meat on top. Should be mixed before eating. Spicysushi.png | Spicy Filet Sushi | 1 seaweed sheet + 1 Boiled Rice + 1 fish filet + 1 chili + 1 onion | Boiled rice, fish, spicyness | 12 Nutriment, 4 Protein, 4 capsaicin, 4 vitamin | A roll of tasty, spicy sushi made with fish and vegetables. Sliceable into pieces! Vegsushi.png | Vegetarian Sushi | 1 Seaweed Sheet + 1 Boiled Rice + 1 carrot + 1 potato | Boiled rice, carrots, potato | 12 Nutriment, 4 vitamin | A roll of simple vegetarian sushi with rice, carrots, and potatoes. Sliceable into pieces! NigiriSushi.png | Nigiri Sushi | 1 Seaweed Sheet + 1 Boiled Rice + fish filet + 2 soy sauce | Boiled rice, fish filet, soy sauce | 4 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin, 2 Protein | A simple nigiri of fish atop a packed rice ball with a seaweed wrapping and a side of soy sauce. Mexican Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Taste | Nutritional Value | Notes Burrito.png | Burrito | 1 tortilla + 2 soybeans | Tortilla, beans | 4 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | Delicious! CarneBurrito.png | Carne Asada Burrito | 1 tortilla + 2 cutlets + 1 soybeans | Tortilla, meat | 5 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | The best burrito for meat lovers. CheesyBurrito.png | Cheesy Burrito | 1 tortilla + 2 cheese wedges + 1 soybeans | Tortilla, beans, cheese | 4 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | It's a burrito filled with cheese. CheesyNachos.png | Cheesy Nachos | 1 tortilla + 1 cheese wedge + 1 unit Salt | Nachos, cheese | 6 Nutriment, 3 Vitamin, 1 Salt | The delicious combination of nachos and melting cheese. Chips and salsa.png | Chips and Salsa | 1 Boritos Corn Chips + 1 chili, 1 onion, 1 tomato | Peppers, salsa, tortilla chips, onion | 4 Nutriment, 2 Capsaisin, 4 Vitamin | Some tortilla chips with a cup of zesty salsa. Highly addictive! Classicchimichanga.png | Classic Chimichanga | 1 tortilla + 2 cutlets + 1 cheese wedges + 1 onion | Deep fried tortilla, meat, cheese, onions | 8 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin, 6 Protein | A deep-fried burrito packed with a generous amount of meat and cheese. Classictaco.png | Classic Taco | 1 tortilla + 1 cheese wedge + 1 cutlet + 1 cabbage | Taco, meat, cheese, lettuce | 4 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | A traditional taco with meat, cheese, and lettuce Classichardtaco.png | Classic Hard-Shelled Taco | 1 hard taco shell + 1 cheese wedge + 1 cutlet + 1 cabbage + 1 tomato | Taco, ground meat, cheese, cabbage, tomatoes | 8 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin, 6 Protein | A classically-made hard-shell taco, the most satisfying crunch in the galaxy. Cuban Nachos.png | Cuban Nachos | 1 tortilla + 5 units Ketchup + 2 Chili pepper | Nachos, hot pepper | 7 Nutriment, 8 Capsaicin, 4 Vitamin | That's some dangerously spicy nachos. Enchi.png | Enchiladas | 2 cutlets + 2 chilis + 2 tortillas | Hot peppers, meat, cheese, sour cream | 8 Nutriment, 6 Capsaicin | Viva La Mexico! PlasmaBurrito.png | Fuego Plasma Burrito | 1 tortilla + 2 ghost chili + 1 soybean | Tortilla, beans, hot peppers | 4 Nutriment, 5 Capsaicin, 3 Vitamin | A super spicy burrito. Nachos.png | Nachos | 1 tortilla + 1 unit Salt | Nachos | 6 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin, 1 Salt | Chips from Space Mexico Plaintaco.png | Plain Taco | 1 tortilla + 1 cheese wedge + 1 cutlet | Taco, meat, cheese | 3 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | A traditional taco with meat and cheese, minus the rabbit food. Plaintaco.png | Plain Hard-Shelled Taco | 1 tortilla + 1 cutlet | Crunchy taco shell, ground meat | 6 Nutriment, 3 Vitamin, 6 Protein | A hard-shell taco with just meat, for the picky eaters and children in us all. Refriedbeans.png | Refried Beans | 1 bowl + 2 soybeans + 5 water + 1 onion | Mashed beans, onion | 6 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin, 4 Protein | A steaming bowl of delicious refried beans, a common staple in Mexican cuisine. Spanishrice.png | Spanish Rice | 1 bowl + 1 boiled rice + 1 tomato + 1 salt + 1 pepper | Zesty rice, tomato sauce | 6 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin | A bowl of delicious spanish rice, cooked in a tomato sauce which gives it the orange color. Stuffedlegion.gif | Stuffed Legion | 1 cooked Goliath meat steak + 1 Legion Core + 2 units Ketchup + 2 units Capsaicin | Death, rock, meat, hot peppers | 5 Nutriment, 2 Capsaicin, 2 Vitamin | Putting skulls to use as food bowls has never seemed better. (Note: goliath meat must be cooked on lava or on a bonfire. Putting goliath meat in the microwave will only lead to tears.) Veggiechimichanga.png | Vegetarian Chimichanga | 1 tortilla + 1 cabbage + 1 onions + chili | deep-fried tortilla, cabbage, onions, peppers | 8 Nutriment, 10 Vitamin | A deep-fried burrito packed with a generous amount of baked vegetables, for the non-meat eaters. Misc. Food Moffic Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Nutritional Value | Notes Curdcheese.png | Curd Cheese | Combine 15 milk, 5 vinegar and 5 cream in a bowl, heat to 353K. | 3 Protein, 1 Cream | Known by many names throughout human cuisine, curd cheese is useful for a wide variety of dishes. Cheesecurd.png | Cheese Curds | Microwave a Curd Cheese | 3 Protein | Not to be mistaken for curd cheese. Tasty deep fried. Firmcheese.png | Firm Cheese | Dry Cheese Curds | 3 Protein | Firm aged cheese, similar in texture to firm tofu. Due to its lack of moisture it's particularly useful for cooking with, as it doesn't melt easily. Mozzarella.png | Mozzarella Cheese | Combine 15 milk, 10 cream, and 1 universal enzyme in a bowl, heat to 353K. | 3 Protein | Delicious, creamy, and cheesy, all in one simple package. Griddletoast.png | Griddle Toast | Cook a slice of bread on a griddle | 3 Vitamin | Thick cut bread, griddled to perfection. Pesto.png | Pesto | 1 firm cheese slice + 5 salt + 2 herbs + 1 garlic + 5 quality oil + 1 pine nuts | 3 Vitamin | A combination of firm cheese, salt, herbs, garlic, oil, and pine nuts. Frequently used as a sauce for pasta or pizza, or eaten on bread. Tomatosauce.png | Tomato Sauce | 1 can of tomatoes + 2 salt + 1 herbs + 5 quality oil | 3 Vitamin | Tomato sauce, perfect for pizza or pasta. Mamma mia! Bechamelsauce.png | Béchamel Sauce | 10 milk + 5 flour + 1 butter | 3 Vitamin | A classic white sauce common to several European cultures. Roastedredpepper.png | Roasted Bell Pepper | 1 bell pepper, roasted in an oven. | 3 Protein, 5 Vitamin, 1 Char | A blackened, blistered bell pepper. Great for making sauces. Sweet Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Nutritional Value | Notes Antpop.png | Ant Popsicle | 1 Rod + 5 Sugar + 5 Water + 10 Ants | 1 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin, 5 Sugar, 5 Ants | I can't believe you ate the spider lollipop, you seriously aren't going to eat this too…right? Branrequests.png | Bran Requests Cereal | 1 Wheat + 1 4no Raisins | 3 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin, 10 Salt | A dry cereal that satiates your requests for bran. RawBrownieBatter.png | Brownie Batter | 5 flour + 5 Sugar + 2 eggs + 5 coco powder + 1 butter | 20 Nutriment, 12 Sugar | A sticky mixture of raw brownie batter, cook it in the oven to make a brownie sheet! Candiedapple.png | Candied Apple | 5 units Caramel + 1 Apple | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar | Happy Halloween generic shift! Chocobunny.png | Chocolate Bunny | 2 units Sugar + 1 chocolate bar | 4 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin, 2 Sugar, 2 Coco | Contains less than 10% real rabbit! Chococoin.png | Chocolate Coin | 1 Coin + 1 chocolate bar | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 1 Coco | A completely edible but nonflippable festive coin. Chocoorange.png | Chocolate Orange | 1 Orange + 1 chocolate bar | 6 Nutriment, 3 Vitamin, 3 Sugar, 2 Coco | A festive chocolate orange, please don't smash it to bits. Chocodice.png | Fudge Dice | 1 Die + 1 chocolate bar | 3 Nutriment, 1 Coco | You get a fudge die after eating it. GranolaBar.png | Granola Bar | 1 Oat + 1 Peanut + 1 chocolate bar + 1 4no Raisins + 2 sugar | 8 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin, 4 Protein | A dried mixture of oats, nuts, fruits, and chocolate condensed into a chewy bar. Makes a great snack while space-hiking. Honeybar.png | Honey Nut Bar | 1 Oat + 5 units Honey | 5 Nutriment, 5 Honey | Oats and nuts compressed together into a bar, held together with a honey glaze. Melonkeg.gif | Melon Keg | 1 Holy melon + 1 Vodka bottle + 25 units vodka | 9 Nutriment, 15 Vodka, 4 Vitamin | Who knew vodka was a fruit? Pacoca.png | Pacoca | 2 peanuts + 5 units sugar + 2 units salt | 4 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin, 2 Protein | A traditional Brazilian treat made of ground peanuts, sugar, and salt compressed into a cylinder. Powercrepe.png | Powercrepe | 1 flat dough + 1 Milk + 5 Cherry Jelly + 1 Super Power Cell + 1 Captain's Sabre | 10 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin, 5 Cherry Jelly | With great power, comes great crepes. Extremely robust as a weapon, comparable to an energy sword, but bulky to carry. Ricepudding.png | Rice Pudding | 1 Boiled Rice + 5 Milk + 5 Sugar | 9 Nutriment, 3 Vitamin, 5 Milk, 5 Sugar | Everybody loves rice pudding! Spiderlollipop.png | Spider Lollipop | 1 Rod + 5 Sugar + 5 Water+ 1 Spiderling | 1 Nutriment, 1 Toxin, 10 Iron, 5 Sugar, 2 Omnizine | Still gross, but at least it has a mountain of sugar on it. Savory Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Nutritional Value | Notes Butterbear.png | Butterbear | 15 butter + 1 brain (with soul) + 1 heart + 5 meat slabs + 50 units blood + 1 unit Teslium. | N/A | A butter/bear hybrid controlled by the player whose brain is used. The crew can eat the bear by smacking it, but it has a large regeneration factor to counteract this. When the bear slaps people it has a significant chance to slip its unfortunate victim. The bear will be named Terrygold. Cheesefries.png | Cheese Fries | 1 space fries + 1 cheese wedge | 6 Nutriment | Tasty, tasty cheese fries. Crab rangoon.png | Crab Rangoon | 1 Dough slice + 1 raw crab meat + 1 cheese wedge + 5 units cream | 5 Nutriment, 7 Protein, 5 Vitamin | Has many names, like crab puffs, cheese wontons, crab dumplings? Whatever you call them, they're a fabulous blast of cream cheesy crab. Eggplantparmigiana.png | Eggplant Parmigiana | 2 cheese wedges + 1 Eggplant | 6 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | Clogs your arteries, healthily! Mashedpotatoes.png | Mashed Potatoes | 2 potatoes + 1 garlic + 1 butter + 1 unit milk | 10 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | A creamy serving of mashed potatoes, a staple of many Thanksgiving dinners. Bakedpotato.png | Loaded Baked Potato | 1 Potato + 1 cheese wedge | 6 Nutriment | No bacon bits? Onigiri.png | Onigiri | 1 boiled rice + 1 Seaweed Sheet | 4 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | A ball of cooked rice surrounding a filling formed into a triangular shape and wrapped in seaweed. Can be given up to 4 custom fillings!

Pierogi.png | Pierogi | 1 dough slice + 1 potato + 1 onion | 4 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | A dumpling made by wrapping unleavened dough around a savory or sweet filling and cooking in boiling water. This one is filled with a potato and onion mixture. Poutine.png | Poutine | 1 space fries + 1 cheese wedge + 3 gravy | 7 Nutriment, 4 antihol | Fries covered in cheese curds and gravy. Risotto.png | Risotto | 5 Wine + 1 cheese wedge + 1 boiled rice + 1 chanterelle cluster | 10 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin | Proof the Italians mastered every carb. Royal cheese.png | Royal Cheese | 1 cheese wheel + 1 gold crown + 5 units Strange Reagent

+ 5 units Unstable Mutagen

. | 20 Gold, 15 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin, 5 Unstable Mutagen | Feed a rat with it to turn it into a regal rat. A hostile mob with no allegiance to its creator. It just wants to rule with an iron fist. Has several abilites. Spring roll.png | Spring Roll | 1 carrot + 1 cucumber + 1 chili + 1 rice + 10 water | 8 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin, 2 Capsaicin | A plate of translucent rice wrappers filled with fresh vegetables, served with sweet chili sauce. You either love them or hate them. Stuffed Cabbage.png | Stuffed Cabbage | 1 Boiled Rice + 2 cutlets + 1 cabbage + 1 tomato | 10 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | A savory mixture of ground meat and rice wrapped in cooked cabbage leaves and topped with a tomato sauce. To die for. Beans.png | Tin of Beans | 2 Soy Beans + 5 units Ketchup | 10 Nutriment | Musical fruit in a slightly less musical container. Moffic Cuisine Base Ingredients Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Taste | Nutritional Value | Notes Herbycheese.png | Herby Cheese | 1 curd cheese + 4 herbs | Cheese, herbs | 6 Protein | As a staple of mothic cuisine, cheese is often augmented with various flavours to keep variety in their diet. Herbs are one such addition, and are particularly beloved. Grilledcheese.png | Grilled Cheese | Grill a slice of Firm Cheese | Cheese, char | 8 Protein, 1 Char | As prescribed by Lord Alton, blessed be his name, 99.997% of the world's recipes for grilled cheese flat out lie: never once is the cheese grilled, it is merely a griddled sandwich containing melted cheese. This, on the other hand, is truly grilled cheese, grillmarks and all. Mothicsalad.png | Mothic Salad | 1 cabbage + 2 red onion slice + 1 tomato | Salad | 6 Vitamin | A basic salad of cabbage, red onion and tomato. Can serve as a perfect base for a million different salads. Toastedseeds.png | Toasted Seeds | 1 sunflower seed + 1 pumpkin seed + 1 poppy seed + 1 quality oil | Seeds | 5 Vitamin | While they're far from filling, toasted seeds are a popular snack amongst the moths. Salt, sugar, or even some more exotic flavours may be added for some extra pep. Enginefodder.png | Engine Fodder | 1 toasted seeds + 1 CNDs + 1 popcorn + 1 peanut + 1 chips | Seeds, nuts, chocolate, salt, popcorn, potato | 6 Vitamin, 4 Sugar, 4 Nutriment, 2 Salt | A common snack for engineers on the mothic fleet, made of seeds, nuts, chocolate, popcorn, and potato chips- designed to be dense with calories and easy to snack on when an extra boost is needed. Entrées Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Taste | Nutritional Value | Notes Squeakingstirfry.png | Skeklitmischtpoppl (Squeaking Stir Fry)

1 cheese curds + 1 tofu + 1 chili pepper + 1 boiled rice + 1 carrot + 1 onion slice | Cheese, tofu, veggies | 8 Protein, 6 Vitamin | A mothic classic made with cheese curds and tofu (amongst other things). Translated literally the name means 'squeaking stir fry', a name given due to the distinctive squeak of the proteins. Cabbagewrap.png | Sweet Chili Cabbage Wrap | 1 grilled cheese + 1 mothic salad + 1 chili pepper + 1 cabbage + 1 honey | Cheese, salad, sweet chili | 8 Protein, 8 Vitamin, 1 Capsaicin | Grilled cheese and salad in a cabbage wrap, topped with delicious sweet chili sauce. Loadedcurds.png | Ozlsettitæloskekllön Ede Pommes (Loaded Curds)

1 cheese curds + 1 vegetarian chili + 1 onion slice + 1 cheese wedge + 1 fries | Cheese, oil,chili, fries | 4 Nutriment, 10 Protein, 4 Vitamin, 1 Capsaicin | What's better than cheese curds? Deep fried cheese curds! What's better than deep fried cheese curds? Deep fried cheese curds with chili (and more cheese) on top! And what's better than that? Putting it on fries! Bakedcheese.png | Baked Cheese Wheel | Bake 1 cheese wheel | Cheese | 10 Protein, 5 Vitamin, 5 Nutriment | A baked cheese wheel, melty and delicious. Bakedcheeseplatter.png | Stanntkraktælo (Baked Cheese Platter)

1 baked cheese wheel + 4 griddle toast | Cheese, bread | 12 Protein, 6 Vitamin, 8 Nutriment | A baked cheese wheel: a mothic favourite for sharing. Usually served with crispy bread slices for dipping, because the only thing better than good cheese is good cheese on bread. Greenlasagne.png | Green Lasagne al Forno | 1 pesto + 2 boiled spaghetti + 1 bechamel sauce + 1 firm cheese, baked in the oven | Cheese, pesto, pasta | 24 Protein, 18 Vitamin | A fine lasagne made with pesto and a herby white sauce. Good for multiple servings. Bigbakedrice.png | Big Baked Rice | 2 boiled rice 1 vegetable soup + 2 potato + 1 chili pepper + 1 herbs, baked in the oven | Rice, potato, veggies | 18 Protein, 42 Vitamin | A mothic favourite, baked rice can be filled with a variety of vegetable fillings to make a delicious meal to share. Potatoes are also often layered on the bottom of the cooking vessel to create a flavourful crust which is hotly contested amongst diners. Ovenbakedcorn.png | Oven-Baked Corn | 1 corn, baked in the oven | Corn, char | 6 Vitamin, 1 Char | A cob of corn, baked in the roasting heat of an oven until it blisters and blackens. Beloved as a quick yet flavourful and filling component for dishes on the Fleet. Butteredbakedcorn.png | Buttered Baked Corn | 1 oven-baked corn + 1 butter | Corn, char | 4 Protein, 6 Vitamin, 1 Char | What's better than baked corn? Baked corn with butter! Fiestaskillet.png | Fiesta Corn Skillet | 1 oven-baked corn + 1 cornchips + 2 chili pepper + 1 tomato + 2 onion slice + cheese wedge | Corn, chili, char | 5 Protein, 10 Vitamin, 1 Char | Sweet, spicy, saucy, and all kinds of corny. Ratatouille.png | Ratatouille | 1 tomato + 1 red onion + 1 eggplant + 1 roasted red pepper | Veggies, roasted peppers, char | 6 Protein, 10 Vitamin, 1 Char | The perfect dish to save your restaurant from a vindictive food critic. Bonus points if you've got a rat in your hat. Mozzarellasticks.png | Mozzarella Sticks | 1 mozzarella + 2 bread slice + 1 tomato sauce | Creamy cheese, breading, oil | 4 Nutriment, 6 Protein | Little sticks of mozzarella, breaded and fried. Stuffedpepper.png | Voltölpaprik (Stuffed Peppers)

1 bell pepper + 1 herby cheese + 2 onion slice, baked in the oven | Creamy cheese, herbs, onion, bell pepper | 6 Protein, 8 Vitamin | A soft yet still crisp bell pepper, with a wonderful melty cheesy interior. Fueljacks lunch.png | Fueljack's Lunch | 1 cabbage + 1 potato + 2 onion slice + 1 chili pepper + 1 firm cheese slice | Cabbage, potato, onion, chili, cheese | 8 Protein, 8 Vitamin | A dish made from fried vegetables, popular amongst fueljacks- the brave moths who operate the fuel skimmers to keep the fleet running. Given the constant need for fuel, and the limited windows in which the stars align for harvesting (literally), they'll often take packed meals to save on trips to the mess, which they heat using the fresh canisters. Mac balls mothic64.png | Macheronirölen | 1 Heated Ready-Donk: Donk-a-Roni, 1 Tomato Sauce, 5 units Cornmeal Batter | Pasta, cornbread, cheese | 6u Nutriment, 10u Protein | Fried balls of macaroni cheese dipped in corn batter, served with tomato sauce. A popular snack across the galaxy, and especially on the Mothic Fleet- where they tend to use Ready-Donk as the base. Sustenancebar.png | Surplus Fleet PSB | Ordered at cargo | Herbs | 20 Nutriment | The PSB, or Prepacked Sustenance Bar, is a densely packed, nutrient rich food which is designed to hold the populace over during times of food shortage. Made from soy and pea protein, each lasts 3 days if adequately rationed. While they have a long shelf life, they do eventually go bad- prompting them to be sold as surplus by the fleet. This particular one is, like most artificially-flavoured moth food, mixed-herb flavoured. Soups See Soup

Salads Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Taste | Nutritional Value | Notes Capresesalad.png | Zaileskenknusksolt (Caprese Salad)

1 tomato + 1 mozzarella + 1 herbs + 2 quality oil + 2 vinegar | Mozzarella, tomato, balsamic | 6 Protein, 8 Vitamin | While it's far from an original creation of the moths, caprese salad has become a favourite aboard the Fleet due to how simple it is to prepare yet how tasty it is. To the moths it's known as zaileskenknusksolt: two tone salad, in GalCom. Fleetsalad.png | Lörtonknusksolt (Fleet Salad)

1 mothic salad + 1 grilled cheese + 1 bread slice + 1 carrot + 2 quality oil + 2 vinegar | Cheese, salad, bread | 10 Protein, 12 Vitamin | Lörtonknusksolt, or Fleet Salad in GalCom, is commonly seen at the snack bars and canteens aboard the Fleet. The grilled cheese makes it particularly filling, while the croutons provide a crunchy kick. Cottonsalad.png | Flöfrölenknusksolt (Cotton Salad)

1 mothic salad + 2 cotton + 1 carrot + 2 quality oil + 2 vinegar | Cheese, salad, bread | 8 Nutriment, 14 Vitamin | A salad with added cotton and a basic dressing. Presumably either moths are around, or the South's risen again. Kachumbari.png | Kæniatknusksolt (Kachumbari)

1 oven-baked corn + 1 chili pepper + 1 red onion + 1 tomato + herbs + 2 lime juice | Onion, tomato, corn, chili, cilantro | 6 Nutriment, 18 Vitamin | Originally a Kenyan recipe, kachumbari is yet another cross-cultural favourite from humanity that has been adopted by the moths- though some ingredients have been necessarily changed. Pizzas Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Taste | Nutritional Value | Notes Mothmargheritapizza.png | Mothic Margherita Pizza | 1 Mothic Pizza Dough, 1 Tomato Sauce, 1 Mozzarella, 1 Firm Cheese, 1 Bundle of Herbs | Crust, tomato, cheese | 25 Nutriment, 8 Protein, 6 Tomato Juice, 5 Vitamin | A key characteristic of mothic pizza is that it's sold by weight- single slices are available for discretionary credits, while a meal ticket can buy a whole pie. Firecrackerpizza.png | Mothic Firecracker Pizza | 1 Mothic Pizza Dough, 10 units Barbecue Sauce, 1 Firm Cheese, 1 Oven-Baked Corn, 1 Ghost Chili | Crust, chili, corn, cheese, bbq sauce | 25 Nutriment, 8 Protein, 6 BBQ Sauce, 5 Vitamin, 10 Capsaicin | They're not kidding when they call this a hot pizza pie. 5cheese.png | Mothic Five Cheese Pizza | 1 Mothic Pizza Dough, 1 Tomato Sauce, 1 Firm Cheese, 1 Cheese Wedge, 1 Mozzarella, 1 Herby Cheese, 1 Cheese Curds | Crust, cheese, more cheese, excessive amounts of cheese | 15 Nutriment, 5 Protein, 6 Tomato Juice, 3 Vitamin | For centuries, scholars have asked: how much cheese is too much cheese? Whitepie.png | Mothic White-Pie Pizza | 1 Mothic Pizza Dough, 1 Bechamel Sauce, 1 Firm Cheese, 1 Garlic, 1 Mozzarella, 1 Bundle of Herbs | Crust, cheese, herbs, garlic | 25 Nutriment, 8 Protein, 6 Tomato Juice, 5 Vitamin | You say to-may-to, I say to-mah-to, and we put neither on this pizza. Pestopizza.png | Mothic Pesto Pizza | 1 Mothic Pizza Dough, 1 Pesto, 1 Tomato, 1 Mozzarella | Crust, pesto, cheese | 25 Nutriment, 8 Protein, 6 Tomato Juice, 5 Vitamin | Green as the grass in the garden. Not that there's many of those on mothic ships. Garlicpizza.png | Mothic Garlic Pizzabread | 1 Mothic Pizza Dough, 1 Stick of Butter, 1 Garlic, 1 Bundle of Herbs | Crust, garlic, butter | 25 Nutriment, 8 Protein, 6 Tomato Juice, 5 Vitamin | The best food in the galaxy, hands down. Desserts

Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Taste | Nutritional Value | Notes Moth balls.png | Ælorölen | 1 Curd Cheese, 1 Chocolate Bar, 5 units Flour, 5 units Sugar, 5 units Honey | Cheesecake, chocolate, honey | 8 Protein, 12 Sugar | Ælorölen (cheese balls) are a traditional mothic dessert, made of soft cheese, powdered sugar and flour, rolled into balls, battered and then deep fried. They're often served with either chocolate sauce or honey, or sometimes both! Mothmallow.png | Mothmallows | 1 Soybean, 5 units Vanilla, 15 units Sugar, 5 units Rum | Vanilla, clouds, chocolate | 20 Nutriment, 20 Sugar | A light and fluffy vegan marshmallow flavoured with vanilla and rum and topped with soft chocolate. These are known to the moths as höllflöfstarkken: cloud squares. Red porridge.png | Eltsløsk ül a Priktæolk | 1 Red Beet, 5 units Vanilla, 10 units Yoghurt, 5 units Sugar | Sweet beets, sugar, sweetened yoghurt | 8 Vitamin, 8 Protein, 8 Sugar | Red porridge with yoghurt. The name and vegetable ingredients obscure the sweet nature of the dish, which is commonly served as a dessert aboard the fleet. Pastries Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Taste | Nutritional Value | Notes Fortunecookie.png | Fortune Cookie | 1 pastry base + 1 Piece of paper with prophecy | Cookie | 3 Nutriment | Bad luck and misfortune will infest your pathetic soul for all eternity. Sugarcookie.png | Sugar Cookie | 1 pastry base + 5 units Sugar | Sweetness | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar | Just like your little sister used to make. Muffin.png | Muffin | 1 pastry base + 5 units Milk | Muffin | 6 Nutriment | Muffin! Berrymuffin.png | Berry Muffin | 1 pastry base + 5 units Milk + 1 Berry | Muffin, berry | 6 Nutriment | A delicious and spongy little cake, with berries. Booberrymuffin.png | Booberry Muffin | 1 pastry base + 5 units Milk + 1 Berry + 1 Ectoplasm | Muffin, spookiness | 6 Nutriment | My stomach is a graveyard! No living being can quench my bloodthirst! Moffin.png | Moffin | 1 pastry base + 5 units Milk + 1 cloth | Muffin, dust, lint | 6 Nutriment | A delicious and spongy little cake. Moths love these! Cracker.png | Cracker | 1 pastry base + 1 salt | Cracker | 1 Nutriment | Poly yells, “POLY WANNA CRACKER!” Pretzel.png | Poppy Pretzel | 1 pastry base + 1 Poppy Seed | Pretzel | 5 Nutriment | Heals brute damage with opium! Biscuit.png | Plump Helmet Biscuit | 1 pastry base + 1 Plump Helmet | Mushroom, biscuit | 5 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin (10% chance of additional 3 Nutriment, 5 Omnizine | The perfect chaser for a Manly Dorf. Oatmealcookie.png | Oatmeal cookie | 1 pastry base + 1 Oat stalk | Cookie, oat | 5 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | The best of both cookie and oat. Raisincookie.png | Raisin Cookie | 1 pastry base + 1 Oat stalk + 1 4no Raisins | Cookie, raisins | 5 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | Why would you put raisins on a cookie? Cherrycupcake.png | Cherry Cupcake | 1 pastry base + 1 Cherry | Cake, cherry | 5 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | A sweet cupcake with cherry bits. Bluecherrycupcake.png | Blue Cherry Cupcake | 1 pastry base + 1 Blue cherry | Cake, blue cherry | 5 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | Blue cherries inside a delicious cupcake. Khachapuri.png | Khachapuri | 1 plain bread + 1 cheese wedge + 5 units egg yolk | Bread, egg, cheese | 12 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | Bread with egg and cheese? Chococornet.png | Chocolate Cornet | 1 Pastry Base + 1 unit Salt + 1 Chocolate Bar | Biscuit, chocolate | 5 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | Which side's the head, the fat end or the thin end? Honeybun.png | Honey Bun | 1 Pastry Base + 5 units Honey | Pastry, sweetness | 5 Nutriment, 5 Honey | A sticky pastry bun glazed with honey. Cannoli.png | Cannoli | 1 Pastry Base + 1 units Milk + 3 units sugar | Pastry | 5 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | A sicilian treat that makes you into a wise guy. PeanutButterCookie.png | Peanut Butter Cookie | 1 Pastry Base + 5 units Peanut Butter | Peanut butter, cookie | 2 Nutriment, 5 Peanut Butter | A tasty, chewy peanut butter cookie. Donuts Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Taste | Nutritional Value | Notes Donut plain.png | Donut | 1 pastry base + 1 unit Sugar | Donut | 3 Nutriment, 1 Sprinkles (30% Chance of 2 Sprinkles), 2 sugar | Security members recover morale quickly with these. Donut green.png | Apple Donut | 1 donut + 3 units apple juice | Donut, green apples | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Apple juice, 1 Sprinkles | No artificial colors! Donut pink.png | Pink Donut | 1 donut + 5 units berry juice | Donut | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 BerryJuice, 1 Sprinkles | Goes great with a soy latte. Donut blue.png | Blumpkin Donut | 1 donut + 3 units blumpkin juice | Donut, blumpkin | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Blumpkin juice, 1 Sprinkles | Goes great with a mug of soothing drunken blumpkin. Donut yellow.png | Bungo Donut | 1 donut + 3 units bungo juice + 5 units Cold Sauce | Donut, tropical sweetness | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Bunjo juice, 1 Sprinkles | On a tropical island Underneath the molten lava moon Hanging with the hula dancers Asking questions 'cause they got all the answers.

Donut beige.png | Caramel Donut | 1 donut + 3 units caramel | Donut, buttery sweetness | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Caramel, 1 Sprinkles | Goes great with a mug of hot coco. Donut chaos.png | Chaos Donut | 1 pastry base + 5 units Hot Sauce + 5 units Cold Sauce | Donut, chaos | 2 Nutriment, 1 Sprinkles (30% Chance of 2 Sprinkles), 1 Sugar Possible 4th Ingredients (Random): 3 Nutriment, 3 Capsaicin, 3 Frost Oil, 3 Sprinkles, 3 Plasma, 3 Coco, 3 Slime Jelly, 3 Banana, 3 Berry Juice, 3 Omnizine

Produces a variety of (possibly dangerous) effects when eaten. Donut choco.png | Chocolate Donut | 1 donut + 1 chocolate bar | Donut, bitterness | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Hot coco, 1 Sprinkles | Goes great with a glass of milk. Donut olive.png | Matcha Donut | 1 donut + 3 units tea powder | Donut, matcha | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Tea powder, 1 Sprinkles | So good you may just suffer donut overdose. Donut meat.png | Meat Donut | 1 pastry base + 1 meat slab | Meat | 3 Nutriment, 2 ketchup | Tastes as gross as it looks. Donut purple.png | Spaceman's Donut | 1 donut + 3 units Polypyrylium Oligomers | Donut, violets | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Polypyrylium Oligomers, 1 Sprinkles | Goes great with a glass of malk. Slowly heals lung and brute damage while stopping bleeding over time. Sweetpeadonut.png | Sweet Pea Donut | 1 donut + 3 units Laughin' Syrup | Donut, fizzy tutti frutti | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Laughter | Goes great with a bottle of Bastion Burbon! Donut jelly.png | Jelly Donut | 1 pastry base + 5 units berry juice | Jelly, donut | 3 Nutriment, 1 Sprinkles (30% Chance of 2 Sprinkles), 5 Berry Juice, 1 Vitamin, | Security members recover more morale with these. Donut jelly.png | Slime Jelly Donut | 1 pastry base + 5 units slime jelly | | 3 Nutriment, 1 Sugar, 3 Slime jelly, 1 Vitamin | You Jelly? Donut jelly green.png | Apple Jelly Donut | 1 jelly donut + 3 units apple juice | Jelly, donut, green apples | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Apple juice, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin | Goes great with a shot of cinnamon schnapps! Donut jelly green.png | Apple Slime Donut | 1 slime jelly donut + 3 units apple juice | | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Apple juice, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin, 3 Slime jelly | Donut jelly pink.png | Pink Jelly Donut | 1 jelly donut + 3 units berry juice | Donut | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Berry juice, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin | Mmmm Pink. Donut jelly pink.png | Pink Slime Donut | 1 slime jelly donut + 3 units berry juice | | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Berry juice, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin, 3 Slime jelly | Donut jelly blue.png | Blumpkin Jelly Donut | 1 jelly donut + 3 units blumpkin juice | Jelly, donut, blumpkin | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Blumpkin juice, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin | Hard to describe how it tastes. Donut jelly blue.png | Blumpkin Slime Donut | 1 slime jelly donut + 3 units blumpkin juice | | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Blumpkin juice, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin, 3 Slime jelly | Donut jelly yellow.png | Bungo Jelly Donut | 1 jelly donut + 3 units bungo juice | Jelly, donut, tropical sweetness | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Bungo juice, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin | Goes great with a mason jar of hippie's delight. Donut jelly yellow.png | Bungo Slime Donut | 1 slime jelly donut + 3 units bungo juice | | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Bungo juice, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin, 3 Slime jelly | Donut jelly beige.png | Caramel Jelly Donut | 1 jelly donut + 3 units caramel | Jelly, donut, buttery sweetness | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Caramel, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin | Goes great with a mug of hot coco. Donut jelly beige.png | Caramel Slime Donut | 1 slime jelly donut + 3 units caramel | | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Caramel, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin, 3 Slime jelly | Donut jelly choco.png | Chocolate Jelly Donut | 1 jelly donut + 1 chocolate bar | Jelly, donut, bitterness | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Hot coco, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin | Delighfully decadent. Donut jelly choco.png | Chocolate Slime Donut | 1 slime jelly donut + 1 chocolate bar | | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Hot coco, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin, 3 Slime jelly | Donut jelly olive.png | Matcha Jelly Donut | 1 jelly donut + 3 units tea powder | Jelly, donut, matcha | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Tea powder, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin | Goes great with a cup of tea. Donut jelly olive.png | Matcha Slime Donut | 1 slime jelly donut + 3 units tea powder | | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Tea powder, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin, 3 Slime jelly | Donut jelly purple.png | Spaceman's Jelly Donut | 1 jelly donut + 3 units Polypyrylium Oligomers | Jelly, donut, violets | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Polypyrylium Oligomers, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin | Goes great with a cold beaker of malk. Donut jelly purple.png | Spaceman's Slime Donut | 1 slime jelly donut + 3 units Polypyrylium Oligomers | | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Polypyrylium Oligomers, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin, 3 Slime jelly | Sweetpeajellydonut.png | Sweet Pea Jelly Donut | 1 jelly donut + 3 units Laughin' Syrup | Jelly, donut, fizzy tutti frutti | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Laughter | Goes great with a bottle of Bastion Burbon! Sweetpeajellydonut.png | Sweet Pea Slime Donut | 1 slime jelly donut + 3 units Laughin' Syrup | | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Laughter, 3 Slime jelly Pockets Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Taste (Cooked) | Nutritional Value | Notes Donkpocketbanana 0.png | Honk-pocket | 1 pastry base + 1 meatball +1 Banana +3 units Sugar | Banana, dough, children's antibiotics | 4 Nutriment | Once heated up contains a little Omnizine, honk! Donkpocketberry 0.png | Berry-pocket | 1 pastry base + 1 Berry | Dough, warm jam | 4 Nutriment | Once heated up ontains a little Omnizine, sweet! Dankpocket.png | Dank-pocket | 1 pastry base + 1 Cannabis | Meat, dough | 3 Lipolicide, 3 Space Drugs, 4 Nutriment | The food of choice for the seasoned botanist. Donkpocket.png | Donk-pocket | 1 pastry base + 1 meatball | Meat, dough, laziness | 4 Nutriment | Once heated up contains Omnizine, until they cool. Reheatable once they do. Donkpocketgondola 0.png | Gondola-pocket | 1 pastry base + 1 meatball + 5 units Tranquility | Meat, dough, inner peace | 4 Nutriment | Once heated up contains a little Omnizine! Also transforms you into a gondola. Donkpocketpizza 0.png | Pizza-pocket | 1 pastry base + 1 meatball + 1 Tomato | Meat, dough, melty cheese | 4 Nutriment | Once heated up contains a little Omnizine, mama mia! Donkpocketspicy 0.png | Spicy-pocket | 1 pastry base + 1 meatball + 1 Chili | Meat, dough, spice | 4 Nutriment | Once heated up contains a little Omnizine, spicy! Donkpocketteriyaki 0.png | Teriyaki-pocket | 1 pastry base + 1 meatball + 3 units soy sauce | Meat, dough, soy sauce | 4 Nutriment | Once heated up contains a little Omnizine, savory! Waffles Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Taste | Nutritional Value | Notes Soylenvirdians.png | Soylent Green | 2 pastry base + 2 Human Meats | Waffles, people | 10 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | SOYLENT GREEN IS PEOPLE! Soylenvirdians.png | Soylen Viridians | 2 pastry base + 1 Soy Bean | Waffles, the colour green | 10 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | SOYLENT VIRIDIAN IS PLANTS! Roffle.png | Roffle Waffles | 2 pastry base + 5 units Mushroom Hallucinogen | Waffles, mushrooms | 8 Nutriment, 8 Mushroom Hallucinogen, 2 Vitamin | Like pancakes with hallucinogen traps. Waffles.png | Waffles | 2 pastry base | Waffles | 8 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | Like pancakes with syrup traps. Pies Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Taste | Nutritional Value | Notes Amapie.png | Amanita Pie | 1 plain pie + 1 Amanita | Pie, mushroom | 6 Nutriment, 3 Amatoxin, 1 Mushroom Hallucinogen, 4 Vitamin | Only slightly toxic, really! Applepie.png | Apple Pie | 1 plain pie + 1 Apple | Pie, apple | 11 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | The traditional dessert. Baklava.png | Baklava Pie | 4 Oat stalks + 4 tortillas + 2 butter | Nuts, pie | 12 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin | A delightful healthy snack made of nut layers with thin bread. Pie.gif | Banana Cream Pie | 1 plain pie + 1 Banana | Pie | 8 Nutriment, 5 Banana, 4 Vitamin | Contains a moderate amount of banana essence. Bearypie.png | Beary Pie | 1 bear steak + 1 plain pie + 1 Berry | Pie, meat, salmon | 12 Nutriment, 5 Protein, 5 Vitamin | No brown bears, this is a good sign. Berryclafoutis.png | Berry Clafoutis | 1 plain pie + 1 Berry | Pie, blackberries | 11 Nutriment, 5 Berry Juice, 4 Vitamin | It's like asking the deep-friers at a carnival for something healthy! Berrytart.png | Berry Tart | 1 plain pie + 5 units Sugar + 5 units Milk + 3 berries | Pie, berries | 3 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | A tasty dessert of many different small barries on a thin pie crust. Requires reading Cooking Desserts 101 to unlock. Blumpkinpie.png | Blumpkin Pie | 1 plain pie + 5 units Milk + 5 units Sugar + 1 Blumpkin | Pie, a mouthful of pool water | 13 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin | Full of delicious chlorine and ammonia. Cherrypie.png | Cherry Pie | 1 plain pie + 1 Cherry | pie, Nicole Paige Brooks | 11 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Taste so good, make a grown man cry. Chocolatelavatart.png | Chocolate Lava Tart | 1 plain pie + 5 units Sugar + 5 units Milk + 3 Chocolate Bars + 1 Slime Extract | pie, dark chocolate | 4 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin | A tasty dessert made of chocolate, with a liquid core. Requires reading Cooking Desserts 101 to unlock. Dulcedebatata.png | Dulce de Batata | 5 units Vanilla + 5 units Water + 2 Sweet potato | Jelly, sweet potato | 14 Nutriment, 8 Vitamin | A delicious jelly made with sweet potatoes. French silk pie.png | French Silk Pie | 1 plain pie + 2 Chocolate Bars + 5 units Sugar | Pie, smooth chocolate, whipped cream | 12 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin. | A decadent pie made of a creamy chocolate mousse filling topped with a layer of whipped cream and chocolate shavings. Sliceable. Frostypie.png | Frostypie | 1 plain pie + 1 Blue cherry | Mint, pie | 14 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin. | Tastes like blue and cold. Gtart.png | Golden Apple Streusel Tart | 1 plain pie + 5 units Milk + 5 units Sugar + 1 Gold apple | Pie, apple, expensive metal | 8 Nutriment, 5 Gold, 4 Vitamin | A tasty dessert that won't make it through a metal detector. Grapetart.png | Grape Tart | 1 plain pie + 5 units Sugar + 5 units Milk + 3 Grapes | Pie, grape | 4 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin | A tasty dessert that reminds you of the wine you didn't make. Meatpies.png | Meat-pie | 1 plain pie + 1 meat steak + 1 salt + 1 pepper | Pie, meat | 10 Nutriment, 2 Protein, 4 Vitamin | An old barber recipe, very delicious! Mimetart.png | Mime Tart | 1 plain pie + 5 units Sugar + 5 units Milk + 5 units Nothing | Nothing | 5 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin, 10 Nothing | … . Requires reading Cooking Desserts 101 to unlock. Plumppie.GIF | Plump Pie | 1 plain pie + 1 Plump Helmet | Pie, mushroom | 11 Nutriment, 5 Omnizine (10% Chance), 4 Vitamin | Has a chance to be “exceptional” - it'll contain Omnizine! Pumpkinpie.png | Pumpkin Pie | 1 plain pie + 1 Pumpkin + 5 units Milk + 5 units Sugar | Pie, pumpkin | 11 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Dangerously delicious. Shepherdspie.png | Shepherds Pie | 1 mashed potatoes + 3 cutlet + 1 onion + 1 peas + 1 corn + 1 garlic | Juicy meat, mashed potatoes, baked veggies | 40 Nutriment, 12 Protein, 20 Vitamin | A dish of minced meat and mixed vegetables baked under a layer of creamy mashed potatoes. Sliceable. Meatpies.png | Tofu Pie | 1 plain pie + 1 tofu | Pie, tofu | 11 Nutriment, 1 Protein, 6 Vitamin | Made of plants, or not? Xpie.png | Xeno Pie | 1 plain pie + 2 xeno cutlets | Pie, meat, acid | 11 Nutriment, 4 Protein, 6 Vitamin | A delicious end to the xeno threat. Pizzas Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | !Taste (Cooked) | Nutritional Value | Notes Arnoldpizza.png | Raw Arnold Pizza | 1 flat dough + 3 cutlets + 1 cheese wedge + 1 Tomato + 8 9mm Bullet Casings | Crust, tomato, cheese, pepperoni, 9 millimeter bullets | 30 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin, 10 Iron, 30 omnizine | Sliceable. Blows your arm off if you eat it voluntarily. Instantly gibs you if you try to put pineapple on it. Mutes you if you try to put mushroom on it. Hello, you've reached Arnold's pizza shop. Hello, you've reached Arnold's pizza shop. I'm not here now, I'm out killing pepperoni. Dankpizza.png | Raw Dank Pizza | 1 flat dough + 3 Ambrosia vulgaris + 1 cheese wedge + 1 Tomato | Crust, tomato, cheese, meat | 25 Nutriment, 5 Doctor's Delight, 6 Tomato Juice, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. The hippie's pizza of choice. Donkpocketpizza.png | Raw Donk Pocket Pizza | 1 flat dough + 3 Warm donk pockets + 1 Tomato + 1 cheese wedge | Crust, tomato, cheese, meat, laziness | 27 Nutriment, 9 Omnizine, 6 Vitamin | Sliceable. Who thought this would be a good idea? Pineapplepizza.png | Raw Hawaiian pizza | 1 flat dough + 2 cutlet + 3 Pineapple Slices + 1 cheese wedge + 1 Tomato | Crust, tomato, cheese, pineapple, ham | 30 nutriment, 20 vitamin, 1 cooking oil, 1 water | Sliceable. Contains pineapple. The pizza equivalent of Einstein's riddle. Margheritapizza.png | Raw Margherita Pizza | 1 flat dough + 4 cheese wedges + 1 Tomato | Crust, tomato, cheese | 30 Nutriment, 6 Tomato Juice, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. A slice of the most cheezy pizza in galaxy. Meatpizza.png | Raw Meatpizza | 1 flat dough + 4 cutlets + 1 cheese wedge + 1 Tomato | Crust, tomato, cheese, meat | 40 Nutriment, 6 Tomato Juice, 8 Vitamin | Sliceable. Greasy pizza with delicious meat. Mushroompizza.png | Raw Mushroom Pizza | 1 flat dough + 5 any Mushrooms | crust, tomato, cheese, meat | 30 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Very special pizza. Sassysagepizza.png | Raw Sassysage Pizza | 1 flat dough + 3 meatballs + 1 cheese wedge + 1 Tomato | Crust, tomato, cheese, meat | 6 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin | Sliceable. You can almost taste the sassiness. Vegepizza.png | Raw Vegetable Pizza | 1 flat dough + 1 Eggplant + 1 Carrot + 1 Corn + 1 Tomato | Crust, tomato, cheese, carrot | 25 Nutriment, 6 Tomato Juice, 12 Oculine, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. No one of Tomatos Sapiens were harmed during making this pizza. Salads Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Taste | Nutritional Value | Notes Aesirsalad.png | Aesir Salad | 1 Bowl + 3 Ambrosia Deus + 1 Gold apple | Leaves | 8 Nutriment, 8 Omnizine, 6 Vitamin | Probably too incredible for mortal men to fully enjoy. Antipasto.png | Antipasto Salad | 1 bowl + 2 cabbages + 1 olive + 1 tomato + 1 cutlet + 1 mozzarella | Lettuce, salami, mozzarella cheese, tomatoes, dressing | 12 Nutriment, 12 Vitamin, 6 Protein | A traditional Italian salad made of salami, mozzarella cheese, olives, and tomatoes. Often served as a first course meal. Gumbo.png | Black Eyed Gumbo | 1 boiled Rice, 1 Cutlet + 1 Peas + 1 Chili | Building heat, savory meat and vegetables | 5 Nutriment, 3 Vitamin, 2 Capsaicin | A spicy and savory meat and rice dish. Caesarsalad.png | Caesar Salad | 1 bowl + 1 cabbage + 1 red onion slice + 1 cheese wedge + 5 units quality oil + 1 bread slice | Healthy greens, olive dressing, feta cheese, pita bread | 12 Nutriment, 12 Vitamin | A simple yet flavorful salad of onions, lettuce, croutons, and shreds of cheese dressed in oil. Comes with a slice of pita bread! Citrusdelight.png | Citrus Delight | 1 Bowl + 1 Orange + 1 Lime + 1 Lemon | Sourness, leaves | 7 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Citrus overload! Fruitsalad.png | Fruit Salad | 1 Bowl + 1 Orange + 1 Apple + 1 Grapes + 2 Watermelon slice | Fruit | 2 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin | Your standard fruit salad. Greeksalad.png | Greek Salad | 1 bowl + 1 olive + 1 tomato + 2 red onion slice + 2 cheese wedge + 5 units quality oil | Healthy greens, olive dressing, feta cheese | 12 Nutriment, 12 Vitamin | A popular salad made of tomatoes, onions, feta cheese, and olives all drizzled in olive oil. Though it feels like it's missing something… Herbsalad.png | Herb Salad | 1 Bowl + 3 Ambrosia Vulgaris + 1 Apple | Leaves, apple | 8 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | A tasty salad with apples on top. Junglesalad.png | Jungle Salad | 1 Bowl + 1 Apple + 1 Grapes + 2 Banana + 2 Watermelon slice | Fruit, the jungle | 7 Nutriment, 5 Banana, 4 Vitamin | Exotic fruits in a bowl. Kalesalad.png | Kale Salad | 1 bowl + 1 carrot + 1 cabbage + 2 red onion slice + 5 units quality oil | Healthy greens, olive dressing | 12 Nutriment, 12 Vitamin | A healthy kale salad drizzled in oil, perfect for warm summer months. Potatosalad.png | Potato Salad | 1 bowl + 2 potato + 2 boiled eggs + 1 onion + 5 units mayonnaise | Creamy potatoes, eggs, mayonnaise, onions | 12 Nutriment, 12 Vitamin, 4 Protein | A dish of boiled potatoes mixed with boiled eggs, onions, and mayonnaise. A staple of every self-respecting barbeque. Melonfruitbowl.png | Melon Fruit Bowl | 1 Watermelon + 1 Apple + 1 Orange + 1 Lemon + 1 Banana + 1 Ambrosia | | 6 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin | The only salad where you can eat the bowl Edensalad.png | Salad of Eden | 1 Bowl + 1 Ambrosia Vulgaris, 1 Ambrosia Deus, 1 Ambrosia Gaia, 1 World Peas | Extreme bitterness, hope | 7 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin, 3 Earthsblood, 5 Omnizine, 2 Happiness | A salad brimming with untapped potential. Spinachfruitsalad.png | Spinach Fruit Salad | 1 bowl + 3 herbs + 2 berries + 2 pineapple slices + 2 units quality oil | Spinach, berries, pineapple, dressing | 12 Nutriment, 12 Vitamin | A vibrant fruit salad made of spinach, berries, and pineapple chunks all drizzled in oil. Yummy! Springsalad.png | Spring Salad | 1 bowl + 2 cabbage + 1 carrot + 1 pea + 5 units quality oil | Crisp greens, olive dressing, salt | 12 Nutriment, 12 Vitamin | A simple salad of carrots, lettuce and peas drizzled in oil with a pinch of salt. Validsalad.png | Valid Salad | 1 Bowl + 3 Ambrosia Vulgaris + 1 Potato + 1 meatball | Leaves, potato, meat, valids | 8 Nutriment, 5 Doctor's Delight, 2 Vitamin | It's just an herb salad with meatballs and fried potato slices. Nothing suspicious about it. Sandwiches Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Taste | Nutritional Value | Notes Blt.png | BLT | 2 (plain) bread slices + 2 bacon + 1 Cabbage + 1 Tomato | Bacon, lettuce, tomato, bread | 7 Nutriment, 5 Protein, 3 Vitamin | A classic bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwich. Danishdog.png | Danish Hotdog | 1 bun + 1 sausage + 1 Pickle + 1 onion + 5 ketchup | Bun, meat, fried onion, pickles | 5 Nutriment, 1 Protein, 7 Vitamin, 3 Ketchup | Appetizing bun, with a sausage in the middle, covered with sauce, fried onion, and pickle rings. Toastsand.png | Grilled Cheese Sandwich | 2 (plain) bread slices + 2 cheese wedge | Toast, cheese, butter | 6 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | Space Vegetarian, but not Space Vegan friendly. Hotdog.png | Hotdog | 1 bun + 1 Sausage + 5 units Ketchup | Bun, meat | 6 Nutriment, 3 Ketchup, 3 Vitamin | Fresh footlong ready to go down on. Rorosandwich.png | Jelly Sandwich | 2 (plain) bread slices + 5 units cherry jelly | Bread, jelly | 2 Nutriment, 5 Cherry, 2 Vitamin | You wish you had some peanut butter to go with this… Rorosandwich.png | Jelly Sandwich (slime) | 2 (plain) bread slices + 5 units slime jam | | 2 Nutriment, 5 Slime Jelly, 2 Vitamin | Probably as toxic to the crew as peanuts would be. Notasandwich.png | Not-a-Sandwich | 1 Fake Moustache + 2 (plain) bread slices | Nothing suspicious | 6 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin | Something seems to be wrong with this, you can't quite figure what. Maybe it's his moustache. Sandwich.png | Sandwich | 2 (plain) bread slices + 1 meat steak + 1 cheese wedge | Meat, cheese, bread, lettuce | 7 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | Talking to your food may result in a trip to the Chaplain. PB&J.png | Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich | 2 (plain) bread slices + 5 units cherry jelly + 5 units peanut butter | Peanut butter, jelly, bread | 2 Nutriment, 4 Protein, 2 Vitamin | A classic PB&J sandwich, just like your mom used to make. PBBananaSandwich.png | Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich | 2 (plain) bread slices + 5 units peanut butter + 1 banana | Peanut butter, banana, bread | 2 Nutriment, 4 Protein, 2 Vitamin, 5 Banana | A grilled peanut butter sandwich with banana slices mixed in, a good high protein treat. Philly.png | Philly cheesesteak | 2 (plain) bread slices + 2 cutlets + 1 cheese wedge + 1 onion | Bread, juicy meat, melted cheese, onions | 10 Nutriment, 8 Protein, 8 Vitamin | A popular sandwich made of sliced meat, onions, melted cheese in a long hoagie roll. Mouthwatering doesn't even begin to describe it. Soups & Stews Bowl Icon | Name | Requirements | Results | Taste | Food Types | Description Autowiki-soup Water.png | Custom Soup | 30 units Water Created from burning soup with at least 3 ingredients present At temperature 580K 10 units Water Whatever's in the pot Whatever you use. | Whatever you use. | A custom soup recipe, allowing you to throw whatever you want in the pot. Autowiki-soup Meatball Soup.png | Meatball Soup | 50 units Water 1 meatball 1 carrot 1 potato At temperature 450K 30 units Meatball Soup 9 units Water Meat | Meat | You've got balls kid, BALLS! Autowiki-soup Vegetable Soup.png | Vegetable Soup | 50 units Water 1 carrot 1 ear of corn 1 eggplant 1 potato At temperature 450K 30 units Vegetable Soup 9 units Water Vegetables | Vegetables | A true vegan meal. Autowiki-soup Nettle Soup.png | Nettle Soup | 50 units Water 1 nettle 1 potato 1 boiled egg At temperature 450K 30 units Nettle Soup 9 units Water 6 units Omnizine Nettles | Vegetables | To think, the botanist would've beat you to death with one of these. Autowiki-soup Wing Fang Chu.png | Wing Fang Chu | 50 units Water 5 units Soysauce 2 xeno cutlets At temperature 450K 30 units Wing Fang Chu 10 units Soysauce Soy | Meat | A savory dish of alien wing wang in soy. Autowiki-soup Hot Chili.png | Hot Chili | 50 units Water 2 cutlets 1 chili 1 tomato At temperature 450K 30 units Hot Chili 10 units Tomato Juice Hot peppers | Meat, Vegetables | A five alarm Texan Chili! Autowiki-soup Cold Chili.png | Cold Chili | 50 units Water 2 cutlets 1 chilly pepper 1 tomato At temperature 450K 30 units Cold Chili 10 units Tomato Juice Tomato, mint | Meat, Vegetables | This slush is barely a liquid! Autowiki-soup Chili Con Carnival.png | Chili Con Carnival | 50 units Water 2 cutlets 1 chili 1 tomato 1 clown shoes At temperature 450K 30 units Chili Con Carnival 8 units Tomato Juice 4 units Laughter 4 units Banana Juice Tomato, hot peppers, clown feet, kind of funny, someone's parents | Meat, Vegetables | A delicious stew of meat, chiles, and salty, salty clown tears. Autowiki-soup Chili Sin Carne.png | Chili Sin Carne | 40 units Water 5 units Table Salt 1 chili 1 tomato At temperature 450K 30 units Chili Sin Carne 10 units Tomato Juice Bitterness, sourness | Vegetables | For the hombres who don't want carne. Autowiki-soup Tomato Soup.png | Tomato Soup | 50 units Water 2 tomatos At temperature 450K 30 units Tomato Soup 20 units Tomato Juice Tomato | Vegetables, Fruits | Drinking this feels like being a vampire! A tomato vampire… Autowiki-soup Eyeball Soup.png | Eyeball Soup | 50 units Water 2 tomatos 1 eyes At temperature 450K 20 units Eyeball Soup 10 units Tomato Soup 2 units Nutriment 6 units Protein 6 units Tomato Juice 6 units Liquid Gibs Tomato, squirming | Meat, Vegetables, Fruits, Gore | It looks back at you… Autowiki-soup Miso Soup.png | Miso Soup | 50 units Water 2 soy dopes 2 tofus At temperature 450K 30 units Miso Soup 10 units Water Miso | Vegetables, Breakfast food | The universes best soup! Yum!!! Autowiki-soup Blood.png | Blood | 10 units Water 10 units Blood 2 blood-tomatos At temperature 450K 10 units Blood 8 units Water 7 units Protein Iron | Gross food | Autowiki-soup Slime Soup.png | Slime Soup | 40 units Water 1 slime extract At temperature 450K 30 units Slime Soup 20 units Slime Jelly 7 units Nutriment 7 units Vitamin 6 units Water Slime | Gross food | If no water is available, you may substitute tears. Autowiki-soup Slime Soup.png | Slime Soup | 40 units Water 20 units Slime Jelly At temperature 450K 30 units Slime Soup 20 units Slime Jelly 7 units Nutriment 7 units Vitamin 6 units Water Slime | Gross food | If no water is available, you may substitute tears. Autowiki-soup Clown's Tears.png | Clown's Tears | 30 units Space Lube 1 banana 1 bananium At temperature 450K 30 units Clown's Tears 8 units Banana Juice 12 units Vitamin 5 units Space Lube A bad joke, mournful honking | Fruits, Sugary food | The sorrow and melancholy of a thousand bereaved clowns, forever denied their Honkmechs. Autowiki-soup Mystery Soup.png | Mystery Soup | 50 units Water 1 burned mess 1 tofu 1 boiled egg 1 cheese wedge At temperature 450K 30 units Mystery Soup Will also contain 10 units of one randomly: Blood, Carbon, Banana Juice, Capsaicin Oil, Frost Oil, Oculine, Omnizine, Toxin, Slime Jelly Chaos | None | The mystery is, why aren't you eating it? Autowiki-soup Monkey's Delight.png | Monkey's Delight | 25 units Water 5 units Flour 5 units Table Salt 5 units Black Pepper 1 monkey cube 1 banana At temperature 450K 30 units Monkey's Delight 12 units Nutriment 4 units Table Salt 4 units Black Pepper May contain a monkey. The jungle, banana | Fruits | A delicious soup with dumplings and hunks of monkey meat simmered to perfection, in a broth that tastes faintly of bananas. Autowiki-soup Chantrelle Soup.png | Chantrelle Soup | 40 units Water 10 units Milk 1 chanterelle cluster At temperature 450K 30 units Chantrelle Soup 9 units Nutriment 8 units Vitamin 2 units Milk Mushroom | Vegetables, Dairy products | A delicious and hearty mushroom soup. Autowiki-soup Beet Soup.png | Beet Soup | 50 units Water 1 white-beet 1 cabbage At temperature 450K 30 units Beet Soup 10 units Water Changes name randomly to a common misspelling of “Borscht”. Beet | Vegetables, Dairy products | Wait, how do you spell it again..? Autowiki-soup Stew.png | Stew | 50 units Water 1 tomato 3 cutlets 1 potato 1 carrot 1 eggplant 1 mushroom At temperature 450K 30 units Stew 10 units Tomato Juice Tomato, carrot | Meat, Vegetables, Fruits | A nice and warm stew. Healthy and strong. Autowiki-soup Sweet Potato Soup.png | Sweet Potato Soup | 40 units Water 10 units Milk 2 sweet potatos At temperature 450K 30 units Sweet Potato Soup 10 units Water Sweet potato | Vegetables, Sugary food | Delicious sweet potato in soup form. Autowiki-soup Red Beet Soup.png | Red Beet Soup | 50 units Water 1 red beet 1 cabbage At temperature 450K 30 units Red Beet Soup 10 units Water Beet | Vegetables | Quite a delicacy. Autowiki-soup French Onion Soup.png | French Onion Soup | 50 units Water 1 onion 1 cheese wedge At temperature 450K 30 units French Onion Soup 8 units Protein 8 units Tomato Juice Caramelized onions | Vegetables, Dairy products | Good enough to make a grown mime cry. Autowiki-soup Bisque.png | Bisque | 50 units Water 1 crab meat 1 boiled rice At temperature 450K 30 units Bisque 6 units Protein 4 units Vitamin 5 units Water Creamy texture, crab | Meat | A classic entree from Space-France. Autowiki-soup Bungo Curry.png | Bungo Curry | 40 units Water 10 units Cream 1 chili 1 bungo fruit At temperature 450K 30 units Bungo Curry 15 units Bungo Juice Bungo, hot curry, tropical sweetness | Vegetables, Fruits, Dairy products | A spicy vegetable curry made with the humble bungo fruit, Exotic! Autowiki-soup Electron Soup.png | Electron Soup | 45 units Water 5 units Table Salt 1 jupiter cup At temperature 450K 30 units Electron Soup 10 units Enriched Liquid Electricity Mushroom, electrons | Vegetables, Toxic food | A gastronomic curiosity of ethereal origin. It is famed for the minature weather system formed over a properly prepared soup. Autowiki-soup Pea Soup.png | Pea Soup | 50 units Water 2 peapods 1 parsnip 1 carrot At temperature 450K 30 units Pea Soup 10 units Water Creamy peas, parsnip | Vegetables | A humble split pea soup. Autowiki-soup Indian Chicken Curry.png | Indian Chicken Curry | 50 units Water 5 units Cream 1 chicken meat 2 onions 1 chili 1 garlic 1 stick of butter 1 boiled rice At temperature 450K 30 units Indian Chicken Curry Chicken, creamy curry, earthy heat | Meat, Vegetables, Dairy products | A mild, creamy curry from the old subcontinent. Liked by the Space-British, because it reminds them of the Raj. Autowiki-soup Oatmeal.png | Oatmeal | 20 units Milk 2 oats At temperature 450K 20 units Oatmeal 12 units Milk 8 units Vitamin Oats, milk | Grain, Dairy products, Breakfast food | A nice bowl of oatmeal. Autowiki-soup Zurek.png | Zurek | 40 units Water 10 units Flour 1 boiled egg 1 cutlet 1 carrot 1 onion At temperature 450K 30 units Zurek Creamy vegetables, sausage | Meat, Vegetables, Grain, Breakfast food | A traditional Polish soup composed of vegetables, meat, and an egg. Goes great with bread. Autowiki-soup Cullen Skink.png | Cullen Skink | 40 units Water 10 units Milk 4 units Black Pepper 1 fish fillet 1 onion 1 potato At temperature 450K 30 units Cullen Skink 6 units Nutriment 4 units Protein 4 units Vitamin 6 units Water Creamy broth, fish, vegetables | Vegetables, Dairy products, Seafood | A thick Scottish soup made of smoked fish, potatoes and onions. Autowiki-soup Chicken Noodle Soup.png | Chicken Noodle Soup | 30 units Water 1 carrot 1 chicken meat 1 boiled spaghetti At temperature 450K 30 units Chicken Noodle Soup 2 units Nutriment 3 units Vitamin 5 units Protein Broth, chicken, noodles, carrots | Meat, Vegetables, Grain | A hearty bowl of chicken noodle soup, perfect for when you're stuck at home and sick. Autowiki-soup Corn Chowder.png | Corn Chowder | 40 units Water 5 units Cream 1 ear of corn 1 potato 1 carrot 1 piece of bacon At temperature 450K 30 units Corn Chowder 4 units Protein 2 units Nutriment Creamy broth, bacon, mixed vegetables | Meat, Vegetables | A creamy bowl of corn chowder, with bacon bits and mixed vegetables. One bowl is never enough. Autowiki-soup Atrakor dumpling soup.png | Atrakor dumpling soup | 40 units Water 10 units Soysauce 2 raw cutlets 1 onion 1 Tiziran dumplings At temperature 450K 30 units Atrakor dumpling soup 10 units Water Bone broth, onion, potato | Meat, Vegetables, Nuts | A bowl of rich, meaty dumpling soup, traditionally served during the festival of Atrakor's Might on Tizira. The dumplings are shaped like the Night Sky Lord himself. Autowiki-soup Meatball Noodle Soup.png | Meatball Noodle Soup | 50 units Water 2 raw cutlets 1 onion 1 nizaya pasta 2 meatballs 1 peanut At temperature 450K 30 units Meatball Noodle Soup 10 units Water Bone broth, meat, gnocchi, peanuts | Meat, Vegetables, Nuts | A hearty noodle soup made from meatballs and nizaya in a rich broth. Commonly topped with a handful of chopped nuts. Autowiki-soup Tiziran black broth.png | Tiziran black broth | 40 units Water 8 units Vinegar 8 units Blood 4 units Ice 1 Tiziran blood sausage 1 onion At temperature 450K 30 units Tiziran black broth 8 units Blood 7 units Liquid Gibs 5 units Vinegar Vinegar, iron | Meat, Vegetables, Gore | A bowl of sausage, onion, blood and vinegar, served ice cold. Every bit as rough as it sounds. Autowiki-soup Jellyfish Stew.png | Jellyfish Stew | 50 units Water 1 canned gunner jellyfish 1 soybeans 1 red beet 1 potato At temperature 450K 30 units Jellyfish Stew 5 units Water Slime | Meat, Vegetables, Gore | A slimy bowl of jellyfish stew. It jiggles if you shake it. Autowiki-soup Rootbread Soup.png | Rootbread Soup | 50 units Water 2 rootbread slices 1 garlic 1 chili 1 egg At temperature 450K 30 units Rootbread Soup 8 units Protein Bread, egg, chili, garlic | Meat, Vegetables | A big bowl of spicy, savoury soup made with rootbread. Heavily seasoned, and very tasty. Autowiki-soup Flöfrölenmæsch.png | Flöfrölenmæsch | 50 units Water 1 cotton bundle 1 onion 1 carrot 1 eggplant 1 oven-baked corn At temperature 450K 30 units Flöfrölenmæsch Cotton, broth | Vegetables, Clothing | A soup made from raw cotton in a flavourful vegetable broth. Enjoyed only by moths and the criminally tasteless. Autowiki-soup Ælosterrmæsch.png | Ælosterrmæsch | 30 units Water 10 units Flour 10 units Milk 2 cheese wedges 1 stick of butter 1 sweet potato At temperature 450K 30 units Ælosterrmæsch 8 units Protein 2 units Milk Cheese, cream, sweet potato | Grain, Dairy products | A simple and filling soup made from homemade cheese and sweet potato. The curds provide texture while the whey provides volume- and they both provide deliciousness! Autowiki-soup Misklmæsch.png | Misklmæsch | 40 units Water 10 units Vinegar 1 pack of sunflower seeds 1 pack of lily seeds 1 pack of ambrosia vulgaris seeds At temperature 450K 30 units Misklmæsch 13 units Vitamin 12 units Nutriment 8 units Vinegar 7 units Water Bitterness, sourness | Vegetables | A seed based soup, made by germinating seeds and then boiling them. Produces a particularly bitter broth which is usually balanced by the addition of vinegar. Autowiki-soup Prickeldröndolhaskl.png | Prickeldröndolhaskl | 50 units Water 1 tin of beans 1 cabbage 1 tomato 1 onion 1 chili 1 oven-baked corn At temperature 450K 30 units Prickeldröndolhaskl 10 units Protein 10 units Water Beans, cabbage, spicy sauce | Vegetables | A spicy bean stew with lots of veggies, commonly served aboard the fleet as a filling and satisfying meal with rice or bread. Autowiki-soup Häfmisklhaskl.png | Häfmisklhaskl | 50 units Water 1 oat 1 sweet potato 1 parsnip 1 carrot At temperature 450K 30 units Häfmisklhaskl Oats, sweet potato, carrot, parsnip, pumpkin | Vegetables, Grain | A spicy bean stew with lots of veggies, commonly served aboard the fleet as a filling and satisfying meal with rice or bread. Autowiki-soup Tömpröttkrakklmæsch.png | Tömpröttkrakklmæsch | 30 units Water 15 units Yoghurt 5 units Vinegar 1 ghost chili 1 tofu At temperature 450K 30 units Tömpröttkrakklmæsch 8 units Protein 2 units Vinegar Love, hate | Vegetables, Dairy products | Tömpröttkrakklmæsch, or heartburn soup, is a cold soup dish that originated amongst the jungle moths, and is named for two things- its rosy pink colour, and its scorchingly hot chili heat. Autowiki-soup Rice Porridge.png | Rice Porridge | 30 units Water 5 units Table Salt 1 boiled rice At temperature 450K 20 units Rice Porridge 5 units Table Salt Nothing | Grain | A plate of rice porridge. It's mostly flavourless, but it does fill a spot. To the Chinese it's congee, and moths call it höllflöfmisklsløsk. Autowiki-soup Cornmeal Porridge.png | Cornmeal Porridge | 20 units Cornmeal 20 units Water At temperature 450K 20 units Cornmeal Porridge Cornmeal | Grain | A plate of cornmeal porridge. It's more flavourful than most porridges, and makes a good base for other flavours, too. Autowiki-soup Cheesy Porridge.png | Cheesy Porridge | 5 units Milk 20 units Cornmeal Porridge 20 units Water 1 firm cheese slice 1 curd cheese 1 stick of butter At temperature 450K 30 units Cheesy Porridge 8 units Vitamin 4 units Protein Cornmeal, cheese, more cheese, lots of cheese | Grain, Dairy products | A rich and creamy bowl of cheesy cornmeal porridge. Autowiki-soup Töchtaüse Rice Porridge.png | Töchtaüse Rice Porridge | 20 units Rice Porridge 10 units Töchtaüse Syrup 10 units Water 1 chili At temperature 450K 30 units Töchtaüse Rice Porridge 6 units Protein 6 units Vitamin 6 units Töchtaüse Syrup Sugar, spice | Vegetables, Grain | Commonly served aboard the mothic fleet, rice porridge with töchtaüse syrup is more palatable than the regular stuff, if even just because it's spicier than normal. Autowiki-soup Eltsløsk ül a priktæolk.png | Eltsløsk ül a priktæolk | 10 units Vanilla Powder 20 units Yoghurt 10 units Sugar 1 red beet At temperature 373.15K 24 units Eltsløsk ül a priktæolk 8 units Protein 8 units Sugar Sweet beets, sugar, sweetened yoghurt | Vegetables, Dairy products, Sugary food | Red porridge with yoghurt. The name and vegetable ingredients obscure the sweet nature of the dish, which is commonly served as a dessert aboard the fleet.

Spaghettis Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Taste | Nutritional Value | Notes Beefnoodle.png | Beef Noodle | 1 boiled spaghetti + 1 Bowl + 2 cutlet + 1 Cabbage | Noodles, meat | 5 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin, 3 Liquid Gibs | Nutritious, beefy, and noodly. Butternoodles.png | Butter Noodles | 1 boiled spaghetti + 1 butter | Noodles, butter | 8 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | Noodles covered in savory butter. Chowmein.png | Chowmein | 1 boiled spaghetti + 1 cutlet + 2 Cabbage + 1 Carrot | Noodles, meat, fried vegetables | 7 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin | A nice mix of noodles and fried vegetables. Copypasta.gif | Copypasta | 2 tomato pastas | Pasta, tomato | 12 Nutriment, 20 Tomato Juice, 8 Vitamin | You probably shouldn't try this, you always hear people talking about how bad it is… Lasaga.png | Lasagna | 1 spaghetti + 2 cutlet + 2 tomato + 2 cheese wedge | | 6 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin, 10 Tomato juice | A slice of lasagna. Perfect for a Monday afternoon. Maccheese.png | Mac 'n' Cheese | 1 boiled spaghetti + 1 bechamel sauce + 2 cheese wedge + 1 bread slice + 2 black pepper | Cheese, breadcrumbs, pasta | 9 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | Made the proper way with only the finest cheese and breadcrumbs. And yet, it can't scratch the same itch as Ready-Donk. Meatballspag.png | Spaghetti & Meatballs | 1 boiled spaghetti + 2 meatballs | Pasta, meat | 8 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin | Now that's a nic'e meatball! Spesslaw.png | Spesslaw | 1 boiled spaghetti + 4 meatballs | Pasta, meat | 8 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin | A lawyers favourite. Pastatomato.png | Spaghetti | 1 boiled spaghetti + 2 tomatoes | Pasta, tomato | 6 Nutriment, 10 Tomato Juice, 4 Vitamin | Spaghetti and crushed tomatoes. Just like your abusive father used to make! Custom Recipes Sometimes you want to get creative. You can make custom food by adding any ingredient you like on a base food to start a custom recipe. You can rename those foods with a pen.

Custom food | How to acquire Custom Bread | Use ingredients on a plain bread. Sliceable for custom bread slice. Custom Cake | Use ingredients on a plain cake. Sliceable for custom cake slice. Custom Pizza | Use ingredients on a pizza bread. Sliceable for custom cake slice. Custom Pie | Use ingredients on a plain pie. Custom Spaghetti | Use ingredients on a plate of boiled spaghetti. Custom Salad | Use ingredients on an empty bowl. Custom Soup | Fill a bowl with any liquid reagent then use your ingredients on the bowl. Custom Kebab | Use ingredients on a metal rod. Custom Sandwich | Use ingredients on any bread slice. Use another bread slice (any type) to finish the sandwich. Custom Burger | Use ingredients on a bun. Custom Sushi | Use ingredients on a seaweed sheet. Recipe Books Some recipes will only be visible in your crafting menu Crafting menu hud icon.png after reading a special book first. So far there is only one such book:

Picture | Book | Unlocks | Where to get | Notes Cooking Desserts 101.png | Cooking Desserts 101 | Mime tart, berry tart, chocolate lava tart, clown cake and vanilla cake. | Dinner-o-Mat | Icecream Vat.png Icecream Vat Ding-aling ding dong. Get your Nanotrasen-approved ice cream!

This is the window that opens when you click an Icecream Vat. For those hot days on the station there's an Icecream Vat, which can be used to make icecream. You do this by first clicking the Icecream Vat to open a window. To create an icecream, you must first dispense a cone. Then you click “select” next to the icecream type you want to put into the cone. Then you click the vat while holding the cone in hand. The vat starts with some icecream and several cones stored. To make more of them you must click the “make” buttons while having the correct ingredients stored in the vat. Making more icecream or cones will just store them in the vat, until you make an icecream with it as described above. The “Refill from beaker” button can be used to refill the vat with the standard ingredients (flour, sugar, milk, vanilla etc). Do it by loading a beaker (containing for example ice) into the vat, and then clicking “refill from beaker”. The ice will be transferred to the vat, and can then be used if you click certain “make” buttons. Eject a beaker with alt-click. The recipes below describe which ingredients the vat must be filled with to be able to “make” the listed items.

Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Notes Waffle Cone.png | Waffle Cone | 1 unit units flour + 1 unit sugar | Delicious waffle cone, but no ice cream. Chocolate Cone.png | Chocolate Cone | 1 unit units flour + 1 unit sugar + 1 coco powder | Delicious chocolate cone, but no ice cream. Vanilla Icecream.png | Vanilla Ice Cream | 1 unit Milk + 1 unit ice + 1 unit vanilla | Scoop it up with a Waffle/Chocolate Cone. Strawberry Icecream.png | Strawberry Ice Cream | 1 unit Milk + 1 unit ice + 1 unit berry juice | Scoop it up with a Waffle/Chocolate Cone. Chocolate Icecream.png | Chocolate Ice Cream | 1 unit Milk + 1 unit ice 1 unit coco powder | Scoop it up with a Waffle/Chocolate Cone. Blue Icecream.png | Blue Ice Cream | 1 unit Milk + 1 unit ice + 1 unit Singulo | Scoop it up with a Waffle/Chocolate Cone. Vanilla Icecream.png | Custom Ice Cream | 1 unit Milk + 1 unit ice + 1 unit optional flavoring (any reagent) | This will let you create custom ice cream flavoured by any reagent. Do it by putting a beaker with any reagents into the Icecream Vat. Then click “Make” and “Select” next to “custom ice cream”. Then dispense and use a cone on the Icecream Vat to create your custom icecream. Remove the beaker by alt-clicking the vat. Grill on.gifGrill Orderable from cargo. Grilling food adds grill marks, nutrition and char which makes it taste better. Can be powered with coal, wood or Monkey Energy Monkey energy.png. (Detailed instructions to be added)

Produce console.pngProduce Orders Console An interface for ordering fresh produce and other. A far more expensive option than the botanists, but oh well.

Fruits and Veggies Picture | Food name | Cost Potato.png | Potato | 10 cr Tomato.png | Tomato | 10 cr Carrot.png | Carrot | 10 cr Eggplant.png | Eggplant | 10 cr Plumphelmet.png | Plump Helmet | 10 cr Cabbage.png | Cabbage | 10 cr Onion.png | Onion | 10 cr Apple.png | Apple | 10 cr Pumpkin.png | Pumpkin | 10 cr Watermelon.png | Watermelon | 10 cr Corn.png | Corn | 10 cr Soybeans.png | Soybeans | 10 cr Garlic.png | Garlic | 10 cr Cherry.png | Cherries | 10 cr Chanterelle.png | Chanterelle | 10 cr Cocoapod.png | Cocoa | 10 cr Herbs.png | Bundle of Herbs | 5 cr Bellpepper.png | Bell Pepper | 10 cr Milk and Eggs Picture | Food name | Cost Milk.png | Milk | 30 cr Soymilk.gif | Soy Milk | 30 cr Creamjug.png | Cream | 40 cr Yoghurt.png | Yoghurt | 40 cr Eggcarton.png | Egg Carton | 40 cr Carpfillet.png | Fish Fillet | 12 cr Spidereggs.gif | Spider Eggs | 10 cr Moonfish eggs.png | Moonfish Eggs | 30 cr Canned snails.png | Canned Desert Snails | 20 cr Canned jellyfish.png | Canned Gunner Jellyfish | 20 cr Canned larvae.png | Canned Larvae | 20 cr Tomatocan.png | Canned San Marzano Tomatoes | 30 cr Pinenutcan.png | Canned Pine Nuts | 20 cr Sauces and Reagents Picture | Food name | Cost Cornmealbetter.png | Cornmeal | 40 cr Flour.png | Flour Sack | 30 cr Sugar.gif | Sugar Sack | 30 cr Rice.png | Rice Sack | 30 cr Universal Enzyme.png | Universal Enzyme | 40 cr Salt.png | Salt Shaker | 15 cr Pepper.png | Pepper Mill | 15 cr Soysauce.png | Soy Sauce | 15 cr BBQ sauce.png | BBQ Sauce | 60 cr Vinegar.png | Vinegar | 30 cr Oliveoil.png | Quality Oil | 50 cr PeanutButterJar.png | Peanut Butter | 30 cr Vending Machine Food Vendsnack.gif Junk Food If you're hungry and the Cook is not around to make you a meal, you might want to check the nearest Getmore Chocolate Corp -vending machine for some quick snacks to fill up your belly. Most of these cannot be made, except for beef jerky and raisins: these are made by drying meat and grapes respectively on a drying rack.

Picture | Dispenses | Description Candy.png | Candy | Nougat; love it or hate it. Consists of nutriment and sugar, filling you mildly. Cup Ramen.png | Cup Ramen | Just add 10ml water, self heats! A taste that reminds you of your school years. Chips.png | Chips | Commander Riker's What-The-Crisps. Consists of nutriment and sugar, filling you mildly. Beef Jerky.png | Scaredy's Private Reserve Beef Jerky | Beef jerky made from the finest space cows. Consists of nutriment and sugar, filling you mildly. 4no Raisins.png | 4no Raisins | Best raisins in the universe. Not sure why. Consists of nutriment and sugar, making it a filling snack. Space Twinkie.png | Space Twinkie | A few bite snack consisting of a small amount of sugar. Cheesie Honkers.png | Cheesie Honkers | Bite sized cheesie snacks that will honk all over your mouth. Consists of nutriment and sugar, filling you mildly, Shrimpchip.png | Shrimp Chips | Deep-fried, shrimp flavored chips. A favorite junkfood among seafood connoisseurs! Gallerypeanuts.png | Gallery's Peanuts | A favourite amongst the terminally angry. Available in 5 flavours. Cds.png | C&Ds | Legally, we cannot say that these won't melt in your hands. Available in 5 flavours. Buritoschipflavors.gif | Boritos | Triangular corn chips. They do seem a bit bland but would probably go well with some kind of dipping sauce, comes in 4 flavors. Pistachios.png | Pistachios | A pack of Sweetie's brand premium pistacios. Semki.png | Semki | A pack of roasted sunflower seeds. Beloved by space russians and babushka alike.. Highenergybar.png | High-Power Energy Bars | An energy bar with a lot of punch, you probably shouldn't eat this if you're not an Ethereal. Filled with Liquid Electricity, which feeds Ethereals and shocks everyone else. Other food Picture | Item | Description Cookie.gif | Cookie | A Peacekeeper cyborg can dispense cookies. Each cookie contains a small amount of nutriment. Lollipop.png | Lollipop | Medical cyborgs can dispense lollipops. Regular ones are full of Omnizine, sugar, iron, vitamin and nutriment, while Cyborg made ones replace omnizine with Psicodine. Gumball.png | Gumball | Medical cyborgs can also dispense gumballs! These contain not only sugar, but also healing chemicals. Roastedsunflowerseeds.png | Roasted sunflower seeds | “Homemade roasted sunflower seeds in a paper cup. A healthy and filling snack to nibble as you watch people pass.” Made by drying Sunflower.png Sunflower. in a Drying rack.png drying rack. Hunger As you walk and move about on station, your starting nutrition bar will start to drain from starting green, down to dark red. The effects of obesity and hunger are inversely bad of each other, and it is best to keep yourself reasonably fed with food or drinks, else you will suffer one of the two extremes.

Hungerlevels.gif The six hunger levels are Starving, Hungry, Fed, Well Fed, Full and Fat. The only bad levels are Starving, Hungry and Fat. Currently, you won't see your nutrition bar unless you are hungry or fat.

Note that nutrition is typically slow-release, so if you don't fill up immediately, you will in the near future. Listen to your stomach messages when eating, don't eat if your body is unwilling.

Starvation If you drop to dark red, you move very slowly and your description reveals your lack of eating habits. You are starving, this is not good! You won't die, but you will move slowly until you eat some food, so head to the Kitchen for a burger or slice of meatbread!

Obesity A troubling problem for all station goers who enjoy food too much, without working off the calories they consumed. You grow pudgy and move slowly, though not as slow as a starving person. You will only become fat once your food has had time to digest, this becomes a problem if you are say, working on the solars. By getting enough exercise, you can work off those pounds, but surgery or using lipocide is faster. Note that you can also become fat from drinking too much.

When one is fat, eating the mint or ingesting mint toxin (from grinding the mint) will gib them.

Satiety Eating healthy food and being well fed can make your organism temporarily stronger against viruses and toxic reagents that get into your body. Being hungry will make you metabolize both good and bad reagents slower, for a higher total effect. On the other hand, eating junk food will satiate your hunger for a while but it will make you want food again faster, and eating too much of them can make you a bit jittery.

Breakfast Some food and drink types will give a positive moodlet for 10 minutes if consumed within 15 minutes of the start of the shift. These are:

most egg based foods coffee bacon oatmeal orange juice milk pancakes waffles donuts toasts biscuits cereal

You need food to avoid hunger. Food is cooked either with the crafting menu Crafting menu hud icon.png or by putting certain ingredients into different types of machinery, such as the microwave Microwave.png.

Contents 1 | Species Dietary Requirements 2 | Example Cooking Guide 3 | Ingredients 3.1 | Butchering 3.2 | Knife & Rolling Pin 3.3 | Processor 3.4 | All-In-One-Grinder 3.5 | Microwave Oven 4 | Crafting Recipes 4.1 | Burgers 4.2 | Bread 4.3 | Cakes 4.4 | Egg-Based Food 4.5 | Frozen 4.5.1 | Snowcones 4.6 | Meats 4.6.1 | Seafood 4.7 | Mexican 4.8 | Misc. Food 4.8.1 | Sweet 4.8.2 | Savory 4.9 | Pastries 4.10 | Pies 4.11 | Pizzas 4.12 | Salads 4.13 | Sandwiches 4.14 | Soups & Stews 4.15 | Spaghettis 4.16 | Custom Recipes 4.17 | Recipe Books 5 | Ice Cream Vat 6 | Vending Machine Food 6.1 | Junk Food 7 | Other food 8 | Hunger 8.1 | Starvation 8.2 | Obesity 8.3 | Satiety 8.4 | Breakfast Species Dietary Requirements Due to the navy’s high diversity in species and due to the multiple counts of murder after having fed a lizard crew too much bread, or having given the Felinid crew enough milk to make the restrooms look like the aftermath of a visit to Fries the Meat. As such Nanotrasen has deemed it fit to include a list of every species dietary requirements. You will read it or clean the aftermath.

Species | Likes | Dislikes | Allergic Human | Junkfood and Fried Food | Raw Food, don’t feed them a raw steak. Gross Food, such as brain cake. | N/A Lizard | Raw Food, give them a raw steak from the freezer. Gross Food, such as brain cake. | Grain, such as bread and anything made with flour. Dairy, such as milk and cheese. | N/A Fly People | Vomit, they produce their own food from what they eat. | N/A | N/A Mothmen | Vegetables, give them a carrot. Dairy, give them a block of cheese. Cloth, give them a pair of boxers or a jumpsuit to devour. Blood, sometimes they like the taste of it. | Fruit, don’t give them an apple cake. Gross Food, such as brain cake. | Meat, don’t give them a steak. Raw Food, don’t give them raw food. Felinid | Dairy, such as cheese and milk, however don’t feed them too much milk. Meat, give them a whole carp. | Vegetables, don’t give them a carrot. Sugar, don’t give them a sugar cookie. | Cocoa, commonly known as Chocolate, it’s pure poison to them. Squid People | Almost anything. | N/A | Fried Food Ethereal | Finest power produced from an APC untouched by the evilness of an EMP. Power bars, available in your local snack vending machine. Empowered Burgers. | N/A | N/A Apid | Vegetables, give them a carrot. Fruits, give them an apple. | Gross Food, don’t give them anything you wouldn’t give to your pet. Dairy, such as milk and cheese. | Meat, don’t give them a steak. Raw Food, don’t give them unprepared food. Oozeling | Anything, this species eats literally anything they can get their hands on. | N/A | Water Plasmamen | Vegetables, give them a carrot. Milk, give them a glass of it. | Fruits, don’t give them an apple. | Bone Hurting Juice, they’re made of bones, you do the math here. IPC | The finest power freshly siphoned from a virgin APC untouched by the hands of organics | N/A | N/A Example Cooking Guide As an example that requires both machinery and the crafting menu, here is how to cook a sausage Sausage.png:

Grab two pieces of meat Meat.png from your fridge. Put one of the pieces of meat Meat.png into the food processor Processor.png. Click the food processor Processor.png to turn it on. This will turn the meat into a meatball Meatball.png. Place the other piece of meat Meat.png on any table R-table.png. Vend a kitchen knife Knife.png from the dinnerware vendor Venddinnerware.gif, and use it on the piece of meat Meat.png. It should turn into 3x raw meat cutlets Rawmeatcutlet.png. Put two of the raw meat cutlets Rawmeatcutlet.png into a microwave Microwave.png (by clicking the microwave with a raw cutlet in active hand). Turn on the microwave Microwave.png by alt-clicking it. The two raw meat cutlets Rawmeatcutlet.png should turn into cutlets Meatcutlet.png. Place the meatball Meatball.png and the two cutlets Meatcutlet.png on the same tile (such as the same table). Stand within 1 tile's reach from both the meatball Meatball.png and the two cutlets Meatcutlet.png. Click the crafting menu HUD icon Crafting menu hud icon.png to open the crafting menu. In the crafting menu, cycle through categories with arrows until you reach “Foods”. Then cycle through the subcategories of “Foods” until you find “Meats”. If you followed the above steps correctly, the “Sausage” recipe should be clickable (instead of greyed out). Click it and stand still a few seconds to craft a sausage Sausage.png. Ingredients Butcherknife.pngButcheringGibber.png This is how you get your meat Meat.png.

To butcher a simple animal, hit the carcass with your blade on harm intent. Monkeys count as simple animal, and this is how you get the most meat. Humanoids such as, well, humans, cannot be butchered with just a knife, thought they can be dismembered. Cutting off and dismembering a head lets you harvest the brain, while dismembering the torso lets you harvest organs such as heart, appendix and lungs. To get meat from a person, you will need to put them in the gibber, the machine in the freezer room. Do this by undressing them, grabbing them aggressively with grab intent, and then clicking the gibber. Then click the gibber again to activate it. Gibbing a humanoid in such a fashion results in meat and skin, and while monkeys can be “harvested” like this you should really use the knife, unless you want the skins for a monkey costume. There are many types of meat, and only some of them are listed below.

Picture | Food name | How to acquire Meat.png | Meat | Get meat from humans by gibbing them with a gibber. Get meat from most other creatures by slaughterering their dead bodies with a sharp object Knife.png on harm intent Intent Harm.png. Bear meat.png | Bear Meat | Slaughter a dead space bear with a sharp object Knife.png on harm intent Intent Harm.png. Fish fillet.png | Carp Fillet | Slaughter a dead space carp with a sharp object Knife.png on harm intent Intent Harm.png. Crab meat raw.png | Raw Crab Meat | Slaughter a dead crab with a sharp object Knife.png on harm intent Intent Harm.png. Spider leg.png | Spider Leg | Slaughter a dead spider with a sharp object Knife.png on harm intent Intent Harm.png. Spider meat.png | Spider Meat | Slaughter a dead spider with a sharp object Knife.png on harm intent Intent Harm.png. Knife.pngRolling Pin.png Knife & Rolling Pin These food are created by using your knife and rolling pin (found in the kitchen's dinnerware vending machine).

Picture | Food name | How to acquire Breadslice.png | Bread Slice | Slice any bread with your knife. Cakeslice.png | Cake Slice | Slice any cake with your knife Pizzaslice.png | Pizza Slice | Slice any pizza with your knife Doughslice.png | Dough Slice | Slice a flat dough with your knife Flatdough.png | Flat Dough | Flatten a dough with your rolling pin Rawmeatcutlet.png | Raw Cutlet | Slice a Meat with your knife. Piedough.png | Pie Dough | Flatten a cake batter with your rolling pin Rawpastrybase.png | Raw Pastry Base | Slice a pie dough with your knife Pineappleslice.png | Pineapple Slice | Slice a pineapple with your knife Potato wedges.png | Potato Wedges | Slice a potato with your knife Onionslice.png | Onion Slice | Slice an onion with your knife Cheese Wedge.png | Cheese Wedge | Slice a cheese wheel with your knife Processor.png Processor Some items can be processed with the Processor, which can be found in your kitchen.

Picture | Processes | Condiments Bacon.png | Raw Bacon | Process one Raw Cutlet. Boritos.png | Boritos | Process one Tortilla Meatball.png | Meatball | Process one slab of meat Tatortot.png | Tator Tot | Process one potato. Fries.png | Space Fries | Process one plate of potato wedges Carrotfries.png | Carrot Fries | Process one carrot Roastparsnip.png | Roast Parsnip | Process one parsnip Soydope.png | Soy Dope | Process one soy bean Spaghetti.png | Spaghetti | Process one dough slice Tortilla.png | Tortilla | Process one corn Yakiimo.png | Yaki Imo | Process one sweet potato Blender.png All-In-One-Grinder In order to create some of these items you will either need to mix the regents by hand or toss them into the blender/grinder and grind them.

After which either a finished product will be produced or you will need to transfer the liquid to your Chemmaster.gif CondiMaster Neo in the freezer to create it into a bottle.

Any recipe listed as Grind will require the use of the blender, any recipe listed as Mix only requires the beaker. All of your juices will require the Grinder's other setting Juice.

Picture | Blends | How to acquire Universal Enzyme.png | Universal Enzyme | Found on the Cook's table, used in cooking various dishes, more can be ordered from Cargo Bay. Also botanists can use wooden barrels to ferment tomatoes into this. Can be made in bioreactor. Nutriment.png | Nutriment | Grind any solid food. Nutriment.png | Vitamin | Grind some types of solid food. 50% chance to heal 1 brute and burn damage. Hotsauce.png | Hot Sauce/Capsaicin Oil | Grind chilis. Coldsauce.png | Cold Sauce/Frost Oil | Blue Slimes or from grinding Ice Pepper. A special oil that noticably chills the body. Extracted from ice peppers or slimes. Will cool you faster the longer it has been in the body, up to maximum strength after 35 cycles. Changeling cryo sting injects this. Creates slippery ice tiles if spilled on floor for about 1 second per unit, depending on pressure and temperature. Spilling also reduces area temperature by 5K per unit. Hurts slimes and slimepeople. Metabolism rate 0.4u per tick. Ketchup.png | Ketchup | Grind tomatoes Slamjamspacekabam.png | Slime Jam | Grind an unused slime extract Flour.png | Flour | Grind wheat or oat stalks Rice.png | Rice | Grind rice stalks Ricebowl.png | Rice Bowl | Mix 10 rice + 10 water in a bowl Dough.png | Dough | Mix 15u flour + 10u water Cakebatter.png | Cake Batter | Mix 15 flour + 15 egg yolks + 5 sugar or 15 flour + 15 soy milk + 5 sugar Begg.png | Egg Yolk | Break an egg into a beaker Brokenbottle.png | Secret Sauce | Makes food taste amazing. Recipe is completely random and changes every 7 days. The recipe may be found in a certain space ruin on a paper. BBQSauce.png | Bbq Sauce | 3 parts Saline-Glucose Solution

1 part ash

1 part tomato juice 1 part pepper

Soysauce.png | Soy Sauce | Mix 40 units soy milk + 10 units Sulphuric Acid Salt.png | Salt | 1 part Chlorine 1 part Sodium 1 part Water

Salt-shakers can be found in cafe.

Pepper.png | Pepper | Grind pepper-mills from the cafe. Brokenbottle.png | Peptides | Is created in your body if you eat food after eating Trophazole. Heals brute and some burn every few seconds. Does not give as much nutriment as other foods. Moonshine.png | Moonshine | Mix 10 nutriment + 5 universal enzyme Cheesewheel.gif | Cheese Wheel | Mix 40 milk + 5 universal enzyme (catalyst) End result will magically pop a full wheel of cheese.

Chocolatebar.gif | Chocolate Bar | Mix 2 units coco powder (grind a cocoa pod) + 2 units milk/soy milk + 2 units sugar Tofu.gif | Tofu | Mix 10 soy milk + 5 universal enzyme (catalyst) Butter.png | Butter | Mix 15 milk in the grinder Butter on a stick.png | Butter on a stick | Insert a metal rod Rods.png into butter Mayonnaise.png | Mayonnaise | Grind egg yolk Sugar.gif | Sugar | Grind white beet or sugarcane Condi astrotame.png | Astrotame | Found in Dinnerware Vendor. Artificial sweetener. Makes food taste better while adding zero calories. If overdosed (17u) it makes you disgusted. Caramel glass.png | Caramel | Heat sugar to 413.15K Brokenbottle.png | Corn starch | Juice corn Brokenbottle.png | Corn Syrup | Mix 1 part corn starch + 1 part sulphuric acid, heat to 374K Results in 5 parts instead of 2. 1.2u decays into 3u sugar in body per tick.

Sprinkles.gif | Sprinkles | Grind donuts Acts as a healing powder for the enlisted security force.

Cherry.png | Cherry Jelly | Grind cherries Bluecherry.png | Blue Cherry Jelly | Grind blue cherries Cup Ramen.png | Dry Ramen | Buy Cup Ramen. Cup Ramen.png | Hot Ramen | Mix 3 parts dry ramen with 1 part water. Results in 3 parts instead of 4. Warms you up to safe levels. Cup Ramen.png | Hell Ramen | Mix 6 parts hot ramen with 1 part capsaicin oil. Results in 6 parts instead of 7. Can warm you to unsafe levels. Microwave.png Microwave Oven The microwave oven is used to cook or boil raw ingredients. You can load multiple of them in the oven and cook them simultaneously. Use a kitchen tray to load it faster.

Trying to cook uncookable food will return a burned mess and will make the oven dirtier (which increases chances of failure).

In case of a failure, just use Space Cleaner or Soap on it and remove the burned mess inside.

Picture | Cooked food | How to acquire Baconcooked.png | Bacon | Microwave a raw bacon Bread.png | Plain Bread | Microwave a dough Used in most bread recipes.

Bun.png | Bun | Microwave a dough slice Pastrybase.png | Pastry Base | Microwave a raw pastry base Used in most pastry recipes.

Spagettiboiled.png | Boiled Spaghetti | Microwave spaghetti Used in spaghetti recipes.

Pizzabread.png | Pizza Bread | Microwave a flat dough Used in pizza recipes.

Pie.gif | Plain Pie | Microwave a pie dough Used in pie recipes.

Regularcake.png | Plain Cake | Microwave a cake batter Spiderleg.png | Boiled Spider Leg | Microwave a spider leg. Meatcutlet.png | Cutlet | Microwave a raw cutlet Meatstake.png | Meat Steak | Microwave meat Crab meat.png | Crab Meat | Microwave raw crab meat. Used in some in some recipes. Toastsand.png | Toasted Sandwich | Microwave a sandwich. Popcorn.png | Popcorn | Microwave a corn. Donkpocket.png | Warm Donk-pocket | Microwave a Donk-Pocket. Contains Omnizine. Begg.png | Boiled Egg | Microwave an egg Boiledrice.png | Boiled Rice | Microwave a rice bowl Used in rice recipes.

Khinkali.png | Khinkali | Microwave a raw khinkali Onionrings.png | Onion Rings | Microwave an onion slice. Crafting Recipes Most dish recipes are made using the crafting menu, that is by placing your ingredients out nearby then clicking on the craft button (a small T icon on your HUD) to open a crafting window which lists all recipes that can be done with the ingredients. If one of the ingredients is a liquid, you can have the liquid in any kind of container, such as a beaker, bowl or drinking glass. Simply click any recipe to start crafting it. As long as you have at least the minimum amount of each needed ingredients, all within 1 tile of your character, you can craft it.

Burgers Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Taste | Nutritional Value | Notes Appendixburger.png | Appendix Burger | 1 bun + 1 Appendix | Bun, grass | 8 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin | Tastes like appendicitis Baconburger.png | Bacon Burger | 1 bun + 3 cooked bacon | Bun, bacon | 19 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | The perfect combination of all things American Beargur.png | Bearger | 1 bun + 1 bear meat steak | Bun, meat, salmon | 3 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin | Best served rawr. Bigbite.png | Big Bite Burger | 1 bun + 3 meat steak + 2 cheese wedges | Bun, beef patty | 10 Nutriment, 8 Vitamin | Forget the Big Mac. Brainburger.png | Brain Burger | 1 bun + 1 Brain | Bun, brains | 8 Nutrient, 6 Mannitol, 5 Vitamin | Rarely will you be able to make this. Bother the Roboticist or Medical for delicious brains. Contains Mannitol. Burger.png | Plain Burger | 1 bun + 1 meat steak | Bun, beef patty | 7 Nutriment, 3 Vitamin | Has a 1% chance of turning into steamed hams. CheeseburgerNew.png | Cheese burger | 1 bun + 1 meat steak + 1 cheese wedge | Bun, beef patty, cheese | 3 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | This noble burger stands proudly clad in golden cheese. Chickenburger.png | Chicken Sandwich | 1 bun + 5u mayonnaise + 1 chicken meat steak | Bun, chicken, A smiling white-haired man's deep accent | 3 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin, 3 Mayonnaise, 2 Cooking oil | A delicious chicken sandwich, it is said the proceeds from this treat helps criminalize disarming people on the space frontier. Burger.png | Corgi burger | 1 bun + 1 corgi meat steak | Bun, corgi meat | 2 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin | You monster Clownburger.png | Clown Burger | 1 bun + 1 Clown Mask | Bun, a bad joke | 6 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin, 6 Banana | Get the mime to steal the mask from his nemesis. Crab burger.png | Crab Burger | 1 bun + 2 crab meat | Bun, crab meat | 2 Nutriment, 3 Vitamin | A delicious patty of the crabby kind, slapped in between a bun. Crazyhamburger.gif | Crazy Hamburger | 1 bun + 4 cheese wedge + 2 death nettles + 20 units cooking oil

+ 2 chili peppers + 1 meat steak | Bun, beef patty, cheese, beef soaked in chili, a smoking flare | 1 Nutriment | This looks like the sort of food that a demented clown in a trenchcoat would make Empowered burger.gif | Empowered Burger | 1 bun + 2 Plasma sheets | Bun, pure electricity | 8 Nutriment, 20 Liquid Electricity | It's shockingly good, if you live off of electricity that is. Fivealarmburger.png | Five Alarm Burger | 1 bun + 2 ghost chilis + 1 meat steak | Bun, extreme heat | 6 Nutriment, 5 Capsaicin, 5 Pepper, 1 Vitamin | HOT! HOT! Ghostburger.gif | Ghost Burger | 1 bun + 1 ectoplasm + 2 units salt

Bun, ectoplasm | 5 Nutriment, 12 Vitamin, 5 Salt | Terror-ifficly tasty. Baseball.png | Home Run Baseball Burger | 1 bun + 1 baseball bat | Bun, a home run | 6 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | It's still warm. The steam coming off of it looks like baseball. Burger.png | Human burger | 1 bun + 1 human meat steak | Bun, long pig | 7 Nutriment, 3 Vitamin | Shares the name of your victim. People will know right off if you're feeding them their crewmates. Jellyburger.png | Jelly Burger | 1 bun + 5 units Slime Jelly or 5 units cherry jelly | Bun, jelly | 2 Nutrient, 5 Slime/Cherry Jelly, 5 Vitamin | My insides are burning! Mcguffin.png | McGuffin | 1 bun + 2 cooked bacon pieces + 1 fried egg

Muffin, bacon | 1 Nutriment, 3 egg yolk | A cheap and greasy imitation of an eggs benedict. Mcrib.png | McRib | 1 bun + 1 BBQ Ribs

+ 1 onion slice | Bun, pork patty | 3 Vitamin, 5 BBQ sauce | An elusive rib shaped burger with limited availablity across the galaxy. Not as good as you remember it. Mimeburger.png | Mime Burger | 1 bun + 1 mime mask | Bun, beef patty | 4 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin, 6 Nothing | Get the clown to steal the mask from his nemesis. Or order a costume crate like the unrobust person you are. Prettypatty.gif | Pretty Patty | 1 bun + 1 meat steak + 1 crayon (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, or white) | Bun, beef patty | 5 Nutriment, 10 Colorful Reagent | Comes in 8 delicious colours! Ratburger.png | Rat Burger | 1 bun + 1 dead mouse | Dead rat, bun | 3 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | What did you expect? Soylentburg.png | Soylent Burger | 1 bun + 2 cheese wedges + 1 Soylent Green | Bun, assistant | 5 Nutriment, 3 Vitamin | An eco-friendly burger made using upcycled low value biomass. Spell.png | Spell Burger | 1 bun + 1 wizard hat | Bun, magic | 6 Nutriment, 10 Vitamin | You will eat this until you have had Ei Nath. Superbite.png | Super Bite Burger | 1 bun + 3 cheese wedges + 5 meat steaks + 4 tomatoes + 2 boiled eggs + 1 piece of bacon + 5 units salt

+ 5 units pepper | Bun, type two diabetes | 44+ Nutriment, 24+ Vitamin, 5 Salt, 5 Pepper | If this doesn't clog their arteries, nothing will. Two bites will take you from starving to overfed. Tofubuger.png | Tofu Burger | 1 bun + 1 tofu | Bun, tofu | 6 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | Melts your face! Xenoburger.png | Xenoburger | 1 bun + 1 xeno meat steak | Bun, acid | 2 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin | Ali-yum! Bread Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Taste | Nutritional Value | Notes Baguette.png | Baguette | 2 pastry base + 1 unit salt

+ 1 unit pepper | Bread | 6 Nutriment, 1 Black Pepper, 1 Salt, 1 Vitamin | The mimes favorite. Bananabread.gif | Banana-nut Bread | 1 plain bread + 3 boiled eggs + 5 units milk + 1 banana | Bread | 20 Banana, 20 Nutriment | Sliceable. Contains a massive amount of banana essence. BreadcatTwoPointOh.gif | Bread Cat | 1 plain bread + 1 Cat Ears + 1 Cat Tail + 3 Meat slabs + 50u Blood + 5u Strange Reagent

N/A | N/A | It's a cat… with a bread! What did you even expect? Butterbiscuit.png | Butter Biscuit | 1 bun + 1 butter | Butter, biscuit | 6 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | Well butter my biscuit! Butterdog.png | Butterdog | 1 bun + 3 butter | Butter, exotic butter | 6 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | A dog made from exotic butters, butter dog! Butteredtoast.png | Buttered Toast | 1 plain bread slice + 1 butter | Butter, toast | 5 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | Butter lightly spread over a piece of toast. Creambread.png | Cream Cheese Bread | 1 plain bread + 2 cheese wedges + 5 units milk | Bread, cheese | 20 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Garlicbread.png | Garlic Bread | 1 plain bread slice + 1 butter + 1 garlic | Bread, garlic, butter | 5 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin, 2 Garlic Juice | Alas, it is limited. Hotcrossbun.png | Hot cross bun | 1 plain bread slice + 1 sugar | N/A | 6 Nutriment, 1 Sugar | A spiced sweet bun usually made with fruit, marked with a cross on the top, and traditionally eaten on Good Friday. Not made from a pastry base, because a sweet bun is different from a pastry apparently. Not made from a bun, as the buns we have are hamburger buns. Jellytoast.png | Jelly Toast | 1 plain bread slice + 5u Slime Jelly or cherry jelly | Toast, jelly | 1 Nutriment, 5 Cherry/Slime Jelly, 2 Vitamin | As if science are gonna give up their slimes for toast! Meatbread.png | Meatbread | 1 plain bread + 3 cutlets + 3 cheese wedges | Bread, meat | 30 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Mimanabread.png | Mimana Bread | 1 plain bread + 3 tofu + 5 units Soy milk + 1 mimana | Bread, silence | 20 Nutriment, 5 Mute Toxin, 5 Nothing, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Leaves diners speechless! Spidermeatloaf.png | Spidermeat bread | 1 plain bread + 3 spider cutlets + 3 cheese wedges | Bread, cobwebs | 30 Nutriment, 15 Toxin, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Green but delicious. Tofubread.png | Tofu bread | 1 plain bread + 3 tofus + 3 cheese wedges | Bread, tofu | 30 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Twobread.png | Two Bread | 2 plain bread slices + 5 wine | Bread | 2 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | Classy. Xbread.png | Xenomeat bread | 1 plain bread + 3 xeno cutlets + 3 cheese wedges | Bread, acid | 30 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. A fitting, and filling, end to xeno scum. Cakes Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Taste | Nutritional Value | Notes Holy cake.png | Angel Food Cake | 1 plain cake + 15u holy water | Cake, sweetness, clouds | 1 Nutriment, 3 Vitamen, 10 Holy Water | Sliceable. Contains holy water. Applecake.png | Apple Cake | 1 plain cake + 2 apples | Cake, sweetness, apple | 20 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Birthday.png | Birthday Cake | 1 plain cake + 5 sugar + 2 caramel + 1 candle | Cake, sweetness | 20 Nutriment, 10 Sprinkles, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Don't forget to make a wish. Contains sprinkles, which heal security members. If you microwave the cake it becomes a cake hat. Blackberry and strawberry chocolate cake.png | Blackberry and Strawberry Chocolate Cake | 1 plain cake + 5 Berries + 2 chocolate bars | Blackberry, strawberries, chocolate, sweetness, cake | 14 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin, 5 Coco | Sliceable. Blackberry and strawberry vanilla cake.png | Blackberry and Strawberry Vanilla Cake | 1 plain cake + 5 Berries | Blackberry, strawberries, vanilla, sweetness, cake | 14 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin | Sliceable. Braincake.png | Brain Cake | 1 plain cake + 1 Brain | Cake, sweetness, brains | 20 Nutriment, 10 Mannitol, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Bother the Roboticist for unusable brains. Briochecake.png | Brioche Cake | 1 plain cake + 2u Sugar | N/A | 10 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | A ring of sweet, glazed buns. Sliceable. Cak.png | Cak | 1 birthday cake + 1 brain + 1 heart + 3 meat slabs + 30 units blood + 5 units sprinkles + 1 unit teslium

N/A | N/A | A cake/cat hybrid controlled by the player whose brain is used. Clicking the cak with an open hand on disarm intent provides small amounts of nutriment and vitamin. The cak quickly heals brute damage. Donuts around the cak automatically become frosted. Carrotcake.png | Carrot Cake | 1 plain cake + 2 Carrots | Cake, sweetness, carrot | 20 Nutriment, 10 Oculine, 5 Vitamin | Slicable. Heals eye trauma. Cheesecake.png | Cheese Cake | 1 plain cake + 2 cheese wedges | Cake, cream cheese | 20 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Slicable. Does not come with scantily dressed ladies. Choccake.png | Chocolate Cake | 1 plain cake + 2 chocolate bars | Cake, sweetness, chocolate | 20 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Clowncake.png | Clown Cake | 1 plain cake + 2 sundae + 5 bananas | Cake, sugar, joy | 20 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin, 15 Sugar | Sliceable. Requires reading Cooking Desserts 101 to unlock. Energy cake.gif | Energy Cake | 1 birthday cake + 1 energy sword ESword.png | Cake, a Vlad's Salad | 10 Nutriment, 10 Sprinkles, 5 Vitamin, 10 Pwr Game, 30 Liquid Electricity | Sliceable. Just enough calories for a whole nuclear operative squad. If you microwave the cake it becomes an energy cake(hat) Energy cake hat.gif. Hardware cake.png | Hardware Cake | 1 plain cake + 2 circuit boards + 5u Sulphuric Acid | Acid, metal, glass | 20 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin, 15u Sulphuric Acid, 15u Oil | Sliceable. Contains 15u sulphuric acid and 15u oil. Lemoncake.png | Lemon Cake | 1 plain cake + 2 lemons | Cake, sweetness, sourness | 20 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Limecake.png | Lime Cake | 1 plain cake + 2 limes | Cake, sweetness, unbearable sourness | 20 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Orangecake.png | Orange Cake | 1 plain cake + 2 oranges | Cake, sweetness, oranges | 20 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Pound cake.png | Pound Cake | 4 plain cake | Cake, sweetness, batter | 60 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Counts as junk food. Pumpkinspicecake.png | Pumpkin Spice Cake | 1 plain cake + 2 pumpkin | Cake, sweetness, pumpkin | 32 Nutriments, 11 Vitamin | Sliceable. Slimecake.png | Slime Cake | 1 plain cake + 1 Slime Extract | Cake, sweetness, slime | 20 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Spacemans Cake.png | Spaceman's Cake | 1 plain cake + 2 Spaceman's Trumpet + 5 units cream + 5 units berry juice | Cake, violets, jam | 20 Nutriment, 10 Vitamin, 15 Polypyrylium Oligomers, 5 Cream, 5 Berryjuice | Sliceable. Slowly heals lung and brute damage while stopping bleeding over time. Vanillacake.png | Vanilla Cake | 1 plain cake + 2 vanilla pods | Cake, sugar, vanilla | 20 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin, 15 Sugar, 15 Vanilla | Sliceable. Requires reading Cooking Desserts 101 to unlock. Egg-Based Food Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Taste | Nutritional Value | Notes Chaw.png | Chawanmushi | 5 units Water + 5 units soy sauce + 2 Boiled egg + 1 Chanterelle | Custard | 5 Nutriment | Nǐ xiǎng yào chī shénme? Cheesepmelet.png | Cheese Omelette | 2 eggs + 2 cheese wedge | Egg, cheese | 8 Nutriment | Can eat these with a fork. Have a medical team on standby in case of utensil-related injuries. Chocegg.png | Chocolate Egg | 1 Boiled egg + 1 chocolate bar | Chocolate, sweetness | 4 Nutriment, 2 Sugar, 2 Cocoa | NT regulations forbid stuffing toys in these things anymore. Eggbowl.png | Egg Bowl | 1 Boiled Rice + 1 Boiled egg + 1 Carrot + 1 Corn | Rice, egg | 4 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin | A bowl of rice with a fried egg. Wrap.png | Egg Wrap | 1 fried egg

+ 1 cabbage + 10 units soy sauce | Egg | 5 Nutriment | The precursor to Pigs in a Blanket. Benedict.png | Eggs Benedict | 1 fried egg

+ 1 meat steak + 1 bread slice | Egg, bacon, bun | 6 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin | There is only one egg on this, how rude. Friedegg.png | Fried Egg | 1 egg + 1 unit salt

+ 1 unit pepper | Egg, salt, pepper | 2 Nutriment, 1 Salt, 1 Black Pepper | The ancient and sacred meal of the solar wiring engineer. Scotchegg.png | Scotch Egg | 1 egg + 1 unit salt

+ 1 unit pepper + 1 meatball | N/A | 6 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | A boiled egg wrapped in a delicious, seasoned meatball. Frozen Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Taste | Nutritional Value | Notes Honkdae.png | Honkdae | 5 units milk cream + 1 Clown mask + 1 Cherry + 2 Banana + 1 waffle cone | Ice cream, banana, a bad joke | 6 Nutriment, 10 Banana, 4 Vitamin | The clown's favorite desert. Icecreamsandwich.png | Icecream Sandwich | 1 ice cream + 5 units ice + 5 units milk cream | Ice cream | 2 Nutriment, 2 Ice | Portable Ice Cream in it's own packaging. Spacefreezy.png | Space Freezy | 5 units blue cherry jelly + 15 units space mountain wind + 1 waffle cone | 6 Nutriment, 5 Blue Cherry Jelly, 4 Vitamin | The best icecream in space! StrawberryIcecreamsandwich.png | Strawberry Ice Cream Sandwich | 2 Berries + 5 units ice + 5 units milk cream | Ice cream, berry | 2 Nutriment, 2 Ice | Portable ice-cream in its own packaging of the strawberry variety. Sundae.png | Sundae | 5 units cream + 1 Cherry + 1 Banana + 1 waffle cone | Ice cream, banana | 6 Nutriment, 5 Banana, 2 Vitamin | A classic desert. Snowcones Paper cups can be dispensed from from water coolers, crafted using two pieces of paper, or found in some places.

Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Taste | Nutritional Value | Notes Amber sc.png | Apple Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 5u apple juice | Ice, water, apples | 1 Nutriment, 5 Apple juice, 10 Water | Apple syrup drizzled over a snowball in a paper cup. Berry sc.png | Berry Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 5u berry juice | Ice, water, berries | 1 Nutriment, 5 Berry juice, 10 Water | Berry syrup drizzled over a snowball in a paper cup. Blue sc.png | Bluecherry Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 5u blue cherry jelly | Ice, water, blue, cherries | 1 Nutriment, 5 Blue cherry jelly, 10 Water | Bluecherry syrup drizzled over a snowball in a paper cup, how rare! Red sc.png | Cherry Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 5u cherry jelly | Ice, water, red, cherries | 1 Nutriment, 5 Cherry jelly, 10 Water | Cherry syrup drizzled over a snowball in a paper cup. Clown sc.png | Clown Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 5u Laughter | Ice, water, jokes, brainfreeze, joy | 1 Nutriment, 5 Laughter, 10 Water | Laughter drizzled over a snowball in a paper cup. Flavorless sc.png | Flavorless Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice | Ice, water | 1u water | It's just shaved ice. Still fun to chew on. Fruitsalad sc.png | Fruit Salad Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 5u orange juice + 5u lime juice + 5u lemon juice | Ice, water, oranges, limes, lemons, citrus, salad | 1 Nutriment, 5 Orange juice, 5 Lime juice, 5 Lemon juice, 10 Water | A pirates favorite treat on a hot summer day. Grape sc.png | Grape Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 5u grape juice | Ice, water, grape | 1 Nutriment, 5 Grape juice, 10 Water | Grape syrup drizzled over a snowball in a paper cup. Amber sc.png | Honey Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 5u honey | Ice, water, flowers, sweetness, wax | 1 Nutriment, 5 Honey, 10 Water | Honey drizzled over a snowball in a paper cup. Lemon sc.png | Lemon Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 5u lemon juice | Ice, water, lemons | 1 Nutriment, 5 Lemon juice, 10 Water | Don't eat the yellow snow. Lime sc.png | Lime Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 5u lime juice | Ice, water, lime | 1 Nutriment, 5 Lime juice, 10 Water | Lime syrup drizzled over a snowball in a paper cup. Mime sc.png | Mime Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 5u nothing | Ice, water, nothing | 1 Nutriment, 5 Nothing, 10 Water | “…” Orange sc.png | Orange Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 5u orange juice | Ice, water, orange | 1 Nutriment, 5 Orange juice, 10 Water | Orange syrup drizzled over a snowball in a paper cup. Pineapple sc.png | Pineapple Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 5u pineapple juice | Ice, water, pineapples | 1 Nutriment, 5 Pineapple juice, 10 Water | Pineapple syrup drizzled over a snowball in a paper cup. Pwrgamer sc.png | Pwr Game Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 15u Pwr Game | Ice, water, valid, salt, wats | 1 Nutriment, 5 Pwrgame, 10 Water | Cool Fuel. Rainbow sc.png | Rainbow Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 5u Colorful Reagent

Ice, water, sunlight, light, slime, paint, clouds | 1 Nutriment, 5 Laughter, 10 Water | A very colorful snowball in a paper cup. Soda sc.png | Space Cola Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 5u Space Cola | Ice, water, cola | 1 Nutriment, 5 Space cola, 10 Water | Space Cola drizzled over a snowball in a paper cup. Mountainwind sc.png | Space Mountain Wind Snowcone | 1 paper cup + 15u ice + 15u Space Mountain Wind | Ice, water, mountain wind | 1 Nutriment, 5 Space Mountain Wind, 10 Water | Space mountain wind, now with brainfreeze! Meats Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Taste | Nutritional Value | Notes Ashflake.png | Ashflaked Steak | 1 Goliath meat steak + 1 cactus fruit + 1 porcini mushroom | Tough meat, bubblegum | 7 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin, 2 Vitrium Froth | A common delicacy among miners. BBQ ribs.png | BBQ Ribs | 2 meat steak + 2 rods + 5u BBQ sauce

Meat, smokey sauce | 9 Nutriment, 3 Vitamin, 5 BBQ sauce | Sweet, Smokey, Savory, and gets everywhere. Perfect for Grilling. Nugget.gif | Chicken Nugget | 1 cutlet | Chicken | 3 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | A 'chicken' nugget vaguely shaped like one of four fun shapes! Cornedbeef.png | Corned beef and cabbage | 1 meat steak + 2 cabbages + 5 units salt

Meat, cabbage | 6 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin | Now you can feel like a real tourist vacationing in Ireland. Doubleratkebab.png | Double Rat Kebab | 2 Dead Mice, 1 Rod | Rat meat, metal | 6 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | Twice the rat, twice the flavor. Fiestaskewer.png | Fiesta Skewer | 1 cutlet + 1 Chili + 1 Corn + 1 Tomato + 1 Rod | Tex-mex, cumin | 5 Vitamin, 3 Capsaicin | Some proper space mexican food well charred over a flame. Bearsteak.gif | Filet Migrawr | 1 bear steak + 5 units Manly Dorf (requires lighter) | Meat, salmon | 2 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin, 5 Manly Dorf | Because eating bear wasn't manly enough. Kebab.png | Kebab | 1 Rod + 2 meat steak (meat must be same type!), 2 human meat steaks, 2 tofus, or 1 lizard tail | Meat, metal | 8 Nutriment | You get the metal rod back after eating. Spidereggsham.png | Green Eggs and Ham | 2 spider cutlets + 1 spider egg + 1 unit salt

Meat, the colour green | 6 Nutriment, 1 Salt, 3 Toxin | You swear it's still moving. Meatbun.png | Meat Bun | 5 units soy sauce + 1 bun + 1 meatball + 1 cabbage | Bun, meat | 6 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | Has the potential to not be Dog. Meatclown.png | Meat Clown | 1 meat steak + 1 Banana | Meat, clown, sixteen teslas | 3 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin, 1 Banana | A happy meat that can slip people. Pigblanket.png | Pig in a Blanket | 1 bun + 1 butter + 1 cutlet | Meat, butter | 6 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | A tiny sausage wrapped in a flakey, buttery roll. Khinkali.png | Raw Khinkali | 1 Dough slice + 1 meatball + 1 garlic | Meat, onions, garlic | Microwave to finish preparing. Ratkebab.png | Rat kebab | 1 Dead Mouse, 1 Rod | Rat meat, metal | 6 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | Not so delicious rat meat, on a stick. Riceandpork.png | Rice and Pork | 1 Boiled Rice + 2 cutlets | Rice, meat | 18 Nutriment, 7 Vitamin, 6.5 Salbutamol, 2 Epinephrine | It's rice and …“pork”. Sausage.png | Sausage | 1 meatball + 2 cutlets | Meat | 6 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | Who even knows what or who it's made from anymore. Stewedsoymeat.png | Stewed Soy Meat | 2 Soy Dopes + 1 Carrot + 1 Tomato | Soy, vegetables | 9 Nutriment | Even non-vegetarians will LOVE this! Seafood Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Nutritional Value | Notes Sashimi.png | Carp Sashimi | 1 spider egg + 1 Carp fillet + 5 units soy sauce | 6 Nutriment, 5 Toxin | Good luck getting Space Carp meat. (Note: POISONOUS) Cubancarp.png | Cuban Carp | 1 Carp Fillet + 5 units flour + 1 chili | 6 Nutriment, 3 Capsaicin | Slightly toxic, and very spicy. Carpsandwich.png | Fillet -o- Carp Sandwich | 1 bun + 1 Carp fillet + 1 cheese wedge | 3 Carpotoxin, 3 Vitamin | Slightly toxic. Called a “fish burger” in the crafting menu. Fishandchips.png | Fish & Chips | 1 space fries + 1 Carp fillet | 6 Nutriment | The Brit's favorite. Good luck getting Space Carp meat. (Note: POISONOUS) Ffish.png | Fish Fingers | 5 units flour + 1 bun + 1 Carp fillet | 4 Nutriment | Good luck getting Space Carp meat. (Note: POISONOUS) Carpfillet.png | Imitation Carp Fillet | Inject 5 units Carpotoxin into 1 tofu | 3 Nutriment, 2 Carpotoxin, 2 Vitamin | Almost just like the real thing, kinda. Slightly toxic. Mexican Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Nutritional Value | Notes Burrito.png | Burrito | 1 tortilla + 2 soy bean | 4 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | Delicious! CarneBurrito.png | Carne Asada Burrito | 1 tortilla + 2 cutlet + 1 soy bean | 5 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | The best burrito for meat lovers. CheesyBurrito.png | Cheesy Burrito | 1 tortilla + 2 cheese wedge + 1 soy bean | 4 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | It's a burrito filled with cheese. CheesyNachos.png | Cheesy Nachos | 1 tortilla + 1 cheese wedge + 1 unit salt

6 Nutriment, 3 Vitamin, 1 Salt | The delicious combination of nachos and melting cheese. Classictaco.png | Classic Taco | 1 tortilla + 1 cheese wedge + 1 cutlet + 1 Cabbage | 4 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | A traditional taco with meat, cheese, and lettuce Cuban Nachos.png | Cuban Nachos | 1 tortilla + 5 units ketchup + 2 Chili | 7 Nutriment, 8 Capsaicin, 4 Vitamin | That's some dangerously spicy nachos. Enchi.png | Enchiladas | 2 cutlet + 2 Chili + 2 tortilla | 8 Nutriment, 6 Capsaicin | Spicy. PlasmaBurrito.png | Fuego Plasma Burrito | 1 tortilla + 2 Ghost chili + 1 soy bean | 4 Nutriment, 5 Capsaicin, 3 Vitamin | A super spicy burrito. Nachos.png | Nachos | 1 tortilla + 1 unit salt

6 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin, 1 Salt | Chips from Space Mexico Plaintaco.png | Plain Taco | 1 tortilla + 1 cheese wedge + 1 cutlet | 3 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | A traditional taco with meat and cheese, minus the rabbit food. Stuffedlegion.gif | Stuffed Legion | 1 Goliath meat steak + 1 Legion Core + 2 units ketchup + 2 units Capsaicin | 5 Nutriment, 2 Capsaicin, 2 Vitamin | Putting skulls to use as food bowls has never seemed better. Misc. Food Sweet Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Nutritional Value | Notes Branrequests.png | Bran Requests Cereal | 1 Wheat + 1 4no Raisins | 3 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin, 10 Salt | A dry cereal that satiates your requests for bran. Tastes uniquely like raisins and salt. Candiedapple.png | Candied Apple | 5 units caramel + 1 Apple | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar | Happy Halloween generic shift! Chocobunny.png | Chocolate Bunny | 2 units sugar + 1 chocolate bar | 4 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin, 2 Sugar, 2 Coco | Contains less than 10% real rabbit! Chococoin.png | Chocolate Coin | 1 Coin + 1 chocolate bar | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 1 Cocoa | A completely edible but nonflippable festive coin. Chocoorange.png | Chocolate Orange | 1 Orange + 1 chocolate bar | 6 Nutriment, 3 Vitamin, 3 Sugar, 2 Cocoa | A festive chocolate orange, please don't smash it to bits. Chocodice.png | Fudge Dice | 1 Die + 1 chocolate bar | 3 Nutriment, 1 Cocoa | A little cube of chocolate that tends to have a less intense taste if you eat too many at once. Honeybar.png | Honey Nut Bar | 1 Oat + 5 units Honey | 5 Nutriment, 5 Honey | Oats and nuts compressed together into a bar, held together with a honey glaze. Melonkeg.gif | Melon Keg | 1 Holymelon + 1 Vodka bottle + 25 units vodka | 9 Nutriment, 15 Vodka, 4 Vitamin | Who knew vodka was a fruit? Powercrepe.png | Powercrepe | 1 flat dough + 1 Milk + 5 units Cherry Jelly + 1 Super Power Cell + 1 Officer's Sabre | 10 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin, 5 Cherry Jelly | With great power, comes great crepes. It looks like a pancake filled with jelly but packs quite a punch. Ricepudding.png | Rice Pudding | 1 Boiled Rice + 5 Milk + 5 Sugar | 9 Nutriment, 3 Vitamin, 5 Milk, 5 Sugar | Everybody loves rice pudding! Spiderlollipop.png | Spider Lollipop | 1 Rod + 5 Sugar + 5 Water + 1 Spiderling | 1 Nutriment, 1 Toxin, 10 Iron, 5 Sugar, 2 Omnizine | Still gross, but at least it has a mountain of sugar on it. Pingles.png | Pingles | 1 Cardboard Tube + 1 potato wedge + 1 onion slice + 1 Cream | 6 Nutriment, 2 Cooking Oil, 2 Salt | A perfect blend of sour cream and onion on a potato chip. May cause space lag. Savory Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Taste | Nutritional Value | Notes Butterbear.png | Butterbear | 10 butter + 1 brain (with soul) + 1 heart + 5 meat slabs + 50 units blood + 1 unit teslium

. | N/A | N/A | A butter/bear hybrid controlled by the player whose brain is used. The crew can eat the bear by smacking it, but it has a large regeneration factor to counteract this. When the bear slaps people it has a significant chance to slip its unfortunate victim. The bear will be named Terrygold. Cheesefries.png | Cheesy Fries | 1 space fries + 1 cheese wedge | Fries, cheese | 6 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | Fries. Covered in cheese. Duh. Crab rangoon.png | Crab Rangoon | 1 dough slice + 1 raw crab meat + 1 cheese wedge + 5 units Cream | Cream cheese, crab, crispiness | 10 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Has many names, like crab puffs, cheese wontons, crab dumplings? Whatever you call them, they're a fabulous blast of cream cheesy crab. Eggplantparmigiana.png | Eggplant Parmigiana | 2 cheese wedges + 1 Eggplant | Eggplant, cheese | 6 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | Clogs your arteries, healthily! Bakedpotato.png | Loaded Baked Potato | 1 Potato + 1 cheese wedge | Potato | 6 Nutriment | No bacon bits? Beans.png | Tin of Beans | 2 Soybeans + 5 units Ketchup | Beans | 10 Nutriment | Musical fruit in a slightly less musical container.

Pastries Jump to navigationJump to search Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Taste | Nutritional Value | Notes Fortunecookie.png | Fortune Cookie | 1 pastry base + 1 Piece of paper with prophecy | Cookie | 3 Nutriment | Bad luck and misfortune will infest your pathetic soul for all eternity. Sugarcookie.png | Sugar Cookie | 1 pastry base + 5 units sugar | Sweetness | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar | Just like your little sister used to make. Muffin.png | Muffin | 1 pastry base + 5 units Milk | Muffin | 6 Nutriment | Muffin! Berrymuffin.png | Berry Muffin | 1 pastry base + 5 units Milk + 1 Berry | Muffin, berry | 6 Nutriment | A delicious and spongy little cake, with berries. Booberrymuffin.png | Booberry Muffin | 1 pastry base + 5 units Milk + 1 Berry + 1 Ectoplasm | Muffin, spookiness | 6 Nutriment | My stomach is a graveyard! No living being can quench my bloodthirst! Cracker.png | Cracker | 1 pastry base + 1 salt

Cracker | 1 Nutriment | Poly yells, “POLY WANNA CRACKER!” Pretzel.png | Poppy Pretzel | 1 pastry base + 1 Poppy Seed | Pretzel | 5 Nutriment | Heals brute damage with opium! Biscuit.png | Plump Helmet Biscuit | 1 pastry base + 1 Plump Helmet | Mushroom, biscuit | 5 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin (10% chance of additional 3 Nutriment, 5 Omnizine | The perfect chaser for a Manly Dorf. Oatmealcookie.png | Oatmeal cookie | 1 pastry base + 1 Oat stalk | Cookie, oat | 5 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | The best of both cookie and oat. Raisincookie.png | Raisin Cookie | 1 pastry base + 1 Oat stalk + 1 4no Raisins | Cookie, raisins | 5 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | Why would you put raisins on a cookie? Cherrycupcake.png | Cherry Cupcake | 1 pastry base + 1 Cherry | Cake, cherry | 5 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | A sweet cupcake with cherry bits. Bluecherrycupcake.png | Blue Cherry Cupcake | 1 pastry base + 1 Blue cherry | Cake, blue cherry | 5 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | A sweet cupcake with cherry bits. Khachapuri.png | Khachapuri | 1 plain bread + 1 cheese wedge + 5 units egg yolks | Bread, egg, cheese | 12 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | Bread with egg and cheese? Chococornet.png | Chocolate Cornet | 1 pastry base + 1 unit salt

+ 1 Chocolate Bar | Biscuit, chocolate | 5 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | Which side's the head, the fat end or the thin end? Honeybun.png | Honey Bun | 1 pastry base + 5 units Honey | Pastry, sweetness | 5 Nutriment, 5 Honey | A sticky pastry bun glazed with honey. Pancake.png | Pancake | 1 pastry base | Pancakes | 4 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | Can be stacked. Bbpancake.png | Blueberry Pancake | 1 pastry base + 1 Berry | Pancakes, blueberries | 6 Nutriment, 3 Vitamin | A fluffy and delicious blueberry pancake. Ccpancake.png | Chocolate Chip Pancake | 1 pastry base + 1 Chocolate Bar | Pancakes, chocolate | 6 Nutriment, 3 Vitamin | A fluffy and delicious chocolate chip pancake. Ravtart.png | Rav'tart | 1 pastry base + 1 sheet of Bronze + 2 Berries + 1 Orange | Pastry, sweetness | 7 Nutriment, 3 Vitamin, 8 Ratvarian Light | A brass colored tart with a red filling. Originally baked by TRNE Corp, it is supposedly blessed by a certain eldritch god. Donuts Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Nutritional Value | Notes Donut plain.png | Donut | 1 pastry base + 1 unit sugar | 3 Nutriment, 1 Sprinkles (30% Chance of 2 Sprinkles), 2 sugar | Security members recover morale quickly with these. Donut green.png | Apple Donut | 1 donut + 3 units apple juice | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Apple juice, 1 Sprinkles | No artificial colors! Donut pink.png | Pink Donut | 1 donut + 3 units berry juice | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Berry juice, 1 Sprinkles | Goes great with a soy latte. Donut blue.png | Blumpkin Donut | 1 donut + 3 units blumpkin juice | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Blumpkin juice, 1 Sprinkles | Goes great with a mug of soothing drunken blumpkin. Donut yellow.png | Bungo Donut | 1 donut + 3 units bungo juice + 5 units Cold Sauce | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Bunjo juice, 1 Sprinkles | On a tropical island Underneath the molten lava moon Hanging with the hula dancers Asking questions 'cause they got all the answers.

Donut beige.png | Caramel Donut | 1 donut + 3 units caramel | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Caramel, 1 Sprinkles | Goes great with a mug of hot coco. Donut chaos.png | Chaos Donut | 1 pastry base + 5 units Hot Sauce + 5 units Cold Sauce | 2 Nutriment, 1 Sprinkles (30% Chance of 2 Sprinkles), 1 Sugar Possible 4th Ingredients (Random): 3 Nutriment, 3 Capsaicin, 3 Frost Oil, 3 Sprinkles, 3 Plasma, 3 Coco, 3 Slime Jelly, 3 Banana, 3 Berry Juice, 3 Omnizine

Produces a variety of (possibly dangerous) effects when eaten. Donut choco.png | Chocolate Donut | 1 donut + 1 chocolate bar | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Hot coco, 1 Sprinkles | Goes great with a glass of milk. Donut olive.png | Matcha Donut | 1 donut + 3 units tea powder | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Tea powder, 1 Sprinkles | So good you may just suffer donut overdose. Donut meat.png | Meat Donut | 1 pastry base + 1 raw cutlet | 3 Nutriment, 2 ketchup | Tastes as gross as it looks. Donut purple.png | Spaceman's Donut | 1 donut + 3 units Polypyrylium Oligomers | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Polypyrylium Oligomers, 1 Sprinkles | Goes great with a glass of malk. Slowly heals lung and brute damage while stopping bleeding over time. Donut jelly.png | Jelly Donut | 1 pastry base + 5 units berry juice | 3 Nutriment, 1 Sprinkles (30% Chance of 2 Sprinkles), 5 Berry Juice, 1 Vitamin, | Security members recover more morale with these. Donut jelly green.png | Apple Jelly Donut | 1 jelly donut + 3 units apple juice | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Apple juice, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin | Goes great with a shot of cinnamon schnapps! Donut jelly pink.png | Pink Jelly Donut | 1 jelly donut + 3 units berry juice | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Berry juice, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin | Mmmm Pink. Donut jelly blue.png | Blumpkin Jelly Donut | 1 jelly donut + 3 units blumpkin juice | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Blumpkin juice, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin | Hard to describe how it tastes. Donut jelly yellow.png | Bungo Jelly Donut | 1 jelly donut + 3 units bungo juice | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Bungo juice, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin | Goes great with a mason jar of hippie's delight. Donut jelly beige.png | Caramel Jelly Donut | 1 jelly donut + 3 units caramel | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Caramel, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin | Goes great with a mug of hot coco. Donut jelly choco.png | Chocolate Jelly Donut | 1 jelly donut + 1 chocolate bar | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Hot coco, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin | Delighfully decadent. Donut jelly olive.png | Matcha Jelly Donut | 1 jelly donut + 3 units tea powder | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Tea powder, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin | Goes great with a cup of tea. Donut jelly purple.png | Spaceman's Jelly Donut | 1 jelly donut + 3 units Polypyrylium Oligomers | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Polypyrylium Oligomers, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin | Goes great with a cold beaker of malk. Donut jelly.png | Slime Jelly Donut | 1 pastry base + 5 units slime jelly | 3 Nutriment, 1 Sugar, 3 Slime jelly, 1 Vitamin | You Jelly? Donut jelly green.png | Apple Slime Donut | 1 slime jelly donut + 3 units apple juice | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Apple juice, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin, 3 Slime jelly | Goes great with a shot of cinnamon schnapps, assuming it doesn't melt ya! Donut jelly pink.png | Pink Slime Donut | 1 slime jelly donut + 3 units berry juice | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Berry juice, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin, 3 Slime jelly | Goes great with a soy latte. Just don't let it drip! Donut jelly blue.png | Blumpkin Slime Donut | 1 slime jelly donut + 3 units blumpkin juice | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Blumpkin juice, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin, 3 Slime jelly | Goes great with a mug of soothing drunken blumpkin. Assuming it doesn't melt ya! Donut jelly yellow.png | Bungo Slime Donut | 1 slime jelly donut + 3 units bungo juice | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Bungo juice, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin, 3 Slime jelly | Goes great with a mason jar of hippie's delight. Donut jelly beige.png | Caramel Slime Donut | 1 slime jelly donut + 3 units caramel | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Caramel, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin, 3 Slime jelly | Goes great with a mug of hot coco, assuming ya survie the first bite! Donut jelly choco.png | Chocolate Slime Donut | 1 slime jelly donut + 1 chocolate bar | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Hot coco, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin, 3 Slime jelly | Delighfully decadent for slimes. Donut jelly olive.png | Matcha Slime Donut | 1 slime jelly donut + 3 units tea powder | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Tea powder, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin, 3 Slime jelly | Goes great with a cup of tea, if you can stand the melting effects. Donut jelly purple.png | Spaceman's Slime Donut | 1 slime jelly donut + 3 units Polypyrylium Oligomers | 3 Nutriment, 3 Sugar, 3 Polypyrylium Oligomers, 1 Sprinkles, 1 Vitamin, 3 Slime jelly | Goes great with a cold beaker of malk, assuming ya don't drop dead from acid wounds. Pockets Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Taste (Cooked) | Nutritional Value | Notes Donkpocketbanana 0.png | Honk-pocket | 1 pastry base + 1 Banana + 3 units Sugar | Banana, dough, children's antibiotics | 4 Nutriment, 4 Banana | The award-winning donk-pocket that won the hearts of clowns and humans alike. Donkpocketberry 0.png | Berry-pocket | 1 pastry base + 1 Berry | Dough, warm jam | 4 Nutriment, 3 Berry Juice | A relentlessly sweet donk-pocket first created for use in Operation Dessert Storm. Dankpocket.png | Dank-pocket | 1 pastry base + 1 Cannabis | Meat, dough | 3 Lipolicide, 3 Space Drugs, 4 Nutriment | The food of choice for the seasoned botanist. Donkpocket.png | Donk-Pocket | 1 pastry base + 1 meatball | Meat, dough, laziness | 4 Nutriment | Contains Omnizine when heated, until they cool. Reheatable once they do. Donkpocketgondola 0.png | Gondola-pocket | 1 pastry base + 5 units Tranquility | Meat, dough, inner peace | 4 Nutriment, 5 Tranquility | The choice to use real gondola meat in the recipe is controversial, to say the least. Donkpocketpizza 0.png | Pizza-pocket | 1 pastry base + 1 Tomato | Meat, dough, melty cheese | 4 Nutriment, 2 Tomato Juice | Delicious, cheesy and surprisingly filling. Donkpocketspicy 0.png | Spicy-pocket | 1 pastry base + 1 Chili | Meat, dough, spice | 4 Nutriment, 2 Capsaicin | The classic snack food, now with a heat-activated spicy flair. Donkpocketteriyaki 0.png | Teriyaki-pocket | 1 pastry base + 3 units soy sauce | Meat, dough, soy sauce | 4 Nutriment, 2 Soy Sauce | An east-asian take on the classic stationside snack. Waffles Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Taste | Nutritional Value | Notes Soylenvirdians.png | Soylent Green | 2 pastry base + 2 Human Meat | Waffles, people | 10 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | SOYLENT GREEN IS PEOPLE! Soylen yellow.png | Soylen Viridians | 2 pastry base + 1 Soy Bean | Waffles, the colour green | 10 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | SOYLENT VIRIDIAN IS PLANTS! Roffle.png | Roffle Waffles | 2 pastry base + 5 units Mushroom Hallucinogen | Waffles, mushrooms | 8 Nutriment, 8 Mushroom Hallucinogen, 2 Vitamin | Like pancakes with hallucinogen traps. Waffles.png | Waffles | 2 pastry base | Waffles | 8 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | Like pancakes with syrup traps.

Pies Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Taste | Nutritional Value | Notes Amapie.png | Amanita Pie | 1 plain pie + 1 Fly amanita | Pie, mushroom | 6 Nutriment, 3 Amatoxin, 1 Mushroom Hallucinogen, 4 Vitamin | Only slightly toxic, really! Applepie.png | Apple Pie | 1 plain pie + 1 Apple | Pie, apple | 11 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | The traditional dessert. Baklava.png | Baklava Pie | 4 Oat stalks + 4 tortillas + 2 butter | Nuts, pie | 12 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin | A delightful healthy snack made of nut layers with thin bread. Pie.gif | Banana Cream Pie | 1 plain pie + 1 Banana | Pie | 8 Nutriment, 5 Banana, 4 Vitamin | Contains a moderate amount of banana essence. Bearypie.png | Beary Pie | 1 bear steak + 1 plain pie + 1 Berry | Pie, meat, salmon | 12 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | No brown bears, this is a good sign. Berryclafoutis.png | Berry Clafoutis | 1 plain pie + 1 Berry | Pie, blackberries | 11 Nutriment, 5 Berry Juice, 4 Vitamin | It's like asking the deep-friers at a carnival for something healthy! Berrytart.png | Berry Tart | 1 plain pie + 5 units sugar + 5 units Milk + 3 Berries | Pie, berries | 3 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | A tasty dessert of many different small barries on a thin pie crust. Requires reading Cooking Desserts 101 to unlock. Blumpkinpie.png | Blumpkin Pie | 1 plain pie + 5 units Milk + 5 units sugar + 1 Blumpkin | Pie, a mouthful of pool water | 13 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin | Full of delicious chlorine and ammonia. Cherrypie.png | Cherry Pie | 1 plain pie + 1 Cherry | Pie, Nicole Paige Brooks | 11 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | “To bake a pie, we must first invent the universe.” -Carl Sagan Chocolatelavatart.png | Chocolate Lava Tart | 1 plain pie + 5 units sugar + 5 units Milk + 3 Chocolate Bars + 1 Slime Extract | pie, dark chocolate | 4 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin | A tasty dessert made of chocolate, with a liquid core. Requires reading Cooking Desserts 101 to unlock. Dulcedebatata.png | Dulce de Batata | 5 units Vanilla + 5 units Water + 2 Sweet potato | Jelly, sweet potato | 14 Nutriment, 8 Vitamin | A delicious jelly made with sweet potatoes. Frostypie.png | Frostypie | 1 plain pie + 1 Blue Cherry | Mint, pie | 14 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin. | Tastes like blue and cold. Gtart.png | Golden Apple Streusel Tart | 1 plain pie + 5 units milk + 5 units sugar + 1 Gold apple | Pie, apple, expensive metal | 8 Nutriment, 5 Gold, 4 Vitamin | A tasty dessert that won't make it through a metal detector. Grapetart.png | Grape Tart | 1 plain pie + 5 units sugar + 5 units milk + 3 Grapes | Pie, grape | 4 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin | A tasty dessert that reminds you of the wine you didn't make. Meatpies.png | Meatpies | 1 plain pie + 1 meat steak + 1 salt

+ 1 pepper | Pie, meat | 10 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin | An old barber recipe, very delicious! Mimetart.png | Mime Tart | 1 plain pie + 5 units sugar + 5 units milk + 5 units Nothing | Nothing | 5 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin, 10 Nothing | … . Requires reading Cooking Desserts 101 to unlock. Plumppie.GIF | Plump Pie | 1 plain pie + 1 Plump helmet | Pie, mushroom | 11 Nutriment, 5 Omnizine (10% Chance), 4 Vitamin | Has a chance to be “exceptional” - it'll contain Omnizine! Pumpkinpie.png | Pumpkin Pie | 1 plain pie + 1 Pumpkin + 5 units milk + 5 units sugar | Pie, pumpkin | 11 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Dangerously delicious. Meatpies.png | Tofu Pie | 1 plain pie + 1 tofu | Pie, tofu | 11 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin | Made of plants, or not? Xpie.png | Xeno Pie | 1 [plain pie + 2 xeno cutlets | Pie, meat, acid | 10 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | A delicious end to the xeno threat. Pizzas Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Taste | Nutritional Value | Notes Arnoldpizza.png | Arnold Pizza | 1 pizza bread + 3 cutlets + 1 cheese wedge + 1 Tomato + 8 9mm Bullet Casings | Crust, tomato, cheese, pepperoni, 9 millimeter bullets | 30 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin, 10 Iron, 30 omnizine | Sliceable. Blows your arm off if you eat it voluntarily. Dankpizza.png | Dank Pizza | 1 pizza bread + 3 Ambrosia vulgaris + 1 cheese wedge + 1 Tomato | Crust, tomato, cheese, meat | 25 Nutriment, 5 Doctor's Delight, 6 Tomato Juice, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Donkpocketpizza.png | Donk Pocket Pizza | 1 pizza bread + 3 Warm Donk-Pocket + 1 Tomato + 1 cheese wedge | Crust, tomato, cheese, meat, laziness | 27 Nutriment, 9 Omnizine, 6 Vitamin | Sliceable. Pineapplepizza.png | Hawaiian pizza | 1 pizza bread + 2 cutlets + 3 Pineapple Slices + 1 cheese wedge + 1 Tomato | Crust, tomato, cheese, pineapple, ham | 30 nutriment, 20 vitamin, 1 cooking oil, 1 water | Sliceable. Contains pineapple. The pizza equivalent of Einstein's riddle. Margheritapizza.png | Margherita Pizza | 1 pizza bread + 4 cheese wedges + 1 Tomato | Crust, tomato, cheese | 30 Nutriment, 6 Tomato Juice, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Meatpizza.png | Meat Pizza | 1 pizza bread + 4 cutlets + 1 cheese wedge + 1 Tomato | Crust, tomato, cheese, meat | 40 Nutriment, 6 Tomato Juice, 8 Vitamin | Sliceable. Extremely nutritious, despite the grease. Mushroompizza.png | Mushroom Pizza | 1 pizza bread + 5 any mushrooms | crust, tomato, cheese, meat | 30 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Sassysagepizza.png | Sassysage Pizza | 1 pizza bread + 3 Meatballs + 1 cheese wedge + 1 Tomato | Crust, tomato, cheese, meat | 6 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin | Sliceable. Vegepizza.png | Vegetable Pizza | 1 pizza bread + 1 Eggplant + 1 Carrot + 1 Corn + 1 Tomato | Crust, tomato, cheese, carrot | 25 Nutriment, 6 Tomato Juice, 12 Oculine, 5 Vitamin | Sliceable. Salads Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Taste | Nutritional Value | Notes Aesirsalad.png | Aesir Salad | 1 Bowl + 3 Ambrosia Deus + 1 Gold apple | Leaves | 8 Nutriment, 8 Omnizine, 6 Vitamin | Probably too incredible for mortal men to fully enjoy. Citrusdelight.png | Citrus Delight | 1 Bowl + 1 Orange + 1 Lime + 1 Lemon | Sourness, leaves | 7 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Citrus overload! Fruitsalad.png | Fruit Salad | 1 Bowl + 1 Orange + 1 Apple + 1 Grapes + 2 Watermelon slices | Fruit | 2 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin | Your standard fruit salad. Herbsalad.png | Herb Salad | 1 Bowl + 3 Ambrosia Vulgaris + 1 Apple | Leaves, apple | 8 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | A tasty salad with apples on top. Junglesalad.png | Jungle Salad | 1 Bowl + 1 Apple + 1 Grapes + 2 Banana + 2 Watermelon slices | Fruit, the jungle | 7 Nutriment, 5 Banana, 4 Vitamin | Exotic fruits in a bowl. Melonfruitbowl.png | Melon Fruit Bowl | 1 Watermelon + 1 Apple + 1 Orange + 1 Lemon + 1 Banana + 1 Ambrosia Vulgaris | Melon | 6 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin | The only salad where you can eat the bowl Validsalad.png | Valid Salad | 1 Bowl + 3 Ambrosia Vulgaris + 1 Potato + 1 meatball | Leaves, potato, meat, valids | 8 Nutriment, 5 Doctor's Delight, 2 Vitamin | Heals everyone! Not really Sandwiches Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Taste | Nutritional Value | Notes Toastsand.png | Grilled Cheese Sandwich | 2 (plain) bread slices + 2 cheese wedges | Toast, cheese | 6 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | Space Vegetarian, but not Space Vegan friendly. Hotdog.png | Hotdog | 1 bun + 1 Sausage + 5 units Ketchup | Bun, meat | 6 Nutriment, 3 Ketchup, 3 Vitamin | Fresh footlong ready to go down on. Rorosandwich.png | Jelly Sandwich | 2 (plain) bread slices + 5 units cherry jelly | Bread, jelly | 2 Nutriment, 5 Cherry Jelly, 2 Vitamin | You wish you had some peanut butter to go with this… Rorosandwich.png | Jelly Sandwich (slime) | 2 (plain) bread slices + 5 units Slime Jelly | Bread, jelly | 2 Nutriment, 5 Slime Jelly, 2 Vitamin | Probably as toxic to the crew as peanuts would be. Notasandwich.png | Not-a-Sandwich | 1 Fake Moustache + 2 (plain) bread slices | Nothing Suspicious | 6 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin | Something seems to be wrong with this, you can't quite figure what. Maybe it's his moustache. Sandwich.png | Sandwich | 2 (plain) bread slices + 1 meat steak + 1 cheese wedge | Meat, cheese, bread, lettuce | 7 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | Talking to your food may result in a trip to the Chaplain. Soups & Stews Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Taste | Nutritional Value | Notes AmanitaJelly.gif | Amanita Jelly | 1 Bowl + 5 units vodka + 3 Fly amanitas | Jelly, mushroom | 6 Nutriment, 6 Amatoxin, 3 Mushroom Hallucinogen | It's evil, don't touch it! Beetsoup.png | Beet Soup | 1 Bowl + 10 units water + 1 Whitebeet + 1 Cabbage | (Has a random name and taste both equal to a random misspelling of “borscht.”) | 3+ Nutriment, 10 Water, 7+ Vitamin | Feed your inner Russian with borscht. Bisque.png | Bisque | 1 Bowl + 10 units water + 1 crab meat + 1 boiled rice | Creamy texture, crab | 6 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin, 5 Water | A classic entree from Space-France. Tomatosoup.png | Blood Soup | 1 Bowl + 10 units Blood + 2 Blood Tomatoes | Iron | 3+ Nutriment, 10 Blood, 8+ Vitamin | They may think you're the homicidal maniac you are when you produce a large amount of these. Bungo curry.png | Bungo Curry | 1 bowl + 5 units water + 5 units cream + 1 bungo fruit + 1 chili | Bungo, hot curry, tropical sweetness | 6 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin, 8 Bungo juice, 5 capsaicin | A spicy vegetable curry made with the humble bungo fruit, Exotic! Clownsoup.png | Clown's Tears | 1 Bowl + 10 units water + 1 Banana + 1 Bananium ore | A bad joke | 2+ Nutriment, 5+ Banana, 10 Water, 9+ Vitamin | Not very funny. Coldstew.png | Cold Chili | 1 Bowl + 2 cutlets + 1 Ice pepper + 1 Tomato | Tomato, mint | 8 Nutriment, 1 Frost Oil, 2 Tomato Juice, 4 Vitamin | This slush is barely a liquid! Electron soup.gif | Electron Soup | 1 bowl + 10 units water + 5 units Salt

+ 1 jupiter cup | Mushroom, electrons | 3 Nutriment, 5 Liquid Electricity | A gastronomic curiosity of ethereal origin. It is famed for the minature weather system formed over a properly prepared soup. Eyeballsoup.png | Eyeball Soup | 1 Bowl + 10 units water + 2 Tomatoes + 1 Eyeball | Tomato, squirming | 5+ Nutriment, 10+ Blood, 3+ Vitamin, 3 Liquid Gibs | A nice hearty bowl of… eyeballs? Hotstew.png | Hot Chili | 1 Bowl + 2 cutlets + 1 Chili + 1 Tomato | Hot peppers | 8+ Nutriment, 1 Capsaicin, 2 Tomato Juice, 4+ Vitamin | A five alarm Texan Chili! Mammi.png | Mammi | 1 plain bread + 1 chocolate bar + 5 units Milk | N/A | 11 Nutriment, 2 Vitamin | A bowl of mushy bread and milk. It reminds you, not too fondly, of a bowel movement. Meatsoup.png | Meatball Soup | 1 Bowl + 10 units water + 1 meatball + 1 Carrot + 1 Potato | Meat | 7+ Nutriment, 10 Water, 8+ Vitamin | You've got balls kid, BALLS! Milo.png | Milo Soup | 1 Bowl + 10 units water + 2 Soy Dopes + 2 tofu | Miso | 9 Nutriment, 10 Water, 3 Vitamin | The universes best soup! Yum!!! Monkeydel.png | Monkey's Delight | 1 Bowl + 1 Monkey Cube + 1 Banana + 5 units flour + 1 unit salt

+ 1 unit pepper | The jungle, banana | 10 Nutriment, 5 Banana, 1 Salt, 1 Black Pepper 5 Vitamin | A delicious soup with dumplings and hunks of monkey meat simmered to perfection, in a broth that tastes faintly of bananas. Mushroomsoup.png | Mushroom Soup | 1 Bowl + 5 units water + 5 units milk + 1 Chanterelle | Mushroom | 2+ Nutriment, 5 Water, 5 Milk, 6+ Vitamin | The debate on whether you can use Amanitas for the soup goes on. Mysterysoup.png | Mystery Soup | 1 Bowl + 10 units water + 1 burned mess + 1 tofu + 1 boiled egg + 1 cheese wedge | Chaos | 7 Nutriment, 10 Water, 2 Tomato juice, 2 Vitamin, and 5 of a Random Ingredient:

Capsaicin,Frost Oil, Omnizine, Banana, Blood, Slime Jelly, Toxin, Oculine, Carbon

The mystery is, why aren't you eating it? Nettlesoup.png | Nettle Soup | 1 Bowl + 10 units water + 1 Nettle + 1 boiled egg + 1 Potato | Nettles | 5+ Nutriment, 10 Water, 5 Omnizine, 8+ Vitamin | To think, the botanist would've beat you to death with one of these. Oatmeal.png | Oatmeal | 1 Bowl + 10 units milk + 1 oat stalk | Oats, milk | 7 Nutriment, 10 Milk, 2 Vitamin | A nice bowl of oatmeal. Redbeetsoup.png | Red Beet Soup | 1 Bowl + 10 units water + 1 red beet + 1 Cabbage | Beet | 4 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin | Quite a delicacy. Slimesoup.png | Slime Soup | 1 Bowl + 10 units water + 5 units Slime Jelly | Slime | 1 Nutriment, 5 Slime Jelly, 10 Water, 5 Vitamin | If no water is available, you may substitute tears. Duff.gif | Spacy Liberty Duff | 1 Bowl + 5 units vodka + 3 Liberty-caps | Jelly, mushroom | 6 Nutriment, 6 Mushroom Hallucinogen | Jello gelatin, from Alfred Hubbard's cookbook. Stew.png | Stew | 1 Bowl + 10 units water + 3 cutlets + 1 Tomato + 1 Potato + 1 Carrot + 1 Eggplant + 1 Mushroom | Tomato, carrot | 14+ Nutriment, 10 Water, 5 Tomato Juice, 5 Oculine, 13+ Vitamin | The perfect thing for when the bar starts to get cold. Sweetpotatosoup.png | Sweet Potato Soup | 1 Bowl + 10 units water + 5 units Sugar + 2 sweet potatoes | Sweet potato | 4 Nutriment, 5 Vitamin | Delicious sweet potato in soup form. Tomatosoup.png | Tomato Soup | 1 Bowl + 10 units water + 2 Tomatoes | Tomato | 3+ Nutriment, 10 Water, 10 Tomato Juice, 5+ Vitamin | Drinking this feels like being a vampire! A tomato vampire… Vegesoup.png | Vegetable Soup | 1 Bowl + 10 units water + 1 Carrot + 1 Corn + 1 Eggplant + 1 Potato | Vegetables | 5+ Nutriment, 10 Water, 8+ Vitamin | Force feed the Botanists this. Wingchu.png | Wing Fang Chu | 1 Bowl + 5 units soy sauce + 2 xeno cutlets | Soy | 6 Nutriment, 5 Soy Sauce, 2 Vitamin | A savory dish of alien wing wang in soy. Wishsoup.png | Wish Soup | 1 Bowl + 20 units water | Wishes | 20 Water, (25% Chance for 9 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin) | I wish this was soup. Spaghettis Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Taste | Nutritional Value | Notes Beefnoodle.png | Beef Noodle | 1 Bowl + 1 boiled spaghetti + 2 cutlets + 1 Cabbage | Noodles, meat | 5 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin, 3 Liquid Gibs | Nutritious, beefy, and noodly. Butternoodles.png | Butter Noodles | 1 boiled spaghetti + 1 butter | Noodles, butter | 8 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin | Noodles covered in savory butter. Chowmein.png | Chowmein | 1 boiled spaghetti + 1 cutlet + 2 Cabbage + 1 Carrot | Noodles, meat, fried vegetables | 7 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin | A nice mix of noodles and fried vegetables. Copypasta.gif | Copypasta | 2 tomato pastas | Pasta, tomato | 12 Nutriment, 20 Tomato Juice, 8 Vitamin | You probably shouldn't try this, you always hear people talking about how bad it is… Glassnoodles.png | Glass Noodles | 1 boiled spaghetti + 1 carrot + 1 tofu + 1 Sheet of Glass | Noodle, sweetness, tofu | 10 Nutriment, 10 Vitamin | Noodles so transparent, you can see through them! Kasespatzle.png | Käsespätzle | 1 boiled spaghetti + 10 units egg yolk + 1 cheese wedge | Pasta, cheese, egg | 8 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin | A special kind of pasta made with eggs, served with tasty cheese. Lasaga.png | Lasagna | 1 spaghetti + 1 meatball + 1 tomato + 1 cheese wedge | Pasta, tomato, cheese, mondays | 6 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin, 10 Tomato juice | Somewhere, in some different universe, a cat is smoking your pipe. Meatballspag.png | Spaghetti and Meatballs | 1 boiled spaghetti + 2 Meatballs | Pasta, meat | 8 Nutriment, 4 Vitamin | Now that's a nic'e meatball! Spaghettinapolitan.png | Spaghetti Napolitan | 1 boiled spaghetti + 10 units ketchup + 1 sausage + 1 chili | Pasta, ketchup, sausage | 8 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin | The only excuse to ever put ketchup into your spaghetti. Spesslaw.png | Spesslaw | 1 boiled spaghetti + 4 Meatballs | Pasta, meat | 8 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin | Lawyer's choice! Pastatomato.png | Tomato Pasta | 1 boiled spaghetti + 2 Tomatoes | Pasta, tomato | 6 Nutriment, 10 Tomato Juice, 4 Vitamin | Don't put it in your pockets. That's just unsanitary. Custom Recipes Sometimes you want to get creative. You can make custom food by adding any ingredient you like on a base food to start a custom recipe. You can rename those foods with a pen.

Custom food | How to acquire Custom Bread | Use ingredients on a plain bread. Sliceable for custom bread slice. Custom Cake | Use ingredients on a plain cake. Sliceable for custom cake slice. Custom Pizza | Use ingredients on a pizza bread. Sliceable for custom cake slice. Custom Pie | Use ingredients on a plain pie. Custom Spaghetti | Use ingredients on a plate of boiled spaghetti. Custom Salad | Use ingredients on an empty bowl. Custom Soup | Fill a bowl with any liquid reagent then use your ingredients on the bowl. Custom Kebab | Use ingredients on a metal rod. Custom Sandwich | Use ingredients on any bread slice. Use another bread slice (any type) to finish the sandwich. Custom Burger | Use ingredients on a bun. Recipe Books Some recipes will only be visible in your crafting menu Crafting menu hud icon.png after reading a special book first. So far there is only one such book:

Picture | Book | Unlocks | Where to get | Notes Cooking Desserts 101.png | Cooking Desserts 101 | Mime tart, berry tart, chocolate lava tart, clown cake and vanilla cake. | Dinner-o-Mat | Icecream Vat.png Ice Cream Vat Ding-aling ding dong. Get your Nanotrasen-approved ice cream!

For those hot days on the station there's an Ice Cream Vat, which can be used to make:

Picture | Recipe | Ingredients | Notes Waffle Cone.png | Waffle Cone | 1 unit units flour + 1 unit sugar | Delicious waffle cone, but no ice cream. Chocolate Cone.png | Chocolate Cone | 1 unit units flour + 1 unit sugar + 1 coco powder | Delicious chocolate cone, but no ice cream. Vanilla Icecream.png | Vanilla Ice Cream | 1 unit milk + 1 unit ice + 1 unit vanilla | Scoop it up with a Waffle/Chocolate Cone. Strawberry Icecream.png | Strawberry Ice Cream | 1 unit milk + 1 unit ice + 1 unit berry juice | Scoop it up with a Waffle/Chocolate Cone. Chocolate Icecream.png | Chocolate Ice Cream | 1 unit milk + 1 unit ice 1 unit coco powder | Scoop it up with a Waffle/Chocolate Cone. Blue Icecream.png | Blue Ice Cream | 1 unit milk + 1 unit ice + 1 unit Singulo | Scoop it up with a Waffle/Chocolate Cone. Vanilla Icecream.png | Custom Ice Cream | 1 unit milk + 1 unit ice + 1 unit optional flavoring (any reagent) | You can refill the ice cream vat's ingredient storage by inserting a beaker with reagents, and clicking the “refill from beaker” button. This will let you create custom ice cream flavoured by any reagent. Vending Machine Food Vendsnack.gif Junk Food If you're hungry and the Cook is not around to make you a meal, you might want to check the nearest Getmore Chocolate Corp -vending machine for some quick snacks to fill up your belly. Most of these cannot be made, except for beef jerky and raisins: these are made by drying meat and grapes respectively on a drying rack.

Picture | Dispenses | Description Candy.png | Candy | Nougat; love it or hate it. Consists of nutriment and sugar, filling you mildly. Cup Ramen.png | Cup Ramen | Just add 10ml water, self heats! A taste that reminds you of your school years. Chips.png | Chips | Commander Riker's What-The-Crisps. Consists of nutriment and sugar, filling you mildly. Beef Jerky.png | Scaredy's Private Reserve Beef Jerky | Beef jerky made from the finest space cows. Consists of nutriment and sugar, filling you mildly. 4no Raisins.png | 4no Raisins | Best raisins in the universe. Not sure why. Consists of nutriment and sugar, making it a filling snack. Space Twinkie.png | Space Twinkie | A few bite snack consisting of a small amount of sugar. Cheesie Honkers.png | Cheesie Honkers | Bite sized cheesie snacks that will honk all over your mouth. Consists of nutriment and sugar, filling you mildly, Highenergybar.png | High-Power Energy Bars | An energy bar with a lot of punch, you probably shouldn't eat this if you're not an Ethereal. Filled with Liquid Electricity, which feeds Ethereals and shocks everyone else. Other food Picture | Item | Description Cookie.gif | Cookie | A Peacekeeper cyborg can dispense cookies. Each cookie contains a small amount of nutriment. Lollipop.png | Lollipop | Medical cyborgs can dispense lollipops. Full of Omnizine, sugar, iron, vitamin and nutriment. Gumball.png | Gumball | Medical cyborgs can also dispense gumballs! These contain not only sugar, but also healing chemicals. Hunger As you walk and move about on station, your starting nutrition bar will start to drain from starting green, down to dark red. The effects of obesity and hunger are inversely bad of each other, and it is best to keep yourself reasonably fed with food or drinks, else you will suffer one of the two extremes.

Hungerlevels.gif The six hunger levels are Starving, Hungry, Fed, Well Fed, Full and Fat. The only bad levels are Starving, Hungry and Fat. Currently, you won't see your nutrition bar unless you are hungry or fat.

Note that nutrition is typically slow-release, so if you don't fill up immediately, you will in the near future. Listen to your stomach messages when eating, don't eat if your body is unwilling.

Starvation If you drop to dark red, you move very slowly and your description reveals your lack of eating habits. You are starving, this is not good! You won't die, but you will move slowly until you eat some food, so head to the Kitchen for a burger or slice of meatbread!

Obesity A troubling problem for all station goers who enjoy food too much, without working off the calories they consumed. You grow pudgy and move slowly, though not as slow as a starving person. You will only become fat once your food has had time to digest, this becomes a problem if you are say, working on the solars. By getting enough exercise, you can work off those pounds, but surgery or using lipocide is faster. Note that you can also become fat from drinking too much.

When one is fat, eating the mint or ingesting mint toxin (from grinding the mint) will gib them.

Satiety Eating healthy food and being well fed can make your organism temporarily stronger against viruses and toxic reagents that get into your body. Being hungry will make you metabolize both good and bad reagents slower, for a higher total effect. On the other hand, eating junk food will satiate your hunger for a while but it will make you want food again faster, and eating too much of them can make you a bit jittery.

Breakfast Some food and drink types will give a positive moodlet for 10 minutes if consumed within 15 minutes of the start of the shift. These are:

most egg based foods coffee bacon oatmeal orange juice milk pancakes waffles donuts toasts biscuits cereal

games/sc13/guides/food.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/05 13:20 by wizardofaus_doku

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