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Emotes are any gesture that can be performed by using any part of your body. Some emotes are performed automatically depending on your circumstances (screaming or fainting from strong pain, gasping from asphyxiation, coughing or sneezing from a virus symptom, etc), but this is the bare minimum of what emotes can do. Using chat commands allows you to make any emote imaginable and helps your actions “pop out” into the third dimension that would normally be impossible with only character actions and speech.

While no one really cares if your emoting carries more information than is needed for the current situation, it's important to understand that emoting is not a 1-to-1 alternative to speaking in case you end up mute in some fashion. It's great to emote gestures to try and save your hide if your vocal cords have been secated, or to just activate your traitor implants, but using emotes in a literal fashion as you would use normal speech isn't. Try to be at least considerate of what your character can actually gesticulate, if for anything but the enjoyment of other players. The Mime cannot flip you off if you disable their hand.

There are some built-in emotes in the game listed below, some with special effects and prerequisites. To use a built-in emote, just use say and an asterisk before your emote, e.g. say “*blink. Say *help to show a list of all the emotes available to you.

You can also use the me” command and the *custom emote to emote anything you'd like, e.g. me “waves to you. Using me” emotes is essentially the same as using *custom, although *custom allow you to select the context of your emote. This is useful as the custom emote context setting will take character circumstances into account.

Basic Emotes

These emotes can be done by any living being.

*emote Gesture Special Effects
*suicide, *suicides You kill yourself. Special messages depending on whatever you're holding or standing over. Everyone is allowed to release themselves from their mortal coil and taste sweet death. Cannot be done while restrained or unconscious.
*deathgasp, *deathgasps The sound you make when you die.
Humanoid: “seizes up and falls limp, their eyes dead and lifeless…”
Cyborg: “shudders violently for a moment before falling still, its eyes slowly darkening.”
AI: “lets out a flurry of sparks, its screen flickering as its systems slowly halt.”
Alien: “lets out a waning guttural screech, green blood bubbling from its maw…”
Alien Larva: “lets out a sickly hiss of air and falls limply to the floor…”
Pulse Demon: “fizzles out into faint sparks, leaving only a slight trail of smoke…”
Monkey: “lets out a faint chimper as it collapses and stops moving…”
Simplemob: “stops moving…”
Everyone can deathgasp at any time. Nuke Ops will detonate their explosive implant on deathgasp, either from an emote or actually dying. Clumsy people (Clowns and players affected by banana incense or honk serum) will make a sad trombone sound on deathgasp.

Universal Emotes

These emotes can be done by any living being except for slimes, AIs, and pAIs.

*emote Gesture Special Effects
*bow, *bows
*bow [target]
bows to [target].
Visual emote. Cannot be done while restrained.
*cross, *crosses, *cro crosses his/her arms.
MoMMI: crosses their utility arms.
Visual emote. Cannot be done while restrained.
*collapse, *collapses, *col collapses! Auditory emote. Knockdowns for 10 seconds.
*glare, *glares, *gla
*glare [target]
glares at [target].
MoMMI: glares as best a robot spider can glare.
Auditory emote.
*dance, *dances, *dan dances around happily. Visual emote. Cannot be done while restrained.
*cultdance, *cultdances, *cultd displays the dance of their people. Visual emote. Can only be done if you are a cultist. You spin and flail about. The message is still displayed while restrained but you don't do the movement.
*drool, *drools, *dro drools. Visual emote.
*faint, *faints, *fai faints. Visual emote. You faint for 10 seconds.
*flap, *flaps
*aflap, *aflaps
flaps his/her wings.
MoMMI: flaps its utility arms as though they were wings.
flaps his/her wings ANGRILY!
MoMMI: flaps its utility arms ANGRILY!
Visual emote. Can only be done if you have wings.
*frown, *frowns, *fro frowns. Visual emote.
*jump, *jumps jumps! Visual emote. Cannot be done while restrained.
*look, *looks
*look [target]
looks at [target].
Visual emote.
*nervous, *ner looks around nervously. Visual emote.
*nod, *nods
*nod [target]
nods at [target].
MoMMI: bobs its body in a rough approximation of nodding.
Visual emote.
*point, *points
*point [target]
points at [target].
Visual emote. Cannot be done while restrained. Somewhat antiquated due to the shift + middle mouse Point At feature.
*sigh, *sighs sighs.
Mime: performs a silent theatrical sigh.
Auditory emote.
*scoff, *scoffs, *sco scoffs.
Mime: silently scoffs.
Auditory emote.
*sit, *sits sits down. Visual emote.
*smile, *smiles, *smi smiles. Visual emote.
*squint, *squints, *squ squints. Visual emote.
*sneeze, *sneezes, *sne sneezes. Auditory emote.
*smug, *smugs grins smugly. Visual emote.
*stare, *stares, *sta
*stare [target]
stares at [target].
Visual emote.
*stretch, *stretches, *str stretches his/her arms. Visual emote.
*sulk, *sulks sulks down sadly. Visual emote.
*surrender, *surrenders, *sur puts their hands on their head and falls to the ground. He/She surrenders! Auditory emote. Stuns you for 10 seconds.
*sway, *sways sways around dizzily. Visual emote.
*tremble, *trembles trembles in fear! Visual emote.

Humanoid Emotes

These emotes are unique to humanoids, monkeys, and aliens.

*emote Gesture Special Effects
Making an auditory emote while muzzled makes a noise.
makes a weak noise.
makes a strong noise.
Auditory emote that replaces the emote you input, meant to simulate the mouth being gagged.
*airguitar is strumming the air and headbanging like a safari chimp. Visual emote. Cannot be done while restrained.
*blink, *blinks, *bli blinks. Visual emote.
*blink_r, *blir blinks rapidly. Visual emote.
*clap, *claps claps. Auditory emote, but ignores the muzzle. Cannot be done while restrained.
*moan, *moans moans!
Mime: appears to moan!
Auditory emote.
*wink, *winks winks. Visual emote.
*twitch, *twitches, *twi twitches violently. Visual emote.
*twitch_s, *twis twitches. Visual emote.
*wave, *waves waves. Visual emote.
*whimper, *whimpers, *whim whimpers.
Mime: appears hurt.
Visual emote.
*wsmile, *wsmiles, *wsmi smiles weakly. Visual emote.
*yawn, *yawns yawns. Auditory emote.
*sniff, *sniffs, *sni sniffs. Auditory emote.
*snore, *snores, *sno snores.
Mime: sleeps soundly.
Auditory emote. Can be done while unconscious.
*pout, *pouts pouts. Auditory emote.
*scowl, *scowls, *sco scowls. Auditory emote.
*shake, *shakes, *sha shakes his/her head. Auditory emote.
*shiver, shivers, shi shivers. Auditory emote.
*kiss, *kisses
*kiss [target]
blows a kiss.
blows a kiss to [target].
Auditory emote.
*laugh, *laughs, *lau laughs.
Mime: laughs silently.
Auditory emote.
*gag, *gags gags.
Mime: gags silently.
Auditory emote.
*gasp, *gasps gasps!
Mime: gasps silently!
Auditory emote.
*giggle, *giggles, *gig giggles.
Mime: giggles silently!
Auditory emote.
*grin, *grins grins. Visual emote.
*groan, *groans, *gro groans!
Mime: appears to groan!
Visual emote.
*grimace, *grimaces, *gri grimaces. Visual emote.
*burp, *burps burps.
Mime: appears to burp.
Auditory emote.
*choke, *chokes, *cho chokes! Auditory emote.
*chuckle, *chuckles, *chu chuckles.
Mime: imitates a smug chuckle.
Auditory emote.
*blush, *blushes, *blu blushes. Visual emote.
*smirk, *smirks, *smir smirks. Visual emote.
*fear, *fears screams in fear!
Mime: acts out a fearful scream!
Auditory emote.
*beckon, *beckons, *bec [target] beckons [target] closer. Visual emote.
*dismiss, *dismisses, *dis
*dismiss [target]
waves dismissively.
waves dismissively to [target].
Visual emote.
*snap, *snaps snaps their fingers. Visual emote.
*knuckle, *knuckles, *knu cracks their knuckles. Visual emote.
*flipoff, *flipo
*flipoff [target]
flips the bird.
flips [target] off!
Visual emote.
*whistle, *whistles, *whis whistles. Auditory emote.
*wolfwhistle, *wolfwhistles, *wwhi
*wolfwhistle [target]
wolfwhistles at [target].
Auditory emote for catcalling.
*rubhands, *rubh rubs his/her hands deviously. Visual emote.
*wringhands, *wrih wrings his/her hands. Visual emote.
*headache, *hea holds his/her head in frustration. Visual emote.
*eyerub, *eyer rubs his/her eyes. Visual emote.
*scream, *screams, *scr
*shriek, *shrieks, *shr
*chitter, *chitters, *chi
screams in agony!
Mime: acts out a scream!
Vox: shrieks in agony!
Vox Mime: acts out a shriek!
Insectoid: chitters in agony!
Insectoid Mime: chitters silently!
Auditory emote. If from pain, the emote creates a sound effect. This sound is unique depending if you are a Vox, Insectoid, male, or female.
*cough, *coughs, *cou coughs!
Mime: coughs silently!
Auditory emote. If from lung damage, chemical, or virus symptom, the emote creates a sound effect. This sound is unique depending if you are male or female.

Human Emotes

These emotes are unique to all the station humanoids that can do human gestures with their fingers and stuff.

*emote Gesture Special Effects
*cry, *cries cries. Auditory emote.
*dap, *daps
*dap [target]
sadly can't find anybody to give daps to, and daps him/herself. Shameful.
gives daps to [target].
Visual emote. Cannot be done while restrained.
*eyebrow, *eyeb raises an eyebrow. Visual emote.
*grumble, *grumbles, *gru grumbles!
Mime: grumbles silently!
Auditory emote.
*handshake [target]
shakes their own hands.
shakes hands with [target].
Auditory emote. Cannot be done while restrained. Requires a free hand.
*hug, *hugs
*hug [target]
hugs themselves.
hugs [target].
Auditory emote. Cannot be done while restrained.
*mumble, *mumbles mumbles under their breath.
Mime: mumbles silently.
Auditory emote.
*pale goes pale for a second. Visual emote.
*signal, *signals, *sig, [number] raises [number] finger(s). Visual emote. Cannot be done while restrained.
*raise, *raises, *rai raises a hand. Visual emote. Cannot be done while restrained.
*salute, *salutes, *sal
*salute [target]
salutes to [target].
Visual emote. Cannot be done while restrained.
*peace, *pea
*peace [target]
*doublepeace, *dpea
*doublepeace [target]
makes a peace sign.
makes a peace sign to [target].
makes a double peace sign.
makes a double peace sign to [target].
Visual emote. Cannot be done while restrained. Requires one or two free hands.
*thumbup, *thumbsup, *thuu
*thumbup [target]
*thumbdown, *thumbsdown, *thud
*thumbdown [target]
gives a thumbs up.
gives a thumbs up to [target].
gives a thumbs down.
gives a thumbs down to [target].
Visual emote. Cannot be done while restrained. Requires a free hand.
*ok, *okay
*ok [target]
makes an OK sign.
makes an OK sign to [target].
Visual emote. Cannot be done while restrained. Requires a free hand.
*shrug, *shrugs, *shr shrugs. Visual emote.
*dab You smack yourself in the face until you die. Visual emote. Cannot be done while restrained or a wizard. Requires two free hands.
*fart, *farts farts.
passes wind.
farts [lightly, tenderly, softly, with care].
Mime: silently farts.
Mime: acts out a fart.
Mime: lets out a silent fart.
On same tile as someone: farts in [target]'s face!
Mime on same tile as someone: silently farts in [target]'s face!
Super Fart: unleashes a [tremendous, gigantic, colossal] fart!
Auditory emote, unless you could not fart and is just a visual emote. Cannot be done without a butt. Can only fart every 40 seconds, unless you have Lactose Intolerance and can be done every 20. With Toxic Farts, this creates a smoke cloud of Space Drugs unless you are wearing internals and a suit that covers the groin with which you inject yourself with Space Drugs with. With Super Farts, this changes farting to a charge-up ability that can be used to stun people and knocks you back a couple tiles in the process, even in space. You can fart while asleep and superfarting while in critical condition will gib you but fart considerably stronger than a normal superfart.

Do you think there is a reason why this is the only emote that most players have ever used or seen?

Xeno-monkey Emotes

These emotes are unique to monkeys and aliens.

*emote Gesture Special Effects
*snarl, *snarls, *sna snarls and bares its teeth. Visual emote.
*roll, *rolls rolls. Visual emote. Cannot be done while restrained.
*scratch, *scratches, *scra scratches. Visual emote. Cannot be done while restrained.
*screech, *screeches, *scre screeches. Visual emote.
*sign, *signs [number] signs the number [number]. Visual emote. Cannot be done while restrained.
*tail waves his/her tail. Visual emote.

Alien Emotes

These emotes are unique to aliens.

*emote Gesture Special Effects
*snarl, *snarls, *sna snarls and bares her teeth. Visual emote.
*hiss, *hisses hisses.
Larva: hisses softly.
Visual emote. Makes a sound effect.
*roar, *roars roars.
Larva: softly roars.
Auditory emote. Makes a sound effect.

Silicon Emotes

These emotes are unique to silicons.

*emote Gesture Special Effects
*boop, *boops boops. Auditory emote.
*beep, *beeps
*beep [target]
*beeps at [target].
Auditory emote. Plays a sound effect.
*buzz, *buzzes
*buzz [target]
buzzes at [target].
Auditory emote. Plays a sound effect.
*buzz2 buzzes twice. Auditory emote. Plays a sound effect.
*chime, *chimes chimes. Auditory emote. Plays a sound effect.
*honk, *honks honks. Auditory emote. Plays a sound effect. Only available to clown module and pAI.
*ping, *pings
*ping [target]
pings at [target].
Auditory emote. Plays a sound effect.
*chime, *chimes chimes. Auditory emote.
*sad plays a sad trombone… Auditory emote. Plays a sound effect. Only available to clown module.
*warn blares an alarm! Auditory emote. Plays a sound effect.
*law shows its legal authorization barcode. Auditory emote. Plays a sound effect. Only available to security module and pAI.
*halt 's speakers screech. “Halt! Security!” Auditory emote. Plays a sound effect. Only available to security module and pAI.
Power Warning The power warning light on [you] flashes urgently. Auditory emote. Plays a sound effect. You can only play this when your cell is out of charge.

MMI Emotes

These are emotes unique to positronic brains and brains in an MMI.

*emote Gesture Special Effects
*alarm sounds an alarm. Auditory emote.
*alert lets out a distressed noise. Auditory emote.
*flash blinks their lights. Visual emote.
*notice plays a loud tune. Auditory emote.
*whistle, *whistles whistles. Auditory emote.

MoMMI Emotes

These emotes are unique to MoMMI's. It's not interaction if you're just moving your arms.

*emote Gesture Special Effects
*comment [target]
cheerily vocalizes to [target].
Auditory emote.

Slime Emotes

These emotes are unique to slimes.

*emote Gesture Special Effects
*bounce, *bounces bounces in place. Visible emote.
*jiggle, *jiggles jiggles! Visible emote.
*light, *lights lights up for a bit, then stops. Visible emote.
*sway, *sways sways around dizzily. Visible emote.
*vibrate, *vibrates vibrates! Visible emote.
games/sc13/guides/emotes.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/14 23:31 by wizardofaus_doku

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