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Guide to Cloning

So there's 50 dead people lying on the floor, chairs are spinning like no tomorrow and you haven't the foggiest idea of what to do? Not to worry! This guide is intended to teach you how to clone people and how to do it right, in a simple step-by-step process! If at any point of the guide you have a mental meltdown, genetics probably isn't for you and you should get a job-change as soon as possible before you're sued for malpractice.

You can check how many times someone has been cloned by using a penlight on their eyes. A clone gets a dot in their sclera for each cloning cycle they go through. Someone who got cloned 4 times would have 4 dots in their sclera.

Put body in cloning machine

Technically, the first step would be to find the body. Usually you will not need to worry about this, since the bodies will be brought to you. To load the body in the cloner, grab the body and then put it inside the DNA modifier - not the cloning pod!

Scan the body

Go onto the cloning console and scan the body by pressing 'Scan'. If you're successful, they will be added to the records. Note that this can be done at any time, even with living people, so that they can be cloned without a body in the event that their body cannot be recovered.

There are a bunch of reasons why the scanning process may fail, and they are as such:

“Mental Interface Failure”: For whatever reason, this body simply cannot be cloned. In plain terms, the spirit belonging to this body is not there anymore, having moved on to another body or just left this realm altogether. It's safe to discard this body, as you will not be able to clone it.

“Brain not responding to Scanning Stimuli”: There is a spirit still tied to this body, but they're not inside the body right now. Give it about five seconds and then try again, usually they will rejoin their corpse and you will be able to clone them right away. If there is still no response after a few tries, you're best off dropping their body off in the Morgue.

“Unable to locate valid genetic data”: This body seems to be lacking any DNA to clone from. You will not be able to clone it. However, the brain may still be used, either by extracting it or by performing a head transplant onto a fresh body. If the mental interface is completed successfully, it means the spirit is still there, so if the circumstances allow it, you could ask around for a head transplant or drop the body off at Robotics.

“No signs of intelligence detected”: The body has no brain. Idiot.

Clone the body

Now that the body has a record, click 'View Records', click the subject's name, and then click 'Clone' to start the cloning process. Congratulations! You have successfully brought somebody back from the dead. It will take a little while for the cloning cycle to complete. If you have an ID with genetics access, tap the cloning pod with it to unlock the pod, then right-click the pod to manually eject the cloned body. Congratulations, you've saved a minute or two of cloning time! If for some reason you don't have the proper access, you can also kick the cloning pod on harm intent until the cloned body ejects from the cloner. Speed-cloning carries some considerable dismemberment risks and possible organ disappearance if done with an unupgraded machine however. As a rule of thumb, you get a 10% “safe zone” to eject prematurely per manipulator tier beyond 1, meaning a cloner with T4 manipulators could eject the clone safely at 70% (Most of the times the upgrades will be T4 or greater, very rarely you get someone upgrading with T3 or T2 stock parts.).

Post-Clone Care

Cloning is a finicky and unreliable process. Whilst it will most certainly bring someone back from the dead, they can have any number of nasty disabilities given to them during the cloning process!

The first and most crucial problem are cloning deformities. When a clone pops out of the pod, they will have a special type of damage that doesn't show up quite right in a health analyzer. The only (practical) way to heal them is by using the Cryo Cells.

Ensure that the Cryo Cells have a beaker with Cryoxadone and/or Clonexadone inside (preferably both). Check that the cell temperature is below 170K, if not, turn on the freezer connected to the cells and turn the temperature dial as low as it goes. After you've double-checked this, grab the clone after it comes out of the pod and put it in the Cryo cell, then turn it on. They will slowly heal all cloning damage.

Clones will also be afflicted with heavy brain damage. To fix them, they will need a chemical called Alkysine. Look in the Chemistry fridge for it, if there's none, you may need to make some yourself. After you have your Alkysine, simply give them a pill or inject them with some (5 units will do).

The cloning process creates some nasty genetic side-effects on the recently cloned. For this reason, you need to prepare a clean, defect-free Structural Enzyme (SE) injection for when they're done. If you're working with a competent Geneticist, they will already have one ready. If, for any reason, they do not, then eject the dead body from the DNA modifier (NOT THE CLONING POD) and take it next door to the Genetics research room. Put the body in one of those DNA modifiers and then go onto the console. Go into View/Edit/Transfer Buffer, find an open slot and click “SE“ to save it. Then click ‘Injector' to get the SEs in syringe form. Jab the live clone with this syringe, and their genetic defects will be cured.

If you can't procure a clean SE (don't worry, it happens to the best of us), you can also replace this step by giving the live clone a pill of Ryetalyn. It's not exactly the same effect but it's more than enough. Check around in the fridge for it, and if there's none, now would be a good time to refer to the Guide to Chemistry.

Patient Check-Up

Congratulations! If you've done everything correctly, you will now have a fine and healthy person brought back from the dead and probably screaming to have their stuff back. Speaking of, now would be a good time to give them their stuff back. Get their corpse back from the cloner (if you didn't eject it, it will still be in the DNA modifier) and see about their stuff. You can strip their corpse and put their stuff in a patient's locker then present the locker, or you can also simply just lob their own dead body back at them and have them deal with it. In these parts of space, people are not too picky. That said, it's worth the trouble to NOT leave all their stuff on Medbay's floor while they're being cloned, to prevent anyone from stealing it.

Give the patient one last check-over - make sure they don't still have any defects and that they have all their possessions. Ask them how they died, if they know, so that you can report any foul play over the radio. Once you're done, your patient is ready to go back to work!

Put Body in Morgue

Now that you've shown the guy out the door and they're happy (or not) and back at work (or not), there's just one tiny detail left to deal with. Their original body is no longer needed, so you should drag it to the Morgue and maybe tell the Chef over the radio that they have some fresh meat waiting for them in there. To put a body in a morgue bed, simply open the tray, grab the body, put it on the open tray, then close the tray again. Use one of the nearby pens to label the bed “CHEF MEAT” in order to avoid confusion. You may notice that there are bright lights on top of the Morgue trays. These will be red if they have a unusable body inside, orange if there are items inside, and green if there is a revivable and active body inside. A green light means you should take that guy out of the tray and attempt to clone them, of course.

If you've gotten this far, congratulations! You have mastered the art of cloning. Now, the real problem is how to resurrect yourself after that traitor had his way with you for cloning his target.

games/sc13/guides/cloning.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/15 20:03 by wizardofaus_doku

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