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Brain Traumas

Brain Traumas are afflictions caused by unchecked brain damage, usually caused when a poor, innocent crewmember gets bashed in the head with a blunt object. They can severely debilitate players, or very rarely imbue them with supernatural powers if they're lucky.

If you are planning on working as a Medical Doctor or the Chief Medical Officer, then you will need to know what traumas there are and how to deal with them.

Traumas are visible to Health Analyzers, and will give a short indicator telling the user which trauma is affecting the patient.

A player gaining a trauma will generally see a warning message unique to the trauma, so you usually will be fully aware when you get one.

Contents 1 Trauma List 1.1 Mild 1.2 Severe 1.3 Special 1.4 Magic Trauma List The big bad list of all the potential traumas any aspiring brains surgeons could come across during their career working for NanoTrasen. Some are mild and may just take a swig of chemicals to get a person going, others are more serious and take prepped surgery. Some even are… supernatural in nature, and defy logic or reason.

Note: You can only naturally gain one Mild Trauma and one Severe/Special Trauma at the same time from brain damage. However, other sources of traumas ignore this restriction.

Mild Mild traumas are relatively easy to get: they require a minimum of 20 brain damage. They can cause minor annoyance in several ways, like stuttering, hallucinations, phobias, or poor balance.

They can be cured fairly easily with Neurine; go ask a Chemist when they are in the lab and working.

Name Effect Warning Message Scan Message Schizophrenia The patient suffers from non-stop hallucinations. schizophrenia Stuttering The patient can't speak properly, and will constantly stutter when talking. reduced mouth coordination Dumbness The patient becomes dumb, causing them to speak oddly, randomly spout random nonsense, and making them clumsy when using some items. reduced brain activity Speech Impediment The patient can't speak properly, and their sentences will have mixed or missing words. communication disorder Concussion Causes several symptoms, like vomit, dizziness, confusion, slurring, forgetfulness, or fainting. a concussion Anosognosia The patient will feel healthy regardless of their status. self-awareness deficit Muscle Weakness The patient will sometimes lose control of their muscles, dropping items or tripping. weak motor nerve signal Muscle Spasms The patient's body will sometimes act on its own, hitting things, throwing objects, or activating them. nervous fits Phobia The patient will be unnerved or panicked by seeing or hearing about a certain topic, causing them to scream, shut their eyes, and possibly freeze up. Possible phobias include: spiders, space, security, clowns, greytide, lizards, skeletons, snakes, robots, doctors, authority, and the supernatural You start finding [subject] very unnerving… phobia of [subject] Nervous Cough Patient feels a constant need to cough. Your throat itches incessantly… nervous cough Expressive Aphasia Patient is affected by partial loss of speech leading to a reduced vocabulary. inability to form complex sentences Severe Severe Traumas require at least 100 brain damage before appearing, making them hard to get randomly. They are severely debilitating, and can range from mutism to complete paralysis.

Most are cured with brain surgery, but the worst require lobotomy, a virus with the mind restoration symptom or neural reimaging nanites.

Name Effect Warning Message Scan Message Mutism The patient no longer knows how to speak. extensive damage to the brain's language center Cerebral Blindness The patient's brain is no longer connected to their eyes, making them blind. You can't see! extensive damage to the brain's occipital lobe Paralysis The patient is completely paralyzed, and cannot act aside from speech. You can't feel your body anymore! cerebral paralysis Narcolepsy The patient often feels drowsy, and will randomly fall asleep. traumatic narcolepsy Monophobia The patient will become increasingly stressed when not in company of others, triggering panic reactions ranging from sickness to heart attacks. You feel really lonely… severe monophobia Discoordination The patient is unable to use complex tools or machinery. extreme discoordination Split Personality The patient gains a second personality, which will randomly take over their body. You feel like your mind was split in two. complete lobe separation Traumatic Non-Violence The patient gains a compulsion not to hurt anybody. pacific syndrome Aphasia The patient is unable to speak or understand any language. extensive damage to the brain's language center Hypnotic Stupor The patient is prone to episodes of extreme stupor that leaves them extremely suggestible. oneiric feedback loop Hypnosis The patient's unconscious is completely enthralled by a word or sentence, focusing their thoughts and actions on it. You feel a part of your mind repeating this over and over. You need to follow these words. looping thought pattern Special Severe Traumas have a 20% chance of being a Special Trauma instead. Special Traumas grant the player special abilities, although generally with little to no control over them.

Unlike Severe Traumas, Special Traumas are very easily healed, and Neurine will remove them. Since the player will usually also have a Minor Trauma, this means that it's usually only possible to have both or none.

Name Effect Warning Message Scan Message Godwoken Syndrome The patient occasionally and uncontrollably channels an eldritch god, sending a Voice of God message. You feel a higher power inside your mind… god delusion Bluespace Prophecy Patient can sense the bluespace around them, showing them passageways no one else can see. This creates special portals that the patient can use to teleport in a semi-controlled manner You feel the bluespace pulsing around you… bluespace attunement Violent Psychosis Patient fights in unpredictable ways, ranging from helping his target to hitting them with unnatural strength. Gives the patient the psychotic brawling martial art, making their attacks far more random in effect. You feel unhinged… violent psychosis Imaginary Friend The patient sees an imaginary person, who only they can hear. The friend has no limitation on movement, but cannot interact with the world and cannot go too far from its source. You feel in good company, for some reason. partial schizophrenia Tenacity Patient is psychologically unaffected by pain and injuries, and can remain standing far longer than a normal person. The patient is no longer incapacitated by being placed in critical state. You suddenly stop feeling pain. traumatic neuropathy Functional Cerebral Necrosis Patient's brain is stuck in a functional near-death state, causing occasional moments of lucid hallucinations, which are often interpreted as the voices of the dead. Allows the patient to hear ghosts. You feel dead inside. chronic functional necrosis Criminal Patient seems to be a criminal. This causes beepsky hallucinations to attack the patient, causing heavy stamina damage if they cannot evade it. Justice is coming for you. criminal mind Magic Well, it can only get weirder from here, can't it?

Magic traumas blur the lines between what's in the mind and reality. They can affect both the victim's body and their surroundings, and usually inflict some of the wildest effects. The only way to rid a patient of them is to perform a lobotomy.

These traumas only appear when Wizards cast the Curse of Madness ritual before heading to the station. There is a 20% chance that a person will have a Magical Trauma rather than a mild/severe/special trauma.

Name Effect Warning Message Scan Message Athaumasia Gives the victim an immunity to magical effects and projectiles. Mind over magic, baby. The victim is given antimagic. You realize that magic cannot be real. Thaumic Blank Lumiphobia Makes the victim hyper-sensitive to light, causing them to burn when exposed to anything more than a dim glow. This causes the victim to take burn damage from being in lit areas. You feel a craving for darkness. The light burns you! Light Hypersensitivity Poltergeist The victim is haunted by a poltergeist that will aggressively throw objects in the area towards him/her. You feel a hateful presence close to you. Paranormal Activity Stalking Phantom An dark presence that only the victim can see stalks and ruthlessly mutilates the victim with ghostly claws once it has caught up to him/her. Unrelated side effects include intense paranoia and a feeling of being stalked. The victim will have a paranormal spectre gradually approach them, dealing massive damage if it gets into contact with them until they are incapacitated. You feel like something wants to kill you… It's coming closer… Extra-sensory Paranoia

games/sc13/guides/brain_traumas.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/21 19:47 by wizardofaus_doku

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