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Guide to Advanced Construction

This is a guide to advanced construction such as machinery and consoles. If you were looking for advice on more simple construction, console Guide to Construction. If you wanted to know how to make the circuit boards below, use the circuit printer or Soldering Iron tool. Machine Construction Wired Frame.png Build a machine frame from your 5 metal sheets. Machine Frame.png Add wires. Circuit Frame.png Add a circuit board. The machine prompts your chat with required items, as you put them it it slowly makes its way to “it requires nothing.” Screwdriver tool.pngWhen all the parts are added, screwdriver the machine frame to finish it. Machine Stock Parts All machines are composed of components. There are better versions of many components, attained through research. These instructions only show you how to construct the very basic form of e.g. Exosuit Fabricator. But if you build an Exosuit Fabricator with the most complicated versions of the components instead of the regular ones, the machine will generally have some advantages, detailed below.

Machines Name Parts needed Notes and Upgrades Vendomat.png Vending Machine 1x Micro Manipulator.pngManipulator 1x Scanning Module.pngScanning module 1x Matter bin.pngMatter bin Better manipulator: Throws free items more often. Clone.gif Cloning Pod 2x CableCoils.pngPieces of cable 2x Micro Manipulator.pngManipulators 2x Scanning Module.pngScanning modules 1x Console Screen.pngConsole screen 1x Multitool.pngMultitool Better scanning modules: Improves time efficiency. Better manipulators: Reduces biomass required per clone. Each tier gives a 10% buffer that's safe to eject the clone at without missing parts. T4 parts can eject at 60% without risk. Requires multitool Link to cloning console. Max range is 6. Scanner.gif DNA Scanner 1x Micro Manipulator.pngManipulator 1x Scanning Module.pngScanning module 1x Console Screen.pngConsole screen 1x Micro-laser.pngMicro-laser Better parts: Lowers cooldown for SE injectors if attached to a DNA modifier computer. Links: DNA Modifier Access Console Automatically links, but only if within 1 range and the computer is built last. Airshield.png Airshield 3x Micro Manipulator.pngManipulator 1x Micro-laser.pngMicro-laser Autolathe.gif Autolathe 2x CableCoils.pngPieces of cable 1x Micro Manipulator.pngManipulator 3x Matter bin.pngMatter bins 1x Console Screen.pngConsole screen Better manipulators: Improves resource efficiency. Better matter bins: Increases maximum glass and metal amounts. Protolathe.gif Protolathe 2x Micro Manipulator.pngManipulators 2x Matter bin.pngMatter bins Better manipulators: Improves resource efficiency. Better matter bins: Increases maximum material amounts. Bigger beakers: Increases maximum reagent amounts. Destructive analyzer.gif Deconstructive Analyser 1x Micro Manipulator.pngManipulator 1x Scanning Module.pngScanning module 1x Micro-laser.pngMicro-laser Any part upgrades: Salvages iron and glass from deconstructed items and sends them to a linked Protolathe, if any. Does not salvage precious materials. Circuit imprinter.gif Circuit Imprinter 1x Matter bin.pngMatter bin 1x Micro Manipulator.pngManipulator 2x Beaker.pngSmall beakers Better manipulators: Improves resource efficiency. Better matter bins: Increases maximum glass amount. Bigger beakers: Increases maximum reagent amounts. Broad.gif telecommunications subspace broadcaster 2x Micro Manipulator.pngManipulators 1x Ansible crystal.pngAnsible crystal 1x Hyperwave filter.pngHyperwave filter 2x Micro-laser.pngMicro-laser The circuit board may get damaged. Refer to Telecommunications for details. Sreceiver.gif telecommunications subspace receiver 2x Micro Manipulator.pngManipulators 1x Scanning Module.pngScanning module 1x Micro-laser.pngMicro-laser 1x Hyperwave filter.pngHyperwave filter 1x Subspace ansible.pngSubspace ansible The circuit board may get damaged. Refer to Telecommunications for details. Exofab.png Exosuit Fabricator 2x Micro Manipulator.pngManipulator 2x Matter bin.pngMatter bins 1x Console Screen.pngConsole screen 2x Micro-laser.pngMicro-laser Better manipulators: Improves resource efficiency. Better micro-lasers: Improves time efficiency. Better matter bins: Increases maximum material amounts. Rndserver.png Research and Development Server 2x CableCoils.pngPieces of cable 1x Scanning Module.pngScanning module Any part upgrades: Lowers heat generation. Hub.gif telecommunications hub 2x Micro Manipulator.pngManipulators 2x Hyperwave filter.pngHyperwave filters The circuit board may get damaged. Refer to Telecommunications for details. Bus.gif telecommunications bus 2x Micro Manipulator.pngManipulators 1x Hyperwave filter.pngHyperwave filters The circuit board may get damaged. Refer to Telecommunications for details. Relay.gif telecommunications relay 2x Micro Manipulator.pngManipulators 2x Hyperwave filter.pngHyperwave filters The circuit board may get damaged. Refer to Telecommunications for details. Server.gif telecommunications server 2x Micro Manipulator.pngManipulators 1x Hyperwave filter.pngHyperwave filter The circuit board may get damaged. Refer to Telecommunications for details. Pro.gif telecommunications processor 3x Micro Manipulator.pngManipulators 1x Hyperwave filter.pngHyperwave filter 2x Subspace treatment disk.pngSubspace treatment disks 1x Subspace analyzer 1x Subspace amplifier.pngSubspace amplifier The circuit board may get damaged. Refer to Telecommunications for details. Pacman.png P.A.C.M.A.N. Type Portable Generator 2x CableCoils.pngPieces of cable 1x Micro-laser.pngMicro-laser 1x Matter bin.pngMatter bin 1x Capacitor.pngCapacitor Better micro-lasers and capacitors: Improves power generation. Better matter bins: Increases maximum material amounts. Any part upgrades: Improves reliability. Superpacman.png S.U.P.E.R.P.A.C.M.A.N. Type Portable Generator 2x CableCoils.pngPieces of cable 1x Micro-laser.pngMicro-laser 1x Matter bin.pngMatter bin 1x Capacitor.pngCapacitor Better micro-lasers and capacitors: Improves power generation. Better matter bins: Increases maximum material amounts. Any part upgrades: Improves reliability. CyborgRecharger.png Cyborg Recharging Station 2x Capacitor.pngCapacitors 1x Micro Manipulator.pngManipulator 1x Matter bin.pngMatter bin Better capacitors: Improves recharging time, and slowly buffers energy while unused, which is then instantly transferred to recharging cyborgs. Better manipulators: Swaps cell upgrades faster. Chem dispenser.png Chemistry Dispenser 2x Micro Manipulator.pngManipulator 2x Scanning Module.pngScanning module 3x Micro-laser.pngMicro-laser 1x Console Screen.pngConsole screen Better micro-lasers: Improves recharge time. Better manipulators: Increase maximum energy. DefibRecharger.gif Defib Recharger 1x Micro-laser.pngMicro-laser 2x Matter bin.pngMatter bin 2x Micro Manipulator.pngManipulator 1x Console Screen.pngConsole screen SMES.png SMES 4x Capacitor.pngCapacitors 4x Micro-laser.pngMicro-laser 2x Console Screen.pngConsole screen Better capacitors: Increased storage capacity. Better micro-lasers: Higher charge rate and output options. Once assembled use screwdriver to open the maintenance hatch then add cables to create the necessary terminal for power connections. Cryo.gif Cryo Cell 3x Micro Manipulator.pngManipulator 2x Scanning Module.pngScanning module 1x Console Screen.pngConsole screen Better scanning modules: Tier 2 scanning modules enables the ability to tweak injection rate, tier 3 scanning modules enable auto-ejecting healthy patients, and tier 4 scanning modules means cryo no longer stuns the occupant. Better manipulators: Higher injection rate options. Ensure an insulated pipe linked to a freezer is present or else it won't work. Photocopier.gif Photocopier 2x Micro Manipulator.pngManipulator 2x Scanning Module.pngScanning module 1x Micro-laser.pngMicro-laser 2x Console Screen.pngConsole screen Freezer.gif Freezer 3x Micro-laser.pngMicro-laser 1x Console Screen.pngConsole screen Better micro-lasers: Lowers minimum target temperature. Heater.gif Heater 3x Micro-laser.pngMicro-laser 1x Console Screen.pngConsole screen Better micro-lasers: Raises maximum target temperature. ChemMaster.png ChemMaster 3000 1x Micro Manipulator.pngManipulator 2x Scanning Module.pngScanning module 2x Micro-laser.pngMicro-laser 2x Console Screen.pngConsole screen Better lasers: Larger bottles can be made. Better manipulator: More pills can be created at once. CondiMaster.png CondiMaster 1x Micro Manipulator.pngManipulator 3x Scanning Module.pngScanning module 2x Micro-laser.pngMicro-laser 2x Console Screen.pngConsole screen PipeDispenser.png Disposal Pipe Dispenser 2x Matter bin.pngMatter bin 1x Capacitor.pngCapacitor 2x Scanning Module.pngScanning module 2x Micro Manipulator.pngManipulator Teleporter Hub.gif Teleporter Hub 2x Phasic Scanning Modules 3x Capacitor.pngSuper Capacitor 2x Subspace ansible.pngSubspace Ansible 2x Hyperwave filter.pngHyperwave filter 1x Subspace treatment disk.pngSubspace treatment disks 2x Ansible crystal.pngAnsible crystal 4x Subspace Transmitters Teleportstation.gif Teleporter Station 2x Phasic Scanning Modules 2x Capacitor.pngSuper Capacitor 2x Subspace ansible.pngSubspace Ansibles 4x Subspace Wavelength Analyzers Biogenerator.png Biogenerator 2x Micro Manipulator.pngManipulator 2x Matter bin.pngMatter bin 3x Micro-laser.pngMicro-laser 2x Scanning Module.pngScanning module 2x Console Screen.pngConsole screen 1x Beaker.pngLarge Beaker Better manipulators: Faster processing speed. Better lasers: More biomass generated per nutriment. SeedExtractor.gif Seed Extractor 2x Micro Manipulator.pngManipulator 1x Matter bin.pngMatter bin 1x Micro-laser.pngMicro-laser 1x Scanning Module.pngScanning module 1x Console Screen.pngConsole screen Better manipulators: Increases minimum seeds per extraction Better scanning modules: Increases maximum seeds per extraction Microwave.PNG Microwave 1x Micro-laser.pngMicro-laser 1x Scanning Module.pngScanning module 1x Console Screen.pngConsole screen Better micro-laser: Improves cooking time. Better scanning module: Detects recipes and provides an expected result. EZ-BakeFunOven.gif Ez-bake FUN Oven 2x Capacitor.pngCapacitor 3x Micro-laser.pngMicro-laser 1x Console Screen.pngConsole screen Better micro-laser: Improves cooking time. CandyMachine.gif Candy Machine 3x Micro Manipulator.pngManipulator 1x Console Screen.pngConsole screen Better manipulators: Improves cooking time. CerealMaker.gif Cereal Maker 3x Micro Manipulator.pngManipulator 1x Console Screen.pngConsole screen Better manipulators: Improves cooking time. Blender.png All-In-One-Grinder 2x Matter bin.pngMatter bin 1x Micro-laser.pngMicro-laser 1x Scanning Module.pngScanning module 1x Large Beaker Better micro-lasers: Improves grinding and juicing time. Better matter bins: Increases size of processing chamber. Smartfridge.png SmartFridge 2x Micro Manipulator.pngManipulator 4x Matter bin.pngMatter bin 1x Scanning Module.pngScanning module 2x Console Screen.pngConsole screen Better matter bins: Increases amount of items fridge can hold. HydroTray.png Hydroponics Tray 2x Matter bin.pngMatter bin 1x Scanning Module.pngScanning module 2x Beaker.pngSmall beakers 1x Capacitor.pngCapacitor 1x Console Screen.pngConsole screen Better capacitor: Improves on-board light. Better matter bins: Lowers weed chance. Better scanning module: Lowers mutation chance decay over time. Meatgrinder.png Meat Grinder 2x Matter bin.pngMatter bin 2x Capacitor.pngCapacitor 2x Scanning Module.pngScanning module 4x Micro Manipulator.pngManipulator 4x Micro-laser.pngMicro-laser Meatgrinder.png Monkey Recycler 1x Matter bin.pngMatter bin 2x Micro Manipulator.pngManipulator 1x Micro-laser.pngMicro-laser Better manipulators: Fewer monkeys required to produce cubes. Better micro-laser: Recycle live monkeys. FoodProcesser.png Food Processor / Chicken Processor / Slime Extractor 1x Scanning Module.pngScanning module 2x Micro Manipulator.pngManipulator Better manipulators: Faster processing/extracting. Furnace.gif Furnace 2x Matter bin.pngMatter bin 2x Micro-laser.pngMicro-laser Better matter bins: Increases number of items processed at once. Better micro-lasers: Reduces power consumption. Stacker.gif Stacker 3x Matter bin.pngMatter bin 1x Capacitor.pngCapacitor Better matter bins: Increases number of items processed at once. Better capacitors: Reduces power consumption. Cellcharger.png Cell Charger 1x Scanning Module.pngScanning module 2x Capacitor.pngCapacitor Better scanning module: Improves efficiency, raising charge rate Better capacitors: Raises charge rate and power cost Recharger.gif Recharger 1x Scanning Module.pngScanning module 2x Capacitor.pngCapacitor Better scanning module: Improves efficiency Better capacitors: Raises charge rate and power cost Isolation Centrifuge.gif Isolation Centrifuge 2x Micro Manipulator.pngManipulator Better manipulators: Quicker disease isolation and vaccine synthesizing (up to x2.8 with femto manipulators). Pathogenic Incubator.gif Pathogenic Incubator 1x Matter bin.pngMatter bin 2x Micro-laser.pngMicro-laser 2x Scanning Module.pngScanning module 1x Beaker.pngBeaker Better scanning modules: Higher mutation chance. Better micro-lasers: Faster growth rate. At T2 or higher it can focus the reagent effects to a single stage. Incubator.gif Egg Incubator 1x Matter bin.pngMatter bin 2x Capacitor.pngCapacitor Better matter bin: More eggs at once. Better capacitors: Faster growth rate. Disease Analyzer.gif Disease Analyser 1x Micro Manipulator.pngManipulator 1x Micro-laser.pngMicro-laser 3x Scanning Module.pngScanning module Better scanning modules: Lower minimum growth required to analyze (down to 46% with bluespace scanning modules). Mech recharge port.png Mech Recharge Port 2x Micro-laser.pngMicro-laser 1x Console Screen.pngConsole screen Better micro-lasers: Faster charging speed. Mech recharge floor.png Mech Recharge Floor 2x Capacitor.pngCapacitor 1x Scanning Module.pngScanning module Better capacitors: Stores up power for an instant transfusion of energy to the mech. Washingmachine.gif Washing Machine 1x Micro Manipulator.pngManipulator 1x Matter bin.pngMatter bin Better manipulator: Faster cleaning speed. Virus analyzer.gif Xenoarchaeology Analysis Machines 3x Scanning Module.pngScanning module Better scanning modules: Faster analysis speed. Fax.gif Fax Machine 1x Scanning Module.pngScanning module 1x Subspace ansible.pngSubspace ansible Better scanning module: Shorter cooldown. Sleeper.gif Sleeper 1x Scanning Module.pngScanning module 2x Micro Manipulator.pngManipulator Better parts: Unlocks imidazoline, inacusiate and tricordrazine. Further upgrades unlock alkysine, tramadol, and peptobismol Bscanner.gif Full Body Scanner 3x Scanning Module.pngScanning module Better scanning modules: Displays patient's blood type and all chemicals in body (with respective units). Phasic scanning modules: Saying “print” around the scanner will make it automatically print, hands free! Fish tank2.PNG Fish Tank 5x Glass.png Glass Sheet Fish wall 2.PNG Fish Wall 10x Glass.png Glass Sheet Starscreencapacitor.png Starscreen Shield Capacitor 2x Capacitor.pngCapacitor 1x Subspace treatment disk.pngSubspace treatment disk 1x Hyperwave filter.pngHyperwave filter 1x Subspace analyzer Starscreengenerator.png Starscreen Shield Capacitor 2x Capacitor.pngPico manipulators 1x Subspace ansible.pngSubspace ansible crystal 1x Subspace amplifier.pngSubspace amplifier 1x Subspace transmitter Lysis.png Lysis-isolation Centrifuge 2x Scanning Module.pngScanning module 1x Micro Manipulator.pngManipulator 2x Micro-laser.pngMicro-laser 1x Matter bin.pngMatter bin 2x Console Screen.pngConsole screen Better micro-laser: Reduced genome degradation. Better manipulator: Faster operation. Bioballistic.png Bioballistic Delivery System 2x Scanning Module.pngScanning module 1x Micro Manipulator.pngManipulator 2x Micro-laser.pngMicro-laser 1x Console Screen.pngConsole screen Better micro-laser: Reduced genome degradation. Better manipulator: Faster operation.

The page details the construction of “machines”, a class of fairly complex objects used aboard the station. The basic process of construction is the same for all machines; only the parts used change.

Build a machine frame by clicking metal sheets in-hand and selecting “Machine Frame” from the resulting menu, this will create a blueprint which you can rotate. Machine Frame.png If you want to build a gas cooler or gas heater, don't forget to face the direction in which you want the machine to connect. Click on the blueprint with an empty hand to finalize its rotation. Add wires to the frame Wired Frame.png Add a circuit board Circuit Frame.png You will receive a prompt showing the items required for the machine. You can examine the frame to see what items it still requires, and add items to the machine by clicking on it with the items in-hand. When all the parts are added, screwdriver the machine frame to finish it Screwdriver tool.png Some machines can be upgraded by science to make them more efficient.

Machines Name Parts needed Description Autolathe.gif Autolathe 2 Pieces of Cable 1 Manipulator 3 Matter bins 1 Console screen The Autolathe, a more simplified version of the Protolathe for Civilian use. it can create a variety of common tools.

Protolathe.gif Protolathe 2 Small beakers 2 Manipulators 2 Matter bins The Protolathe, a more advanced version of the Autolathe for professional use. It can create much more advanced tools due to its complexity.

Destructive analyzer.gif Destructive Analyzer 1 Manipulator 1 Scanning Module 1 Micro laser The Destructive Analyzer. Used in Research & Development to obtain Research levels. Science couldn't be done without this.

Circuit imprinter.gif Circuit Imprinter 1 Matter bin 1 Manipulator 2 Small beakers The Circuit Imprinter. Used in Robotic and Research & Development. Required for many Scientific tasks, including creating mechs. You will need the server synced to make good use of this.

Broad.gif Subspace Broadcaster 1 Pieces of Cable 2 Manipulators 1 subspace crystal 1 subspace filter 2 High-powered Micro laser The Subspace Broadcaster. Very important for a variety of tasks, including Telecommunications.

Sreceiver.gif Subspace Receiver 2 Manipulators 1 Scanning Module 1 Micro laser 1 subspace filter 1 subspace ansible The Subspace Receiver. Very important for a variety of tasks, including Telecommunications and Telescience. It functions by 'receiving' whoever is standing on the platform between locations.

Exofab.png Exosuit Fabricator 1 Manipulator 2 Matter bins 1 Console screen 1 Micro laser The Exosuit Fabricator. Used to create Cyborgs, Androids, Robots, and Mechs. One can be found in Robotics and Engineering. it is also capable of printing Robotics limbs and other useful items.

Rndserver.png RnD Scanner 2 Cable coils 1 Scanning module The Research & Development Server. Critical for Scientific Research and capable of syncing between multiple departments, Syncing it across areas is very important for Robotics.

Hub.gif Telecoms Hub 2 Pieces of Cable 2 Manipulators 2 Subspace filters The Telecommunications Hub. Critical for the distribution of messages across the Aurora.

Bus.gif Telecoms Bus 1 Piece of Cable 2 Manipulators 1 Subspace filters The Telecommunications Bus. Critical for the distribution of messages across the Aurora.

Relay.gif Telecoms Relay 2 Pieces of Cable 2 Manipulators 2 Subspace filters The Telecommunications Relay. Critical for the distribution of messages across the Aurora.

Server.gif Telecoms Server 1 Piece of Cable 2 Manipulators 1 Subspace filter The Telecommunications Server. Critical for the distribution of messages across the Aurora.

Pro.gif Telecoms Processer 2 Pieces of Cable 3 Manipulators 1 Subspace filter 2 Subspace treatment 1 Subspace analyzer 1 Subspace amplifier The Telecommunications Processor. Critical for the distribution of messages across the Aurora.

Pacman.png P.A.C.M.A.N.-type portable Generator 2 Pieces of Cable 1 Micro-laser 1 Matter bin 1 Capacitor A Pacman Mobile generator. Helpful for power generation in a pinch.

Superpacman.png S.U.P.E.R.P.A.C.M.A.N.-type portable Generator 2 Pieces of Cable 1 Micro-laser 1 Matter bin 1 Capacitor A Superpacman Mobile generator. Helpful for power generation in a pinch.

CyborgRecharger.png Cyborg Recharging Station 2 Capacitators 2 Manipulators 1 Power cell 5 Pieces of cable A Cyborg Recharging Station. Critical for all Station-bound Synthetics. IPCs can also make use of them.

Freezer.gif Gas Cooling System 1 Matter bin 1 Manipulator 2 Capacitors 2 Pieces of Cable A Gas Cooling System. Critical for Engineering, this is constructed to aid in reducing gas temperatures.

Heater.png Gas Heating System 1 Matter bin 1 Manipulator 2 Capacitors 5 Pieces of Cable A Gas Heating System. Critical for Engineering, this is constructed to aid in increasing gas temperatures.

Biogenerator.gif Biogenerator 1 Matter bin 1 Manipulator A Biogenerator, it creates a complex item from biomass, this includes an array of useful items, including food.

games/sc13/guides/advanced_construction.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/14 23:49 by wizardofaus_doku

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