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Guides to performing various tasks aboard the ship, including everyday crew duties and more devious matters.

Most of the activities that take place aboard the ships are intended to advance the causes of Science and Profit, in simple terms. Dead or injured crewmembers typically reduce profits; new discoveries advance science; trade with other civilizations increases profits; and so on.

Player Guides

Game Mechanics Guides

General Character Guides

Command Department

The Command Department is responsible for the ship itself as a space vessel representing NovusCorp's interests, protecting its allies, and neutralizing adversaries. The Captain and Commander, along with the Helm Officer, Weapons Officer, Comm Officer, Munitions Officer, and Weapons Technicians all belong to this department.

Military Department

The Military Department is NovusCorp's combat arm; expected to go through a few vatclones in their career, these brave soldiers give their lives again and again to preserve the lives of their comrades. As such, they have skills that most non-military individuals do not have.

Corporate Department

The Corporate Department exists to advance company interests and profits directly, and to supply the other departments with what they need to do their jobs. As such, the Resource Director, Internal Affairs agents, company Lawyers, Magistrates, Secretaries, Interns, Assistants, and Asset Protection Teams (a cross between military and security called in for emergencies) are some examples of these workers.

  • Guide to Faxes: What to send to Corporate Command in order to expect a response.
  • Guide to Paperwork: Bureaucracies run on paperwork. Here's how to fill things out, create new forms, or just scribble notes to show the AI cameras.

Security Department

IntSec, Loss Prevention, call them what you will - they maintain the security and safety of staff, whether against the evils that exist outside the corporate enclave or the evils that creep in. The Chief of Security, Security Officers, Detective, Brig Physician, and Forensic Technicians work for Security.

  • Corporate Regulations: The current regulations followed by NovusCorp in regards to criminal and civil penalties.
  • Security Protocol: A guide to standard security protocol.
  • Guide to Trials: A guide to trials as handled by SC13.
  • Guide to Forensics: How to find space criminals, whether hardened killers or simple litterers.
  • Guide to Combat: Technically useful for everyone to know, but Security has to learn non-lethal and lethal means of incapacitating an opponent, as well as how not to be the one getting incapacitated.

Medical Department

Biotechnology is NovusCorp's expertise, and this science in particular is managed under the Medical Department, and is one of the best in the galaxy. As such, the Chief Medical Officer is a very important role, managing Medical Doctors, Surgeons, the Psychologist, Virologists, Geneticists, Medical Assistants, Nurses, Paramedics, and Xenobiologists.

Sciences Department

The Research Director keeps an eye on the biotech department, particularly when it comes to genetic research, but also has to make sure the Chemists are mixing chemicals safely, the Roboticists are building useful robots, Xenoarchaeologists are looking for relics and artifacts, Researchers are studying the items found, and Scientists are being given new projects to work on based on the research thus far. Botanists are also ostensibly under the Research Director's control, particularly when xenobotany comes into play.

  • Guide to Research and Development: Developing new things for SCIENCE!
  • Guide to Modern Chemistry: A guide to making the various chemicals that can save or end lives.
  • Guide to Robotics: How to build interesting robots, augment crewmembers with cybernetic upgrades, build cyborgs and even make artificial intelligences.
  • Guide to Nanites: How to build, program, install and update nanite clouds to improve the lives of your spacemen on a space lab in space.
  • Guide to Grenade Construction: Building newer and deadlier armaments to provide your military boys with better gear.
  • Guide to Making Explosives: Useful for mining, destroying rampant singularities, and packing into a torpedo to send as a gift to visiting adversaries.
  • Guide to Telescience: Teleporting things with the awesome power of SCIENCE!
  • Guide to Ordnance: The Ordnance Lab, where scientists make big booms for science and the Ordnance Technician prepares them for practical purposes.

Engineering Department

While research improves the realm of science, and corporate keeps the profits rolling in, the engineering department is responsible for keeping the ship functional. Engineers keep the power running, Network Technicians fix computers and telecomm systems, Atmospheric Technicians keep the air running, Mechanics maintain equipment and build or upgrade machines as necessary, Maintenance Technicians conduct running repairs, and Technical Assistants work with Engineers and Mechanics to solve minor problems.

Services Department

While not considered the most impressive department, the functions of the Services Department make everything else run more smoothly – Janitors must keep things tidy, Entertainers, Clowns and Mimes keep the crew happy, the Quartermaster and Cargo Techs order crates and deliver goods where they are needed, the Bartender serves drinks while the Chef serves food, and Assistants help any department that is understaffed. The Botanists and Ranchers are responsible for growing food.

Expedition Department

Technically a subdepartment of Services, the Expedition department consists of explorers, miners, and others willing to embark in strange and foreign environments for scientific and financial gain. While the Xenosciences have their own category, this covers most other instances of exploration.

In-Game Books and Manuals

These are books found within the world of SS13, and as such may not be entirely copacetic with SC13. Many are produced by Nanotrasen, and as such will have numerous errors. User discretion is advised.

Department Guides

Engineering Making and Breaking · Construction · Gas · Powering the station · Singularity · Mining · Materials and Crafting · Wiring · Hacking · MechComp · Mechanic components and you · Control Unit · Reactor Statistics Computer · Cargo Crates

Medsci Doctoring · Genetics · Robotics · Telescience · Plasma Research · Artifact Research · Chemistry · Chemicals · ChemiCompiler · Decomposition

Security Security Officer · Contraband · Forensics · Space Law · A Treatise on Space Law

Service Foods and Drinks · Botany · Writing · Piano Song Dump · Instruments

The AI Artificial Intelligence · AI Laws · Chain of Command · Guide to AI · Humans and Nonhumans · Killing the AI

Computers Computers · TermOS · ThinkDOS · Packets


Not everyone aboard a NovusCorp vessel is in their employment! There may be tourists, survivors, traveling merchants and other odds and ends, as well as freshly recruited individuals looking for work under the NovusCorp banner.

  • Guide to Franchising: Your guide to setting up, running, and being a part of a franchise business. Give people a chance to pay off their debt to the company, or just live out their dreams of being a fry cook in space!
  • Guide to Stocks: Playing the stock market, whether you're a department head interested in investing your revenue or a passenger looking to do some -serious- gambling.

The Esoteric Xeno-Sciences

These are the various sciences that delve into the truly unknown – things man doesn't understand. By understanding the technology, biology, and relics of other civilizations, NovusCorp hopes to develop new sciences and make new discoveries for science and profit.

  • Guide to Xenoarchaeology: Exploring strange new worlds and discovering the remains of lost civilizations, a Xenoarchaeologist specializes in searching for these lost relics. Alien relics may be useful for scientific research or salable on the open market, making the Xenoarchaeologist's work very helpful for both science and profit.
  • Guide to Xeno-Artifact Research: Determining the strange abilities of xenological artifacts is the realm of the Xeno-Researcher. Xeno-Artifacts can accomplish miraculous things, and by unlocking their secrets you can vastly advance scientific progress… or get everyone killed. Try to work towards that first one.
  • Guide to Xenobiology: Raising alien life forms for fun and profit is the realm of the Xenobiologist; they search for new lifeforms to experiment on, the better to advance the workings of science while looking for profit applications.
  • Guide to Cytology: The science of raising living cells into whole new creatures, for when the xenobiologist gets bored with slimes.
  • Guide to Carp Breeding: A guide to breeding the dangerous space carp.
  • Guide to Xenobotany: While most foreign plants are merely unusual or interesting, some rare discoveries can be extremely valuable!

Antagonist Guides

games/sc13/guides.txt · Last modified: 2023/07/01 13:07 by wizardofaus_doku

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