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Squad Marine

  • Access: ???
  • Additional Access: N/A
  • Difficulty: ???
  • Supervisors: Squad Leader, Executive Officer
  • Duties: ???
  • Quote: “???”

You are a Squad Marine. This means that your job is to engage enemies of NovusCorp and SolGov in defense of your ship, your crew, and the interests of NovusCorp and SolGov. You are one of the few people aboard a spaceship with the potential firepower to punch through the hull, and you are expected to use it responsibly and respectfully to punch holes through the monster of the week instead.

Bare minimum requirements: ???


You're responsible for:

  • ???
  • ???
  • ???

Your Chain of Command

As a Squad Marine, your immediate superior is the Squad Leader of your squad, and your Head of Staff is the Executive Officer.


  • ???

Traitor Notes

Marines cannot simultaneously be enemies of the Corporation, so barring certain circumstances you shouldn't have to worry about fulfilling Traitor objectives. However, various monsters may be able to enthrall your Marine with their powers, although your Marine has protections that civilians often do not; if it happens, consider it a rare opportunity to play Marine as the bad guys, obey your orders from your new commanding officer, and have fun with it.

games/sc13/crew_positions/squad_marine.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/25 16:16 by wizardofaus_doku

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