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Shuttle Pilot

  • Access: Expedition Bay
  • Additional Access: Hangar Bay
  • Required knowledge: How to pilot the dropship. How to close dropship doors.
  • Round-start to-do list: Go on to your seat, tell the shipboard Explorers and Search and Rescues to get in. Close the doors when you're ready.
  • Main tasks: Pilot the dropship to various locations and to various planets.
  • Main problems: Sometimes, you need to pilot the ship on your own. And you might forget the back door. Unless if you're some junkie who does not know how to fly in real life, only in games.
  • Bare minimum requirements: Don't forget to close the dropship doors. Don't forget to fuel the shuttle between trips.
games/sc13/crew_positions/shuttle_pilot.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/15 00:23 by wizardofaus_doku

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