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Lavaland/Space Role

Lavaland and the depths of space possess a wide array of ghost playable roles, ranging from some simple farmers to trained soldiers. All roles have unique objectives, characteristics and ultimately unique goals, they all have different ways they are expected to tackle dealing with the inhabitants of lavaland and the station.

Check “spawners” under the Ghost tab to take one of these roles, if any are available. Not all of these roles will be available to play in one shift due to the random generation of space and lavaland.

Free slots for fugitive hunters and crafted golem shells also appear in this menu. Posibrains and most antag roles do not. If you want to be a space pirate but missed the roll, you'll need to find their ship and click a sleeper.

Neutral Roles

Generally indifferent to everyone else.

Keep in mind that escalation rules against ghost roles are relaxed - crew are free to attack golems for minerals, podpeople for their somatorays and so on.

Job Role
Seed Vault Dwellers Be created to spread virtue and peace. Waste your time growing dope and revolvers. Shoot yourself with the Revolvers. Honestly you're just a botanist who does not have to worry about assistants rushing you immediately.
Beach Bum Serve drinks to miners, serve drinks to lifeguards, serve drinks to yourself. Die of alcohol poisoning.
Hermit Live in a hole in the wall. Dig your way to freedom or subsist off of mushrooms. Suffocate because your oxygen mask and tank are located across the room and you don't have a flashlight. Generally act like the Assistant of lavaland.
Free Golem Yeah, go do whatever.
Ancient Station Role Spawn on a derelict station abandoned for over one hundred years. Die to lack of oxygen. Suicide when you destroy all your food supplies. Die when the space carp kill you. Die when the Xenomorphs kill you. Against all odds, maybe survive and thrive.

Hostile Roles

These roles are almost always hostile, or at least very avoidant towards any outside faction.

Job Role
Syndicate Lavaland Base Personnel Use your syndicate comms to sow paranoia and panic among the NovusCorp scum. Create biological weapons of mass terror and destruction, or just the biggest drug lab in history. Shoot NovusCorp invaders in the head, or more likely each other with donksoft guns.
Lone Syndicate Comms Agent Impersonate CentComm. Generally annoy the hell out of NovusCorp crew from the comfort of your tiny base. Fight crippling loneliness and get murdered by a powergaming space explorer. Get granted a bigger base, and also friends, by the gods.
Ashwalker Be lava Lizards. Prove you don't need fancy guns to beat Goliaths. Die to a Watcher. Either be a minor nuisance to the miners, or proceed to annex the Mining Base. Spam lizard talk on the general radio. Get killed by security for spamming the radio, and coincidentally killing the miners.
Lava Dwarf Gain 2D graphics. Get drunk. Make uranium armour and don't question the safety hazards. Get drunk. Strip mine half the planet. Get drunk. Kill those damn elves! Get drunk. Attack an Ash Drake for !!FUN!! Get drunk.
Animal Hospital Essentially spawn as a Medical Doctor in hell, but without patients. Get lucky and heal a weary miner, or get unlucky and suicide from boredom. Occasionally host a book club.
Escaped Prisoners Try to murder the miners. Be sad because all the miners have already died in the first 10 minutes and the mining shuttle console is smashed to bits. Eventually return to the code as an on-station midround antagonist.
Ironhawk Marine Survive a violent crash landing. Shoot lavaland monsters with your crummy gun. Shoot all the windows on the mining outpost.
Penitent Exile Try to redeem yourself. Fail because the game doesn't specify what you can do to redeem yourself. Cry because you will never be fully implemented.

Unfilled Roles

These roles currently haven't been added to a category above, and probably aren't filled out yet.

Regional Director: Enjoy access to everything but the armory, use it to tour the site and provide constructive criticisms.

Test Subject: Be a victim of dubious consensuality to the advancements of science.

Hard-Mode Traitor: A traitor without any of the fancy gear, basically; a self-made traitor.

Syndicate Special Operative: Get even better gear than the Nuclear Operatives, try not to screw it up.

NovusCorp Tactical Operative: Get better gear than the special operative, showcase your veteran skills by ventilating everything that so much as looks at you funny.

The Slasher: Horror movie villain that has all sorts of spooky powers. Mostly admin gimmickery.

Floor Goblin: Sneak around under floors, steal shoes. Avoid angry mobs of shoeless people with crowbars.

Battler: A special mode-based job where everyone plays as a Battler, similar to Highlander mode.

Pod War Pilot: Another gimmick mode.

Macho Man: A superpowered wrestler meant to punish the sins of the station (and probably destroy it.)

Pathfinder: Command the exploration crew, keep them on task and productive. Work with science or mining to analyze and strip asteroids with artifacts, etc.

Mercenary: Get paid to act as a guard for your employer. Essentially a bodyguard with less company loyalty.

Death Commando: Be part of a force that doesn't officially exist; destroy the ship and make sure nothing on it survives. Make Nuclear Operatives appear reasonable by comparison.

Pumpkin Head Try to crackle like a supervillian over the radio despite your constricted larynx. Get ignored. Lose yourself in a THC-coma after barging into Hydroponics to raise a pumpkin army to enact your revenge. Easy Maintenance, Tech Storage WannaBEEV2-64×64.png WannaBEE Vomit bees everywhere you go. Dye your hair different colors to get a rainbow of bees. Accidentally punch one of them, die in a flurry of stings. Buzz buzz! Hydroponics, Maintenance DiscountDraculaV3-64×68.png Discount Dracula Throw wine glasses at people. Get accused of being a vampire, escape to maintenance to hide with cloak of darkness. Get bitten by an actual Vampire who mistakes you for a fellow bloodsucker. Easy Maintenance DiscountWerewolfV2-64×66.png Discount Werewolf Try to explain you're not actually a werewolf as paranoid botanists pelt you with wolfsbane. Accidentally befriend the real deal. Easy Maintenance DiscountMummyV2-64×66.png Discount Mummy Build yourself a “tomb” in the Chapel. Moan about “returning the slab”. Cut yourself up with scissors so medbay can cover you with more bandages. Easy Maintenance HotDogV2-64×64.png Hot Dog Embark on an epic quest to become the hottest dog. Pester the Chef and Cargo for more condiments. Get eaten by a changeling. Easy Maintenance DiscountGodzillaV2-64×64.png Discount Godzilla Team up with fellow reptiles to produce your own Godzilla movie. Roar at people until you get ticketed by security for terrible acting. Easy Maintenance DiscountMachoManV2-64×64.png Discount Macho Man Endlessly quote Randy Savage. Challenge someone to go to the Gym and fight you in the ring, get ignored. Get beaten by a monkey. Easy Maintenance SpooktoberGhostV2-64×64.png Ghost Get your bedsheet stolen by the Ghost Buster, end up chasing them through the station naked. Attempt to spook the crew by hiding in the hallways with your chameleon cloak, get shot in the face instead. Spot something peculiar through your ghost goggles… Easy N/A (Start with no ID) GhostBusterV3-64×64.png Ghost Buster Get arrested by Beepsky because you don't have a license for your ectoplasmic disintegrator, have it stolen by a Staff Assistant when you're down. Get chased by the Ghost. Discover a Wraith through your goggles, get beaten by a possessed fire-extinguisher before you can do anything. Easy Maintenance AngelV2-64×64.png Angel Attempt to convince the Chaplain to curb on the blood sacrifices. Save a person from critical condition by using your healing touch, enter crit yourself when it backfires. See them enter crit anyways and succumb. Easy Chapel, Chapel Office, Morgue, Crematorium CostumeVendorV2-64×64.png Costume Vendor Hawk your oddly-colored costumes to the crew. Put on the abomination costume during a shuttle ride, get thrown out the airlock while an actual changeling enters shambler mode. Easy None DiscountSuperheroV2-64×64.png Discount Superhero Deflect questions about your costumes by showing off your super healing or resistance to fire/cold/radiation/hard vacuum. Shoot stun lasers/ice beams/your limbs at monkeys. Bite off more than you chew and narrowly escape only due to your adrenaline-induced super speed. Wonder why you took your training. Easy Security, Brig, Maintenance, Firearms Carry Permit, Handling of Contraband Permit

Minor Roles Minor roles are roles that aren't enough to carry a round on their own. They generally cost little or no threat and may not be directly hostile to the crew. Minor roles are in peril of immediate validation, so some craftiness is required to survive.

Loose Catbeast STOWAWAY STAFF BlackCatbeast.png Loose Catbeast Alt. Titles: None Access: None Difficulty: Very Hard Supervisors: None Duties: Survive, Sneak into rooms Guides: This is it

You're a cat on the run! Starting out with nothing more than a bag, sandals, and a random shirt, you need to try to survive on station (main Z level, not in space) for as long as possible. The longer you survive (capping out at 5 minutes), the more dangerous the shift becomes for everyone as threat grows. You can also generate more threat by sneaking into rooms! Keep an eye on the chat log: if you get a notice that you have defiled a new room upon entering it, you just made things dangerous. Again, only main station rooms count. After 90 seconds your presence will be announced. You will periodically experience stunning from hairballs.


Find something to cover your tail as soon as possible. A fire closet is ideal because fire suits and gas masks are exactly what you need, but try to quickly spot what you can out of the arrivals shuttle and locker room. Stealing an ID will dramatically improve your chances. Try the dorms for someone braindead. Medbay lobby and bar are also good spots to check, but higher risk due to traffic. If you can't get an ID with maintenance, try smashing out lights with a toolbox. The darkness will help hide you. You can't wear any other shoes besides your starting sandals, which means your only way to deal with ZAS is Magbites at a vending machine. If you can steal a PDA that has money on it, this might be worth trying. You can't wear any gloves, so you can't hack safely. On the other hand, you get slightly increased punch damage. Tailgating into a department may seem attractive for extra room score, but remember you could easily get trapped and attract attention. Medbay is the only 'safe' department to do this because of the exit buttons. Some public access areas: main hallways, library, chapel, arrival shuttle, art supplies, primary tool storage, pod bay, locker room, dormitories, holodeck, holodeck control booth, rec room, courtroom, medbay lobby, brig lobby, cargo lobby. You can sometimes get an extra room by crawling under flaps or inside the MULE inlet (e.g.: atmos monitoring). There are also some small storage rooms with yellow-green airlocks that are public access on some maps. Soul Rambler FREAK STAFF Rambler.png Soul Rambler Alt. Titles: None Access: None Difficulty: Medium Supervisors: None Duties: Identify Antagonists, Ramble On Guides: Music

Soul Ramblers are strange migratory antagonists out to ramble the galaxy. Whether you aid the crew in dealing with other antagonists (one of which you will have to identify), or make chaos yourself, is up to you. In order to complete your investigation objective, use your necklace in-hand: you can only select from people you have heard speak in person. In order to ramble on, make sure you are off the Z-level at the end of the round. The easiest way to do this is to space yourself, since being alive doesn't matter.

Yes, the Soul Rambler is an antagonist and is valid. We don't cotton to freaks 'round here.

Shakashuri: Use this like any other instrument. It will fill nearby souls with chill wax as they hear your siren song, which heals, feeds, and pacifies them. Use this to disengage from anyone who doesn't cotton to freaks.

Frittata: A good source of Doctor's Delight, but you only get one.

Clothing Restrictions: As a rambler, you cannot wear anything that covers your torso. You are welcome to use shoes, gloves, hats, masks, etc. however.

You also have the ability to lock in a vow up to three times. Perform this like any targeted spell, activating the spell and then clicking on your target. You will get a chance to declare your vow. When the shuttle docks with the station, that soul will get the opportunity to appraise whether your vow was upheld, so choose wisely! Your vows appear as objectives on the scoreboard.

Your vow will be formatted like this:

[target], I vow [vow].

Your resulting objective will look like this:

Objective #3: Keep your vow, “[vow]”, to [target].

Plague Mouse INFECTED STAFF Plague mouse.png Plague Mouse Alt. Titles: None Access: None Difficulty: Medium Supervisors: None Duties: Infect the crew, spread diseases Guides: Guide to Virology, Virology Symptoms

Occasionally, an infestation of plague carrying rats can appear on the station. If you are selected for this role, you will spawn on the station near a vent like a normal mouse would. Unlike a normal mouse however, you will spawn carrying an incredibly dangerous and potentially life threatening disease. Your job is to try and infect the crew as much as possible. This can be achieved by nibbling people and generally being near them, which should spread your plague to anybody unfortunate enough to be lacking proper protection.


You're fairly tougher than a regular mice, having a complete resistance to atmos and 15 health compared to a mouse's 5. Avoid cats (and snakes) at all costs. These critters will kill you easily, so do not go near them. Watch out for mouse traps as well, (unsurprisingly) stepping on one of these will kill you as well. It can be difficult for crew to hit you if you hide under tables. You can crawl under them and use their protection as cover for nibbling people. Just make sure you don't stay in one place for too long. Vent crawling is your friend, use it to escape from people.

games/sc13/crew_positions/scratchpad.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/15 14:20 by wizardofaus_doku

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