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  • Access: Library Private Study
  • Additional Access: N/A
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Supervisors: Executive Officer
  • Duties: Read and write books and hand them to people, stock bookshelves, report on news
  • Guides: No external guides
  • Quote: No, for the last time we aren't interested in your Rule 34 Contributor's Portfolio.

The librarian spends most of their time in the library printing out copies of the more entertaining books in the game library, or running around in their red suit and welding through walls of everywhere they have no access (i.e. everywhere). The library itself has a permanence to its contents from game to game on the servers – all properly uploaded books can be downloaded in any other round.

This is more bane than blessing, since several titles that never should have seen the light of day are forever mingled in with literary classics shamelessly plagiarized from the internet, and also a lot of H.P. Lovecraft.

Day in The Life of The Librarian

Sadly, you will not go on cool adventures to obtain magical artifacts. You will be giving out books, on the rare occasion that someone requests a book.(See Below) You will also occasionally have to replace the Chaplain's bible, after he beats one too many people with and is disarmed and the book spaced. The final area of your job is to upload new books to the archive (See Below). So, take your pen and paper, and write down some screenplays! Printing a few books is cool, but don't be a dick and print 100 copies of one. All it does is crash people that right-click that pile.

The Librarian and his Library

First things first, stock your library with books that matter. At the start of the shift, your bookshelves will be EMPTY! Your fellow crew members will not want to stay in a library that has no books. To fix this use the Library's Check In/Out Computer's and use its function, “4. Connect to External Archive”. Here is the main dish of your sum total of existence, to sort out the mess of books, and find only the BEST.

By default, the books are not sorted, or sortable, and look to have no order what so ever, but upgrades can improve that, let you remove copies of books, etc.

To retrieve the selected book, simply click ORDER, the Check-In/Out Computer's printer will hum as it produces a completely bound book. How did it do that?

The barcode scanner will be needed for checking books into the local library's computer. It has 4 settings, as follows:

Mode 0 : Scan book to local buffer. Mode 1 : Scan book to local buffer and set associated computer buffer to match. Mode 2 : Scan book to local buffer, attempt to check in scanned book. Mode 3 : Scan book to local buffer, attempt to add book to general inventory.

(*Note:Use the scanner on the computer, otherwise it won't work)

The Library is not your workspace, but a home, to you and your books. Your books are like people in a 1960s bus, so keep your books segregated. Sort them on their labeled book-shelves: Religious, Fiction, Adult (read: erotic fanfics), Reference, and the back room's Forbidden Knowledge. You can use your bookbag, which works like a mining satchel or plant bag, to carry multiple books at once. The latter section is great for hiding tomes if you're a cultist.

How To Add A Book To The Database

  • Get Paper and a Pen.
  • Write your love story about those Lusty Xenos on the paper.
  • Take your story to the East Back of the Library to the Book Binder, and slap that epic story onto the binder. This will spit out your new award winning story.
  • Still have that pen? Good, you can sign your name, add more content, and even title it.
  • This book is ready to be sent to NovusCorp Publications Department! Ask your Librarian to scan this book into the computer, using the Scanner.
  • Once scanned, use the Check In/Out Computer's 5th function, tittled, “5. Upload New Title to Archive”.
  • Here you can change the category, change the author once more, and view the title.
  • After reviewing the book, and being ready to publish, use the “UPLOAD” command.

Breaking News!

Behind the library desk is a handy newscaster to work with. Since the librarian is given a tape recorder and a camera with spare film, this allows you to keep the crew informed of ship events, such as memorable performances by the clown, interviews with prominent people, murders or even writing smutty tabloid articles. Photos from your camera can be attached to the news articles you post. Alternatively, you could use your photocopier to copy your ass and attach the results to your news articles.

The newscaster also can print out up to 15 newspapers, and can refilled by adding more paper. After that, you'll want to deliver the newspaper to frequently visited areas like the Medbay, Brig, and more.


You have a little study with a bookshelf waiting to be filled with forbidden knowledge or your personal favorites. This is generally a safe place to study in peace, although lynch mobs may form if you start using it to broadcast bad pornography over the radio.


  • Librarian system is much more robust than most people think:
    • You can activate barcode scanner to switch modes.
    • You can use it to add printed books to your library's “inventory”, then use the check in/check out computer to actually give people books for specified amount of time, like a real library would.
  • You can cut inventory slots in books with wirecutters.

Book'em Dano

This is one of the hardest jobs to be a Traitor. However, if you are an expert at deconstruction and get a few good items, you shouldn't have TOO much difficulty, other than your abysmal access. Don't forget, you're about as suspicious as an assistant, so get your stealing (or killing) done, then hole up in your private study until the heat dies down. However, unlike assistants, your outfit is quite special, so people will easily recognize you everywhere unless you change it. Emagging the library computer causes it to spit out a tome, though you need to be a real cultist to read it. This can be used to confuse security, but you should be ready to get searched and brigged for some time.

games/sc13/crew_positions/librarian.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/25 00:04 by wizardofaus_doku

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