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Lava Dwarf

EXTRATERRESTRIAL STAFF Lavadwarf.png Lava Dwarf Access: N/A Additional Access: N/A Difficulty: Hard Supervisors: God of Blood (not to be confused with that other Blood God.) Duties: Build a fort, drink obscene amounts of alcohol, protect the portal. Guides: This is the guide Quote: “comical dwarf-related reference here”

You are a lava dwarf, one of many short humanoids from another world that have come through a strange portal in search of new lands, which unfortunately happen to be a hellish inferno. The land is, however, bountiful in resources and loot ripe for the taking. If you can deal with the locals, that is.

You are essentially a group of manlets with severe alcoholism, an urge to build forts, and an affinity for toeing the line of how far you can go with a reference. Use your blacksmithing gear to make better tools and build a fort, or die trying. Most likely the latter.

Contents [hide] 1 latest changes 2 For the underground 3 Building a Fortress 4 You Aren't Alone 5 The Wildlife 6 We Noble Few 7 Miasma And You 8 Brewing Ale 9 Blacksmithing 9.1 Tools of the Trade 9.2 Ore Stats 9.3 Creative Smithing 10 Actually Crafting Stuff 10.1 Tools 10.2 Weapons 10.3 Armor latest changes

MIGRATION REWORK: Start off with 6 dwarf slots, open more by building more Dormitories. TEMPLATE CONSTRUCTION: Fort-In-A-Box capsules for quickly laying out a fortress! DURABILITY: Your swords and shit can break now make new ones, also used to balance >synthflesh shovels WARHAMMERS: hulk SMASH SHIELDS: Block shit yo CROSSBOWS: Fill your opponents with pointy things PROPERLY without it breaking for once MEGAFAUNA AND HOSTILES WILL TARGET THE SPAWNER: Defend that shit yo. DWARVEN TOOLS ARE FOR DWARVES ONLY: You'll need to be an actual dwarf to do dwarf stuff. BAR MOULDS MAKE 5 SHEETS: its sik And loads more Secret Fun Stuff! For the underground

Your base of operations is small, starting with the basic gear necessary to survive and build. Your livestock is scarce and fragile, so try not to have them end up dead. Migrants will come through the portal as you progress, adding onto your population or replacing lost members. Destruction of the portal, however, will cause a cessation of all future migrants and stagnate your fort's population. Protect the portal at all costs if you wish to see a future for your fortress in these lands. Building a Fortress

You'll find in the Crafting Menu under Blacksmithing there are entries for Fort-In-A-Box. These are quick ways to expand your fortress without manually placing every wall, alongside protecting from ash storms. To use one, click on it in-hand, and throw it, much like a shelter capsule. Smelteries and Breweries are crucial and self explanatory. Dormitories allow for more migrants to arrive. You get 6 migrant slots for each dormitory constructed. Make sure to build lots of these! Throne Rooms allow you to elect new nobles. They're very expensive though, so take care when building. Dining Halls are great meeting places and ale consumption rooms. Farms provide an easy growing location alongside a source of fresh water. You Aren't Alone

You are not alone in these lands; both locals and similar foreign groups exist with their own ideas in mind. From the Scale-Ears, Tall-Men, or the Walking Rocks, how your fortress proceeds to deal with them is up to you. Starting mutual trade pacts and exchanging goods is probably not a bad idea, but where's the fun in that? The Wildlife

These hellish lands offer a number of horrible creatures that hate you almost as much as you hate elves. Their strengths and weaknesses should be something learned early on before finding out the hard way. Legions: An abomination of multiple creatures unified into one, it sends out its past victims to do its dirty-work. The mini legions break easily under a good swing with your pick, leaving the shambling beast nearly defenceless. Aggressive tactics are advised when dealing with these creatures and you'll probably see to live another day. Watchers: Wispy bastards that shoot ice-cold stares, enough to chill even a seasoned dwarf to their very core. Attack in groups for assured victory. Goliaths: Lumbering beasts covered in a thick hide, although a quick-footed being would be able to easily kite it. Watch for its tentacular grasp, as it will attempt to trap victims for an easier beat-down. We Noble Few

Your fortress starts with a cape, crown, and Royal Scepter, for whoever feels like becoming your fortress's Noble. The Noble can use his Royal Scepter to designate Mandates. Click on a tile, and fill out the Mandate, to declare a mandate to all dwarves. Unfortunately, you can only have one Mandate active at a time. Use the Scepter inhand to remove the previous Mandate. Miasma And You

Your fortress is covered in dead bodies and everyone's throwing up and dying from it. What is it? Why is everyone dying? How can I stop this? Miasma is a result of dead bodies and blood being left to rot in the hallways. It'll cause vomiting, sickness, and possibly death if your fortress isn't cleaned up. There're two ways to clean up the blood. 1. Burn a Towercap Log in the Smelter and combine the resulting ashes with Water from a puddle in the fortress. This will produce Soap you can use to clean. 2. Produce a Broom with some wooden planks, and wet the broom with the puddle in order to use it. Bodies are more difficult to deal with. 1. Creating a “dumping ground” a long distance from the fort, and moving all bodies there will prevent the miasma from reaching your fortress. 2. Destruction of the bodies, such as by gibbing, will prevent them from creating miasma. 3. Revival of the corpses will cause them to cease to rot. Brewing Ale

The art of brewing a good mug of ale is the most important skill any Dwarf must learn. You need ale to survive, and will die without it. Still.png The still is the most important tool you have. To brew, follow these easy steps: 1. Use any number of grown items on the still. 2. Use the still with an empty hand. Drink up! Brewing lets you acquire more seeds and fulfill your need for booze. Ale brewed will inherit the effects of reagents inside the plants. Experiment! Tower cap ale is so weak that it only slows down a dwarf's thirst. Brew logs for seeds but throw the swill out in favor of stronger booze. Blacksmithing

Blacksmithing is a sacred art to any self-respecting dwarf, accepting only the finest and high-quality craftsmanship when it comes to equipment. Learn the tools and ores that come along with the trade and maybe you'll build a true fortress in these troubled lands. To perform this act, the process goes as following: 1. Melt an ore with the Smelter 2. Pour the ore into a Mold made from Clay. 3. Put mold on Anvil. 4. Use the Hammer to get your result. Weapons generally require logs (not planks!), and armour generally requires leather (Obtainable from butchering animals, such as cats) Weapons can break over time if used too much, make sure to have a spare sword in an emergency! Open the Crafting Menu button, and navigate to the Blacksmithing category in order to craft an item, once you have all necessary components on you. Tools of the Trade

These are your tools, learn them well and keep them safe from prying outsiders. You will need these to build better weapons and armor. Item Description Anvil.png Anvil The base needed for hammering filled molds. Try not to hit with the hammer without a mold too many times. Blacksmithforge.png Forge Where all raw ores are smelted into their molten variants. Each ore melts into 75 units of metal; contents may be hot. Blacksmithhammer.png Hammer Used to break open filled molds on an anvil. Makes a decent weapon in a pinch! Blacksmithmold.png Mold A basic mold used for shaping molten ore, crafted out of clay. Several variants of these molds for different weapon/tool designs. Ore Stats

The quality of your smithed gear will depend on what type of ore you used. Some are better than others at different things, so keep this list handy when looking to craft the best set of gear. It should be noted that a higher value is better in every case but digging time, where a lower number indicates faster digging. Item Description Attack Force Armor Penetration Sharpness Blunt Digging Time Ironore.png Iron The most basic material, abundant and decent for mass-equipping dwarves with basic swords and armor. 15 0 FALSE FALSE 40 Plasmaore.png Plasma Slightly rarer than iron, it makes a decent pickaxe. Hitting people with a tool made of plasma adds additional fire-stacks if they're already on fire. Fun! 10 0 FALSE FALSE 25 Goldore.png Gold Shiny and soft, it doesn't hit hard but it works fairly well at bypassing armor. 10 35 FALSE FALSE 30 Uraniumore.png Uranium Dense and radioactive, it makes a good beating stick but not much else. 5 5 FALSE TRUE 30 Silverore.png Silver Gold's lesser cousin, sharing similar attributes to a lesser extent. 7 25 FALSE FALSE 35 Diamondore.png Diamond Sharp and shiny, it makes a good broadsword or pickaxe alike. 15 25 TRUE FALSE 8 Shelmet.png Adamantine Raw Adamantine! Praise the miners! 20 40 TRUE FALSE 3 Creative Smithing

Why stop at the normal ores? With dwarven engineering and a touch of -fun-, any reagent can be used as a base for weapons and armor! When attacking with a smithed item, it calls upon a reagent's TOUCH reaction as well as a normal attack, meaning some reagents can make up for their sub-par damage in other interesting ways! Chlorine Trifluoride broadswords and Plasma armor? Sure, why not! Experiment with different reagents for interesting results! Actually Crafting Stuff

You got your tools, filled molds, etc.? Good. Now we can get to actually crafting the good stuff. Tools

Standard tools for assorted manual labor. Item Description Special Attribute Required Materials Pickaxe.png Pickaxe A dwarf's trusted tool for chiseling out the foundations for a grand fortress, you should never go anywhere without one! Due to its pointed tip for digging out rock, it also gains a 1.25 modifier on armor penetration, based on the material's base penetration. Pickaxehead.png 1 Pickaxe Head Towercap.png 1 Log Anvil.png Anvil Shovel.png Shovel Good for digging up the ground faster than a pickaxe, although that's really about it. Gains a 1.25 modifier to its base damage if a material marked as BLUNT is used to craft it. Adds a .5 modifier to the base material's dig speed. Gotta dig FAST. Shovelhead.png 1 Shovel Head Towercap.png 1 Log Anvil.png Anvil Weapons

Your standard weapons of war, great for keeping the pesky locals out of the fort. Item Description Special Attribute Required Materials Claymore.png Broadsword A standard broadsword, good for stabbing. Or slicing, either way! Gains a 2.0 modifier on top of the base material's attack value. Use a material that adds the SHARPNESS value for dismemberment ahoy! Bladetop.png 1 Blade Leather.png 1 Leather Towercap.png 1 Log Anvil.png Anvil Sledgehammer.png Warhammer Good for swinging around and smashing skulls; should be held in two hands for full effect. Gains a 4.0 modifier to its base damage if a material marked as BLUNT is used to craft it and wielded, or 2.0 modifier unwielded. Also applies a 3.0 modifier to a base material's armor penetration at all times, making it extremely useful for bypassing armor almost entirely with ores like gold or silver. Blacksmithhammerhead.png 1 Hammer Head Towercap.png 1 Log Anvil.png Anvil Armor

Good for protecting yourself from tantrums or wildlife. Item Description Special Attribute Required Materials Armorpiece.png Chestplate Basic chestplate, capable of protecting a dwarf's torso and arms. Armor value based on base material's damage. Armorpiece.png 1 Armor Plating Leather.png 4 Leather Anvil.png Anvil Helmetpiece.png Helmet A protective helmet to keep your head covered. Armor value based on base material's damage. Helmetpiece.png 1 Helmet Plating Leather.png 2 Leather Anvil.png Anvil

games/sc13/crew_positions/lava_dwarves.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/15 00:31 by wizardofaus_doku

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