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Honk Squad

  • Access: ???
  • Additional Access: N/A
  • Difficulty: ???
  • Supervisors: ???
  • Duties: ???
  • Quote: “???”

Oh dear lord, some bored admin has decided that what the round really needs is more clowns. The Honk Squad is much like your typical insertion team of highly armed individuals, except that they are operated by, well, Clowns. Unlike ordinary Clowns, however, these are not clumsy bumblers, but consummate professionals in the art of clowning. You are dealing with the Honk Squad.

Bare minimum requirements: Make the crew laugh, at gunpoint if necessary.


You're responsible for:

  • ???
  • ???
  • ???

Your Chain of Command

As a ???, your immediate superior is the ???.


  • ???

Traitor ???



games/sc13/crew_positions/honk_squad.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/25 01:45 by wizardofaus_doku

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