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NovusCorp Consultant

  • Access: Basic access to all departments
  • Additional access: Wherever an Intern, Assistant, or other new person needs to go, with permission.
  • Duties: Instruct people in the basics of how to play, including getting them their first job and coaching them through what to do to be a productive worker instead of a safety hazard.
  • Requirements: Apply for and earn a Mentor role marker.

Your job is to turn the Interns and sometimes Assistants that arrive on the Arrival Shuttle into competent workers, with a little more meta leeway than usual so you can explain basic mechanics. Specific job skills should refer to an existing printed text that the trainee can study at their own leisure.

NOTE: Consultants can only be played by In-Game mentors and moderator+.

As a corporate Consultant you are a part of the Corporate department. You have the ability to tell workers to get into shape where it may be necessary but overall you should be playing as a support character.

A good Consultant will:

  • Take new players through the basics.
  • Be a figurehead for the office workers.
  • Follow both Corporate Law and Standard Operating Procedure by the book.
  • Advise command and other departments alike.
  • Try to ensure every department is running smoothly.

Your Office

Your office is in the middle of the Corporate department, with a connection to the Waiting Room, where Interns and Assistants are expected to wait patiently for guidance until you or a department head call on them. The Corporate Recruiter will often call on you to pick up new Interns or Assistants from their post near the Docking Shuttle Bay, if he's too busy to walk them there himself.

Training the Interns

The most important part of your job is getting new players (yes, players) up to speed on how to play (basics like movement, talking, actions, and the like), after which you can invite them back to the Waiting Room and try to arrange them an internship with a department. You have an ID computer in your office that you can use to grant basic access to a department, and a phone and fax to directly contact other departments and let them know more about their new charges. You also have consoles to enter them into the Crew Manifest and remove them from the Passenger Manifest if necessary, and to create basic medical and security records should they be without.

Advising the Crew

If for some reason you have no Interns or Assistants waiting to be shown the basics or assigned to a department, due to a proactive Head of Personnel or after the beginning of a shift when new people are less frequent, you may want to check out the departments to see what they're up to and provide some friendly advice to people who look like they're struggling. You are not a department head nor are you expected to do crew's work for them, and you generally don't have more than an Amateur familiarity with most skills, so your basic role is to provide advice and point people to reference materials (books in game, the wiki in Local OOC) where they can learn more. You also generally do not remain in hazardous areas any longer than necessary, although if your life is in danger, you can use whatever skills you have to effect your escape. (As an example, yes, you are allowed to hack doors if you are attempting to escape a fire, but shouldn't generally be hacking doors just for the sake of it, especially if you aren't training an Engineering assistant.)

games/sc13/crew_positions/consultant.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/26 14:44 by wizardofaus_doku

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