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Chrono Legionnaire

  • Access: None
  • Additional Access: Any place you can teleport to, a.k.a. basically anywhere
  • Difficulty: Hard
  • Supervisors: Future NovusCorp
  • Duties: Fix the timeline
  • Guides: This page.
  • Quote: Hello? Yes? Is there a certain “Adolf Hitler” here on the station?

Well, looks like there's another divergence into some absolutely terrifying timeline, and a far-future NovusCorp has sent you to fix it!


As the Chrono Legionnaires are admin-only, their goals fluctuate wildly based on what future NovusCorp wants them to do. 90% of the time, this means erasing the shit out of someone from history that shouldn't be there or are a major threat to the timeline (mainly players who name themselves after some particular historical figures).

Your standard objective will usually look something like this:

Using your TED device, erase Adolf Hitler, the Captain, from the timestream.


Chrono Legionnaires wouldn't be themselves without their future-tech timestream-proof equipment that each Legionnaire receives as their standard gear.

Chrono Armor

  • Found on: Chrono Legionnaires
  • Used for: Teleporting around like a badass.
  • Strategy: Equip them, run circles around security.
  • Description: An advanced spacesuit equipped with teleportation and anti-compression technology. It provides significant protection against brute, burn, radiation, and toxins.

    There's a 5-second recharge timer between teleportation jumps. When you perform a jump, you will leave behind any exposed items that are not timestream-proof, so don't try to bring things when you teleport unless they're on your Chrono Belt.

Timestream Eradication Device

  • Found in: Chrono Legionnaires
  • Used for: Erasing people from time.
  • Strategy: Keep this on you at all times; you will need it to complete your objective. Use it for dispatching either your target or other rogue crewmembers (who will most likely assume you to be hostile).
  • Description: You must first equip the Timestream Eradication Device on your back before you can use the T.E.D. Projection Apparatus.

    When the T.E.D. is fired, it locks the target in time, preventing them from moving or otherwise resisting. During this process, the victim starts visually disintegrating. However, the Chrono Legionnaire must remain still while firing the T.E.D., otherwise, the disintegration process stops and the victim slowly recovers. As a result, it is absolutely terrible for dealing with groups.

Chrono Belt

  • Found on: Chrono Legionnaires
  • Used for: Holding timestream grenades and other useful items
  • Strategy: Just keep it equipped, there's no reason not to.
  • Description: This fancy belt holds eight items, and starts out with six Timestream Grenades; any items held on it travel with you when you jump.

Timestream Grenades

  • Found on: Chrono Legionnaires
  • Used for: Crowd (time) control.
  • Strategy: Use these timestream grenades to stop time in case you need to make a timely getaway.
  • Description: Utilizing the special time-stopping powers of certain slimes, timestream grenades stop time in a wide area upon detonation; your unique Chrono Armor is immune to this effect, allowing you to halt large groups of people and give you time to jump out.


  • Remember that your Chrono Suit is not only a great suit of armor but space proof as well! Don't feel bad if you need to slip into space for a moment when overwhelmed.
  • If you only have a single target, your mission will most likely be short and simple. Just wait for a moment when your target will most likely be alone and won't have many visitors.
  • On occasion future NovusCorp may deem that the entire crew of the station is a threat and needs every last person erased. In the event this happens you will probably be working together with a squad of Legionnaires. Work together to pick everybody off one by one!
  • If you are tasked with erasing the entire crew, go after the Virologist and Xenobiologist first. They almost always work alone, and you shouldn't have any issues with dispatching them with extreme prejudice.
  • Roleplay as the space Viet Cong, teleporting out of the shadows to pick out loner targets. Don't be afraid to break away if sec arrives, giving up a small minnow is worth reeling in a gigantic carp.
  • When the remaining crew have congregated into groups (assuming you've decided to kill everyone you can), don't try to take them on with the guns of already killed people. As soon as you teleport, they'll be left behind, leaving you unarmed and them available to any crewmember nearby. Instead, wait until they leave and pick them off one-by-one.
  • Don't get EMP'd. They still can affect your futuristic gear and will halt your jump, leaving you vulnerable to any nearby crew.
  • If you're working with multiple Legionnaires, use your Timestream Grenades wisely to lock down Security or Marines and eliminate them when necessary.
games/sc13/crew_positions/chrono_legionnaire.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/15 17:54 by wizardofaus_doku

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