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Oh dear gods, someone has to balance the starship's finances and that task falls to you. You poor, poor bastard.

You work in the Corporate Office, and your job is to manage the department budgets for the ship in order to make sure that the ship remains solvent (ie, able to pay its employees). Each crewmember (except Interns, Civilians, Tourists and similar not-members-of-crew) makes a given amount of money per hour, which is paid into their accounts. In addition, supplies cost money from the budget (or account) of the person making the order. The general objective is to always be able to afford payroll, else you might be the one first against the wall when the revolution comes (unless you can prove the Captain spent the entire budget on hats.)

As such, you get all of the boring paperwork involved in being an accountant, and occasionally the ability to skim money off the top if you're subtle about it.

Paying Taxes

The ship earns money whenever it sells something; whenever it receives a research grant from somewhere; when a crewmember wins the lottery; and much more. And of course SolGov wants some of it. Figure out what they want and make sure it gets paid, by taking the requisite sums where necessary and shipping them off to SolGov. It's a thankless task, particularly given that people tend to want to spend all of their money before you can get to it.

The Budget

In addition to the costs of payroll, the ship receives ongoing bounties from performing various tasks. For example:

Research Bounty: Build five new medibots. 5000 credits.

Supply Bounty: Supply twenty sheets of steel. 500 credits.

Munitions Budget: Target neutralized (Xeno): 500 credits.

By meeting these objectives, the budget gets increased. The Accountant pushes the Resource Managers to meet these objectives, which the Resource Managers may interpret as they see fit. They do not override the head of a department, however, especially when that department is vital to the ship's survival.

Guests of the Corporation

Civilians, Tourists, and similar non-crew entities actually pay the ship for the privilege of being tourists aboard the ship. They pay this per hour from their personal accounts. Those who run out of money become Debtors (no cost, but not really legal to be aboard except in cryostasis).

games/sc13/crew_positions/accountant.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/15 00:19 by wizardofaus_doku

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