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Star Command 13

Star Command 13 is my idea of an improvement, modification, or whatever to the BYOND game Space Station 13, one that takes place on a spaceship travelling throughout the cosmos. Managed by NovusCorp, the various spaceships of the armada seek out new and profitable situations and seek to bring glory and success to their corporate masters.

  • Welcome to Your New Home in Space!: A tongue in cheek introduction to life aboard what someone might uncharitably say would be an unsavory blend of Star Trek, corporate culture, and Sealab 2021.
  • Game Concepts: Information about specific game concepts that generally require some level of guidance.
  • Standard Operating Procedure: Information about alerts and expected practices of crew and civilians.
  • Ship Locations: The various locations onboard your typical mass-produced NovusCorp NARV.
  • MEV Locations: Locations aboard a Military Exploration Vessel.
  • OSS Locations: Locations of one of NovusCorp's Orbital Space Stations.
  • NCPC Locations: Locations of one of NovusCorp's Planetary Colonies.
  • OMB Locations: Locations of one of NovusCorp's Orbital Military Bases.
  • ROME Locations: Locations on a Remote Observation Military Expedition outpost.
  • PMB Locations: Locations of one of NovusCorp's Planetary Military Bases.
  • MAV Locations: Locations aboard a Military Assault Vessel.
  • RMV Locations: Locations aboard a Resource Mining Vessel.
  • OPC Locations: Locations aboard an Orbital Prison Colony.
  • PPC Locations: Locations aboard a Planetary Prison Colony under NovusCorp's control.
  • Space Locations: The various things you can locate while wandering the depths of space.
  • Crew Positions: The various jobs one might be called upon to perform aboard an SC13 vessel, including those of adversaries and antagonists.
  • Lifeforms: The various creatures you might meet in the depths of space, or on your own ship.
  • Guides: Guides to various activities aboard ship, including specific information about how to do various jobs.
  • Power Supplies and Reactors: Lists of the various power supplies and reactors that can generate power for a spaceship.
  • Objects: Lists of the various objects that can be found, made, or acquired during the game.
  • Game Modes: These control the major event occurring through the course of the game round.
  • Random Events: These are small random events that may cause good or bad things to occur.
  • Scratchpad: A place to dump assorted borrowed content before sorting it out.
  • Lore: Background information on SC13's universe.
  • miscellaneous: Miscellaneous information about the universe of Star Command 13 that hasn't been sorted into a more appropriate location yet.
games/sc13.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/27 03:22 by wizardofaus_doku

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