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Land Holdings Status

A general overview of the territory you hold, including size, cities, and businesses within the cities.

The Castle Karn

The Castle Karn is currently being rebuilt to become a proper castle again.

Current Features

2nd level Inner Keep (+2 Morale per level) (under construction: 28 days) [Erika]

1st level Outer Keep (+2 Morale per level) (under construction: 128 days)

1st level Wizard's Tower (under construction: 7 days) (+1 Morale per level) [Hector]

1st level Temple (under construction: 7 days) (+1 Morale per level) [Sheila]

ATTN Portal

Stables (houses horses and owlbears)

2nd level Establishment: Underground Storage Area (1,000 gp payout in 7 days) (upgrade in 7 days)

2nd Level Establishment: Factory (1,000 gp payout in 7 days) (upgrade in 7 days)


Polar bear rug (180 gp): Albena's room

Furniture (6000 gp)

Rugs (250 gp x 4)

Tapestries (500 gp x 2)

Downfilled pillows and fur cover (300 gp)

Two-tiered fountain with Lothannep the water weird living inside

Property, Mounts and Other

Riding Horses, 12

Owlbears, 3 (1st level warriors)

Wagons, 3

Peryton bust (value 30 gp)

Sheep, 5

Oxen, 6

Pircess the Dryad (1st level spellcaster)

Wolves, 3 + Yapper (wolf cub)

Elisha the Sprite

  • Poison Needle Spear
  • Sprite Shortbow
  • 2nd level spellcaster: prodigy


Stored goods (see 'Thomas/Price Analysis' for full list)


Item Type Quantity
Shortswords Weapon 35
Broadswords Weapon 8
Longswords Weapon 12
Scimitars Weapon 9
Handaxes Weapon 27
Battleaxes Weapon 6
Halberds Weapon 2
Flails Weapon 9
Spears Weapon 8
Whips Weapon 17
Light Crossbows Weapon 26
Shortbows Weapon 1
Composite Bows Weapon 1
Leather Armor Armor 3
Ring Mail Armor Armor 9
Chainmail Armor Armor 21
Platemail Armor Armor 4
Shields Shield 18
Longsword +1 of Troll Slaying Magic 1
Healing Potions, Standard Magic 2
Manacles Item 40

Special Weapons

Flammenwerfer: Shielded front gives +10 on saving throws and +4 AC to operators and weapon. Nozzle with slow burning flame ignites fuel mixture spray. Spray is five feet wide and 30 feet long. Fuel lasts for three uses, inflicts 4d6 fire damage when used and half damage on anyone behind first target; Dex save will halve damage for front person or negate damage for those behind. Cart can be moved 30 feet per turn. If cart catches fire, cart will explode in one round unless extinguished for 3d6 damage to everyone within 10 feet of the cart (no save). Fuel costs $50 per use to refill. 8 units fuel available.

Artisan Buildings

Smithy Level 1

Your blacksmith can forge magic arms and armor. Like with the alchemist, this requires the blacksmith to have some knowledge of the nature of magic, but they don't need to be a wizard, as long as there's one of suitable skill handy. The smithy allows your blacksmith to craft magic arms and armor 10% cheaper and faster than normal per level of the smithy.

Upgrading Vargas Smithy: 41 days remaining

Hirelings, Retainers, and Personnel

Leather Armor/Shield/Shortsword Orcish Guard (6) x $360 per season

Leather Armor/Crossbow/Shortsword Orcish Guard (8) x $360 per season

Leather Armor/Spear/Crossbow Orcish Guard (5) x $360 per season

Plate Mail/Shield/Longsword Knights (Sir Bradley and Sir Edgar) x $1800 per season

7th level Fighter (Alanis LaCroix) x $2700 per season

  • Uses Winnower, a greatsword +1 that inflicts an extra 1d6 necrotic damage on hit

Victor (Half-Orc 4th lvl Fighter), Hobgoblin Commander x $1800 per season

  • Uses Man-Feller, a battleaxe +1 with human bane (extra 3d6 damage vs humans)

Hall (Half-Orc 2nd lvl Fighter), Archery Commander x $1800 per season

Shrerad Fistfoot - kobold monk 2nd level (Kobold Commander) x $1800 per season

Eakvyrk - goblin fighter 2nd level (Goblin Commander) x $1800 per season

Raphael Thompson, factory supervisor x $1800 per season

Stableman (1) x $360 per season

Laborers (21) x $360 per season

Chef (1) x $540 per season

Blacksmith: Durgan Axemaker x $3600 per season

Orcish Ambassador, Uthrek

Dwarven Ambassador, Hundruil Duskfury

Carpenter: Fahri x $3600 per season

Sgt. Breeklai, 6th level Human Fighter/Battlemaster x $1800 per season

Ammantyr the Fearsome, 5th level Dragonborn Barbarian/Storm Herald x $1800 per season

Mina of Broken River, 5th level Tabaxi Paladin/Oath of Redemption(Shydi) x $1800 per season

  • +2 longsword

Teoz, 5th level Leonin Warlock/Pact of the Tome x $1800 per season

Galvin the Stone Giant (ally) [reduces building construction in Vargas by 50%]

Unskilled Hirelings (300) x $36 per season

Upkeep Costs

(Soldiers are working for the price of their unit when formed if not volunteer, plus seasonal upkeep.)

The average person consumes 5 lbs of food per day. This averages to 0.75 lb fruit, 0.5 lb meat, 1 lb veggies, 2.75 lb other food.

Kobolds and small races consume 1/4 as much food. Large races consume 4 times as much food.

Food Units Used: 350 units

Food Units Amount Per Day Cost per Pound Per Day Total Cost
Fruit 0.75 lb x $0.04 $0.03
Meat 0.50 lb x $0.20 $0.10
Veggies 1.00 lb x $0.04 $0.04
Any 2.75 lb x $0.04 $0.11
Total 5 lb $0.28

Food Cost Per Person Per Day: $0.28

Food cost per week is normally supplanted in unit upkeep/hire cost. However, during a seige, the amount of food you have handy determines how soon morale goes bad due to poor food supplies.

Unit Morale

Current Morale: +4 (+2 (Keep size) +1 (free soda per day) +1 (free candy per day))

Barony of Vargas



  • Sanitation


Currently working on Education for Vargas. 69 days remaining.


  • School
  • Forge (under construction: 14 days)
  • Temple to Shydi (under construction: 14 days)
  • Temple to Darun (under construction: 14 days)
  • Temple to Arc (under construction: 14 days)
  • Temple to Gareth (under construction: 14 days)
  • Temple to Shayassa (under construction: 14 days)
  • Grocery Store (under construction: 14 days)
  • Tavern (under construction: 14 days)
  • Alchemy Shop (under construction: 14 days)

Current Towns and Cities

King's taxes are 10% of citizen income, and 10% of business income. Taxes are collected once per season. Next collection in 90 days.


Population 420, lower to middle class. Basic agrarian culture. Population mixed between humans, elves, orcs, and half-orcs.

Average Income: 5 sp per day per citizen

Citizen Tax Rate: 15% for all

Taxes Collected: 378 gp


Farms, 25 (base maintenance cost 2 gp)

Lumbermill, 1 (base maintenance cost 5 gp)

School, 1 (base maintenance cost 5 gp; Poor Quality)

Shop, 1 (base maintenance cost 100 gp; Modest Quality)

Taverns, 1 (base maintenance cost 25 gp)

Theater (Establishment, under construction, 55 days)

Business Tax Rate: 15% for all

Collected Taxes: 3 gp


Population 1300, lower to middle class.

Average Income: 5 sp per day per citizen

Citizen Tax Rate: 15% for all

Taxes Collected: 2925 gold

ATTN Portal


The Grey Elixir (Alchemist Shop) (base maintenance cost 50 gp)

Douglas's Bakery (base maintenance cost 5 gp)

The Bronze Sledge (Smithy) (base maintenance cost 20 gp)

The Righteous Blade (Butcher) (base maintenance cost 5 gp)

Juliann's General Store (base maintenance cost 10 gp)

Jill's Herbalism Hut (base maintenance cost 10 gp)

Samuel's Stables (base maintenance cost 5 gp)

Ira's Trapping (base maintenance cost 5 gp)

Butterfly and Urchin (Inn) (base maintenance cost 50 gp)

Grain and Stitch (Leatherworking) (base maintenance cost 10 gp)

Seebedd's Tailoring (base maintenance cost 10 gp)

Mion's Fine Leathers (Tannery) (base maintenance cost 10 gp)

Chalice and Jug (Tavern) (base maintenance cost 50 gp)

Chapel of the Reverent Tree (Shrine to Darun) (base maintenance cost 5 gp)

Spoke and Wagon (Wainwright Workshop) (base maintenance cost 20 gp)

Steel Butterfly Beer (Brewery) (base maintenance cost 50 gp)

Raspion Mine (base maintenance cost 100 gp)

Sak Lumber Camp (base maintenance cost 100 gp)

Daniel Manor (base maintenance cost 50 gp)

Krakowski Manor (base maintenance cost 50 gp)

Raspion Manor (base maintenance cost 50 gp)

Sak Manor (base maintenance cost 50 gp)

Farms, 115 (base maintenance cost 5 sp)

Taxes Collected: 116 gp

Jecht - Kobold Town

Population 800

Average Income 2 sp per day

Citizen Tax Rate: 15% for all

Taxes Collected: 0 gold


Population 500

Average Income: 5 sp per day per citizen

Citizen Tax Rate: 15% for all

Taxes Collected: 1125 gold

ATTN Portal


Population 800

Average Income: 5 sp per day per citizen

Citizen Tax Rate: 15% for all

Taxes Collected: 1800 gold

ATTN Portal


Population 2400

Average Income: 5 sp per day per citizen

Citizen Tax Rate: 15% for all

Taxes Collected: 5400 gold

ATTN Portal


Population 1500

Average Income: 5 sp per day per citizen

Citizen Tax Rate: 15% for all

Taxes Collected: 3375 gold

ATTN Portal


Population 2000

Average Income: 5 sp per day per citizen

Citizen Tax Rate: 15% for all

Taxes Collected: 4500 gold

ATTN Portal


Population 1700

Average Income: 5 sp per day per citizen

Citizen Tax Rate: 15% for all

Taxes Collected: 3825 gold

ATTN Portal


Population 900

Mayor of Highport: Gerald Monroe

Currently guarded by Heston Soldiers and four ballistas

Average Income: 1 gp per day per citizen

Citizen Tax Rate: 15% for all

Taxes Collected: 0 gold

Available Funds

Stronghold Fund: $11053

Smuggling Base: Temple of Highport

After taking out and taking over a slaver's lair, 'Andre' and 'Tass' are busily converting it into a warehouse for their goods, and a temple to Darun.

Temple lvl 2 (under construction: 21 days) [Albena]

Keep lvl 2 (under construction: 28 days) [Thomas]

Establishment lvl 3 (under construction: 35 days) [Thorne]

ATTN Portal


Healing Orb Plants: 8 (heal for 1d4+4, or act as ingredients for greater potions of healing, or plant to receive d4 orbs within 28 days during growing season): 7 days

Root vegetables (6d20 lbs per growing season): 42 days


Plate Mail/Shield/Halberd Knights (Sir Gregor, 4th level fighter: battlemaster) x $1800 per season

Carlstar Wiorfether (Engineer) x $1800 per season (5th level expert)

Velana the Medusa (Special Unit) x $3600 per season (4th level warrior)

  • Uses a +2 longbow
  • Uses a +1 longsword “Sundancer” (casts Light when it hits someone)

Kyvin Trist (Scribe and Accountant) x $360 per season (3rd level expert)

Jheeda (6th level Barbarian) x $1800 per season

  • Uses greataxe +2

Sizzle the Gelatinous Cube (in the sewers)

Kobold Tribe (50 + 24 eggs, 12 children)

  • Kerrdremak, bluescale shaman (3rd level spellcaster: healer)
    • Uncommon Glamourweave Robe
    • Studded leather armor
  • 29 brown kobolds (1st level warrior)
  • 4 red kobolds (3rd level warrior)
  • 2 gray kobolds (2nd level rogue)
  • 1 green kobold (Kapmek, ranger 2nd level)
  • Mepaka, tribe midwife (brownscale)
  • 24 eggs
  • 12 kobold children
  • 12 nonwarrior kobolds
  • Vreggma, bluescale consort (3rd level bard)

Miner, Hergreas Granitehorn x $3600 per season (4th level expert)

Priests (1st level clerics), 6

Acolytes (1st level spellcaster: healer), 10

Knight of the Green Order, 3rd level, Tadao (Thomas' retainer)

Troubadour-Warrior, 3rd level, Jared (Albena's retainer)

Battle Priest, 3rd level, Tina (Thorne's retainer)

Cost of Food (300) x $0.28 per season

Artisan Shops

Tannery level 2: 20% discount on time and cost to make spell scrolls (75 days to upgrade)

Engineer's Shop level 2: 20% discount on time and cost to make traps and siege engines (75 days to upgrade)


Riding horses, 12


Polar bear rug (180 gp): Albena's room

Available Funds

Stronghold Fund: $2640

Smuggling Base: Drachensgrab Hill Fortress


Level 3 Keep (under construction: 78 days) [Thorne]

Level 2 Wizard's Tower (Spell Room) [Albena]


Oghar the Half-Orc Blacksmith (and wife) x $1800 per season (3rd level expert)

Fyndax the Human Alchemist x $1800 per season (5th level expert)

Ferg the Half-Orc Chef x $360 per season (1st level expert)

Food Cost: 4 x $0.28 per day

Total Cost: $45.12 per day, $315.84 per week

Artisan Shops

Level 4 Alchemist's Laboratory: Makes potions 30% cheaper and faster. (under construction: 68 days)

Level 1 Smithy: Makes arms and armor 10% cheaper and faster.

Upgrading Hill Fort Smithy: 48 days remaining

Trade Goods

Three wagons


Two ballistae

MANY traps. Like, so goddamn many.

Electronic alarm system

Available Funds

Stronghold Fund: $8040

City of Iocene

Tent City - 100 tents housing 2000 people, including cots, food and wine. Enough for temporary housing.

Field Hospital

School: 14 days

Temple: 14 days

Monastery: 46 days level 1 Establishment [Thomas]

Theater: 46 days level 1 Establishment

Available Funds

games/magic_academy/students/sheath/advisor/land_holdings.txt · Last modified: 2023/04/29 20:32 by wizardofaus_doku

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