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Locations of Note: Central Campus

The central campus is the heart of the Academy. Its extensive grounds include residence halls, dining halls, administration buildings, classrooms and laboratories (mostly used for first-year classes and interdisciplinary studies), and space for social gatherings.

The Great Library

The Great Library acts as a hub for learning and gathering for students across campus.

The center of the Academy of Magic is the Great Library, the university's main library. Individual colleges also have their own private libraries, but the main library holds the majority of all research materials, including copies of many mundane texts throughout the multiverse. At the heart of the library is a snarl, a tangle in the fabric of magic, that glows like a miniature sun in the grand Hall of Oracles. A star arch called the Dawnbow curves across the sky above the library, marking its location as a center of mystic learning.

Arches welcome inquisitive minds into the library. Inside, almost every surface from the floor to the high ceiling is jammed with stacks of books. The interior of the Great Library is vast, with long hallways, archive chambers tall enough to have their own weather, and even pools and moat-passages crossable only by boat.

Five lines of beacon-towers radiate from the Great Library like enormous spokes. These Torches of Enlightenment stretch out to the five main campuses and beyond, more than a hundred miles into the surrounding countryside. They burn perpetually with magical flame, symbolizing the path toward learning and an escape from ignorance.

Library Features

The Great Library has the following features:

Ceilings. The ceilings throughout the first floor of the Great Library are 50 feet high. The second- and third-floor ceilings are 30 feet high.

Magic Stairs. As in all campus buildings, the stairs and steps leading into and within the Great Library are enchanted to move and reshape for full accessibility. These magic steps and staircases respond to the needs of those who use them. The steps might shift up or down like escalators, or they might flatten out completely before raising or lowering like lifts to accommodate larger creatures and mobility devices, depending on users’ needs. In certain multistory buildings (including the Great Library and Captain Dapplewing’s Manor), magic transport circles also allow characters quick access between different levels.

Transport Circles. A runic circle is painted on the floor near each staircase in the Great Library, as well as at the top and bottom of the steps leading to the main entrance. These circles are permanent, customized teleportation circles. When a user moves onto a circle and mentally focuses on the floor to which they wish to travel, they are transported to the destination floor, arriving at that floor’s runic circle for that staircase. The circle at the bottom of the front steps transports users to the circle at the top of the steps and vice versa.

Students and Professors. Students of all years and colleges can be found at the Great Library, as can professors from all the colleges.

1st Floor

  • Main Entrance: Enchanted marble steps lead up 5 feet to a small plaza at the Great Library's entrance. The double door’s vertical handles are each carved in the likeness of a robed scholar. During the day. the doors stand open. At night, the doors are closed, locked, and sealed with an arcane lock spell. Only the Great Library’s reference librarians and certain faculty members know the arcane lock's password.
  • The Lounge: Luxurious couches and sturdy tables furnish this spacious area. Students, employees, and staff members often use this lounge to relax between shifts in the student store, the cafe, or elsewhere in the library. Each table holds piles of magazines, newsletters, flyers, and nonmagical scrolls from around campus. A character who examines these materials finds recruitment flyers from assorted Extracurriculars. They also find “Help Wanted” ads for the Jobs at the Library, as well as requests for Freelance Adventurers as part of the Party Dynamics Adventure System.
  • Cafe Seating: This area typically holds up to 36 students, all of them studying, eating, chatting, or even sleeping. Many enjoy food and drinks from the cafe.
  • Information Desk: Three faculty-appointed reference librarians work at each of these circular desks. All are expert scholars and powerful mages. They can provide helpful instructions for where to find any public location or collection, and can explain how to locate specific texts within the Compendium.
  • Library Store: This small shop is stocked with books, equipment, and gear useful as academic supplies. The store’s manager is Groff Lundquist, a friendly staff member known for his ability to fashionably mix and match items of university apparel. Students can buy hats, scarves, tunics, robes, gloves, and other apparel embroidered with the sigil of the Academy or of any of its colleges. Costs range from 5 cp to 5 gp or more, depending on the item.
  • Library Cafe: One wall of this area is covered with a mural made from a living tree’s roots, which move occasionally and make the entire place feel alive. The ceiling is covered in painted leaves, which change colors depending on the season thanks to a permanent illusion effect. The magic also prompts painted squirrels to run up and down the mural’s roots, and painted birds to chirp among the leaves. Up to ten students are typically present here during the day. Generally, three students work here along with the cafe's manager. She is charmingly perky and has a mind like a steel trap when it comes to recognizing students. However, her organizational skills are somewhat lackadaisical. The cafe always serves coffee and tea, which costs 1 cp per cup. The sandwich of the day varies.
  • Lecture Hall: Each of these halls hosts interdisciplinary lectures for Academy students. The seats magically grow or shrink to comfortably accommodate students of any size or body type. The halls’ acoustics are magically enhanced to amplify the professor's lecture and minimize the disruption of side conversations. While a class is in session, each hall holds a professor and up to thirty students.
  • Study Area: These open study areas feature simple wooden tables and chairs. During the day. up to thirty students can typically be found here. The Live Action Roleplaying Guild occasionally uses the western study area for preparations when hosting events on the lawn, cobbling together costumes for various monsters as well as visual effects made from sheets, blankets, wooden frames, tin plates, and illusion magic.
  • Book Garden: In these quiet areas, students sit on the grass and study among lush foliage. Sometime last year, three awakened shrubs wandered in here and settled in each garden, and the university has welcomed them to stay. Members of the Fantastical Horticulture Club often relax in this area and hold meetings here from time to time. Urzmaktok Grojsh can often be found here, recruiting first-year students to the club.
  • Main Stacks: Floor-to-ceiling bookshelves fill the center and the east end of the library’s first floor, with the denser east stacks under a magic effect that shifts them when students approach, creating space to stand single-file between them. These books are mostly introductory texts, and first-year students are often directed here by their instructors. In each of these areas, two cogwork archivists busily shelve returned or misfiled books. Characters who browse these shelves unaided can stumble upon what they need with a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check. However, it’s always easier to ask a reference librarian.
  • Student/Alumni Art Gallery: This crisp-looking room features white walls and columns that stretch from floor to ceiling. Displayed on or within these are art pieces representative of various media. A storage area at the back holds supplies and artwork waiting to go on display. The Distinguished Society of Fine Artists often meets and holds discussions here. Cadoras Damellawar is often here recruiting first-year students to the society.

2nd Floor

  • Hall of Oracles: This hallowed hall is filled with statues of the university’s past Oracles. At the center of the hall, a pulsing ball of magical energy—the Academy Snarl—fills the area with bright light. Occasionally, the Oracle herself, Tavia, can be found here, perusing the Snarl for information on the world.
  • Amphitheater: This impressive stage is used for lectures, for assemblies, and as a gathering place in case of emergencies. Magic steps lead up to the stage from the floor of the library. Members of the Play­actors Drama Guild often use this stage to meet and rehearse when the Rose Stage is unavailable. Quentillius Antiphiun Melentor III is often here recruiting new students to the Playactors Drama Guild.
  • Student Activities Center: This room is filled with tables and chairs and is available to any student organization registered with the Academy for use as a meeting place, rehearsal facility, or crafting site, or for other approved purposes. When not in use, it is set up to promote Extracurriculars.

The tables are covered with flyers from the Dead Languages Society, the Dragonchess Club, the Dragonsguard Historical Society, Future Entrepreneurs Club, the Intramural Gymnastics Club, the Intramural Wanderball Club, the Intramural Water-Dancing Club, the Mage Tower Cheer Squad, the Iron-Lifters Society, the Show Band Association, the Sorcerer's Star, and Student-Mages of Faith, and are staffed by some of the students associated with them. Extracurricular groups not here can be found elsewhere in the Great Library.

  • Student Council Hall: Filled with wooden tables and benches, this room

has a flag displaying the Academy star symbol hanging on its back wall. Here, a student council publicly debates Academy policies that most affect the student body and determines how to divvy up the half of the Student Activities Fund they are responsible for. The leaders of the school’s Extracurriculars come to the council to conduct matters of business, and the council usually meets on the first day of every month. Outside those meeting days, the room is used for other official university business or stands empty.

3rd Floor

  • Advanced Student Stacks: Rooms on the Great Library's second floor can be accessed only with keys held by faculty members, or that the reference librarians grant students on a case-by-case basis. Typically, students don’t receive keys to these stacks until they're studying for their final thesis during their fourth year at the Academy. The arcane knowledge in the books here is not public—and is sometimes dangerous. To prevent overly ambitious mages and the Academy's enemies from teleporting into and accessing this area, two shield guardians patrol at all times. Both the guardians have sleep as their stored spell, and their control amulets are in the possession of two of the librarians on duty. Students with permission to work here are given passwords by which the Constructs recognize them as friends.
  • Advanced Student Offices: These private offices are for students working on their theses, accessed using the same keys that allow access to the Stacks.
  • Advanced Student Lounge: This rest area is designed to help stressed-out senior students unwind. Large tables are set up for gaming and shelves are filled with recreational reading material. The area can be accessed only through the advanced student stacks.
  • The Compendium: This area on the library’s third floor holds copies of most of the mundane, widely available written works in the multiverse. The books are inscrutably cataloged, so it’s almost impossible to find anything

without requesting information from a reference librarian. Characters who look for information without obtaining help discover what they're looking for only with a successful DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check. At the center of this area stands a statue depicting a mighty, benevolent dragon. The magical statue reads aloud the contents of most books placed in front of it if a character makes that request verbally or mentally. (The magic of the statue can assess text such as verbal curses that present a danger if read aloud, and the statue ignores requests to read such text.)

Archway Commons

Just south of the Great Library, a star arch curves overhead like a smaller echo of the Dawnbow, and a lush park, Archway Commons, marks the site. More familiarly called the Commons, the park is a favorite spot for students—especially first-years—to gather in fair weather or to wander through on dates. Some of the Academy's clubs also use the park to host social gatherings and games, including live-action roleplaying games and casual sports.

Firejolt Cafe

At the edge of Archway Commons and just outside the Great Library stands the cozy Firejolt Cafe, where students cram both information and caffeine into themselves before exams. The cafe's name comes from its trademark beverage, which the manager, an elf mage named Ellina, brews with her fire magic. The Firejolt has a reputation as a hangout for first-year students, but older students from all ten colleges can be seen inside at all hours.

Firejolt Cafe is the most popular place on campus to grab tea or coffee, chat with friends, or study among the hustle and bustle of a typical day on campus. The cafe’s interior is clean and well lit, and its walls are decorated with fun, cartoonish scenes animated by permanent illusion magic. Well-known scenes include a jovial frog in a wizard’s hat stirring a cauldron, a dancing trio of lightning bolts with grinning faces, and a raven wearing a cravat and sipping daintily from a cup of coffee held in one wing.

Cafe Features

Ceilings. The cafe’s ceilings are 20 feet high.

Doors. At night, the exterior doors to the cafe are closed, locked, and sealed with an arcane lock spell. Only certain faculty members and Ellina Tanglewood, the cafe’s manager, know the arcane lock's password.

Cafe Locations

All descriptions assume the characters are in the cafe during the day. At night, the cafe is locked and devoid of students and staff.

  • Study Tables: These long benches sit atop two raised tiers with magic steps between them, affording easy access to the seating area below. Some thirty students are typically here during the day, studying quietly.
  • Seating Area: This area is usually more crowded than the cafe's study tables. At least fifty students sit sociably in groups, chatting and having tea and coffee. The open spaces in the north part of this area are typically filled with students waiting to join the queue at the barista station or scouting for a good place to sit.
  • Barista Station: This bustling service counter is the demesne of Ellina Tanglewood, the Academy employee who manages the cafe and serves as its chief barista. Ellina typically works alongside five older student employees, though she sometimes hires younger students who express interest in working for her. The front counter of the barista station is a whirl of chaos while Ellina and the other employees deal with the orders of dozens of students and faculty members. The back of the station is calmer, and includes a small break area for employees as well as

shelves for personal belongings and cafe supplies. The cafe strictly sells coffee and tea, but Ellina and the other talented baristas can make nearly any form of those drinks on request. A relatively common coffee or tea costs 1 cp, while a more complicated order might cost 2 cp. The cafe’s signature firejolt latte costs 10 gp; it confers resistance to fire for 1 minute after drinking it, and it can be brewed only by Ellina using her fire magic.

  • Newsstand: This small store inside Firejolt Cafe sells magazines, knickknacks, posters, stickers, and other decorative and leisure items. The subjects of the magazines are mostly magic themed, with titles ranging from Mages Monthly to Potions! Potions! Potions! to Spells and Caster. Staff members at the barista station take turns working the newsstand, which sometimes closes when the cafe is particularly busy. Most items here cost 1 cp, though higher-end items are available. The Sorcerer's Star is available from this newsstand, as well as several major news periodicals from outside campus, and costs 1 sp.
  • Fireside Lounge: Much more comfortable than the cafe’s other seating areas, this lounge is filled with sofas and armchairs where students can relax away from the hubbub. Fireplaces in the northern corners are lit by continual flame spells. Some twenty students are typically found here, using the tables to study quietly.
  • Quiet Rooms: As with the fireside lounge, these three rooms are quieter than the cafe’s main seating areas. However, with large tables and more functional chairs, they’re more oriented toward studying and completing

classwork. Up to ten students are typically found in each of these rooms, engaged in quiet study.

Bow's End Tavern

At the western end of the Dawnbow, where it meets the ground, stands a smaller university landmark: Bow's End Tavern, which serves as a hangout for older students. Most patrons come for the live music, deliciously greasy food, and various potions and beverages. Others come to settle their differences in wild duels in the lot behind the tavern. The tavern's manager is a kind but strict orc named Tulk “the Bulk” Tusktooth.

Bow’s End Tavern is the Academy's most popular late-night hangout. It opens at 6:00 p.m. and closes at 11:00 p.m. on class nights and 2:00 a.m. on weekends.

The tavern is a squat but comfortable-looking building, its gleaming wooden exterior carved in overlapping Academy star motifs. The interior is dim and cozy (if loud), featuring rich mahogany floors and well-worn furniture of oak and black leather. Live musical acts often set up on the tavern’s patio, including performing groups made up of students, faculty, and staff alike, and occasionally musical acts are booked to perform in the main dining room as well.

Tavern Features

Lighting. The magical lights inside the tavern are muted, but creatures can still see normally in all areas.

Ceilings. The tavern’s ceilings arc 20 feet high.

Doors. After closing, all exterior doors to the patio and tavern are closed, locked, and sealed with an arcane lock spell. Only certain student employees and Tulk “The Bulk“ Tusktooth, the tavern's manager, know the arcane lock's password.

Magic Steps. The steps marking the boundary between the overflow seating area and the main dining room are enchanted to move and reshape themselves for full accessibility.

Patrons. Students of all years and colleges can be found in Bow's End Tavern.

Tavern Locations

All descriptions assume the characters are in (he tavern during its hours of operation. Outside of those hours, the tavern is locked and devoid of other students or staff, except for Tulk Tusktooth and a few staff members who perform cleaning duties during the day.

  • Patio Seating: This outdoor seating area is fenced off and is open to tavern customers and noncustomers alike. The patio doors and the front doors leading into the building are closed except when the tavern is open. Up to thirty-five students can typically be found here during opening hours, eating and chatting. Additionally, at least two older student employees work in this area as servers.
  • Main Dining Room: The most crowded area of the tavern is filled with students. At opening hour, the tavern's seating is arranged neatly. In short order, though, student patrons shift the tables and chairs to accommodate the hangouts, tavern games, and other shenanigans happening in this area. Anywhere from fifty to seventy students are typically found here, eating, drinking, and socializing. Additionally, at least four older student employees work in this area as servers.
  • Servers' Station and Bar: The server's station stands at the center of Bow's End Tavern, where up to four older student employees make drinks for the tavern's patrons and pass orders for food to the kitchen. The food on offer at the tavern includes caster’s stew—a hearty bowl of venison, gravy, and root vegetables, served with mashed potatoes and thick-cut toast. Curtie's Special is named for Chef Curtie Axechucker and rotates between dishes she calls “garden surprise,” “magister's delight,” “macaroni and sausages,” and “rat ratatouille.” No one knows the ingredients used in these dishes, though servers always ask patrons about possible allergies. The table below lists the tavern’s menu and prices. The bar surrounding the servers’ station serves a variety of drinks. This area is often rowdy, so student employee Javenesh Stoutclaw remains watchful. From thirty-five to forty-five students are typically found at the bar. The tavern’s manager also keeps an eye on this area. Tulk “The Bulk” Tusktooth is an Academy employee with a kind demeanor but no tolerance for misbehavior. Tulk's nickname comes from his imposing physical presence at a burly, muscle-bound height of nearly seven feet—though his warm smile gleams as brightly as his signature golden earring. He is a good friend to Javenesh Stoutclaw, and anyone who puts the owlin in danger must answer to Tulk.
Food or Beverage Cost
Water Free
Coffee, cola, or tea 1 cp
Premium fare 4 cp
Caster's stew 2 sp
Curtie's Special 2 sp
  • Overflow Seating: The quietest part of the tavern, this seating area is the place students go to escape the noise of the main dining room. From ten to twenty students are usually found in this area, relaxing or engaged in

conversation. Additionally, at least one older student employee can be found working here as a server.

  • Back Exits: These areas afford access to the small stalls that serve as privies for the tavern and each feature a door that leads to the tavern's back lot. These exits are marked “Staff Only” but aren’t locked during operating hours, acting as loading areas for receiving supplies throughout the night.
  • Kitchen: The tavern's food orders are prepared in this large kitchen, overseen by Curtie Axechucker, an Academy employee and beloved personality on campus. Chef Curtie views cooking as an art, and she teaches the four students who work for her to cook using hunches and passion instead of precision or science. Curtie lives by her teachings (and is said to augment her culinary creations with a little bit of magic), so that no two dishes she or her apprentices cook are ever the same. The chef’s signature cries of “Make it spicy!” and “It needs more love!” frequently echo from the kitchen into the overflow seating area. The chef hires all student cooks, so characters

who wish to work in the kitchen must approach her directly. The most prominent features in the kitchen are the cooking cauldrons along the north wall, which are always bubbling with strange and wonderful concoctions. A small break room is set in the northwest corner of the kitchen, while a pantry takes up much of the east wall. A back door leads to the tavern's back lot and is marked “Staff Only”, but isn't locked during operating hours.

Academy Stadium

This large stadium where thousands gather to watch students play Mage Tower, Wanderball, and sometimes other sports, is located near Bow's End Tavern. Chapter 4 offers more information about Mage Tower and the Stadium.

Aerojaunt Field

Mage Tower practice commonly takes place on Aerojaunt Field. This practice field is on the central campus, and it’s available for anyone to use. The dirt field is carefully maintained dirt field. In the center, an elongated hexagon etched in glowing, magical chalk outlines a series of ramps built into the dirt. Dugouts face each other on opposite sides of the field. North of the dugouts are bleachers, and south of the dugouts are some outbuildings.

Aerojaunt Field was once the university's primary sports field. Now, years after the construction of the Academy Stadium, the field sees far less use. Its official purpose is as a dedicated practice field for the Academy's high-profile student teams, whose official matches take place in newer facilities elsewhere on campus.

However, less competitive teams hold their matches on this field, most notably the Intramural Wanderball Club. The elevated ramps used in wanderball matches were permanently built into Aerojaunt Field, whose name evokes a popular wanderball move that involves using magic to hop through the air with the ball.


  • Southwestern Outbuilding: This gray metal storage shed consists of three short silos topped with flat roofs. Weathered wooden doors that were once painted bright yellow lead inside, and a short fence protects the building from impacts from gear sent flying from the field. The shed is generally kept locked, although referees and some faculty members have the keys. This shed’s central silo contains a jumble of obsolete equipment that belongs to the gymnastics club. Old practice horses, balance beams, disassembled high bars, floor mats, and more are shoved against the curved wall. In the main silo's northeast corner are two unlocked chests. Both contain stacks of outdated gymnastics uniforms.
  • Southeastern Outbuilding: This gray metal storage shed consists of three short silos topped with flat roofs. Weathered wooden doors that were once painted bright yellow lead inside, and a short fence protects the building from impacts from gear sent flying from the field. The shed is generally kept locked, although referees and some faculty members have the keys. This shed’s central silo holds old wanderball and Mage Tower equipment: bins of damaged or inert wanderballs, wooden dummy mascots, and dented field rakes. In the main silo’s northwest corner are two unlocked chests that both contain stacks of outdated wanderball uniforms.
  • Practice Field: The hexagonal shape of this old practice field is outlined in glowing magical chalk. Several dirt ramps, each at least ten feet wide, slope and crisscross dizzyingly. The straight central lengths of each ramp are elevated to the heights indicated on the map.
  • Dugouts: These recessed dugouts are located on the west and east sides of the field, respectively, and are used by the players of various sports.
  • Bleachers: These bleachers rise 30 feet in the air at the back.

Captain Dapplewing's Manor

Captain Dapplewing’s manor house is used as a learning annex by esteemed dual-college faculty members and their favored students. A two-story home, the house is located on the central campus and serves as both faculty offices and the setting for lavish dinner parties and intellectual gatherings.

Tucked at the end of a leafy path on the central campus, Captain Dapplewing’s Manor is a quiet relaxation spot for elite faculty as well as a place of academic meditation and counseling for their students. The manor dates to the earliest days of Strixhaven, when the owlin mage and military veteran Captain Raymous Dapplewing held faculty appointments in both CWCA and CoC Colleges. Wanting a quiet place to retire in the evenings—and to host lavish dinner-parties-turned-colloquiums—the professor used his significant military pension to build this manor house on campus.

Upon his death, Captain Dapplewing bequeathed the manor to the Academy, which honored his legacy by giving the house his name and keeping most of its original furnishings in pristine condition. The house’s upper-floor libraries were converted into offices for esteemed dual-college faculty members, and those faculty members meet here with students on academic matters during the day. In the evenings, the manor is the site of dinner parties and elegant cocktail hours for those faculty members, their most promising students, and visiting alumni.

Since no one permanently lives in Captain Dapplewing’s Manor, the building is closed and locked from 10:00 p.m. until 6:00 a.m. Because it holds many valuable antiques and volumes of sensitive research, security measures are in place in the manor outside office hours.

Manor Features

The manor has the following features:

Ceilings. The ceilings throughout the manor are 20 feet high.

Doors. The manor's outside doors are locked at night. A character can pick a lock using thieves' tools. Anyone can easily break the glass doors, but doing so summons security (see below). The inside doors are unlocked unless otherwise noted.

Lighting. By day, the interior of the manor is lit by continual flame spells; by night, the interior of the manor is in darkness.

Magic Stairs. Stairs and steps in the manor are enchanted to move and reshape themselves for full accessibility.

Transport Circles. A runic circle is painted on the floor near each staircase in the manor, as well as at the top and bottom of the steps leading inside the building in area Cl. These circles are permanent, customized teleportation circles. Anyone can move onto a circle and mentally focus on the floor to which they wish to travel. (The circle leading to the attic is in the manor’s hidden staircase, which must be found first.) When a character is teleported from a circle near a staircase, they arrive on the destination floor on the runic circle nearest the corresponding staircase. The circle outside the main entrance automatically transports characters directly in front of the manor’s front doors.

Security. If an outside door is smashed or the characters engage in noticeable vandalism, two professors or a squad of campus security arrive at the manor in ld4 rounds.

Self-Restoration. All of the Constructs found here have a self-restoring quality that allows them to repair damage taken during a skirmish.

Automata: The constructs at the Foyer are controlled by professors during office hours, and animate to defend the Manor outside office hours.

Locations: 1st Floor

  • Veranda: A mahogany roof covers this porch, which is bounded by a low rail and outfitted with fine wicker furniture. Above the double door hangs a sign done in fine calligraphy: “Captain Dapplewing’s Manor.”
  • Foyer: Coat racks carved to resemble statues of individuals line the entryway into the manor beyond. The coat racks flanking the doors depict two wanderkin wearing high-collared jackets. The other coat racks on the left depict a one-tusked loxodon, a monocle-wearing orc, and a wanderkin festooned in bells. The statues on the right depict a drow wearing a scarf, a burly human in a tuxedo, and a high elf in a cowl.
  • Grand Hall: A set of magically shifting steps connects the foyer to this spacious, open area. Beautiful, thick carpet adorns the floor, topped by a crimson runner that leads into the dining hall beyond. This space is commonly occupied by the clockwork butler known fondly as the Earl, who is programmed to serve and protect.
  • Dining Hall: The centerpiece of this hall is a beautifully decorated dining table, its china and silver arranged just so. Along the wall to the west is an upright piano flanked by cushioned benches. To the east stands a fireplace.
  • Portrait Salon: This salon features a comfortable sitting area and rows of portraits hung on the walls. They feature historical Academy professors and emeriti, as well as friends of the Academy.
  • Drawing Room: This cozy drawing room holds bookcases as well as a number of easels folded and tucked in beside them. In the northeast corner, an easel holds a watercolor painting of a stylized, chicken-like reptilian creature

lounging in a baroque style.

  • Hall of Beauty: These two halls are lined with four exquisitely carved marble busts set on gilded pedestals. The abstract busts all represent beautiful androgynous figures bedecked with jewelry carved into its stone—and with a single, twelve-foot-long fur stole wrapped around the shoulders of all four statues.
  • Kitchen: Pots, pans, cooking utensils, fire pits, and dry goods are tucked into every visible corner of this small kitchen. A pair of crossed sabers hangs above the shelves to the north. The knives here are used by professional chefs during evening dinners at the manor, and are branded on one side with the image of an eye patch-wearing owlin and the words “Captain Dapplewing's Kitchen.”
  • Curio Room: Cabinets full of curiosities line the northern wall of this room. The strange items on display here include a stuffed pheasant, a sextant dressed as a doll, and a plaque with insects mounted on it. The insects are wearing tiny top hats. Two shining sets of antique plate armor flank the doors to the Dining Room.
  • Grand Deck: A grand back deck serves as an alternate entrance point to the Manor proper, with a low railing that can be easily climbed to access the locked glass back door. The pots of greenery on either side of this deck are filled with magic vegetation that was recently transplanted and is only loosely rooted.
  • Side Decks: The two side decks each have a low railing that the characters can easily climb over to access

the locked glass door leading into the manor. Bushy magic cacti grow in pots along the manor walls.

Locations: 2nd Floor

  • Faculty Offices: Five faculty offices, each dedicated to two of the ten colleges on campus, serve as staging areas for interdisciplinary studies and counseling, with different professors using them from day to day. Each office is comfortably furnished with a wide oak desk, a high-backed leather armchair, a towering bookcase, and homey wall hangings.
  • Captain Dapplewing’s Study: This large office serves as both parlor and study. Antique furnishings line the walls, along with the sculpted heads of several magic creatures. A heavy table and a desk are covered in scattered documents. This large office is often used for sensitive discussions among faculty members. The decor has stayed the same since Captain Dapplewing’s time. On the northern wall, a plaque holds the heads of a black and a red dragon, each clearly constructed from metallic crafting supplies. This device is a strange magic curiosity that was once a favorite of the captain's.
  • Central Passageway: This wide hallway offers access to the rooms on the second level of the Manor. One of the large pillars that juts into the passageway appears to be a structural column, but actually hides a staircase leading to the attic. The students and faculty here often forget to fully close it.
  • Faculty Storage: Boxes and filing cabinets have been crammed into this area, filled with old written records and outdated research. The paneling in the northeastern corner conceals a secret door that is frequently left slightly open; beyond the door is a secondary storage area holding boxes with personal items that faculty members have stashed away from prying eyes.
  • Reflection Room: Daybeds piled high with pillows stand in the corners of this spacious, comfortable-looking room. One of the daybeds contains several hidden drawers built into its frame, commonly used to store papers or books of interest to the relaxant.
  • Grand Lounge: This spacious lounge is decorated to an arcano-biologist’s tastes. Paintings of strange magic creatures line the walls, as do mounted collections of insects and reptiles. Three pteranodons form the room's centerpiece—all of them magically immobile in midair, positioned as if engaging in a strange dance. Located just in front of the large sofa along the north wall, the three creatures are subjects of study by the manor's faculty.
  • Tea Room: Several delicate tea sets are arranged on the floor in this room, alongside beautifully woven kneeling rugs and cabinets against the walls. One cabinet along the east wall is filled with tea-making supplies.
  • Student Storage: This storeroom is filled with loose parchment, books, and misfiled paperwork. The paneling in the northwest corner conceals a secret door, behind which is a secondary storage area that is much better organized, though a thick layer of dust on the boxes and crates here indicates that no one has accessed it in a while.

Locations: Attic

This cramped attic holds oddities considered too strange to display on the manor's main floor, along with peculiar items confiscated from students over the years. A fine dress with wings made of bones and a display shelf holding dozens of dolls are among the curiosities here.

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