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Zanon's Magical Emporium

Assorted magical items with unusual qualities.


Charms automatically react under a specific circumstance, breaking and triggering their enchantment. When relevant, they have a save DC of 15. You can have up to three charms available on a charm bracelet, and can easily switch between these charms when not in combat. Charms can be broken in hand to trigger their effect manually.

Item Cost Description
Charm Bracelet $200 This bracelet holds three magical charms, and does not count against your attunement slots. Despite its name, charm bracelets may be other items (necklaces, bandoliers, etc) as long as they are readily accessible and can reasonably hold the charms in question.
Charm of Absorb Elements $500 This charm breaks when you take acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage, and temporarily provides resistance to the triggering damage type until the start of your next turn. Also, the first time you hit with a melee attack on your next turn, the target takes an extra 1d6 damage of the triggering type, and the effects ends.
Charm of Air Bubble $500 This charm breaks when your head is submerged in water or an otherwise airless environment, creating a small pocket of breathable air that allows the subject to breathe normally for ten minutes.
Charm of Air Jaunt $500 This charm breaks when you step onto air and expect it to be solid (either by willing it, thus voluntarily triggering the enchantment, or by accidentally stepping off of a cliff or other hazard, thus involuntarily triggering the enchantment); this allows the unwary to emulate their favorite cartoons, providing six seconds of walking on air. (In short, you gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed until the end of your next turn, at which point the spell ends, and if you are still aloft, you fall unless you can stop the fall.)
Charm of Alter Arrow's Fortune $500 When an enemy makes a ranged attack that would normally hit an ally within 100 feet, this charm breaks, forcing the enemy to make a Charisma saving throw vs DC 15. If failed, the enemy must reroll the attack roll and use the lower of the two rolls (effectively giving the enemy disadvantage on the attack).
Charm of Angelic Guardian $500 This charm is manually broken by the user, and conjures a minor celestial manifestation to protect you. A faintly glowing image resembling a human head and shoulders hovers within 5 feet of you for up to one minute. The manifestation moves to interpose itself between you and any incoming attacks, granting the target a +2 bonus to AC. Also, the first time you gets a failure on a Dexterity saving throw while the spell is active, it can use its reaction to reroll the save. The effect then ends.
Charm of Animal Friendship $500 This charm is manually broken by the user, and lets you convince a specific beast that you mean it no harm. Choose a beast that you can see within 30 feet when the charm is broken. It must see and hear you. If the beast’s Intelligence is 4 or higher, the spell fails. Otherwise, the beast must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by you for the spell’s duration. If you or one of your companions harms the target, the effect ends; otherwise the effect lasts for 24 hours.
Charm of Anticipate Weakness $500 This charm is manually broken by the user, and lets you pinpoint where a gap is about to open in your foe’s defense, and then strike. After breaking this charm, you have advantage on attack rolls until the end of your turn.
Charm of Arcane Weapon $500 This charm is manually broken by the user, and channels arcane energy into one simple or martial weapon you’re holding. Choose one damage type: acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, or thunder. For one hour, you deal an extra 1d6 damage of the chosen type to any target you hit with the weapon. If the weapon isn’t magical, it becomes a magic weapon for the duration.
Charm of Avoid Grievous Injury $500 This charm breaks when the user would suffer a critical hit, and converts the critical hit to a normal hit.
Charm of Barbed Flesh $500 This charm breaks when the user is grappled; for one minute, dozens of barbed thorns erupt from your skin. Any creature that attacks you with a melee weapon attack suffers 1d6 piercing damage with each hit. A creature that is grappling you automatically suffers this damage at the end of each turn it remains grappled with you.
Charm of Bless $500 This charm must be broken manually, and blesses the user; whenever the user makes an attack roll or a saving throw before the spell ends, the user can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the attack roll or saving throw. This lasts for one minute.
Charm of Bloodhound $500 This charm is manually broken by the user, and grant its an enhanced sense of smell. For 8 hours, that creature has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell and on Wisdom (Survival) checks to follow tracks.
Charm of Bewilderment $500 This charm breaks when the user is struck by an attack, and causes the user to turn invisible for one full round.
Charm of Clarity of Thought $500 This charm breaks when the user is forced to make a Concentration check, granting advantage on all Concentration checks for one round.
Charm of Contingent Minor Healing $500 This charm breaks whenever the user takes 4 or more points of damage, discharging its magic and healing 1d4 damage.
Charm of Deflect $250 This charm breaks when the user is struck by an attack or magic missile. A transparent sphere of arcane force appears, averting incoming attacks. Until the start of your next turn, you have a +5 bonus to AC, to a maximum of 21 AC, including against the triggering attack, and you take no damage from magic missile.
Charm of Divine Beacon $500 When you suffer one of the following conditions, this charm breaks and causes a great beacon of light, visible only to paladins, to appear in the sky overhead. The circumstance that befell you determines the color of the beacon. Red: Falling unconscious during combat. Orange: Falling unconscious outside of combat. Yellow: Critical hunger or thirst that causes you to suffer penalties. Blue: Voluntarily triggering the beacon as an action. White: Your death. The beacon can be seen by paladins from up to 50 miles away even in daylight, provided it’s not obscured by fog or rain, or blocked by obstacles such as mountains or towering trees. If the fallen paladin is underground, the beacon appears in the subterranean chamber where the paladin fell and also in the sky above. Paladins of 10th level or higher have a 10% chance per level above 9 to see the beacon despite all obstacles.
Charm of Divine Rebuke $500 When you are injured by an enemy, this charm breaks and the enemy is surrounded by divine radiance. The creature must make a Dexterity saving throw vs DC 15; they take 1d10 radiant damage on a failed save, or half that on a successful save. If the creature is undead, they take 2d10 radiant damage.
Charm of Divine Sanction $500 When you break this charm, you place a divinely empowered curse on a creature that you can see within range. For one hour, the target provokes an opportunity attack from you whenever it makes an attack roll against a creature other than you. In addition, during each of its turns that it hits with an attack roll against a creature other than you, it takes 1d6 radiant damage. If the target drops to 0 hit points before the effect ends, you can use a bonus action on your turn to move the spell's effect to a new creature within range.
Charm of Doom of the Cracked Shield $500 This charm activates when a weapon strikes a user's nonmagical armor or shield, in addition to the normal effects of the attack. If the foe is using a nonmagical shield, it breaks into pieces. If the foe doesn’t use a shield, its nonmagical armor takes a -2 penalty to AC. If the target doesn’t use armor or a shield, the spell is expended with no effect.
Charm of Entreaty $500 This charm breaks when you or an ally within sixty feet makes a death saving throw; the creature gains advantage on the saving throw, and if the result of the saving throw is 18 or higher, the creature regains 3d4 hit points immediately.
Charm of Evasive Maneuvers $500 This charm breaks when you are subject to a spell or effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take half damage, and allows you to instead take no damage if you succeed on that saving throw, or take half damage if you fail.
Charm of Feather Field $500 This charm breaks when you are targeted by a ranged attack from a magic weapon but before the attack roll is made; a magical barrier of chaff in the form of feathers appears and protects you. Until the start of your next turn, you have a +5 bonus to AC against ranged attacks by magic weapons.
Charm of First Strike $500 This charm breaks when you are about to enter combat; you and all allies within range have advantage on your initiative roll.
Charm of Float $500 This charm breaks when you are submerged in water; for one minute, you are rendered buoyant, causing you to float safely at the surface even in heavy seas and to rise steadily to the surface at 50 feet per round if underwater unless you strike an obstacle that blocks this upward movement. While affected by float, the target gains additionally gains advantage on all swim checks on the surface. You can voluntarily dive or swim downward, using normal movement, if you can make a DC 10 swim check to which the advantage granted above does not apply. If you stop swimming, or fails the swim check, the float spell causes you to drift upwards again. Air-breathing and water-breathing creatures both can breathe while at the surface using this spell.
Charm of Gird the Spirit $500 This charm breaks when the user is struck by an undead creature. The charm's magic protects the wearer from the energies of the undead. For one minute, the target has immunity to effects from undead creatures that reduce its ability scores, such as a shadow’s Strength drain, or its hit point maximum, such as a specter’s Life drain. This spell doesn’t prevent damage from those attacks; it prevents only the reduction in ability score or hit point maximum.
Charm of Hostile Challenge $500 This charm is manually triggered. After you trigger this charm, whenever a creature you can see attempts a melee attack against one of your allies for the next minute, as a reaction you can command that creature to attack you instead. The creature must succeed at a Wisdom saving throw or be compelled to attack you instead of its original target, even if it must move to engage you.
Charm of Kobold's Fury $500 This charm is triggered by fighting a larger opponent, though it can be triggered manually. The target has advantage on melee weapon attacks until the end of its next turn. In addition, its next successful melee weapon attack against a creature larger than itself does an additional 2d8 damage.
Charm of Mindless Vengeance $500 This charm is triggered by taking damage from a melee weapon attack; upon triggering this charm, you drop whatever item you were holding in your primary hand. You can attack with an unarmed strike against the creature that damaged you with the instigating melee weapon attack (if it is in range) immediately; for one round, your unarmed strike uses 2d4 for damage, and when attacking with an unarmed strike, you double your proficiency bonus on your attack roll and add your proficiency bonus on your damage roll.
Charm of Shock Shield $500 This charm is triggered when you are hit by an attack or targeted by the magic missile spell, and creates an invisible barrier of electrified magical force. Until the start of your next turn, you have a +2 bonus to AC, including against the triggering attack, and you take no damage from magic missile. At any time, you may dismiss your shock shield, at which point it deals 1d6 points of lightning damage to all creatures within a 15-foot cone on a failed Dexterity saving throw or half as much on a success. It immediately detonates if used to block a magic missile.
Charm of Sonic Boom $500 This charm is manually triggered; you gain the ability to turn your weapon strikes into concussive blasts transmitted through the air. For one minute, you can make melee weapon attacks against creatures up to 20 feet away from you as if they were adjacent, and the attacks do thunder damage instead of their usual damage type.
Charm of Divine Favor $500 This holy symbol shaped charm is typically devoted to the god one follows most, and when broken, the user's weapon attacks deal an extra d4 radiant damage on a hit for one minute.
Charm of Feather Fall $150 This charm is triggered when you fall more than ten feet, and slows your descent to sixty feet per round for one minute. If the creature lands before the spell ends, it takes no falling damage and can land on its feet, and the spell ends for that creature.


These enchanted darts are considered simple ranged weapons that inflict d4 piercing damage upon impact, but they also cast a spell on the injured party. After casting their spell, they become ordinary darts.

Item Cost Description
Dart of Agonize $150 The injured target must make a Wisdom save vs DC 15; on a failed save, they have disadvantage on Wisdom and Intelligence ability checks and are unable to concentrate on any spell or effect or take reactions until the end of your next turn.
Dart of Agonizing Mark $150 For one minute, the injured target must make a Charisma save vs DC 15 whenever injured, or must fall prone as their body is filled with agony on a failed save.
Dart of Animal Animosity $150 The injured target must make a Wisdom save vs DC 15; on a failed save, they develop a hateful aura beasts can sense for 24 hours. All beasts with an Intelligence of 4 or lower who come within 30 feet of the target will become angry with that target and may attempt to attack it.
Dart of Bee Sting $150 The injured target must make a Constitution save vs DC 15; on a failed save, the creature takes 2d8 poison damage and becomes poisoned until the end of your next turn. If the save succeeds, the creature takes half damage and is not poisoned.
Dart of Bleeding Wounds $150 The injured target must make a Constitution saving throw vs DC 15. On a failure, you cause the target’s body to become sickly and gangrenous. All damage the target suffers deals an additional 2d6 damage for 1 minute. This has no effect on undead or constructs.
Dart of Blinding Pain $150 The injured target suffers severe pain in its head. At the start of its turn, the target takes 1d4 psychic damage and is blinded for 1 round. On a successful Wisdom saving throw, the creature takes half as much damage and is not blinded. A cure wounds or healing word spell cast on the target ends this spell, in addition to its regular effects.
Dart of Chronal Lance $150 The injured target must make a successful Wisdom saving throw, or its walking speed is halved (round up to the nearest 5-foot increment) and it has disadvantage on Dexterity checks (but not saving throws) for one minute as it is crippled by a sudden onset of early old age. An affected creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Dart of Devil's Dagger $150 The injured target also takes 2d4 fire damage, and the dart embeds itself in their flesh. While the dart is embedded, the first time on each of its turns the target makes an attack roll, they must roll 1d4. They subtract the result from the attack roll and suffer that much fire damage. A creature within 5 feet of the target can remove the dagger as an action.
Dart of Ensnaring Strike $150 The injured party must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be restrained by magical thorny vines for up to one minute. A Large or larger creature has advantage on this saving throw. If the target succeeds on the save, the vines shrivel away. While restrained by this spell, the target takes 1d6 piercing damage at the start of each of its turns. A creature restrained by the vines or one that can touch the creature can use its action to make a Strength check against your spell save DC. On a success, the target is freed and the vines shrivel away.
Dart of Farsighted $150 If the injured creature fails a Constitution saving throw, it suffers disadvantage on attack rolls against creatures within 30 feet of it as its near vision is blurred for up to one minute. The target creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns; a successful save ends the spell.
Dart of Frost Shuriken $150 The injured party takes an additional 2d8 cold damage, at which point the dart explodes. Each other creature within 5 feet of the target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 2d8 cold damage.
Dart of Guiding Arrow $150 You have advantage on ranged weapon attacks against that target for up to one minute. If the target spends an action to remove the dart, this spell ends immediately.
Dart of Hideous Maiming $150 The target must make a Constitution saving throw; or take 1d10 necrotic damage and gain 1 level of exhaustion on a failed save, or take half damage on a successful one. The target cannot remove the level of exhaustion until after it reaches its hit point maximum.
Dart of Insightful Maneuver $150 Until the end of your turn, the target has vulnerability to one type of damage (your choice). Additionally, if the target has any other vulnerabilities, you learn them.
Dart of Leonino's Mark $150 The target must succeed on a Charisma saving throw, or felines become hostile toward the creature for the duration. Felines have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks against the target, and they have advantage on saving throws against effects that would cause them to become frightened of the target. Felines always attack the target in preference to all other creatures but will not risk their lives to reach the target. If you can see the target and a feline in combat, you can end the normal effect, and the feline has advantage on its attack rolls until combat ends. This does not compel the feline to continue fighting the target.
Dart of Nearsighted $150 The target must make a Constitution saving throw. If it fails, it becomes nearsighted and has disadvantage on attack rolls against targets further than 20 feet from it for up to one minute. The affected creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns; a successful save ends the spell.
Dart of Unwelcome Halo $150 The target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed saving throw, they are lit with a halo of bright light in a 20-foot radius from the creature, and dim light for additional 20 feet. This light effectively gives away the creature’s location and imposes disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks when the creature is able to hide at all. At the end of each of the creature’s turn, it may make a new saving throw; on a success, the spell ends. Otherwise it remains for up to 10 minutes.
Dart of Withering Smite $150 The target suffers an additional 1d6 necrotic damage. If the target of that attack was a creature, it must make a successful Constitution saving throw or take 1d6 necrotic damage at the start of each of its turns for 1 minute, its flesh rotting around the wound. An affected creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success. The rotting effect also ends if the affected creature receives magical healing.
Dart of Chaos Bolt $150 The target takes an additional 2d8 + 1d6 damage. Choose one of the d8s; the number rolled on that die determines the type of damage suffered. (1: Acid, 2: Cold, 3: Fire, 4: Force, 5: Lightning, 6: Poison, 7: Psychic, 8: Thunder.)
Dart of Charm Person $150 The target must make a Wisdom saving throw, and does so with advantage if you or your companions are actively fighting it. If it fails the saving throw, it is charmed by you for one hour or until you or your companions do anything harmful to it. The charmed creature regards you as a friendly acquaintance while the spell lasts, after which the creature knows it was charmed by you.
Dart of Guiding Bolt $150 The target takes 4d6 radiant damage, and the next attack roll made against this target before the end of your next turn has advantage, thanks to the mystical dim light glittering on the target until then.
Dart of Sleep $150 Roll 5d8; if the target has less or equal HP to this, they immediately fall asleep for one minute, until the sleeper takes further damage, or until someone takes an action to shake or slap the user awake.


Gizmos are gadgets that look technological, but have effects equivalent to a spell when used. They typically have a specific number of uses after which they are rendered nonfunctional and can be dismantled for parts, or require additional objects or refills in order to function. Because gizmos typically require some accuracy on the part of the user, they have a DC of 8 + 4 + the Dex modifier of the user, or have a modifier to hit of + 4 + Dex modifier where relevant.

Item Cost Description
Gizmo of Acid Stream / Acid Spraying Bottle $500 This spray-bottle gizmo shoots a stream of acid in a line 30 feet long and five feet wide in the direction it is pointed. Each creature in the line must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw vs or be covered in acid for one minute or until a creature uses its action to scrape or wash the acid off itself or another creature. A creature covered in the acid takes 3d4 acid damage at the start of each of its turns. The gizmo functions for three uses before needing to be recycled.
Gizmo of Acid Wind / Acid-Spraying Fan $600 This small crystal-powered fan is useful for cooling the user or creating a small puff of wind at any time, but when loaded with a vial of alchemist's acid, it can create a 15-foot cube of stinging acid droplets originating from the fan. Targets in this area must make a Constitution saving throw; on a failed save, a creature takes 2d6 acid damage and is blinded until the end of your next turn. On a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage and isn’t blinded. The gizmo can be reloaded with alchemist's acid, but one vial is only good for one use.
Gizmo of Alter Scent / Alchemical Deodorant $600 This enchanted stick of deodorant requires one minute to fully apply, and magically changes the target’s scent to match that of the deodorant. Creatures attempting to track the target by scent have disadvantage on ability checks to follow the target for up to one hour. One applicator contains enough deodorant for four uses; a scent applicator can be refilled for $500.
Gizmo of Brilliant Arc / Electrical Antenna $500 This gizmo creates an electrical discharge that begins as a single stroke commencing from the iron tip of the gizmo. Unlike Lightning Bolt, Brilliant Arc strikes one object or creature initially, then arcs to other targets. The bolt inflicts 3d4 electric damage to the primary target. After it strikes, lightning can arc to 3 secondary targets. The secondary bolts each strike one target and deal 3 electric damage. Each target can attempt a Dexterity saving throw for half damage. The DC to halve the damage of the secondary bolts is 1 lower than the DC to halve the damage of the primary bolt. You choose secondary targets as you like, but they must all be within 30 feet of the primary target, and no target can be struck more than once. You can choose to affect fewer secondary targets than the maximum. This gizmo can be activated three times, after which it permanently loses its magical power.
Gizmo of Bug Bane / Bug-Off Spray $600 This spray kills any insects or swarms of insects within range that have a total of 25 hit points or fewer. The can has enough spray for four applications before running out.
Gizmo of Burning Hands / Flame Spraying Bottle $600 This gizmo is loaded with a vial of alchemist's fire, and sprays it in a burning arc of flame. Each creature in a 15-foot cone must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 3d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The fire ignites any flammable objects in the area that aren’t being worn or carried. This gizmo can be reloaded with a vial of alchemist's fire.
Gizmo of Cleanse / Magical Sanitizer $600 A squirt of the gel in this bottle, and a creature is cleansed of all dirt and grime. The target regains 1 hit point, and for 1 hour the symptoms of any disease afflicting the target are suppressed. In addition, the target has advantage on any Charisma (Deception or Persuasion) checks against non-hostile humanoids made in the next 10 minutes. The gizmo contains four squirts, after which it is empty and useless; its gel applicator can be refilled for $500.
Gizmo of Decompose Corpse / Beetle Box $200 This gizmo is a box that contains a special type of beetle; when used, the beetles entirely devour the flesh on a corpse, rendering it a pristine skeleton. This has no effect on a living creature, however if cast on a non-skeletal corporeal undead, it must make a Constitution saving throw. If failed, the creature has disadvantage on all rolls and -2 to its Armor Class.
Gizmo of Exterminate / Exterminator's Spray $1000 This spray releases a cloud of gas that is deadly to Tiny or smaller creatures; all such creatures with 1 HP within ten feet of you instantly die, or one such creature with 5 HP or less is instantly killed. The exterminator's spray holds six blasts of toxic chemicals, and cannot be refilled without alchemy (base cost $900).
Gizmo of Fast Grow / Fertilizer Spray $1000 This spray releases a cloud of fertilizer that accelerates the growth of a non-magical seed or a young non-magical plant. That plant grows rapidly into the mature version of that plant. If the plant would bear fruit, it becomes filled with that fruit. The fertilizer spray holds six blasts of fertilizer, and cannot be refilled without alchemy (base cost $900).
Gizmo of Filth's Bane / Freshener Spray $1000 This spray of sanitizing air freshener rapidly cleans one creature of Huge size or smaller; they are instantly cleaned and sanitized, including their clothing. Unwilling targets may attempt a Charisma saving throw to negate the effect. The freshener spray holds six blasts of sanitizer, and cannot be refilled without alchemy (base cost $900).
Gizmo of Graffiti / Designer Spray Can $500 You choose a target or a 10 ft. by 10 ft. surface that you can see within range and spray forth a colorful arrangement of paints and dyes. A surface that you target instantly has a design of your choice on it in paint, appearing however you imagined it. If you targeted a creature, that creature must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or be coated in this paint. While coated in this paint, the creature does not gain the benefits of being invisible, and they have disadvantage on Stealth checks. Creatures have advantage on Survival (Wisdom) checks made to track this creature. The paint can only be removed via magical means, including prestidigitation, lesser restoration, dispel magic, or magically-created water. The spraycan only contains enough spray paint for three uses before becoming empty and useless.
Gizmo of Malfunction / Gremlin Device $500 You cause a mechanical or electrical device within 60 feet to malfunction, rendering it temporarily inoperable. Choose a device that you can see within range, such as a clock, firearm/crossbow, or battery. The target device must not be larger than a 5-foot cube, and it must not be directly controlled or powered by magic. The device ceases to function for the duration of the spell. An unwilling creature holding, wearing, or otherwise using the target device must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw to prevent the spell from taking effect. If the saving throw is successful, the spell has no effect on the device. A creature can use their action to make an Intelligence (Arcana) check against your spell save DC. On a success, the effect ends, and the device resumes normal function. The gizmo functions for three uses before becoming a useless pile of parts.


Widgets are gizmos that typically trade power for reusability, generating small magical effects without wearing out easily. While widgets will eventually lose power (maybe one out of one hundred uses), they are reliable enough for day-to-day usage. Some particularly powerful widgets are magical items in their own right.

Item Cost Description
Wizard Gizzard Widget $500 This is the cost of a new 'wizard gizzard', an instructor's tool that helps students practice their aim with magical rays; when struck, the box emits a small glowing sphere from its launch funnel that disappears when it strikes a magical ray, a creature, or a hard surface. It is named because typically these tools are used to play Wizard's Gizzard, a game that involves accurately launching these spheres into buckets at distances of between ten and thirty feet (requiring a Dexterity/Arcana skill check to master; a player can land a number of spheres into a target equal to their skill check divided by three within one minute.)
Salt Shaker Widget $50 This widget stores up to four doses of alchemical salts, allowing their magic to keep safely until sprinkled upon food. One dose can influence up to five pounds of food; four doses can influence a single group meal. Once stored in the salt shaker, alchemical salts retain their effect no matter how long it is until they are used.
Sugar Shaker Widget $50 This widget stores up to four doses of alchemical sugars; in short, this is equivalent to a salt shaker widget, except that it is intended for sweeter alchemical uses.
Condiment Bottle Widget $100 This widget stores up to eight doses of alchemical condiments; by preparing an alchemical substance with condiment flavorings, they can convert almost any alchemical potion into an alchemical condiment that can then be put on food. One dose can influence a single meal.
Adjusting Instruments $1000 This enchanted set of measuring instruments allows you to measure a willing participant and then measure an unattended piece of clothing or jewelry, a suit of armor, a shield or a weapon; upon completion of this ten minute process, the item is magically adjusted to fit the target. This affects both magical and mundane equipment. Intelligent objects are allowed a Charisma saving throw to resist and on a save the spell fizzles with no effect.
Glasses of Alacritous Interpretation $1000 While these glasses are worn, you have the ability to read nonmagical texts at a rate of 50 pages per minute and have perfect recollection of any information gained for one hour after reading or until the glasses are removed.
Glasses of Analysis $1000 While these glasses are worn, you can spend one hour studying a clockwork device or construct (including most technological items), and discover all mechanical properties, mechanisms, and functions of a single construct or clockwork device, including how to activate or deactivate those functions, if appropriate.
Loupe of Value $2000 Upon taking an action to study an item with this magnifying loupe, you instantly know the fair market value of an item to within approximately 10%. This does not take into consideration local conditions that may drive the price up or down.
Masterwork Tool Set $2000 This set of tools and their enclosed manual automatically provide proficiency to even the most casual user; proficient users can instead gain double their proficiency bonus when using this specific set of tools.
Anti-Glare Glasses $500 These powerful sunglasses provide immunity to being blinded by normal light. The wearer can see through nonmagical mirages and optical illusions, and has advantage on saving throws against spells that create visual illusions or cause blindness through light, color, or flame, such as blinding smite, color spray, or holy aura. This also keeps creatures with the Sunlight Sensitivity trait from taking disadvantage on attack rolls and Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight. It does not protect creatures with Sunlight Hypersensitivity, however.
Junk Jet $3000 By loading any object from one to five pounds into this device that looks like a vacuum and funnel apparatus, one primes a deadly widget that fires random junk at high velocity for destructive purpose. When the device is fired at a target within 90 feet, its target must make a Dexterity save vs DC 15 or be struck by the object loaded into the device; object and target both suffer 3d8 bludgeoning damage upon impact.
Cauterizing Flame $2500 This magical flame cauterizes injuries of willing targets, restoring a number of hit points equal to 2d10 + your spellcasting ability modifier. However, the creature can no longer regain hit points by any other means until it completes a short or long rest. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs. The flame can also ignite small fires as an incidental effect.
Chime of Opening $500 Once per day, you can gently ring the chime and magical vibrations issue forth. These vibrations instantly release any form on nonmagical bindings on a single individual you can see within 30 feet: ropes are untied, chains and shackles are loosened, stocks are opened, gags are removed, bridles and saddles are unbuckled, and so on.
Dyeing Stone $500 This magical stone allows you to permanently change the color of cloth, leather, or any other inanimate object. The time it takes to color the item varies on the complexity of the color: changing the entire item to a single color takes 1 action, but patterns or variations of color require you to trace the design you wish on the item with the stone while picturing the colors you desire, a process that may take several minutes. The effect is permanent, and the stone can be used as often as the user desires.
Soul Phone of the Dead $2500 This allows you to attempt to contact the spirit of a specific dead entity by name. The spell contacts the spirit and lets it know that you want to meet; it doesn’t compel the spirit to appear before you. This spell is most useful in Alshira or other afterlife locations where finding one shade among countless hosts of the dead can otherwise be nigh impossible. The spell conveys your call to the shade you desire, along with your location and a sense of urgency. The shade is under no obligation to respond, but most do simply to break the eternal tedium of death. If the shade chooses to answer your call, its voice can be heard through the soul phone. Note that this spell does not alter the subject’s personality or willingness to help you. Once the target spirit becomes available, you must persuade it to help through negotiation, payment, or coercion of some sort. Family members, loved ones, friends, and slain companions are more inclined to help than are strangers or someone who was killed by the caster.
Balance of Comparison $2000 Upon taking an action to touch each of the pans of the scale to two objects, you can compare one specific quality or characteristic of both objects, such as value, weight, strength, age, magical potency, or craftsmanship. When comparing numerical values, the balance reveals if one is at least 10% greater or lesser than the other, otherwise it compares them as equal. Otherwise, the spell provides a rough estimate of the relation between the two objects, such as “much older,” “slightly heavier,” or “similar magical potency.” The balance can't compare the qualities of creatures or objects that are under the effect of illusion spells or abilities that are meant to deceive divination magic. The spell also can't discern information about the objects' history, abilities, or any other details not directly related to the compared quality.
Compass of Choice $500 This compass looks like a simple magnetic compass. However, when held, instead of pointing to magnetic north, the needle points to a direction of choice, such as your home port or your destination (if you previously knew where it was).
Magical Magnifying Glass $500 When you use this magnifying glass to perform an Investigation (Intelligence) check, you have advantage to spot visual clues.
Goggles of Deathwatch $1000 While concentrating on this effect (as opposed to a spell), you can sense the condition of all creatures you can see within 30 feet of you, including whether they are dead, undead, or alive. If the creatures are alive, you know each creature’s condition, including whether they are uninjured (maximum current hit points), injured (fewer than maximum current hit points), approaching death (1 hit point), or dying. This effect sees through magic such as feign death or illusions intended to hide the living or the dead.
Decryption Algorithm $200 This phone app allows you to more easily decrypt complicated encryption schemes, giving you advantage on ability checks to attempt to decrypt the document. This does not give you special understanding into foreign languages; comprehend languages or similar magic may be required to interpret results.
Degaussing Machine $4000 This relatively large machine weighs 40 lbs and has a 1 cubic foot capacity. Anything placed within it is degaussed (magically wiped clean of digital information) when the door is closed.
Glasses of Law and Order $1000 These glasses magically imbue people within 15 feet of the wearer with an aura only they can see: a sharp, lawful aura for those who follow the rules of society, often at the expense of their personal wishes; a muddled, neutral aura for those who balance their whims against the expectations of society, doing what they can within the confines of order; a jagged, chaotic aura for those with a tendency toward acting on their feelings and whims, regardless of society’s expectations.
Sensor of Detect Disease $1000 This gadget determines whether a creature, object, or area within 30 feet is diseased. If you make a successful DC 20 Wisdom (Medicine) check, you also determine the exact type of disease and its effects.
Sensor of Detect Harmony $1000 This gadget provides understanding of the balance of good, evil, law, and chaos in the immediate area. The answers are vague (“there is more evil than good here” or “there is much randomness and chaos here”) and do not reveal the exact nature or cause of the imbalance.
Sensor of Detect Life $1000 This gadget determines whether a creature within 60 feet that you can see is living or dead. The true status of a creature in a coma, suspended animation, or even masked with a feign death spell can be determined with this spell. Undead and animated constructs such as golems register as neither alive nor dead; constructs with a sentient presence register as alive.
Sensor of Detect Metal $1000 This gadget determines the presence of metals within 30 feet of you. While using the sensor, you know if there is a construct or other creature made of metal within 30 feet of you, as well as where the creature is located. You also sense the presence of creatures wearing metal armor or wielding metal weapons; while you do not automatically know their location, you increase your passive Perception against them by 2 and have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks to detect them. You also have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks to notice secret doors or traps that have metallic components. When you activate the sensor, you can detect all metal or can specify one or more specific types of metal (such as silver and gold). In the latter case, you detect only those metals and ignore others. This effect can penetrate up to 1 foot of stone or 3 feet of wood or dirt but is blocked by any thickness of metal.
Sensor of Otherworldly Influence $1000 This gadget senses the presence of unnatural or extraplanar creatures. It reveals the existence of any aberrations, celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, or undead within 30 feet of you, as well as their locations. You also have advantage on any Wisdom (Perception) or Wisdom (Insight) checks against such creatures. The spell is blocked by 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt.
Sensor of Secrets $2000 This gadget senses the presence of secret doors, compartments, and so on that have been deliberately constructed to escape detection within 10 feet of you.
Dictation Machine $2000 This machine, when properly supplied with paper, automatically transcribes anything said within 20 feet of the machine when it is turned on. Foreign languages are not translated but do appear spelled correctly using that language’s alphabet. Magical spells are not recorded.
Divining Rod $500 Once per day, for up to eight hours, you call upon the natural spirits of a region to guide you to water, natural shelter, or food, assuming that such exists within a radius of 1 mile. The rod points in the direction of the object you seek but does not indicate danger along the way.
Catchy Lute $2000 For up to one minute per day, you can play a quiet, yet catchy tune on this lute that only one creature of your choice within range can hear. Unless the creature makes a successful Wisdom saving throw (DC 15), the verse becomes ingrained in its head. If the target is concentrating on a spell, it must make a Constitution check with disadvantage against your spell save DC in order to maintain concentration. For the spell’s duration, the target takes 2d4 psychic damage at the start of each of its turns as the melody plays over and over in its mind. The target repeats the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success. On a failed save, the target must also repeat the Constitution check with disadvantage if it is concentrating on a spell.
Collar of Empowerment $500 For up to one minute per day, you can empower your animal companion, giving it advantage on all ability checks it makes for the duration.
Cone of Volume $500 This simple device enhances the voice of one willing creature you touch, allowing that creature to be heard clearly by all creatures that can hear within 300 feet of it, regardless of background noise.
Magic Eraser $500 This magical eraser in the shape of a sponge automatically removes mundane writing from a sheet of paper or parchment, from a single scroll, or from a surface no larger than 9 inches by 12 inches. This spell can remove magical writing (including a glyph of warding) if the caster makes a successful Intelligence (Arcana) check against the original caster’s spell save DC. Unlike the spell, a user does not need to be aware of the writing to erase it using the Eraser.
Gloves of Fast Fingers $1000 A creature wearing these gloves can make a Sleight of Hand (Dexterity) check as a bonus action, which is nigh impossible to notice. In addition, creatures have disadvantage on Perception (Wisdom) checks made to perceive Sleight of Hand (Dexterity) checks and to perceive somatic components of a spell.
Fiery Cloth $150 per square yard This cloth is imbued with the essence of fire. Its appearance doesn’t change, but any ignition source causes it to burst into flame. It burns for up to 1 minute and does 1d6 fire damage at the start of each of the wearer's turns to a creature that is in contact with more than half of the cloth. The effect ends if the flame is put out.
Gloves of Fiery Grasp / Harry's Flaming Fists $500 Once per day, for up to one minute, you can will your (gloved) hands to burst into flames. Until the effect ends, you can use an action to make a melee spell attack against a creature you can reach. A hit does 2d6 fire damage. These gloves are also immune to fire damage, making them handy for handling hot surfaces.
Sensor of Find in Nature $1000 This sensor helps you locate a specific kind of beast or plant, which you can either name or describe. You learn the direction and distance to the closest creature or plant of that kind within 1 mile, if any are present.
Gloves of Fists of Stone / Rock Gloves $500 Once per day, for up to one minute, you can will your (gloved) hands to become hard as stone. For the duration of the spell, you are proficient with unarmed strikes and your unarmed strikes do 1d12 bludgeoning damage.
Boots of Forest Affinity $1000 While in a forest, you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks to hide. While hidden in a forest, you have advantage on your initiative roll.
Boots of Wilderness Survival $1000 Boots of wilderness survival are designed to work within a specific environment, such as forests, swamps, or mountains. As long as the creature remains within the this area, its movement is not hindered by difficult terrain composed of natural vegetation. In addition, the creature has advantage on saving throws against environmental effects such as excessive heat or cold or high altitude.
Widget of Hold Portal / Door Clicker $1000 This magical door clicker instantly slams shut all doors, portcullis, windows, and similar enclosures within 60 feet, locking them if they have a lock. These portals can still be opened, unlocked, or smashed through normal means. This does not affect magical doors or individual doors larger than ten feet wide by ten feet tall.
Widget of Power Device / Mana-Powered Generator $2500 An electrical or mechanical device connected to this generator functions exactly as it normally would if it had conventional power. This spell can affect any household or handheld device, or general-purpose vehicle. Larger or more intricate devices cannot be powered with this generator.
Widget of Wafting / Flappy Wings $1000 While flapping these symbolic wings, or while flapping nonfunctional wings affixed to this framework, you gain a flying speed of 60 feet for 1 round. At the start of your next turn, you float rapidly down and land gently on a solid surface beneath you.
Boots of Light Step $1500 These boots grant the ability to walk at a normal pace without leaving tracks or disturbing the ground below it. They can also walk across relatively calm fluids at normal speed.
Sensor of Locate Fish / Fish Finder $1000 When this sensor is used, you learn the species, number, and depth of all fish within 30 feet, and you get advantage on ability checks related to fishing.
Sensor of Locate Water / Dowsing Rod $500 When this sensor is used, you learn the location of the nearest potable water on the surface within 1 mile, and the location of the nearest potable subterranean water within 100 feet.
Machine Cloak $40000 When you pull the hood up on this cloak, the wearer cannot be detected by video cameras, electronic sensors, or other high-tech detection machines for up to ten minutes. Anything the target is wearing or carrying is invisible as long as it is on the target's person. The target remain visible to vision. You become visible to machines again when you cease wearing the hood. Pulling the hood up or down requires an action. Deduct the time you are invisible, in increments of 1 minute, from the cloak's maximum duration of 2 hours. After 2 hours of use, the cloak ceases to function. For every uninterrupted period of 12 hours the cloak goes unused, it regains 1 hour of duration. Constructs are still able to see the user unless their senses are exclusively through technological means.
Hide Processor $500 This works magic into a hide, turning it rapidly into processed leather. If you concentrate on the processor for one hour, you can turn a single hide into rawhide leather, boiled leather, or tanned leather. Alternatively, you can turn hide scraps into leather scraps.
Sensor of Detect Magic $1000 While concentrating on this sensor, you can sense the presence of magic within 30 feet of you. If you sense magic in this way, you can use your action to detect the faint aura around any visible creature or object in the area that bears magic, and you learn its school of magic, if any. The sensor can penetrate most barriers, but is blocked by 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt.
Sensor of Detect Poison and Disease $1000 While concentrating on this sensor, you can sense the presence and location of poisons, poisonous creatures, and diseases within 30 feet of you. You also identify the kind of poison, poisonous creature, or disease in each case. The spell can penetrate most barriers, but is blocked by 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt.
Gloves of Twitching $1000 These practical joke gloves are cursed to remain on the hands until a remove curse spell is cast. They appear to be gloves of thievery; however, while wearing these gloves, an affected creature must make a successful Wisdom saving throw to cast a spell with a somatic component; if the saving throw fails, the intended spell fails and the spell slot is expended. An affected creature also must make a Wisdom saving throw before making a Dexterity check that requires fine control of the hands, such as using thieves’ tools; if the saving throw fails, the Dexterity check fails automatically.
Pen of Mapping $500 When supplied with paper, this pen causes an invisible, mindless, shapeless force to come into existence in an unoccupied space on the ground within range. It has AC 10, 1 hit point, and a Strength of 2, and it can’t attack. If it drops to 0 hit points, the spell ends. Otherwise, the force follows the user, remaining within range, for one hour. Carrying the pen and paper, the force uses them to draw a map of the areas you can see as you pass through. You can use your action to send the cartographer away from you, up to 30 feet away, and it can map from there as if it were a normal human looking at the area from that point. The quality of the map is similar to that of one produced by a competent scout. The cartographer does not indicate creatures, hazards, or other such items on its map, but only the physical, architectural, and topographical features of the surrounding space. The pen of mapping must be invoked every hour to continue the map, and continues where it left off when resummoned.
Styling Scissors $1000 This pair of styling scissors allows you to clean, trim, style, dye, or bleach a willing target’s hair, beard, or fur instantly.
Instant Ladder $1000 By placing this iron bar in an appropriate place and invoke the command word, you create a ladder of magical force that is one foot wide and ten feet long. You may place it vertically against a wall, lay it horizontally so it can be used to cross gaps, or have it lean at a 45° angle to be used as a staircase. In any case, the ladder is firmly anchored and will not move once placed. The ladder disappears when the bar is pulled and a second command word is invoked.
Tankard of Swift Brew $1000 Once per day, this large tankard is filled with the holder's choice of alcoholic beverage. The first creature that drinks this beverage within the next hour gets 8 temporary hit points. This lasts until the creature finishes a short or long rest.
Tankard of Healing Elixir $1000 Once per day, this small tankard can fill itself with a magical healing elixir. The elixir maintains its potency for 24 hours or until consumed; if drunk directly from the tankard, it can be consumed as a free action, otherwise, it can be consumed as a bonus action. Either way, the drinker regains 2d4 + 2 hit points while the potion is viable.
Goggles of Identification $2500 By analyzing and handling a creature or object for ten minutes while wearing these goggles, you can identify its its properties and how to use them, whether it requires attunement to use, and how many charges it has, if any. You learn whether any spells are affecting the item and what they are. If the item was created by a spell, you learn which spell created it. If you instead touch a creature throughout the casting, you learn what spells, if any, are currently affecting it.
Longstrider Boots $1000 These boots increase a wearer's walking speed by 10 feet.
Mage's Vest $1000 This vest, when donned, imbues the wearer with Mage Armor; the wearer’s base AC becomes 13 + its Dexterity modifier. The effect ends if the target dons armor or if you remove the vest.

Rechargeable Wands

These wands contain a particular spell and cast it at a particular power level determined by the enchanter. Unlike gizmos, rechargeable wands can be manually recharged, usually by imbuing the spell into the item to add a charge to the item. However, whenever a rechargeable wand is recharged, roll d20; on a 1, the wand overloads harmlessly and can no longer hold magic or be used as a focus. Wands can typically be used as a magical focus regardless of whether they currently hold a spell charge. Mages typically charge a set amount per casting of a spell regardless of whether the imbuement is successful. Rechargeable wands typically have a save DC of 15 or a +7 to hit if not otherwise mentioned.

Item Cost Description
Rechargeable Wand of Cure Wounds $600 + $150 per charge This wand of cure wounds holds 7 charges on average, although availability may vary. It is triggered by poking a valid target with the wand's crystal tip, healing 1d8 + 4 hit points to the target.

Self-Charging Wands

Self-charging wands are more difficult and expensive to manufacture, as typically they require the creation of a power crystal that converts mana from the environment into power to recharge the wand, as well as a stabilized semi-permanent enchantment. Power crystals are fickle; if a self-charging wand is ever completely discharged, roll a d20; on a 1, the wand discharges utterly and is destroyed until repaired. Self-charging wands can often be repaired into rechargeable wands of the same type, although they are twice as likely to overload when being charged (2 or less on d20). Self-charging wands typically have a save DC of 15 or a +7 to hit if not otherwise mentioned.

Item Cost Description
Wand of Conducting $500 This wand has 3 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges and create orchestral music by waving it around. The music can be heard out to a range of 60 feet and ends when you stop waving the wand. The wand regains all expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, a sad tuba sound plays as the wand crumbles to dust and is destroyed.
Wand of Pyrotechnics $500 This wand has 7 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges and create a harmless burst of multicolored light at a point you can see up to 60 feet away. The burst of light is accompanied by a crackling noise that can be heard up to 300 feet away. The light is as bright as a torch flame but lasts only a second. The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand erupts in a harmless pyrotechnic display and is destroyed.
Wand of Scowls $500 This wand has 3 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges and target a Humanoid you can see within 30 feet of you. The target must succeed on a DC 10 Charisma saving throw or be forced to scowl for 1 minute. The wand regains all expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand transforms into a wand of smiles.
Wand of Smiles $500 This wand has 3 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges and target a Humanoid you can see within 30 feet of you. The target must succeed on a DC 10 Charisma saving throw or be forced to smile for 1 minute. The wand regains all expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand transforms into a wand of scowls.
Wand of Magic Missiles $16000 This wand has 7 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast the magic missile spell from it. For 1 charge, you cast the 1st-level version of the spell. You can increase the spell slot level by one for each additional charge you expend. The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand crumbles into ashes and is destroyed.
Wand of Paralysis $32000 This wand has 7 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges to cause a thin blue ray to streak from the tip toward a creature you can see within 60 feet of you. The target must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. At the end of each of the target's turns, it can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success. The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand crumbles into ashes and is destroyed.
Wand of Polymorph $64000 This wand has 7 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges to cast the polymorph spell (save DC 15) from it. The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand crumbles into ashes and is destroyed.
Wand of Secrets $3000 The wand has 3 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges, and if a secret door or trap is within 30 feet of you, the wand pulses and points at the one nearest to you. The wand regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn.
Wand of Web $16000 This wand has 7 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges to cast the web spell (save DC 15) from it. The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand crumbles into ashes and is destroyed.
Wand of Binding $20000 This wand has 7 charges for the following properties. It regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand crumbles into ashes and is destroyed. Spells: While holding the wand, you can use an action to expend some of its charges to cast one of the following spells (save DC 17): hold monster (5 charges) or hold person (2 charges). Assisted Escape: While holding the wand, you can use your reaction to expend 1 charge and gain advantage on a saving throw you make to avoid being paralyzed or restrained, or you can expend 1 charge and gain advantage on any check you make to escape a grapple.
Wand of Enemy Detection $8000 This wand has 7 charges. While holding it, you can use an action and expend 1 charge to speak its command word. For the next minute, you know the direction of the nearest creature hostile to you within 60 feet, but not its distance from you. The wand can sense the presence of hostile creatures that are ethereal, invisible, disguised, or hidden, as well as those in plain sight. The effect ends if you stop holding the wand. The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand crumbles into ashes and is destroyed.
Wand of Fear $10000 This wand has 7 charges for the following properties. It regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand crumbles into ashes and is destroyed. Command: While holding the wand, you can use an action to expend 1 charge and command another creature to flee or grovel, as with the command spell (save DC 15). Cone of Fear: While holding the wand, you can use an action to expend 2 charges, causing the wand's tip to emit a 60-foot cone of amber light. Each creature in the cone must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of you for 1 minute. While it is frightened in this way, a creature must spend its turns trying to move as far away from you as it can, and it can't willingly move to a space within 30 feet of you. It also can't take reactions. For its action, it can use only the Dash action or try to escape from an effect that prevents it from moving. If it has nowhere it can move, the creature can use the Dodge action. At the end of each of its turns, a creature can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Wand of Fireballs $64000 This wand has 7 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast the fireball spell (save DC 15) from it. For 1 charge, you cast the 3rd-level version of the spell. You can increase the spell slot level by one for each additional charge you expend. The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand crumbles into ashes and is destroyed.
Wand of Lightning Bolts $64000 This wand has 7 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast the lightning bolt spell (save DC 15) from it. For 1 charge, you cast the 3rd-level version of the spell. You can increase the spell slot level by one for each additional charge you expend. The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand crumbles into ashes and is destroyed.
Wand of Winter $6000 This wand looks and feels like an icicle. You must be attuned to the wand to use it. The wand has 7 charges, which are used to fuel the spells within it. With the wand in hand, you can use your action to cast one of the following spells from the wand, even if you are incapable of casting spells: ray of frost (no charges, or 1 charge to cast at 5th level; +5 to hit with ranged spell attack), sleet storm (3 charges; spell save DC 15), or ice storm (4 charges; spell save DC 15). No components are required. The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges each day at dawn. If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand melts away, forever destroyed.
Wand of Wonder $8000 This wand has 7 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges and choose a target within 120 feet of you. The target can be a creature, an object, or a point in space. Roll d100 and consult the following table to discover what happens. If the effect causes you to cast a spell from the wand, the spell's save DC is 15. If the spell normally has a range expressed in feet, its range becomes 120 feet if it isn't already. If an effect covers an area, you must center the spell on and include the target. If an effect has multiple possible subjects, the GM randomly determines which ones are affected. The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand crumbles into dust and is destroyed.

Empowered Wands

Empowered wands are self-charging wands that usually have fewer charges than self-charging wands (typically three), but trade their ability to channel large amounts of magic at once for their ability to sustainably channel magic. They do not self-destruct if discharged, and usually regain 1d3 charges at a specific time of the day. Empowered wands typically have a save DC of 15 or a +7 to hit if not otherwise mentioned.

Item Cost Description
Wand of Magic Detection $3000 This wand has 3 charges. While holding it, you can expend 1 charge as an action to cast the detect magic spell from it. The wand regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn. This wand never discharges utterly.

Stunt Wands

Stunt wands cast trivial magic, usually no more powerful than cantrips, to perform repeatable tricks and stunts. These limited-power wands are among the simplest of enchantments, and as such are usually available more cheaply around academies, universities, and enchantment schools where making them is part of practice.

Item Cost Description
Stunt Wand of Balance $120 This magic wand uses prestidigitation-based magic to aid in balance, allowing a user to use Intelligence/Arcana in place of Athletics or Acrobatics for purposes of performing stunts of balance.
Stunt Wand of Telekinesis $120 This magic wand generates a limited telekinetic effect, allowing the user to manipulate objects as if using the mage hand spell. This allows a user to use Intelligence/Arcana in place of Dexterity/Sleight of Hand for minor feats of skill.
Stunt Wand of Prestidigitation $120 This magic wand generates a harmless sensory effect of your choice, such as a shower of sparks, a puff of wind, faint musical notes, or an odd odor.
Stunt Wand of Ignition $120 This magic wand allows you to ignite or extinguish a candle, torch, or small campfire without significant effort under normal conditions.
Stunt Wand of Spice $120 This magic wand allows you to enhance the flavor of up to 1 cubic foot of material for up to one hour; this is usually sufficient to prepare food for dinner.

Alchemical Augments

Not every potion is worth an adventurer's time, although some are worth great amusement!

Item Cost Description
Illuminating Elixir $50 One dose of this harmless elixir causes the drinker to illuminate temporarily, providing dim light of a color based on the color of the elixir, which also glows, for a period of up to 4 hours (if Tiny or smaller), 2 hours (if Small), or 1 hour (if Medium); larger creatures glow for only 15 minutes or less at the DM's option.
Rainbow Illuminating Elixir $250 Sold by the four-dose measure, this provides each drinker with a different random color, but otherwise operates the same as a normal Illuminating Elixir.
Pest Bait $2 This mix of honey and mushroom pieces is strongly appealing to pests in particular; they are notable for becoming incredibly docile while enjoying this, their favorite snack.
Acrid Salt $150 This alchemical salt is actually a noxious compound that taints up to five pounds of food for up to one hour; if a meal tainted with this salt is consumed within one hour, the creature must make a Constitution saving throw or take 2d8 poison damage and become poisoned until it completes a long rest. On a successful save the creature takes half the damage and is not poisoned. Acrid salt becomes harmless after one hour.
Flavorful Salt $20 This alchemical salt is actually a delightful spice that improves the taste of up to five pounds of food for up to one hour. If this food is eaten during a short rest, add one hit point to any hit points regained during the short rest. Flavorful salt becomes ineffective after one hour.
Savory Salt $150 This alchemical salt is a potent spice that significantly improves the taste of up to five pounds of food for up to one hour. If this food is eaten during a short rest, add one free hit die to any hit points regained during the short rest. Savory salt becomes ineffective after one hour.
Tainted Sugar $150 This alchemical sugar is equivalent to acrid salt, but is sweet-tasting rather than salty.
Delightful Sugar $20 This alchemical sugar is equivalent to flavorful salt, but is sweet-tasting rather than salty.
Honeyed Sugar $150 This alchemical sugar is equivalent to savory salt, but is sweet-tasting rather than salty.
Condiment Distillate Packet $20 This crystallizing powder converts an alchemical potion into an alchemical condiment, flavored according to the packet. Available packet flavors include ketchup, mustard, barbecue sauce, hot sauce, and cold sauce. Alchemical condiments become ineffective after one hour.
Repair Fluid $20 This magical adhesive repairs two broken parts of an object, heals 2d4 hit points of a damaged object, or heals one hit die of a construct.
Alchemical Adhesive $150 This magical adhesive allows you to stick together any two solid, inanimate objects; they can only be separated with a DC 15 Strength/Athletics check or a Dispel Magic spell.
Advanced Alchemical Adhesive $300 This advanced magical adhesive allows you to stick together any two solid, inanimate objects; they can only be separated with a DC 20 Strength/Athletics check or a Dispel Magic spell.
Extreme Alchemical Adhesive $500 This extreme magical adhesive allows you to stick together any two solid, inanimate objects; they can only be separated with a DC 25 Strength/Athletics check or a Dispel Magic spell.
Wakeful Salt $150 This alchemical salt is sufficient to flavor up to five pounds of food. If consumed within one hour, wakeful salt imbues its effects on the consumer; for the next six hours, the consumer is kept wide awake and alert, allowing them to stand guard without fear of falling asleep. The creature will not suffer any exhaustion due to missed sleep. In addition, the creature has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks made while on guard. This does not have any effects if consumed a second time before the creature has had a long rest, or if the salt is not consumed within one hour of use on food.
Altering Powder $150 This powder converts one pint of a nonmagical liquid into a specific other type determined when the powder is purchased. The liquid you affect must normally be liquid at about room temperature (65° F). The spell can transmute any type of mundane liquid (including fresh or saltwater, wine, vinegar, alcohol, or lamp oil) but cannot affect or create acid, mercury, or any type of venom, alchemical solution, potion, or poison. Transmuted liquids created by the spell have typical characteristics such as color, taste, smell, and potency. For example, if you turn water to ale, you get typical ale rather than any extra-strong or distinctive variety.
Poisoner's Choice Powder $150 This powder changes the save type of one poison and the associated damage type. The damage type can be changed to fire, cold, electric, psychic, or poison damage. Any additional effects last as long as normal and the save DC does not change, but extra saves to remove a condition are now changed to the new save type. As an example, a poison that requires a Constitution saving throw that does poison damage can be changed to a Charisma saving throw that does psychic damage. This effect lasts for one day after which the poison reverts to normal.
Hot-Burning Fuel $150 Applied to a nonmagical light source such as a torch or lantern, this hot-burning fuel allows the light source to burn twice as bright (the radius of the bright light is doubled, and dim light is extended to the same distance beyond that area), but burns twice as quickly (so a torch would burn out in half an hour and produce bright light out to 40 feet and dim light out to 80 feet, for example.)
Muscle Oil $150 Applied to a creature (requires one minute), this causes their muscles to bulge and be invigorated. For up to eight hours, the target is considered one size category larger for determining its carrying capacity, the maximum weight it can lift, push, or pull, and its ability to break objects. It also has advantage on Strength checks.
Liquid Anesthetic $150 This vial of anesthetic causes the user to fall asleep for ten minutes, rendering them unconscious while asleep in this way. An unwilling target may make a Constitution saving throw to resist the effect. Undead, constructs, and creatures that are immune to being charmed or unconscious are immune to this effect. Upon waking up, the creature has disadvantage on all rolls for 1 minute. This is typically used before surgery, as it renders the user immune to standard sources of pain.
Elemental Powder $150 This small vial of powder allows one to summon and control an elemental of challenge rating 1/4 or lower, which is friendly and obeys all verbal commands issued to it. It disappears in one hour or when reduced to zero HP, and will defend itself if attacked.
Zombie Powder $150 This small vial of grave soil and necromantic powder, when sprinkled upon a pile of bones or corpse of a Small or Medium creature, creates a skeleton or zombie under the control of the user. You can use a bonus action to mentally command a creature you animated with this powder if the creature is within 30 feet of you. The creature follows your command until the task is complete. If it has no command, the target acts only to defend itself. The undead lasts for one hour or until reduced to zero HP.
Potion of Warding $150 A potion of warding wards one creature against one type of creature: aberration, celestial, construct, elemental, fiend, ooze, or undead. Creatures of the chosen type can’t sense the consumer for one hour. A creature that has an Intelligence score of 3 or lower ignores evidence of the presence of the consumer. If a creature of higher Intelligence senses evidence of the consumer, it can react as it wishes. The spell ends if the consumer attacks, casts a spell, uses an ability or feature that affects a creature of the chosen type, or touches a creature of the chosen type.
Chameleon Potion $150 You magically blend in with your surroundings for up to one hour when the potion is consumed. So long as you are motionless or nearly so, you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks, and attack rolls against you have disadvantage. If you move more than 5 feet per round, the effect ends.
Chlorophyll Potion $150 For 24 hours after consuming this potion, your skin takes on a green hue that allows you to draw energy from the sun. While you are affected by this spell, you do not need to eat and can survive indefinitely, provided you get four hours of sunlight per 24-hour period. You still require normal amounts of water and air. If you spend a short rest in direct sunlight, you regain an additional hit point per hit die expended during that short rest.
Potion of Fertility $150 For one lunar month, assuming compatibility, this all but guarantees pregnancy, seeding, or budding at the next opportunity. This potion can be used on animals and plants as well as people, and its most common use is to increase food production. An unwilling target gets a Constitution save to resist its effects.
Potion of Fallowness $150 For one lunar month, this all but guarantees infertility at all opportunities. This is a very common potion used for contraception, although it also has its uses in agriculture. An unwilling target gets a Constitution save to resist its effects.
Powdered Firewater $150 This powder transmutes one pint of normal water in a container into a flammable liquid akin to alcohol. It ignites if it is exposed to fire. If a container of burning flame water is thrown against a creature or shattered against the ground, all creatures within 5 feet of it take 2d6 fire damage, or half damage with a successful Dexterity saving throw. The liquid burns out in 1 round.
Flashbang Elixir $150 This unstable alchemical elixir emulates a Flash spell. When thrown, it triggers an explosion of light within a ten foot radius that does not extend around corners. Each creature in the area must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be blinded for 1 minute. A creature blinded in this way can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Creatures sensitive to bright light have disadvantage on saving throws against this spell.
Forge Log $150 A Medium-sized fire fed with this log of alchemically treated wood, such as a campfire, burns with unnatural heat within its embers for the duration. It gives off intense heat, dealing twice as much damage to any creature that takes damage from it and consumes materials twice as fast as normal. For the duration, it can serve as a forge to smelt nonmagical metals and counts as a basic forge for the purposes of blacksmithing.
Silvertongue Potion $150 For one minute after drinking this, you have advantage on Charisma/Deception checks.
Conversant Cookie $150 This cookie can be fed to one beast or monstrosity with an Intelligence of 1 to 4, granting it the ability to speak your language and understand you. This does not raise its Intelligence. This effect lasts for one hour.
Glamour Dust $150 Using this dust as part of one's makeup regimen, you subtly change the appearance of yourself or one other humanoid, making that person more or less attractive. This does not make that person look like someone else. Rather, for the positive version, makes the target’s eyes appear to sparkle, their skin clearer and smoother, their teeth straighter and whiter, and their hair thicker and more lustrous; or for the negative version, makes the person seem lackluster and unkempt. An unwilling target may make a Wisdom saving throw to resist. While the positive version of this spell is active, the target has advantage on all Charisma ability checks designed to illicit a positive reaction. While the negative version of this spell is active, the target has disadvantage on all Charisma ability checks. This effect lasts for three hours or until the makeup is washed off.
Mundanity Dust $150 Using this dust as part of one's makeup regimen, you lay a glamer upon a target creature that makes it easily overlooked and forgettable. For ten minutes, any Wisdom (Perception) checks to notice the target, or any ability checks made to recall details about the target or any interactions with it, are made with disadvantage. The target gains advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks, but has disadvantage on any Charisma checks made while under the glamer.
Dust of Machine Disappearance $150 Found in a small packet, this powder resembles very fine silicate. There is enough of it for one use. When you use an action to throw the dust into the air, you and each creature and object within 10 feet of you become invisible to machines (but not magical constructs) for 2d4 minutes. The duration is the same for all subjects, and the dust is consumed when its magic takes effect. If a creature affected by the dust attacks or casts a spell, the invisibility ends for that creature.
Potion of Panacea $150 Once consumed, for eight hours, a character under the effects of panacea gains advantage on all saving throws against penalties and conditions that result from pain, nausea, or sickness.
Elixir of Stanching $150 The target’s blood coagulates rapidly, so that a dying target stabilizes and any ongoing bleeding or wounding effect on the target ends. The target can’t be the source of blood for any spell or effect that requires even a drop of blood for one hour after consuming this elixir.
Elixir of Tirelessness $300 For 24 hours, the character consuming this elixir has machinelike stamina. The target requires no food or drink or rest during this period and does not receive exhaustion from failing to take food, drink, or rest. It can move and work at twice normal speed during the period the character is under the influence. However, the user cannot take a long rest while under the influence, and if used more than once before a long rest, the user immediately takes one level of exhaustion that is considered a magical effect.
Jewelry Polish $150 This magical polish requires one dose per cubic foot of size, and doubles the object's perceived value by adding illusionary flourish or reducing its perceived value by half with the help of illusionary dents and scratches. Anyone examining the object must roll an Investigation check against DC 15 or be fooled. This effect lasts for eight hours or until dispelled. Despite the name, Jewelry Polish can be used on many different things; jewelry is just its most popular use.
Potion of Alacrity $150 For eight hours, the drinker can add 1d8 to their initiative rolls.

Unusual Weapons

Often featured in Zanon's Zanies, the Nexus gameshow in which contestants duel each other with impractical and unusual magic weapons, these rarely seen weapons are all enchanted, thus providing a bonus to hit and damage for the strange minds that might want to make use of them.

Item Cost Description
Prodd +1 $700 A light crossbow that fires rocks, marbles, or ball bearings. Inflicts d4 damage with rocks, d6 with ball bearings, and d3 with glass marbles (although magic marbles are a popular choice.)
Vial Launcher +1 $700 A light crossbow that fires alchemical vials (each carrying one dose of alchemical substance). While this inflicts very little actual damage (1 point, typically), effects are usually based on the contact effects of the alchemical substance in question.
Flamingo Cane +1 $620 A peculiar walking cane in the shape of, and perfectly usable as, a flamingo-based croquet mallet. Fortunately, unlike certain Wonderland-based mallets, this mallet is rigid and unlikely to move while being swung. Inflicts d6 base damage when striking an enemy.

Useful Items

Some items aren't powerful magical items, but still lend themselves towards usefulness all the same.

Item Cost Description
Pest Management Gloves $100 These thick gloves are meant for handling pests, Academy mascots that have spikes and sharp bits that generally require some protection. They are made of durable leather and padded so that one can handle pests safely.
Aerojaunt Boots $1000 These boots are enchanted to boost your jumping ability, allowing you to jump higher and fall slower. They are popular during wanderball matches, allowing for incredible jump shots. In order to properly manage a jump, you need Strength/Athletics or Dexterity/Acrobatics skill. Assuming you succeed on a skill roll vs DC 10, you can jump three times as high as normal (usually 3 + your Strength modifier feet high when running, or half that on a standing start), and you take damage as if you fell sixty feet less from falls due to its slowing effect (and will land on your feet).
Boots of Bewildering Tracks $1000 As an action, you can will these boots to leave unusual tracks behind; for one hour, they assume the form of one natural animal or humanoid that is within one size category of the wearer, of your choosing.
Blade of Bleeding $1200 Crackling energy coats the blade of this weapon that deals slashing damage. When you hit a creature with this weapon, the weapon deals an extra 1d4 necrotic damage and the creature must make a Constitution saving throw vs DC 15. On a failed save, the creature suffers a bleeding wound. Each time you hit a creature with this weapon while it suffers from a bleeding wound, your weapon deals an extra 1 necrotic damage for each time you have previously hit the creature with this weapon (to a maximum of 10 necrotic damage). Any creature can take an action to stanch the bleeding wound by succeeding on a Wisdom (Medicine) check against DC 15. The wound also closes if the target receives magical healing. This has no effect on undead or constructs.
Blood Wind Hand Wraps $2400 These hand wraps can be triggered three times between short rests; when triggered, until the end of the creature's next turn, any melee attack it makes with an unarmed strike or a natural weapon (such as a claw, bite, or tail) carries the force of the wind, giving that attack a reach of 20 feet.
Boots of Blossoming Footsteps $1200 Once per day, the user can click their heels together in order to cause plants to grow wherever he walks for one hour. At the user's option, these plants can be flowers or normal undergrowth such as grass and weeds. Blossoming footsteps only functions in rounds when the user makes a standard move or less. The plants do not hinder movement or provide cover on their own, nor does their growth damage the surface where they grow. They can, however, be targeted by spells such as entangle or plant growth. After one hour, the plants either continue to live normally if the ground is suitable, or else melt away.
Bear Claws $1200 These enchanted gloves are triggered with an action, transforming the user's hands into wicked claws, so that unarmed strikes do 2d6 slashing damage. You are considered proficient with your unarmed strikes. This effect lasts for one minute and can be triggered once per day.
Grave-Touched Weapon $2500 This weapon is infused with necrotic energy; every time it hits a creature, the creature must make a Constitution saving throw or lose one point of Strength. All lost Strength is restored automatically after a short rest.
Boots of Feather Step $1000 The wearer of these boots becomes able to step lightly across snow, leaves, earth, and loose sand without sinking in or having its movement affected. In addition, the creature can add 1d4 to its Dexterity (Stealth) checks. However, it still leaves tracks as normal.
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