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Library Store

The Library Store allows you to buy textbooks for courses, typically for roughly 50 Shirans or more, depending on the difficulty of the course and whether the instructor who wrote it has made enough money yet. In addition, the Store sells other goods and services.

Item Cost Description
Textbooks 50 Shirans and up These are required reading for a college course. The instructor never seems to cover material from them – unless you haven't been studying, of course…
Notebooks 2 Shirans A 180-page notebook for taking notes.
Box of Pencils (20) 1 Shiran A box of pencils, perfect for taking notes.
Paper (per sheet) 4 Shircents Usually used in the library printers.
Copying service (per page) 10 Shircents For the less dangerous books. More unusual texts cost more for hazard pay.
games/academy_of_magic/stores/library.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/12 15:21 by wizardofaus_doku

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