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Live Action Roleplayers Guild Store

Basic Items

Item Cost Description
Sack 1 copper For carrying all the gold in.
Dart 5 copper 1d4 piercing, ¼ lb., Finesse, thrown (range 20/60). So easy to use, even a wizard can use it.
Club 1 silver 1d4 bludgeoning, 2 lb, Light. A cheap weapon for a cheap adventurer.
Sling 1 silver 1d4 bludgeoning, Ammunition (range 30/120). Simple, but effective.
Baseball Bat 2 silver 1d6 bludgeoning. 10 lb., Versatile (d8). Swing for the fences!
Light Hammer 2 silver 1d4 bludgeoning, 2 lb., Light, Thrown (20/60). Usable as a tool and a weapon.
Quarterstaff 2 silver d6 bludgeoning, 4 lb., Versatile (d8). Commonly used by mages and martial artists.
Javelin 5 silver 1d6 piercing, 2 lb., Thrown (30/120). A lightweight spear meant for throwing.
Net 1 gold 3 lb., Special, thrown (range 5/15). Sized for catching larger prey.
Arrows (20) 1 gold 1 lb. They aren't as effective without the bow.
Blowgun Needles (50) 1 gold 1 lb. Usually poisoned.
Crossbow Bolts (20) 1 gold 1 ½ lb. Meant to be fired from a crossbow.
Sickle 1 gold 1d4 slashing, 2 lb., Light. Commonly used by druids and gardeners.
Spear 1 gold d6 piercing, 3 lb., Thrown (range 20/60), versatile (d8). A basic weapon for outfitting militiamen.
Steel Bullet (20) 1 gold 2 lb. +1 to sling damage.
Backpack 2 gold A replacement backpack, in case yours has been damaged.
Crowbar 2 gold Provides advantage on Strength checks to pry things open.
Dagger 2 gold 1d4 piercing, 1 lb, Finesse, Light, Thrown (20/60). Balanced for throwing.
Buckler 5 gold AC +1, no shield proficiency required, weighs 2 lb. Useful for self-defense without the bulk.
Handaxe 5 gold d6 slashing, 2 lb., Light, Thrown (20/60). Useful for cutting wood or cleaving skulls.
Healer's Kit 5 gold 10 uses of healer's kit supplies.
Mace 5 gold d6 bludgeoning, 4 lb. A sturdier club commonly used by holy men.
Alchemist's Fire 10 gold A strong-burning flask of pyrophoric chemicals that is tough to remove. 1d4 lasting damage.
Arcane Focus, Crystal 10 gold An arcane focus in the form of a crystal. Necessary for some spellcasters.
Battleaxe 10 gold 1d8 slashing, 4 lb., Versatile (1d10)
Druidic Focus, Yew Wand 10 gold Vital necessity for druidic spellcasters.
Flail 10 gold 1d8 bludgeoning, 2 lb. A weight attached to a chain for hitting people.
Leather Armor 10 gold AC 11 + Dex modifier, weighs 10 lb. Basic adventurer's armor.
Shield 10 gold AC +2, weighs 6 lb. Intercepts attacks meant to strike other targets.
Silent Shoes 10 gold Much stray sound comes from poor shoes. These soft leather shoes are coated with a thick stretchy substance. The silent shoes work well in thick forests as well as wet dungeons. +1 to Stealth to move silently.
Silk Bodysuit 10 gold Any noise not made by shoes must come from clothes. This black, tight-fitting bodysuit, made from resilient silk, helps rogues hide in shadows. +1 to Stealth to move silently or hide in shadows.
Spell Scroll level 0 10 gold This is a common scroll, and allows you to cast a cantrip once.
Paladin's Poultice 10 gold This easy-apply patch restores 1 hit point when used.
Repair Fluid 10 gold A magical mending cantrip in a bottle. Single use.
Component Pouch 25 gold A vital supply for a wizard in need.
Student Aid 25 gold A budget healing potion that restores 1d4+1 hit points and traditionally tastes like grape juice.
Alchemist's Corrosive (Acid) 30 gold A strong acid that can melt through wood, stone, or metal. 2d6 damage.
Studded Leather 45 gold AC 12 + Dex modifier, weighs 13 lb. The first upgrade from standard leather armor.
Antitoxin (vial) 50 gold A creature that drinks this vial of liquid gains advantage on saving throws against poison for 1 hour. It confers no benefit to undead or constructs.
Pathfinder Boots 50 gold These high boots are insulated and waterproof, keeping your feet warm and dry under the worst weather or conditions. Includes a steel toe cap.
Chain Shirt 50 gold AC 13 + Dex modifier (max 2), weighs 20 lb. Made by hobbyists, for hobbyists.
Scale Mail 50 gold AC 14 + Dex modifier (max 2), Stealth disadvantage, weighs 45 lb. Sturdy and effective against most attacks.
Chain Mail 75 gold AC 16, min Str 13, Stealth disadvantage, weighs 55 lb. Made to stop cutting weapons.
Crossbow, Light 25 gold 1d8 piercing, 5 lb., Ammunition (range 80/320), loading, two-handed
Shortbow 25 gold 1d6 piercing, 2 lb., Ammunition (range 80/320), two-handed
Glaive 20 gold 1d10 slashing, 6 lb., Heavy, reach, two-handed
Greataxe 30 gold 1d12 slashing, 7 lb., Heavy, two-handed
Greatsword 50 gold 2d6 slashing, 6 lb., Heavy, two-handed
Halberd 20 gold 1d10 slashing, 6 lb., Heavy, reach, two-handed
Lance 10 gold 1d12 piercing, 6 lb., Reach, special
Longsword 15 gold 1d8 slashing, 3 lb., Versatile (1d10)
Maul 10 gold 2d6 bludgeoning, 10 lb., Heavy, two-handed
Morningstar 15 gold 1d8 piercing, 4 lb.
Pike 5 gold 1d10 piercing, 18 lb., Heavy, reach, two-handed
Rapier 25 gold 1d8 piercing, 2 lb., Finesse
Scimitar 25 gold 1d6 slashing, 3 lb., Finesse, light
Shortsword 10 gold 1d6 piercing, 2 lb., Finesse, light
Trident 5 gold 1d6 piercing, 4 lb., Thrown (range 20/60), versatile (1d8)
War Pick 5 gold 1d8 piercing, 2 lb.
Warhammer 15 gold 1d8 bludgeoning, 2 lb., Versatile (1d10)
Whip 2 gold 1d4 slashing, 3 lb., Finesse, reach
Blowgun 10 gold 1 piercing, 1 lb., Ammunition (range 25/100), loading
Crossbow, Hand 75 gold 1d6 piercing, 3 lb., Ammunition (range 30/120), light, loading
Crossbow, Heavy 50 gold 1d10 piercing, 18 lb., Ammunition (range 100/400), heavy, loading, two-handed
Longbow 50 gold 1d8 piercing, 2 lb., Ammunition (range 150/600), heavy, two-handed
Spellbook 50 gold Essential for wizards, a spellbook is a leather-bound tome with 100 blank vellum pages suitable for recording spells.
Ammunition +1 (each) 25 gold Provides +1 to attack and damage when used.
Cleric in a Bottle - Acolyte 50 gold This standard healing potion restores 2d4+4 hit points when used.
Spell Scroll level 1 60 gold This is a common scroll, and allows you to cast a first level spell once or transcribe it into a spellbook.
Mirrored Sunglasses 75 gold These sunglasses are ballistic-proofed, though they can be knocked off, and provide resistance to blinding and immunity to gaze attacks while worn; the mirror is too small to reflect gaze attacks on the user unless they are within close combat, though.
Enduring Spellbook 100 gold This spellbook, along with anything written on its pages, can’t be damaged by fire or immersion in water. In addition, the spellbook doesn’t deteriorate with age.
Mystery Key 100 gold A question mark is worked into the head of this key. The key has a 5 percent chance of unlocking any lock into which it’s inserted. Once it unlocks something, the key disappears.
Potion of Advantage 100 gold When you drink this potion, you gain advantage on one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw of your choice that you make within the next hour. This potion takes the form of a sparkling, golden mist that moves and pours like water.
Armor of Gleaming 250 gold + armor cost This armor never gets dirty.
Cast-Off Armor 250 gold + armor cost You can doff this armor as an action.
Cloak of Billowing 250 gold While wearing this cloak, you can use a bonus action to make it billow dramatically.
Cloak of Many Fashions 250 gold While wearing this cloak, you can use a bonus action to change the style, color, and apparent quality of the garment. The cloak’s weight doesn’t change. Regardless of its appearance, the cloak can’t be anything but a cloak. Although it can duplicate the appearance of other magic cloaks, it doesn’t gain their magical properties.
Clothes of Mending 250 gold This elegant outfit of traveler’s clothes magically mends itself to counteract daily wear and tear. Pieces of the outfit that are destroyed can’t be repaired in this way.
Dread Helm 250 gold This fearsome steel helm makes your eyes glow red and hides the rest of your face in shadow while you wear it.
Everbright Lantern 250 gold This bullseye lantern sheds light comparable to that produced by a continual flame spell. An everbright lantern sheds light in a 120-foot cone; the closest 60 feet is bright light, and the farthest 60 feet is dim light.
Feather Token - Feather Fall 250 gold This small metal disk is inscribed with the image of a feather. When you fall at least 20 feet while the token is on your person, you descend 60 feet per round and take no damage from falling. The token’s magic is expended after you land, whereupon the disk becomes nonmagical.
Hat of Wizardry 250 gold This antiquated, cone-shaped hat is adorned with gold crescent moons and stars. While you are wearing it, you gain the following benefits: You can use the hat as a spellcasting focus for your wizard spells. You can try to cast a cantrip that you don’t know. The cantrip must be on the wizard spell list, and you must make a DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check. If the check succeeds, you cast the spell. If the check fails, so does the spell, and the action used to cast the spell is wasted. In either case, you can’t use this property again until you finish a long rest.
All Purpose Tool +1 300 gold This simple screwdriver can transform into a variety of tools; as an action, you can touch the item and transform it into any type of artisan's tool of your choice (see the “Equipment” chapter in the Player's Handbook for a list of artisan's tools). Whatever form the tool takes, you are proficient with it. While holding this tool, you gain a bonus to the spell attack rolls and the saving throw DCs of your artificer spells. The bonus is determined by the tool’s rarity. As an action, you can focus on the tool to channel your creative forces. Choose a cantrip that you don't know from any class list. For 8 hours, you can cast that cantrip, and it counts as an artificer cantrip for you. Once this property is used, it can't be used again until the next dawn.
Amulet of the Devout +1 300 gold This amulet bears the symbol of a deity inlaid with precious stones or metals. While you wear the holy symbol, you gain a bonus to spell attack rolls and the saving throw DCs of your spells. The bonus is determined by the amulet’s rarity. While you wear this amulet, you can use your Channel Divinity feature without expending one of the feature’s uses. Once this property is used, it can’t be used again until the next dawn.
Amulet of the Drunkard 500 gold This amulet smells of old, ale-stained wood. While wearing it, you can regain 4d4 + 4 hit points when you drink a pint of beer, ale, mead, or wine. Once the amulet has restored hit points, it can’t do so again until the next dawn.
Helm of Comprehending Languages 500 gold While wearing this helm, you can use an action to cast the comprehend languages spell from it at will.
Moon-Touched Sword 250 gold In darkness, the unsheathed blade of this sword sheds moonlight, creating bright light in a 15-foot radius and dim light for an additional 15 feet.
Pole of Collapsing 250 gold While holding this 10-foot pole, you can use an action to speak a command word and cause it to collapse into a 1-foot-long rod, for ease of storage. The pole’s weight doesn’t change. You can use an action to speak a different command word and cause the rod to revert to a pole; however, the rod will elongate only as far as the surrounding space allows.
Potion of Fire Breath 150 gold After drinking this potion, you can use a bonus action to exhale fire at a target within 30 feet of you. The target must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 4d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The effect ends after you exhale the fire three times or when 1 hour has passed. This potion's orange liquid flickers, and smoke fills the top of the container and wafts out whenever it is opened.
Potion of Greater Healing 150 gold You regain 4d4+4 hit points when you drink this potion.
Potion of Growth 270 gold When you drink this potion, you gain the “enlarge” effect of the enlarge/reduce spell for 1d4 hours (no concentration required). The red in the potion's liquid continuously expands from a tiny bead to color the clear liquid around it and then contracts. Shaking the bottle fails to interrupt this process.
Restorative Ointment (Per Dose) 120 gold This glass jar, 3 inches in diameter, contains a thick mixture that smells faintly of aloe. The jar and its contents weigh 1/2 pound. As an action, one dose of the ointment can be swallowed or applied to the skin. The creature that receives it regains 2d8 + 2 hit points, ceases to be poisoned, and is cured of any disease.
Rope of Mending 250 gold You can cut this 50-foot coil of hempen rope into any number of smaller pieces, and then use an action to speak a command word and cause the pieces to knit back together. The pieces must be in contact with each other and not otherwise in use. A rope of mending is forever shortened if a section of it is lost or destroyed.
Ruby of the War Mage 500 gold Etched with eldritch runes, this 1-inch-diameter ruby allows you to use a simple or martial weapon as a spellcasting focus for your spells. For this property to work, you must attach the ruby to the weapon by pressing the ruby against it for at least 10 minutes. Thereafter, the ruby can’t be removed unless you detach it as an action or the weapon is destroyed. Not even an antimagic field causes it to fall off. The ruby does fall off the weapon if your attunement to the ruby ends.
Shield of Expression 250 gold The front of this shield is shaped in the likeness of a face. While bearing the shield, you can use a bonus action to alter the face’s expression.
Smoldering Armor 250 gold Wisps of harmless, odorless smoke rise from this armor while it is worn.
Staff of Adornment 250 gold If you place an object weighing no more than 1 pound (such as a shard of crystal, an egg, or a stone) above the tip of the staff while holding it, the object floats an inch from the staff’s tip and remains there until it is removed or until the staff is no longer in your possession. The staff can have up to three such objects floating over its tip at any given time. While holding the staff, you can make one or more of the objects slowly spin or turn in place.
Staff of Flowers 250 gold This wooden staff has 10 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 charge from the staff and cause a flower to sprout from a patch of earth or soil within 5 feet of you, or from the staff itself. Unless you choose a specific kind of flower, the staff creates a mild-scented daisy. The flower is harmless and nonmagical, and it grows or withers as a normal flower would. The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff turns into flower petals and is lost forever.
Unbreakable Arrow 250 gold This arrow can’t be broken, except when it is within an antimagic field.
Walloping Ammunition 250 gold This ammunition packs a wallop. A creature hit by the ammunition must succeed on a DC 10 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
Wand of Pyrotechnics 250 gold This wand has 7 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges and create a harmless burst of multicolored light at a point you can see up to 60 feet away. The burst of light is accompanied by a crackling noise that can be heard up to 300 feet away. The light is as bright as a torch flame but lasts only a second. The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand erupts in a harmless pyrotechnic display and is destroyed.
Wand of Scowls 250 gold This wand has 3 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges and target a Humanoid you can see within 30 feet of you. The target must succeed on a DC 10 Charisma saving throw or be forced to scowl for 1 minute. The wand regains all expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand transforms into a wand of smiles.
Wand of Smiles 250 gold This wand has 3 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges and target a Humanoid you can see within 30 feet of you. The target must succeed on a DC 10 Charisma saving throw or be forced to smile for 1 minute. The wand regains all expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand transforms into a wand of scowls.
Unit of Ingredients 10 gold A 5-gold unit of ingredients for potions or spells.
Unit of Building Supplies 100 gold A 50-gold unit of supplies for construction or repairs.
Unit of Scribing Supplies 100 gold A 50-gold unit of supplies for scribing spells.
games/academy_of_magic/stores/larg.txt · Last modified: 2023/09/27 16:28 by wizardofaus_doku

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