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Fuchs Fine Guns

Rifle manufacturers from Tiemprest, with customized single and double rifles chambered in a variety of cartridges for hunting medium to large and dangerous game. Bolt-action rifles are still very popular choices. Fuchs firearms often have a waiting time of twelve months, and are quite expensive but very high quality.

Item Cost Description
Fuchs Megalo Sniper $2400 2d12(+3) piercing, 12 lb., ammunition (range 180/540), 8x scope (+200%), reload 5, two-handed, kickback, exceptional +2. This powerful rifle has a powerful kick (-2 to hit if Str less than 14), and uses the Megalo caliber round, which is large enough to be used as a small blunt object on its own.
Megalo Basic Round $5
Megalo Fragmentation Round $50 This bullet explodes into fragments on impact, inflicting an additional 4d6 piercing damage if it penetrates armor, or 2d6 piercing damage if it strikes but doesn't penetrate armor (roll of 15 or higher that does not hit) .
Megalo Incendiary Round $40 This bullet contains a white phosphorus core, allowing it to burn intensely (2d6 persistent fire damage if it penetrates armor, or 1d6 persistent fire damage if it strikes but doesn't penetrate armor (roll of 15 or higher that does not hit). An action (and a successful Dexterity save vs DC 12) is required to extinguish yourself.
games/academy_of_magic/stores/fuchs.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/10 01:38 by wizardofaus_doku

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