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Future Entrepreneurs Store Network

The Future Entrepreneurs buy anything from anyone with no questions asked at about 20% of their value, and resell both used and new goods. Used goods cost 50% of normal value but may be prone to breakage, whereas new goods cost 80% of normal value and have no such worries about quality. However, the Future Entrepreneurs inventory varies wildly from week to week.

Discount Magics

Discount versions of magic items are often available for 50% of full price, but are guaranteed to have at least one quirk that modifies their functionality. Some are simple, such as requiring the user hum while using a wand, while some are far less practical, like requiring the user to sing an opera number while sneaking… The severity of the quirk is based on a d100 roll, with higher rolls meaning higher severity.

Current items of note:

  • Bowl of Commanding Water Elementals (2400 gp)
  • Scent Sponge (400 gp)
  • Octopus Bracers (1000 gp)
  • Wand of Extinguishing (50 gp, no quirks)
  • Angry Hornet Bolt (100 gp)
  • Periapt of Wound Closure (400 gp)
  • Sandals of Sand Skating (500 gp)
  • Vile Razor (2000 gp)
  • Mantle of Spell Resistance (5000 gp)
  • Boots of Pouncing (2500 gp)


Leather and Hide

Materials Rarity Used for Price
Hide Scraps Trivial Leatherworking 1 sp
Leather Scraps Trivial Leatherworking 1 sp
Boiled Leather Common Leatherworking 3 gp
Hide Common Leatherworking 2 gp
Rawhide Leather Common Leatherworking 2 gp
Scales Common Leatherworking 1 gp
Tanned Leather Common Leatherworking 3 gp
Medium Carapace Common Leatherworking 4 gp
Large Carapace Common Leatherworking 30 gp
Tough Hide Uncommon Leatherworking 500 gp
Resistant Hide Uncommon Leatherworking 500 gp
Tough Leather Uncommon Leatherworking 600 gp
Resistant Leather Uncommon Leatherworking 600 gp


Materials Rarity Used for Price
Supplies (Salt, Staples, etc) Trivial Cooking 1 gp
Uncommon Supplies (Uncommon spices, oils, rare seeds, etc) Common Cooking 10 gp
Rare Supplies (Hard to find luxury goods) Uncommon Cooking 100 gp
Common Fresh Ingredients Common 1 gp
Uncommon Fresh Ingredients Common 5 gp
Rare Fresh Ingredients Common 25 gp
Very Rare Fresh Ingredients Common 125 gp
Legendary Fresh Ingredients Common 625 gp
Common Meat Common 1 gp
Uncommon Meat Common 5 gp
Rare Meat Common 25 gp
Very Rare Meat Common 125 gp
Legendary Meat Common 625 gp

The above prices assume that preservation techniques exist to keep fresh ingredients and meat fresh, such as the magic icebox.


Materials Rarity Used for Price
Aluminum Scraps Trivial Tinkering, Blacksmithing 1 cp
Steel Scraps Trivial Tinkering, Blacksmithing 1 sp
Silver Scraps Trivial Jewelcrafting 1 sp
Aluminum Ingot Trivial Blacksmithing 2 sp
Gold Scraps Common Jewelcrafting 1 gp
Iron Ingot Common Blacksmithing 1 gp
Steel Chain (2 ft) Common Tinkering, Blacksmithing 1 gp
Steel Ingot Common Blacksmithing 2 gp
Silver Ingot Uncommon Blacksmithing 2 gp
Faesteel Ingot Uncommon Blacksmithing 4 gp
Nyxsteel Ingot Uncommon Blacksmithing 4 gp
Gold Ingot Uncommon Blacksmithing 20 gp
Marlite Ingot Uncommon Blacksmithing 20 gp
Mithril Ingot Uncommon Blacksmithing 30 gp
Adamant Ingot Uncommon Blacksmithing 40 gp
Adamantine Ingot Rare Blacksmithing 50 gp
Mizzium Ingot Uncommon Blacksmithing 250 gp
Black Adamantine Ingot Very Rare Blacksmithing 10000 gp


Materials Rarity Used for Price
Firewood Trivial Cooking, Wood Working 1 cp
Wood Scraps Trivial Tinkering, Wood Working 2 cp
Common Branch Common Wand Whittling, Wood Working 1 sp
Wooden Stock Common Tinkering 5 sp
Short Haft Common Blacksmithing 1 sp
Long Haft Common Blacksmithing 2 sp
Quality Branch Common Wand Whittling, Wood Working 2 gp
Uncommon Branch Uncommon Wand Whittling 25 gp
Rare Branch Rare Wand Whittling 80 gp
Very Rare Branch Very Rare Wand Whittling 800 gp
Legendary Branch Legendary Wand Whittling 2000 gp

Magical Materials

Materials Rarity Used for Price
Glass Vial Common Alchemy, Poisoncraft 1 gp
Glass Flask Common Alchemy, Poisoncraft 1 gp
Crystal Vial Common Alchemy 10 gp
Normal Ink Common - 5 gp
Parchment Common Scroll Scribing 1 sp
Common Reagent Common Alchemy, Poisoncraft 15 gp
Common Essence Common Alchemy, Enchanting, Scroll Scribing, Wand Whittling 45 gp
Common Magical Ink Common Scroll Scribing 15 gp
Uncommon Reagent Uncommon Alchemy, Poisoncraft 40 gp
Uncommon Essence Uncommon Alchemy, Enchanting, Scroll Scribing, Wand Whittling 150 gp 75 gp
Uncommon Magical Ink Uncommon Scroll Scribing 40 gp
Uncommon Parchment Uncommon Scroll Scribing 40 gp
Rare Reagent Rare Alchemy, Poisoncraft 200 gp 100 gp
Rare Essence Rare Alchemy, Enchanting, Scroll Scribing, Wand Whittling 700 gp 200 gp
Rare Magical Ink Rare Scroll Scribing 200 gp 100 gp
Rare Parchment Rare Scroll Scribing 200 gp 100 gp
Very Rare Reagent Very Rare Alchemy, Poisoncraft 2000 gp 1000 gp
Very Rare Essence Very Rare Alchemy, Enchanting, Scroll Scribing, Wand Whittling 7000 gp 3000 gp
Very Rare Magical Ink Very Rare Scroll Scribing 2000 gp 1000 gp
Very Rare Parchment Very Rare Scroll Scribing 2000 gp 1000 gp
Legendary Reagent Legendary Alchemy, Poisoncraft 5000 gp 2000 gp
Legendary Essence Legendary Alchemy, Enchanting, Scroll Scribing, Wand Whittling 25000 gp 10000 gp
Legendary Magical Ink Legendary Scroll Scribing 5000 gp 2000 gp
Legendary Parchment Legendary Scroll Scribing 5000 gp 2000 gp

Power Supplies

Power Crystals provide the 'motive power' for most magical contrivances, whereas Capacitance Gel works more like a battery. A good self-generating system uses both.

Materials Rarity Used for Price
Power Crystal, XS Trivial Power 1 gp
Power Crystal, VS Trivial Power 10 gp
Power Crystal, S Common Power 25 gp
Power Crystal, M Common Power 100 gp
Power Crystal, L Uncommon Power 250 gp
Power Crystal, VL Uncommon Power 1000 gp
Power Crystal, XL Rare Power 2500 gp
Capacitance Gel Common Battery 1 gp


Materials Rarity Used for Price
Buckle Trivial Leatherworking 2 sp
Fletching Trivial Wood Working 5 cp
Length of String Trivial Wood Working 5 cp
Armor Padding Common Blacksmithing, Leatherworking 5 gp
Mechanical Parts Common Tinkering 2 gp
Mechanical Fancy Parts Common Tinkering 10 gp
Mechanical Esoteric Parts Uncommon Tinkering 100 gp
Technical Parts Common Electronics 1 gp
Technical Fancy Parts Common Electronics 10 gp
Technical Esoteric Parts Uncommon Electronics 100 gp
Wiring Common Tinkering, Electronics 1 gp
Unformed Glass Common Glassblowing 1 sp
Block of Plastic Common Electronics, Engineering 1 gp
Unit of Lumber Common Engineering 1 gp
Unit of Stone Common Engineering 1 gp
Cement (Mortar) Common Engineering 1 sp
Spool of Thread Common Weaving, Tailoring 1 cp
Raw Wool Common Weaving 1 cp
Raw Cotton Common Weaving 1 cp
Raw Silk Common Weaving 1 sp
Scraps of Leather Common Cobbling 1 sp
Tanned Leather Common Cobbling 3 gp
Paint Common Painting 1 cp
Canvas Common Painting 1 cp
Cloth Scraps Common Tailoring 1 cp
Bolt of Cloth Common Tailoring 1 sp
Bolt of Silk Uncommon Tailoring 1 gp

Trade Goods

The Future Entrepreneurs trade goods at a base price equivalent to market value, although Persuasion may edge this higher or lower.

Cost Goods
1 cp 1 lb. of wheat
1 cp 1 lb. of rice
1 cp 1 ashlar block (masonry stone)
2 cp 1 lb. of flour
2 cp 1 chicken
2 cp 2 dozen eggs
2 cp 1 lb. of dried fruit
2 cp 1 lb. of root vegetables
2 cp 1 lb. of fungi
2 cp 1 lb. of coal
5 cp 1 lb. of salt
5 cp 1 lb. of cheese
5 cp 1 salted herring
5 cp 1 goose
1 sp 1 lb. of iron
1 sp 1 sq. yd. of canvas
1 sp 1 lb. of beef
1 sp 1 lb. of raw or fried beans
1 sp 1 lb. of zinc
2 sp 1 gallon of milk
2 sp 1 lb. of wool
2 sp 1 lb. of tallow
2 sp 1 lb. of lead
3 sp 1 pint molasses
3 sp 1 fleece of wool (1.5 lb)
5 sp 1 lb. of copper
5 sp 1 sq. yd. of cotton cloth
5 sp 1 lb. of butter
5 sp 1 salmon
5 sp 1 gallon of cream
5 sp 1 pint of maple syrup
5 sp 1 lb. of wax
5 sp 1 lb. of pewter
1 gp 1 lb. of ginger
1 gp 1 goat
1 gp 1 lb. of alum
1 gp 1 lb. of garlic
1 gp 1 pint of honey
1 gp 1 lb. of maple sugar
1 gp 1 lb. of cotton
1 gp 1 lb. of ivory
1 gp 1 lb. of tin
2 gp 1 lb. of cinnamon
2 gp 1 lb. of pepper
2 gp 1 sheep
2 gp 1 lb. of camphor
2 gp 1 lb. of nutmeg
2 gp 1 lb. of sugar
2 gp 1 lb. of tea
2 gp 1 lb. of bronze
2 gp 1 lb. of brass
2 gp 1 lb. of steel
3 gp 1 lb. of cloves
3 gp 1 pig
3 gp 1 barrel (60 gallons) of poor-quality ale
3 gp 1 lb. of frankincense
3 gp 1 lb. of mustard
5 gp 1 lb. of silver
5 gp 1 sq. yd. of linen
5 gp 1 barrel of medium-quality ale
5 gp 1 quarter (eight bushels, enough to
feed one person for one year) of grain
8 gp 1 barrel of good-quality ale
8 gp 1 lb. of ginseng
8 gp 1 lb. of myrrh
10 gp 1 sq. yd. of silk
10 gp 1 cow
10 gp 1 barrel of salmon (cleaned and salted)
10 gp 1 barrel of pork (salted)
15 gp 1 lb. of saffron
15 gp 1 ox
15 gp 1 barrel of cheap wine
20 gp 1 barrel of beef (salted, aka “corned”)
20 gp 1 lb. of electrum
50 gp 1 lb. of gold
50 gp 1 barrel of fine wine
50 gp 1 sack of wool (170 fleeces)
200 gp 1 slave, maid
500 gp 1 lb. of platinum
games/academy_of_magic/stores/entrepreneurs.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/09 20:11 by wizardofaus_doku

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