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Potions Crafting Table

Name Materials Crafting Time Checks Difficulty Rarity Value
Antitoxin 2 common curative reagent
1 common poisonous reagent
1 glass vial
2 hours 1 DC 13 common 50 gp
Potion of Climbing 1 common reactive reagent
1 common poisonous reagent
1 uncommon reactive reagent
1 glass vial
2 hours 1 DC 14 common 85 gp
Potion of Healing 3 common curative reagent
1 glass vial
2 hours 1 DC 13 common 50 gp
Potion of Animal Friendship 2 common reactive reagent
1 common poisonous reagent
1 uncommon curative reagent
1 common primal essence
1 glass vial
2 hours 1 DC 13 uncommon 145 gp
Potion of Firebreath 1 common reactive reagent
1 uncommon reactive reagent
1 glass vial
2 hours 1 DC 15 uncommon 75 gp
Potion of Growth 1 common reactive reagent
1 uncommon curative reagent
1 uncommon reactive reagent
1 glass vial
2 hours 1 DC 14 uncommon 115 gp
Potion of Greater Healing 1 common curative reagent
2 uncommon curative reagent
1 glass vial
2 hours 1 DC 15 uncommon 120 gp
Potion of Poison 1 common poisonous reagent
1 uncommon poisonous reagent
1 glass vial
2 hours 1 DC 13 uncommon 65 gp
Potion of Resistance 1 uncommon primal essence
1 uncommon reactive reagent
1 common curative reagent
1 glass vial
2 hours 1 DC 15 uncommon 240 gp
Potion of Water Breathing 1 common reactive reagent
1 uncommon poisonous reagent
1 uncommon reactive reagent
1 glass vial
2 hours 1 DC 15 uncommon 120 gp
Potion of Hill Giant Strength 1 uncommon primal essence
1 uncommon reactive reagent
1 uncommon curative reagent
4 hours 2 DC 15 uncommon 260 gp
Potion of Clairvoyance 1 uncommon reactive reagent
1 uncommon poisonous reagent
2 rare reactive reagent
1 common arcane essence
1 glass vial
2 hours 1 DC 16 rare 570 gp
Potion of Gaseous Form 2 uncommon reactive reagent
1 rare curative reagent
1 rare reactive reagent
1 glass vial
2 hours 1 DC 16 rare 560 gp
Potion of Diminution 1 uncommon curative reagent
1 rare curative reagent
1 rare poisonous reagent
1 glass vial
2 hours 1 DC 15 rare 480 gp
Potion of Heroism 1 uncommon curative reagent
1 uncommon reactive reagent
2 rare curative reagent
1 common divine essence
1 glass vial
2 hours 1 DC 15 rare 480 gp
Potion of Mind Reading 1 uncommon poisonous reagent
1 uncommon reactive reagent
1 rare poisonous reagent
1 rare reactive reagent
1 glass vial
2 hours 1 DC 16 rare 550 gp
Potion of Superior Healing 2 uncommon curative reagent
2 rare curative reagent
1 glass vial
4 hours 2 DC 15 rare 525 gp
Draught of Damnation 1 rare reactive reagent
1 rare poisonous reagent
1 uncommon arcane essence
4 hours 2 DC 16 rare 680 gp
Potion of Supreme Healing 1 uncommon curative reagent
1 rare curative reagent
2 very rare curative reagent
1 uncommon divine essence
1 crystal vial
4 hours 2 DC 18 very rare 5000 gp
Potion of Flying 2 uncommon reactive reagent
2 rare curative reagent
2 very rare reactive reagent
1 uncommon primal essence
1 uncommon arcane essence
1 crystal vial
4 hours 2 DC 19 very rare 5500 gp
Potion of Invisibility 2 uncommon reactive reagent
2 rare curative reagent
1 very rare reactive reagent
1 very rare curative reagent
1 crystal vial
4 hours 2 DC 19 very rare 5200 gp
Potion of Speed 2 uncommon reactive reagent
2 rare reactive reagent
1 very rare reactive reagent
1 very rare curative reagent
1 rare arcane essence
1 crystal vial
4 hours 2 DC 20 very rare 6150 gp
Panacea 1 legendary curative reagent
2 very rare curative reagents
1 legendary divine essence
1 crystal vial
8 hours 4 DC 24 legendary 54000 gp
Potion of Storm Giant Strength 1 legendary reactive reagent
1 legendary curative reagent
1 very rare primal essence
1 crystal vial
8 hours 4 DC 23 legendary 25000 gp

Concoctions Crafting Table

Name Materials Crafting Time Checks Difficulty Rarity Value
Alchemical Acid 2 common reactive reagent
1 common poisonous reagent
1 glass flask
2 hours 1 DC 13 common 50 gp
Alchemical Fire 3 common reactive reagent
1 glass flask
2 hours 1 DC 13 common 50 gp
Alchemical Napalm 3 common reactive reagent
1 common curative reagent
1 glass flask
2 hours 1 DC 14 common 70 gp
Bottled Wind 2 common reactive reagent
1 glass flask
2 hours 1 DC 14 common 40 gp
Potent Alchemical Acid 2 uncommon reactive reagent
1 uncommon poisonous reagent
1 glass flask
2 hours 1 DC 14 uncommon 140 gp
Potent Alchemical Fire 3 uncommon reactive reagent
1 glass flask
2 hours 1 DC 15 uncommon 140 gp
Sticky Goo Potion Either (a) 1 finely shredded scroll of web or (b) 2 uncommon poisonous reagents
1 uncommon reactive reagent
1 glass flask
2 hours 1 DC 14 uncommon 140 gp
Powerful Alchemical Acid 2 rare reactive reagent
1 rare poisonous reagent
1 glass flask
2 hours 1 DC 17 rare 690 gp
Powerful Alchemical Fire 3 rare reactive reagent
1 glass flask
2 hours 1 DC 17 rare 690 gp
Liquid Lightning 2 rare reactive reagent
1 uncommon primal essence
1 glass vial
2 hours 1 DC 16 rare 640 gp

Magical Dust

Name Materials Crafting Time Checks Difficulty Rarity Value
Dust of Disappearance 1 handful of sand
1 common arcane essence
2 common reactive reagent
1 common curative reagent
4 hours 2 DC 15 uncommon 130 gp
Dust of Dryness 1 handful of sand
1 common primal essence
1 common reactive reagent
1 common poisonous reagent
4 hours 2 DC 14 uncommon 100 gp
Dust of Sneezing and Choking 1 uncommon poisonous reagent
1 common reactive reagent
1 common poisonous reagent
4 hours 2 DC 14 uncommon 95 gp


Name Materials Crafting Time Checks Difficulty Rarity Value
Dwarven Alcohol 1 flask of alcohol
1 common reactive reagent
1 sturdy metal flask
8 hours 4 DC 12 common 20 gp
Packet of Blasting Powder 2 common reactive reagent 2 hours 1 DC 14 common 40 gp
Smoke Powder 2 common reactive reagent 2 hours 1 DC 15 common 40 gp
Simple Explosive 2 packets blasting powder
1 common reactive reagent
2 hours 1 DC 15 common 120 gp
Grenade Casing 2 parts
1 fancy parts
1 glass flask
4 hours 1 DC 15 uncommon 50 gp
Potent Explosive 4 packets blasting powder
1 common reactive reagent
2 hours 1 DC 17 common 250 gp
Nail Bomb 3 parts
2 uncommon reactive reagent
1 packet blasting powder
2 hours 1 DC 17 common 275 gp
Powerful Explosive 8 packets blasting powder
1 rare reactive reagent
4 hours 2 DC 19 rare 750 gp

Magical Ink

Name Materials Crafting Time Checks Difficulty Rarity Value
Common Magical Ink 1 common alchemical reagent
1 glass vial
2 hours 1 DC 10 common 15 gp
Uncommon Magical Ink 1 uncommon alchemical reagent
1 glass vial
2 hours 1 DC 12 uncommon 40 gp
Rare Magical Ink 1 rare alchemical reagent
1 glass vial
2 hours 1 DC 14 rare 200 gp
Very Rare Magical Ink 1 very rare alchemical reagent
1 glass vial
4 hours 2 DC 16 very rare 2000 gp
Legendary Magical Ink 1 legendary alchemical reagent
1 glass vial
8 hours 4 DC 18 legendary 5000 gp


Name Materials Crafting Time Checks Difficulty Rarity Value
Burning Oil 2 common reactive reagent
1 glass vial
2 hours 1 DC 13 common 40 gp
Frost Oil 1 common reactive reagent
1 common primal essence
1 glass vial
2 hours 1 DC 14 common 75 gp
Silver Oil 4 silver scraps
1 common reactive reagent
1 glass vial
2 hours 1 DC 12 common 20 gp
Flametongue Oil 2 uncommon reactive reagent
1 common arcane essence
1 glass vial
2 hours 1 DC 16 uncommon 170 gp
Oil of Sharpness 1 rare poisonous reagent
2 very rare reactive reagent
300 gp of precious metal flakes
1 crystal vial
4 hours 2 DC 19 very rare 5200 gp


Name Materials Crafting Time Checks Difficulty Rarity Value
Restorative Ointment 1 common divine essence
2 uncommon curative reagent
3 common curative reagent
8 hours 4 DC 15 uncommon 250 gp
Sovereign Glue 1 legendary curative reagent
1 legendary reactive reagent
1 very rare divine essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 22 legendary 25000 gp
Universal Solvent 1 legendary poisonous reagent
1 legendary reactive reagent
1 very rare primal essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 22 legendary 25000 gp

New Potions

Draught of Damnation

Potion, rare

This sticky red liquid has a living viscosity to it, churning slowly within the flask. When you drink this potion, you become a fiend (as if by the spell shapechange for one hour.) The type of fiend you become is determined by your level. The new form is a random fiend ith a Challenge Rating equal to your level, up to a maximum of 10. If there are multiple options at that Challenge Rating, roll to determine which option is selected.

When the effect ends and you revert to your normal form, you take 1d6 necrotic damage equal to the CR of the fiend whose form you assumed as the toxins of pure evil attempt to destroy your body before relinquishing control of it. If this damage kills you, your soul is dragged to the realm of the fiends by the malignant will of the fiend.


Potion, legendary

When you drink this potion, you regain all lost hit points, all status effects are removed, all reductions to ability scores are removed, any missing limbs are restored, all diseases are cured, all curses are removed, and all levels of exhaustion are removed, and you cease to age for 1 year. This potion can remove effects that can otherwise only be removed by wish.

If you ever drink a second panacea potion, make a DC 30 Constitution saving throw. On failure, you gain no benefits from it and die.

New Concoctions

Alchemical Acid

Concoction, common

A small flask of burbling acid, a strange hissing green viscous liquid. It deals 4d4 acid damage when poured on an object. Can be used as a simple ranged weapon with the thrown (20/60) property, dealing 4d4 acid damage on hit. You do not add your modifier to the damage roll.

Quality Rarity Acid Damage
Common Common 4d4
Potent Uncommon 6d4
Powerful Rare 8d4

Alchemical Fire

Concoction, common

A small flask of volatile orange liquid. It deals 2d10 fire damage when poured on an object. Can be used as a simple ranged weapon with the thrown (20/60) property, dealing 2d10 acid damage on hit. You do not add your modifier to the damage roll.

Quality Rarity Fire Damage
Common Common 2d10
Potent Uncommon 3d10
Powerful Rare 4d10

Alchemical Napalm

Concoction, common

A vicious sticky flammable substance. It deals 3d4 fire damage when poured on an object. Can be used as a simple ranged weapon with the thrown (20/60) property, dealing 3d4 fire damage on hit. You do not add your modifier to the damage roll.

On hit, the target creature or object continues to burn for one minute, taking 1d4 fire damage at the start of their turn (or at the start of your turn for an object without a turn) until a creature spends an action to put the flames out.

Bottled Wind

Concoction, common

As an action, you can open this casting gust without verbal or somatic components. Alternatively, you can breathe from it, letting out only a little bit at a time, breathing directly from the bottle, but each time you must make a DC 5 Athletics check. On failure, you cast gust as above and all the air is lost. You can get 10 minutes of breathable air from one bottle.

Liquid Lightning

Concoction, rare

Drinking this potion allows you to zip around for 1 minute as pure electricity. As a bonus action on each of your turns before the effect ends, you can transform into a bolt of lightning and instantly travel in a straight line to an unoccupied space you can see within 30 feet. This movement doesn't provoke opportunity attacks and you are immune to lightning damage while in this form.

You can pass through small holes, narrow openings, and even mere cracks, as well as through conductive materials such as metal. Each creature in your travel path must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, or take 3d6 lightning damage. You immediately revert to your normal form upon reaching the destination. This potion's stormy liquid arcs with tiny bolts of lightning and it numbs the tongue when sipped.

Sticky Goo

Concoction, common

When broken and exposed to air, it creates a very sticky, rapidly expanding weblike foam, with the effects of the spell web centered on where the flask breaks. You can reliably throw the flask to a target point within 30 feet, shattering it on impact.


Burning Oil

Oil, common

As an action, you can coat a weapon in this oil and ignite it. For 1 minute, the ignited weapon burns, dealing an extra 1d4 fire to attacks made with it, and providing bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet.

Frost Oil

Oil, common

As an action, you can coat a weapon in this oil, causing it to freeze over, covered in icy crystals. For 1 minute, the weapon deals an extra 1d6 cold damage on hit.

Flametongue Oil

Oil, uncommon

As an action, you can coat a weapon in this oil and ignite it. For 1 minute, the ignited weapon burns, dealing an extra 2d6 fire to attacks made with it, and providing bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for another 20 feet.

Silver Oil

Oil, common

A sparkling chromatic oil. The oil can coat one slashing or piercing weapon or up to 5 pieces of slashing or piercing ammunition. Applying the oil takes 1 minute. For 1 hour, the coated item is considered silvered.


Blasting Powder

Explosive, common

A fine grey powder with large grains and the faint smell of sulfur and charcoal that comes in small packets weighing 1/2 pound.

When ignited by 1 or more fire or lightning damage, it explodes violently. All creatures within 10 feet of it must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw. On failure, they take 1d4 fire + 1d4 thunder damage, or half as much on a success. The amount of damage increases by 1d4 (both the fire and thunder) and the radius increases by 5 feet for each additional packet of Blasting Powder detonated in the same spot, up to a maximum of five packets. Deals double damage to buildings and structures. Creatures in range of more than one stack of up to 5 explosives at the same time take damage only from the highest damage effect.

Frequently used for mining and other responsible things… until adventurers get their hands on it.

Dwarven Alcohol

Explosive, common

Only dwarves really know if the name of this liquid explosive is a joke or not, but one must assume it is an acquired taste. An explosively flammable liquid that comes in a flask, this flask can be splashed across a 5 foot square within 5 feet. Once splashed, it can be ignited by 1 or more fire or lightning damage. When ignited it explodes in a plume of fire, dealing 2d4 fire damage to all creatures within 5 feet of the container, or within a square that has been soaked with it.

Grenade Casing

Explosive, uncommon

A simple construction of a two chambered projectile (typically made of glass.) When you add an Alchemist Fire and an Explosive to its separate compartments, it becomes an incredibly dangerous device. As an action, a character can light this bomb and throw it at a point up to 60 feet away. Creatures within the range of the explosive used must make a Dexterity saving throw against the DC of the explosive used, or take damage equal to the explosion + 1d4 piercing damage + 1d4 fire damage.

Nail Bomb

Explosive, uncommon

A brutal instrument, this mixes explosive powder and nails to create a devastating fragmentation device. An exceedingly dangerous device. Heavier and more deadly than other explosives, the primary damage comes from the metal shrapnel (nails) flung in all directions. It can be detonated by dealing 1 fire or lightning damage to it. As an action, a packet of this explosive can be accurately thrown 20 feet, but will not detonate on impact (usually). When it detonates, all creatures within 20 feet of the target point must make a Dexterity saving throw with a DC equal to the crafter's Alchemy DC. On faiure, they take 8d4 piercing damage, or half as much on a success.

You can fuse your explosives. When fused, intentionally dealing fire damage to the explosives (or otherwise lightning the fuse) causes it to detonate on a delay, selected from: short (the end of your turn), medium (the start of your next turn), and long (2 rounds, at the start of your turn.)

Smoke Powder

Explosive, common

A fine grey powder with large grains and the faint smell of sulfur and charcoal that comes in small packets weighing 1/2 pound.

When ignited by 1 or more fire or lightning damage, it releases a blast of thick black smoke that fills a 20-foot radius. Everything in this smoke is heavily obscured for 2d4 rounds. At the start of your next turn after the number of rounds rolled, the smoke begins to fade leaving everything within the radius lightly obscured, and it clears completely at the start of your next turn after that.

Additional uses of the smoke powder extend the duration of heavy obscurement for an extra 1d4 rounds.

Simple/Potent/Powerful Explosive

Explosive, common/uncommon/rare

A bundled explosive alchemical preparation. It can be detonated by dealing 1 fire or lightning damage to it. As an action, a packet of this explosive can be accurately thrown 20 feet, but will not detonate on impact (usually). When it detonates, all creatures within 10 feet (for common) of the target point must make a Dexterity saving throw with a DC equal to the crafter's Alchemy DC. On failure, they 1d8 fire + 1d8 thunder damage, or half as much on a success. Creatures in range of more than one explosive take damage only from the highest damage effect.

Name Radius Damage
Common 10 feet 1d8 fire + 1d8 thunder
Potent 15 feet 2d8 fire + 2d8 thunder
Powerful 20 feet 4d8 fire + 4d8 thunder

You can fuse your explosives. When fused, intentionally dealing fire damage to the explosives (or otherwise lightning the fuse) causes it to detonate on a delay, selected from: short (the end of your turn), medium (the start of your next turn), and long (2 rounds, at the start of your turn.)


Magical Ink

Component, common/uncommon/rare/very rare/legendary

Magical ink that is used by Enchanters to create scrolls, made by rendering down magical alchemical ingredients.

Alchemy Modifiers

The following are alchemical modifiers that can be applied to a potion. All alchemical modifiers require approval from the GM if the modifier will work with a given potion or creation.

Modifier Difficulty Modifier Effect
Aerosol +8 Requires two additional reactive reagents of equal rarity to the rarest reagent of the potion. Rather than drinking it, when uncorked or broken (as an action) it affects all creatures in a 5-foot radius as if they'd consumed it.
Celestial +3 Requires a common divine essence. Adds the effect of lesser restoration to the potion.
Divine +6 Requires a rare divine essence. Adds the effect of greater restoration to the potion.
Endothermic +4 Any fire damage the potion does becomes cold damage.
Expansive +5 Requires an additional common reactive reagent. Expands the area of effect the potion has by 5 feet.
Insidious +3 The effect of the potions becomes shrouded from magic such as identify. You can make the potion appear as another potion of the same rarity. Another alchemist can identify it by making an Alchemy Check against your Alchemy DC.

Additional Materials

You can simply load more reagents into any potion, increasing its potency in different ways, though it increases the difficulty. You can make a 'custom potion' simply by using these modifiers with no base potion. When you do so, the base DC is 8.

Additional Reagent DC Modifier Effect
Common Curative +2 The potion restores +1d4 hit points when consumed.
Common Reactive +2 The potion deals +1d4 fire damage when shattered (or consumed).
Common Poisonous +2 The potion deals +1d4 poison damage when consumed.
Uncommon Curative +3 The potion restores +2d4 hit points when consumed.
Uncommon Reactive +3 The potion deals +2d4 fire damage when shattered (or consumed).
Uncommon Poisonous +3 The potion deals +2d4 poison damage when consumed.
Rare Curative +4 The potion restores +3d4 hit points when consumed.
Rare Reactive +4 The potion deals +3d4 fire damage when shattered (or consumed).
Rare Poisonous +4 The potion deals +3d4 poison damage when consumed.
Very Rare Curative +5 The potion restores +4d4 hit points when consumed.
Very Rare Reactive +5 The potion deals +4d4 fire damage when shattered (or consumed).
Very Rare Poisonous +5 The potion deals +4d4 poison damage when consumed.
Legendary Curative +6 The potion restores +5d4 hit points when consumed.
Legendary Reactive +6 The potion deals +5d4 fire damage when shattered (or consumed).
Legendary Poisonous +6 The potion deals +5d4 poison damage when consumed.
games/academy_of_magic/stores/crafting/alchemy.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/22 17:14 by wizardofaus_doku

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