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A high-level retail chain that markets off-brand products and curiosities.

Item Cost Description
Extendable Pincer $4 Two-handed. This extendable rod features a pincer on one end and clamped handle on the other. By squeezing the handle, the pincer opens or closes. As a Use Item action, you can extend or retract the rod by 5 feet to one of three settings, allowing you to Use Item to pick up an object with the pincer either within your own space, in an adjacent space, or exactly 10 feet away.
Clockwork Grappling Gun $300 5 lb., two-handed. This wooden, pistol-like device features a large reel coiled with 100 feet of thin metal cord and can fire a grappling hook up to 100 feet. Clockwork controls the reel on this grappling gun, reeling the grappling hook back in when you pull a lever. Reloading a clockwork grappling gun takes three Use Item actions.
Wind-Up Wings These delicate clockwork wings enable thrown weapons to soar through the air at high speeds, performing turns and other aerial maneuvers midflight. Wind-up wings also have different types of special effects depending on the type. Wind-up wings must be attached to a thrown weapon and wound to function. A thrown weapon with an attached set of wind-up wings can’t have anything else attached to it, or the wings cease to function. Attaching or detaching a pair of wind-up wings to a thrown weapon requires a repair kit, and the process takes 10 minutes. Winding an attached pair of wind-up wings takes three Use Item actions. There are a variety of wind-up wings, with different effects.
Flutterback Wind-Up Wings $1000 When you make a thrown attack with the weapon to which a pair of flutterback wind-up wings are attached, and the wings are wound, the wings fly the weapon back to your hand after the attack is complete. If your hands are full when the weapon returns, the wings hover in place three feet above the ground. At the end of your turn, the wings are wound down; they don’t function again until wound. If you aren’t holding the weapon when the flutterback wind-up wings become wound down, the weapon falls to the ground.
Homing Wind-Up Wings $3600 When you make a thrown attack with the weapon to which a pair of homing wind-up wings are attached, and the wings are wound, the wings seek out your target, flying through cover and avoiding obstacles. You ignore the target’s concealed condition and reduce the target’s cover by one step. After the attack is complete, the wings are wound down; they don’t function again until wound.
Ablative Armor Plating Attached to armor or traveler's clothes, ablative armor plating is additional plating, combined with springs, clever clockwork, and improvised padding, to absorb damage by knocking the additional pieces free. The pieces slowly come apart on their own with time and movement. The process of attaching the plating takes 10 minutes and grants the wearer of the armor the listed temporary Hit Points for the stated duration or until lost. Removing the plating early destroys it.
Lesser Ablative Armor Plating $8 The wearer gains 5 temporary Hit Points that last for 1 minute after a first strike or until lost.
Moderate Ablative Armor Plating $24 The wearer gains 10 temporary Hit Points that last for 10 minutes after a first strike or until lost.
Greater Ablative Armor Plating $140 The wearer gains 20 temporary Hit Points that last for 1 hour after a first strike or until lost.
Major Ablative Armor Plating $1200 The wearer gains 30 temporary Hit Points that last for 1 hour after a first strike or until lost.
True Ablative Armor Plating $16000 The wearer gains 40 temporary Hit Points that last for 1 hour after a first strike or until lost.
Ablative Shield Plating Attached to a shield, ablative shield plating is an amalgam device that provides a layer of additional protection for a shield. Ablative shield plating is cobbled together from parts of other shields, wires, scraps, and bits of detritus, adding mass to a shield. The process of attaching ablative shield plating takes 10 minutes, and you can’t attach ablative shield plating to a shield that has any other attached item, such as a shield boss or shield spikes. When the shield is damaged, this additional material crumples, breaks, and falls apart, absorbing some of the energy of the blow. Otherwise, the additional material slowly crumbles over time. Applying the plating grants the shield temporary Hit Points that last for the stated duration or until lost. Removing the plating early destroys it.
Lesser Ablative Shield Plating $8 The shield gains 5 temporary Hit Points that last for 1 minute after a first strike or until lost.
Moderate Ablative Shield Plating $24 The shield gains 10 temporary Hit Points that last for 10 minutes after a first strike or until lost.
Greater Ablative Shield Plating $140 The shield gains 20 temporary Hit Points that last for 1 hour after a first strike or until lost.
Major Ablative Shield Plating $1200 The shield gains 30 temporary Hit Points that last for 1 hour after a first strike or until lost.
True Ablative Shield Plating $16000 The shield gains 40 temporary Hit Points that last for 1 hour after a first strike or until lost.
Chameleon Suit $32 1 lb., worn over clothes. This complex clockwork outerwear, worn over armor or other clothing, is composed of thin, interlocking scales of myriad colors attached to numerous clockwork gears that can rotate between all visible colors and shades. When activated, the clockwork gears work double-time to temporarily switch and adjust the scales to match the exact coloration of the area around you, allowing you to blend in as long as you stay still. For the duration, you can hide without needing cover or concealment to do so. This doesn’t allow you to sneak without ending your movement in cover or concealment, however, as the clockwork flips over and adjusts the scales to match your background as you move, giving the impression of rippling waves of color and revealing your movement. Once the duration expires, the overworked clockwork and scales fall apart. This version lasts for one minute once activated.
Greater Chameleon Suit $160 As above, but lasts for 10 minutes.
Major Chameleon Suit $640 As above, but lasts for one hour.
Clockwork Goggles $6 This heavy set of mechanical goggles contains a variety of different lenses for different situations, including lenses that filter light at different intensities and frequencies and even some that capture heat and other stimuli. Clockwork mechanisms can swap between the lenses rapidly as needed. However, many of these lenses can only capture a single stimulus once and then are forever etched with it, making them unsuitable for long-term use. When activated, the clockwork mechanism on the goggles rapidly switches between the different lenses, granting you the benefits of all of them for a brief period of time. The basic version, when activated, provides low-light vision for ten minutes.
Greater Clockwork Goggles $30 When activated, this provides low-light vision and darkvision for ten minutes.
Major Clockwork Goggles $160 When activated, this provides low-light vision, darkvision, and the effects of see invisibility for ten minutes.
Electromuscular Stimulator $60 This gadget uses advanced technology to grant someone a burst of activity, though its use can be painful. The electromuscular stimulator must be carefully attached to you, requiring 1 minute to do so. You can attach an electromuscular stimulator to yourself. When you activate an attached electromuscular stimulator, roll a Tinker Tools check, using the modifier of the creature who attached the stimulator to you, with a DC of 15. The effects of the activation depend on the result of the check.
Critical Success: You gain an extra action each round that can only be used to move or attack once, for one minute while the device is active.
Success: As critical success, but you also take 3 points of electrical damage per round while the device is active.
Failure: You gain an extra action each round that can only be used to move or attack once, for two rounds. You take 3 points of electrical damage per round for one minute.
Critical Failure: You take 2d6 immediate electrical damage and 3 points of electrical damage per round for one minute.
Gadget Skates $42 Gadget skates are metal devices that come in pairs and strap onto existing footwear (or a creature’s feet). When you activate gadget skates, clockwork gears reveal small wheels that propel you along the ground, moving you up to twice your Speed. During this movement, you must succeed at a DC 20 Acrobatics check to turn up to 90 degrees, and you can’t turn more than once or more than 90 degrees. During the activation and after the activation is complete, you can’t Stride, Step, or otherwise move on the ground until the end of your next turn. However, you can use this movement to perform a High Jump or Long Jump just after the activation ends, in the direction of your last movement using the gadget skates. You can sustain the activation of your gadget skates for up to 1 minute. Starting on the turn after you activate the gadget skates, the first time you sustain the activation each turn, you gain the effects of the activation again: you move up to twice your Speed in the same direction as your last movement with the gadget skates, and the restrictions continue to apply until you choose to cease sustaining the activation or you reach the maximum duration. Once the effect ends, the skates fall away and you can move normally.
Gecko Pads $50 Gecko pads are thin, clockwork devices shaped like palms, which can be strapped onto existing handwear or a creature’s hands. When activated, they whir to life and improve your grip on surfaces, while slowly releasing a sticky substance stored within the device’s surface to help you climb. The pads give you a climb Speed equal to your normal Speed as long as your hands are free. The climb speed lasts for 10 minutes.
Greater Gecko Pads $250 The climb speed lasts for 1 hour.
Instant Spy $10 An instant spy is a tiny clockwork device that is small enough to be easily hidden. It contains audio-recording mechanisms, as well as a short-lived gemstone that can store up to 1 hour of sound to play back later. Once you have activated the instant spy, it surreptitiously begins recording all the sounds around it for an hour. In general, it can hear sounds that are clearly audible in the location where you activated it, but not sounds that would require a Perception check with a DC of 10 or greater to hear. The GM determines exactly what the instant spy can hear and record, as well as whether or not the recording is clear in a situation where the original sound is quiet, distorted, or intentionally obscured. When the recording is complete, once within the next 24 hours, you or another creature can use an action to play back the stored audio in its entirety, after which the gem crumbles to dust. If no one plays the recorded sounds back within 1 day, the gem crumbles into dust anyway. This prevents the information from falling into the wrong hands later. It’s typical to conceal this object to hide an instant spy in a location once you’ve activated it, since if you don’t hide it, it’s relatively easy to discover in a thorough search, despite the fact that it’s small and relatively unobtrusive.
Magnetic Suit $40 5 lb. This magnetized suit is strapped to your body over your armor or clothes. When you activate it, you must choose whether to set it to attract or repel. While set to attract, you take a –1 item penalty to your AC against attacks made by metal weapons, while creatures within a 5-foot emanation other than you gain a +1 item bonus to their AC. If set to repel, you gain a +1 item bonus to AC against attacks made with metal weapons. While attracting metal, you gain a +1 item bonus to Athletics checks to climb metal objects and grapple metal creatures and a –1 item penalty to Athletics checks to shove metal creatures. While repelling metal, you gain a +1 item bonus to Athletics checks to shove metal creatures, but you take a –1 item penalty to climb metal objects and grapple metal creatures. This suit is effective for one minute before requiring a recharge.
Greater Magnetic Suit $400 The area that gains an AC bonus when attracting is a 10-foot emanation, and the item bonuses and penalties increase from 1 to 2.
Major Magnetic Suit $4000 The area that gains an AC bonus when attracting is a 20-foot emanation, and the item bonuses and penalties increase from 1 to 3.
Smoke Fan $10 When you activate a smoke fan, it creates a cloud of colored smoke. The smoke fills a 5-foot radius. The creator chooses the smoke’s color when creating the smoke fan. Creatures within the smoke’s area are concealed, and all other creatures are concealed to them. The smoke lasts for 1 minute or until dissipated by a strong wind.
Greater Smoke Fan $150 As above, but the smoke’s radius is 20 feet, and the creator can choose for the smoke to be a mixture of colors.
Wind-Up Cart $12 10 lb. This primitive device can be cobbled together from springs, wheels, and scrap and is commonly used to carry rocks or other dead weight forward to trigger traps. It can be loaded with up to 20 lbs. of items. Most creatures aren’t small enough to fit on the cart, and even for Tiny creatures, it makes for a choppy ride. Once activated, the cart moves forward at a speed of 30 feet per round on your turn for up to 1 minute. If it strikes an obstruction, it attempts to continue its movement, pushing with an Athletics bonus of +5, once per round. The wind-up cart has AC 15, Hardness 2, 24 Hit Points. After its 1-minute duration completes, the cart collapses back into scrap.
Shockguard Coil $350 Affixed to a shield, when you block a foe’s melee unarmed attack or melee attack with the affixed shield, this coil activates, using a combination of technology and evocation magic to erupt in electricity when discharged. The foe takes 2d12 electricity damage (DC 22 Dexterity save). On a failed save, the foe automatically fails Dexterity saves until the start of its next turn.
Aquarium Lamp $3000 100 lb. The aquarium lamp is a combination light source and exotic animal aquarium, intended to provide rich nobles amusement and illumination. It takes the shape of a glass cube 50 feet wide and seven feet high filled with sea water, flanked by two much smaller water tanks. A sparse brass frame around the device keeps the tanks themselves from touching the ground and serves as a mounting point for a pair of electrical coils on the top, which are enclosed within separate glass tubes. Six electric eels swim within the central tank, while a number of animals belonging to species considered to be the eels’ natural prey swim in the smaller feeding tanks. With the simple pull of a lever attached to either smaller tank, one of the prey animals is released into the eel tank. Within seconds, the eels converge on the hapless animal, using their electrical charges to stun their victims. When this happens, the salty seawater conducts the electrical energy into transfer coils hidden within the brass frame, which send the energy to the top‑mounted electrical coils. The end result produces enough light to fully illuminate a room as though it were midday. This device is an expression of a recent trend among certain nobles to blend form and function in their manors’ interior decorations. In such circles, ostentatious decorations that serve no functional purpose are derided as “tacky” and “unrefined.” If a noble in such company wishes not to be ridiculed, they must be sure that each decoration adds something to the room beyond the aesthetic. The aquarium lamp is the latest tool in this social arms race, and it’s already proven popular with its target market. When active, the aquarium lamp produces bright light in a 60-foot radius (and dim light for the next 60 feet). Each activation provides enough energy for 10 minutes of use, and the two feeding tanks combined carry enough prey animals for 50 activations before needing to be refilled, though electric eels usually need feeding only once per day, and won’t go after the prey if they’re all full. While electric eels are not aggressive to their aquarium keepers and will gradually learn to associate them with food, they can engage in violent social behavior, especially when they are young. This behavior leads to small fights involving tail slapping, biting, and discharged electricity, the last of which causes the lamp to illuminate without hitting the lever to release prey. The electric eels live around 15 years if kept well-fed.
Clockwork Bookshelf $30 20 lb. This device was originally created by an inventor who had way more books they wanted to access than available wall space to store them. Each of the bookshelf’s six levels is actually loaded with a pair of shelves instead of a single shelf. A simple switch on the side of the bookshelf flips the corresponding shelf to the other side, revealing any books stored in the paired shelf. While this makes the clockwork bookshelf a little deeper than a normal bookshelf, in order to fit both shelves, it effectively allows you to store twice as many books using the same amount of wall space. Those who wish to keep volumes hidden from visitors (or perhaps stow a weapon or potion within a false book) often load the hidden shelf first, then switch to the second shelf lined with more respectable volumes.
Clockwork Box Packer $100 20 lb. This handy clockwork device is too expensive for most warehouses and shipping docks to make use of it, but some nobles have purchased the item for their staff as a status symbol, and merchants who are in the shipping trade can afford to slowly reap the benefits of its usage. It takes 1 minute to wind a clockwork box packer; after which, it can function for up to 1 hour. You can indicate how high you want the clockwork box packer to stack boxes and what the packing storage dimensions are. Once packing instructions have been input, you can load a crate onto the clockwork box packer, and it begins its task. Once the box is stacked, the clockwork box packer closes the box, if necessary, then ties a ribbon or cord around it from a supply loaded into the clockwork box packer in advance. Once the package is secure, the clockwork box packer stacks it and then swivels back into position, ready to accept another box. In this way, the clockwork device can finish within minutes a packing job that might take humanoid workers an hour.
Clockwork Disguise $400 10 lb. Sometimes, just disguising one’s face just isn’t convincing enough. Clockwork disguises were invented to supplement regular disguise kits, which are used across Arcydea. For example, if a spy wants to infiltrate a military camp, they must be wearing the same type of armor as the soldiers stationed there - or else have a very good explanation for their commander as to why they’re out of proper uniform! The clockwork disguise is intended to help avoid such awkward, potentially fatal confrontations. The clockwork disguise looks like a harness connected to hundreds of small metal plates that cover the user’s torso and arms. Each of these plates is equipped with several hinges, allowing them to be shaped into a wide variety of patterns. When these shaped plates are arranged and connected, they can be made to look like almost any basic suit of light or medium metal armor, though armor embellishments such as those worn by high-ranking officers are beyond this device. The arrangement process takes some time, but once it’s completed, the user need only perform a few simple adjustments to a clockwork mechanism in the disguise to make the plate arrangement into a new preset configuration. Afterwards, when the user flips a switch on the harness’s belt to one of three positions, the plates shift, overlap, and connect as necessary to transform the disguise into the desired preset configuration. The clockwork disguise can have up to three preset configurations at a time, and most users use a minimum of two: the one required for their current task, and a suitably inconspicuous configuration for when the first configuration is unnecessary. Giving a clockwork disguise a new preset configuration requires 20 minutes of work. The clockwork disguise can have a maximum of three preset configurations at a time, and it can only mimic light and medium armor suits made of metal. The clockwork disguise is light armor and has the following stats, regardless of which type of armor it mimics: AC Bonus +2; Dex Cap +3; Str 12. Activate → Use Item; Effect: Transform the clockwork disguise into any one current preset configuration of the user’s choice.
Clockwork Diving Suit $400 20 lb. The clockwork diving suit is a marvel of technology that allows its user to breathe underwater for hours at a time without the aid of magic. Compared to a more traditional magically-assisted diving suit using a bottle of air, a clockwork diving suit is both less expensive and better protected, making clockwork diving suits a good choice for characters who prefer more protection. However, they also come with a built-in time limit, which magical diving suits circumvent. A clockwork diving suit is a bulky, fully sealed suit of armor lined with a complex series of filter-equipped bladders that store and circulate air for the user to breathe. A glass faceplate on the front of the helmet allows the user to see what’s going on in front of them. The suit’s rigidity and mechanisms severely restrict the user’s range of movement and keeps them from moving faster than a slow walk on the sea floor. To compensate for this, a clockwork water jet mechanism is installed in the suit’s back. The water jet includes both a vacuum system and separate air bladder; it’s activated with a simple pull of a lever on the suit’s belt. When the lever is pulled, the vacuum system sucks in seawater, and seconds later, the air bladder sprays the water out and propels the user short distances. This mechanism is also necessary for the suit to surface without walking to shore—it’s too heavy to float on its own. Most wearers can only swim a few feet before sinking back to the water’s floor. The diving suit contains enough air for three hours of operation, and the clockwork components can operate for up to 3 hours before the suit needs winding. If you run out of air, drowning and suffocation rules begin to apply as normal. This air supply can be refilled by spending one hour in an area with air, and you can rewind the clockwork in a process that takes 10 minutes to complete. The diving suit is a suit of medium armor, and it has the following stats: AC Bonus +4; Dex Cap +1; Check Penalty –4; Speed Penalty –15 ft; Strength 18. Activate → Move+Use Item; Effect The diving suit shoots out a water jet that causes you to swim 25 feet in a straight line. The distance of this movement is unaffected by your swim speed, if you have one, or the armor’s speed penalty. However, difficult terrain, such as the difficult terrain for moving up or down or moving against a current, still slows this movement.
Clockwork Megaphone $30 5 lb. A clockwork megaphone uses cunning clockwork gears to adjust the shape and angle of the cone within the megaphone, allowing you to raise or lower the volume, widen or contract the angle in which you project your voice, or both at the same time. This makes a clockwork megaphone far more useful than an ordinary megaphone for situations where you want to make sure that everyone in a particular venue or location can hear you without being so loud that your voice comes across as a painful shout. It takes 1 minute to wind up a clockwork megaphone, which allows it to remain active for up to 1 hour of adjustments, only counting the time you change the megaphone’s settings, not the time you spend speaking. Since it automatically enters standby mode when not in use, this typically means you don’t have to wind up the clockwork megaphone for months, or even years, depending on how often you adjust the settings each day.
Nightbreeze Machine $250 20 lb. The nightbreeze machine can turn a scorching hot room into a comfortable one with just the pull of a lever. Its outer shell is a brass cube half as tall as the average human that houses a series of flat metal “blades” in a circular arrangement. When placed on a flat surface, a creature within reach can flip the lever, turning the machine on. When the machine is active, the blades begin to spin rapidly, setting the air in the room into motion, which cools off the room’s inhabitants. A front-mounted metal grate prevents anyone from coming into accidental contact with the spinning blades without impeding airflow. A nightbreeze machine can affect an enclosed area of no more than 50 feet by 50 feet and has negligible effect when used in a larger enclosed area or outside. While active, it reduces the effects of severe heat by one step to mild heat, and reduces extreme heat to severe heat ( A nightbreeze machine isn’t powerful enough to reduce the effects of incredible heat, though fortunately such heat isn’t found naturally in the deserts of Rahadoum. A nightbreeze machine runs for 8 hours, after which it must be wound in a process that takes 10 minutes to complete. The 8 hours of activity don’t have to be consecutive.
Paper Shredder $60 10 lb. Whether it’s a parchment with ominous pentagrams and dangerous magical symbols inscribed upon it, incriminating legal documents, or just simply paper waste, sometimes you just need to make sure a document is completely destroyed in a way that makes it nearly impossible to read afterwards. Enter the paper shredder, a clockwork device that performs exactly this function. With 1 minute of wind-up, a paper shredder can function for up to 1 hour of shredding, and it automatically enters standby mode when not in use, meaning the device can typically go for weeks between wind-ups unless you shred an exceptionally large volume of paper. Setting a piece of paper or parchment into the paper shredder takes a single Use Item action; if devoted to nothing but feeding the shredder, a single person can shred one page every other second. If the page is longer than normal, it takes longer to shred, as determined by the GM. Additionally, only one person can use the shredder each round, limiting it to shredding three pages per round regardless of how many people are available to feed paper into it. The paper shredder rips and tears the paper or parchment apart into tiny disjointed strips. This is typically sufficient to destroy glyphs of warding and other similar dangerous magical traps on the paper, though the GM might determine that particularly resilient magical traps find some way to survive their shredding. If the paper is magically protected or otherwise has more Hardness than a normal sheet of paper or parchment, the shredder can’t shred it. After churning such hardened paper for 1 round, the shredder spits it back out without harming the shredder. This prevents shredding any other paper during that round.
Printing Press $1200 100 lb. The printing press is a revolutionary machine that combines movable type with a mechanical inking system and screw press, allowing for the mass production of large volumes of text. Using the press, a worker can produce up to 3,600 identical pages per day. In order to use the printing press, you must first set the type for the page you want to print. Time required to set type varies depending on the number of characters used; from 1 hour for small pages with brief text, to 8 hours for a full-sized normal page of text, though extreme examples may be outside this range. When you prepare a page for printing, you can include engraved images in addition to text. No magical properties of text are transferred in the printing process, so it cannot be used to mass-produce magical scrolls, glyphs of warding, or similar spells or magic items.
Steamflight Pack $12000 10 lb. The steamflight pack allows its user to fly without using magic or wings. Each steamflight pack looks like a large brass backpack with two large nozzles mounted on the sides pointing downward. It also features metal arms reaching around the front that terminate in handles with activation buttons on them. When the user holds down an activation button, a complex series of mechanisms pumps water from the large tank in the backpack and releases it through the nozzles as powerful jets of steam, enabling the user to fly short distances. Tilting the handle adjusts the nozzles’ angles, allowing the user to control the direction of their flight. When active, the steamflight pack gives the user a fly Speed of 20 feet. It carries enough water for 20 minutes of operation and can be refilled in five minutes with a supply of normal water and a funnel. It can be turned on or off with a Use Item interaction.
Clockwork Timepiece Clockwork timepieces come in a variety of sizes and aesthetic styles, but they’re all designed to display the accurate time of day down to the second. Clockwork timepieces have a 24-hour activation cycle, after which they must be wound in a process that takes 1 minute to complete.
Desktop Clock $20 15 lb. Desktop clocks have been designed to be small enough to only take up a quarter of a typical writing desk’s surface area, but they’re still too bulky and heavy to be lugged around casually.
Grand Clock $100 80 lb. These towering, ten‑foot‑tall clocks have been painstakingly handcrafted by skilled artisans and feature loud chimes that can be heard hourly throughout a manor. Owners of grand clocks usually tend to display them prominently in a study, lounge area, or foyer.


Wheelchairs provide comfort and support when traveling. You can use the item either in an ambulatory manner or every day, depending on your character. Wheelchairs come in a variety of sizes to suit every person regardless of height or body type. Each wheelchair has the following features.

Adjustable Seat Belts: These belts strap around your waist, knees, and shins to keep you in the chair if it’s thrown, knocked or handled roughly. You can open and release all of your belts with a Use Item action.

Weight Limit: A wheelchair is strong enough to support you and any amount of weight you could typically hold or carry. You take the usual consequences when there is too much weight on you and your wheelchair, including encumbrance and carrying capacity limits. The wheelchair’s own weight does not count against your weight limit while riding in the wheelchair; it’s listed in case you need to carry the wheelchair separately.

Frame: A wheelchair is typically made from common materials like wood. It can also be made from other materials such as steel, or rarer materials like mithral. The wheelchairs presented in this section are assumed to be made from durable wood.

Magic: The wheelchair is considered an extension of yourself. Spells or abilities that change your bodily form are also applied to the chair and it transforms with you so long as you’re using it. You can choose what appearance this has. For example, when you transform with wild shape, you can choose to have full mobility of your limbs or have the chair transform to become a wheelchair appropriate for that shape, such as wheelchair harnesses for dogs.

Movement: While using a chair, you move at your normal speed (the speed listed for your ancestry, with any additional bonuses, penalties, and adjustments applied). You propel a wheelchair by using the handrims. You can propel the wheelchair even while holding something in your hands, but not if you’re restrained or otherwise unable to move your hands freely. You are still affected by difficult terrain and other terrain features, and any effect that would immobilize you, give a penalty to your speeds, and so on based on entangling or hindering with your legs applies to the wheelchair as well. You can use all of your actions while in a wheelchair. The impulse control add-on allows you to direct a wheelchair with your fingers or nerve impulses instead.

Quick-Righting: If the chair is tipped or you are knocked prone while in the chair, you can right yourself using half your movement, though in this case you are righting the wheelchair instead of standing. An ally can use a Use Item action to help right you, effectively allowing you to stand as a free action triggered by their action.

Item Cost Description
Basic Wheelchair $1 10 lb. This common wheelchair is ideal for everyday use, but isn’t designed for adventuring. Basic chairs are most common among non-adventurers.
Traveler's Chair $10 15 lb. This wheelchair is tailored for adventures and travels. The design is sleek and fashionable to provide excellent comfort and support. A traveler’s chair has small mechanisms, either made from interlocking wood pieces, clockwork, or other devices, that allow the chair to traverse up or down stairs without any additional difficulty (moving up stairs is still difficult terrain, just like for other characters), and move through other such environments that adventurers and travelers encounter without any additional difficulty, such as ladders and uneven ground.
Frog Chair $950 15 lb. This clockwork traveler’s chair is shaped like a wheeled frog, with springs attached to the bottom and an extensible tongue on the front. Activate → Use Item; Frequency: once per hour; Effect: You activate the wheelchair’s springs to make hopping leaps. For 1 minute, whenever you Leap with the wheelchair, you can jump 30 feet in any direction without touching the ground. You must land on a space of solid ground within 30 feet of you, or else you fall after using your next action. Activate → Interact; Frequency: once per minute; Effect: You activate the wheelchair’s tongue to grab a nearby object and bring it to you. Interact to pick up an unattended object within 15 feet and bring it to your empty hand. If you don’t have a hand to take the object, it falls in your space instead.
Spider Chair $3600 15 lb. This clockwork traveler’s chair has spinnerets and spider legs that allow it to roll up walls, fire web lines to pull you to a location, and obstruct foes with webs. While using the chair, you gain a climb Speed equal to your Speed. Activate → Interact; Frequency: once per minute; Effect: The chair shoots a web line at a solid wall, floor, or ceiling up to 60 feet away and then pulls itself and you to that location. Activate → Full-Round Action; Frequency: once per hour; Effect: You cause the chair to launch an enormous web to hinder your foes, with the effects of a web spell (DC 14).
Storm Chair $8800 15 lb. This traveler’s chair uses magic and technology, storing up power in its crystal coils to arc lightning through your foes and grant brief spurts of flight. Activate → Interact (electricity, evocation, magical); Frequency: once per hour; Effect: You create a ball of electricity around the chair, surrounding it in a damaging aura of electricity and using electromagnetism to briefly levitate. For 1 minute, you gain a fly speed equal to your ground speed and adjacent creatures that hit you with a melee attack, as well as creatures that touch or hit you with an unarmed attack, take 2d6 electricity damage each time. As normal, this applies to creatures who choose to touch you, not when you touch or attack another creature. Activate → Interact (electricity, evocation, magical); Frequency: once per day; Effect: You release the majority of the stored up energy from your storm chair, devastating foes in a chain of electricity. This has the effects of chain lightning with a DC of 20.
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