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Chutojin Bio-Medical

Cybernetics and biomedical products.


Item Cost Description
Prosthetic Limb $500 This item replaces a lost limb — a hand, an arm, a foot, a leg, or a similar body part. While the prosthetic is attached, it functions identically to the part it replaces. You can detach or reattach it as an action, and it can’t be removed against your will. It detaches if you die.
Ersatz Eye $500 This artificial eye replaces a real one that was lost or removed. While the ersatz eye is embedded in your eye socket, it can’t be removed by anyone other than you, and you can see through the tiny orb as though it were a normal eye.
Cyberlink Brain Interface $1200 A cyberlink brain mod allows you to communicate telepathically with creatures or objects within 300 feet of you that are capable of receiving wireless communications. This includes most robots and computers, as well as other cyborgs with an installed cyberlink. A cyberlink also allows you remotely access computers, allowing you to attempt to program computers, bypass cybersecurity measures, etc. without having to physically be at the system, or use another computer as a middle-man.
Overdrive Brain Interface $6000 One of the most complicated and sophisticated pieces of cybertech in existence, an overdrive brain mod interfaces with a healthy brain and replaces diseased or poorly functioning brain matter, drastically boosting intelligence. With an overdrive brain mod installed, your Intelligence score increases by 4, to a maximum of 24. A helpful side effect of an overdrive brain mod is that it can cure some mental disorders (i.e. insanities) at the DM's discretion.
Psi-Activator Brain Interface $2400 A psi-activator activates your latent psychic abilities, providing you with the following benefits:
You have telepathy to a range of 60 feet.
You can cast detect thoughts at will, without using a spell slot or any components. This version of the spell can be cast as a bonus action, and the range to which you can focus your thoughts is 60 feet.
You know the mage hand cantrip, and you can cast it as an action or as a bonus action, without using any components. Your mage hand is invisible. The range of your mage hand is increased to 60 feet.
Skill Mod Brain Interface $500 A skill mod provides you with proficiency in one skill or set of tools.
Advanced Skill Mod Brain Interface $2500 An advanced skill mod provides you with proficiency in one skill or set of tools, and allow you to add double your proficiency bonus, rather than your proficiency bonus, to ability checks made with that skill or set of tools.
Cardiothoracic Reconstruction $6000 The process of cardiothoracic reconstruction extensively replaces and augments the organs inside the thorax, particularly the heart and its surrounding area, greatly boosting your health and overall performance. Once you have undergone cardiothoracic reconstruction, your Constitution score increases by 4, to a maximum of 24.
Dermal Thickening Implants $1200 Subdermal armor is grafted underneath your skin, providing you with a +2 bonus to AC.
Advanced Dermal Thickening Implants $4000 Advanced subdermal armor is grafted underneath your skin, providing you with a +2 bonus to AC and resistance to non-magical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
Cybernetic Arm, Crude $500 A crude cybernetic arm completely replaces a normal arm, from the shoulder to the hand. It can replace a lost or missing arm. Crude cybernetic arms are basically serviceable, but not as good as a healthy flesh-and-blood arm. Even if a crude cybernetic arm superficially resembles a regular arm, it cannot be mistaken for a healthy arm because it is so obviously stiff and inflexible. You can perform any task requiring a regular arm with a crude cybernetic arm, but you have disadvantage on ability checks requiring manual dexterity. If one or more of your arms is a crude cybernetic arm and you attempt to cast a spell requiring somatic components, you must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity check to successfully cast the spell. On a failure, the spell fails.
Cybernetic Arm $1000 A cybernetic arm completely replaces a normal arm, from the shoulder to the hand. It has all the capabilities, sense of touch, articulation, etc. that a regular arm does. If made to look lifelike, a cybernetic arm is indistinguishable from a flesh-and-blood arm. You can roll 1d6 in place of the damage of unarmed strikes made with a cybernetic arm. If all of your arms are cybernetic arms, the amount of weight you can carry, push, lift, or drag is doubled.
Cybernetic Arm, Military $2500 Military cybernetic arms are super-strong, with capabilities far beyond what arms can normally achieve. You can roll 2d6 in place of the damage of unarmed strikes made with a military cybernetic arm. You can roll double the damage dice for the damage of melee attacks using Strength you make using a military cybernetic arm (included in the unarmed strike). You also have advantage on grapple checks you make using a military cybernetic arm. If all of your arms are cybernetic arms, the amount of weight you can carry, push, lift, or drag is multiplied by 10.
Cybernetic Arm, Add-On $1200/$3000 An add-on cybernetic arm is an additional fully-coordinated arm that is added to your existing number of arms. An add-on cybernetic arm can hold objects and wield weapons or shields as normal, and allows you to interact with more objects on your turn than usual (DM's discretion). Add-on cybernetic arms can also be military cybernetic arms, also granting the benefits of military cybernetic arms (above). A creature cannot practically have more than three times as many arms as usual; for example, a human character with two arms can have a maximum of four extra arms.
Cybernetic Eye $1000 A cybernetic eye can replace a lost or missing eye, providing the full functionality of a normal eye.
Cybernetic Eye, Advanced $1500 An advanced cybernetic eye can replace a lost or missing eye, providing the full functionality of a normal eye. Furthermore, if all of your eyes are advanced cybernetic eyes, you have advantage on Perception checks that depend on sight, and you have advantage on saving throws against being blinded.
Cybernetic Eye Mods $– A cybernetic eye mod can be installed into a cybernetic eye or an advanced cybernetic eye, providing extended capabilities. You can have multiple eye mods installed into your eyes.
Cybernetic Eye Mod - Darkvision $1000 A darkvision mod allows you to see in dim light within 120 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can discern color in darkness with this eye mod.
Cybernetic Eye Mod - Targeting $1500 A targeting mod tracks the position of targets you recognize as hostile, and it rapidly calculates wind speed, distance, angle, and ballistic arcs for you, enhancing your accuracy. While a targeting mod is installed in you, you have a +2 bonus to attack rolls with ranged attacks.
Cybernetic Eye Mod - X-Ray Vision $2000 An x-ray vision mod allows you to see into and through up to 5 feet of solid matter. To you, solid objects which your vision can penetrate appear transparent and don't prevent light from passing through them. You are unable to see into or through lead; a thin sheet of the metal blocks your vision.
Cybernetic Leg, Crude $500 A crude cybernetic leg completely replaces a normal leg, from the hip to the foot. It can replace a lost or missing leg. Crude cybernetic legs are basically serviceable, but not as good as a healthy flesh-and-blood ,eg. Even if a crude cybernetic leg superficially resembles a regular leg, it cannot be mistaken for a healthy leg because it is so obviously stiff and inflexible. If you have one or more crude cybernetic legs, your walking speed is reduced by 10 feet, to a minimum of 10 feet, and you have disadvantage on Acrobatics checks.
Cybernetic Leg $1000 A cybernetic leg completely replaces a normal leg, from the hip to the foot. It has all the capabilities, sense of touch, articulation, etc. that a regular leg does. If made to look lifelike, a cybernetic leg is indistinguishable from a flesh-and-blood leg. You can roll 1d6 in place of the damage of unarmed strikes made with a cybernetic leg. If all of your legs are cybernetic legs, your walking speed increases by 10 feet, and your jump distance is doubled.
Cybernetic Leg, Military $2500 Military cybernetic legs are super-strong, with capabilities far beyond what legs can normally achieve. You can roll 2d6 in place of the damage of unarmed strikes made with a military cybernetic leg. If all of your legs are military cybernetic legs, your walking speed increases by 30 feet, and you gain a jumping speed equal to your walking speed.
Cybernetic Legs: Multipedal $4000 / $6000 / $8000 Multipedal cybernetic legs replace your entire lower body and legs with four, six, or eight robotic legs. The configuration allows for more speed, strength, and stability than can be obtained with a bipedal stance. Multipedal cybernetic legs increase your walking speed by 30 feet, to a minimum of 60 feet, and provide you with advantage on saving throws to avoid being knocked prone, and on ability checks or saving throws to maintain your balance. Additionally, your carrying capacity, along with the amount you can push, lift, or drag is doubled due to your better load distribution.
Cybernetic Legs: Treads $4000 Cybernetic treads replace your entire lower body and legs with a set of tank-like treads. Cybernetic treads increase your walking speed by 30 feet, to a minimum of 60 feet, and provide you with advantage on saving throws to avoid being knocked prone, and on ability checks or saving throws to maintain your balance. Additionally, your carrying capacity, along with the amount you can push, lift, or drag is doubled due to your better load distribution. Moving through difficult terrain doesn't cost you additional movement; on the other hand, you are physically incapable of jumping, swimming, or going up all but the shallowest stairs.
Cybernetic Magnamuscles $6000 Cybernetic magnamuscles extensively replace and augment muscle tissue, enhancing overall bodily strength. With cybernetic magnamuscles installed, your Strength score increases by 4, to a maximum of 24.
Cybernetic Respirator, Crude $1000 A cybernetic respirator is pretty much a set of artificial lungs, and can replace missing or damaged respiratory organs. Crude cybernetic respirators are basically serviceable, but not quite as good as flesh-and-blood lungs. With a crude cybernetic respirator, your voice sounds somewhat breathy, and you have disadvantage on Constitution checks involving prolonged endurance, such as long-distance running.
Cybernetic Respirator $2000 A cybernetic respirator is pretty much a set of artificial lungs, and can replace missing or damaged respiratory organs. Cybernetic respirators are basically as good as the real thing.
Cybernetic Respirator, Hostile Environment $4000 A Hostile Environment (HE) cybernetic respirator has the same function as a normal respirator, with the addition of filtering hostile particles, vapors, and gasses, allowing you to breathe in any environment with an atmosphere. With a HE cybernetic respirator installed, you have advantage on saving throws made against harmful inhaled gases, vapors, particles, and poisons.
Cybernetic Transfusion $12000 The pinnacle of the possibilities that cybertech provides, the process of cybernetic transfusion allows you to fully abandon flesh and blood and become a 100% machine immortal artificial intelligence. Cybernetic transfusion changes your type to construct and renders you immune to poison damage, disease, psychic damage, and the poisoned condition. As a result of transfusion, you no longer need to eat, breathe, drink, or sleep, nor do you age. Cybernetic transfusion automatically includes cyberarmor, cybernetic arms, cybernetic eyes, and cybernetic legs, provided you do not have them or an equivalent piece of cybertech already. Once you have completed the transfusion process, you can continue to augment yourself with cybertech, just as you could prior to transfusion.
Cybernetic Wings $2500 Cybernetic wings provide you with a flying speed of 60 feet, with which you can hover. You can retract or extend cybernetic wings as a bonus action.
Cybernetic Wings, Military $5000 Military cybernetic wings provide you with a flying speed of 120 feet, with which you can hover. You can make unarmed strikes using these wings, which deal slashing damage. You can roll 2d6 in place of the damage of unarmed strikes made with your wings. You can retract or extend military cybernetic wings as a bonus action.
Cybernetic Wiring $6000 Cybernetic wiring augments healthy nerves and muscle fibers or corrects damaged ones, increasing your response time and hand-eye coordination. With cybernetic wiring installed, your Dexterity score increases by 4, to a maximum of 24.
Heavy Cyberarmor $6000 Heavy cyberarmor overtly covers you with armor, granting superior protection. However, it cannot be concealed and it prevents you from wearing armor on top of it or, for that matter, most normal clothing. Heavy cyberarmor grants you an AC of 20. You can use a shield and still benefit from this AC; however, you cannot benefit from other armor. Heavy cyberarmor can be be formed to a variety of styles; it may look smooth and sleek, it may make you resemble a medieval knight in plate armor, or it may make you look like a demon or monster.
Heavy Cyberarmor, Super $12500 Super heavy cyberarmor functions the same as normal heavy cyberarmor, but also grants you resistance to non-magical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
Cybernetic Radar $6000 A radar system gives you blindsight to a range of 120 feet.
Reinforced Skeleton $6000 A reinforced skeleton is armored and wired with metal, making it a lot more durable. A reinforced skeleton provides you with resistance to bludgeoning damage, and allows you to treat falls as 60 feet shorter for the purposes of determining falling damage.
Reinforced Vitals $6000 Reinforced vitals armor your vital organs, allowing you to take more punishment. Reinforced vitals increase your maximum hit points by 2 for every hit die you possess.
Weapon Implant $2500 A one-handed melee or ranged weapon can be implanted somewhere in your body. Implanted weapons can be extended or retracted as an action or bonus action; while retracted, a creature must actively search your body for concealed items and succeed on a Perception check opposed by your Sleight of Hand in order to find the implanted weapon.
Weapon Implant, Heavy $6000 A two-handed melee or ranged weapon can completely replace an a limb, and cannot be concealed in most circumstances. You do not need to use a hand to carry the weapon or attack with it.

Biomedical Products

Item Cost Description
Antiparalytic $80 A clear liquid that smells of mint. A creature that drinks this vial gains advantage on saving throws against paralysis effects (including poisons that confer paralysis) for 1 hour. It confers no benefits to undead or constructs.
Antipathogen $60 A chalky, foul-tasting tablet or dust that can be swallowed or can be mixed with food or drink. A creature that consumes this gains advantage on saving throws against diseases for 8 hours. It confers no benefits to undead or constructs.
Antitoxin $100 A mixture of common antidotes and treated charcoal designed to counteract a wide variety of toxins. A creature that drinks this vial of liquid gains advantage on saving throws against poisons for 1 hour. It confers no benefits to undead or constructs.
Alertness Draught $4 This viscous, sweet drink is often consumed before standing watch to promote wakefulness and vigilance. For the next 2 hours, the drinker has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks and on any saving throws to resist falling sleep, even against magically-induced sleep.
games/academy_of_magic/stores/chutojin.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/14 15:33 by wizardofaus_doku

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