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Charlemagne Luxuries

Luxury products for the fabulously wealthy.

Item Cost Description
Chest of Mockery $500 This ordinary-looking treasure chest has an ordinary lock (DC 15 to pick). However, if the lockpicking roll is failed, the chest casts Vicious Mockery. This trap cannot be disarmed, although attempts to do so will cast Vicious Mockery as well. The chest finds it all quite hilarious.
Coin-Storing Orb $500 The Coin-Storing Orb is a small 2-inch sphere with a brassy sheen and three buttons - one made of gold, one made of silver, and one made of bronze. This orb is used for storing vast amounts of coins. Once you have attuned to the orb you can use it for storing wealth. While you are attuned you may use an action to press one of the buttons, producing a effect.
• Gold Button. When you press this button you must touch a coin/pile of coins. All of the designated coins vanish and are stored in the orb.
• Silver Button. When you press this button you must state an amount of coins that are stored in the orb. These coins vanish from the orb and appear in a convenient area inside your space.
• Bronze Button. When you press this button the orb telepathically tells you how many coins are stored in the orb.
games/academy_of_magic/stores/charlemagne.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/13 00:00 by wizardofaus_doku

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