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Painter's Supplies

Painting landscapes, portraits and even more experimental subjects, you have the perfect tools to create art and express yourself.

Painter's Supplies

Painter's supplies include an easel, canvas, paints, brushes, charcoal sticks, and a palette. Painter's supplies weigh 5 lbs and cost 10 gp.

Drawing and Painting

Drawing and creating art requires that you have access to materials you wish to make your painting out of, this typically consists of paint and parchment. While most paintings or drawings don't require a massive quantity of materials, certain pieces may require you to use the bones of a dragon for pigment, or the hide of a Xorn for parchment.

When painting, drawing or creating; you must succeed on a Dexterity (Painter's Supplies) check, and you can add your proficiency bonus if applicable.

Creating Artwork

Painting and drawing can be a long process that takes dedicated hours or it can be a quick sketch that it only takes a few minutes. To create art, you must spend at least 10 minutes, or more depending on the size of the piece. A simple line art sketch may only take you 10 minutes, while a mural across the side of a building may take you several weeks. Most simple artworks that rely on a single medium to use for your drawing or paint, requires up to an hour. The more elaborate the designs, or the more materials required, the longer the piece takes to complete per the DM's discretion. Examples are given below.

Painting and drawing can be defined into 2 broad categories, process and complexity.


The process of your artwork effects the length of time to draw or paint. The process determines the amount of materials being used. There are three categories for the process of your artwork: Light, Modest or Heavy.

Light processes require at least 5 minutes to draw plus the amount of time it requires for the complexity of the artwork. A light process typically consist of a single material or color; like charcoal or a quill.

Modest processes require at least 30 minutes to draw plus the amount of time it requires for the complexity of the artwork. A modest process requires more than one type of color or material; like mixing paints and charcoal, or using multiple base colors.

Heavy processes require at least 8 hours to create plus the amount of time it requires for the complexity of the artwork. A heavy process requires different colors and/or materials, and might require rare ingredients or creating special colors. All times represent the minimum time for each process, and at the DM's discretion may take longer.


The complexity of your artwork effects the length of time to draw or paint. The complexity represents the size and detail of your creations. There are three categories for the complexity of your artwork: Simple, Moderate, Intricate.

Simple artworks require at least 5 minutes to create plus the amount of time it requires for the process of the artwork. A simple artwork could be a line drawing of a face, a rough sketch of the countryside or purposeful doodles. Most simple artworks take up a small piece of parchment or vellum.

Moderate artworks require at least 30 minutes to create plus the amount of time it requires for the process of the artwork. A moderate artwork could be a careful sketch of someone's figure, a simple scenic view or drawing out a detailed layout of a building. Most moderate artworks take up multiple pieces of parchment or on canvas.

Intricate artworks require at least 8 hours to create plus the amount of time it requires for the process of the artwork. An intricate artwork could be a family portrait, an intricate landscape or anything that requires absolute skill and mastery. Intricate artworks might take up an entire wall on the side of a building, or a painting with lots of small details or even a hidden code.

All times represent the minimum time to create artwork of its complexity, and at the DM's discretion may take longer.

Creating the Art

After the artwork is completed or 8 hours of work has been finished, whichever comes first, the artist must succeed on a Dexterity (Painter's Supplies) check, adding their proficiency bonus if they are proficient in the tool. If they succeed, they make progress on their creation or the artwork is finished and accurately communicates their ideas, on a fail they make no progress on their creation or they realize that there is a flaw in the artwork or it expresses the wrong ideas.

The DC for creating a piece of art is dependent on the Process and Complexity of the artwork, DC starts at 8 plus the process and complexity bonuses. A Light process adds +1, Modest +3, and Heavy +6. A Simple complexity adds +1, Moderate +3, and Intricate +6. The DM may decide that using certain materials or sizes may raise or lower the DC.


Artwork can be crafted in a variety of materials, and they each have a cost. To create art, you must have the required materials on hand. Certain exotic materials may not be available in your location and may require you to go to strange locales or hunt monsters, per the DM's discretion. The following materials represent examples of common crafting base materials and an average cost.


Material Cost Weight Rarity
Book 25 gp 5 lbs Common
Chalk 1 cp - Common
Ink (1 ounce bottle) 10 gp - Common
Ink Pen 2 cp - Common
Parchment 2 cp - Common

Example Artworks

Type Materials Complexity Process Time to Craft DC Number of Checks
Sketch Charcoal Simple Light 10 minutes 10 1
Royal Portrait Multiple Specialty Colors Intricate Heavy 16 hours 20 2
Landscape Various Color Moderate Modest 1 Hour 14 1
Sketch on a Wall Charcoal Intricate Light 8 hours 15 1
arcydea/equipment/tools/painter.txt · Last modified: 2023/07/14 16:26 by wizardofaus_doku

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