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Healer's Kit

Potions, spells and other magical items are all well and good, but sometimes you just need some good old fashioned healing. By slapping on a bandage or administering a good shot, you can patch up your team without ever having to ask a god for permission.

Healer's Kit

The following text replaces the text found on pg. 151 of the Player's Handbook.

This kit is a leather pouch containing bandages, salves, antidotes, chemicals, needles, and splints. Healer's Kit can now be taken as a tool proficiency, and proficiency with this kit allows you to add your proficiency bonus to any Medicine (Wisdom) checks if you aren't already proficient in the Medicine skill, but only when using this tool.

This kit costs 10 gp and weighs 5 lbs, each kit has 10 uses before the supplies must be replaced.


When it comes to administering medicines, you must learn the proper Procedures for administering your Healer's Kit. By following the Procedures, you can expend a number of uses of the Healer's Kit to provide an effect to a targeted creature. When you expend a use of the Healer's Kit you must roll a Medicine (Wisdom) check against the DC.

You must have proficiency in the Healer's Kit to perform these Procedures and you must know the Procedures. Most adventurers start out only knowing three Procedures, but they can learn more by meeting with local healers, hospitals or by finding books on health and wellness.

Performing a Procedure

When you perform a Procedure, you must have enough uses in your kit to perform the Procedure and the uses can not be from different Healer's Kits if you have more than one. You can use a short or long rest to organize your Healer's Kits and combine them together.

Upon selecting the Procedure you wish to perform, you must roll a Medicine (Wisdom) check versus the DC of the Procedure. On a success or failure, you expend the uses of your Healer's Kit. If the check is a success, the effect starts immediately. On a fail, nothing happens.

Creatures can only benefit from one Procedure per short or long rest. Any creature you wish to perform a Procedure on, including yourself, must be a living creature as Procedures have no effect on Undead or Constructs. If you fail a Procedure, the target creature can not be attempted on again until they finish a short or long rest.

Some Procedures can be augmented to have a longer or stronger effect, these are known as Advanced Procedures and they typically have a higher DC. If you attempt an Advanced Procedure and fail the check, the Procedure is a failure, even if you would normally pass the Medicine (Wisdom) check for the non-advanced Procedure.

Healer Feat

Some Procedures have additional effects that are unlocked if you take the Healer feat found on pg 167 of the Player's Handbook.

Furthermore, creatures under your care can now gain the benefits of two effects from your Procedures, but the effects can not stack. If a creature is already under the effect of one, the new effect replaces the old.


Basic Stabilization

As an action, you can expend one use of the kit to stabilize a creature that has 0 hit points. If starting with only three Procedures known (see Procedures), this does not count against the number you know.

  • Action Required: Action
  • Healer's Kit DC: None
  • Uses Expended: 1
  • Healer's Feat: Revived with 1 HP
  • Special: A creature can benefit from this an unlimited number of times between a short or long rest.

Simple Health Check Up

As an action, you spend one use of the kit to tend to a creature and restore 1d6 + 4 hit points to it. You can only benefit from this effect once per long rest. If starting with only three Procedures known (see Procedures), this does not count against the number you know.

  • Action Required: Action
  • Healer's Kit DC: None
  • Uses Expended: 1
  • Healer's Feat: Restore an additional number of hit points equal to the creature's maximum hit dice

Awakened Mind

As an action, you can expend three uses of your Healer's Kit and give a shot to one willing creature, giving them enhanced mental acuity. The target creature gains advantage on all Intelligence checks for 10 minutes.

  • Action Required: Action
  • Healer's Kit DC: 12
  • Uses Expended: 3
  • Healer's Feat: The duration is extended to 1 hour

Cure Disease or Poison

As an action, you can expend two uses of the Kit to neutralize a known poison or disease afflicting a creature. If the target is affected by multiple known diseases, you choose which effect to end. If you do not know what poison or disease is afflicting the creature, any expended uses automatically fail.

  • Action Required: Action
  • Healer's Kit DC: 13
  • Uses Expended: 2
  • Healer's Feat: The DC is lowered by 3
  • Advanced Procedures: By increasing the number of uses expended (by 2), you can attempt to neutralize multiple

poisons or diseases afflicting the target creature. For every extra two uses you expend, you can neutralize an additional poison or disease, and the DC is increased by 1. Example: 10 Uses Expended (max) will neutralize 5 different poisons or diseases and the Healer's Kit DC is 18 (DC 15 for Healer's Feat).

Adrenaline Injections

As a bonus action, you pump a cocktail of chemicals into one willing creature, giving them a boost to their speed. By expending two uses of the kit, you grant the creature an additional action they can take on their next turn. If the creature takes the attack action and they have Extra Attack, they can only make one more additional attack. If the creature does not utilize their additional Action by the end of their turn, it is lost. You can benefit from the effects of this once per long rest.

  • Action Required: Bonus Action
  • Healer's Kit DC: 13
  • Uses Expended: 2
  • Healer's Feat: Uses expended reduced by half
  • Advanced Procedures: By increasing the number of uses expended by 2, you can increase the number of rounds the

effect lasts. The maximum number of rounds the effect can be increased by is equal to your Wisdom modifier. The DC for this check increases by 1 for each additional round you add on to this effect. Example: 5 Rounds (max) of effect increases the DC to 18 and requires 10 Uses (5 Uses for Healer's Feat)

Improved Ability

As an action, you can expend a use of the Kit and apply a potent paste on to their skin. On the target's next ability check made in the next minute after application, they add a d4 to the check as they feel their senses come alive. The effect then fades.

  • Action Required: Action
  • Healer's Kit DC: 10
  • Uses Expended: 1
  • Healer's Feat: The d4 is increased to a d8
  • Advanced Procedures: By expending additional uses of the Healer's Kit, they can have the effect last longer by a number of minutes equal the expended uses. The DC increases by 1 per use expended. Example: By expending 10 uses (max), the target adds the d4 to their next ability check that happens in 10 minutes, the DC is 20. (d8 for Healer's Feat)

Pre-emptive Painkillers

As a bonus action, you can expend two uses of the Healer's Kit and give one willing creature a painkiller, granting them Resistance on the next attack that hits them. This effect lasts until the creature is hit or 1 hour passes, whichever comes first.

  • Action Required: Bonus Action
  • Healer's Kit DC: 14
  • Uses Expended: 2
  • Healer's Feat: Uses expended is reduced by 1
  • Advanced Procedures: By expending 2 more uses, you can give the target creature Resistance to the next two attacks that hit them. This increases the DC to 18 (2 uses for Healer's Feat)

Healthy Living

As an action, you can expend five uses of your Healer's Kit to buff up a target creature. The target creature gains 5 temporary hit points that last until they take a short or long rest.

  • Action Required: Action
  • Healer's Kit DC: 12
  • Uses Expended: 5
  • Healer's Feat: The target gains temporary hit points equal to 5 + your Wisdom modifier
  • Advanced Procedures: By expending an additional 5 uses, you can grant the target creature 12 temporary hit points, this increases the DC to 17. (12 + your Wisdom modifier for Healer's Feat)

Calming Balm

As an action, you can expend a use of your Healer's Kit to calm a creature's emotions by applying a soothing balm to their neck. If they are an unwilling creature, they must succeed on a Charisma save against your Healer's Kit Save DC (8 + Wisdom Modifier + Proficiency Bonus) or find that their emotions have been calmed for 1 minute. This means that if a creature feels strongly towards you, they become indifferent (Up to GM discretion). A creature can choose to fail the save if they so choose. This balm does not work on calming emotions that have been affected by magical effects, like Charm Person.

  • Action Required: Action
  • Healer's Kit DC: 12
  • Uses Expended: 1
  • Healer's Feat: An additional minute

Healer's Delight

By taking ten minutes, you expend a number of uses equal to your Wisdom Score from multiple Healer's Kits. You then heal a number of hit points equal to your Wisdom Score and you can divide those hit points between a number of creatures equal to your Wisdom modifier. This means that if you have a 17 in Wisdom, you heal 17 Hit Points divided up between 3 creatures (minimum 1 creature). Creatures can benefit from this effect once per long rest.

  • Action Required: 10 Minutes
  • Healer's Kit DC: 10 + Your Wisdom Modifier (If Wisdom is 17, DC is 13)
  • Uses Expended: Equal to Your Wisdom Score (from multiple Healer's Kits)
  • Healer's Feat: Uses Expended is halved (rounded down)
  • Advanced Procedures: By working with such potent medicinal salves, you gain some fringe benefits of the healing and gain a number of Temporary Hit Points equal to half your Wisdom Score (rounded down), the DC for this Advanced Procedure is 10 + (Wisdom Modifier x 2). Example: If your Wisdom Score is 17, you can expend 17 uses of multiple Healer's Kits and divide 17 hit points of healing between up to 3 creatures and you gain 8 Temporary Hit Points, DC 16 (8 uses for Healer's Feat).
arcydea/equipment/tools/healer.txt · Last modified: 2023/07/14 16:00 by wizardofaus_doku

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