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Fishing Tackle

Fish are an important aspect of the common diet in most villages and cities. Most fishers rely on large nets and tidewater traps to catch the fish, though a growing trend among the leisure class is to take poles and lures to try their hand at the profession.

Fishing Tackle

Fishing tackle includes a medium-firm rod, silken line, corkwood bobbers, steel hooks, lead sinkers, velvet mundane lures, and narrow netting.

Fishing tackle weighs 4 lbs and costs 1 gp.


Fishing can be as simple as setting up fishing traps, like nets, to catch fish as the tide comes and goes, or they might use spears to hunt individual fish or spend leisure time with a fishing pole. During a short rest, a fisher, who is near a source of water with fish in it, can catch enough fish to feed one meal for a number of medium-sized creatures equal to their proficiency bonus times two. This does not require a check and doesn't cost anything.

Typically, enough fish to feed a medium-sized creature for a single meal can be sold for 1 sp.

Specialty Fishing

For those who are wishing to fish as more of a sport than as a profession, they'll often take up fishing with a pole and lure. Due to how long this method of fishing takes, most fishers never use them; instead, they prefer fishing traps like nets.

Specialty fishing requires more preparation than a typical fishing expedition and is about more than just catching enough fish to feed yourself and your allies. Instead, specialty fishing revolves around the fisher attempting to hunt a specific type of fish, looking for an exceptional-sized fish, taking part in a fishing competition, or a special event where the outcome is based on showing off your skill as a fisher, not on feeding a group. These types of events often require the use of a fishing pole instead of a net or spear.

Fishing Check

When you go on a specialty fishing expedition, you must make a Fishing Check to determine how well you do at the task. You use your Wisdom whenever you recall information about fishing, attempt to craft new lures or rods for fishing, and when making an ability check to hunt fish.

Fishing Check = your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier

Fishing Poles

One way of fishing is using a wooden rod with a line that ends with a hook. A fishing pole can be made of a variety of materials of different sizes and lengths, with different effects on the DC of your fishing check as well as the likelihood of your fishing rod or line breaking in the attempt.


There are three types of flexibility for rods as well as three lengths, with each factor dictating the maximum weight of a catch as well as how easy it is to use the rod. When determining what rod you want to use, it is a careful balance of adjusting the DC and ensuring your rod is strong enough to catch what you want. Depending on what you are fishing for, each rod has a chance to break upon its use. A fish's statistics dictate when and how many Break checks you must make, as well as the difficulty of that check. When determining the fishing rod you want, pick one from each chart below. A typical fishing rod, unless made of special materials like mithral, costs only 1 sp each regardless of the size or thickness.


Flexibility determines how much give a rod has. A fishing rod that is lighter and bends easier allows you to notice when you are getting even just a few small nibbles on your hook. A stiffer rod is going to be heavier and harder to move about while fighting a fish, but offers greater durability, especially when reeling in dire bass or even sharks. The size of the fish determines how likely a fishing rod is to break.

Flexibility DC Adjustment Break Tiny Break Small Break Medium Break Large Break Huge
Mild -3 +1 +2 +2 +3 +4
Firm 0 - +1 +2 +2 +3
Stiff +3 - - +1 +2 +2


Length dictates the distance that you can cast your line, as well as the difficulty of moving your fishing rod when you cast and when you reel in fish. A shorter rod doesn't provide as much leverage to throw your line but does allow you to easily move the rod about and grab any nibbling fish. When you use a longer rod, it weighs more but gives you greater leverage to send your lure more than a hundred feet away.

Length DC Adjustment Distance
Short -3 Near; up to 50 feet
Medium 0 Further; up to 100 feet
Long +3 Far; beyond 100 feet

Special materials, like adamantine, might decrease the break chance while increasing the DC of the Fishing Check.


Lines are used for connecting the fishing rod to the lure and come in a variety of materials, though the most common is a thin silken line. The type of line you use affects the overall size of creatures you can reel in, though as you get stronger material, the cost for it increase as does the difficulty of using it. If you attempt to use a line for a creature larger than it is rated for, it breaks.

The length of line you need is based on the size of the fishing rod you are using. If you only have a short amount of line on a long rod, you would be limited to only near fishing instead of further or far.

Line Cost Near Cost Further Cost Far DC Adjust. Max. Size
Silken Strand 3 sp 4 sp 6 sp - Small
Silk, Braided 1.5 gp 2 gp 3 gp +1 Medium
Mithril Chain 30 gp 40 gp 50 gp +2 Large
Mithril, Braided 50 gp 70 gp 90 gp +3 Huge

Different materials may have different effects if made into line, like adamantine line might be impervious to snapping, though that won't help if your fishing rod snaps instead.


There are a huge variety of fishing lures available, some hide hooks within pieces of vegetation while others are wooden shapes that resemble small minnows. Each lure is said to attract different fish, and if you have the wrong lure you may be unable to catch what you are hoping for.

Most fish can just be caught with the usual hooks and bait that comes with fishing tackle, though specific types of fish may require different lures as determined in their statistics. A few specialized lures are detailed below.

If your line or rod breaks, the lure is lost unless you can find it either in a fish's mouth or stomach, or on the bottom of the waterway you are fishing in.

Alluring Lure

  • Very Rare lure; Cost 5,200 gp
  • This lure has been the target of an antipathy/sympathy spell, luring in either a specific type of fish or just a general pull for all fish. For mundane fishing, this increases the number of fish you can catch, doubling how much food you can normally catch during a short rest. For specialty hunting, you gain advantage on all Fishing Checks to hunt for a specific fish. This lure loses its properties after 10 days.

Fluttering Lure

  • Uncommon lure; Cost 50 gp
  • This lure is made of heavy lead with several hooks hidden by flowing colorful silk. You gain advantage on the first Fishing Check to lure in a fish.

Trapped Lure

  • Uncommon lure; Cost 75 gp
  • This lure has one large hook with multiple smaller hooks of different sizes around it. These tiny hooks are baited with small pieces of worm or meat and are designed to hook tiny fish. Once the tiny fish are hooked, they then act as bait for larger fish who get hooked on bigger hooks, who then act as bait for a truly massive fish who gets hooked on the main large hook. This doubles the time it takes to catch a larger fish and when you determine the size of the fish you caught, you can roll their size dice twice and take the higher result.

Fish Statistics

A typical tiny-sized fish doesn't require much effort for someone proficient in fishing tackle. The following fish are atypical and only experienced fishers have any chance.

Explanation of Statistics

  • Rarity: How hard it is to find this fish and the chance you lure in the right fish; Time to Lure: How long it takes to try and lure in a fish of this type; competitions have a time limit.
  • Size: General size of a fish and the typical range in inches or feet that a fish might be. For competitions, the largest of a specific type of fish wins.
  • Luring DC: The difficulty of the Fishing Check to lure a fish in with certain rods, lines, and lures granting a bonus or penalty to this check.
  • Fishing DC: Once you have a fish on the line, the difficulty of reeling it in; Number Required: How many checks you must succeed on to haul the fish in.
  • Break: Roll a d20, if you roll the number or lower of the Break the fish snaps your rod, this number is affected by the flexibility of your rod; Number of Chances: How many times you must make the check to see if your rod breaks, this happens in between Fishing Checks to reel in the fish.
  • Location: How far away from shore this fish is generally found, which dictates the length of rod and line you need.
  • Lure: If the fish requires a special lure, it is listed here.

Sea Bass

  • Rarity Common, 90%; Time to Lure 1d4 minutes
  • Size Tiny; 1d12+12 inches
  • Luring DC 8
  • Fishing DC 8, Number Required 1
  • Location Near, Different Species in Any Water

Dire Bass

  • Rarity Common, 75%; Time to Lure 1d10 minutes
  • Size Small; 2d12+17 inches
  • Luring DC 8
  • Fishing DC 10, Number Required 2
  • Break 1, Number of Chances 1
  • Location Near, Different Species in Any Water
  • Lure Smaller, living fish; increases your chance to catch this fish by 10%

Dolphin / Small Sharks

  • Rarity Uncommon, 30%; Time to Lure 1d4 hours
  • Size Medium; 3d20+60 inches
  • Luring DC 10
  • Fishing DC 13, Number Required 3
  • Break 2, Number of Chances 2
  • Location Further, Ocean Only

Large Sharks

  • Rarity Uncommon, 30%; Time to Lure 1d8 hours
  • Size Large; 1d100+96 inches
  • Luring DC 13
  • Fishing DC 15, Number Required 4
  • Break 2, Number of Chances 3
  • Location Far, Ocean Only

Dire Sharks

  • Rarity Rare, 10%; Time to Lure 1d10 hours
  • Size Huge; 2d100+96 inches
  • Luring DC 15
  • Fishing DC 18, Number Required 5
  • Break 3, Number of Chances 4
  • Location Far, Ocean Only
  • Lure Bloody meat worth 15 gp, increases your chance to catch this fish by 10%

Suggestions for Expanding Table

arcydea/equipment/tools/fishing.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/30 10:19 by wizardofaus_doku

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