Table of Contents

Communications and Interfaces

Secure and reliable communications are the key to any venture – business, military or personal.

Cable Jack

This basic communications system is simply a plug for a fiber-optic optical cable. These are the backbone of many planetary communication networks. Optical cable provides a high-bandwidth data link for computers and other electronic gadgets.

Cable Jack: A socket and cable for plugging into other cable jack-equipped gadgets or into a building’s network. It can be added to any gadget with greater than negligible weight. $5, negligible weight. The standard cable jack used in 2155 is known as a UDT (universal data transfer) jack, and is capable of transferring information as well as electrical power.

Optical Cable: Fiber-optic cable costs $0.10 and weighs 0.01 pounds per yard. It comes in various lengths. Use Electronics Repair (Communications) skill to lay or install datacable networks. See also Networks.


Communicators send and receive voice transmissions. If connected to a terminal or a computer, they can exchange text, video, or data.

Most communicators only send and receive to others of the same type (e.g., radio to radio) or to individuals with an appropriate Telecommunication advantage, except as described under Plug-In Gadgets. There are a few exceptions: laser retinal imaging and neural communicators can beam signals to anyone.

All communicators use Electronics Operation (Comm) skill to operate and Electronics Repair (Comm) skill for servicing and repairs. No roll is required for operation under normal circumstances (unless the user is unskilled).

Communicators are either broadcast or directional. Broadcast (omnidirectional) signals can be picked up by every communicator tuned to the same frequency within range. Directional signals are beamed toward a particular target, and unless noted, are limited by line of sight; terrain and the curve of the horizon block the beam. To overcome line-of-sight restrictions, relay stations may be used. If the communicator has enough range (usually a few hundred miles), the relays may be orbital satellites. Communicator ranges are given in yards or miles.

Interplanetary comm ranges are measured in astronomical units (AU), which are multiples of the average distance from Earth to the Sun (93 million miles). Interstellar ranges are in parsecs (3.26 light years, 206,000 AU, or 19.2 trillion miles).

Comm signals can propagate beyond the listed “effective” range, but these are more difficult to pick up. To extend range, the operator may make an Electronics Operation (Communications) roll at -1 per 10% added to range, to a maximum extension of 100%.

Communicator signals usually travel at the speed of light (186,000 miles per second). This is effectively instantaneous for planetary communications, but across space, the time lag between sending a message and receiving a reply may be significant. A light-speed message crosses one AU in approximately 500 seconds.

When transmitting large files, the data transfer rate of a communicator is important. Data transfer rates are specified for different communication systems. Repeating the same data several times takes longer, lowering the effective data transfer rate (“bandwidth”), but gives a significant boost to range: 1/4 speed doubles the range; 1/100 speed multiplies the range by 10, and 1/10,000 speed multiplies the range by 100. This technique is commonly used for deep-space transmissions.

All ultra-tech communicators (except neurocomms) are routinely equipped with encryption systems; see Encryption.

Standard Comm Sizes

Communicators are available in standard sizes:

Micro: These “comm dots” are too small for humans to use directly, but they’re built into many electronic devices that share data with each other. The short range makes detection unlikely. Not all comms have a micro-sized version.

Tiny: This button-sized communicator may be wristmounted (with a video display), worn as a voice-activated badge or ear piece, or built into many other devices such as helmets.

Small: Available as a palm-sized handset, or built into powered armor helmets or vehicles. It has a small video display.

Medium: This hefty communicator is usually worn on a shoulder strap or backpack, or built into vehicles. It has a video display.

Large: A vehicle-mounted unit, often with a sizable antenna.

Very Large: A room-sized installation, often with a large antenna, used for dedicated communications relay stations or spacecraft.

Communicators with Different Ranges

The relative size of a comm – micro, tiny, small, medium, large, or very large – determines its range. Not all comms come in all sizes. The listed range for a given size assumes that both transmitter and receiver are that size. If they differ, use the range given for the smaller comm modified for the size of the larger ones as follows:

Size Difference Modified Range
One size greater 3x shorter range
Two sizes greater 10x shorter range
Three sizes greater 30x shorter range
Four sizes greater 100x shorter range

etc. etc.

Example: We want to see whether a medium radio (with a 100-mile range) can be picked up by a tiny radio (one mile range). We use the shorter of the two ranges (one mile) x 10 (medium radio is two sizes greater) = a 10-mile range. As long as both radios are within 10 miles of each other, they can talk without a skill roll being required to extend range.


The next evolution of the personal communicator, this device consists of a tiny computer with the compact and slow options, a data player, a GPS receiver, and a network-only radio microcomm and tiny radio receiver. They’re so small, they usually come as a medallion, wristband, or badge with “stick pad“ backing (see Gecko Adhesive Technology, p. 6). Comphones have a tiny screen and some buttons, but their main interface is voice or an external input. $15, 0.08 lbs., 2A/16 hrs. LC4.

A more expensive version with a real datapad, full tiny radio, and a regular computer: $100, 0.2 lbs., 2B/48 hrs. LC4.

At TL10, comphones include a laser microcomm to access a building’s internal network at maximum bandwidth. The expensive version also includes an inertial compass. Cheap TL10 comphone: $35, 0.08 lbs., 2A/16 hrs. LC4. Expensive TL10 comphone: $150, 0.2 lbs., B/24 hrs. LC4.


This earplug contains a radio microcomm (Ultra-Tech, p. 43) with a deliberately shorter range (10 yards), a speaker, and a filtered external pickup that gives +1 to resist loud noises. Used as a headset for a comphone or data player. Double cost for two connected by a short length of optical cable. $2, neg., non-rechargeable AA/2000 hrs. LC4.

Vid Glasses

Tough sunglasses incorporate a HUD (Ultra-Tech, p. 24), earbuds (above), and the same camera as a flatcam (UltraTech, p. 51). A cheaper alternative to “night shades.” Provides DR 2 to eyes. $60, 0.1 lbs., A/10 hrs. LC4.

Smart Tag

Similar to an RFID chip, a smart tag is a tiny radio transmitter that can operate for long periods of time to broadcast simple information. It can't receive information wirelessly, but some limited interactivity is possible by pre-programming in responses, e.g. showing several different phone numbers when different buttons are pressed (this is done by transmitting all the information to the user at once; the buttons are just an interface). Smart tags are used for many purposes, including advertising, automated tourism information, product information, digital graffiti, or even friend-foe identification. Other computers pick up the signal and present it to the user. Smart tags are often configured for people using a HUD, transmitting a 3D image to provide a floating “hologram” that might be animated or have audio or any other kind of sensory information. The content of the transmission has to be set while the chip is in a chip drive or physically in contact with another computer. An integral AA cell allows for 40 days of continuous broadcasting. The cell can't be removed but can be recharged by short-range beamed power. Transmission range is 200 yards at TL9. Range is double at TL10, five times at TL11, and ten times at TL12. $2, neg., AA/1000hr. LC4.

Subvocal Microphone

Subvocalisation is the act of talking “inside one's head”, which produces detectable nerve impulses in the throat muscles. A subvocal microphone is a small adhesive pad that works similarly to an electroencephalogram or neural input pad, detecting the electrical impulses from the throat during subvocalisation and converting them into speech or text. This allows a person wearing a subvocal microphone to “talk” into a radio, computer or other audio device silently. Combined with a speaker worn on the body they are also used for people who cannot speak because of an injury or disability, such as someone who has had a tracheotomy. (This negates Cannot Speak for any creature whose racial template does not have the disadvantage.) They're also extremely useful for covert operations. They can be built into any clothing, armour or jewellery that is worn directly against the neck, such as neck ties, scarves, collars or chokers. $25, 0.05lb, AA/1000hr. LC4.

Tympanic Speaker

A tiny sonic projector and radio microcomm attached to a gecko adhesive pad, about the size and weight of a British five pence coin (or an American dime). It is usually attached to the skin behind the ear where it can beam sound signals directly into the inner ear via the skull, avoiding any loss or leakage of clarity, quality or volume. If desired, tympanic speakers can cancel out external sounds (giving Deafness to external sounds), decrease their volume (giving Bad Hearing to external sounds but allowing you to ignore any effects of loud environments), increase their volume (temporarily removing Bad Hearing if you already have it), or place a limit on the volume of sounds (giving Protected Hearing). They are often used as discreet hearing aids or earphones for music or media players, but also come in handy as communication gear for military and intelligence operatives, as no external sound is produced. $15, 0.0075lbs, 6AA/30hr.

IR Communicators

An “IR comm” is an infrared directional communicator similar to a TV remote. Its beam scatters somewhat and can bounce off solid objects. Make an Electronics Operation (Communications) roll to take advantage of this (e.g., trying to communicate round a corner by bouncing a signal off a wall). Roll vs. Electronics Operation (EW) to eavesdrop on another IR communicator’s beam if you are within a few degrees of the beam path. The data transfer rate is 10 GB/minute.

The beam is invisible, but infrared or hyperspectral vision can see it at up to double its range if it is aimed directly at the observer, or in dust or fog.

Large: 50-mile range. $2,000, 50 lbs., 2D/10 hr. LC3.

Medium: 5-mile range. $500, 5 lbs., 2C/10 hr. LC4.

Small: 1000-yard range. $100, 0.5 lbs., 2B/10 hr. LC4.

Tiny: 100-yard range. $20, 0.05 lbs., 2A/10 hr. LC4.

Micro: 10-yard range. $5, neg., AA/100 hr. LC4.

Laser Communicators

“Laser comms” use a modulated multi-frequency laser beam to transmit a highly-directional signal. The narrow beam and line-of-sight requirement makes it hard to eavesdrop on a laser comm signal; someone must be in the direct path of the beam to intercept it. The beam is invisible and eye-safe, and tunes itself automatically to penetrate snow, fog, etc. Laser comms may be tuned to use blue-green frequencies to reach underwater. The signal range is 1% of normal underwater, with a maximum range of 200 yards.

Due to their range and directionality, laser comms are favored by soldiers and adventurers for secure line of sight communication. All incorporate gyrostabilized tracking systems to help maintain communications. They’re also often installed on building rooftops or pylons for secure comm links; such “free space optics” can be a cheaper solution than stringing fiber optics. The data transfer rate is 1 TB per minute.

Very Large: 100,000-mile range. $40,000, 400 lbs., external power. LC3.

Large: 10,000-mile range. $10,000, 50 lbs., 2D/10 hr. LC3.

Medium: 1,000-mile range. $2,000, 5 lbs., 2C/10 hr. LC4.

Small: 100-mile range. $400, 0.5 lbs., 2B/10 hr. LC4.

Tiny: 10-mile range. $100, 0.05 lbs., 2A/10 hr. LC4.

Micro: 2,000-yard range, but usually broadcasts at lower output with a range of 10 to 20 yards. $20, neg., AA/100 hr. LC4.

Laser-Retinal Imaging

Any laser communicator with this hardware upgrade may beam graphics or text files directly into the retina of a single eye. It’s tricky to aim; treat as a ranged-weapon attack aimed at the eye (-9 to hit), but assume the laser has Acc 12, or Acc 18 if mounted on a tripod or vehicle. Roll Electronics Operation (Communications) to hit. If the subject is standing still or walking slowly, the laser can continue to track once a hit is achieved (i.e., no further rolls are required).

The subject doesn’t need a communicator to receive a signal, making this a good way to send covert messages over a few miles. However, he can interrupt a retina message by closing his eyes or turning his head. Glare-resistant optics will also filter out a message.

Another disadvantage is that the laser can only send images. It can flicker several hundred images per second, but most subjects would only see a blur at that speed – the subject’s comprehension limits the data-transfer rate.

Sending text limits the transmission to the subject’s reading speed (which the sender must estimate!). Since the transmission is one-way, the sender may have no idea whether the subject read the information.

Fitting a laser comm with the computer chips for laser-retinal imaging costs $1,000, but adds no weight. LC3.

Radio Communicators

These broadcast communicators use radio waves. All incorporate spread-spectrum technology in which communications clarity and reliability is improved by spreading the signal over a range of frequencies. The frequency hopping also keeps the transmitter from being “bright” in any given frequency, making it very hard to detect.

Radio range may drop by a factor of 10 in urban environments or underground. The data transfer rate is 0.1 GB per minute, but range drops significantly (divide by 10) when transmitting real-time audio-visual signals.

Very Large: 20,000-mile range. $20,000, 400 lbs., external power. LC3.

Large: 2,000-mile range. $4,000, 50 lbs., 2D/10 hr. LC3.

Medium: 200-mile range. $1,000, 5 lbs., 2C/10 hr. LC3.

Small: 20-mile range. $200, 0.5 lbs., 2B/10 hr. LC4.

Tiny: 2-mile range. $50, 0.05 lbs., 2A/10 hr. LC4.

Micro: 400-yard range, but usually broadcasts at lower output with a range of two to four yards. $10, neg., AA/100 hr. LC4.

Sonar Communicator

This uses a modulated sound beam for broadcast communication. It travels at the speed of sound: almost a mile per second underwater or 0.2 miles per second in air (at sea level). A sonar comm is designed for underwater operation, but ultra-tech models are also tunable to operate in air – if one is so used, it has 1% of the listed range multiplied by the air pressure in atmospheres. Sonar communicators do not work in vacuum. The data transfer rate is very slow: 0.1 MB/minute.

Its signals can be detected (but not understood!) at twice the comm range by passive sonars, or by anyone with Ultrahearing or Vibration Sense advantages. The only way to jam the signal is with powerful, specialized sonar jammers – but underwater explosions cause transient interference.

Large: 600-mile range. $5,000, 50 lbs., 2D/10 hr. LC3.

Medium: 60-mile range. $1,000, 5 lbs., 2C/10 hr. LC3.

Small: 6-mile range. $200, 0.5 lbs., 2B/10 hr. LC4.

Tiny: 1,200-yard range. $40, 0.05 lbs., 2A/10 hr. LC4.

Micro: 120-yard range. $10, neg., AA/100 hr. LC4.

Receive-Only or Transmit-Only Comms

Most communicators are available as cheaper, lighter, receive-only or transmit-only designs. (Sonic comms are not.)

Receiver: This is 20% of a two-way comm’s weight and 10% of its cost. Its power cell is one size smaller, so a C cell would be replaced by a B cell. A micro comm would operate 10 times as long on its AA cell.

Transmitter: This is 80% of a two-way comm’s weight and 90% of its cost.


Secure data transmission is vital in a modern society. Messages, electronic mail, and signals may be routinely encrypted to ensure their security.

Encryption Systems

Encryption systems use mathematical formulas (“keys”) to conceal (encrypt) a signal into seemingly-random gibberish. If the recipient has the key, his system will decrypt the message, transforming it back to meaningful information.

The most common encryption systems are “public-key” systems. The encryption key is publicly distributed, and can used by anyone to encrypt a message sent to its owner. The only way to decrypt that message is with a private decryption key, which is securely stored in the owner’s computer or communicator. Cracking public keys involves factoring very large numbers and thus very capable computers; successful use of Cryptography skill represents the use of various hacks and short-cuts.

Ordinary encryption systems use mathematical keys based on pseudo-random numbers. They are rated for the Complexity of computer that will take a hour per attempt to crack them. They come in two levels, basic and secure.

Basic Encryption: This is defined as whatever encryption standard is complex enough to be reasonably secure, but not so complex that it slows down operations by taking up excessive bandwidth or computer processing time. A Complexity 10 computer may attempt to break this encryption once per hour. This standard is adequate for business transactions and personal privacy. It can be built into all communicators and computers at no extra cost, although some societies may restrict encryption to the government. LC4.

Secure Encryption: A more complicated system, often used to secure classified government or military information. There may be a delay of one or two seconds as messages are sent or data is processed. This standard is often subject to legal restrictions. Breaking it in an hour requires a Complexity 12 computer. A secure encryption chip for a computer or comm is $500; neg. weight. The chip also lets the system generate or encrypt one-time pads (below). LC2.

Cryptography skill is used to crack encryption systems. Rather than the modifiers on p. B186 (which are for manually-devised codes rather than mathematical ciphers), apply modifiers for the quality of the decryption program and for the time spent (p. B346) relative to the base time (see above).

The encryption standard specifies the Complexity of computer required to make an hourly attempt at decrypting it. A higher-Complexity computer reduces the time by a factor of 10 per +1 level over it (six minutes for +1, 36 seconds for +2, three seconds for +3, or in real time as the message arrives for +4 or more). Using a computer of lower Complexity multiplies the time by 10 for each -1 Complexity (10 hours, 100 hours, 1,000 hours, etc.).

Decryption Program: Contains a database of hacks and shortcuts. Gives a +1 (quality) bonus to Cryptography skill. Complexity 2, $500. LC3.

Quantum Computers: A quantum computer adds +5 to its Complexity for the purpose of decryption. Also, if the quantum computer is of lower Complexity than the encryption, each -1 under triples the time required (3 hours, 10 hours, 30 hours, etc.) rather than causing a 10-fold increase.

One-Time Pads

There is one way to ensure that an encrypted message is not broken: the “one-time pad” system. The message is encrypted using a completely random key that is only used once. Unlike public-key encryption, the encryption and decryption keys are the same. Thus, both the sender and recipient must already have the key. To use one-time pads, one or more of them are generated and passed to the parties who wish to use them to communicate (e.g., before sending a spy on a mission). That way, the only signal that need be sent is something like “use pad #231.”

One-time pads are only for data transmission. The key must be at least as long as the message it encodes (i.e., it takes up as much bandwidth). Secure encryption systems have hardware-based random number generators that use electrical or atmospheric noise or nuclear particle decay to generate the true random numbers suitable for one-time pads.

The other disadvantage of one-time pads is that safe delivery often requires a physical courier or advance arrangement – transmitting them as public key-encrypted messages risks someone decrypting them, which defeats the entire point. Delivery and retrieval of disks containing a one-time pad are an opportunity for adventure. However, a faster alternative is to use quantum communications to transmit a one-time pad key, since any eavesdropper on a quantum channel would be detected.

Quantum Communications

In quantum theory, certain pairs of physical properties are complementary, in that measuring one property necessarily disturbs the other. By using quantum phenomena to carry information, a communication system can be designed which always detects eavesdropping. A laser communicator, neutrino comm, or optical cable can have a quantum channel option. Laser or neutrino comm range is 10% of normal when using it. If both sender and receiver use quantum channels, the result is highly secure: If anything intercepts the signal, the users are alerted instantly. Multiply the cost of a laser or neutrino comm with a quantum channel by 10; multiply the cost of optical fiber systems by 100. LC3.


Fast, accurate language translation is important in any multilingual society. Advanced computers and artificial intelligence can put a skilled translator in everybody’s pocket.

Translator Program

This computer program translates conversation from one language into another in real time. It can be used with any computer with an appropriate interface. Spoken languages require a microphone or speaker, whether built-in or provided by a linked communicator. Some users speak into their communicators (or use a neural interface) and let the computer’s speaker talk for them.

Each translation (e.g., English-Portuguese) is a separate program. The program’s level of comprehension can never exceed the input; a native-level English-to-Portuguese program will translate broken English into broken Portuguese.

Broken: This translates speech at the Broken comprehension level. Each language requires at least a 10GB database. Complexity 3.

Accented: This translates speech at the Accented comprehension level. Each language requires at least a 30GB database. Complexity 4.

Native: This translates speech at the Native comprehension level. Each language requires at least a 100GB database. Complexity 5.

Reduce program Complexity by 1 if either language is an artificial construct (e.g., Esperanto) designed for ease of learning and/or translation. If this is the case for both languages, the modifier is cumulative. Increase Complexity by 1 if translating languages between different species, unless both think in a very similar fashion (e.g., elves and humans). Complexity also increases by 1 if the system translates from one sense to another, such as sign language to a spoken language, or between different frequencies (from ultrasonic signals to a human voice). Appropriate input and output sensors will also be needed.

Use the normal cost of software for common language combinations such as English-Japanese. Unusual combinations such as Finnish-Korean are double cost. Obscure combinations (e.g., Icelandic-Maori) are 5 times normal cost, or unavailable. If your computer's complexity permits, you can run two common combinations in series (e.g., Icelandic-English followed by English-Maori) to simulate an obscure one cheaply. However, compounded errors give a final comprehension level one grade below that of the least-capable program, while the extra step introduces a one-second delay that can be deadly in tactical situations!

What is “obscure” or “common” will vary by time and place.

Universal Translator Program

This dedicated AI program can analyze and translate entirely new languages with as little as an hour of exposure, provided that it has access to someone who is actually attempting to teach it, or it can listen in on multiple varied conversations such as the ones on media channels. After an hour, it reaches Broken comprehension. After six hours, it reaches Accented comprehension. After a day, it reaches Native comprehension. This creates a database of size equivalent to its current comprehension level as above. Its comprehension cannot exceed that of the speakers it is observing. Non-verbal languages could be handled if appropriate sensors and “speakers” are available; cost varies widely. Complexity 9. LC4.

Field Translators

These translators are small enough to fit in a pocket or on a lapel. They run two language programs and a non-volitional AI, translating in real time and matching the user’s speech patterns. Use the AI’s IQ to determine how well it handles idiom, jargon, and colloquialisms.

Field Translator

A high-capacity, fast, small computer with a datapad terminal and the culture’s full range of microcomms. The complexity 5 computer runs an IQ 6 non-volitional AI (IQ 10 at TL10) and two Native-level spoken or visual language translation programs. It can store 100 Nativelevel spoken language databases (multiply by 1,000 each further TL), which must be purchased separately. $3,000 plus the cost of software (Ultra-Tech, p. 48), 0.6 lbs., 2B/20 hrs. LC4.

Translator Disk

A much smaller version of the field translator (above), this is a high-capacity tiny computer, a small sonic projector, a mini-camera, and the culture’s full range of microcomms. It can store 10,000 Native-level spoken language databases (multiply by 1,000 each further TL). The sonic projector can be set to allow only the target to hear the translation (for crowded spaceport bars and embassy cocktail parties); otherwise, the computer’s infra- and ultrasonic-capable speaker is used. It has IQ 6 at TL10 and increases by 2 every further TL. It comes as a stick-on medallion or earpiece. It’s similar to the field translator in all other respects. $150 plus the cost of software, 0.125 lbs., B/36 hrs. LC4.


Neural interfaces capture and amplify nerve impulses and/or muscle movements, translating them into digital commands for an electronic device or a computer interface. Neural interfaces let a person move a computer cursor just by thinking about it, or fire an interface-equipped gun without having to pull a trigger. A neural interface also permits commands to be entered “with the speed of thought” - which is often not much faster than speech.

There are three categories of neural interface: cybernetics (discussed at length in the Cybernetics section), neural input receivers, and direct neural interfaces. All require some training before they can be effectively used. The interface software must be taught to recognize the user’s brain or muscle patterns. Apply familiarity penalties when switching from a normal device to a neural-interface controlled device – or vice versa.

Neural Input Receiver

These systems pick up neural signals indirectly from the user’s muscle movement, eye/facial movement, or brain waves. They pick up basic commands (equivalent to a few menu options), but cannot transmit sensory feedback back to the user. They’re built into wearable devices such as goggles or contact lenses for hands-free operation, usually in concert with a physical HUD display.

Neural Input Headset: Picks up brain waves. It can replace a computer mouse or equivalent device. $50, 0.1 lb. A/100 hr. LC4.

Direct Neural Interface

Usually referred to as a “neural interface,” this sophisticated device allows the user’s brain to communicate with computers and control complex equipment. It can do anything that a neural input device can do, and much more. The interaction is two-way: data displays, physical feedback, and other sensory information can be transmitted directly into the user’s brain. There is no need for a user to touch controls or see physical data displays. He can have the equivalent of a HUD overlaid on his visual field, so he can “live” in augmented reality. A direct neural interface is required for certain technologies, such as dream teachers, sensies, and total virtual reality.

When using a neural interface, the user is opening up his nervous system and brain to intrusion – or even being hacked. Like any networked computer, the user’s safety depends on his encryption systems, the products he uses, and those associates or superiors to whom he grants access.

There are several versions of direct neural interface available.

Neural Interface Implant: This involves implanting sensitive electrodes in the brain along with an implanted communicator. See Direct Neural Interface Implant in the Cybernetics section.

Neural Interface Helmet: This “crown of thorns” helmet invades the skull with tiny nanowires. They inflict no damage, but users may find the idea disturbing! The helmet takes four seconds to don or remove; yanking it off before disconnecting causes 1d injury. It includes a cable jack and radio micro communicator. $10,000, 2 lbs., C/100 hr. LC3.

Neural Induction Helmet: The same system, but a non-invasive neural induction process “writes” data to the brain. $50,000, 2 lbs., B/100 hr. LC3.


Any neural input device or neural interface may include a brainlock. This is an interface programmed to only accept a user who has a specific brainwave pattern. The “user list” can be hard-wired into the system (making it impossible to change); otherwise, any interfaced user can use a password to alter the lock’s parameters.

If attached gadgets have multiple functions, only some might be brainlocked. An elevator operated by induction pad may allow anyone to travel between the first and ninth floors, while restricting access to the executive suite. A brainlock can also grant partial access to computerized records or other data, based on Security Clearance or other criteria. A brainlock has no extra cost. LC4.

Empathic Interfaces

Empathic interfaces are neural interfaces that incorporate additional equipment similar to a veridicator. They can translate the user's emotional state into a digital signal.

Empathy Upgrade: This is a hardware upgrade of a neural interface. It can record feelings and translate them into particular values (“he's registering happy”). A computer or other device that is linked to the neural interface can then be set to respond in accord with a particular emotion. This should be pre-set, e.g., “if I'm frightened, turn on the force screen” or “if I get curious, activate my camera.” An empathic neural interface is 1.5× as expensive as any other interface.

Emotion Interpreter: This software provides the equivalent of the Empathy advantage but only in situations when it is run on a computer that is receiving input from someone using a neural interface with an empathy upgrade. Note that the user of an emotion interpreter does not need a empathic neural interface; only the subject requires one. However, if the user does have neural interface with an empathy chip, he can set it so that it will let him experience the incoming emotions (as his own brain is triggered to manufacture the appropriate electrochemical signals). Complexity 4 software, LC4.


These consist of numerous “nodes” – computers and communications systems connected on a permanent or semi-permanent basis. They can range from local intranets linking a handful of individuals to galactic information webs.

Ultra-tech networks generally combine message relay and data access functions, allowing people to store and find information on the network as well as using it to transmit and receive data.

Data networks usually store and re-transmit a variety of information (news, knowledge, personal mail, discussion groups, etc.), using either decentralized or centralized computers and data storage systems.

The Global Area Network

The Global Area Network is a planetary network that consists of a high-bandwidth communications backbone, an infrastructure of repeater stations, communication satellites and other relays, supporting databanks and software, and the people or machines that maintain it. A subscription to a local service provider is usually included in cost of living as part of the utility bill, or provided by the government. Cost (if measured separately) varies from $10 to $60 or more depending on the services required.

Access to the Global Area Network includes the ability to call (via Voice-Over-Network protocols) or send e-mail messages to anyone on the network at no extra cost. Accounts include voice and e-mail addresses, where the user can be reached or have messages left for him.

Messaging special locations (regions outside of the Global Area Network for whatever reason) usually costs extra (e.g., $0.10 - $1/minute) if it is available at all. This typically includes access into or out of the state-controlled networks of certain countries, the extraterritorial connections between corporate territories, and contact with spacecraft or stations in outer space.

Storage of data on the provider’s system is usually included. Storing lots of information (backed-up mail, personal virtual realities, etc.) in a provider’s system costs extra, e.g., $1 per 1,000 terabytes per month.

A subscriber’s account lets him access whatever is publicly available on the network – news channels, entertainment, commercial sites, library search engines, virtual reality parks, etc. Some networks may be as loose as the current Internet; others may be tightly regulated by businesses or states. Net providers or other users may charge extra for various services, such as downloading some types of information, accessing virtual-reality simulations or sensies, or special high-speed service.

Cable Connection

Most users connect to a planetary network through a cable box hooked into an optical cable land line between the building and the service provider. A typical cable box has radio, laser, and infrared micro communicators; it can connect to computers, terminals, entertainment consoles, phones, and other hardware. The data transfer rate is 1 TB/second. Most landlords and network service providers provide cable boxes; if purchased, a box is $100, 0.2 lbs., external power. LC4.

Mobile Access and Cellular Communicators

Subscribers using compatible communicators can route calls through a planetary network regardless of distance, provided they’re in range of a local repeater station. Repeaters are found in most areas, except for trackless wilderness, ocean, the territories of isolationist regimes, and areas where the infrastructure is down due to disaster, war, or deliberate jamming.

In places where there are no working repeater stations, network access is usually available via satellite connection. The user’s comm needs at least a 10-mile range (sonic or sonar comms are useless). Satellite subscription charges may apply.

Compatible communicators vary depending on the service provider and the TL. Most cellular networks are based on radio or laser systems, but others are possible. There may be an extra fee of $10/month for each mobile comm address the user has.

Cellular Communicator: A comm that can only access a planetary data network is available at half the normal cost. Usually it’s a tiny or small radio, but it could be anything.

Operating a Service Provider

A planetary network provider requires computer systems on which the data and user-access programs operate, as well as the enough bandwidth to handle the number of users. If the service provider is also the telecommunication company, it has to worry about maintaining the communication channels and setting up new ones if they become overloaded.

Rental costs for lines capable of high-speed access to a global network depend on the state and sophistication of the net. Continuing costs may vary from $5 to $30 per line per month. If the number of regular users is more than 20 times the number of lines, the system is likely to become clogged.

Data Security and Data Havens

In most societies with CR2+, network service providers are required to turn over information on their users’ activities to the authorities. Data havens operate illegally, or in regions whose governments have promised not to monitor data flow, or where there are no governments. They charge 10 to 1,000 times as much as mundane providers, but promise not to provide information to others. Some can be trusted. All may be prime targets for spies and hackers… and one scandal can destroy a data haven’s reputation.


Many things can be done through networks and communicators, but sometimes a package has to be delivered in person. The possibilities depend on the available vehicle technology and the population density. Some examples:

Suborbital Express Mail: Need to get something from New York to Tokyo in less than an hour? Hypersonic aircraft and spaceplanes may offer high-priority suborbital courier service at 10 times the speed of sound. Typical price: $100 per pound.

Homing Couriers: Why wait at home for a courier when you can provide your GPS coordinates to a football-sized messenger robot who flies to you? A homing courier could even deliver a package to a moving vehicle, which is very useful if you’ve just run out of ammunition during a car chase. Typical prices: $50 per pound for same-day delivery, $500 per pound for same-hour, or $5,000/lb. for a super-rapid delivery arriving within several minutes.