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Human Genetic Engineering

Everyone thinks that they’re the end product of evolution. T. rex probably thought that way just before he saw the comet flash. But with genetic engineering, we can take control of our own cells, making our children brighter, faster, and immune to hangovers. We can even redesign people to live in space, so the next time some big rock hits, some of us won’t be here.

Gengineering at Conception

A genetic engineer can insert recombinant DNA or RNA into a newly-fertilized human egg cell (a zygote) to alter its genes. Those genes will express themselves by producing slightly different proteins. As the zygote develops into an embryo and then a fetus, the new proteins will make up different cells, and a child will be born with traits it would not have possessed had it remained unmodified. These changes will be passed on to its descendants. This process is known as “gengineering at conception,” or more technically, germline genetic engineering. EUGENIC GERMLINE GENGINEERING “We’d like our Katiana to be petite and beautiful, with big, violet eyes and jet-black hair. Could she have a tendency toward musical aptitude, with long fingers for playing the piano? We also want her to be good at sports – an athletic body type would be nice, so she could be a gymnast. Oh, and we want the standard features, of course: boosted immune system and genefixed heredity. “Now, how much will all that cost?” – Mr. and Mrs. Arlington “Ever since my teens, I’ve really wished my parents had designed me for something practical. At least I don’t get sick.” – Katiana Arlington III This is what most people think of when they hear the term “human genetic engineering.” Eugenic germline gengineering is the process of selecting gene combinations that ensure the appearance of traits the gengineer considers desirable, such as good looks, high intelligence, or perfect vision. The abilities and disabilities of each of us result from traits inherited from our parents’ genes, modified byenvironmental factors such as diet, experience, and education. Eugenic gengineering (“eugeneering”) involves determining what genetic combinations favor certain traits, then using gengineering at conception to make it likely they appear. It does not add anything new to the human genome, so a eugeneered person will still appear human to genetic tests or scanners. The major stumbling block in the road to eugenic modification is that desirable traits can result from the interaction of hundreds of different genes. Moreover, one gene may be involved in multiple traits – change it to produce one effect and there may be unintended consequences for the others. The capability to perform eugeneering rests on possessing a complete map of the human genome (see The Human Genome Project, p. 8) and a detailed understanding of how specific gene sequences code for proteins that affect human development. Completing a racial genome map is a TL8 achievement, and the ability to use this knowledge to perform complex eugenic selection is TL9+. Efforts to determine the effects of specific gene sequences often proceed by tinkering with the DNA of individual genes, using animal subjects. Since mammals such as mice share much of our DNA, and produce successive generations in a short period of time, animal testing can provide insight into the effects on humans, especially if the test animals are gengineered to possess additional human genes. As more data is gathered on each gene’s role in human development, computer simulations may supplement or replace experimentation, making eugenic selection more practical, and allowing a designer to work with a standard “tool kit” of genes known to produce certain effects. Once this capability is achieved, eugeneering can create “designer people” whose potentials are enhanced or skewed toward a specific physical or mental ideal. Changes may range from the obvious (good looks, muscular build, 20/20 vision, or “double-jointedness”) to the subtle (higher IQ, or gengineering of the adrenal glands to give someone a positive stress response). GERMLINE GENGINEERING FOR SPECIES MODIFICATION The human/rabbit genesplices were originally developed as bioroids by Novabody in the last century, apparently for the domestic, secretarial, and pleasure market. A century later, after the War, the Bureau of Colonization resurrected the genotype. BuCon’s mandate was to establish “facts on the ground” by reclaiming some of the border worlds depopulated during the War, and by colonizing as much territory as possible. The idea was to send over a seedship with a few hundred pubescent “rabbitoid” settlers and a colonial governor’s cadre, and within a few years these fast-breeding parahumans would give Earth a thriving agri-world. That was the plan, anyway. Of course, we all know how it turned out. – Darin Skay, Shattered Genomes: The Colonial Revolution Species modification involves gengineering for complex traits that never existed within the species’ original genome, such as gene sequences that produce modifications to anatomy. Some changes may be internal, like a modified liver that’s better able to filter toxins. Others might be obvious, like a coat of fur or a pair of functional extra arms. Again, the difficulties lie in predicting how the effects of a specific genetic change will cascade over the entire genome, and in making major changes in hundreds or thousands of genes at once. The tools to do this become available at TL9 – supercomputers for running extremely complex genetic simulations, and early bio-nanotech, such as tailored retroviruses or nanoviruses. Gengineers might synthesize genes for totally new abilities, but it may be easier to enhance existing human traits, or design nonhuman abilities by basing them on the genes of terrestrial animals. This can be background information (“if you look closely at my chromosomes, I’m part bat”) or imply colorful physical traits (someone whose bat DNA sequences give them sonar and wings may have other chiropteran features, such as fangs and pointed ears). These may be the unintended results of cross-linked genes, or necessary for a given trait (e.g., pointed ears for ultrasonic hearing). This sort of transgenic gengineering is already being experimented with at TL8, with small numbers of human genes being inserted into “pharm animals” (see p. 88) so that their metabolisms produce necessary proteins or can be used to grow human-compatible xenotransplants. Once the human genome and several nonhuman genomes are mapped and sequenced, complex human transgenic engineering could become a reality, limited mainly by ethical considerations. The guidelines under Designing Variant Humans (p. 41) suggest TLs at which various advantages and disadvantages can be produced by gengineering. HUMAN GENETIC ENGINEERING 37 Genetic Engineering and Other Species While this chapter focuses on human genetic engineering, the guidelines given here can also be applied to humanoid aliens, elves, and other fantasy folk, or, adjusted on a case-by-case basis, to even less-human species. Some species may be easier or harder to genetically engineer. GMs can simulate this by making certain categories of modifications require a lower TL for one species, or a higher TL for another. Species may even seek out other races to assimilate useful traits from their genomes. What is mundane for one species may be exotic to others, and aliens might seek to acquire human specimens for seemingly mundane traits (immunity to terrestrial diseases, an ability to dream, etc.) they wish to use.Chimerization Technically, a chimera is an entity created when the cells of two dissimilar blastocysts (very early embryos) are fused together so that they form a single organism. If the blastocysts are from different species, the result – if it survives – will be a new creature with traits of both. Such a chimera will usually tend more toward one species than the other. Chimeras that are basically nonhuman animals, but contain some human traits, can be treated as geneticallyengineered animals, and used for similar purposes; see Chapter 3. Human-like chimeras that incorporate cells from other species are also possible. In addition to animalhuman chimeras, human-alien fusions – “alien hybrids” (above) – are a staple of space opera and UFO mythology. While a “classic” chimera is not too difficult to achieve with bacteria, plants, or very closely related animals (e.g., between dog and wolf blastocysts), the likelihood of a viable chimera declines as the species become more diverse. To produce more exotic chimeras, such as human/wolf or human/alien, the germ cells from each embryo often need to undergo genetic engineering to improve their compatibility. Additional cell grafts or microsurgery are used to ensure the correct mix of cells and to correct any resulting deformities in the developing embryo. Cross-species chimerization is unlikely to be easy. The path to success will be littered with failed fusions, resulting in dead embryos and aborted, defective, or monstrous fetuses. Even a successful chimera may have genetic flaws, or be born with hormonal imbalances that can cause psychological problems. In game terms, there isn’t that much difference between chimerization and germline gengineering, especially since the techniques are likely to blend together. As such, chimerization uses the germline gengineering rules – design the species as a gengineered animal or human, with appropriate cross-species characteristics. Since a chimera’s fusion occurs on the cellular level rather than the genetic level, it is less of a “complete” organism. To reflect this, all chimera templates created at TL8-9 should have the Chimera meta-trait (p. 214) as an unintended defect. A lower HT is also reasonable. The Chimera meta-trait is not mandatory at TL10+, but may be common. OBJECTIVES OF HUMAN GENGINEERING Once we have the technology to radically redesign a human, would we want to do it? Here are some reasons that might drive gengineers: Pantropy From Greek, meaning “grow anywhere,” this is the practice of adapting humans to live and work in hostile or alien environments. People designed to survive without an artificial environment may be safer (due to reduced risk of accidents) and, in the long run, less expensive – atmosphere plants, artificial gravity, space suits, and domed cities don’t come cheap, and terraforming is a massive expense. Moreover, if long-term colonization is planned, a colony is more likely to be psychologically stable if the colonists and their children can live on “their” world without the constant threat of death by technological failure. If there is a local or widespread breakdown of civilization, such as a war, blockade, or “long night” interregnum, colonies of altered people are far more likely to survive the loss of their infrastructure. Pantropy may also be preferred due to ideological opposition to terraforming: instead of changing a world to fit people, it may be considered more ecologically friendly to change people to fit a world. Homo superior Gengineering may be driven by the desire to create “better” or “super” people. This is the major goal of eugeneering, but it can also be taken farther via species modification. 38 HUMAN GENETIC ENGINEERING Alien Hybrids A popular theme in fiction is the possibility of humans and aliens interbreeding, either naturally or by genetic hybridization in the laboratory. In “rubber science” settings, aliens with appropriate anatomy might be able to breed with humans simply by engaging in sex, or via relatively simple procedures such as artificial insemination. Typically, offspring of such encounters superficially resemble humans, but have some distinctive physical or mental features of the alien species. Offspring resembling aliens with a few human features would make an interesting turnaround. Half-aliens can be good archetypes for protagonists who work against the background of a culture clash, struggling to reconcile their two heritages. Hybridization in a realistic setting may require a combination of chimerization, genetic engineering or biomods (e.g., Alternate Gamete Production, p. 184), or be only possible through a form of biogenesis (the offspring is basically a bioroid). However, these considerations may be moot if humans and aliens share a common ancestry. The discovery of this fact – either in the lab or the bedroom – would raise some interesting questions of its own! Fantastic Hybrids In a fantasy game, the rules can be looser. Myths contain many stories of humans interbreeding with gods, spirits, and animals, producing outstanding individuals, new races, or monstrous chimeras. This is a useful justification for the existence of such beings, but the GM should consider if they are unusual occurrences or a “law of nature” that individuals may be able to exploit.Typical goals include improved health, longer life (even immortality!), mental enhancements like improved intelligence or memory, and superior physical abilities such as enhanced strength or speed. Other objectives may be to gengineer away human dependencies, such as the need for sleep. Homo superior may have improvements in many areas, or be more specialized, gaining some abilities at the expense of others. Unmodified humans may react with fear or envy to a gengineered super-race, especially if they can’t afford to give their children the same kinds of modifications. On the other hand, extensive or limited gengineering of this sort may be applied to an entire society. For example, a society may embark on an effort to ensure every child is gengineered with an enhanced immune system, or a higher level of intelligence. Of course, conflict can arise over exactly what sets of traits should be standardized by such a society. The concept of a “superior” person is likely to be driven by ethical and ideological considerations. A utopian commune might consider Homo superior to be a peaceful race, and choose to delete genes linked with aggression. There could also be a yawning “generation gap” between the adults who chose such traits, and the enhanced children who were the first to express them. Slave Species Gengineering may be used to create a more tractable proletariat, underclass, or slave caste. Slave species are usually designed for jobs that humans find dangerous, boring, or demeaning, such as work in hostile environments, soldiering, manual labor, domestic servitude, or concubinage. Gengineered slave species often possess highly specialized physical and mental modifications to make them more effective workers, or condition them to accept their role. For example, pleasure models may be grown with stunning looks and glandular modifications that keep them constantly “in heat,” while a janissary warrior could be gengineered with enhanced speed, a high pain threshold, and boosted aggressiveness. These changes can leave members of a slave species more effective than humans within a limited sphere, while circumscribing their free will. This might result in simultaneous feelings of inferiority and superiority with respect to normal humans. Gengineers sometimes try to create a slave species so perfectly adapted to its role that it can’t conceive of freedom. They don’t always succeed. Slave species are sometimes deliberately gengineered to look physically distinctive. For example, all slaves may have blue skin, or be gengineered human/animal hybrids. This might be done for cosmetic reasons, but it also makes it more difficult for people to see them as “human,” and harder for them to escape. It’s even possible that differences will accrue because the law states that having a certain percentage of nonhuman gene sequences makes someone legally an animal or living artifact (which can be owned) rather than a human being (who is a free citizen). Gengineers may have to make a slave species less human in order for it to be considered a slave species. A slave species may not always remain in slavery. Changes in circumstances or social attitudes, or an unforeseen mutation, might lead to emancipation or revolt. Of course, if the species has been specialized for a limited role, this may limit its ability to enjoy its new-found freedom . . . HUMAN GENETIC ENGINEERING 39 Genetic engineering to allow superhuman physical feats is useful for many physically-demanding jobs, but especially for covert operations, where cybernetics or powered armor might be too easy to detect. Modern military forces may also find biological enhancement easier on logistical grounds – a gene-enhanced soldier may not be quite as strong as a robot or a trooper in a battlesuit, but at least he doesn’t require any special maintenance. Since modifications to ST and DX are purely physical, they would be amenable to animal testing. Several models of enhanced “super-animals” will probably be designed before any super-humans are. Even if the animals weren’t put into production, a few prototype super-critters might be found in (or escape from) labs. Many species modifications (and to a lesser extent, almost all genetic modifications) produce effects that can be replicated more cheaply by technology. Why bother to use feline genes to give someone fur or claws when you can get the same or better effect with a weatherproof jacket and a knife? First, parahumans may be designed as frontier colonists or workers on worlds with harsh environments. A biological edge may be useful if disaster leads to a technological breakdown. Even if it doesn’t, being able to survive outdoors (even briefly) without artificial aids brings a welcome sense of security, contributing to the psychological health of the community. Second, some cultures may prefer “softer” biotech to inorganic devices, or create transgenic people for aesthetic reasons. Third, biological abilities are more convenient. Someone with super-acute senses doesn’t need to stop to look at an instrument to know if someone’s sneaking up on him. Likewise, you don’t have to worry about changing the batteries. If you have retractable claws, you’ll never forget your knife, or puzzle over concealing it in different types of dress or undress. Sure, you can get the same effect with cybernetics, but that’s as expensive as riding the genemod train. Fourth, transgenic modifications can be augmented as well. If you’ve got natural claws, you can add a diamond layer to them. If you have super-sensitive hearing and smell, you can use them at the same time you’re wearing that sensor visor. It’s not an either/or proposition – it’s a wider range of capability. Why Make Übermenschen?Specialization and Genetic Castes Gengineered people may be optimized for specialized tasks from birth, without ever having been intended as slaves. This may be the decision of parents (“I want my baby to be a scientist”) or of a community, or could follow the emancipation of slave races. Taken farther, this could lead to a caste-based communism similar to the one in Aldous Huxley’s novel Brave New World, or the end result of a fascist “master race” breeding program. In this type of hive-like society, citizens are designed from birth for specific jobs. There may be a drone-like working class indistinguishable from a slave species, managed by an upper class of unspecialized people (normal humans or a Homo superior race) to give orders and handle unforeseen emergencies. Such a society may dispense with sexual reproduction and reproduce through growth tanks or cloning. Ordinary citizens may be gengineered to be non-aggressive workers; faced with an external enemy, such a state might alter its birth programs to grow (or clone) a crop of super-soldiers. HIDDEN DANGERS The obvious problems of genetic engineering are short-term hazards – an error that threatens the life or well-being of modified individuals or their children. But if genetic engineering is aimed at creating a viable race that’s capable of reproducing without further technological assistance, there are additional issues to consider. These may be of little concern to individuals, but they can have long-term implications, especially if variant races are being used for planetary colonization. One risk is that the pool of diverse genotypes in an engineered race may be relatively shallow (or nonexistent, if they reproduce via cloning and eschew further modification), at least for several generations. A real-life example of 40 HUMAN GENETIC ENGINEERING There is an ongoing scientific debate over the degree to which human traits and behavior are influenced by genes (“nature”) and by environmental factors (“nurture”), including fetal conditions, child care, nutrition, education, and other life experiences. Events in the womb have a profound effect on the physical and mental traits of a person. While genetic disorders can cause many physical disadvantages, many other physical abnormalities – including many gross deformities – result from problems that arise during fetal development, such as the lack of oxygen at a crucial time, or the presence of radiation or chemicals. The childhood environment is also influential. For instance, there is a convincing body of research that suggests the trait of “shyness” is genetic. Certain genes do make people extra-cautious and anxious, leading to high heart rates when responding to new stimuli. This influences behavior through a kind of feedback loop. To escape these feelings of anxiety, children with these genes avoid new situations where these kinds of stimuli occur – they act “shy.” However, studies also indicate that parents who encourage their shy kids to play with others at an early age will alter these biochemical systems, modifying the way the body reacts to stimuli. In other words, nurture triumphs over nature through deliberate action. Likewise, while it is possible to edit out genes believed to influence mental instability, many mental disadvantages result from childhood trauma. Thus, while someone may not have the genetic predisposition toward lecherousness, he may have grown up in an emotionally deprived environment, leading him to adopt promiscuity as his sole means of expressing affection. Similarly, someone who saw his parents massacred in a war may be prone to fits of uncontrollable rage, or manic-depressive episodes. In short, it’s hard to eliminate common mental and physical problems just by fixing genes. If gengineered people are grown in an artificial womb (growth tank or forced-growth tank) and educated under controlled conditions, then they may turn out exactly as planned. If they grow up in the real world, there is a fair chance that they’ll have the same sorts of problems as everyone else. In game terms, this means that most mental advantages, mental disadvantages, and even some taboo traits in a genetic racial template should be considered guidelines rather than hard-and-fast rules. If the subject was raised in controlled conditions, and no mistakes were made, he’ll generally “live up to spec.” It’s also possible that the genes of a human who is gengineered for a specific trait will make it almost certain that he’ll develop that trait. Nature Versus NurtureA gene-altered person is a “sub-race” (see p. B454) of humanity, even if he represents the first (or only!) member. However, since the parent race is human (which have no racial templates), variants are usually described with templates. A variant human racial template should be created using the Racial Templates rules (p. B450) and the guidelines in this section. Ideally, it should be designed around a specific theme, depending on the intent of the designer and the kinds of genetic material used. It will have its own racial traits (see Selecting Traits, pp. B451-452). The traits chosen should have a scientific – or at least pseudo-scientific – rationale (e.g., extra Fatigue Points and Combat Reflexes could be justified by “enhanced lungs and built-in war drug glands”). Others may be based on “xenogenes” from other species (e.g., Night Vision derived from cat genes). A variant human racial template can have any traits the GM feels could be logically produced through genetic engineering. This includes basic attributes, secondary characteristics, build, and physical appearance. Most physical advantages and disadvantages are appropriate; so are many mental ones. Inappropriate traits include anything that can only be explained by post-natal experiences or events: this includes Fashion Sense, all traits under Social Background (p. B22), Wealth and Influence (p. B25), all social advantages and disadvantages, all self-imposed mental disadvantages, and any traits that represent relationships, possessions, wealth, or training. The GM can rule that some mundane traits, such as Luck, are too abstract, weird, or difficult to gengineer (although even that might be possible if these traits are explained as genetically-linked psionic powers). Genetic engineering of exotic traits not found in nature, such as Invisibility or Shadow Form, may only be possible if “mutant super-powers” exist in the setting. Similarly, supernatural traits such as Magery can only be engineered if these traits both exist, and are hereditary. The rest of this chapter is devoted to discussing what genetic engineers might plausibly produce at various TLs, and how they might do it. Lists of traits have been assigned TLs based on how difficult they might be to produce through gengineering. GMs should feel free to modify the TLs, effects, and rationales suggested for various modifications – they are only intended as guidelines, not hard and fast rules. Not every trait has been included, only those that seem likely or interesting. In space-opera, supers, or horror settings, variant racial templates can include any ability that can be rationalized as “genetic,” from mouse-sized humans to the ability to throw lightning bolts or fly faster than light. In that sort of campaign, genetic engineering of this sort is simply superscience. Don’t feel bound by tech levels – after all, in the comics, a genius grad student working in a TL7 lab might be capable of splicing “spider genes” into human germ cells to grow a human/spider chimera with ST and DX bonuses, Binding, Clinging, or even Extra Arms. HUMAN GENETIC ENGINEERING 41 DESIGNING VARIANT HUMANS Experimental Procedures Biotech may be available at one TL earlier than listed, as an “experimental procedure.” This includes early human trials of specific biomod processes, experimental gengineering projects, and so on. In general, an experimental process will cost at least 10 times as much as normal This is very common in cinematic genetic engineering. For example, cinematic TL9 genetically-engineered “super agents” often have TL10 modifications. It’s likely that any such newly-invented process will have bugs in it – the GM should apply TechLevel Modifiers (p. B168) to skill rolls for surgery or gengineering tasks, or assign additional side effects (usually disadvantages) to anyone or anything that has undergone the process, or been created by it. this danger is the cheetah. Some time in the prehistoric past, this cat species suffered a genetic “bottleneck” in which a large amount of the breeding population died. Modern cheetahs are descendants of a few individuals. As a result, as a species cheetahs are highly vulnerable to epidemics (since if one cheetah catches something, the others are unlikely to have any immunity to it), and suffer many birth defects due to inbreeding. This could be equally true of a genetically-homogenous variant race. Similarly, it’s all well and good to transform everyone into a race of “beautiful” people by, say, deleting gene sequences for excess body fat. However, if a disaster (comet strike, nuclear winter or whatever) triggers the next ice age and causes the collapse of technological civilization, the super-slim, fashion-model beautiful Homo superior will all starve or freeze to death – and since the gene for obesity is now gone, there will be nothing to select for in future generations. Genetic engineering is not a neutral technology. It is by its very nature too powerful for our present state of social and scientific development. – Linda Bullard42 HUMAN GENETIC ENGINEERING GENGINEERED TRAITS The following sections discuss different categories of changes that might plausibly be bioengineered into a variant human race. The assignment of TLs and association of advantages with various traits (e.g., Hard to Kill under Cardiovascular Modifications) are suggestions only, and may be altered by the GM as desired. Not all gengineered traits will be advantages. Some variant races are designed with deliberate physical defects. For example, a wealthy sadist might want his latest concubine to be a beautiful albino with Low Pain Threshold, while the eccentric Sultana of Gideon Prime might desire her bodyguard of gene-enhanced janissaries to have both Gigantism and Mute. Gengineered Traits Tables Trait: The name of the attribute, advantage, disadvantage, feature, ability, or meta-trait. Cost: The point cost of the trait. Some traits are 0-point features, but may still require complex or even radical genetic engineering. TL: The minimum TL at which the trait may be deliberately engineered. It is possible that a trait may be produced by accident at a much earlier TL, and GMs are free to use this to justify templates with abilities in excess of those normally available. Modifiers to attributes, secondary characteristics, or other leveled traits that have two quite distinct justifications can be combined, unless otherwise noted. For example, immune system modifications and lifespan and self-repair modifications can each justify a +1 to HT at TL9, for a total +2 HT. Page: The page on which the trait is described in the GURPS Basic Set or this book. Eugenic vs. Species Modification Whether added DNA sequences are human or not may be very important if society bans or stigmatizes parahumans. Also, species modifications are more likely to be coupled with nonhuman features. Those genetic traits that would require departing from the human genome have been labeled as requiring “species modifications.” Human genetic engineering that involves species modifications also has a higher dollar cost. A few traits are described as requiring “radical species modification.” Such modifications significantly increase the dollar cost and the difficulty of a genetic engineering project; a template with radical modifications is very likely to have a number of unintended genetic defects, especially at the TL that trait first becomes available. BRAIN MODIFICATIONS Our competitors at Matsai gengineered their 3000-series megabrights for hyped-up creative, intuitive, and mathematical faculties. Turned out the gengineers didn’t know as much as they thought they did about brain chemistry, and ended up with three super-bright, high-strung, delusional schizophrenics. Two killed themselves. The third is convinced God is behind the event horizon of the black hole in the galactic core, and devotes all her time to trying to figure out how to get him to answer back. She’s managed some useful astrophysics and hyper-mass experiments, but that isn’t what Matsai hoped for. Still, Matsai corporate ideology keeps them trying to develop ‘super-thinkers.’ I admit they did a better job with their more modest Pandora-series, although these sure aren’t bug-free either – ever try talking to one? – Doctor Sayyid Iqbal, Biotech Euphrates The adult human brain weighs only three pounds, but has been described as the most complex object known to science. It contains some hundred billion nerve cells, including specialized neurons devoted to higher cognitive functions such as reasoning, emotion, and language. The brain consists of two large, wrinkled, dome-shaped cerebral hemispheres that together form the cerebrum, the site of reasoned mental activity. At the lower rear is the cerebellum, which coordinates the body’s movements. The central part of the brain includes the thalamus, which controls sensory awareness, the limbic system, which affects glandular functions and emotions, and the hippocampus, associated with memory, personality, learning, and will. The lower part of the brain, the “primitive” brain stem, controls automatic body processes including the heartbeat, respiration, and digestion. Engineering mental traits such as intelligence, alertness, memory, or specific aptitudes is difficult, because these traits are more abstract than physical ones. Exactly how much of “intelligence” is genetic and how much is environmental is not only controversial, but any answer also depends on how you measure and define intelligence. However, traits ranging from self-control to high intelligence appear to be connected to specific gene sequences that govern the exact mix of hormones and other neurotransmitters produced by the body. Scientists have found human genes that appear to correlate with mental stability, shyness, impulsiveness (which, through mitigation, may lead to Common Sense) and memory, among other characteristics. In this realm, gengineering works hand in glove with neurology and molecular neuropsychology. Today, radioisotope-labeled monoclonal antibodies are used to locate neurotransmitters in the brain, and imaging systems have begun to observe the brain’s neurochemical activity as it occurs. As these techniques are refined at TL9+, neurogeneticists can study the molecular changes that occur while people stay awake, endure pain, memorize, solve math problems, and so on. Then they can design nucleotide sequences that will optimize the brain’s neurochemistry or structure toward specific activities.Brain Modifications Trait Cost Page TL 3D Spatial Sense 10 B34 10 Ambidexterity 5 B39 10 Autotrance 1 B101 10 Common Sense 10 B43 10 Compartmentalized Mind 1-2 50/level B43 11* Eidetic Memory 5 B51 9 Intuition 15 B63 10 Intuitive Mathematician 5 B66 10 IQ -1 to -4 -20 per -1 IQ B15 9 IQ +1 20 B15 9 IQ +2 40 B15 10 IQ +3 60 B15 11* IQ +4 80 B15 12* Language Talent 10 B65 10 Lightning Calculator 2 B66 10 Mathematical Ability 10/level B90 9 Musical Ability 5/level B91 10 Perception +1 5 B16 9 Perception +2 10 B16 11 Photographic Memory 10 B51 10 Single-Minded 5 B85 9 Versatile 5 B96 10 Will -1 to -3 -5 per -1 Will B16 9 Will -4 to -5 -5 per -1 Will B16 10 Will +1 5 B16 10 Will +2 10 B16 12 * Species modification. Behavioral Modifications We must ensure that the bioroids we create are happy in their jobs. A happy worker is a productive worker. We can point to the success of the Eros-5’s hormonal imbalance: To be crude, the E-5s are always in heat, hence eager to please. – Internal memo, Biotech Euphrates It’s possible to eugeneer a careful imbalance of neurotransmitters and glandular hormones to result in a predisposition toward certain distinct mental states, such as aggressiveness or lecherousness. These may result in hereditary mental disadvantages . . . but what might be a disadvantage to the individual can suit the purposes of the genetic engineer. Changes may be intended to suit a person to his job, for example, instilling Lecherousness in a pleasure model or Bloodlust in a soldier. They may also be intended to benefit society, e.g., by making everyone Chummy or even Selfless. Sometimes, the goal is a more tractable variant race: a slave with Combat Paralysis will be less likely to rebel, and one with Hidebound is less likely to develop dangerous new ideas. By tinkering with the genes that regulate behavior-modifying neurotransmitters, like MAO inhibitors, an unspecified mental instability can be engineered. This is usually intended as a form of genetic booby trap; e.g., someone orders or awakens a clone, but a saboteur has secretly genemodified it to go crazy after it awakes. In game terms, the template is not given specific mental disadvantages to represent this, but is assigned several points of Secret Disadvantages (p. B120). These differ from individual to individual, and are chosen by the GM and imposed during play, usually from among Berserk, Chronic Depression, Delusions, Manic-Depressive, Megalomania, On the Edge, Paranoia, and Split Personality. This would be recorded in a template as Secret Disadvantages (Mental Instability) and the point value (at least -10 points); the actual disadvantage will be worth five points less. It’s quite possible someone could learn they have genes tending toward mental instability . . . but not how it or when it will manifest! Another form of tinkering is to design someone so that exposure to a physical taste or scent triggers a release of endorphins, or simply tastes/smells good to them. This might be a 0-point feature (e.g., gengineering children so they always like the taste of spinach) or more manipulative (e.g., a servant race designed to like the scent of a master race, etc.). This might count as a Minor Addiction. The most common behavior modifications likely to be deliberately engineered are shown below. Behavioral Modifications Trait Cost Page TL Attentive -1 B163 9 Bad Temper -10* B124 9 Berserk -10* B124 9 Bloodlust -10* B125 9 Broad-Minded -1 B163 10 Bully -10* B125 9 Careful -1 B163 9 Callous -5 B125 9 Congenial -1 B164 10 Cowardice -10* B129 9 Curious -5* B129 10 Dull -1 B164 9 Dyslexia -10 B134 9 Gluttony -5* B137 9 Hidebound -5 B138 9 Humble -1 B164 10 Impulsiveness -10* B139 9 Incurious -5* B140 10 Lecherousness -15* B142 9 Loner -5* B142 9 Low Empathy -20 B142 9 Minor Addiction -1 B165 9 Nosy -1 B164 9 Overconfidence -5* B148 9 Personality Change -1 B164 9 Proud -1 B164 10 Responsive -1 B164 10 Secret Disadvantage (Mental Instability) variable 43 9 Selfless -5* B153 11 Shyness -5, -10, or -20 B154 9 Slave Mentality -40 B154 11 Split Personality -15* B156 10 Staid -1 B164 9 Stubbornness -5 B157 9 Uncongenial -1 B165 9 Workaholic -5 B162 10 * You must select a self-control number; the cost given is for a self-control number of 12. HUMAN GENETIC ENGINEERING 43Sleep-State Modifications The biochemical mechanisms behind sleep remain murky. Many researchers believe that animals (including humans) sleep and dream because the body or brain needs time to rest and regenerate itself. However, some scientists lean toward the idea that sleep is not a metabolic necessity, but rather an evolutionary quirk. That is, our brains are programmed to make us sleepy because being dormant for a certain length of time reduces food requirements and, for humans, prevents us from stumbling into predators we can’t see. If that’s the case, sleep’s been obsolete since we invented fire – but the only way to tell our bodies otherwise may be genetic engineering. Careful tinkering with sleep-regulating structures in the brain, such as the caudal brain stem, basal forebrain, the serotonin-producing raphe nuclei, and the suprachiasmatic nuclei (which appear to govern circadian rhythms) may modify or eliminate the need for sleep. Other modifications may affect the way humans dream by interfering with the flow of images to the cortex from the limbic centers (the older part of the brain). Sleep-State Modifications Trait Cost Page TL Deep Sleeper 1 B101 9 Doesn’t Sleep 20 B50 11* Dreaming +1 to +3† 2/level B188 10 Less Sleep 1 2 B65 9 Less Sleep 2-4 2/level B65 10 * Species modification. † Racial skill bonus (p. B452). CARDIOVASCULAR MODIFICATIONS Cardiovascular modifications are made to the heart, blood, and circulatory system. The human heart is a pump with four chambers in two pairs: the right pair sends blood to the lungs to pick up oxygen, the left delivers the now-oxygenated blood. The heart may be strengthened with enhanced muscle tissue so it can better withstand trauma and stress, providing extra HT and HP and the advantages Fit, Very Fit, or Hard to Kill. Mammals, including humans, have about a pint of blood for every 15 pounds of body weight (a “unit” of blood, as used in medicine, is also about a pint). Blood itself is a complex liquid composed of plasma and blood cells. Plasma is a watery liquid containing the glucose (blood sugar) that powers the body, various dissolved nutrients, hormones, and waste products. Blood cells are white cells that fight disease, platelets that clot and seal wounds, and red cells that carry oxygen. Bone marrow cells may be modified to produce gengineered blood cells with improved capabilities. The hemoglobin in red blood cells (erythrocytes) can be redesigned for greater oxygen transport capacity (extra Fatigue Points). Extra red blood cells can be stored in the spleen (as in a dog) for additional release when necessary. The circulatory system includes arteries that carry blood from the heart to the body, veins that return it, and tiny capillaries linking the two, where oxygen and nutrients are exchanged. Arterial tissue may be gengineered so it does not lose its elastic property with age (which could provide Longevity). More specialized cardiovascular genemods are also possible. For instance, as high-g acceleration causes blackouts when the blood pools in the lower body rather than reaching the brain, arteries feeding the lower body may be redesigned to react to g-forces by pinching off blood flow to legs and abdomen while enhancing it to the brain (Resistant to Acceleration). Related modifications may produce faster recovery from unconsciousness (Recovery) or adapt the circulatory system to lengthy periods in higher or lower gravity (Improved G-Tolerance). To design cardiovascular genemods, use these secondary characteristic bonuses and advantages: Cardiovascular Modifications Trait Cost Page TL Fit 5 B55 9 FP +1 to +3 3 per +1 FP B16 9 FP +4 to +5 3 per +1 FP B16 10* FP +6 to +10 3 per +1 FP B16 11* Hard to Kill 1-2 2/level B58 10 Hard to Kill 3-5 2/level B58 10* Hard to Subdue 1-2 2/level B59 10 Hard to Subdue 3-5 2/level B59 10* Improved G-Tolerance (0.3 G) 5 B60 9 Improved G-Tolerance (0.5 G) 10 B60 10 Improved G-Tolerance (1 G) 15 B60 10* Improved G-Tolerance (5 G) 20 B60 11* Longevity 2 B66 9 Rapid Healing 5 B79 9 Recovery 10 B80 10 Resistant to Acceleration (+3) 1 B80 9 Resistant to Acceleration (+8) 3 B80 11* Very Fit 15 B55 10 * Species modification. COSMETIC AND MINOR TRANSGENIC MODIFICATIONS Eye color can be specified quite easily, as this is a simple multigenic trait. Hair color, as well as skin pigment (melanin) and other traits that make someone racially black, Caucasian, and so on, are somewhat more complex, but all can be selected at TL9+ to give whatever eye, hair, skin color, or other ethnic features are desired, or to deliberately blend several types. 44 HUMAN GENETIC ENGINEERINGGood or bad looks can be selected by choosing a particular bone structure and metabolic factors that encourage a specific type of build, while working against acquiring blemishes, acne, and so on. Left unspecified, a person’s looks are whatever is randomly inherited from the original genetic material used, i.e., it depends on the parents, and it’s up to the player or GM. Other traits, such as a tendency toward a particular build, are also possible. Species engineering can create designer genes for distinctive exotic features like green hair, blue skin, or goldflecked eyes. Genetic Tattoos: These are images or symbols formed from skin pigmentation, bumps or ridges. They might be artistic, or show clan or company affiliation – a slave race might even have a tiny company logo and trademark symbol on their body. Intron Messages: Introns (p. 7) can be modified to “spell out” specific messages when someone sequences the gengineered DNA. Skin, Hair, and Body Coverings The skin itself is the body’s largest organ, designed to protect softer internal tissues from harm and (through sweat glands) keep it cool. The outer skin, or epidermis, is composed of a surface of hard, dead tissue (keratin) atop a basal layer of live skin cells that are constantly multiplying, growing, filling up with keratin, dying, and flaking off; the cycle takes about four weeks. Below the epidermis is the dermis, a thicker layer formed from the protein collagen, that also contains blood vessels, nerves, sweat glands, and hair roots. Modifications may change the way skin cells grow, alter pigments, or cause the growth of a thicker hide, fur, or even scales. Chameleon Skin: Natural chameleons such as the cuttlefish have layers of dermal chromatophore cells. These consist of a pigment sac (there are usually three different pigments) encased in muscle and nerve tissue. By contracting these muscles, the colored cell is flattened into a wide disk, increasing its visibility; by relaxing the muscles, it contracts to a dot. By relaxing chromatophores containing one pigment and constricting those containing others, a wide range of colors and patterns can be generated. Chameleon could also be extended to cover Infravision through pigments that absorb infrared radiation, or its masking via thick fur. Fur, Scales, Spines, etc. These are usually intended for aesthetic effect, but can serve more practical purposes, such as protecting colonists engineered for harsh climates. They may also be effects of blending human and animal genes in search of other advantages like xenosenses. Thick fur may also provide DR 1-3 and Temperature Tolerance 1-2. Scales or a thick leathery hide may provide DR 1-4; a tortoise-like shell, DR 4-5. Other Transgenic Traits Amphibious: This requires gengineering for webbed fingers and toes, and is often associated with a sleek coat of fur like a seal, or very light scales. Bioelectric Organ: An exotic modification that uses modified plates formed from muscle tissue, derived from electric eel genes. It can deliver a localized but powerful electrical shock: Burning Attack 1d (Melee Attack, Reach C, -30%; No Incendiary Effect, -10%; Side Effect, Stunning, +50%; Surge, +20%; Takes Recharge, 5 seconds, -10%; Variable, +5%) [7]. The Variable enhancement allows it to be used at a lower power level, e.g., to act as an emergency defibrillator (p. 124). Clinging: This may be achieved via tree-frog suckers or gecko hairs on hands and feet. Claws, Talons, etc: Claws, hooves, teeth, etc. are based on animal models. They all may be given the Switchable (+10%) enhancement to represent retractable features. Weak Bite could represent changes in jaw structure, or softening or removal of the teeth – possibly a deliberate modification in a pet or pleasure bioroid; this may limit available food choices, but is not severe enough to count as Restricted Diet. Payload: This represents natural pouches, like those of marsupials, which may be useful for carrying tools or concealing weapons, as well as holding babies. Nictitating Membranes: These reptilian “second eyelids” are designed to protect the eyes. This modification may be common in pantropic parahumans designed for worlds with hostile atmospheres or perpetual dust storms, or for vacuum. Prehensile Tongue: This is a long (sometimes forked) retractable tongue. Acute Taste +1 [2]; Racial Skill Bonus: Erotic Art +1 [2]; Extra Arms (Third Arm; Extra-Flexible +50%; Short, -50%; Switchable, +10%; Weak, 1/4 ST, -50%) [6]. 10 points. Temperature Tolerance: This may be combined with fur, but could also represent a sub-dermal layer of adipose or blubber, or special insulating glands. Cosmetic and Minor Transgenic Modifications Trait Cost Page TL Appearance Levels Variable B21 9† Distinctive Features -1 B165 9 Genetic Tattoos 0 45 9* Intron Messages 0 45 10* Pitiable 5 B22 10 Other Transgenic Traits Amphibious 10 B40 9* Chameleon 1-2 5/level B41 10* Chameleon 3-4 5/level B41 11* Clinging 20 B43 10* Damage Resistance 1-3 5/level B46 9* Damage Resistance 4-6 5/level B46 10* Fur 1 B101 9* Long Spines 3 B88 10* Nictitating Membrane 1-5 1/level B71 9* Payload 1-5 1/level B74 9* Prehensile Tongue 10 45 10* Short Spines 1 B88 10* Temperature Tolerance 1 1/level B93 9 Temperature Tolerance 2-5 1/level B93 9* Temperature Tolerance 6-10 1/level B93 10* Temperature Tolerance 11-20 1/level B93 11* Unnatural Features 1-5 -1/level B22 9* HUMAN GENETIC ENGINEERING 45Transgenic Natural Weapons Trait Cost Page TL Bioelectric Organ 7 45 11* Claws – Blunt Claws 3 B42 9* – Hooves 3 B42 10* – Long Talons 11 B43 10* – Sharp Claws 5 B42 9* – Talons 8 B43 10* Teeth – Fangs 2 B91 9* – Sharp Beak 1 B91 10* – Sharp Teeth 1 B91 9* Weak Bite -2 B161 9* * Species modification. In some cases, these may qualify as Distinctive or Unnatural Features, depending on how common parahuman species are. † Any level except Horrific or Transcendent is possible; these may optionally be possible with TL11+ biotech. Appearance may be engineered with the Androgynous (p. B21) or Impressive options, and the -50% limitation Offthe-Shelf Looks (p. B21) is appropriate for templates that involve mass cloning or identically-manufactured bioroids. DIGESTIVE AND FILTRATION MODIFICATIONS Chronos-series long-range recon patrol bioroids have a stomach like a grasshopper mouse’s and hyperactive digestive enzymes that can digest anything. Supposedly, that frees them from dependence on the supply system, especially in harsh environments where there isn’t much food around. In the Andes conflict, I saw them ambush an enemy patrol, then swallow them up and grind them down, bones and all. Even ate their own dead. Creepy. – Captain (ret.) Dana Martello, Marine Force Recon The body’s digestive system is designed to transform food into protein, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, and fat which can be absorbed into the bloodstream to power the body. After being chewed and moistened by saliva, food goes down the esophagus into the stomach, where it is digested by stomach acids. It then passes into the small intestine (the longest part of the digestive system), where it is transformed into nutrients and absorbed into the bloodstream along its vast surface area. Nutrient-rich blood enters the liver for processing. It filters out harmful substances or wastes, turning some of the waste into bile (which is used to break down fatty foods). The large intestine handles the remaining waste. It absorbs water and any remaining minerals, concentrating the remaining soup into solid waste and storing it in the rectum. The large intestine teems with symbiotic microbes which assist the process. Modifications to the liver are usually aimed at selectively improving its metabolic and detoxification abilities, giving better resistance to blood toxins (including alcohol), usually in conjunction with modifications to the spleen and kidneys. This is represented by being Resistant to Poison or perks such as Alcohol Tolerance. It may also be possible to rebuild the liver so its tissues store oxygen, in the manner of some marine mammals (see Respiratory Alternatives, p. 55). General improvements to the digestive and urinary system can give the advantage Reduced Consumption; digestive improvements provide Reduced Consumption (Food). A common modification, especially for pantropic parahumans who are adapted to an alien world or postholocaust environment, is Immunity to a specific poison, where the poison is a particular environmental condition in air, water, or food. This is usually TL9, although some conditions might require higher-TL modifications. Colonists, scouts or soldiers who have to live off the land might have an intestinal tract redesigned to function like that of a ruminant animal (e.g., a cow), with symbiotic bacteria that can digest cellulose, allowing them to eat almost any plant matter. This ability is Reduced Consumption (Cast-Iron Stomach) (p. B80). Going the other way, it might be desirable to remove as many parasitic and symbiotic bacteria as possible from the human body, giving Sanitized Metabolism (p. B101). Spacers may take this route to reduce the risk of bacterial infection or mutation in fragile and radiation-exposed space ecosystems. If so, the newlysanitized intestines will need to be modified to produce enzymes that handle the functions of intestinal bacteria, such as vitamin synthesis. The appendix is a vestigial growth on the end of the intestine. In humans, it doesn’t do much except become 46 HUMAN GENETIC ENGINEERINGinfected; human gengineers may remove it in the interests of boosting overall health and resistance to disease. In and of itself, No Appendix is only a feature, but it is often taken in conjunction with an overall increase in HT. Kidney Modifications “Uh, should all of us be drinking? I’m out of Sober-Ups, and we don’t have a designated driver.” “Hey, it’s cool. I’m an Ishtar-sequence upgrade. With my genemod liver, I can drink all night and never get wasted.” “Well, I hope you’ve got a boosted kidney, too. It’s 20 miles to the nearest rest stop, and I’m not going into this place’s washroom without a gun.” The body’s water processing system is the urinary system; its main organs are the kidneys, which contains a million tiny filters (nephrons) that remove waste products including excess salt and water from the blood into the bladder, for release. The kidneys could be remodeled after a desert animal’s to conserve water via super-concentration of the urine (which would also reduce the need for bathroom breaks). This results in the need for only 2/3 to 1/3 as much water. This ability provides Reduced Consumption (Water Only). Digestive and Filtration Modifications Trait Cost Page TL Alcohol Tolerance 1 B100 9 Immunity to a Specific Poison 1 B80 9 No Appendix 0 46 9* No Hangover 1 B101 10 Reduced Consumption 1-2 2/level B80 10* Reduced Consumption 3 6 B80 11* Reduced Consumption 4 8 B80 12* – Food Only -50% B80 -1 – Water Only -50% B80 -1 Resistant – to Ingested Poison (+3) 3 B80 9 – to Ingested Poison (+8) 5 B80 10* – to Poison (+3) 5 B80 10 – to Poison (+8) 7 B80 11* Sanitized Metabolism 1 B101 9* * Species modification. GLANDULAR MODIFICATIONS Well, sir, we’ve been grown with the Gen-Five supergland. Whenever our model goes into overdrive, we get these cravings afterward. No, sir, we didn’t mean to do that to the prisoners, but we just couldn’t help ourselves. Usually the MPs are on hand, but – yes, sir, I’m sorry, sir. – Corporal NB-SEK-0172, 152nd Paratroop Regiment, Felicia bioroid A network of internal glands, the endocrine system, secretes hundreds of different hormones into the bloodstream. The tiny pituitary gland (under the brain) is in overall command of the endocrine system. Other glands – the adrenal, thyroid, parathyroid, pineal body, pancreas, thymus, ovaries and testes – release hormones into the bloodstream to regulate the body’s growth, development, and routine metabolic processes, as well as emergency, emotional, and sexual responses. For example, the adrenal gland (above the kidneys) regulates how the body consumes water and reacts to stress; in stressful situations, it tells the liver to release more glucose (for extra energy) and the heart to beat faster (increasing blood flow to the muscles). Selective glandular biomodification can optimize the body’s hormonal balance so that a person will develop in a certain way (more muscular, for instance), perform differently under stress, or experience stronger or weaker passions. Gengineering of the pituitary and thyroid glands, or designing new, voluntary regulatory glands that produce similar hormones, could adjust metabolic processes such as growth and maturation, and possibly allow control over involuntary biological functions like respiration and digestion. This can grant a tendency toward or away from particular builds, e.g., Taboo Trait (Fat). Deliberately engineering Skinny or Overweight may even be desirable, depending on prevailing ideals or other purposes, e.g., reduced weight for gengineered flyers or extra fat for cold weather. It may also be feasible to engineer for short-term “emergency performance,” or to improve pain or stress response. This can provide advantages such as Combat Reflexes and Fearlessness. An ambitious goal is the voluntary control of the sudden bursts of “hysterical” speed or strength that some people are capable of in emergencies. This might require genetic tinkering to modify the adrenal glands or, as with metabolic control, the creation of new voluntary glands that produce similar hormones. This is Combat Reflexes, or for superhuman levels of performance, the meta-traits Burst Speed (p. 48) or Explosive Strength (p. 48). The reverse of this is also possible, creating someone who will usually freeze in a combat situation (Combat Paralysis). In micro- or zero gravity, the lack of weight seems to affect development, causing brittle bones. Gengineering may be aimed at modifying the parathyroid gland to restore calcium levels, and otherwise adjusting the metabolism to life in zero-G. By tinkering with hormones, the gengineer can also adjust human behavior, creating a being whose emotions are skewed in a desired direction. Modifications of this sort usually center on the adrenal gland, the gonads (which control influential sex hormones such as estrogens – e.g., estradiol – and androgens – e.g., testosterone) or the pituitary (which produces hormones that influence other glands). The strongest influence will be on the three “primal” human responses: fear, aggression, and sexual behavior. Early Maturation: This feature reduces the age of maturity at the same rate as Short Lifespan (p. B154) without reducing lifespan. See p. 212. Hibernation: This ability is Metabolism Control (Hibernation, -60%) [2/level]; see Metabolism Control (p. B68). HUMAN GENETIC ENGINEERING 47Glandular Modifications Trait Cost Page TL Basic Speed† 20 per +1.00 B17 9 Combat Paralysis -15 B127 9 Combat Reflexes 15 B43 9 Early Maturation 1 0 212 9 Early Maturation 2 0 212 10 Early Maturation 3 0 212 11 Early Maturation 4 0 212 12 Enhanced Muscle 1-5† 8/level 213 9* Fearlessness 1-5 2/level B55 9 Hibernation 1-4 2/level 47 9* High Pain Threshold 10 B59 9 Improved G-Tolerance (0.3 G) 5 B60 9 Metabolism Control 1-2 5/level B68 9 Metabolism Control 3-4 5/level B68 10* No Degeneration in Zero-G 1 211 9* Overweight -1 B19 9 Skinny -5 B18 9 Taboo Traits (a particular Build) 0 64 9 Unfazeable 15 B95 10 * Species modification. † This advantage must be taken in conjunction with one or more of these limitations: Aftermath (p. 215), Cardiac Stress (p. 215), Costs Fatigue (p. B111), Emergencies Only (p. B112), or Temporary Disadvantage (p. B115); Aftermath or Temporary Disadvantages are usually based on Bad Temper, Berserk, Gluttony, or Lecherousness. Here are two examples: Burst Reflexes (TL9): A controlled release of adrenaline lets you react quickly. This is Basic Speed, +1.00 (Costs Fatigue, 2 FP, -10%) [18]. Explosive Strength (TL9): In emergencies, your body can trigger an explosive burst of adrenaline-fueled “hysterical” strength for a very short period. This is Enhanced Muscle 5 (Costs Fatigue, 1 FP/second, -10%; Emergencies Only, -30%) [24]. For another example, see the Felicia (p. 73). Pheromone Modifications I believe that we can gain further control over the next generation by restoring the vestigial vomeronasal system, which reacts to airborne pheromones. Unlike lower animals, whose pheromone vulnerability is limited by mating seasons, humans with this genemod may experience irregular, heightened states of arousal. More important for our purposes, they will become far more vulnerable to enhanced pheromones, such as those produced by the pheromone glands and aerosols we have developed. – Dr. Tse Chang, Report to the Genetic Planning Council Pheromones are chemical signals given off by the body’s natural secretions. Animals use pheromones to attract mates or, to a lesser extent, warn others of danger, identify each other or establish dominance. For game purposes, this term can also be extended to the production of other airborne hormones. Susceptible to Pheromones: Many animals have a vomeronasal organ that lets them perceive pheromones as a feeling rather than a smell: detecting another’s pheromones can induce arousal, attraction, respect, nervousness or whatever. In humans, the vomeronasal organ has atrophied to the point where people probably can’t detect pheromones . . . but that might change. In the case of pheromones that provide a reaction bonus (Xeno or Dominance), increase your bonus by your level of susceptibility. This is Susceptible (Pheromones) 1-5 [-1-5]. Sex Pheromones: Modified human glands could produce sex pheromones (or other chemical aphrodisiacs) powerful enough to influence humans. The user exudes an invisible chemical cloud that inspires attraction in those exposed to it. Victims must be within two yards and breathe it in – this ability doesn’t work by touch or sight. This ability is Affliction 1 (HT; Lecherousness (12), +15%; Accessibility, Only on those attracted to your gender, -20%; Area Effect 1, +50%; Emanation, -20%; Scent-Based, +150%) [28]. 28 points. Trust Hormones: Airborne production of hormones such as oxytocin that inspire levels of trust may justify Affliction 1 (HT; Gullibility (12), +10%, Area Effect 1, +50%; Emanation, -20%; Scent-Based, +150%) [29]. 29 points. Xeno-Pheromones: Modified organs for producing pheromones capable of influencing a non-sentient species could justify the advantage Animal Friend 1 (Accessibility, One species only, -40%; Scent-Based, -20%) [2]. 2 points. Dominance Pheromones: These sophisticated pheromones cause people to admire or react with awe to the user – though they don’t know why! This is Charisma +4 (Accessibility, no effect on nonhumans, -5%; Scent-based, -20%) [15]. 15 points. The user is assumed to be possess an immunity to his own chemical emissions, but this need not always be the case. If not, adding an appropriate Temporary Disadvantage limitation (e.g., Lecherousness or Gullibility, or possibly Chummy for Dominance pheromones) might be appropriate. Certain disadvantages might also be activated by pheromones – this is the Trigger limitation. Pheromone Modifications Trait Cost Page TL Dominance Pheromones 15 48 11* Sex Pheromones 28 48 10* Susceptible (Pheromones) 1-5 -1 to -5 48 9* Trust Hormones 29 48 10* Xeno-Pheromones 2 48 10* * Species modification. Xeno-Glands Today’s featured company expose is Onokage Labs. This shadowy Kyoto-based corporation has carved out a niche for itself in custom gengineering for the rich and decadent of Asia-Transpacific. Their living products are well known among connoisseurs of the bizarre – and not always what 48 HUMAN GENETIC ENGINEERINGthey seem. Take their Fugu-series pleasure bioroid: an exotic beauty with lavender skin and white hair, she also possesses genemod venom sacs capable of delivering endorphins. Her ‘love bites’ can make you high, but too much of a good thing can kill you. – Noriko Hayakawa, host of Cyberia Beat The most common exocrine glands derived from nonhuman species are venom sacs based on those of reptiles or amphibians. A huge array of toxic and drug-like effects are possible, generally bought as a follow-up Affliction or an Innate Attack doing Toxic damage, usually in conjunction with Sharp Teeth or Claws (p. B42). Symbiotic bacterial or glandular bioreactors capable of producing or excreting various substances or drugs for later harvest are also possible, although these are much more for animals than humans; See Pharm Animals (p. 85) for examples. Gengineering of these, or of modified hormone glands, may permit chemicals produced in the body (including exotic, new ones) to be secreted externally. At high TLs, glands (such as spinnerets) capable of secreting enzymes and proteins derived from insect or arachnid genes may allow Clinging or web-slinging (Binding). Other exotic possibilities are enhanced sweat glands to provide Slippery or Temperature Tolerance, or squid-like ink glands giving the Obscure (Vision) advantage in water. Xeno-glands often have Limited Use or Takes Recharge limitations and are sometimes limited to Emergencies Only. Xeno-Glands Trait Cost Page TL Affliction 1+ 10/level B35 9* Binding 1-20 2/level B40 12‡ Clinging 20 B43 11 Obscure (Vision) 1-10 2/level B72 11† Slippery 2/level B85 10 Temperature Tolerance 1-2 1/level B93 10 Toxic Attack 1+ 4/level B62 9* * This should have either the Blood Agent (p. B110) or, for musk, Sense-based (p. B109) (usually in conjunction with either Melee Attack or Jet) or Follow-Up modifiers (p. B105). † This should have the limitation Accessibility, only in water, -30% (p. B110). ‡ This should have the modifiers Area Effect (p. B102) and Persistent (p. B107), and possibly Sticky (p. B40) and Wall (p. B109). All xeno-glands are species modifications. Toxic and Affliction Abilities There are numerous possible Toxic and Affliction attacks that could be produced with advanced genetic engineering. Three examples are given below: Deadly Venom (TL9): Toxic Attack 1d (Cyclic, 1 hour, 4 cycles, Resistible, +30%; Follow-Up, Teeth/Striker/Claws, +0%; Onset, 1 minute, -10%; Resistible, HT-4, -10%; Symptoms, 2/3 HP, -2 ST, DX, IQ, and HT, +60%) [8]. Notes: The victim must make a HT-4 roll a minute after injection and hourly for three hours. Each failure inflicts 1d injury. Those who lose 2/3 HP or more become seriously ill: -2 to all attributes until healed. 8 points. Ecstasy Glands (TL10): Affliction 1 (HT; Blood Agent, -40%; Onset, 1 minute, -10%; Ecstasy, +100%; Emergencies Only, -30%; Melee Attack, C, -30%; Secondary Heart Attack, +60%) [15]. Notes: The attacker’s bodily secretions contain a powerful drug, released when sexually excited or when frightened; a victim must make a HT roll a minute after being exposed. Failure means he’s incapacitated by ecstasy for minutes equal to his margin of failure; failure by 5+ means a heart attack. 15 points. Venomous Spit (TL10): Toxic Attack 1d+1 (Blood Agent, -40%; Cyclic, 1 hour, 4 cycles, Resistible, +30%; Jet, +0%; Onset, 1 minute, -10%; Reduced Range, ¥1/2, -10%; Resistible, HT-3, -15%; Symptoms, 2/3 HP, -3 DX and IQ, +60%) [7]. Notes: This jet of venom must hit the eyes or open mouth, or an open wound, to have any effect. Victims must make a HT-3 roll a minute after exposure and hourly for three hours. Each failure means 1d+1 injury. Those who lose 2/3 HP or more grow feverish: -3 DX and IQ until healed. 7 points. IMMUNE SYSTEM MODIFICATIONS The body responds to infection using a combination of blood proteins (the complement system) and white blood cells (leukocytes). The latter include killer T-cells, which destroy infected cells in the body; B-cells, which produce antibodies that tag pathogens; and phagocytic cells, which engulf and destroy tagged pathogens. Improved disease resistance may result from gengineering the spleen and bone marrow to manufacture more discriminating and aggressive leukocytes. Ultimately, they may be engineered into bio-nanomachine factories, creating cells that can do everything from binding with and destroying toxins to cleaning out clogged arteries . . . but this capability (granting full Immunity to Disease, often in combination with Longevity) will usually require biomods or nanosymbiotes, and hence is covered in later chapters. The exception are bioroids, whose radical design may more easily provide this capability. Immune System Modifications Trait Cost Page TL HT+1 10 B15 10 Resistant to Disease (+3) 3 B80 9 Resistant to Disease (+8) 5 B80 9 Resistant to Sickness (+3) 5 B80 10 Resistant to Sickness (+8) 7 B80 10* Immunity to Disease 10 B80 10† * Species modification. † Species modification; bioroids only. HUMAN GENETIC ENGINEERING 49LIFESPAN AND SELF-REPAIR MODIFICATIONS A person’s overall health may be increased by a spectrum of genetic changes, such as eliminating genetic defects and hereditary tendencies toward degenerative illness. The search for longevity is likely to be a major preoccupation of eugeneering. “Dying of old age” seems to result from numerous factors, each of which must be dealt with separately: arterial clogging, the buildup of free radicals, weakening bones, cancers, diseases, accumulated genetic copying errors, and even the depredations of brain-destroying prions. Any genemod that treats even a few of these factors may increase lifespan. For example, one major cause of aging might be the damage caused by free radicals, the toxic byproducts of the body’s metabolic activity. Genetic engineering aimed at countering this may increase the production of the body’s natural antioxidants such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GPX). This alone could be enough to increase a human lifespan by 10 to 50%. Another aging theory suggests that some cells seem to accumulate copying errors after a certain number of replications (the Hayflick limit). If that’s the case, a “revised Hayflick limit” genetic sequence, designed to produce more robust cells, might be needed in order to grant Extended Lifespan or, ultimately, Unaging. Regeneration is trickier. Gene sequences copied from lizards (which can often regenerate tails or other extremities) may give humans a similar ability. True immortality may require radical alterations to cell structure, or a colony of symbiotic bio-nanomachines that patrol the body (see p. 166). Immune system modifications (p. 49) and liver and kidney modifications (p. 46) are closely related to lifespan and self-repair modifications – someone who is immune to toxins and disease is likely to live longer, for example, so these advantages often combine with self-repair and longevity modifications to provide Resistant to Metabolic Hazards. This is especially likely for anyone who also has Unaging. Slave races may have Self-Destruct modifications to the endocrine system or built in “suicide clocks” in cells that cause rapid degeneration when they reach their aging threshold, to ensure demand for new product via planned obsolescence. A shortened lifespan might be popular for non-sterile slave races, if it allows rapid maturation. Lifespan and Self-Repair Modifications Trait Cost Page TL Extended Lifespan 1-2 2/level B53 10* Extended Lifespan 3 6 B53 11* Extended Lifespan 4 8 B53 12* HT+1 10 B15 9 HT+2 20 B15 10 HT+3 30 B15 11* HT+4 40 B15 12* Longevity 2 B66 9 Radiation Tolerance 2 5 B79 9* Radiation Tolerance 5 10 B79 10* Radiation Tolerance 10 15 B79 10/11 Radiation Tolerance 20 20 B79 11/12 Rapid Healing 5 B79 9 Regeneration (Slow) 10 B80 10/11†* Regeneration (Regular) 25 B80 11/12†* Regrowth 40 B80 10* Resistant to Metabolic Hazards (+3) 10 B80 10/12 Resistant to Metabolic Hazards (+8) 15 B80 11/12 Self-Destruct -10 B153 9* Short Lifespan -10/level B154 10* Unaging 15 B95 11* Very Rapid Healing 15 B79 10 * Species modification. † The modifiers Heals Radiation (+40%) and Radiation Only (-60%) are also available; the “Only” version reduces the TL to TL10 for Slow or TL11 for Regular. 50 HUMAN GENETIC ENGINEERINGMORPHOLOGICAL CHANGES No terrestrial vertebrate strays from the fundamental skeletal pattern of a cranium, four limbs, and a tail. In some animals, certain of these features are enhanced and others are atrophied – sometimes to invisibility. For example, dolphins replace their legs with flippers and a huge tail, snakes have no limbs, while humans have only a vestigial tail bone, but differentiate their limbs into arms and legs. Nevertheless, the basic pattern remains. Genetic engineering can alter humans within these limits between TL9 and TL10, changing the function of limbs (or deleting them), adding a tail or altering body posture. However, deviating from vertebrate morphology to give humans more than four functional limbs, or other exotic changes, requires TL11+. Modified Limbs First time I saw the new foreman, I was a little skeptical: a work shack’s cramped enough without two extra elbows. That lasted until I saw what Lyra could do in zero-G – we got the new solar panels up in record time. A few days later, Lyra invited me to her apartment, in the station hub where it’s always weightless. That night, she showed me another reason to appreciate four hands. – Copernicus Jones, Posthumans I’ve Known Digitigrade Posture: A human’s legs can be redesigned to resemble a quadruped’s hind legs. Someone with this modification walks on his toes and the ball of his foot, or a hoof. This is usually a cosmetic modification, for customdesigned satyrs or other beast-people. While less practical for bipeds than for quadrupeds, careful modification of joints can make this posture just as comfortable. This is a feature. 0 points. Prehensile Toes: These are toes that have been lengthened to serve as fingers and equipped with opposable thumbs. While a person with prehensile toes is using his feet as arms, he can’t walk or run; he can still sit, float (in space or liquid) or fly, of course. This ability consists of Extra Arms (Two arms; Foot Manipulators, -30%; Short, -50%) [4]. 4 points. Legs to Flippers: Altering hands to provide webbed fingers and feet into seal or frog-like flippers grants the No Legs (Semi-Aquatic) trait (p. B145) and can also justify buying a half-level of Enhanced Move (Water) (p. B52). A true “mer-human” human may undergo radical gengineering so that the embryo never forms legs, instead developing a dolphin-like lower body and tail, and probably webbed fingers. This gives the No Legs (Aquatic) trait (p. B145) and can justify either Enhanced Move (Water) 1/2 or 1 (p. B52). Legs to Arms: Only popular in microgravity, this is a radical change suitable for gene-engineered spacers. It replaces both legs with a second pair of arms. This is Extra Arms (Foot Manipulators, -30%) [14] plus Crippled Legs (Accessibility, Not in zero-G, -10%) [-9]. Basic Move must be reduced by half as described in the Crippled Legs disadvantage; this will give extra points back. 5 points. Extra Arms: Adding one, two, or four extra functional arms (attached between the shoulders and the hips) is much harder than simply transforming legs into arms. Not only are extensive skeletal and muscular modifications required, but blood flow will need to be increased to handle these busy additions, which means a larger heart and more efficient lungs. The nervous system must also be reworked and the brain modified in order to control them. These modifications give two or four Extra Arms (p. B53). Modified Limbs Trait Cost Page TL Digitigrade Posture 0 51 9* Enhanced Move (Water) 20/level B52 10† Extra Arms (4 arms) 20 B53 11 Extra Arms (6 arms) 40 B53 12 Legs to Arms 5 51 9* No Legs (Aquatic) 0/-5/-10 B145 9* No Legs (Semi-Aquatic) 0 B145 9* Prehensile Toes 4 51 9* Striker 5-8 B88 11 * Species modification. † Enhanced Move (Water) requires either No Legs (Aquatic) (maximum 1 level) or No Legs (Semi-Aquatic) (maximum 1/2 level). Gengineered Tails Humans have a vestigial tailbone; species modification gengineering could use genes from other mammals to give humans a tail. This might be done for cosmetic reasons, or the tail may be usable as a weapon or a functional extra arm. Ordinary Tail (TL9): A normal animal tail, with various styles available (cat, wolf, pony, rabbit, rat, etc). Clothing should be designed with tail flaps! 0 points. Prehensile Tail (TL10): A tail capable of grasping, like a monkey’s. This requires modifications to the brain and nervous system as well. It may be a popular biomod feature for spacers, where an additional grasping limb is always useful. This is an Extra Arm 1 (Extra-Flexible +50%; No Physical Attack -50%) [10]. 10 points. Prehensile Trunk (TL11): An elephant-like trunk on the face. Otherwise identical to Prehensile Tail. 10 points. Scorpion Tail (TL12): A segmented tail with a barbed, poisoned tip. Treat as a Large Piercing Striker (Cannot Parry, -40%; Clumsy, -3 to hit, -60%; Long, +100%) [6] plus Toxic Attack 2d (Cyclic, 1 hour; 5 cycles, resistible, +40%; Follow-Up, Striker, +0; Resistible, HT-3, -15%) [10]. 16 points. Gengineered Tails Trait Cost Page TL Ordinary Tail 0 51 9 Prehensile Tail 10 51 10 Prehensile Trunk 11 51 11 Scorpion Tail 16 51 12 All traits on the Gengineered Tails table are species modifications. HUMAN GENETIC ENGINEERING 51Winged Humans We can synthesize the DNA for feathered or bat-like wings, but you can’t just splice wings into a normal genotype and expect it to fly. Thanks to the square-cube law, a set big enough to lift even a child isn’t practical. Sure, you can expand the wingspan, but then you end up with wings 50 or 60 feet across. Aside from the inconvenience, you’ll run into problems of structural strength and finding the muscles needed to flap them. As a result, winged bioroids typically have wingspans of about twice their height. While this can be a visually attractive feature, they have no chance on Earth of flying. I use that cliche deliberately: if you can find an extra-terrestrial environment with a lower gravity but normal or higher atmospheric pressure, then you’re in luck. Planets like that are rare, but there are artificial habitats. Our Camazotz-series bioroids were grown for the domes on Luna City and Titan, and the big orbitals; in under one-sixth G, they really can fly. I imagine if we ever make a Dyson sphere, they’d be perfect. – Dr. Sayyid Iqbal, Biotech Euphrates A flying or gliding human will always have Flight with the Winged and Requires Low Gravity limitation (p. 215). To work out the maximum gravity, in multiples of Earth gravity (G) that the race can fly in, find the average ST of the racial template (e.g., ST 10 for humans, or ST 13 for an upgrade with racial ST+3) and the Basic Lift (p. B17) for that ST. Then determine the average racial body weight as follows: cube the racial ST, multiply by 0.15 lbs., and modify for any build disadvantages (p. B18) included in the template – thus; Skinny is a useful trait for flying humans! Then divide that BL by racial body weight to find maximum gravity in G. This is for flyers; multiply gravity by 1.5 if the race’s Flight is limited to Controlled Gliding or by 2 if limited to Gliding. Example: A variant race of flying humans has racial ST -1 for an average racial ST 9, which also gives a racial average BL 16 lbs. The body weight averages (9 cubed) ¥ 0.15 = 109 lbs.; however, the race is designed to be Skinny, so this is multiplied by 2/3, giving 73 lbs. (16 / 73) = 0.22 G (rounded to 0.2G); they could fly in a domed city on the Moon (0.17 G) but not Earth (1 G) or Mars (0.38 G). Therefore the race must take Flight (Requires Low Gravity, 0.2 G, -40%; Winged -25%) [14]. The limitation assumes a standard-pressure atmosphere (1 atm). In other environments, multiply the gravity the flyer can operate by the atmospheric pressure. Thus, someone who can only fly in up to 0.2 G gravity could fly in 0.3 G gravity if the atmosphere was 1.5 atm., but would be limited to 0.1 G gravity if it was 0.5 atm. In addition to the difficulties of gravity, there are other problems: the wings themselves. There are two typical approaches to creating wings: Arms to Wings Both arms are modified to become a pair of wings. This gives Flight limited as described above, plus some additional limitations or disadvantages. If the flyer’s wings can still be used as arms when not flying, this is a further limitation on the cost of Flight; treat as Temporary Disadvantage (No Fine Manipulators, -30%). If the wings are usable only to fly with, then they give the disadvantage No Fine Manipulators [-30], unless the race has feet or other body parts that can serve as arms. For a sub-race that has two pairs of arms (see Modified Limbs, p. 51), one pair of which can function as arms when not flying, these Extra Arms should have the limitation Temporary Disadvantage (Removes Flight), its value depending on the Flight’s cost (after the limitations suggested above). Angelic Wings This is the classical fantasy of wings sprouting from the shoulder blades. It’s very hard to gengineer, for the same reasons as adding an extra set of arms – in addition to the problems of arm-to-wing conversion, it requires redesigning the skeleton and adding new muscles and a modified nervous system. Take Flight with the Winged and Requires Low Gravity modifiers discussed above, and, optionally, either Controlled Gliding or Gliding if the wings are not capable of full powered flight. Gengineered Wings Trait Cost Page TL Arms to Wings variable 52 10 Angelic Wings variable 52 11 All traits on the Gengineered Wings table require species modification. Devolutionary Modifications Some morphological modifications take a backward step down the evolutionary path, causing humans to revert to more bestial forms. These are most likely intended for the creation of toys or slave races, although a very advanced civilization might enjoy creating blank-minded clone bodies this way, then “uploading” their minds into them as a new experience. Chimerization or gene splicing could create humans with a sphinx-like morphology: a human head atop a quadruped animal body (e.g., a leopard or pony), with hands and feet replaced with walking paws or hooves – the Quadruped meta-trait (p. B263). This can also justify Enhanced Move 1/2 or 1 (Ground) (p. B52) and Hooves (p. B42). A trickier morphological upgrade would alter chromosomes to blend a human upper body with a bestial lower body. This might require chimerization techniques (p. 38) in conjunction with genetic engineering, and is usually designed to allow faster ground speeds. A centauroid has Extra Legs (Four Legs) [5] (p. B54]. A human head on a snake-like body (such as the “lamia” that Tika Dawnstar created (p. 5) may be possible through radical manipulation of homobox genes. This gives the vermiform meta-trait. A snake-like lower body combined with a humanoid upper body is extremely difficult to genegineer, but more practical than a naga-like Vermiform; take No Legs (Slithering). Either justifies taking Constriction Attack (p. B43) and Double-Jointed (p. B56) as well. All of the above modifications are mutually incompatible. 52 HUMAN GENETIC ENGINEERINGDevolutionary Modifications Trait Cost Page TL Constriction Attack 15 B43 11‡ Double-Jointed 15 B56 11‡ Enhanced Move 20/level B52 10‡ Extra Legs (Four Legs) 5 B54 11† No Legs (Slithering) 0 B145 10* Quadruped -35 B263 10* Semi-Upright -5 B153 9* Vermiform -35 B263 10† * Species modification. † Radical species modification. ‡ Enhanced Move (Ground) must be justified by taking Semi-Upright (maximum 1/2 level) or Extra Legs or Quadruped (maximum 1 level) as well. Double-Jointed and Constriction Attack may be taken if No Legs (Slithering) or Vermiform is also taken. MUSCULO-SKELETAL MODIFICATIONS The BS-2-F Felicia-series combat bioroid is a “special forces” upgrade of our popular AS-2-E, with a wide spectrum of state-of-the-art improvements. In this vidclip, we see a fire team of BS-2-Fs free-jumping from a helicopter 12 meters up and landing on their feet without injury, thanks to their XM-723 feline morphology. – Biotech Euphrates promo video at WarEx ’47 trade show Meow. – Felicia-series bioroid, upon landing on enemy soldier The musculo-skeletal system consists of 206 bones (in adults) and 650 muscles connected to the each other by joints, tendons, and ligaments. A modest racial bonus to Strength can be achieved with eugenic selection for height and weight, combined with genes that promote the growth of muscle tissue over fat. Species modifiction provides further improvement. Bulk changes to body size such as Dwarfism (p. B19) and Gigantism (p. B20) are caused by manipulating growth hormone levels. Eugenic changes can lead to longer fingers, giving High Manual Dexterity (p. B59) or even Long Arms (p. B53) or Long Legs (p. B55). Longer limbs might also result from optimizing humans for low gravity. Most bones are complex constructs containing hard outer bone tissue, an inner spongy layer (perforated to reduce weight) and, in some bones, a fatty marrow that manufactures new red and white cells for the blood. Species modification may improve the bones or strengthen the skeleton itself. If this is limited to the skeleton, the result will usually be a few extra HP and possibly a racial ST bonus by allowing stronger attachment points for muscles. It’s also possible to reverse the process, creating a lighter build (and perhaps even engineering hollow, birdlike bones) to reduce weight – something that might be very important if designing flying humans (p. 52). The body’s muscles represent some 40-45% of its weight. Each is a bundle of thousands of hair-thin myofibers (grouped into bundles) Muscles pull or contract in response to voluntary or involuntary nerve impulses; sets of muscles work together to move bones or tissue, or tense to hold body parts steady. The face is exceptionally complex, with more than 50 muscles required to produce facial expressions. A more subtle way to boost strength is modify the structure of both voluntary and involuntary muscle tissue using more or stronger fibers. This increases Lifting ST (p. B65) and Striking ST (p. B88). The musculature can be optimized for crushing, giving Constriction Attack (p. B43). At high TLs, the additions for genes coding for proteins such as resilin (from grasshoppers) might be used to create extra-elastic muscle tissue permitting superhuman capabilities such as Super Jump (p. B89) or Extra-Flexible arms (p. B53). Joints between bones are composed of cartilage, a softer material lubricated by a slippery fluid (synovial fluid), and attached by strips of tissue – ligaments and tendons – that link them to bones and muscles. Different types of joints exist in nature, such as the very flexible ball-andsocket joint of the hip or the less versatile hinge joint of the knee or elbow. Species modification could provide betterarticulated, better-lubricated, or shock-absorbing joints, or stronger connective tissue, giving Brachiator (p. B41), Catfall (p. B41), Double-Jointed (p. B56), or Flexible (p. B56). Musculo-Skeletal Modifications Trait Cost Page TL Brachiator 5 B41 9* Catfall 10 B41 9* Constriction Attack 15 B43 10* Double-Jointed 15 B56 9 Dwarfism (-1 SM) -15 B19 9 Extra-Flexible 5/10 B53 11* Flexibility 5 B56 9 Gigantism (+1 SM) 0 B20 9 High Manual Dexterity 1-3 5/level B59 9 HP -1 to -3 -2 per -1 HP B16 9 HP +1 to +3 2 per +1 HP B16 9* HP +4 to +6 2 per +1 HP B16 10* HP +7 to +10 2 per +1 HP B16 11* Lifting ST +1 to +3 3 per +1 ST B65 9* Lifting ST +4 to +6 3 per +1 ST B65 10* Lifting ST +7 to +10 3 per +1 ST B65 11* Long Arms (+1 SM) 10/arm B53 9* Long Legs (+1 SM) 10 B55 9* ST -1 to -5 -10 per -1 ST B14 9 ST +1 to +2 10 per +1 ST B14 9 ST +3 to +4 10 per +1 ST B14 9* ST +5 to +6 10 per +1 ST B14 10* ST +7 to +10 10 per +1 ST B14 11* Striking ST +1 to +3 5 per +1 ST B88 9* Striking ST +4 to +6 5 per +1 ST B88 10* Striking ST +7 to +10 5 per +1 ST B88 11* Super Jump 1 10 B89 11* Super Jump 2 20 B89 12* * This trait requires species modification. HUMAN GENETIC ENGINEERING 53The combination of bonuses to HP, Lifting ST, and Striking ST may not exceed the maximum allowed ST bonus by more than 50%. Nonhuman Strength: When gengineering a species that starts with an average racial ST other than 10, the maximum alteration is expressed as a percentage increase: +10% per +1 on the table. For example, at TL10, an elephant (ST 45) is not limited to +6 ST; it could be modified for an extra ST +27 (since 60% of ST 45 is 27). This rule also applies to HP and Lifting/Striking ST. NERVOUS SYSTEM MODIFICATIONS I knew I was going to join the ranks of the ethically-challenged when the Sultana offered me twenty grand to create a clone of her ex-husband with a gengineered low pain threshold. – Dr. Lucien Locke, Genehackers Inc. The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord. It sends out nerve impulses to control the body and analyzes sensory information. The peripheral nervous system branches out from the brain and the spinal cord, carrying nerve impulses from the central nervous system to glands and muscles. Finally, the autonomic nervous system regulates involuntary activity, such as the heartbeat and digestion. Individual nerves are built from billions of specialized nerve cells (neurons) connected to other cells by tree-like branches (dendrites). The arrival of specialized chemicals called neurotransmitters trigger nerve impulses – tiny electrical pulses. These are transmitted across thin nerve fibers (axons). A fatty sheath, myelin, serves to insulate the fibers from electrical activity and improves their transmission rate. Different types of nerve fibers carry signals at different speeds; the fastest nerve signals travel at over 250 mph, permitting a reaction time of 0.2 seconds. Unlike most body cells, which last anywhere from hours to months, nerve cells can live for decades. Genetic modifications to the nervous system exclusively aimed at improving brain function are covered under Brain Modifications (p. 42). This section focuses on modifications to the rest of the central nervous system and autonomic nervous system. Dexterity and Basic Speed may be improved by redesigning nerve fibers and the spinal cord for faster nerve impulse transmission. Alterations to the nervous system could increase nerve impulse transmission rates and thus reaction speed, perhaps by finding superior protein combinations to build nerve fibers out of, or even through the addition of extra neural pathways; this might also provide Enhanced Time Sense (p. B52). Even so, the limitations of electrochemical reflexes make radical improvement difficult without using cybernetics. More extensive neural modification usually proceeds through quasi-organic enhancements – see the Biomods chapter (p. 176). Use of nanotechnology to lay down parallel or replacement electrical nerve pathways may be a more practical – if extremely high-tech – route to super-reflexes than gengineering. The nervous system also controls the sensation of pain. Pain sensitivity is vital. People born without it die early – by accident, or from infection resulting from internal joint and bone damage. (They are unable to tell when a particular posture or sleeping position is over-stressing joints or bones, and so do not receive signals to shift weight or otherwise take corrective measures while sleeping or awake). However, while total insensitivity to pain – the Numb disadvantage (p. B146) – is usually not a desirable characteristic, the ability to selectively block pain is quite useful. Through genetic modification of the genes responsible for neurotransmitter “signal molecules” or via transplants of gengineered nerve tissue to the notochord (the embryonic spine), it may be possible to activate neural gating circuits in the spinal cord to deliberately mitigate incoming pain signals before they are perceived, without destroying the ability to sense pain as a whole. Of course, the opposite could be done to enhance the ability to feel pain . . . 54 HUMAN GENETIC ENGINEERINGNervous System Modifications Trait Cost Page TL Basic Speed up to +1.00 5 per +0.25 B17 10 Basic Speed up to +2.00 5 per +0.25 B17 11* Basic Speed up to +3.00 5 per +0.25 B17 12* Combat Reflexes 15 B43 9 DX+1 20 B15 9 DX+2 40 B15 10* DX+3 60 B15 11* DX+4 80 B15 12* Enhanced Time Sense 45 B52 10† Extra Attack 1 25 B53 10* Extra Attack 2 50 B53 11* Extra Attack 3-4 75/100 B53 12† High Pain Threshold 10 B59 9 Low Pain Threshold -10 B142 9 Numb -20 B146 9* * These traits always require species modification. † This trait is a radical species modification. RESPIRATORY MODIFICATIONS No need to wait centuries for atmospheric terraforming to be completed! Colonial Genetics has pioneered this new, high-capacity lung system designed to have your children breathing without a respirator and playing outdoors! Mars Development Corporation will offer a 20% rebate on all lung gengineering as part of the Ares Pioneer program. – Colonial Genetics press release Ship malcons and convicts to Mars, then modify the poor bastards’ kids so they can’t come back to Earth. – Professor C. Eric Gideon, soc.culture.mars Unless they buy the nano to turn them back . . . – Deimos Dog, soc.culture.mars Oxygen is needed to catalyze the body’s chemical processes, which break apart the glucose (blood sugar) obtained from food and release its energy to power the body. The respiratory system – the nose and throat, trachea (wind pipe), bronchi (airways in the chest), and the lungs themselves – take in air and pass oxygen into the blood. The lining of the lungs may produce detoxifying agents to counter or filter respiratory agents, granting the Filter Lungs advantage. Larger low-pressure lungs (p. 212) could be designed that are specialized for breathing in a thin atmosphere, such as a recently-terraformed Mars, or highpressure lungs (p. 212) could be constructed that are adapted for denser atmospheres. Another goal of respiratory modification is improving physical performance. Greater elasticity or stronger muscles can improve breath-holding capacity or gas exchange, increasing endurance by adding Fatigue Points. The larynx (voice box) contains two ridges called vocal cords; when people speak, the voice box’s muscles contract the vocal cords. Air passing through the gap between them makes them vibrate to produce sound. A different kind of performance modification would be to alter and improve the larynx to give someone the Voice advantage, or even a multi-functional larynx capable of Mimicry (perhaps derived from mynah-bird genes). Less complicated modifications could remove the voice box (Mute), or limit it to making animal sounds (Cannot Speak), which might be desirable for some servitor races. Respiratory Modifications Trait Cost Page TL Breath-Holding 1-2 2/level B41 9 Breath-Holding 3-5 2/level B41 10* Cannot Speak -15 B125 9 Filter Lungs 5 B55 9* FP +1 to +3 3 per +1 FP B16 9 FP +4 to +6 3 per +1 FP B16 10* FP +7 to +9 3 per +1 FP B16 11* FP +10 to +12 3 per +1 FP B16 12* High-Pressure Lungs 0 212 9* Low-Pressure Lungs 0 212 9* Mimicry 10 B68 9* Mute -25 B125 9* Penetrating Voice 1 B101 9* Voice 10 B97 9 * Requires species modification. Respiratory Alternatives Ever looked at an embryo? It has gills. Gengineering to retain these vestigial traits should be relatively simple, right? – Aquagrrl, Wrong. It’s true that human embryos have gill-like structures – but these serve a different function than in fish or amphibians, eventually forming the chin, jaw, cheek and outer ear. Babies get their oxygen from the mother, through the placenta. As a result, gengineering a merman is a lot more difficult than Aquagrrl implies, especially if we want to breathe both air and water. So far, most dual-environment humans are designed like marine mammals. Navy SEAL bioroids don’t use gills. They store oxygen in the myoglobin of the muscles, just like whales do. When drawing oxygen from these sources, their lungs aren’t necessary, so they can undergo complete alveolar collapse as water pressure increases, letting them ignore the bends and survive very deep dives. – DocIqbal, HUMAN GENETIC ENGINEERING 55 Paranormal Abilities Exotic advantages such as Growth or Telekinesis or supernatural advantages such as Magery may be gengineered if they have a mapped genetic cause. This is superscience (TL^): the actual TL required is up to the GM, depending on when the genetic basis for the powers in question was discovered. It should require at least TL9 if the paranormal ability is governed by only a few genes, or TL10+ for a large complex of genes.Attempts to create humans capable of functioning underwater for long periods of time generally involve three different techniques: oxygen storage and (at higher TLs) actual gills. Each may be accompanied by modifications to the lung structures and cardio-respiratory system to allow survival over a greater-than-normal range of pressure. All of these are variations of the Doesn’t Breathe advantage (p. B49). While not needing to breathe at all requires radical nanotechnology (see Solarskin, p. 189), limited versions are possible with genetic engineering. Gills: These fine membranes extract oxygen from water. The problem for water-breathing humans is that ordinary sea water has only 1/30 the oxygen content of air. A warmblooded human being’s metabolism requires far more oxygen than a cold-blooded, small-brained fish, so gills capable of supplying enough oxygen for a human to survive would be very large, located on the ribs rather than on the neck. It’s possible that the disadvantage Cold-Blooded (p. B127) would be a necessary but unintended side effect. Fish gills also lack stiffness: without the buoyancy of water, they’ll collapse, leading to rapid suffocation. Fishlike gills that totally replace lungs and only allow the recipient to breathe underwater provide Doesn’t Breathe (Gills) [0] (p. B49). However, gills may be augmented by modified lung structures, such as the suprabranchial arborescent organ possessed by walking catfish. These provide support for gills when out of the water. Someone with these modifications can survive in both land and water. This is the ability Doesn’t Breathe (Gills, -50%) [10]. Oxygen Storage: This provides a reserve of oxygen stored in the body. It’s useful in airless or low-pressure environments, including arctic waters where there is too little oxygen for gills to function properly. Oxygen storage uses genetic modifications inspired by the physiology of marine mammals such as seals and whales. Someone with this upgrade has greatly elevated levels of the oxygen-storage protein myoglobin in their liver and skeletal muscles, storing roughly six to eight times as much oxygen as a land mammal. This is combined with a “diving reflex” (diving bradycardia) that results in a dramatic decrease in heart rate in low-oxygen conditions in conjunction with a redistribution of blood from viscera and skeletal muscles to the vital organs and brain. When using this capability, air is expelled from the lungs (which collapse under pressure, often aided by a flexible rib cage, negating any risk of the bends), and all oxygen is derived from the hemoglobin in the blood and the myoglobin in the muscles. As a result, the user can effectively “hold his breath” for 100 times as long as normal. Replenishing this reserve requires 10 seconds breathing air for each minute operating on stored oxygen. This ability is Doesn’t Breathe (Oxygen Storage ¥ 100, -30%) [14]. Higher levels with oxygen storage ¥ 200 (-20%) and ¥ 300 (-10%) are also possible. Oxygen Absorption: The ability to absorb oxygen directly from the environment (or to have a plant-like metabolism) requires radical genetic engineering technology or great size (such as extensive plant-like root networks or leafy membranes) to support human levels of metabolic activity. For this reason it’s most likely as a radical biomod transformation rather than genetic engineering. It might also be a backup respiratory system intended for periods of reduced activity, in conjunction with Doesn’t Eat or Drink (p. B50) and a Temporary Disadvantage like Decreased Time Rate (p. B129) or No Legs (Sessile) (p. B145). Respiratory Alternatives Trait Cost Page TL Doesn’t Breathe variable B49 variable – Gills 0 B49 11† – Gills 10 B49 12† – Oxygen Absorption 15 B49 12† – Oxygen Storage, ¥100 14 B49 9* – Oxygen Storage, ¥200 16 B49 10* – Oxygen Storage, ¥300 18 B49 11* Pressure Support 1 5 B77 9* Pressure Support 2 10 B77 11* * Species modification. † Radical species modification. Reduce required TL by 1 if the race has Cold-Blooded (for Gills) or Decreased Time Rate or Sessile (for Doesn’t Breathe); the latter may be taken as Temporary Disadvantages. SENSORY MODIFICATIONS I work with a Border Patrol bioroid whose sense of smell is cranked up. He doesn’t need a chemscanner or dog – Duncan can sniff out drugs, explosives, illegals . . . hey, he can even smell a smuggler’s fear. Trouble is, Duncan gets these splitting headaches all the time. Just goes to show, if you want a bloodhound’s sense of smell, you need a bloodhound’s brain. – Detective Cody Chase, Nevada DPS 56 HUMAN GENETIC ENGINEERINGEngineering the genes governing the development of the rod and cone cells in the eyes, hair cells and membranes in the ears, and the chemical receptor cells in the nose and tongue may enhance basic human senses beyond “perfect” human levels. However, while humans can train themselves over years to develop high “Acute Senses,” inborn bonuses over +5 always require transgenic techniques; e.g., ear muscles that swivel independently to more precisely localize a sound. More exotic animal-inspired genemods are also possible: Absolute Direction: This can be artificially duplicated by gengineering human brain cells to contain the same kind of magnetite particles that certain migratory bird species possess, forming a biological compass. More extreme versions of this could also give Detect (Magnetic Fields). Absolute Timing: This may be the result of adjustments to the glands that govern the body’s circadian clock. Discriminatory Smell: This ability, similar to that of a canine or other sensitive-nosed species, could be achieved through enhancement of the chemical receptors in the nose and via modifications to the olfactory lobe. Detect (Electric Fields): This may be granted by electrically-sensitive organs modeled on those of electric rays or other fish. Infravision: This may be modeled on viper heat organs – subdermal, heat-sensitive pits found next to the eyes on rattlesnakes and similar species. Unless further genetic modification is done to enhance it, this has lower resolution than infrared goggles. Night Vision: This could result from a reflective layer of cells that amplify the light reaching the eyes. These “cat’s eyes” could be derived from feline genes. Perfect Balance: This could follow from an inner-ear balance-organ design patterned on those of cats or squirrels. Ultrahearing: This could be achieved using ears based on those of canines, bats, or other mammals with high-frequency hearing. Subsonic Hearing is slightly trickier, but might be based on an enlarged middle-ear cavity, like that of the kangaroo mouse. Parabolic Hearing: This may be achieved using a somewhat asymmetric ear design, similar to that of an owl. Sonar: This is the only active Scanning Sense that can be bioengineered into humans. Bat voice boxes are the best models for natural air sonar, while underwater sonar may be based on that of marine mammals – probably pinnipeds, such as seals, rather than dolphins. Gengineering will have to both alter the voice box and modify (and probably enlarge) the ears to ultrasonic receivers. The complex gengineering required to allow a human brain to directly process sonar images requires a high TL to manage, especially for long-range sonar. Vibration Sense: This can be achieved with modifications such as catlike whiskers, which are potent sensory organs for night hunting, capable of detecting air currents flowing around objects. Since this is a completely passive sense that cannot be jammed by most countermeasures, it might be useful for gengineered scouts or warriors. This is best represented as Vibration Sense (Air). While these upgrades to human senses are exciting and theoretically possible, there are some problems! Evolution has adapted the human brain toward cognition and away from sensory processing, when compared to the brains of other animals. For example, the olfactory lobe takes up much more of the brain in a dog than in a human. Re-engineering a human with a bloodhound’s sense of smell or a dolphin’s sonar might turn him into a sensory idiot savant unless a very sophisticated redesign of the human brain is performed. Even so, some disadvantageous side effects are likely. Any sensory species modifications (except those producing Acute Vision, Night Vision, or Perfect Balance) are likely to produce disorientation or sensory overload. This may result in one or more of these disadvantages: Chronic Pain, Confused, Light Sleeper. The brain might be able to develop structures to mitigate such problems, although this may also cause a slight drop in IQ or loss of other senses. For instance, an infrared-adapted human brain may be blind to normal vision (adjust point costs appropriately). Sensory Modifications Trait Cost Page TL Absolute Direction 5 B34 9 Absolute Timing 2 B35 9 Acute Senses (any) 1-3 2/level B35 9 Acute Senses (any) 4-5 2/level B35 9* Detect (Electric Fields) 10† B48 10* Detect (Magnetic Fields) 10† B48 10* Discriminatory Hearing 15 B49 10* Discriminatory Smell 15 B49 10* – Emotion Sense +50% B49 10* Discriminatory Taste 10 B49 10* Enhanced Tracking 1 5 B53 10* Infravision 0/10‡ B60 10* Night Vision 1-2 1/level B71 9 Night Vision 3-5 3-5 B71 9* Parabolic Hearing 1-3 4/level B72 10* Perfect Balance 15 B74 9* Peripheral Vision 15 B74 10 Sensitive Touch 10 B83 10 Sonar 20§ B81 10* Subsonic Hearing 0/5* B89 10* Telescopic Vision 1-2 5/level B92 10* Ultrahearing 0/5 B94 9* Ultravision 0/10 B94 11* Vibration Sense 10 B96 10* * Species modification. † Before TL11 this must be taken as Detect (Electric Fields; Vague, -50%) [5] or Detect (Magnetic Fields; Vague, -50%) [5]. ‡ Before TL11 this must be either Infravision (Temporary Disadvantage: Nearsighted, -25%) [8] or as the 0-point version (Infravision instead of normal vision). At TL11+, Infravision that can switch freely between IR and normal vision is available. § Before TL11, Sonar must be limited with Reduced Range, ¥1/10, -50% or Reduced Range, ¥1/5, -20%. No special enhancements (p. B82) are available at any TL. Some features, such as larger-than-usual or oddlyshaped ears, cat-like whiskers, or eyes that grant Night Vision but gleam in dim light, may qualify as Unnatural Features 1+ (p. B22). HUMAN GENETIC ENGINEERING 57SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE MODIFICATIONS Jace, it’s a hot scoop – the Wimmin’s Pantropic Collective are having another try at colonizing Sappho IV, and you should see what they’re building into their daughters’ germ plasm. Sal got an insect bug into their birthlab. Book both Morgana Selene and one of those Neo-Christian cybervangelists on tonight’s show. We’ll ambush ’em with the vid and watch the fur fly. – Noriko Hayakawa, host of Cyberia Beat Adjusting human fertility and sexual potency or pleasure has been an obsession of humanity since prehistoric times. The tools of magic, folk remedies, surgery, and drugs may soon be joined by genetic engineering. Genetic modification of the testes and ovaries may alter the way children are conceived and the development of sexual characteristics. Some possible modifications are described below. Most are 0-point features, but they will often have a dramatic effect on a person’s life or the way that society functions. Altered Sex Ratio: This modifies the average ratio of male to female births. This can be a specific ratio (e.g., five women to every man) or even eliminate births of either sex. These changes may be made to correct a perceived imbalance, or for deliberate attempts at social engineering. However, although an altered sex ratio can be programmed by gengineer fiat, it will naturally drift back to equal ratios over evolutionary time, assuming the species is allowed to evolve (see box). 0 points. Cross-Species Surrogacy: This allows a female to carry implanted embryos of certain other species to term. This might only work for closely related species, or it might be more general. 1 point. Easy Childbirth: Modifications to the structure of the pelvis to help mothers deal with the delivery of (large-headed) human babies have been an ongoing part of human evolution; further ergonomic improvements may be possible via genetic engineering. The ability to shut down many (but not all) pain receptors during delivery may also be welcomed by many women. This advantage gives a +2 to HT rolls to determine the success of any pregnancy. 0 points. External Development: Early development in the fetus focuses on the respiratory and gastrointestinal systems. It can be born radically premature; this reduces gestation time (see Shorter Gestation, facing page) to as little as halfnormal. After birth it requires immediate transfer of the fetus to an incubator unit or a marsupial pouch (see Payload under Other Transgenic Traits, p. 45) to complete development. 0 points. Light Menses: Alterations to female ovulation and hormone function could ensure post-pubescent women experience greatly reduced monthly discomfort due to PMS and menstruation, as well as the later problems of menopause. This may result in either a very mild period or, if taken in conjunction with Reproductive Control (p. 59), no menstruation at all. 0 points. 58 HUMAN GENETIC ENGINEERING Sex Ratios Most animals we are familiar with produce equal numbers of males and females. A common method in fiction of emphasizing that a species is alien is to alter this ratio. Some thought about why real creatures have an equal sex ratio can lead to interesting conclusions about fantasy or science fiction species that don’t. It may seem evolutionarily wasteful to produce as many males as females. After all, one male can fertilize dozens of females – as is the case in haremkeeping species such as sea lions – so why use valuable food resources to produce superfluous males? The answer comes from the interplay of biology and mathematics. Let’s assume: 1. A species has two sexes. 2. An individual inherits an equal number of genes from each parent. 3. Those genes form the basis of evolution. The evolutionary success of a group of genes is measured by one thing only: how many offspring those genes produce. If a population consists of more females than males, then – on average – each female produces fewer children than each male (since the number of children divided by the number of females is less than the same number of children divided by the number of males). So for genes to produce more offspring, it is better for them to be in a male body. Over time, evolutionary pressure will produce more males. The opposite applies if there are more males; either way evolution tends to even out the sex ratio. For natural species in a hard science setting, assumption 3 is a given. Changing assumption 1 can lead to interesting aliens, but a similar argument proves that a species with any number of sexes must produce each sex in equal numbers. Some familiar species on Earth don’t have equal sex ratios: ants and bees. They manage this by breaking assumption 2. Male ants and bees do not have fathers – they get all their genes from their mother. The breeding members of ant and bee colonies are produced in a 3-1 female-male ratio. This also raises the question of sterile worker castes – most ants and bees are actually sterile. Since such drones don’t reproduce, they don’t enter the above arguments, and can be produced in any numbers. So naturally evolved species usually either have equal sex ratios, an unusual genetic inheritance mechanism, or sterile castes. But if they were gengineered recently (or exist in a fantasy or superscience setting), then all bets are off.Estrus: This is another approach to avoiding menstruation, altering humans to become fertile for perhaps one month of the year (much like cats or dogs). This is normally worth 0 points, since the advantages and disadvantages cancel out. Males can also have a version of this. Variant humans (male or female) with this feature often have Lecherousness (12; Accessibility, Only in mating season, -80%) [-3] but it is not mandatory. Reproductive Control: This allows females to control their fertility. This will usually require a day or so to adjust hormonal levels. Combined with the Light Menses modification, this means a woman has a period only if she voluntarily chooses fertility in a particular month. Alternatively, and for the same point cost, a female could be able to absorb an early fetus back into the womb, like a rabbit, with pregnancy being canceled on a successful Will roll. 1 point. Sexual Orientation: Some credible theories suggest a tendency toward heterosexuality, bisexuality, or homosexuality may be partially or even largely predetermined by genetic inheritance. If so, gengineers should be able to select sexual preference before birth, a procedure with potentially explosive social consequences. This could also include an orientation toward partners of another species. 0 points. Shorter Gestation: Shorter conception-to-birth periods than the human average of 266 days may be possible by modifying human growth factors or altering the chemical environment in the womb. This is convenient for the mother, as well as allowing faster population growth – but careful gengineering will be needed to ensure that the fetus develops normally. A reduction to two-thirds the normal gestation period is possible; for alternatives, see Oviparous or External Development. 0 points. Extended Fertility: As lifespans increase, genetic engineering may be used to extend the period in which both sexes can produce children. With this feature, fertility is retained until latter in life. 0 points. Increased Fecundity: This modification means that a woman is more likely to experience multiple births; releasing two eggs every ovulation, for example, could result in twins in as many as one-quarter of all pregnancies. It is a good idea to combine this 0-point feature with the Easy Childbirth feature. 0 points. Hermaphroditism: Individuals with both male and female primary and/or secondary sexual characteristics occur naturally in some humans, but usually the mutation is vestigial, and not noticed until puberty. Genetic engineering would allow the reliable creation of functional hermaphrodites. A “utopian” society might try to give everyone this trait to ensure sexual equality (no sexual discrimination if everyone is both sexes). 0 points. Hermaphromorphs: At TL10+, genetic enhancement might create functional “hermaphromorphs” able to switch sexes or be both at once, which a tolerant culture might find interesting. These often have the limitation “cannot change if pregnant” (-20%). Oviparous: The fetus is born contained in a soft-shelled egg. This requires a larger birth weight, as food for the infant needs to be contained in the egg with it, but requires a less developed fetus. The gestation time may be cut down to as little as 1/3 normal (see Shorter Gestation, above). The egg must be kept warm until hatching (which takes the remainder of the normal gestation period), through constant care or in an incubator. Parthenogenesis: In females, this may be possible through very high-tech gengineering of the human ovum and reproductive organs. A woman’s egg cells would carry a complete chromosome map, and could be diverted to her womb, then brought to term. Pregnancy would be triggered by voluntary hormonal changes learned through biofeedback, or by taking a pill ($1-10). The fetus would effectively be her clone. Parthenogenesis is a superior strategy for rapidly increasing a race’s numbers, and might be deemed viable for an all-female sub-race. It means the race won’t change, but if they have the capability to gengineer themselves, then natural evolution is probably no longer something to worry about. Parthenogenesis is a 0- point feature if the race only reproduces through parthenogenesis, or a Perk if it can also use sexual reproduction. 0/1 points. Exotic Genitalia: This may include “improved” shape or texture, extra organs in the same or new places, or sensitive erectile tissue added to other areas, such as lips or fingertips. Such modifications may be limited to specialized pleasure models in some societies; in others, they may be standard equipment for everyone. If the modification is designed to simply enhance or modify the user’s own experience, this is a 0-point feature. If it enhances his ability as a lover, this will grant a racial bonus to Erotic Art skill. Modified Genetic Inheritance: This alters the operation of the sex chromosomes so males and females inherit different fractions of their genes from each parent. This could result in schemes such as those used by ants and bees (see Sex Ratios, p. 58), or might be used to produce genetically viable individuals with normally rare sex chromosome mutations. This could be done to produce a parahuman species with an altered sex ratio that will survive long-term evolution, but has little effect in the short term. 0 points. Variant Sexual Schemes: This could give humanity additional sexes, including sterile “drones.” Schemes involving three or more reproductive sexes will require other biological changes (and social adjustments!), but a drone sex would be relatively easy and potentially useful (and would be Neutered or Sexless, p. B165). 0 or -1 point. HUMAN GENETIC ENGINEERING 59 I’ll never understand what possessed my mother to put her faith in God’s hands, rather than her local geneticist. – Vincent, GattacaSexual and Reproductive Modifications Trait Cost Page TL Altered Sex Ratio 0 59 9* Cross-Species Surrogacy 1 58 10* Easy Childbirth 0 58 10* Estrus 0 59 9* Exotic Genitalia 0† 59 9* Extended Fertility 0 59 9 External Development 0 59 10* Hermaphromorph 5 B59 10* Increased Fecundity 0 59 9 Light Menses 0 58 9 Modified Genetic Inheritance 0 59 10* Neutered or Sexless -1 B165 10 Oviparous 0 59 10* Parthenogenesis 0 or 1 59 10* Reproductive Control 1 59 9* Sexual Orientation 0 59 9 Sterile 0 B165 9 Shorter Gestation 1 59 10* Variant Sexual Schemes 0 59 10* * Species modification. † May justify a racial skill modifier giving +1 to +3 to Erotic Art (p. B192) at a cost of 2 points per +1 skill. TRANSFORMATIONS Today, Kosmozavot Tenno Tanjo’s gengineers announced success on their Void Dancer project. They’ve added a vacuum-adaptive skin, special muscle sphincters that seal guts and lungs, and nictitating membranes for the eyes. The Void Dancer parahumans are supposed to survive in space without protective gear for an hour or more. According to KTT, the productivity and cost savings from being able to avoid suitup/suit-down time, safety checks and suit training alone will pay for the program. – Chance Mackintosh, Posthuman Consumer Review Extreme modifications may be possible at TL12, perhaps using synthetic DNA sequences and techniques such as neogenesis (p. 27). Human bodies might be adapted to live in space, transformed into plant-human hybrids, or turned into living buildings. The possible transformations (and the modifiers applicable to them) at TL12 are nearly infinite; the list below simply gives some typical traits that become feasible. Transformations Trait Cost Page TL Doesn’t Eat or Drink 10 B50 12 DR 5-15 5 per +1 DR B46 12 – Flexible -20% B47 12 – Partial Variable B47 12 – Tough Skin -40% B47 12 Elastic Skin 20 B51 12 Extra Arms (5+ arms) 10/Arm B53 12 – any modifiers variable B53 12 Extra Head 15/head B54 12 Extra Legs (5+ legs) Variable B54 12 Extra Mouth 5/mouth B55 11 Hyperspectral Vision 25 B60 12 Injury Tolerance – No Brain 5 B61 12 – No Head 7 B61 12 – Unliving 20 B61 12 – No Neck 5 B61 11 Morph Variable B84 12* No Fine Manipulators -30 or -50 B145 10 No Legs (Sessile) -50 B145 11 Sealed 15 B82 12 Temperature Tolerance 11+ 1/level B93 12 Universal Digestion 5 B95 12 Unkillable 1 50 B95 12 Vacuum Support 5 B96 12† * Must have Mass Conservation (-50%); often has Retains Shape (-20%). † Vacuum Support should normally be taken in conjunction with Sealed (15 points, p. B82). All of these modifications are radical species modifications. 60 HUMAN GENETIC ENGINEERINGRadical metabolic changes of this sort are perhaps more realistically achievable through exotic nanotech than with “genetic engineering,” although it is possible that they might “breed true” (at least in the sense of passing on selfreplicating nanomachines that would transform any offspring in the same fashion). For examples of this technology, see Sample Metamorphosis Transformations (p. 188) in Chapter 7. UNINTENDED DISADVANTAGES Most gengineered sub-races should have some disadvantages. This has the dual benefit of reducing their racial point cost and making them more realistic. These usually result from a specific desirable trait being linked to an unwanted gene sequence (see Linked Traits, p. 62), with the disadvantage being overlooked, or tolerated in this particular design, because it was too much trouble to gengineer it away. Racial attribute or secondary characteristic penalties (especially to HT), below-average Appearance levels, the Sterile feature, and the physical disadvantages Restricted Diet, Susceptible to Disease, and Unusual Biochemistry may be the most common defects produced when designers get too ambitious. A disastrously flawed experiment may require Maintenance (constant care from a specialist) to stay alive! Unusual Biochemistry is almost certain to occur when attempting complex transgenic genesplices, chimeras and cell fusions. Other modifications may be side effects of trying for a specific advantage or mixing human and nonhuman genes. For instance, reduced ST or HP (representing light, hollow bones like a bird’s) might be an unplanned side effect of designing a winged human. Genes borrowed from other species may also alter appearance, either as a consequence of borrowing a particular design element (e.g., catlike eyes for Night Vision) or a conscious esthetic choice. For example, in addition to borrowing a dog’s sensitive nose, designers may add other canine features, such as a canine muzzle, teeth, and even fur. Realistically, this sort of modification won’t be an accidental side-effect – designers would have to be trying for a deliberate “anthropomorphic animal” look, perhaps to deliberately differentiate their creations from humans. Such changes qualify as Unnatural Features, with careful engineering producing an appealing blend of traits rather than a grotesque hybrid. Sensory upgrades will often result in reductions in other areas, either as a side effect of transgenic engineering or because the brain can often only process so much information at a time. Thus, a variant canine-human transgenic engineered for Discriminatory Smell may suffer Colorblindness or an IQ penalty. Increasing intelligence or adding neurological modifications will often have unintended and subtle psychological consequences, reflected by various disadvantages. The result may even be an “idiot savant” with a prodigious mental ability in one area, such as considerable intuition or a photographic memory, but reduced overall intelligence or creativity. Transgenics with extensive animal DNA might occasionally revert to more primitive behavior patterns (Stress Atavism), or have other traits from animal heritage, such as Cannot Speak, Bestial, Dull, Extra Sleep, or Hidebound. The grosser physical disadvantages like Blindness, Hemophilia, or One Arm are unlikely in a variant race, as defects this obvious will usually be detected in the womb and either corrected via genetic surgery or terminated. Social Disease can simulate a race that has unusually energetic engineered bacteria (or symbiotic nanomachines), often as a result of an enhanced immune system or regeneration; intimate interaction with the race may cause a rash, or other problems! This should be taken with the Accessibility limitation Other Variant Races Only (-80%). HUMAN GENETIC ENGINEERING 61 Bioroid Modifications Bioroids – variant races created using biogenesis (p. 26) – often incorporate modifications that would be difficult to achieve with normal parahumans. All bioroids have the meta-trait Bioroid [-5] (p. 214). In addition, the following traits are common in some designs: Perflubron Blood (TL10): The bioroid has an artificial blood substitute – see Perflubron Blood, p. 131 – in place of natural blood. This gives +1 FP [3] and Immunity to Bends [5] (p. B81). The bioroid’s blood will also have a milky white color. Self-Replicating (TL11): The bioroid is capable of sexual reproduction (or other reproduction, with appropriate traits). It has the meta-trait Bioroid (Not Sterile) [-5]. As a default, it can mate with a bioroid of opposite sex and the same model, producing offspring who have the same template save that Bioroid (Not Sterile) is replaced by Unusual Biochemistry [-5]. Bioroids created as products or slave races often have Self-Destruct and Short Lifespan, but there is no reason they have to – they could just as easily be built for longevity. The rules in Life’s Price Tag (p. 65) apply to bioroids, except that the cost is for a mature bioroid, and the cost is always at least $50,000 (i.e., being a bioroid itself will count as a species modification).Common Unintended Traits Trait Cost Page Absent-Mindedness -15 B122 Appearance Variable B21 Bad Back -15 or -25 B123 Bad Grip -5/level B123 Bad Sight -25 B123 Bad Smell -10 B124 Bad Temper -10* B124 Berserk -10* B124 Bestial -10 or -15 B124 Bowlegged -1 B165 Cannot Learn -30 B125 Cannot Speak -15 B125 Chronic Pain Variable B126 Confused -10* B129 Distinctive Features -1 B165 Distractible -1 B164 Disturbing Voice -10 B132 Dreamer -1 B164 DX -1 to -5 -20 per -1 B15 Epilepsy -30 B136 Extra Sleep -2/level B136 Fat -3 B19 Hard of Hearing -10 B138 HP -2/-1HP B16 Hunchback -10 B139 HT -1 to -5 -10 per -1 B15 Indecisive -10* B140 IQ -1 to -5 -20 to -100 B15 Imaginative -1 B164 Jealousy -10 B140 Light Sleeper -5 B142 Low Pain Threshold -10 B142 Maintenance Variable B143 Mute -25 B125 Nervous Stomach -1 B165 Overweight -1 B19 Secret Disadvantage (Mental Instability) variable 43 Selfish -5* B153 Short Attention Span -10* B153 Short Lifespan -10/level B154 Skinny -5 B18 Sleepy Variable B154 Slow Healing -5/level B155 Social Disease -5 B155 Sterile 0 B165 Stress Atavism Variable* B156 Stuttering -10 B157 ST -1 to -5 -10 per -1 B14 Susceptible to Disease -4/-1 HT B158 Unusual Biochemistry -5 B160 Very Fat -5 B19 * You must select a self-control number; the cost is given for a self-control number of 12. The above list is not exclusive: just about any other mundane physical or mental disadvantage is plausible, with the exception of self-imposed advantages such as Vow, and many exotic disadvantages may also be applicable at the GM’s discretion. SIZE MODIFICATION Fourth Officer Ratzelle is just over two feet tall, has short brown fur, and lives in the vacc-suit locker. Her coverall is always covered in grease, her voice is an irritating chitter, and when she’s not working, she’s stuffing her face with junk food. But who’s complaining? Hiring her was the first smart move I pulled since we spaced the S-3 unit. Now our hyperdrive works all the time, the nanotoaster’s no longer a menace, and she even squirmed up the Milliken Tube to hose the scorpion wasps out of number-two engine. Every ship should have a Tek-Rat. – Captain Zeke Morrigan Modification of genes governing human growth factor can create pint-sized parahumans who, as adults, are the size of young children, smaller than ordinary genetic dwarves. On the other side of the coin, genetic giants are also possible. Note: Consumption of consumables (water, air, food, etc.) is normally proportionate to Size Modifier (SM), as described below. Starvation effects (p. B426) accrue whenever a creature misses 1/3 of its daily food requirements – a meal, for a human. These naturally exceed those of a human for creatures of SM +1 or more, and are smaller for those with SM -1 or less. Neither is grounds for Increased Consumption (p. B139) or Reduced Consumption (p. B80), which are for beings that require more or less food than their SM would indicate. Miniature Humans Creating miniature people has some obvious advantages: they’d take up less space (especially useful for military or space vehicle crews) and require less life support. However, there are some serious physiological obstacles to producing doll-sized humans. First, we define “humanity” in terms of intelligence. The human brain’s thinking capacity depends on having a 62 HUMAN GENETIC ENGINEERING Linked Traits Sometimes, the genes that combine to produce a specific desirable trait are mingled with those of other traits. GMs can rule that this is the way it works for specific advantages, requiring them to be combined with disadvantages, distinctive features or even other advantages. This has considerable basis in reality, and is very common in science fiction – what if a particular gene sequence known to produce an advantage such as Intuition was linked to a disadvantage like a hereditary propensity for Delusions? Sex-linked traits are also possible – in the case of a variant race, this means that males and females will have slightly different racial templates.minimum size and mass. You can shrink the body but not the head, as in a human dwarf, but there is a limit to how big a head can be supported on a shrunken neck and spinal column without causing problems. Alternatively, if the size of the head is reduced proportionately to the rest of the body, intellectual capacity will decline. Fortunately, intelligence appears to be a function of brain area rather than mass or volume, so reducing brain mass does not result in a direct, linear drop in IQ. Second, a scaled-down human loses heat more rapidly, due to his larger body area in relation to his mass. This means he will need to eat rapidly in proportion to a normalsized human just to keep his body temperature up. (This is why small mammals like mice are almost always either eating or sleeping.) Even so, overall food consumption will be notably lower (as it eats smaller meals). It might be a good idea to add Fur (to preserve heat) or a longer sleep cycle to any miniature human. Miniatures will eat many small meals, and get hungry if they miss them. Third, while a smaller size is handy in terms of reduced life support requirements, it is also inconvenient for many other activities, from reaching things on a shelf to finding clothes that fit. It also correlates with reduced Strength. Miniature Attributes Table Scale ST IQ SM Cost Weight TL 1/2 -5 -1 -2 -70 1/8 9 1/3 -7 -2 -3 -110 1/27 10 1/4 -8 -2 -4 -120 1/64 10 1/5 -8 -3 -4 -140 1/125 11 1/6 -9 -4 -5 -170 1/216 12 Scale: The reduction in overall proportions, including the body’s height, breadth and thickness. ST, IQ: Suggested racial attribute modifiers for that scale. These limits can be exceeded by modifying the muscles, skeleton or brain using gengineering. However, the maximum increase allowed at each TL should be multiplied by scale. For instance, TL10 Musculo-Skeletal Modifications allow up to +6 ST; in a 1/3-scale human, this would be reduced to a mere +2 bonus, which mean a 2’ tall superman would be limited to a ST modifier of -5. SM: The miniature’s Size Modifier. Cost: The combined point cost of the racial ST and IQ penalties. Weight: Multiply the miniature’s weight by the number shown. Also multiply the weight of any given meal by this amount, e.g., a meal for a 1/2 scale creature has 1/8 normal weight. However, the total number of meals per day (three for normal humans) is multiplied by the inverse of scale, e.g., six meals a day at 1/2 scale, nine meals a day at 1/3 scale, etc. Thus, a scale 1/2 creature eats six meals of 1/8th normal weight per day. Thus, the total weight of consumption is the square of scale. TL: The minimum TL required. “Miniaturization” counts as a single feature of that TL for gengineering purposes; any change below 1/2 scale is species modification; any change below 1/4 scale is also a radical modification. Giant Humans The difficulty with engineering giant humans comes from more fundamental physics than the concerns that govern miniatures. As a creature grows, its mass increases as the cube of its linear size – a person twice as tall as a similarly proportioned companion will weigh eight times as much. But the strength of bones and muscles depends on their cross-sectional area, which increases as the square of the linear size – our double-height giant will be only four times as strong. Large animals can overcome this difficulty in two ways: by being heavily built with more thickly proportioned limbs to support the additional weight, or by being thin and spindly so the weight increase is less. The latter approach is likely to lead to taller giants, but thick-set ones will weigh more (compare the height and weight of giraffes and elephants). Thick-set giants will be relatively slow and ungainly movers, while spindly ones will be fragile. Increased size also means greater food and life support requirements. On the other hand, large beings are able to retain body heat better, so usually have some degree of Temperature Tolerance to cold. Because of this, metabolism does not need to be as fast as in smaller creatures and meals can be eaten less frequently. However, the sheer volume of food that needs to be ingested might be so much that a single meal might take hours to consume! Finally, giant humans may have to deal with the inconveniences of living in an environment designed for smaller people. They won’t fit into normal-sized furniture or vehicles, will stand out in a crowd, and will have trouble finding equipment suited to their size. Even if suitable equipment is available, it will be expensive. HUMAN GENETIC ENGINEERING 63Giant Attributes Table Scale ST SM Cost Weight TL 1.5 +5 +1 45/25 ¥3.4 9 2 +10 +2 80/40 ¥8 10 3 +20 +3 140/60 ¥27 11 5 +40 +4 240/80 ¥125 11 7 +60 +5 300/120 ¥343 12 10 +90 +6 360/180 ¥1,000 12 Scale: The increase in overall proportions, including the body’s height, breadth and thickness. Scale 2 or more is a species modification; scale 3 or more is also radical. Realistic giants should also have either a native gravity of (1/Scale) G, or Extra Legs (4 or more), Quadruped, No Legs (any version), or Vermiform. ST: Suggested racial attribute modifiers for that scale. These limits can be exceeded by modifying the muscles, skeleton or brain using gengineering. The maximum increase allowed at each TL should be multiplied by scale, as with miniatures. Thus, TL10 Musculo-Skeletal Modifications could give a scale 3 giant +18 ST rather than +6 ST. SM: The giant’s Size Modifier. Cost: The combined point cost of the racial ST bonuses, as modified by SM (-10% per +1 SM); the cost after the slash is also modified for No Fine Manipulators (-40%) for use if creating a giant that lacks manipulators, such as a Quadruped or Vermiform. Weight: Multiply the giant’s weight by the number shown. This is also the weight of a given meal. Divide the number of meals that must be eaten daily (three for normal humans) by scale, e.g., two meals a day at 1.5 scale, etc. TL: The minimum TL required. Becoming a giant counts as a single feature of that TL for gengineering purposes; any change over 1.5 scale is species modification; any change over 2 scale is also a radical modification. OTHER FEATURES Besides specific modifications or defects, a race may also have a variety of secondary, 0-point features. Several such features appear under Gengineered Advantages and Disadvantages. Sex Selection “Of course a boy! We must have a male child, so he can marry and inherit the family business.” “You want a boy, she wants a boy . . . If every parent is going to have boys, who are they going to marry?” At TL8 it is possible to specify a baby’s sex during any in vitro fertilization (or genetic engineering) procedure. This may have profound effects on society. For example, if parents favor boys over girls (as in many Earth cultures), the result could be a demographic disaster within a generation, especially if population controls restrict families to one child each. Sex selection costs $500 if it’s the only modification ordered; it’s free with more extensive gengineering. Taboo Traits Some genetic constructs undergo selection to screen out or mitigate undesirable traits; therefore, certain advantages or disadvantages may be forbidden to individual characters built with such racial templates. A forbidden advantage or disadvantage is called a taboo trait (p. B452). It costs no character points to assign a taboo trait to a racial template. For instance, a character can normally have Berserk as a personal disadvantage, even if it isn’t in his genetic template. However, if Berserk is a taboo trait for his template, then it cannot be taken. Taboo traits that cover a general class of disadvantages do not prevent specific disadvantages within that class from being part of the racial template. The prohibition is also lifted for disadvantages that are acquired after birth (e.g., due to a proteus virus or brainwashing). One way to add a taboo trait to a template is through genefixing. Genefixing “Unlike a lot of cults, the Neo-Gnostics don’t have a taboo against genefixing. Or maybe they just considered it the lesser of two evils when they hired me to ensure none of their babies would ever be born with a lecherous gene in his or her body.” – Dr. Lucien Locke, Genehackers Inc. The practice of “genefixing” consists of testing germ plasm for genetic defects, such as hereditary diseases, and then fixing them through gengineering at conception. This is the easiest type of trait selection for society to accept – making sure that genes for good physical or mental health are coded into children, while defects are fixed. At mid to late TL8, this is limited to major genetic defects, where genetic errors result in an excess or deficiency of certain proteins or hormones, producing problems like Dwarfism or Hemophilia. At TL9+, the definition of “defect” can be extended, ensuring that minor flaws like lantern jaw, knock knees, snaggle teeth, excessive acne and so on are not in a genotype. It should be possible to suppress or edit gene sequences connected with a tendency toward certain mental states, such as rage, lecherousness or poor self-control. It’s not possible to genefix specific mental disorders, such as an individual obsession or phobia, but manipulation of genes governing behavior-modifying neurotransmitters (such as serotonin) can deliberately create “stable personality” genotypes that are less likely to suffer from some forms of mental illness. This is the reverse of the technique used to create the “genetic booby traps,” described under Behavioral Modifications (p. 43). While genetic behavioral modification of this sort may be controversial, eliminating aggressive or unstable mental traits may seem more benign. However, it can have an interesting effect on a culture over the long term. A nonaggressive culture might be in trouble the next time it runs into an external enemy, and who knows how many famous artists, prophets, messiahs, and political leaders might have gained their inspiration from mild mental disorders? 64 HUMAN GENETIC ENGINEERINGSome possible genefixed taboo traits are: Taboo Trait: Genetic Defects (TL8): Prohibits taking attributes more than 2 below the average for an adult with that genetic template. Also prohibits the disadvantages Bad Sight, Colorblindness, Dwarfism, Dyslexia, Gigantism, Hemophilia, Innumerate, Night Blindness, No Sense of Smell/Taste, Non-Iconographic, and Short Attention Span, or any other disadvantages normally explained as resulting from hereditary defects, e.g., an inherited Neurological Disorder or Susceptible to Disease disadvantage. Taboo Trait: Unattractiveness (TL9): Prohibits an Appearance of Unattractive or worse, as well as Bad Smell, Bowlegged, Fat, Overweight, Very Fat, and Very Unfit. Taboo Trait: Aggressiveness (TL9): Manipulation of genes governing certain hormone-producing glands may create a non-aggressive genotype which prohibits Bad Temper, Berserk, Bully and Stubbornness. Taboo Trait: Mental Instability (TL9): Prohibits Chronic Depression, Delusions, Flashbacks, Guilt Complex, Kleptomania, Low Self-Image, Lunacy, Manic-Depressive, Megalomania, Obsession, On the Edge, Paranoia, Phantom Voices, Pyromania, and any Compulsive Behavior or Phobia worth -10 points or more. Individual disadvantages which could be taboo traits are Lecherousness (TL9), Shyness (TL9), and Laziness (TL10). It’s impossible to gengineer against (or for) more complex disorders, such as specific Obsessions or Phobias. RACIAL POINT COST This is the point cost required to play someone with a particular variant human template. It is the sum of the costs of all attribute and secondary characteristic modifiers, advantages and disadvantages. If necessary, the GM can balance designs by adding unintended disadvantages. The GM should try to keep the point costs of races intended for use by PCs below the average point total of the campaign, and usually no more than half that cost. Thus, in a game with 200-point characters, races costing more than 200 points should be avoided, and most should cost 100 points or less. On the other hand, in some high-powered game settings, “super races” with very high point totals are perfectly in genre. These are simply play-balance guidelines, not a hardand-fast rules; GMs can ignore them or modify them as they sees fit. See p. B454 for additional guidelines on racial costs. LIFE’S PRICE TAG If you purchase a set of genetic modifications for your children, what is the dollar cost? And how much is that runaway genetic artifact worth? This depends on how complex the nucleotide sequences used in the genotype were, and whether the buyer is ordering a custom-designed genotype or a tried-and-true one. Established Variant Races Once one example of a variant race has been created, that same genetic sequence can be used to modify other human reproductive cells. Since the complex research and development has already been done, it may be possible to simply go to a biotech company and purchase a “genetic program” or “genetic upgrade sequence” for one’s unborn children or, if it’s legal, have one grown or cloned to order. Depending on the law, a bioengineered person may be considered a child (with whatever legal rights children have) or a form of property . . . or the genetic engineering itself may be illegal! Assuming it’s legal, a suggested price tag for an embryo is $25,000 if only eugenic modifications were made, $50,000 if any species modifications were performed including purely cosmetic species modifications (gengineering someone with slit-pupil eyes, cat ears, and a tail is still expensive, even if it’s worth zero character points). Increase the cost to $100,000 if any radical species modifications were made. If the racial point cost is positive, increase the dollar cost by $1,000 per point. If the racial point cost is negative, use only the base cost quoted above. For nonhuman races that start out with racial bonuses, ignore those that are “native” to the race before gengineering when calculating the price tag. Note that this cost reflects the utility of the genetic modification, rather than the difficulty required to design it! The GM may increase the cost for any process that involves radical modifications even if they cost no points: doubling cost is reasonable. HUMAN GENETIC ENGINEERING 65 Beyond the Probable Many advantages or disadvantages aren’t covered in this chapter. These are the ones that human genetic engineering would find very difficult or impossible to reproduce. This may be because they represent social relationships (like Status and other social traits), education (like Languages or Trained by a Master), are very abstract (like Luck), or just because they would be too hard to duplicate genetically without cybernetic implants, psi abilities, “mutant super powers” or ultra-tech “superscience” . . . the province of GURPS Powers. GMs may nevertheless allow them to be genetically engineered if discovered in nature. For example, gengineering the ability to teleport or breathe fire is seemingly impossible – but what if a person or alien capable of it were discovered? Gengineers may try to hire or capture that individual or creature and study it. Perhaps the genes that code for this ability can be spliced into humans or other animals! Capturing exotics for genetic hybridization may be a goal of unscrupulous gengineers (human or alien) in superscience settings.This buys a viable embryo, which can then be implanted in a surrogate mother of the same or similar species (e.g., a human could bring a parahuman to term), raised in a growth tank or other artificial womb, or cloned; see Reproductive Technology (p. 19). Example: Mei and Yukio were both created from cells donated by their parents, using the Pandora-series genetic upgrade (p. 69). This variant template costs 61 points. Since one of their advantages was a radical species modification, their parents paid $100,000 + $66,000 = $166,000 apiece for the privilege of mentally-enhanced but slightlyfragile offspring. In Mei’s case, her mother had the embryo implanted and carried it to term herself; Yukio was grown in a forced-growth tank. Aside from that, Mei is of average height with black hair, while Yukio is a tall redhead. They could have any mundane advantage or disadvantage not prohibited by the Pandora’s taboo against genetic defects.


Biomods are permanent biological modifications made to living beings. At TL7-8, the major biomods in use are cosmetic surgery and gene therapy. At TL9+, biomods become the organic equivalent of cybernetics, giving people many new abilities.

Acquiring Biomods

Biomods chosen during character creation are bought with points rather than cash. For biomods acquired during play, use the rules for Body Modification (p. B294). These rules replace the Surgical Modifications (p. B295) rules. Each biomod’s availability (TL, LC, and means of acquisition) is summarized in its description. In theory, one simply has to locate someone who can make or install it, pay them, then undergo the operation. This might be as easy as visiting a neighborhood clinic and plunking down a credit card, or as complex as finding an outlawed scientist who’s the only one who can perform the operation. Usually, it depends on the TL and LC of the biomod.

Elective Surgery

Elective surgery involves reshaping, modifying or transplanting tissue, bone, organs and limbs. In some cases, elective surgery may also involve neurosurgery to ensure that certain transplants, such as limbs, function properly. Each surgical procedure (“biomod”) is described with these characteristics:

Operation: The cost to hire a surgeon (or medical team), along with the time required to recuperate following the operation. This period is measured in weeks. For every TL over the minimum required, reduce this by one day per week. Thus, if six weeks were required at TL8, this would be reduced by six days at TL9, by 12 days at TL10, and so on. Some operations require less than a full week to recover from. If so, reduce the period by three hours per TL over the minimum.

The recovery period required is also a rough guide to how long the operation itself takes: assume about two hours for every week of recovery required (before modification by TL). Any operation requiring less than a week of recovery takes an hour to perform.

Both recovery and operation time from multiple operations is consecutive rather than concurrent; e.g., two procedures with two-week recovery times require eight hours of surgery and four weeks of recovery.

Statistics: The game effects and character point cost of each surgical procedure – for instance, what advantages it grants or removes.


Bodysculpting (also called “biosculpting”) includes cosmetic surgery, muscle grafting, and sex-change operations.

While some changes may shock the traditional, bodysculpting is usually available and legal in all but the most conservative societies.

At TL7-8, cosmetic modifications rely on surgery, tissue grafts taken from other parts of the patient’s body, and injections or implants of inorganic material. TL9+ bodysculpt is more precise, with CT scans (p. 128) to produce 3-D “before and after” models, laser scalpels, and vatgrown collagen implants.

Disguised Appearance

It’s possible to simply change someone’s facial features without altering their Appearance or making them an exact copy of someone else. This change may be combined with surgery for an Altered Appearance (below).

Operation: $1,000 (one week recovery). There is no extra time or cost if this procedure is combined with Altered Appearance. LC4.

Statistics: An acquaintance needs an IQ roll to recognize you.

Eyesight Correction

Vision problems caused by focusing defects in the shape of the cornea can be relieved by a number of procedures that reshape the lens. The principles were understood as early as TL5, but technology did not allow successful correction until TL7, when radial keratotomy using a diamond scalpel was developed. At TL8, this was largely replaced by safer and more accurate laser procedures that can eliminate myopia and astigmatism completely.

Operation: $2,000 (one day) per eye. You can be up and around after surgery, but treat as One Eye (or Blindness if both eyes were done) while recovering, and vision may be blurred at times for a few weeks – treat as Bad Sight (Nearsighted).

Statistics: Bad Sight (p. B123) is eliminated.

Hair Transplant

Used by balding men (and, more rarely, women) to give the impression of normal hair growth. The technique of transferring plugs of skin containing hair follicles to the scalp was pioneered in the 1950s. At TL7 the results are obvious and artificial, but this improves rapidly by TL8, where natural-looking results are possible.

Operation: $1,000-$10,000 depending on extent of baldness. No recovery time.

Statistics: Depending on social mores, may remove Distinctive Features or be a prerequisite for an increase in Appearance (see Altered Appearance, below).

Altered Appearance

A person’s facial looks, hair color, eye color and ethnic features can all be altered – often with the goal of improving on nature or repairing ravages of time or injury. To specifically duplicate another person’s appearance, see Copied Appearance (p. 170).

Operation: Minor changes cost $4,000 (one week recovery); major changes are $8,000 (two weeks recovery). Halve the dollar cost if any increase in Appearance results in acquiring Off-the-Shelf Looks, or for an modification that results in lowering Appearance or removal of a trait. Double the dollar cost for any modification that increases Appearance to Very Handsome, or results in Honest Face or Pitiable. LC4.

Statistics: Each minor change can involve one of the following: a shift in Appearance by one level, or somewhat altered features (so that it requires an IQ roll to recognize the character). Each major change may increase Appearance by two levels up, or down as far as desired (minimum Monstrous), or grant or remove one of the following: the Androgynous or Impressive options; the traits Honest Face (p. B101) or Pitiable (p. B22). Appearance cannot be reduced below Monstrous or above Very Handsome.

Altered Bulk

Fatty tissue can be removed surgically through techniques such as liposuction, or it can be grafted onto the body.

Operation: $5,000 (one week recovery). LC4.

Statistics: Bulk can be safely altered up or down by one step. The steps range from a maximum of Very Fat [-5], to Fat [-3], Overweight [-1] and normal weight, down to a minimum of Skinny [-5], in that order. After the operation, adjust weight accordingly.

Copied Appearance

This procedure transforms someone’s face into a recognizable copy of another person (real or fictional). The subject must already have the same Appearance (including options like Androgynous or Impressive) as his model, as well as the same facial traits such as Honest Face (p. B101), Pitiable (p. B22), and any facial Distinctive or Unnatural Features. If these traits do not match those of the original, they must first be changed through the Altered Appearance (p. 169) procedure before additional surgery can proceed. Operation: To turn someone into a fairly close duplicate (“you look like Elvis”), enough to qualify for Mistaken Identity, is $5,000 (one week recovery). An exact duplicate (as much as height and build permit) is $50,000 (three weeks recovery). Halve the cost and recovery time if the patient’s facial features are fairly similar to the features being copied (GM’s option). Copies of a real person or trademarked character may be a legal violation (LC2) or require additional licensing fees that further increase the cost. Otherwise, LC3.

Statistics: A copy will have the Mistaken Identity trait (p. B21). A mass-produced copy of someone who is Handsome or better also gains the Off-the-Shelf Looks (-50%) modifier on their Appearance.

Extreme Sexual Dimorphism

These procedures exaggerate primary male and secondary female sexual attributes. They are often preceded or followed by surgery to increase Appearance.

Operation: $5,000 (one week recovery). It requires Average or better Appearance (or the modifications just appear grotesque). LC3.

Statistics: Sex Appeal +1 [2] plus Distinctive Feature (Exaggerated sexual features) [-1]. 1 point.

Sex Change

The procedures and effects depend on the level of sex change:

Superficial Sex Change: Masculinization or feminization of facial and body features, but without genital reconstruction. The subject retains his/her own sex, but when fully dressed appears to be a member of the opposite sex.

Gender Reassignment: The subject completely resembles his/her new gender. Only a medical examination would reveal that a sex change had taken place. To all exterior appearances and for all social interactions, the change is total, except that reproduction is impossible.

Genital Reassignment: As above, but without any masculinization or feminization of features (though this may be added later via a superficial change).

Complete Sex Change: This is a total sex change, with full capacity for reproduction being possible. This requires tissue-engineering organs and transplanting them into the recipient’s body.

Sex Neutralization: Complete removal of sexual characteristics.

Operation: A superficial sex change is $2,000 (one week recovery). A gender reassignment or neutralization is $10,000 (and two weeks). A genital reassignment is $8,000 (and two weeks). A complete sex change is $30,000 (and three weeks) for a male-to-female change, or $100,000 (and four weeks) for a female-to-male, the latter requiring the creation of an artificial Y chromosome, which is trickier. There is often a requirement for psychological counseling prior to any sex change operation. LC3.

Statistics: Gender or genital reassignment results in the Sterile [0] feature; gender neutralization in Sexless [-1]. For superficial sex change, gender reassignment or neutralization, and complete sex change, if Appearance is at the Handsome/Beautiful or Very Handsome/Very Beautiful level, switch the descriptor (e.g., Handsome becomes Beautiful) or, optionally (especially in the case of gender neutralization) add the Androgynous (p. B21) special option. Any sex change, especially beyond the superficial level, can sometimes alter personality, as a result of the hormones used and the change in self-image. At the GM’s option, a sex change can justify buying off or exchanging a few mental disadvantages. In some societies it may also qualify as a Secret or Social Stigma.

Altered Height

Height can be altered surgically by up to 3” in either direction through adjustments to the long bones of the arms and legs. Slight modifications to the spine can add an extra 3”.

Operation: $8,000/inch (one week recovery, or three weeks if spinal). LC3.

Statistics: No point cost unless the modification results in Dwarfism or Gigantism (or adjusts height surgically so that the character no longer qualifies for such a disadvantage).

Fingerprint Removal

Early methods of surgical fingerprint removal result in scar tissue that leaves prints just as distinctive. By late TL8, the skin of the fingertips can be replaced by patternless skin grafts, providing blank and unidentifiable prints. Of course, if only one suspect for a crime has had this procedure, blank finger smudges will provide circumstantial evidence.

Operation: $1,000 (two weeks recovery). You can be active while recovering, but no tasks requiring fine manual dexterity can be performed. LC2.

Statistics: Removes fingerprints. This is a 0-point feature. At TL8 this reduces DX by 1 for tasks requiring fine sensitivity, such as Lockpicking, but the fingertips are also insensitive to pain. At TL9 fingertip sensitivity is not compromised.


Operation: $5,000 (two weeks recovery). You can be active after surgery, but treat as Lame while recovering. LC4.

Statistics: Adds 2” to height when barefoot, and you can wear high heels or dance shoes indefinitely without pain; regular footwear is uncomfortable (0 points).


Operation: $20,000 (two weeks recovery) for a single advantage, or $40,000 (four weeks recovery) for a combination of two or more. LC4.

Statistics: Any of Catfall [10], Flexibility [5], or High Manual Dexterity +1 [5], or raise an existing Flexibility advantage to Double-Jointed [15].

Eros Plus

The subject’s erogenous zones are significantly more sensitive to erotic stimulation then an ordinary person’s. This can be enjoyable.

Operation: $5,000 (two weeks recovery). Only two days bed rest is required, but you will suffer the Sexless quirk until the entire recovery period is over. LC3.

Statistics: If your partner is using Erotic Art skill with you, they get a +4 bonus; however, you are also -4 to resist Interrogation or Fast-Talk during such activity. The net cost is 0 points. This biomod can be addictive. For the first 1d months after it is added, the GM can require a Will roll to avoid acquiring the disadvantage Lecherousness (15) [-7], or having the self-control roll for an existing disadvantage reduced one step, e.g., Lecherousness (12) becomes Lecherousness (9).

Hair Graft

An exotic hair graft permits living hair or fur strips to be grafted to certain parts of the body, such as the spine, ankles or wrists. Operation: $1,000 (one day recovery). LC4. Statistics: Usually a 0-point feature, if that, but may qualify as Distinctive Features or Unnatural Features depending on social mores.

Muscle Graft

Operation: $20,000 (four weeks recovery). If using a muscle-boosting nanovirus, half the ST gain (round down) occurs after two weeks, with the remainder at the end of the growth period. LC4.

Statistics: Select from +1 to +3 Lifting ST and the same level of Striking ST. This reflects the fact that this ST only applies to limb muscles, not to internal muscles like heart or lungs or to the skeleton. Boosting ST by muscle grafts adds 10 pounds to weight per point of ST increase. Characters who gained +3 ST from muscle grafts can take the Unsupported Strength limitation (p. 215).

Testicle Tuck

This modification eliminates the special vulnerability of the male groin to injury. A cheaper version exists which leaves the recipient sterile.

Operation: $4,000 (two weeks recovery). Treat as Sexless while recovering from surgery, but no bed rest is required. LC4. The cheap version is $1,000 (and one week); LC3.

Statistics: Injury Tolerance (No Vitals; Partial, Vitals, Groin only, -60%) [2]. The cheap version adds Sterility [0]. 2 points.


This gives someone nonhuman features, ranging from pointed “elf” ears to an animal-like face or head. Minor cosmetic xeno-features include such modifications as elf- or cat-like ears, tiny horns (too small to do damage), a forked tongue, or a birdlike crest – that is, any features that don’t require bone or nervous system alterations. Adding a small patch of fur or feathers (e.g., to the scalp or ears) is also a minor cosmetic change.

Major xenosculpting may include altered facial bone structure, like an animal-like jaw or muzzle, or modifications to skull shape. For claws, sharp teeth and so on, see Xenostriker Grafts (p. 178). For full-body fur, scales and so on, see Skin Transformation Virus (p. 186). A bunny tail or a non-functional tail that simply hangs there is a minor cosmetic modification; a tail with bone and muscle that can be wagged is a transplant; see Tail Grafts (p. 178). Most changes to features like the eyes or nose do not improve senses – they are cosmetic only. (Due to the need to modify the brain as well as the sense organs themselves, improvements to senses require either genetic engineering, cybernetics, or bio-nanotech). An exception is large ears, due to the funneling of sound; these can improve hearing.

Operation: This depends on the extent of the change. Minor cosmetic xeno-features are $1,000 (one day recovery) each. A set of related minor modifications (e.g., giving someone rabbit ears, buck teeth and a button nose) is $10,000 (one week recovery). Altered facial bone structure is $30,000 (and 2+ weeks). LC3.

Statistics: This is a 0-point feature, but may count as Distinctive Features [-1] or even Unnatural Features [-1 to -3] if such biomods are rare or no “real” existing race resembles you. Some changes – e.g., bug eyes and a suckerlike mouth surrounded by writhing tendrils – could also give a negative Appearance or Social Stigma. If you are disguised as a known alien or variant race, this may also qualify as a Secret if you are passing yourself off as one of them. Large ears can provide Acute Hearing +1 [2].

Xeno-Voice Box

This technology doesn’t have to be used for sinister purposes. For instance, a human diplomat might have his voice box modified so that he can speak an alien language that’s impossible for a human larynx to pronounce. Then he’d be modified back after completing his tour of duty.

Operation: $10,000 (two weeks recovery); only a day of bed rest is required, but the subject will be Mute for the entire recovery period. Reversing the effects of a xeno-voice box operation takes the same time and cost as the original procedure. A person can also be surgically rendered Mute with no ability to make sounds; this can be done quite safely at TL6, and is $500. LC4.

Statistics: A human voice box altered to make vocal animal sounds – trills, barking, purring, etc. – gives Disturbing Voice [-10] if speech is still possible, or Cannot Speak [-15] if it permits only animal sounds. Cannot Speak can be combined with Voice [10], if the animal sounds are pleasant. Modifying a human to speak an alien language is also treated as Disturbing Voice, as human speech will be garbled.

Hermaphromorphic Surgery

Operation: $150,000 (and four weeks). LC3.

Statistics: Hermaphromorph [5] plus Reproductive Control [1]. 6 points.


Need a new or better body part? Why not just graft one on?

Biomodification transplants use the same rules for surgery and recovery as medical transplants (p. 141). These are transplants of completely new or modified internal organs. They’ve been grown from gengineered clones or in special organ vats, then harvested to be ready for transplant.

Eye Upgrade

Operation: $2,000 per character point it costs, with a minimum of $5,000 (six weeks to grow, two weeks recovery). LC4 (LC2 if duplicating a retina pattern).

Statistics: Cures (rather than mitigating) Bad Sight, Blindness, Colorblindness, Night Blindness, or No Depth Perception (adjust point cost). Can add Acute Vision up to +(TL-7), to a maximum of +5 [2/level]. It will also alter the retina print. If a specific retina pattern is known, it can deliberately match another person’s.


Operation: $31,000 (four weeks to grow, two weeks recovery). LC4.

Statistics: Basic Speed +1.00 (Cardiac Stress, every minute, -30%, Costs Fatigue, 1 FP, -5% [13], Lifting ST +3 (Cardiac Stress, every minute, -30%) [7], and Striking ST +3 (Cardiac Stress, every minute, -30%) [11]. 31 points.

Boosted Heart

Often used in combination with Bio-Boosters.

Operation: $15,000 (six weeks to grow, four weeks recovery). LC4.

Statistics: HT +1 [10], FP +1 [3], and Hard to Kill +1 [2]. 15 points.

Cold-Adaptive Fur

This gives the user a thick coat of fur. Besides being available in fashion patterns, it provides protection against the cold. (For an alternative, see High-Biotech Fur, p. 185.)

Operation: $10,000 (four weeks to grow, no recovery). LC4.

Statistics: Fur [1]; Temperature Tolerance (Cold) 2 [2]. 3 points.

High-Efficiency Kidney

Kidneys filter everything out of the blood and then selectively reabsorb those substances that your body needs, while excreting waste material into the urine. There’s some waste in the cycle, though, so this modification super-concentrates urine to reclaim as much water as possible. This will cut water requirement to one-third (and similarly reduce bathroom trips).

Operation: $20,000 (six weeks to grow, two weeks recovery). LC4.

Statistics: Reduced Consumption 2 (Water Only, -50%) [2]. 2 points.


Hyper-Lungs comes in both civilian and military (“milspec”) models.

Operation: $16,000, or $26,000 if milspec (six weeks to grow, eight weeks recovery). LC4.

Statistics: Breath-Holding 1 [2], FP +2 [6]. 8 points. Milspec hyper-lungs add Filter Lungs [5]. 13 points.

Liver Upgrade

Operation: $12,000 (six weeks to grow, two weeks recovery). LC4. Statistics: Alcohol Tolerance [1] and Resistant to Ingested Poison (+8) [5]. 6 points.

Perfume Glands

The user can change between perfume or deodorant, or if desired, go back to his own, natural body odor (but an earlier choice will linger for several minutes). By changing his scent, the user can also mask his natural odor or confuse beings that rely heavily on their sense of smell for personal identification and tracking prey.

Operation: $6,000 (four weeks to grow, two days recovery). LC4.

Statistics: Racial Bonus to Sex Appeal +2 (Scent-based, - 20%) [4] and Obscure 1 (Smell) [2]. 6 points.

Skeleton Tongue

Alters the patient’s vocal cords, allowing him to precisely mimic any familiar sound. Once the user has memorized a person’s voice and has had a chance to practice it, he will be able to fool voiceprint scanners.

Operation: $30,000. (four weeks to grow, four weeks recovery). The patient only requires a week of bed rest, but is Mute for the entire recovery period. LC2.

Statistics: Mimicry [10].

Spleen Augmentation

Operation: $5,000 (three weeks to grow, four weeks recovery). LC4.

Statistics: Resistant to Disease (+8) [5]. 5 points.

Limb Replacement Transplants

Gengineered arms, legs, hands or feet can be grown to replace the body’s own limbs. The original limbs are surgically amputated, then modified limbs are grafted onto the stumps. If the subject intends to return the limbs to normal later on, the amputated limbs can be preserved for potential reattachment, saving the time required to grow new ones. Nanomachines and neural surgery are used to create new nerve connections that enable the modified limbs to be used.

Operation: This costs $50,000 x (TL-8), where “TL” is the minimum TL required for the gengineering. Thus, prehensile toes (TL9) would cost $50,000. Recovery time is eight weeks.

Statistics: These are based on the genemods described under Morphological Changes (p. 51). Both legs or feet can be replaced with altered limbs, and arms can be replaced with gengineered wings (see Arms to Wings, p. 52). The statistics and point costs are as described in Chapter 2; the genetically-engineered body parts take six weeks to grow.


This modifies a male or a bioroid to safely carry a transplanted embryo to term and give birth without caesarean section. It is included in a male-to-female full sex change.

Operation: $16,000 (four weeks to grow, two weeks recovery). LC4.

Statistics: 0-point feature.

Auxiliary Heart

Operation: $30,000 (four weeks to grow, six weeks recovery). LC4.

Statistics: No Vitals (Only to prevent first heart attack, -40%) [3]. The user will still need to seek medical treatment to repair his primary heart; until this is done, any new heart attack will have full effect. 3 points.

Muscle Reinforcement

Operation: $8,000 per level of Enhanced Muscle (three weeks recovery). LC4.

Statistics: Select from 1 to 4 levels of Enhanced Muscle (p. 213) (or double that if you have skeletal strengthening (p. 189) [8/level]. Unlike a muscle graft (p. 172), weight and looks will not change when this process is used. Optionally, characters who gained +3 to +4 ST from muscle reinforcement (or +6 to +8 ST, with skeletal strengthening) can take the Unsupported Strength limitation (p. 215).

Neural Augmentation

Operation: $110,000 (two weeks recovery). LC3.

Statistics: Basic Speed +3.00 [60] and Total Klutz (Mitigator, weekly dose of PK-28N, -65%) [-5]. 55 points.

Each dose costs $200. The Basic Speed increase is cumulative with other sources of this advantage, with the exception of cybernetics that replaces the organic nervous system with electronic systems. A user can eventually get used to the Basic Speed increase and buy off the Klutz disadvantage using earned points.

Pheromone Glands

These glands can produce a chemical cloud powerful enough to induce a mind-altering emotional effect upon anyone nearby.

Operation: $25,000 (four weeks to grow, one week recovery). A combination of pheromone types are possible; $10,000 per extra type. LC2.

Statistics: Trust Hormones (p. 48) [29], or Sex Pheromones (p. 48) [28], or Xeno-Pheromones [2]. Variable cost.

Thin Atmosphere Lungs

This genemod lung and support organ transplant gives the user the ability to breathe Thin atmospheres without suffering any of the adverse effects listed on p. B429, provided the atmosphere contains at least 20% oxygen. Unfortunately, it makes the user uncomfortable in normal atmospheres.

Operation: $14,000 (five weeks to grow, seven weeks recovery). LC4.

Statistics: Treat very thin atmospheres as thin, thin as standard, standard as dense, and dense as very dense. 0 points.


Polykeratin is a form of synthetic, vat-grown, biomimetic bone, cartilage or muscle tissue, based on sensa-skin and advanced memory bioplastic technology. Sometimes described as “memory tissue,” polykeratin cells can “remember” a second shape, and switch between shapes upon receiving certain muscular signals (which depend on the graft). Polykeratin implants permit a limited form of flesh-morphing – an individual with one will have the ability to alter a particular body part between two specific, different forms. Polykeratin grafts are treated as surgery. They have no chance of rejection, but (unlike sensa-skin) are not removable without surgery.

Arm Blade

Allows you to turn your forearm into a serrated fighting blade on command.

Operation: This is a single arm replacement transplant. $45,000 (four weeks to grow, eight weeks recovery). LC3.

Statistics: Striker (Cutting; Long, +1 SM, +100%; Switchable, +10%; Temporary Disadvantage, One Hand, -15%) [14]. 14 points.

Battle Jaw

Replaces your jaw with a polykeratin graft; your jaw and face will morph into a battle jaw that you can extend out like an egg-eating snake.

Operation: $22,000 (two weeks to grow, three weeks recovery). LC3.

Statistics: Striker (Impaling; Cannot Parry, -40%; Long, +1 SM, +100%; Switchable, +10%; Temporary Disadvantage, Appearance (Monstrous), -20%; Temporary Disadvantage, Cannot Speak, -15%) [11]. 11 points.

Polykeratin Disguise

Allows you to change your appearance temporarily.

Operation: This is treated as surgery. $200,000 (eight weeks recovery). LC3. Statistics: Elastic Skin (Costs Fatigue, 1 FP, -5%,) [19].


Allows you to switch your limbs to digitigrade forms, allowing for quadrupedal running.

Operation: $65,000 (four weeks to grow, eight weeks recovery). This includes four replacement limb transplants. LC4.

Statistics: Enhanced Move 1 (Ground; Switchable, +10%; Temporary Disadvantage, Quadruped, -35%) [15]. 15 points.


Like medical xenotransplants (p. 141), these use tissue from animals, either from a live animal or engineered from cell animal cultures. If xenotransplants are common, some facilities may have these transplants “in stock,” so no growth time would be required.

Cat’s Eye Transplant

Operation: $5,000 per eye (six weeks to grow, eight weeks recovery). Only a week of bed rest is needed, but the user will be blind in the transplanted eye until the full time has elapsed. LC4.

Statistics: Night Vision 1-3 [1-3]. A set of feline eye transplants may count as a Distinctive or Unnatural Feature [-1].

There is a -2 to Vision rolls unless both eyes are modified.

Xenostriker Grafts

Operation: Costs $5,000 x (TL-8), where “TL” is the minimum TL required for gengineering the same advantage (six weeks to grow, three weeks recovery). LC3.

Statistics: Select any natural weapon except a bioelectric organ from the Transgenic Natural Weapons section of the Cosmetic and Minor Transgenic Modifications table (p. 46). To make any obvious trait (e.g., talons) retractable, add the Switchable enhancement (+10%, p. 214). Otherwise, they may count as -1 or -2 point Distinctive or Unnatural Features if exotic biomods are uncommon. Before the operation, the claws, talons, horn buds, or tooth buds must be acquired.

Tail Grafts

Operation: This costs $25,000 x (TL-8), where “TL” is the minimum TL required for gengineering that type of tail. Thus, a prehensile tail (TL10) would cost $50,000. All tails take three weeks to grow before the transplant. Recovery time is four weeks for prehensile or scorpion tails, two weeks for ordinary tails. Tails are LC4, except for scorpion tails, which are LC3.

Statistics: Any of the tail types described under Gengineered Tails (p. 51) can be vat-grown and then transplanted. If biomods of this sort are unusual, a tail may also qualify as Distinctive Features or Unnatural Features.

Winged Retromorphosis

Replaces arms with a functional pair of biogenetically grown feathered or batlike wings, and grafts additional muscles into the shoulders to power them. The wing bones arch well above the head to allow normal walking. The wings are not powerful enough to fly with under normal Earth gravity, but can be used in low-G environments. Operation: $30,000 (eight weeks to grow, four weeks recovery). LC2.

Statistics: Flight (Requires Low Gravity, 0.5 G, -25%; Winged, -25%) [20]. See Accessibility (p. 215) for the low gravity limitation. 20 points. The wings are assumed to have handlike manipulators by default; if they are more clumsy add No Fine Manipulators [-30].


Surgical modifications to the brain and central nervous system may be performed for non-therapeutic reasons, either to enhance the way the brain functions or, more commonly, as a form of behavior modification. If neurosurgery is performed on someone with the Compartmentalized Mind advantage, the GM should decide whether it will only affect one “compartment” or the entire mind. In general, a neurosurgeon who is unaware of the subject’s ability will only be able to affect one of the compartments. Cybernetic neuromods (brain implants) are described in GURPS Ultra-Tech.

Prefrontal Lobotomy

This radical and controversial procedure involves damaging the prefrontal lobe of the brain, an area that generates certain aggressive tendencies. Some types of mental illness may be cured, but at the result of brain damage and personality destruction.

Operation: $500 (one week recovery). LC2.

Statistics: Will usually eliminate aggressive mental disadvantages, including Bad Temper, Berserk, Bloodlust, Bully, Compulsive Behavior, Curious, Greed, Fanaticism, Impulsiveness, Megalomania, Obsession, On the Edge, Paranoia, and Stubbornness. (Note that Callous is not removed, and may occasionally even result from the lobotomy). The cost is severe: at least -2 IQ [-40], -1 Will [-5], Hidebound [-5], along with the removal of the Daredevil and Higher Purpose advantages (if possessed). Talents will often also disappear, and many other personality-related mental traits, e.g., Trademark or mental quirks, will vanish.


This procedure burns out or removes the brain’s pleasure center, usually via microsurgery.

Operation: $8,000 (four days recovery). LC2.

Statistics: Someone who undergoes a Killjoy should replace any disadvantages that drive him to seek physical pleasure (e.g., Compulsive Carousing, Lecherousness) with the Killjoy disadvantage [-15], and pay off any point difference.

Brain Tissue Graft

Extra brain tissue is grafted onto the frontal lobes to increase the brain’s surface area. The skull is surgically enlarged to accommodate the additional gray matter. Exhaustive brain monitoring and therapy are used to ensure the smooth integration of the brain tissue into the cerebrum and prevent the impairment of existing cognitive functions.

Operation: $20,000 (two weeks recovery). Even generic brain tissue grafts won’t be attacked by the immune system (due to the blood-brain barrier). However, the difficulty of assimilating new brain matter means de facto rejection is possible – make a HT-1 roll to avoid it (HT+2 if using fetal brain tissue), with failure resulting in -1 IQ times the margin of failure. Critical failure causes death within 1d days. LC3.

Statistics: Adds +1-2 to IQ [20-40]. The bulging forehead is an Unnatural Feature [-1]. If the brain tissue was a transplant from a person (as opposed to vat-grown tissue), there’s a 1-in-6 chance that a few “memories” of the original donor may survive. This is reflected by giving the recipient 1d points worth of the donor’s skills, plus the Flashbacks disadvantage.


Hotshotting rewires the pleasure center of the brain to cause excitement and even arousal from performing a specific activity, such as cooking, washing dishes, sports, fighting, or working.

Operation: $10,000 (one day recovery). LC3.

Statistics: The user is addicted to the endorphins produced in the brain when the hotshot activity is performed. To get his daily fix, he must spend at least two hours on the activity. He also becomes Single-Minded while doing so (+3 to skill if concentration is required). Missing the hotshotted activity causes withdrawal. This is usually Compulsive Behavior, but other disadvantages may be appropriate: Bad Temper (if hotshotted toward combat activity), Lecherousness (if a sex hotshot) or Workaholic (if the hotshot is related to his job). A hotshot may also have tertiary effects, at the GM’s discretion. Within months of hotshotting, some personalities may eat less (losing any Fat or Overweight disadvantages and eventually becoming Skinny), neglect grooming (lowering Appearance) or talk of nothing but their hotshotted activity (Odious Personal Habit).

Myelin Replacement

This procedure replaces the fatty myelin sheath around neurons in the brain with an inert organic substitute. It provides immunity to the adverse neurological effects of breathing high-pressure gases, such as nitrogen narcosis and high-pressure nervous syndrome. This is a common biomod for divers and explorers of dense atmosphere worlds.

Operation: $5,000 (one week recovery). LC4.

Statistics: Immunity to High-Pressure Gases [5]. 5 points.

Psychosurgery (“Nanotherapy”)

This uses precisely focused HyMRI fields in conjunction with cellular microsurgeons to selectively obliterate or connect tiny parts of the brain. Before psychosurgery can take place, successful persona mapping is required.

Operation: $1,000 times point change (one day recovery), minimum $10,000.

Statistics: Psychosurgery can destroy most mental advantages (e.g., Charisma or Intuition) and any mental disadvantage that is not self-imposed. It can give someone disadvantages that represent loss of a mental faculty (e.g., Amnesia or No Sense of Humor). It can cure a mental disadvantage that does not represent such a lack; thus, it could “cure” a Delusion but not Amnesia. A cure must be balanced by adding a new disadvantage representing a lack of faculties (or removing an existing advantage) whose point total is worth at least half as much as the disadvantage cured. Thus, you could burn Bad Temper (12) [-10] out of someone’s brain, but leave him Confused (15) [-5].


With a combination of neural modifications and encapsulated cell implants (p. 120), this procedure provides biochemical stimulants that reduce the desire for sleep as well as neurological changes allowing the brain to function effectively with less “down time.”

Operation: $40,000 (six weeks recovery). LC2.

Statistics: Less Sleep 4 [8].

Wetware Sub-Personality (Experimental)

A development of procedures to treat multiple personality disorder, this uses neurosurgical and RNA viral techniques to construct a subpersonality – or “inner daemon” – in the user’s mind. Unlike a Split Personality, this is under his conscious control. Each daemon is, in effect, a mental Alternate Form, with its own set of attitudes and mannerisms, but each also shares the original’s skills, memories and overall goals. Also, shifting to a new personality will fool psychological profilers, polygraphs, and brainscans that were designed to catch or predict the actions of an earlier personality.

Operation: $4,000 times the point cost of the Alternate Form. Minimum cost is $20,000 (one day recovery). LC4, or possibly lower if the daemon is dangerous or antisocial.

Statistics: Create each sub-persona as an Alternate Form (p. B83) in which the new racial template is the same as your existing racial template – plus a set of new mental advantages and mental disadvantages. You may also specify that the Alternate Form negates a number of mental disadvantages you already have; these cost the same as buying off the disadvantage, e.g., Negates Pacifism (Cannot Kill) costs 15 points.


Genetic surgery (p. 14) may be performed on a fetus, child, or adult to repair defective genes or insert new ones. Genetic surgery cannot produce gross anatomical changes, but it may have subtle effects. For instance, it may alter the way a certain hormone is produced, with a marked effect on the recipient’s behavior. At TL8, genetic surgery is usually used to replace defective or missing DNA sequences, repairing genes so that they can produce whatever missing enzymes or proteins caused a genetic disease. At TL9+, nontherapeutic genetic surgery techniques may be developed.

One technique used is the cell transplant. Cells are removed from the appropriate organ of the patient (e.g., bone marrow cells, if trying to modify how blood is produced). Gengineering techniques – usually tailored RNA viruses – are then used to introduce new genes into them, as described above. These altered cells are reintroduced into the patient, where they will hopefully thrive and replicate. At TL8, the subject is given drugs to help his body accept the new cells (see Rejection and Immunosuppression, p. 141, for the effects). At TL9+, cell implants are encapsulated in a specialized membrane that masks them from the immune system until they have become safely integrated into the body, while still allowing proteins to pass through – the advantage being that no immunosuppression treatments are needed. In some cases, the controlled release of cells is orchestrated by biochips (p. 109).

In some cases, removing cells may not be necessary, and a modified RNA virus can simply be injected into the patient. This depends on how specific a change needs to be made, and how confident the genetic surgeons are in their ability to target the specific cells they want to alter. Enhancements or therapies may be made hereditary if the modifications take the form of implanted artificial chromosomes (see p. 12). This is not difficult (it was achieved with mice in 1999). Such chromosomes can be passed on to offspring, but may cause birth defects unless both parents possess the extra chromosome. The problem is that as soon as any descendants breed with baseline individuals, the new chromosomes risk causing genetic defects.

If the carrier of a genetic disease is treated by adding a new chromosome to mitigate or eliminate its effects, rather than by modifying the genes that cause the disease itself, that carrier may be unable to have children naturally without this risk. Genetic surgery processes have a listed cost and time. The required time is spent in a hospital facility. During this period, genetic surgeons are taking cell samples, running tests, performing the actual RNA injections or cell transplants (often a series of them), waiting for modified cells to replicate, observing the results, and taking any necessary corrective measures. The patient will be confined to bed (often with diagnostic sensors attached), but conscious most of the time.

So what can you do with genetic surgery? Some of the many possible applications are described below.

Gene Therapy

If someone is born with faulty or missing genes, his body may lack the capability to make enzymes or other proteins that it needs. Depending on which genes are missing, this deficiency may cause a hereditary metabolic disease, such as cystic fibrosis or hemophilia. There are almost 3,000 such genetic disorders.

In fact, most humans and other animals carry a few defective genes. However, humans and similar higher animals have two duplicate sets of almost every chromosome and the genes they carry, one from each parent. (The exception in humans is the male “Y” chromosome; as a result, men are more vulnerable to “sex-linked” disorders.) Even so, genetic disorders affect as much as 10% of the human population, although the effects of some do not manifest until quite late in life.

Until the late 20th century (TL8), the symptoms of genetic disorders could be treated, but the disorders themselves could not be cured. Thanks to genetic surgery, it becomes possible to remove the root cause of a genetic disease using cell transplants (above). Even so, a basic limitation on gene therapy is the need to know exactly which genes code for which enzymes or proteins, and how they relate to the body’s functioning. While considerable progress has been made in cases involving a single gene, multiple genetic interactions are often involved. As human genome mapping progresses (through TL8), more complex genetic therapy procedures will become possible.

Operation: $1,000 per point of disadvantage cured (two weeks recovery), e.g., a hereditary disadvantage worth -10 points would cost $10,000 and take two weeks to cure. LC3.

Statistics: Gene therapy can remove certain disadvantages, if they result from hereditary conditions. By midTL8, this includes some forms of Hemophilia, Neurological Disorder, Susceptible to Disease, and Terminally Ill. In addition, if applied to a fetus or baby, early gene therapy may be able to prevent any hereditary problems that cause disadvantages like Gigantism, Bad Sight, Colorblindness, Dwarfism, Dyslexia, and No Sense of Smell/Taste. At some point during TL9, gene therapy may be able to cure inherited learning or behavioral disorders that are linked to particular genes. Where these disadvantages have a genetic cause, they can be removed: disadvantages such as Cannot Learn, Chronic Depression, Gluttony, Manic-Depressive, Non-Iconographic, Paranoia, and Short Attention Span might be especially susceptible.

Emotional Regulator

Operation: $4,000 (four days recovery, although it takes effect within one day). LC3.

Statistics: Hormonal dampers can justify increasing the self-control number or buying off Bad Temper, Berserk, or Lecherousness. The point cost is equal to the cost of increasing the self-control number or buying off the disadvantage.

Bone Marrow Upgrades

Bone marrow cells may be modified to produce gengineered blood cells with improved capabilities. Two main procedures are available:

Enhanced Erythrocytes: The bone marrow is modified so that the red blood cells it produces possess hemoglobin with greater oxygen transport capacity.

Enhanced Thrombocytes: Blood platelets are redesigned for superior wound-clotting ability.

Enhanced White Blood Cells: Modified to produce enhanced versions of disease-fighting cells.

Macromarrow: Modified to produce all three upgrades.

In each procedure, care is taken to ensure that the modified marrow is “smart” enough to adjust cell production so that complications like excessive clotting and other disorders do not occur.

Operation: Enhanced erythrocytes are $12,000; enhanced thrombocytes are $30,000; enhanced white blood cells are $10,000. Macromarrow is $52,000; all require one week recovery. LC3.

Statistics: Enhanced erythrocytes give +2 FP [6]. Enhanced thrombocytes give Very Rapid Healing [15]. Enhanced white blood cells give Resistant to Disease (+8) [5]. Macromarrow combines all these traits; 26 points.

Metabolic Reset

Operation: $4,000. The reset operation itself requires four days recovery, but losing (or gaining) weight takes the time discussed below. LC4.

Statistics: Build-related disadvantages can be altered up or down one or more steps: Very Fat [-5] to Fat [-3], to Overweight [-1], to normal, to Skinny [-5] or vice versa. Adjust weight in pounds accordingly. Lose or gain one step every three weeks until the chosen stage is reached. Reduce it to two weeks if the subject works with the virus via diet and exercise (or lack thereof); double the time if he tries to fight it!

Cancer Elimination

Resetting the genes in cancer cells can make them behave like normal cells, with controlled division and eventually cell death. This means a tumor will naturally be destroyed and safely absorbed by the body.

Operation: $50,000 (one week recovery). LC4.

Statistics: Cures cancer (which may be represented by Terminally Ill). See Terminally Ill (p. B158) for the consequences of receiving a “miracle cure.”

Radiation Damage Repair

Radiation damage to cells can result in tumors or widespread failure of bodily systems. Resetting the cells effectively heals the damage to the DNA caused by radiation. This procedure also incidentally destroys cancerous tumors. The process is longer and more complicated than cancer elimination, as many more cells are affected and reconstructing the original DNA requires comparative lab work rather than simply taking a single cell sample.

Operation: $80,000 (two weeks reccovery). LC4.

Statistics: Resets accumulated radiation dose to 0 rads. At the GM’s option, 1d rads may remain that cannot be healed.

Mutation Repair

When cells divide, the DNA replication process reduces the length of the chromosome telomeres and can introduce random mutations into the daughter cells. Over time, these changes build up and lead to cellular senescence (see The Genetics of Aging, p. 183). Comparing the divergent genetic sequences of several cells will allow the patient’s original genome to be calculated, and gene therapy to be targeted to reverse any mutations, as well as attaching new telomere sequences. This is part of the necessary treatment to fully reverse the effects of aging, but not in itself a complete “potion of youth” – it does not restore neural functions.

Operation: $100,000 (two weeks recovery). LC4.

Statistics: Resets an adult patient’s cellular age to the age of maturity (e.g., 18 for a human). This immediately restores any IQ or HT points lost to aging rolls (p. B444). ST and DX lost to aging may also be restored; this requires four weeks of exercise and physiotherapy (p. 132) per point regained. Secondary characteristics, skills, and techniques based on the attribute recover as well, with the exception of IQ-based skills and techniques. This represents irreversible loss of experience and memory, which simple structural repairs can not erase. Adjust point cost accordingly.

Corrective Gamete Production

Prospective parents with genetic defects may be unwilling to have children, knowing that they will inherit those genes and potentially debilitating conditions. Genetic surgery on the gonads can make sure the gametes carry a normal copy of the defective gene instead. This is straightforward on males, since sperm are continually produced by the testicles and can inherit the corrected gene. For females, existing ova in the ovaries must be treated or destroyed, increasing cost.

Operation: For a male: $25,000; for females, $35,000; (four days recovery). LC4.

Statistics: Any future children will not inherit the corrected genetic defects.

Genetic Vaccination

Some people have genes that make them naturally immune or resistant to some diseases. When introduced to other people, these genes provide them with the same protection. At TL10, it will also be possible to design new genes to provide immunity to specific diseases. A complete program of genetic vaccination is an alternative to nanosymbiont panimmunity (p. 164), and may be available earlier depending on relative technological development.

Operation: $7,500 (four days recovery). LC4.

Statistics: Immune to (Specific Disease) [1]. This is a 1-point perk for a group of closely-related diseases, e.g., “known flu viruses” or “hemorrhagic fevers.” A single disease may be a 0-point feature instead of a perk.


This is the growth of new blood vessels, used to strengthen blood supply to muscles – particularly the heart – either to prevent or recover from a heart attack. Reactivating the genes that cause blood vessels to grow results in better oxygenation of the muscles.

Operation: $25,000 (four days recovery). LC4.

Statistics: Can cure a patient Terminally Ill with heart disease. See Terminally Ill (p. B158) for the consequences of receiving a “miracle cure.” Can also give a healthy patient Fit [5], or improve Fit to Very Fit [15]. This improvement can only occur once.

Alternate Gamete Production

Not content with correcting possible genetic defects (see Corrective Gamete Production, p. 183), some parents want to give birth to designer genetic upgrades. This treatment modifies the gametes to produce genetically upgraded sperm or ova, allowing them to produce upgraded children.

Operation: For males, $25,000; for females $35,000; in either case, add the cost of genetic engineering the species model. One week recovery. LC4. Statistics: Any future children will inherit the new designer genome.

Body Part Regrowth

By reactivating the growth genes for a missing body part, gene therapists encourage the regrowth of the part directly on the body, without transplant surgery. As with tissue engineering, this is easiest for cosmetic tissue such as ears and noses, followed by small parts like digits and genitals, and ultimately entire limbs. Small parts take four weeks to grow, limbs up to eight months. After the first week this time does not need to be spent in a medical facility; regular checkups 2-3 times a week suffice.

Operation: For a small part: $50,000. For a limb: $100,000. Recovery time as described above. LC4.

Statistics: Regenerates the missing body part. This will often remove a physical disadvantage.

The Genetics of Aging

Genetic surgery may be used to deal with aging. Among other factors that cause an organism to age, there are at least two distinct genetic causes.

DNA Damage

DNA can be damaged by radiation, chemicals, or errors introduced during replication. Cells contain mechanisms to detect and repair this damage, but over time the errors occur faster than they can be fixed. Eventually, the DNA can become so damaged that it no longer functions properly. Cells that inherit such DNA become senescent (unable to divide), and eventually die without producing new cells. If the senescence mechanism breaks, the cells grow into a cancer. Degradation of DNA in the mitochondria is also suspected to be a significant cause of aging effects. Gene therapy could be used to improve the correction of these errors, postponing cell death and some of the effects of old age.

Telomere Length

Telomeres are repetitive DNA sequences up to 20,000 base pairs long on the ends of chromosomes. They serve as caps to prevent the loss of genetic data during DNA replication, and are necessary because every time a DNA strand is copied, the DNA polymerase reaction stops a few hundred bases before reaching the ends. Without telomeres to pad the protein-encoding bases, meaningful data would be lost.

Over time, the telomere chain shortens, and may eventually vanish. At this point, the cell detects DNA damage and becomes senescent. Since it cannot repair this damage, it will eventually undergo apoptosis. As an organism grows older, more and more cells throughout its body suffer this fate, organs begin to fail at an increasing rate, and the organism eventually succumbs to age.

Preventing or reversing the loss of telomeres is likely to be an important part of staving off the effects of old age. This could be achieved with genetic surgery or proteus viruses, to regulate the enzyme telomerase in adult cells. Telomerase exists naturally in gametes, and acts there to extend the telomere chain, ensuring offspring inherit DNA with sufficient telomeres to live a full life. In adult cells, it needs to be produced and then controlled carefully to avoid producing immortal cancerous cells!


Don’t want to spend a couple of weeks making a pilgrimage to some super-clinic to undergo genetic surgery? At TL10, proteus viruses become available. These “paraviruses” allow a form of genetic surgery through a single injection, with no fuss, lab tests or surgical cell transplants. On the other hand, because the virus hasn’t been specially tailored, it may not always work!

Proteus nanoviruses, which are also used in germline gengineering at TL10+, are specialized bio-nanomachines, capable of being programmed to perform complex tasks. This includes rapidly replicating throughout the body, replacing entire cell nuclei, completely resequencing DNA and stimulating the rapid growth of newly-modified cells. An almost infinite variety of proteus viruses exists. A proteus virus can perform relatively “soft” changes, whose effects will be seen in altered skin cells or blood cells, modified neurochemistry and so on.

A proteus nanovirus takes 1d x 5 minutes to multiply. There is a chance that the recipient’s immune system may fight it off. This occurs on a HT-6 roll. If the roll is successful, nothing happens. Contact with the bodily fluids of someone who is being altered by a proteus virus may also cause infection (HT-3 to avoid). In both cases, bonuses for Resistant to Disease or Resistant to Metabolic Hazards apply. If the HT roll fails, the virus begins resequencing the subject’s DNA and altering his body.

Each proteus virus has a cost and a time required. This time is the number of days it takes the virus to replicate throughout the body and finish its work; there is no “operation” – one merely takes a pill or receives an injection. Unless using a metamorphosis virus, no rest is required – the nanovirus performs the work quietly and without fuss. Various customized forms of proteus virus are also possible, such as a nanovirus that spreads like a plague or which is specifically designed to affect a particular person (which means that his immune system has less chance to resist it). See Proteus Virus Options, p. 190.


A proteus virus designed to produce a particular biomod (or a set of nano-symbionts – see p. 164) can be “home grown” rather than purchased. This requires a genetics lab (p. 16) of a TL equal to or greater than that of the biomod or symbiont the nano are being designed to produce. The proteus virus will cost about 50% of the listed cost if the characters are paying for commercial blueprints, or 25% of the cost if they are reverse-engineering someone else’s virus. It takes about one hour per $1,000 the nano normally costs.

This requires a successful skill roll against the lowest of Biology (Biochemistry), Computer Programming and Bioengineering (Genetic Engineering) skills, although members of a team can contribute one skill each. Apply any modifiers for lab quality, plus -1 if the nanovirus would cost $1,000, -2 if $2,000, -3 if $4,000, -4 if $8,000 and so on. Failing the roll to build a proteus virus just wastes time; a critical failure produces a bad batch that seems good, but which will have dangerous or unusual side effects (GM’s option).


Birth-Control Virus

Availability: $500 (and two days). LC3.

Statistics: Sterile (after one child) [0].

Cosmetic Virus

Availability: $200 (and one day) for a batch of virus that can produce a single cosmetic change; e.g., turn eyes green or hair metallic pink. $1,000 to alter fingerprints or retina patterns. Multiply the cost and time by the number of features it produces. The occasional bad batch of viral dye may cause a piebald look, hair to fall out, and other minor nuisances. LC4.

Statistics: The effects of a cosmetic virus are usually 0- point features or Distinctive Features worth -1 point. Cosmetic virus can also alter fingerprints or retina patterns (making these forms of identification less useful). If unusual, these may count as Unnatural Features (-1 or more points). A cosmetic virus can also produce the same effects as a hair graft (p. 171).

Genetic Surgery Nanovirus

Any of the effects that can be produced by regular genetic surgery (pp. 181-183), such as gene therapy or metabolic reset, can be produced much more rapidly via a proteus nanovirus.

Availability: Cost is 50% of TL9 genetic surgery procedures or 25% of TL8 genetic surgery procedures. The virus engineers the changes in a number of days equal to twice the number of weeks of recovery required for actual genetic surgery. For example, a bone marrow upgrade that took three weeks would take only six days if using a nanovirus.

Statistics: Produces the same effects as regular genetic surgery.

High-Biotech Fur

Availability: $30,000 (and two weeks), LC4. Side-effects of the high-biotech fur transformation are the same as for other skin transformations.

Statistics: Fur (Switchable, +10%) [2] plus Chameleon (Infravision) 1 [5] and Temperature Tolerance 1 [1]. 8 points.

Methuselah Program

Availability: $100,000 (and four weeks). LC4.

Statistics: This halts aging (no aging rolls, and no growth if still growing) for a year after undergoing the process. It can be repeated. A perversion of this process can also be used to artificially shorten a lifespan, giving someone the disadvantage Self-Destruct, set to trigger after a predetermined point in their future.

Nerve Boosters

This replaces neural myelin sheaths with a synthetic biopolymer designed to speed up nerve impulses.

Availability: $125,000 (and two weeks). LC2.

Statistics: Basic Speed +1.00 [20]. 20 points.

Skin Transformation Virus

This proteus virus alters skin cells. It can change skin color or texture, or even give someone fur or scales. Undergoing a skin transformation process is extremely uncomfortable. For the duration of the process, the subject will be at -2 DX and IQ (which affects skills) due to the constant itching and irritation as the fur or scales grow.

Availability: Cost is (TL-8) x $20,000, and it takes (TL-8) weeks for the skin transformation to take effect, where “TL” is the minimum TL for gengineering that advantage. Thus, Fur (TL9) would take one week to grow and cost $20,000.

Statistics: Select Distinctive or Unnatural Features, or any one of the traits listed under Other Transgenic Traits on the Cosmetic and Minor Transgenic Modifications table (p. 45).

Necromorphosis (Experimental)

They can still think. Eat. Drink. Breathe. Speak. Fight. Make love. But they call it a resurrection? It’s a cruel joke. Have you looked at the diagnostic scans? Most of their organs are redundant. They barely remember their own names. They can’t reproduce, and their bodies would fall apart if they weren’t being constantly regenerated. Face it, Kathy, they’re all dead! The only reason the flesh is warm is the heat generated by the swarms of nano inside them. And the smell . . .

A corpse with a reasonably intact brain that has been dead less than a day (or any length of time, if preserved via appropriate technology) can be resurrected using this transformation process. Sufficient memory is recovered to permit a partial restoration of consciousness. It brings them to life as a form of bioroid.

Unlike most metamorphosis viruses, this process is performed on a dead body. All normal rolls (including HT rolls) should still be made, however, if not using a clinical metamorphosis process – use HT 12 instead of the body’s HT.

Availability: $800,000 (and eight weeks). LC2.

Statistics: Bad Smell [-10]; Bioroid [-5]; Injury Tolerance (Unliving) [20]; IQ-1 [-20]; Longevity [2]; Partial Amnesia [-10]; Resistant to Metabolic Hazards +8 [15]; Sterile [0]. -8 points. For an alternative resurrection, see Reanimation Nano (p. 163).


The ability to create proteus virus plagues raises the specter of exotic nanoplagues that transform rather than kill. For example, imagine spreading one that turned humans into compliant sex toys (like the Eros, p. 72) or “green” entities like the product of a Chloramorphosis virus. The threat of proteus plagues is lessened by the availability of sophisticated treatments and defensive nanotech such as guardians (p. 165), although these are ineffective against nanobot nanoviruses. However, humans don’t have to be the target – imagine the havoc that even a “benign” intelligence-boosting neurovirus could cause if a species of pets, farm animals, or wild animals became more intelligent! In fact, targeting nanoplagues at animals may be a viable surprise attack strategy, if humans have gengineered defenses.