Table of Contents


Company Info

CoreValues is an interplanetary retail corporation that competes heavily with Wal-Mart and other major retailers to offer low-priced commodities to the lower to middle classes. They have a nearly universal range of products available, many of them priced to undercut competitors, and are considered highly aggressive competitors. Since Wal-Mart's failed buyout of the company in 2104, they have been most actively competing against each other, though neither corporate giant acknowledges the feud.


CoreValues - another day, another major corporation vying for your hard-earned dollars. Most everybody knows that CoreValues engages in some extremely shady business practices, to the point where sometimes they make Wal-Mart look good by comparison. It wouldn't take much imagination to assume that some of the most vitriolic protests and criminal acts against Wal-Mart were funded in part by CoreValues – and vice versa, as neither has any love for their competitor.

Corporate Analysis

CoreValues is mildly distrusted by the corporate community, as a major competitor who attempts to manufacture or sell the same things they do, as well as their products, at lower prices to undercut competitors, including most other major corporations. CoreValues also does not have the same restrictions on marketing adult-oriented materials that Wal-Mart has, which has resulted in many companies that were forced to self-censor to meet Wal-Mart's stringent requirements having switched allegiances as a result. Wal-Mart has attempted several major buyouts of CoreValues, all of which have been flatly rejected, and has spent fortunes lobbying for government restrictions that would effectively handicap their competitor. The only reason CoreValues remains in business is that it seems to be working at least as hard to maintain its independence and develop inroads into formerly Wal-Mart-exclusive territories, and simply refuses outright to be bought out by anyone.

Product Line

CoreValues sells a broad variety of products at variable prices depending on the market competition, including many of the same Chinese knockoffs and also-rans found in Wal-Marts across the country.