Table of Contents

Alexander Wolf, Soldier turned Hitter


ST 15 [50]

DX 16 [120]

IQ 12 [40]

HT 16 [60]


Dmg 1d+1 thr 2d+1 sw

BL 45 lb

HP 20 [8]

Will 16 [20]

Per 16 [20]

FP 16 [0]

Basic Speed 8 [0]

Basic Move 10 [10]

No Encumbrance (0) - Weight up to 45 lb - Move 10 - Dodge 11

Light Encumbrance (1) - Weight up to 90 lb - Move 8 - Dodge 10

Medium Encumbrance (2) - Weight up to 135 lb - Move 6 - Dodge 9

Heavy Encumbrance (3) - Weight up to 270 lb - Move 4 - Dodge 8

Extra-Heavy Encumbrance (4) - Weight up to 450 lb - Move 2 - Dodge 7

Average wealth ($50,000)


Absolute Direction [5] (You always know which way is north, and can always retrace a path you have followed in the past month, no matter how faint or confusing.)

Ambidextrous [5] (You have no penalty to use your off hand.)

Combat Reflexes [15] (You have extraordinary reactions and are rarely surprised for long. You get +1 to all active defense rolls, +1 to Fast-Draw, +2 to Fright Checks, and +6 to IQ rolls to wake up or recover from surprise or mental stun. Your side gets +1 to initiative rolls to avoid a surprise attack or +2 if you're leading.)

Enhanced Tracking [5] (You can 'track' more than one target, allowing you to 'Aim' at two targets at once if you have two weapons to aim with.)

Extra Attack [25] (You can attack twice per turn instead of once per turn.)

Gunslinger [25] (You can make uncannily precise shots without Aiming; when firing single shots from a onehanded weapon, apply the Accuracy bonus without the need for an Aim maneuver. With automatic fire or twohanded weapons, apply half Accuracy bonus without needing to aim. If you do Aim, you ALWAYS get full Accuracy bonuses, and the usual benefits for additional time spent, bracing, scopes, etc.)

Hard to Kill 10 [20] (You get a +10 to survival rolls made at -HP or below, and on any HT roll where failure means instant death. If this bonus means the difference between life and death, you collapse, seemingly dead, but come to in the usual amount of time. A successful Diagnosis roll will reveal the truth.)

Hard to Subdue 10 [20] (You get a +10 to resist unconsciousness, whether as a result of injury, drugs, or ultra-tech weaponry, as well as abilities that cause it.)

High Pain Threshold [10] (You never suffer a shock penalty when you are injured, and get a +3 on all HT rolls to avoid knockdown and stunning, and a +3 to resist torture and ignore pain in other situations.)

Night Vision 5 [5] (Your eyes adapt readily to darkness - you can ignore up to -5 in penalties from dark areas, as long as there is some light.)

Signature Gear [5] (Wolf's signature equipment is worth $250,000; it may be taken, seized, or lost temporarily, but if at all possible, it will almost always return.)

Special Rapport: Michael [5] (You always know when Michael is in trouble, in pain, lying, or in need of help, and he knows the same about you.)

Trained by a Master [30] (You are a true master of the martial arts, and have half the penalty to make a rapid strike or parry once per turn; furthermore, you can focus your inner strength to perform amazing feats.)

Unfazeable [15] (You are exempt from Fright Checks and intimidation, and generally remain civil towards people unless they misbehave.)

Very Fit [15] (You get +2 to all HT rolls, recover FP to exertion, heat, etc, twice as fast as normal, and lose it half as fast as normal.)

Weapon Master - All Muscle-Powered Weapons [45] (You have an unnerving degree of talent with all muscle-powered weaponry, capable of inflicting greater-than-usual harm with these weapons, use them more effectively (even at default) and perform feats of amazing skill with them.)

Akimbo (Pistols) [1] (You are not restricted by having two hands full of weapons; you can open doors, reload, and so forth without putting anything down.)

Pistol-Fist (Beam Weapons) [1] (You can pistol-whip people, and can parry melee attacks at (skill/2) + 3.)

Quick-Sheathe (Pistol) [1] (A successful Fast-Draw roll shaves one second off the time to put a weapon away, reducing it from two seconds to one.)

Fearsome Stare [1] (You can use Intimidation without saying a word or spending significant time, by crossing your arms and glowering. This conveniently leaves no evidence of weapons, recorded threats, bruises…)

Standard Operating Procedure (Back to the Wall) [1] (You always sit with your back to the wall and at least one piece of available improvised cover such as a table between you and exits; the GM must warn you when you can't do this!)

Standard Operating Procedure (Last Man Out) [1] (Whenever there's any doubt as to whether you locked the doors, closed the vault, turned off the stove, etc, there is no doubt - you did.)

Standard Operating Procedure (Off-Screen Reload) [1] (Your weapons that use ammunition or power cells are reloaded between action scenes.)

Standard Operating Procedure (On Alert) [1] (You always have full kit packed and ready to go in the event of an emergency; you can scoop up your gear immediately without having to waste time.)


Pacifism - Cannot Harm Innocents [-10] (While Wolf is perfectly willing to harm deadly threats, he refuses to use lethal force on innocent parties, or those merely seeking to detain them.)

Sense of Duty (Close Friends) [-5] (Wolf looks out for his friends, and does his best to keep them safe.)

Trademark (Simple - Leaves a Wolf sticker behind at successful jobs) [-5] (Wolf can't resist leaving behind a taunting trace of his presence to prove he's been there.)


Acrobatics - DX/H - [1]: 14

Acting - IQ/A - [1]: 11

Area Knowledge/Granite City - IQ/E - [1]: 12

Armoury/Small Arms - IQ/A - [2]: 12

Armoury/Body Armor - IQ/A - [1]: 11

Autohypnosis - Will/H - [4]: 16

Beam Weapons/Pistol - DX/E - [1]: 16

Beam Weapons/Rifle - DX/E - [1]: 16

Blind Fighting - Per/VH - [1]: 13

Body Control - HT/VH - [2]: 14

Body Language - Per/A - [2]: 16

Breaking Blow - IQ/H - [1]: 10

Breath Control - HT/H - [4]: 16

Camouflage - IQ/E - [1]: 12

Carousing - HT/E - [1]: 16

Carpentry - IQ/E - [1]: 12

Climbing - DX/A - [2]: 16

Computer Hacking - IQ/VH - [1]: 9

Computer Operation - IQ/E - [1]: 12

Computer Programming - IQ/H - [1]: 10

Connossieur/Guns - IQ/A - [2]: 12

Crossbow - DX/E - [1]: 16

Cryptography - IQ/H - [1]: 10

Diagnosis - IQ/H - [1]: 10

Diplomacy - IQ/H - [1]: 10

Disguise - IQ/A - [1]: 11

Driving/Automobile - DX/A - [1]: 15

Driving/Motorcycle - DX/A - [1]: 15

Current Affairs/Business - IQ/E - [1]: 12

Economics - IQ/H - [1]: 10

Electronics Operation/Comm - IQ/A - [2]: 12

Electronics Operation/Security - IQ/A - [2]: 12

Electronics Operation/Surveillance - IQ/A - [2]: 12

Escape - DX/H - [4]: 16

Explosives/Demolition - IQ/A - [2]: 12

Fast Draw/Pistol - DX/E - [4]: 18 +1 Combat Reflexes

Fast Draw/Ammo - DX/E - [1]: 16 +1 Combat Reflexes

Fast-Talk - IQ/A - [1]: 11

Filch - DX/A - [2]: 16

First Aid - IQ/E - [4]: 14

Flying Leap - IQ/H - [2]: 11

Forced Entry - DX/E - [4]: 18

Garrote - DX/E - [1]: 16

Gesture - IQ/E - [1]: 12

Gunner/Machine Gun - DX/E - [1]: 16

Guns/Pistol - DX/E - [4]: 18

Guns/Rifle - DX/E - [4]: 18

Guns/Shotgun - DX/E - [4]: 18

Guns/SMG - DX/E - [4]: 18

Hiking - HT/A - [2]: 16

Hobby Skill/Juggling - DX/E - [1]: 16

Holdout - IQ/A - [2]: 12

Immovable Stance - DX/H - [4]: 18

Intelligence Analysis - IQ/H - [4]: 12

Interrogation - IQ/A - [2]: 12

Intimidation - Will/A - [2]: 16

Judo - DX/H - [4]: 16

Jumping - DX/E - [4]: 18

Karate - DX/H - [4]: 16

Kiai - HT/H - [4]: 16

Knot-Tying - DX/E - [2]: 17

Law/US Criminal - IQ/H - [1]: 10

Leadership - IQ/A - [2]: 12

Lifting - HT/A - [2]: 16

Light Walk - DX/H - [4]: 16

Lip Reading - Per/A - [2]: 16

Liquid Projector/Squirt Gun - DX/E - [1]: 16

Liquid Projector/Flamethrower - DX/E - [1]: 16

Lockpicking - IQ/A - [4]: 13

Knife - DX/E - [4]: 18

Shortsword - DX/A - [2]: 16

Two-Handed Axe/Mace - DX/A - [2]: 16

Market Analysis - IQ/H - [4]: 12

Meditation - Will/H - [4]: 16

Merchant - IQ/A - [2]: 12

Mental Strength - Will/E - [4]: 18

Mind Block - Will/A - [2]: 16

Navigation - IQ/A - [1]: 11

Observation - Per/A - [4]: 17

Pickpocket - Dex/H - [4]: 16

Power Blow - Will/H - [4]: 16

Pressure Points - IQ/H - [4]: 12

Push - DX/H - [4]: 16

Research - IQ/A - [2]: 12

Running - HT/A - [2]: 16

Savoir-Faire/Dojo - IQ/E - [1]: 12

Savoir-Faire/Military - IQ/E - [1]: 12

Scrounging - Per/E - [1]: 16

Search - Per/A - [2]: 16

Shadowing - IQ/A - [2]: 12

Sleight of Hand - DX/H - [4]: 16

Smuggling - IQ/A - [2]: 12

Soldier - IQ/A - [2]: 12

Speed-Reading - IQ/A - [2]: 12

Stealth - DX/A - [8]: 18

Streetwise - IQ/A - [2]: 12

Survival/Woodland - Per/A - [2]: 16

Survival/Desert - Per/A - [2]: 16

Swimming - HT/E - [2]: 17

Tactics - IQ/H - [4]: 12

Teaching - IQ/A - [2]: 12

Throwing Art - DX/H - [8]: 17

Tracking - Per/A - [2]: 16

Traps - IQ/A - [2]: 12

Urban Survival - Per/A - [2]: 16

Writing - IQ/A - [2]: 12


Signature Gear: Wolf's Howl

Electrolaser with optional kill setting enabled (if used in kill setting, fail by 5 triggers heart attack/burns out electrical systems). HT -4 (2) aff + 1d-3 burn damage, Acc 4, Range 40/80, Weight 2.2 lb, RoF 3, 36 shots on a C cell, ST 4 to use, Bulk -2, Rcl 1, base value $1,800, LC 2. Capable of hotshotting (+1 to dmg and increase Will penalty to -6, but Malf of 14 and uses shots twice as fast.)

Sonic Stun Pistol - HT-3(5) aff to resist unconsciousness for minutes equal to margin of failure. Range 30/100, RoF 1, 66 shots on a C cell. Base weight 1.8 lb. ST 4 to use. $650, LC 4.)

Gauss Pistol (4mm) - 3d(3) pi-, Acc 3, Range 500/2100, Weght 2 lb + 0.5 lb magazine, RoF 3, 40 shots on a C cell, ST 9 to use, Bulk -2, Rcl 2, Cost $1,700, LC 3.

Modified total weight: 2.5 lb + 50% 4 lb = 4.5 lb

Modified cost: $1,800 + $850 + $325 = $2,975

C cell to power weapon: 3 sec to replace.

HUD Link: Acc +1 within 300 yards when connected to a heads-up display, knows number of shots remaining, and distance to target if laser sight is in use.

Under-Barrel Laser Sight: +1 to skill when used out to 1/2 D range, can be set to use visible light, infrared, or ultraviolet frequencies.

Integral Computer: +1 to skill rolls to fix damage or malfunctions, acts as a tiny computer for all other purposes, uses a datajack-only system (Wolf has a pluggable wifi-to-jack option for when he really WANTS to go wireless with his gun, which is almost never).

Recognition Grip: Multifunction biometric scanner, responds to Wolf's voiceprint. (If nonregistered user detected, weapon claims that targeting system is malfunctioning and refuses to fire.)

Top-of-Weapon Accessory Rail: $100, 0.2 lbs

Power Holster: Gives a +5 to Fast-Draw rolls for the weapon. $1,000, 2 lbs., B/100 uses. LC4.

Other Signature Gear

Nanoweave Trenchcoat: Covers all areas but head, feet, and hands (75% coverage), heavy clothing (weight 9 lbs, cost $1,350, DR 27 vs pierce/cut and 9 vs anything else, LC -1).

Assault Boots: DR 18 underside, DR 9 vs anywhere else, +5 to Hiking skill, 3 lbs, LC 4, $150.

Mind shield headband ($1000, 0.1lb, B/100hr, +4 to will to resist psi) built into a nanoweave fedora (5% coverage - skull - $60, DR 18/6, 0.4 lb)

Armored Shades DR 15, +0.1 lb, $100, glare resistant

Other Gear

Superfine Hatchet sw+2 cutting/impaling damage (2) armor divisor x6 cost

Zap Gloves ht-6(2) aff stun or 2d burn +B432, gives DR 5 to hands, 1 lb, $400 - 10 zaps on a b cell (2 shots for burn)

Superfine Commando Knife: sw cut/thr+2 imp damage (2) armor divisor x6 cost ($240)

Alexander Wolf - Background

The man now known as Alexander Wolf was originally genetically engineered as a soldier, and in this capacity served with distinction in the United States Army as a special forces operative, and has served in three separate major military campaigns; first serving in Taiwan during the Chinese Reunification Campaign, then in western Iraq operating as a 'liberating agent' against Israeli aggression, and finally as part of the Low Six Pacification Force (in short, responsible for quelling rebellions among annexed Mexican territories.)

Unfortunately, Wolf's mind had developed an unexpected quirk, perhaps placed there by a liberal scientist or just a matter of personality - he did not like to harm innocents during his work, although enemy combatants were perfectly acceptable targets. As his military operations during Pacification Force work began calling for 'suppression activities' against non-combatants, he decided that he was not interested in serving as a legbreaker and a thug, and began arranging for his departure from his assigned post. He acquired a portable antimatter trap rigged within a sonic silence field as an improvised terrorist device; the silence field would hide the alarm beeping of the antimatter containment warning until the device exploded, so that if anyone investigated the explosion they would have reason to understand how the trap might be missed. He then concealed the device within a vehicle he was assigned to patrol in, disabled the vehicle's onboard comm system, and programmed it to autonomously drive his patrol route, making sure that the patrol route would be on an abandoned stretch of road when the containment field failed and the vehicle exploded.

As expected, the antimatter explosion made news in the Low Six, and the Upper 48, for that matter. Mexican resistance was no surprise, but antimatter IEDs were a new trick. In the confusion and chaos, Wolf slipped into the shadows, picked up a new identity, and established a new life for himself, working on his terms and dealing out death only to those he felt deserved it.

At first, he worked alone; a hired gun with a sense of honor, rare as that sounded, was something certain streeters and fixers valued more than hard currency. He was originally put in contact with Jennifer Lee during a job where he required the assistance of a driver; she was a skilled driver, and quite charming, and the two of them eventually began dating and working together full-time.

Michael is an anomoly - an odd figure that Wolf felt compelled to seek out one day when Michael was passing through Granite City. As it turned out, Michael was a psi, and the two were connected on a surprisingly deep level. At first, it put a significant strain on Jenny and Wolf's relationship, but the three have managed to adjust for the most part.

Wolf is familiar with Edgar McCormick, having taken several jobs from him in the past, and knows him to be trustworthy. His work may not always pay well, but it is usually for a good cause, and he is fairly forthcoming with details about assignments. He also helps provide connections to other employers, although he is quick to warn that not all of them are as scrupulous.