Head of Personnel

Job Type: Personnel

You have been assigned as Head of Personnel on

Maxwell #13-(designator), and are responsible

for handling budgeting and human resources

concerns aboard the station. As such, you can

reassign crew members to unfilled positions,

provide security with priority access to

secured areas in an emergency, transfer budgets

between departments, modify wages, and maintain

personnel records.

Access: Nearly All

Typically, you will be working in the

Courtroom, Arrivals checkpoint, or your office,

handling requests - this is a desk job, and you

are responsible for treating it as such. You

may also be responsible for filling in for

other department heads or even the Captain in

case of a crisis, so be alert!

Responsibility: Manage Personnel

Depending on how your station is managed, you

may also be called upon to act in a judicial

manner pertaining to security (approving arrest

warrants, acting as a judge during trials,

giving approval for extreme disciplinary

measures), and while the Head of Security

technically outranks you, you function as the

second-in-command of the station for most

intents and purposes.