Table of Contents

Compounds, Safehouses, and Drop Points

While developing your revolutionary agenda, you will find a need to develop a variety of locations to aid and assist your revolutionaries in their fight against the powers that be.


Compounds are bases that can house large numbers of troops for an extended period of time, as well as stash any amount of supplies and equipment. There are many upgrades that can be performed on a compound that can improve the effectiveness of its performance.

Compound Upgrades

Business Offices: Legitimacy is paramount towards maintaining long-term secrecy. By starting a business out of your compound, you can easily justify large numbers of personnel and equipment entering and leaving the premises, launder funds, and disguise your day to day activities. Of course, failing to cooperate with authorities will disrupt the masquerade fairly quickly, and nosy tax agents can be as troublesome as other government workers.

Garage: For each garage you have on premises, you can house two vehicles out of sight of the main street.

Vehicle Bay: Each vehicle bay can be used to house (and work on) one vehicle out of sight of the main street.

Parking Garage: This large stone structure allows you to house up to sixty vehicles, as well as making you look busy.

Repair Shop Upgrade: Your vehicle bay is capable of performing repairs and maintenance to damaged vehicles.

Chop Shop Upgrade: Your vehicle bay is capable of stripping vehicles down for parts.

Underground Fuel Tank: Your compound has an underground gasoline reservoir that can be used to store gasoline for emergencies.

Perimeter Wall: This builds a steel-reinforced concrete wall as a perimeter to your compound. Not exactly friendly, but it keeps people out.

Perimeter Fence: This sets up a chainlink fence as a perimeter to your compound to keep people from wandering in easily.

Backup Generator: A generator inside the compound, for when the power gets cut by authority figures and vigilantes.

Camera Systems: Because it's nice to know when people are sneaking into your compound.

Booby Traps: It may not be particularly friendly to visitors, but a few well-placed shotguns can discourage people from digging through your garbage.

Telecomm Upgrade: Reach out and touch someone with a redundant telecommunications system.

Broadband Scanner: Listen to what the locals are up to, including police and beseigers.

Network Upgrade: Make your hackers happy with a better networking system.

Computer System Upgrade: Better computers mean better hacking.

Broadcast Tower: Send out broadcasts to change the world - or just to send encrypted messages to your followers.

Workshop: A bustling workshop lets your workers build better machinery, tools, and weaponry.


Safehouses are individual hideouts that small groups can use to avoid heat or to use as operation posts for a while, as well as to stash small amounts of supplies and equipment. They can be upgraded and equipped to provide a number of benefits, but are not meant to withstand a major seige.

Safehouse Upgrades

Business Offices: Safehouses can also house business offices, which can help to launder funds and give your personnel something to do.

Backup Generator: A generator inside the compound, for when the power gets cut by authority figures and vigilantes.

Camera Systems: Because it's nice to know when people are sneaking up on the place.

Escape Route: A well-planned exit route is essential, just in case your safehouse is about to be raided.

Telecomm Upgrade: Reach out and touch someone with a redundant telecommunications system.

Broadband Scanner: Listen to what the locals are up to, including police and beseigers.

Network Upgrade: Make your hackers happy with a better networking system.

Computer System Upgrade: Better computers mean better hacking.

Drop Points

Drop Points are established points where revolutionaries and sleepers may drop or pick up supplies and equipment. They do not store much, and if the law becomes aware of them they may be monitored.

Building a Revolution

Part of your revolutionary objective is to convert the hearts and minds of the populace to your cause - both locally and abroad. To do this, you'll need to get public opinion on your side, and work to change the political field to your advantage. Depending on your game settings, Public Opinion may be influenced across the country based on your actions, or you may have to establish bases in many cities to enact change on a national level. For each geographic level, you can see how political viewpoints are changing between demographics, including amongst particular political parties, amongst financial classes, and more. In the most granular version, public opinion can vary down to the district level of a single city; 85% of white-collar businessmen in the commercial sector of New York City may agree with you, but the rest of the country may still be radically conservative.

National View

In National View, you can see how your revolution is taking shape across the country, including what cities are available to set up operations in, the state of popular opinion on a national level, and important headlines from around the country.

State View

In State View, you can check out how a particular state is reacting to the issues at hand; some states naturally start out more progressive than others, and places where you have no actual presence are slower to change than those where you are actively attempting to make a difference. State View will give you a good idea of how the voters in a particular state feel, and thus their likelihood of electing a more Liberal representative to Congress or to the position of Governor. Typically, the opinions of a State are weighted by the opinions of major cities within that state.

City View

City View focuses on a particular city and shows you the major districts within that city - the Industrial District, the Financial District, the Commercial District, the Residential District, the Suburban District, Downtown, and the Outskirts of Town. Each of these districts has a different opinion of the issues, and garnering their support is vital to ensure that your revolution is supported. The overall leanings of a city has an effect on its state, as well as on what type of Mayor is elected to office.

District View

District View focuses on a particular district, listing the locations that you can access and the general mood of the area. From here, you can send squads to a particular location to drum up recruitments, influence public opinion, acquire supplies needed for the cause, or cause some liberating destruction. You can also see a list of known sites within a district, and search for new sites worthy of being targeted, bought, rented, or otherwise made evident on your radar.

Site View

Site View is the view of a squad's activities on site. After you've determined your revolution's activities for the day, any squads heading for a site are dispatched (instead of doing their normal tasks), and you control them as they move through a location.

Compound View

Views your compounds within a city, and allows you to upgrade them or to acquire new properties that have recently hit the market. Also lets you assign revolutionaries to a specific compound, or give orders to revolutionaries currently in a compound.

Safehouse View

Views your safehouses within the city, and allows you to upgrade existing safehouses or acquire new properties. Also lets you assign revolutionaries to a specific safehouse, or give orders to revolutionaries currently in a safehouse.

Drop Points

Views your existing drop points within the city, and allows you to set up new drop points or send people to check on existing drop points to see what your sleepers may have delivered.