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Level: 1 Goblin
Class: Rogue
Hit Dice: (d8) CON Bonus: +3 Total Hit Points: 9

AgeHeightWeightEyesHairSkinGeneral Alignment
9 2'11“ 32# Black Matted Brown Dark Green Neutral
Hit PointsInitiativeSpeedSizeReach/Space
11/11 +3 30ft Small 5' / 5'
Saving ThrowTotalAbilityBonusClass Bonus
Fortitude+0 CON +3 +0
Reflex+3DEX +3 +2
Will+0 WIS +0 +0
Attack (Melee)Attack (Range)
+0 +3

Skills Acrobatics +1+3+3 Stealth +1+3+3+4+4 Disable Device +1+3+3 Escape Artist +1+3+3 Sleight of Hand +1+3+3 Perception +1+3+0 Climb +1+3+0 Appraise +1+3+0

Goblin Traits

Expected or Planned Traits: Eat Anything: Raised with little or no proper food, many goblins have learned to survive by eating whatever they happen across and can digest nearly anything without getting sick. Goblins with this trait gain a +4 on Survival checks to forage for food and a +4 racial bonus on saves versus effects that cause the nauseated or sickened conditions.

City Scavenger: Goblins who live within the boundaries of human cities survive by scavenging for refuse and hunting stray animals. Goblins with this trait gain a +2 racial bonus on Perception and Survival checks, and can use Survival to forage for food while in a city.


Leather Armor

Short Sword (+3 to hit, d6 damage)

Two daggers (+3 to hit, d4 damage)

Shortbow (+3 to hit, d6 damage)

Thieves Tools

Three sacks


Weapon Finesse: Can use Dex instead of Str on light weapons.


Stink cat, ouch cat, trash cat too

Pick them all up and toss them in a stew

Pupper or squeaker or slither I find

Into my belly with the rest of its kind.