
Level: 0 Goblin
Class: Goblin Youngen

AgeHeightWeightEyesHairSkinGeneral AlignmentHero PointsHitDice
9 3'0 37# Gold Long, shoulder length Green Neutral 0 0
Hit PointsInitiativeSpeedSizeEncumbered
7/7 +3 30ft Small None
Saving ThrowTotalAbilityBonusClass Bonus
Fortitude+0 CON +0 +0
Reflex+3DEX +3 +0
Will+0 WIS +0 +0
12 +1+1
12 11
SkillUnskilled?Ac PeneltyToolsSTATModRacial BonusClass SkillRanksMisc. Total Skill
Acrobatics - -0 DEX +1 - 1
Appraise - - INT -1 - -1
Bluff - - Oppose - - 0
Climb - -0 STR +1 - 1
Craft NO -0 penalty for none INT -1 - -1
Craft NO -0 penalty for none INT -1 - -1
Diplomacy - - None - - 0
Disable Device NO -0 penalty for none DEX +1 - 1
Disguise - - None - - 0
Escape Artist - -0 DEX +1 - 1
Fly - -0 DEX +1 - +2 3
Handle Animal NO - can help None - - 0
Heal - - can help None - - 0
Intimidate - - None - - 0
Knowledge NO - INT -1 - -1
Knowledge NO - INT -1 - -1
Linguistics NO - INT -1 - -1
Perception - - None - - 0
Perform - - None - - 0
Profession NO - None - - 0
Ride - -0 DEX +1 +4 5
Sense Motive - - None - - 0
Slight of Hand NO -0 DEX +1 - 1
Spellcraft NO - INT -1 - -1
Stealth - -0 DEX +1 +4 +4 9
Survival - - can help None - - 0
Swim - -0 STR +1 - 1
Use Magic Device NO - can help None - - 0
Racial Traits:Expected or Planned Traits:
Size: Goblins are Small creatures and thus gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their CMB and CMD, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks and +2 to Fly.Placeholder:
Base Speed: Goblins are fast for their size, and have a base speed of 20 + Fast Movement = 30 feet. (still considered base speed)Placeholder:
Skilled: Goblins gain a +4 racial bonus on Ride and Stealth checks.Planned Placeholder
Darkvision: Goblins see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.Planned Placeholder


Ghorg Song

Ghorg likes junk
Ghorg takes junk
Ghorg makes better junk
Ghorg stab anyone who takes ghorgs junk it’s Ghorgs junk

He’s very protective of his better junk lol