Table of Contents

We Be Goblins

A Pathfinder D&D game run on the Discord server, focusing on young goblin whelps (children) on their path to greenskin adulthood.

Your Tribe

You are a child of the Cragmaw tribe, a group of goblins living a day's travel outside the human town of Phandalin, off the Triboar Trail.

This is your home:

Important Goblins

Someday, when you leave the whelping pen and become a full member of the tribe, you may be an important goblin too.

Yeemik Cheif of the Cragmaw tribe, Yeemik is smart and wise. He has big plans for goblinkind, and if you are lucky, you may learn about those plans someday.

Gallen Yeemik's assistant and advisor. Gallen is very good with numbers, and with strategy. He sets a mean trap.

Voxka Herbalist and broodmother, she looks after your health and education.

Truk A veteran of the Great Goblin Revolt. Truk nearly died and was healed by a mysterious Lady, a paladin of Some God. Truk likes to talk about the Lady, Some God, and his views on the afterlife.

Grig A veteran of the Great Goblin Revolt. Grig is cautious and doesn't like to take risks. He and Truk help train the goblin whelps.

Vekk Vekk is bigger, faster, stronger and smarter to you, according to Vekk. Rumor has it that he was on the Bugbear side of the Great Goblin Revolt. His son Kettlehead is the most promising young goblin.

Sken Sken is touted as a hero of the Great Goblin Revolt, for it is he who brought the Friends Tribe that helped the Cragmaw to victory. He travels with Friends Tribe, so is only seen occasionally.

Grix A trickster who loves playing pranks, she is now the number one lady goblin adventurer traveling with Friends Tribe. Girl power!

Irga Skullcrusher Irga is the Hobgoblin sports champion. She once wrestled a bear to a standstill. She is the guest of honor at Goblin Games and it is rumored she will be handing out magical badges to young goblins who excel in the events.

Other members of the Friends Tribe from Phandelver may be guest starring at various points in our goblins adventures! Special guest stars!

Goblin Culture and Language

Goblins live very communally. All children are raised in a whelping pen, which serves to help the youngsters bond with people who will be their future peers - and also keeps them out of trouble. The gate to the whelping pen is made of old bones, and guarded by the broodmother Voxka.

Voxka teaches goblins lessons using the bones on the gate. “See this? This legbone is Phiil. Phiil climbed the walls of the pen and escaped. He got all the way to the bridge. Fell into the river. Broke his leg and drowned. Don't be like Phiil.” She also teaches them things like the basics of goblin and common language, culture, and about the tribe's history.

Goblins love to celebrate their history. The name of their tribe, Cragmaw, gives homage to their ancestral homeland in a craggy area of the mountainside. Though members of the tribe have now grown and scattered and split all over the Realms, this particular group of Cragmaw can be found just a day's walk outside of the town of Phandalin.

They have a good relationship with the town, and barter goods and services for coin there. It has been 7 years since the events in Lost Mines of Phandelver, and most people are pretty used to seeing goblins as a normal part of society now. Most people. There are still those who aren't too fond of what they call 'greenskins.'

Goblin language is very direct, and tends to use simple adjectives to modify nouns. For example “BIG” can be used to mean 'big, much, tall, impressive.' Words that are BIG words, get said loudly. “little” likewise can mean 'little, tiny, quiet, not much, unimpressive.' It is spoken very quietly.

Some examples of goblin language:

Smelly Good Plant - Basil

Smelly Bad Plant - Valarian

Don't Touch Plant - Poison Ivy

Cat - a cat

Stink Cat - skunk

Ouch Cat - porcupine

Bad Cat - honey badger

Trash Cat - raccoon

Woof - a wolf

Little Woof - a dog

Big Woof - a dire wolf

Other Woof - a coyote

Low green five - a goblin greeting and congratulatory gesture

Our Goblins






