Str 10
Dex 10
Con 10
Int 10
Wis 10
Cha 10
Luck 10
Magic 10
Mentalism 10
+10 points
40 points remaining.
Wealth Bonus: +5 (Middle Class)
Zeke's accessible finances are roughly on par with the rest of the party, enough that he isn't openly concerned about picking up the tab, at least.
Satellite Phone: This incredibly useful device is expensive ($1200), practically prototypical (only found in the hands of wealthy businessmen), and costs $7 per minute to use. It also does what modern cell phones will someday do - gives near perfect coverage due to a network of geostationary satellites, guaranteeing phone coverage practically anywhere where there is line of sight to the satellite in the sky. It operates using the Inmarsat network, uses country code 870, and generally requires being outside for successful use.