Table of Contents

Roleplaying Games - Current and Past

Currently Running Games

Retired Games

Games no longer in play.

Games in Development

These are game ideas being actively worked on, but not yet ready for prime time.

Planned Future Games

These are game ideas that may be visited or revisited at a later point.

Suspended Game Archives

These are games that were running at some point, and may be shifted back into active play or available for use later.

Game Resources

For ideas I just can't quite put down or that I use across multiple worlds.

Campaign Settings

Fictional or real locations that I use and reuse often enough that an explanation of what's there is in order.

Home Brewery

Various homebrew rules, self-compiled systems, and other odds and ends that are used commonly enough that they need a home.

Fantasy / Medieval

Recent Era (late 20th century)

Modern Era (21st century)

Near Future (22nd century)

Used in MJ Wolf Investigations.

Far Future (23rd century)

Distant Future (24th century and beyond)
