Table of Contents

Lady Fortuna

Attribute Number Cost to Improve
Total Crew 18 regular + 10 cannoneers + 4 powder monkeys + 7 officers 5 sp per untrained sailor
1 gp per regular sailor
2 gp per well trained sailor to hire, 10% to pay daily wage
Passengers for Ransom None
Current Daily Wage Captain: 3 shares
Officers: 2 shares
Crew: 1 sp per person plus 1 share; 28 sp total
Powder Monkeys: 5 cp per person plus 1/2 share; 2 sp total
Increases with crew
Figurehead Lady Fortuna
Ship Finances 1052 gp + 326* gold
Crew Needed 16 + 8 cannoneers Increases with weapon upgrades
AC 16 2000gp for AC 17
HP 396 / 396 Repair for 1d10 gold per 5HP (and one man-day's work) in ports, or on the go with supplies
Increase max HP 5% for 2000gp
DT 15
Initiative +6 5000gp for +7
Max Spd 150 feet/turn (10 sail stations) +1 sail station for 5000 gp
Min Crew / Max Crew / Total Passengers 8/30/50 Add more berths for 2000 gp
Tonnage 100 Inrease cargo 10% for 2000 gp
Thrust Source Sails Must find artificer
Arms 8 broadside cannons per side (6d8 per hit)
Ram (3d6+12 damage)
Fire barrels [gunpowder kegs] (explode for 7d6 damage)
Harpoon ballista (3d10 damage)
Can add two cannons per side for 2500 gp
Can add swivel guns (one per side) for 2500 gp
Can upgrade ram for 2500 gp
Can add chase cannons for 2500 gp
Can add mortars for 5000 gp
Can add harpoon ballista for 500 gp


Captain: Diego
Pilot: Daniel
Doctor/Ship's Mage: Tamara
Quartermaster: Kate
Boatswain: Anthony
Master Gunner: Sylvester
Master-at-Arms: Tony

Basic Supplies

663 man-days of hardtack biscuits
Powder for 104 cannon shots/1040 pistol shots
Cannonballs, 20 lb, 32
Lead shot, 1 oz, 180 units
393 man-days of watered rum (grog) (2 tuns)
60 man-days of water (1 barrel)

Can buy hardtack for 1 sp per 12 man-days
Can buy a keg of powder (10 cannonshot/100 powdershot) for 75 gp
Can buy a 10 lb ingot of lead for 5 sp
One man-day of grog is equivalent to one gallon; one tun of grog costs 10 gold and contains 250 gallons. You can, of course, choose to improve the quality of the food, as well.

Cargo Hold

Jewelry (480 gp), 12 barrels of spiced wine (84 gp), Tools and Equipment (1880 + 600 gp*), Fabrics* (1200 gp), Foodstuff (Spices) (3600 gp), Alchemical Supplies (676 gp), Alcohol* (700 gp)

Trade goods are available in most cities; you can generally use a Persuasion check to bend prices in your favor. Items marked with a star are plundered goods; the crew expects a share of the profits.

Rooms of Interest

Medbay: no injured crew
Armory: 42 pistols, 10 muskets, 12 sabers
Powder Magazine: 18 barrels of gunpowder remaining

Items of Interest

Two cording mallets, carpentry kit, cook's utensils, 20 uses healer's kit, 30 fresh uniforms |

Crew Armament

Gunner Crew: clubs
Other Crew: Saber, dagger |

Crew Manifest


Boatswain Supplies

Quartermaster Supplies